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I have no hesitation in endorsing the opinion that generally rich men and for that
matter most men are not particular as to the way the make money. In the application
of the method of non-violence, one must believe in the possibility of every person,
however, depraved, being reformed under humane and skilled treatment. We must
appeal to the good human beings and expect response. It is not conducive to well being
of society that every member uses all his talents, only not for personal aggrandizement
but for the good of all? We do not want to produce a dead equality of using where
every person becomes or is rendered incapable of using his ability to the utmost
possible extent. Such a society must ultimately perish. I therefore suggest that my
advice that moneyed men may earn their crores (honestly only, of course) but so as to
dedicate them to the service of all is perfectly sound. . is a mantra based
on uncommon knowledge. It is the surest method to evolve a new order of life of
universal benefits in the place of the present one where each one lives for himself
without regard to what happens to his neighbor.
Harjian, 22-2-42
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India of My Dreams
Chapter 17
I suggest that we are thieves in a way. If I take anything that do not need for my own
immediate use and keep it, I thieve it from somebody else. It is the fundamental law of
nature , without exception, , that nature produces enough for our wants from day to
day; and if only everybody took enough for himself and nothing more , there would be
no pauperism in this world, there would be no man dying of starvation. I am no
socialist, and I do not want to dispossess those who have got possessions; but I do say
that personally those of us who want to see light out of darkness have to follow this
rule. I do not want to dispossess anybody; I should be departing from the rule of nonviolence. If somebody else possesses more than I do, let him. But so far as my own life
has to be regulated I dare not possess anything which I do not want. In India we have
got many millions of people who have to be satisfied with one meal a day, and that
meal consisting of chapatti containing no fat in it and a pinch of salt. You and I, who
ought to know better, must adjust our wants, and even undergo voluntary privation in
order that they may be nursed, fed and clothed.
Speeches and writings of Mahatma Gandhi p.384
I must confess that I do not draw a sharp or any distinction between economies and
ethics. Economics that hurt the moral well- being of an individual or a nation are
immoral and, therefore sinful to buy and use articles made by sweated labour.
Young India 13-10-21
According to me the economic constitution of India and for the matter of that of the
world, should be such that no one under it should suffer from want of food and
clothing. I n other words, everybody should be able to get sufficient work to enable
him to make the two ends meet. And this ideal can be universally utilized only if the
means of production of the elementary necessaries of life remain in the control of the
masses.These should be freely available to all as gods air and vehicle of traffic for the
exploitation of others. Their monopolization by any country, nation or group of persons
would be unjust .The neglect of this simple principles is the cause of the destitution
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India of My Dreams
that we witness today not only in this is unhappy land but in other parts of the world
Young India 15-11,-28
True economics never militates against the highest ethical standard, just as all true
ethics to be worth its name must at the same time him also good economics. An
economics that inculcates mammon worship, and enables the strong to amass wealth
at the expense of the weak, is a false and dismal science .It spells death. True
economics on the other hand, stand for justice, it promotes the good of all equally
including the weakest, and is indispensable for decent life.
Harijan, 9-10-37
I want to bring about an equalization of status. The working classes have all these
centuries been isolated and relegated to a lower status. I want to allow no
differentiation between the son of a weaver, of an agriculturist and of a schoolmaster.
Harijan, 15-1-38
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I suggest that, if India is to evolve along non-violent lines, it will have to decentralize
many things, Centralization cannot be sustained and defended without adequate force.
Simple homes from which there is nothing to take away require no policing; the
palaces of the rich must have strong guards to protect them against dacoit. So must
huge factories .Rurally organized India will run less risk of foreign invasion that
urbanized India, Well equipped with military, naval and air forces
Harijan, 30-12-39
Today there is a gross economic inequality. The basis of socialism is economic equality.
There can be no Ramarajya in the present state of iniquitous in equalities in which a
few roll in riches and the masses do not get even enough to eat.
Harijan 1-6-47
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India of My Dreams
Chapter 18
The real implication of equal distribution is that each man shall have the wherewithal
to supply all his natural needs and no more. For example, if one man has a weak
digestion and requires only a quarter of a pound of flour for his bread and another
needs a pound, both should be in a position to satisfy their wants. To bring this ideal
into being the entire social order has got to be reconstructed. A society based on nonviolence cannot nurture any other ideal. We may not perhaps be able to realize the
goal, but we must bear it in mind and work unceasingly to near it. To the same extent
as we progress towards our goal we shall find contentment and happiness, and to that
extent too shall we have contributed towards the bringing into being of a non-violent
It is perfectly possible for an individual to adopt this way of life without having to wait
for others to do so. And if an individual can observe a certain rule of conduct, it
follows that a group of individuals can do likewise. It is necessary for me to emphasize
the fact that no one need wait for anyone else in order to adopt a right course. Men
generally hesitate to make a beginning of they feel that the objective cannot ne had in
its entirety. Such an attitude of mind is in reality a bar to progress.
Now let us consider how equal distribution can be brought about through non-violence.
The first step towards it is for him who has made this ideal part of his being to bring
about the necessary changes in his personal life. He would reduce his wants to a
minimum, bearing in mind the poverty of India. His earnings would be free of
dishonesty .The desire for speculation would be renounced. His habitation would be
self- restraint exercised in every sphere of life. When he has done all that is possible in
his own life, then only will he be in a position to preach this ideal among his associates
and neighbours.
Indeed at the root of this doctrine of equal distribution must lie that of the trusteeship
of wealthy for the superfluous wealth possessed by them .For according to the doctrine
they may not possess a rupee more than their neighbours. How is this to be brought
about? Nonviolently? Or should the wealthy be dispossessed of their possessions? To do
this we would naturally have to resort to violence. This violent action cannot benefit
society. Society will be the poorer, for it will lose the gifts of a man who knows how to
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