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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS JUNE 2002 GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level Advanced International Certificate of Education MAXIMUM: MARK : 50 SYLLABUS/COMPONENT :9709 /6, 0390 /6 MATHEMATICS (Probability and Statistics 1) Univenst¥ of CAMBRIDGE Local Examinations Syndicate Paget Mark Scheme Syllabus] Papor ‘AS Level & AICE Examinations — June 2002 |"8709, 0390 |__& 1) not independent BI P(A) x PB) # P(Aand B) Bleep 2 i) sot mutually exclusive BL P(A and B) # 0 B12 | Canbestated in words 2 Both axes correct BI For correct scaies and labels on at Teast one axis points MI For points st upper bounds or 15.5 oF 14.5 Al All correct and smooth curve or straight lines median BIN | On mid-points oF upper bourkis IQ range MI For evaluating their UQ—theitLQ lft 6 | For correct answer, #t on correct upper bounds only 30 @ | 4 9 Mt For 4=1, 4,5, 16, of L155 16 Yd =a) yy al ‘Any three correct probabilities for 3 different vals Lh hh oA AL 3 | Allcorrect (i) F(A) = 1x2 + ax U6 + 9x6 + MI For calculation of Exp where Ep must be 1 6x V6 1 3 A For correct answer Var =i x 44 « 6+... -(5a3" | MI For caleutation of Bx’p — (their EA)? Ep need not =309 Al 4 | For correct answer 4() - 47.2130 = 1.573 Bi OR Er-I110=-47,2 and £110 = 3300 E=110—1.573 = 108 (108.4) BL For correct answer 5460 standard deviation = f° ¢isra? | ygq | Fer “jy Wheir coded mean)? Ba AL 4 | For correct answer MI or ising, can have Vi38 on denom aot 13. iy 2 HO=7S gas For standardising, can have VI38 on denom not 13.6 PK> 110) = 1 - 60.174) MI For using tables ccerectly and finding a correct area ~0.5691 fiom their 2. ~0431 Al__3 | For correct answer Pagez Mark Scheme Syllabus [Paper ‘AS Level & AICE Examinations — June 2002 9709, 0390 | 6 MI 2! MI Al For dividing by 2 or 2! For correct answer For 5! or equivalent For multiplying by 3! o¢ dividing by 2! or bath For correct answer M2 For 4/7 of their (i) Al For correct answer Mi For summing options for ending in2, 6, 8 al For correct options Al For correct answer BL Stated or can be calculated later on MI For equation relating jor 3.6 and @, Must be standardised, can have £0.4 MI Soiving the correct equation or with a second correct o=2 equation relating wand Al For correct answer Gi) (0.68547 <(0.3446)' = Cz + (0.6554) (0.3446)! x «Cs + (0.6554) ‘or attemp: ial PQQ), P(3), PC), needs 0.6554 in For correct numerical expression for P(2) or P(3) All in correct form For correct answer For calculation of i — any 2 oF 3 of P(0), P(D, PQ2) For correct numerical expression for P(!) or P(2) All in coerect form For correct answer BL = 0.879 Al (= 0.3061 40.3881 +0.1845) AL OR 1 - (0.3446)* - (0.6554)! «(0.34467 x4Cy_ | MI BI (=1- 0.0441 - 0.1072) Al 0.879 Al TU @)mp= 11 BI ap(l - p)=4.95 BL n=20{p=0.55) Mi Al (b) P(X = 12) = (0.55) x (O.45)* « nC | ML 0.162 Al 10, 07 = 100x03 «0.7 | BL co 345-30 MI P35) = @. } a Mi = (0.9820) 1.837 (exact) Al For solving, need to find a value for n For correct answer For (their p}'*x (heir g)"? x k 21 For correct answer For both mean and variance correct, allow 0 =21 For standardising with or without cc, allow their ‘21 or their f21 indenom For use of any continuity correction 34.5 o¢ 35.5 For correct answer

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