A Review On Use of Metakaolin in Concrete: Abstract

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IRACST Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,

Vol.3, No.3, June 2013


Aiswarya S,
Assistant Professor,
School of Civil Engineering,
Karunya University,Coimbatore.

Prince Arulraj G,
Dean, Civil Engineering,
SNS College of Technology,


- Concrete is the most

commonly used material for construction. The
worldwide production of cement has greatly
increased since 1990.Production of cement
results in a lot of environmental pollution as it
CO2 gas.
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM)
are finely ground solid materials that are used
to replace a portion of the cement in a concrete
mixture. These supplementary materials may
be naturally occurring, manufactured or manmade waste. Various types of pozzolanic
materials that improve cement properties have
been used in cement industry for a long time.
Metakaolin is a dehydroxylated aluminium
silicate. It is an amorphous non crystallized
material, constituted of lamellar particles.
From the recent research works using
Metakaolin, it is evident that it is a very
effective pozzolanic material and it effectively
enhances the strength parameters of concrete.
This paper reviews the use of metakaolin as
supplementary cementitious material in
concrete. A detailed literature survey is carried
out and presented here.
cementitious material, Portland Cement,
Compressive strength

Dilip C
Former PG student,
School of Civil Engineering,
Karunya University,Coimbatore.

The demand for Portland cement is increasing
dramatically in developing countries. Portland
cement production is one of the major reasons for
CO2 emissions into atmosphere. It is due to the use
of fossil fuels, including the fuels required to
generate electricity during cement manufacturing
process. The use of pozzolanas for making
concrete is considered efficient, as it allows the
reduction of the cement consumption while
improving the strength and durability properties of
the concrete. Metakaolin when used as a partial
replacement substance for cement in concrete, it
reacts with Ca(OH)2 one of the by-products of
hydration reaction of cement and results in
additional C-S-H gel which results in increased
strength. Metakaolin is obtained by thermal
activation of kaolin clay. This activation will
cause a substantial loss of water in its constitution
causing a rearrangement of its structure. To obtain
an adequate thermal activation, the temperature
range should be established between 600 to 750C.
Metakaolin is used in oil well cementing to
improve the compressive and flexural strength of
the hardened cement. Metakaolin also reduces the
hardened cement permeability to liquids and
gases. Hence by partially replacing Portland
cement with Metakaolin not only reduces carbon
dioxide emissions but also increases the service
life of buildings.


IRACST Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.3, No.3, June 2013

Chemical formula of Metakaolin is

Table:1 shows the Chemical compositions of
Metakaolin. The chemical composition of
Metakaolin is similar to Portland Cement.
Table 1: Chemical composition of Metakaolin

Percentage (%)

Calcium hydroxide is one of the by-products of

hydration reaction of cement. When cement is
partially replaced with Metakaolin, it reacts with
calcium hydroxide and results in extra C-S-H gel.
C-S-H gel is the sole cause for strength
development in cement and cement based
concrete. The chemical reaction is given below
Cement + Water = C-S-H gel + Ca (OH)2
Ca (OH)2 + Metakaolin = C-S-H gel

Sabir.B.B et al (2001) carried out a study on the
utilization of Metakaolin as pozzolanic material
for mortar and concrete and mentioned about the
wide range application of Metakaolin in
construction industry .They reported that the usage
of Metakaolin as a pozzolana will help in the
development of early strength and some
improvement in long
term strength. They
mentioned that Metakaolin alters the pore
structure in cement paste mortar and concrete and

greatly improves its resistance to transportation of

water and diffusion of harmful ions which lead to
the degradation of the matrix.
Jian-Tong Ding et al (2002) experimentally
found out the effects of Metakaolin and Silica
Fume on the properties of Concrete. Experimental
investigation with seven concrete mixtures of 0, 5,
10, and 15% by mass replacement of cement with
high-reactivity Metakaolin or Silica fume, at a
water cement ratio of 0.35 and a sand-to-aggregate
ratio of 40% was carried out. The effect of
Metakaolin or Silica fume on the workability,
strength, shrinkage, and resistance to chloride
penetration of concrete was investigated. The
incorporation of both Metakaolin and Silica fume
in concrete was found to reduce the free drying
shrinkage and restrained shrinkage cracking
width. It is also reported that the incorporation of
Metakaolin or Silica fume in concrete can reduce
the chloride diffusion rate significantly. The
performance of Silica fume was found to be better
than Metakaolin.
Badogiannis.E et al (2004) evaluated the effect of
Metakaolin on concrete. Eight mix proportions
were used to produce high-performance concrete,
where Metakaolin replaced either cement or sand
of 10% or 20% by weight of the control cement
content. The strength development of Metakaolin
concrete was evaluated using the efficiency factor
(k value). With regard to strength development the
poor Greek Metakaolin and commercially
obtained Metakaolin yielded the same results. The
replacement with cement gave better results than
that of sand. When Metakaolin replaced cement,
its positive effect on concrete strength generally
started after 2 days where as in case of sand it
started only after 90 days. Both Metakaolin
exhibited very high k-values (close to 3.0 at 28
days) and are characterized as highly reactive
pozzolanic materials that can lead to concrete
production with excellent performance.
Justice.J.M et al (2005) made a comparative
study by replacing 8% by weight of cement with
Metakaolin and Silica fume. Metakaolin addition
proved to be beneficial, resulting in concrete with
considerably higher strengths and greater


