Vignette 2
Vignette 2
Vignette 2
Withdrawal: is an adaptive or coping mechanism that involves physically pulling away from, or
psychologically losing interest in, an anxiety-producing situation, person or environment.
Common scenes:
o Child: who consistently plays alone than with a friend
o Adolescence: becomes absorbed into reading instead of being involved with
o Young adult: jogs alone to avoid personal contact with others
o Adult: who recluse who shuts windows and locks doors to close-out the world
This might be normal but when pattern is consistently used to distance or isolate self from
people or anxiety provoking situation, stressful situation, withdrawal becomes unhealthy. And
being withdrawn is usually found unhappy people and giving them the sense of bitterness and
Devalues and
depreciates self
Self-respect is lost
Extremely selfcentered
Feels unworthy
Gives up to many
Withdraws from
Regression to
helpless child
Waits to be cared for
Blaming failures
and and
Defensive style
Minimal social
Lives in secrecy
Inability to reciprocate feelings in an interpersonal manner
Developmentally, infantile or child like
Lacks trust of others and self
Range of affect
Mobility of affect
Appropriateness of
Communicability of
o largest part of our mind
o storehouse of all memories
o feelings and responses experienced during the individuals entire life
o materials stored continuously act as dynamic, motivating forces
Human mind never actually forgets any experience but stores in the depths of the
unconscious mind. This includes knowledge, experiences, information and feelings. But
these memories can sometimes not be recalled at will. Sometimes only presented
through dreams, slips of tongue, unexplained behavioral responses, jokes, body
language, and memory lapses.
All behaviors have meaning. No behavior occurs by accident or by chance. Rather, all
behavior is an expression of feelings or needs of which the individual is frequently not
aware of
pleasure principle
avoids pain and seeks pleasure
individual is id at birth
striving for pleasure through the use of fantasies and images
compulsive and without morals
When the individual does not develop an ego strong enough to arbitrate effectively
between the id and the superego, he or she will surely develop intrapersonal and
interpersonal conflicts. When the id is not controlled effectively, the individual functions
in antisocial, lawless ways because primitive impulses are expressed freely. If the
superego is so strong that the individuals life is dominated by its restrictions on
behavior, the person is likely to be inhibited, repressed, unhappy, withdrawn and guilt
ridden. Thus a mature, effective, stable adult life depends on the development of an ego
powerful enough to test reality adequately and then to mediate successfully between
the demands of the id and the superego
Personality is developed by early childhood
c. Defense mechanisms
therefore if there is no equilibrium between an individuals personality, he/she will
experience anxiety that will force him to cope by using defense mechanisms
Narcissistic defenses
o Denial
o Projection
o Distortion
o Projective identification
o Primitive idealization
o Splitting
Immature defenses
o Acting out
o Passive-aggressive behavior
o Blocking out
o Regression
o Hypochondriasis
o Schizoid fantasy
o Identification
o Somatization
o Introjection
o Turning against the self
Neurotic defenses
o Controlling
o Isolation
o Displacement
o Rationalization
o Dissociation
o Reaction formation
o Externalization
o Repression
o Inhibition
o Sexualization
o Intellectualization
o Undoing
Mature defenses
o Altruism
o Anticipation
o Asceticism
o Humor
o Sublimation
o Suppression
Eriksonian concept
a. Developmental model
model that spans the total life cycle from birth to death
Life stage
1. Trust vs. Mistrust
-adequate conscience
-appropriate social behaviors
-curiosity and exploration
-healthy competitiveness
-sense of competence
-completion of tasks
-balance of work and play
-cooperate and compromise
-identification with admired others
-confidence of self
-commitment to peer group values
-emotional stability
-developmental or personal values
-sense of having a place in society
-establishing relationship with the opposite
-testing out adult roles
-exploration of risk-taking behaviors and
Sullivans concept
a. observable data
b. interpersonal theory
The total configuration of traits Self-esteem, which develops in various stages and is
the outgrow of interpersonal stages rather than intrapsychic forces
Infancy (birth to years)
Childhood(1/2 to 6 years)
Anxiety occurs for the first time as a result of the infants
failure to achieve satisfaction f his her primary needs
The main tasks are to become educated as to the
requirements of the culture and to learn how to deal with
powerful adults
Child has a need for and must learn how to deal with peers
Early-adolescence (12- 14
Later adolescence ( 14-21
Franz Alexander
Gordon Allport
Eric Berne
Erich Fromm
five dominant characters that are possessed and found in every individual
o Receptive-passive
o Exploitative-manipulative
Kurt Goldstein
Karen Horney
Abraham Maslow
Men and women respond differently to stressful situations. Women tend to share their stress
with others in the hopes of gaining the empathy of others and expect that other females would rely on
them if the roles were reversed. Men, on the other hand, tend to withdraw and act as an individual and
become more egocentric. (Tomova, von Dawans, Heinrichs, Silani & Lamm, 2014). Men have been
discouraged from being emotional since they were kids. They are usually teased when they show their
emotions. Since they are not used to handling emotions, when faced with intense emotions or stressors,
adult men become overwhelmed and confused around these emotions. It takes them more time to
understand and then adapt to emotions, thus causing them to withdraw from a particular situation or a
Associated Disorders
1. Schizophrenia
Withdrawn behavior can be manifested in patients with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is the
deterioration of ones personality. This can be attributed to the imbalance, usually due to high amounts,
of dopamine levels in the brain. Bleulers Four As are symptoms that are usually manifested with
schizophrenic patients and includes: Affective disturbance (inappropriate, blunted or flat affect); Autism
(preoccupation with self, little concern for external reality); Associative looseness (stringing together of
unrelated topics) and; Ambivalence (simultaneous opposite feelings). DSM-IV-TR Criteria for
Schizophrenia include: A. At least 2 of the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech,
grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior or negative symptoms (alogia, anhedonia, apathy, blunted
affect, catatonia, flat affect and avolition); B. Social-occupational dysfunction: work, interpersonal &
self-care functioning below the level achieved before the onset; C. Duration: continuous signs of the
disturbances for at least 6 months; D. Schizoaffective and mood disorders not present and not
responsible for the signs & symptoms and; E. Not caused by substance abuse or a general medical
Kit does not have Schizophrenia. Based on the case, Kit has not had any reports of delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized speech nor grossly disorganized behaviors. But, based on the case, he has
shown some negative symptomsanhedonia, apathy and avolition. Also, it cannot be concluded that he
has had a social-occupational dysfunction because there was no evidence shown that he was more
social before than he is upon physical work up.
