Macaron Karima-4
Macaron Karima-4
Macaron Karima-4
The story of the French Macarons
The secret recipe to make perfect Macarons
French Macarons
The Macaron was invented in near the year of 1500 in italy. It remains a dry cookie without color or
It was imported from italy to France by Catherine de Medicis, the future wife of the Henri Duke of Orleans.
This recipe was transmitted to her by her father during his childhood in Italy.
In France, variations of macarons were born. Reims, Nancy, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, and Amiens went on to
develop their own recipes.
In the 1830s, Macaron were assembled two by two, topped with jam.
In the 1890's, Pierre Desfontaines, began sandwiching the two cookies colorful topped with butter crme, jam,
compote or ganache.
For the meringue:
2 vanilla bean.
3 vanilla bean.
Pour the sugar at 118C over the egg whites and beat with an electric mixer.
Fold the meringue into the almond-sugar-egg white mixture until its homogeneous. Place in a large pastry bag with a
plain #11 tip.
For the vanilla ganache: