Physics Project Class 12
Physics Project Class 12
Physics Project Class 12
Submitted by:
Hardit Singh XII D
Examiners Sign
Teacher Incharge
It would be my utmost pleasure to express my sincere thanks to my Physics
teacher, Ms. Pooja Batra in providing a helping hand in this project. My special
thanks are also due to Mr. Devinder Sir, lab assistant in our school physics lab.
Their valuable support, guidance and supervision all though this project are
responsible for attaining its present form. Last but not the least, I would like to
thank my parents as they encouraged me to put forward my project
Hardit Singh
Magnetism has fascinated the mankind as early as 600BC. Shepherds in an island in
Greece called Magnesia noted that their iron tipped sticks and shoes with nails
often stayed struck to the ground.
Since early times, the existence of magnetic force have been known, certain kind of
rocks called Lodestone would attract pieces of iron. A freely suspended Lodestone
would always point in the direction; the end which pointed towards Geographic
South was labelled South Pole. It therefore, would appear that the Earth acts like a
giant bar magnet with its South Magnetic Pole in the Northern Hemisphere and its
North Magnetic Pole in the Southern Hemisphere since opposite poles attract each
The directional property of magnets was known, since ancient Chinese texts dating
400BC mention the use of magnetic needles for navigation in ships.
To trace the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet and to study the effect of earths
magnetic field on it.
Drawing Board, paper, magnetic compass needle, bar magnet
A magnet has two poles, North and South. Opposite magnetic poles attract, while
similar poles repel. When a magnet is kept at a place, it influences the space
surrounding it. The effect of the magnet is recognised by the imaginary curves
called the magnetic field lines. These magnetic field lines are influenced by the
magnetic field of the other magnet present in the area of action. Thus the earths
magnetic field influences the field lines of the bar magnet, and thus, there is a null
point found at the points, where the field of the two cut or nullify each others
1. The magnetic field lines of the magnet form continuous loops, which
outside the magnet are directed from North to South Pole.
2. These lines dont intersect each other at any point.
3. The no. of magnetic field lines per unit are at a point is proportional to the
magnetic field at that point. These lines are found to be more crowded near
the poles.
4. The compass needle doesnt point in any particular direction indicating there
is no net magnetic field at the point. Such a point is called the null point.
The magnetic field and null points are as shown in attached sheet.
Bar magnets act as magnetic dipoles and no isolated monopoles have ever
been discovered.
A higher density of nearby field lines indicating a strong magnetic field is
seen at two poles of the bar magnet. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
two poles of a bar magnet have a maximum strength of magnetic field.
At null points, the compass doesnt point in any particular direction. At this
point, the magnetic effect of a bar magnet has been neutralised by magnetic
field of earth.
NCERT Physics Textbook Class XII Part I & II