Harroof Al Jarr
Harroof Al Jarr
Harroof Al Jarr
In studying the Arabic language, one of the first things we learn is that there are three parts of speech:
the noun ( , ism), the verb ( , fil), and the particle (
, harf). These English translations are
extremely loose but for the most part they paint the right picture. Eventually we will learn that the
category of ism contains not only nouns but also contains pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
(harf ul-jarr) in Arabic is a type of particle which causes the following word to enter a state of
(jarr) but thats another grammar lesson. All we need to know right now is that these harf jarr
appear frequently throughout the Quran, and knowing their meanings helps a lot towards our
understanding of the ayaat and the Arabic language in general. On this page, well keep a running list of
all of the huroof jarr we encounter as we study the Quran.
Also note that many of these particles can convey different meanings based on context. Well list only
those meanings that weve covered so far, and add on to the list as needed.
( specification)
( explanatory),
( partitive)