Enough About You Paper

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William Rexroth
Scott Merrow
Writing 1301 Section 046
October 26, 2014
Take a Step Back and See the Real World
Today, we live in a society dominated by new forms of media. Are these types of media
helping America or are they just a distraction from the important things going on? In Enough
about You, Brian Williams exclaims, It is possible-even common-to go about your day in
America and consume only what you wish to see and hear, (473). Williams tackles the problem
of Americans only observing what they want to in this essay. The author makes countless points
of how self-centered Americans have become due to social media. Our society has developed a
culture where we see and hear what we want to instead of noteworthy news. Williams is worried
about the media and how we are too self-obsessed sharing and posting everything about our
lives. Williams may be on to something here, with more and more media, although Americans
are becoming more connected to what they want to see and hear, they are potentially
disconnecting themselves from the important things.
Enough about You, is about the User-Generated Generation (473) we live in. This
generation Williams refers to represents the American culture in which the most important
person on their life is them self. The ever changing media makes it easy for the buyer to
consume whatever they want, whether it be the 900 digital options cable box or the vast videos
and articles on the Web (473). Williams then transfers from the easy access to media to how
Americans use it. People are so self-absorbed that they feel the need to share anything and
everything about themselves, hoping that others will appreciate it or tolerate it at the very worst

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(473). The author then proceeds to write how Americans are shying away from watching the
news and reading the newspaper because there are better articles online or better shows to watch
(474). Williams concludes his essay by warning the reader that if this behavior continues or
progresses, that Americans will be too busy worrying about themselves and will miss the next
big thing.
Throughout his essay, Williams proves his point with the use of countless examples
which makes him seem credible and his argument to be compelling. The use of these examples
makes the reader see through the authors eyes. The author is very credible because he is in the
media industry. Brian Williams is the head anchor for NBCs Nightly News. That being said,
Williams could be considered bias in his piece. In his essay he mentions,
and while I anchor a broadcast that is routinely viewed by an audience of ten million or
more, its nothing like it used to be. We work every bit as hard as our television-news
forebears did at gathering, writing, and presenting the days news but to a smaller
audience, from which many have been lured away by a dazzling array of choices and the
chance to make their own news, (473).
One could argue that Williams is trying to bash the change in media to get more people to
watch the news. That claim is absolutely absurd. Williams should not be considered bias
because he uses many other points including social media and newspaper. If anything it makes
him seem more credible because he is an expert in his field. This example supports his claim
that the dazzling array of choices or the new flashy media, are drawing people away from
important things such as the news.
Throughout Enough about You the ideas and concepts are crystal clear. Williams takes a
stance against the easy access to certain media throughout his whole essay. It is clear to the

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reader that the author believes that Americas culture has developed to buyers of media
consuming only the bits and pieces that they want. As a result, these consumers have become
self-centered. Kimberley Price from FOX 21 News reports, As human beings, we all have a
basic need for affirmation and acceptance. With every status update and selfie posted online,
social media has made it easy to receive that instant gratification (Price). This report aligns
perfectly with Williams view on how people need to share their lives with others. Prices news
story describes that people post the things they do to get likes or favorites to feel better about
themselves. Does everyone love to look good and feel good about themselves? Of course they
do, but when that self-obsession trumps important news, then that is a problem.
Some people may disagree with Williams and argue that if you are doing something on
media that makes you happy that you should continue doing that. There is nothing wrong with
every so often updating your status or watching a funny YouTube clip. When using this form of
media trumps big news stories, that is when it becomes a problem. It sounds ridiculous but it is a
reality. Instead of reading an article about a serious topic like tension in the Middle East, people
will watch a video of a cat playing a piano because it makes them feel better. This is outrageous
and needs to stop. Rolf Dobelli, however, argues that news is bad for you. Dobelli states that
News is bad for your health. It leads to fear and aggression, and hinders your creativity and
ability to think deeply. The solution? Stop consuming it altogether (Dobelli). This claim is
absolutely ridiculous. Without news how is anyone supposed to know what is going on in the
world? News is an essential tool that more people need to utilize.
Williams also explains how media is taking over newspapers. The author comically
describes the newspaper as, flat, one-dimensional, unexciting, emitting a slight whiff of decay.
It doesnt refresh. It offers no choice. Hell, it doesnt even move. Worse yet: nowhere does it

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greet us by name. Its for everyone, (474). This statement really supports the authors point that
media is taking over news and making people more self-centered. Williams supports this claim
because when he says Its for everyone, he is implying that is why it is not as popular because
it is not personalized like peoples social media pages.
Throughout the essay, Williams evidence supports his argument. There is not a single
line in Enough about You that contradicts itself. It is this consistency that supports the authors
claims and makes him credible. Williams provides more than enough evidence to prove his
point. First, the impact of social media and how it is making people only concerned about
themselves. Williams also includes how the Nightly News, although hasnt changed its format at
all, is losing more viewers almost every day due to the new media (474). Williams believes this
is absurd because as a result, people are less informed about what is going on in the world, and
more worried about themselves and how many likes they are getting. Williams states,
It is now possible - even common to go about your day in America and consume only
what you wish to see and hear. There are television networks that already agree with
your views. iPods that play only music you already know you like. Internet programs
ready to filter out all but the news you want to hear, (Williams 473).
Finally, Williams brings up the newspaper. The newspaper is a media source for everyone. It is
for that exact reason why he believes no one uses it any more. Newspapers do not have the flash
or glamour of an online news article (474). Newspapers will have the same stories in it the
whole time. People are not just able to scroll over or delete a story they dont find interesting. In
Williams eyes that is the beauty of newspapers. That they are not bias and anyone is able to
read them. From the sports page to the political or economic page there are going to be articles
made for anyone to read. People now a days are too worried about themselves and do not want

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to read an article that could potentially bore them or waste their time. Instead they will read an
article on how some internet famous cat got stuck in a tree, or post a selfie on their timeline.
After reading Enough about You, the reader looks back and is almost ashamed of the
American culture. It is unacceptable that people are ignoring major events to focus on
themselves. Whether it is promoting themselves on social media or just watching or reading a
silly article or video. With these new flashy modes of media, Americans may be too focused on
them and themselves and may miss the next big thing. Whether it be a book or even an idea it
could be revolutionary and change our society (Williams 474). The fact that this could happen
should wake people up and snap them out of their self-centeredness. In conclusion, people need
to take a step back and see what is really going on in the real world.

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Works Cited
Dobelli, Rolf. "News Is Bad for You and Giving up Reading It Will Make You Happier." The
Guardian. N.p., 12 Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Price, Kimberly. "Is Social Media Making People Self-absorbed?" FOX21. N.p., 7 May 2014.
Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Williams, Brian. Enough about You. Signs of Life in the USA Maasik, Sonia. Boston: Bedford,
1997. Pag. 472-474 Print.

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