2. Personality Disorder
Personality disorders are lifelong, inflexible and dysfunctional patterns of behaving and relating.
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for a Personality Disorder would include the presence of at least two of the
following: A. Cognition (thinking about self, people and events); B. Affectivity (range, intensity, lability
and appropriateness of emotional response); C. Interpersonal functioning or; D. Impulse control.
Personality disorders are divided into three clusters namely: Cluster A: Odd-Eccentric behaviors, which
includes paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders; Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic
behaviors that includes antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders and;
Cluster C: Anxious-Fearful behaviors that includes dependent, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive
personality disorders. Cluster A personality disorders are associated with withdrawn behavior.
Kit does not have a paranoid personality disorder because it was not stated whether he was
suspicious of others. Plus, as seen in the criteria, paranoid personality disorders still have interpersonal
relationships with others and they are still open to the idea of intimacy.
Criteria for schizotypal personality disorders include: ideas of reference, magical thinking or odd
beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences (bodily illusions), odd thinking & vague, stereotypical,
overelaborate speech, suspicious, blunted or inappropriate affect, odd or eccentric appearance or
behavior, few close relationships and excessive social anxiety. They are uncomfortable around others
but are interested in other people. These people tend to withdraw because social situations are
uncomfortable because of the reactions of others to the persons appearance and behavior.
Based from the case, Kit does not have a schizotypal personality because none of the criteria for
schizotypal personality disorders matches him.
Based on the results of Kits physical work-up, he can be considered to have a schizoid
personality. This is evidences by the fact that he has no contact with his family, him not maintaining any
friendships, choosing to live alone, apathy regarding dearth of social structures, never having engaged in
dating or other social activities, preference to work alone at home, inability to name any hobbies or
activities that he finds enjoyable and the fact that he works as a data encoder on a night shift.
1. Make contact or link with the patient. Therapeutic use of family or close friends may be helpful.
2. Establish and maintain a trusting relationship. Staff must be aware that this may be a lengthy
process requiring patience and perseverance and that the patient may initially reject them.
3. Respect the patients need for silence and inform the patient that the staff is always available when
he/she has a need to communicate.
4. Touch may be used therapeutically by staff who feel comfortable with touch and according to the
patients reception of touch.
5. Maintain consistency regarding appointment times.
6. Give the patient a positive feedback to both verbal and non-verbal responses.
7. Avoid comments like Seeing you arent busy to a colleague sitting with a withdrawn patient.
8. Gradually introduce the patient to other people and then explore feelings with regard to contact
made with others.
9. Gradually introduce and involve the patient in lifestyle activities again.
10. Use friends and family as a link with the community.
At first client will deal more readily with
minimal stimulation
Initially encourage the client to express himself Nonverbal communication usually is less
or herself nonverbally
threatening than verbalization
Encourage the client to talk about these
nonverbal communication and progress to
more direct verbal communication as
tolerated. Encourage the client to express
feelings as much as possible.
Arrange nonthreatening activities that involve these patients in doing something like painting
Arrange furniture in a semicircle or around a table this forces patients to sit with someone.
This will permit interactions but should never be demanded
Provide psychosocial rehabilitation that is training in community living, social skills and health
care skills
BEHAVIOUR THERAPY focused on helping an individual understand that when they change their
behaviour it can lead to changes in how they are feeling.
a. SELF MONITORING person is asked to keep a detailed log of all their activities during the day. The
therapist can see exactly the person is doing.
b. SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY ACTIVITIES the patient and the therapist work together to develop new
activities that will provide the patient with chances of positive experience.
c. ROLE PLAYING used to help person develop new skills and anticipate issues that may come up in
social interactions
d. BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION patient will receive a reward for engaging in a positive behaviour.
a. ART AND MUSIC THERAPY increases self-esteem, openness, expression of feeling and reduce
b. RECREATIONAL THERAPY fun and relives tension
c. EXERCISE promote physical and mental health
*Challenging activities are not encouraged for withdrawn patients especially in early phase because not
being able to accomplished the activities will lead to decrease self-esteem thus patient may become
more withdrawn.