Fflow Creation: Prerequisite
Fflow Creation: Prerequisite
Fflow Creation: Prerequisite
Check if the Allow Check out Rule is checked for the Operator.
Where to Check Allow Check out Rule?
Step 1: Click on the Operator Name Sajja Rajesh
Flow Creation:
Navigation to Create a Flow: Rules by TypeProcessFlowNew
Click on Create.
Assignment: Creates an assignment at runtime associated with work object in a work basket or work
Click on Save.
Click on Save.
This Flow action is like a se4ction, you can drag the properties like noof days and Type of leave and then
click on Apply.
Decision Task: Identifies an activity that can make an automated discussion about the progress of the
work object through the flow.
Click on Create.
After creating decision table, just click on Apply. You will get the connectors which we need to point to
corresponding assignment shape.
TO Display ur flows in portals, go to Application rule , details tab and enter ur class name in Work Types .
Please make sure to check in all the rules before executing in portals.
Enter your Flow name in your application rule, details tab in work types Option