IRACST Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.3, No.3, June 2013

durability than the normal mixes. The use of finer

Metakaolin was more effective in improving
concrete properties than the coarser Metakaolin.
Addition of Metakaolin increased the use of super
plasticizers. Addition of Metakaolin exhibited
improvements in shrinkage, durability and other
strength aspects.
Nabil M. Al-Akhras (2005) carried out an

investigation by replacing cement with

Metakaolin to find out the durability of concrete
against sulphate attack. Three replacements of
cement with Metakaolin (5, 10 and 15% by weight
) were done with water cement ratio of 0.5 and
0.6. After the specified days, the samples were
immersed in 5% sodium sulphate solution for 18
months. The effect of metakaolin addition proved
to be beneficial in improving the resistance of
concrete to sulphate attack. Metakaolin with water
cement ratio of 0.5 exhibited better results in
sulphate resistance than 0.6. Autoclaved cured
specimens had better resistance against sulphate
than moist cured specimens.
Abid Nadeem et al (2008) made an investigation
on the chloride permeability of high strength
concrete and mortar specimens containing varying
proportions of Metakaolin (MK) and Fly ash at
elevated temperatures. A total of seven concrete
and three mortar mixes were tested after exposing
each mix to 200, 400, 600 and 800C. In concrete,
the dosage levels of MK were 5, 10 and 20% and
for Fly ash the dosage levels were 20, 40 and
60%. In mortar, the dosage level of Metakaolin
and Fly ash was 20%. All concrete specimens
investigated in this study had a minimum
compressive strength of 85 MPa. At normal
temperatures, concrete and mortar specimens had
very low chloride ion Penetrability. At normal
temperature, metakaolin mixes had lower chloride
permeability than Fly ash and Portland cement
mixes. At normal temperatures, mortar specimens
were more chloride permeable than concrete
specimens. At 200C and 400C, mortar was still
more chloride permeable than concrete but the
ratio of mortar to concrete chloride permeability
was less than that at normal temperature.

Jiping Bai and Albinas Gailius (2009) developed

statistical models for predicting the consistency of
concrete incorporating Portland cement, Fly ash
and Metakaolin from the experimental results of
standard consistency tests. The effect of variations
of pozzolanic replacement materials including Fly
ash and Metakaolin replacement levels up to 40%
and 50% respectively were tried. Consistency
parameters were found out from the best fit
models. Values of consistency were calculated by
the proposed models and gave a good agreement
with observed experimental data. It indicated that
the models were reliable, accurate and can be used
in practice to predict the consistency of Portland
cement-Fly ash-Metakaolin blends.
Eva Vejmelkova et al (2010) experimentally
studied a set of parameters of high performance
concrete (HPC) with metakaolin including basic
physical characteristics such as mechanical
durability characteristics, hydraulic, thermal
properties and chloride binding characteristics.
The experimental results showed that the
replacement of Portland cement by 10%
Metakaolin as an optimal amount leads in most
cases either to improvements or at least does not
significantly impair substantial properties of the
analyzed HPC. Basic physical properties and heat
transport and storage properties are very similar to
common HPC, mechanical and fracturemechanical properties were improved, water- and
substantially reduced, frost resistance was better,
resistance against de-icing salts was found to be
slightly worse but still meets very well the
required criteria. It is reported that the chemical
resistance of concrete with 10% of Metakaolin
instead of Portland cement in distilled water and
HCl is better than for Portland cement concrete.
Hisham M. Khater (2010) made an experimental
study and determined the resistance of mortar
specimens incorporating 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% metakaolin to the magnesium
chloride solution. Results confirmed that
specimens with high replacement level of
metakaolin showed higher resistance to
magnesium solution. Due to the reduction of


IRACST Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.3, No.3, June 2013

calcium hydroxide and the increase of secondary

CSH in the cement matrix, Metakaolin provide
a good resistive agent to aggressive chloride
solution by consuming liberated lime and so
prevent the formation of Friedels salt. The
maximum development of compressive strength
was achieved for the specimens made from
Ordinary Portland cement-Metakaolin blended
cement mortars containing a metakaolin content of
25% by weight. Bulk densities of all Metakaolin
mortar specimens were between 1.4-2 gm /cm3.
Pacheco Torgal.F et al (2011) determined the
effect of Metakaolin and Fly ash on strength and
durability of concrete. The durability was found
by three methods namely water absorption,
oxygen permeability and concrete resistivity. They
reported that partial replacement of Portland
cement by 30% fly ash leads to serious decrease in
early age compressive strength than the reference
mix made with 100% Portland cement. The use of
hybrid of them at 15% Fly ash and 15%
Metakaolin based mixtures resulted in minor
strength loss at early stages but showed
outstanding improvement in durability.
Hemant Chauhan et al (2011) made an attempt
to use industrial wastes like activated Fly ash, Iron
Oxide and Metakaolin as supplementary
cementitious materials in various proportions.
Using these mineral admixtures with OPC cement,
five different types of concrete mixtures were
prepared and same were used to find compressive
strength of concrete cubes at 3,7,14,28 and 56
days. When OPC was replaced up to 42% with
metakaolin, it gives strength up to 40.67 N/mm2 at
a water cement ratio of 0.40 and at 0.55 ratio, it
gave strength up to 25.47 N/mm2 at 56th day.
They reported that it was possible to make the
concrete economical by 42% replacement of
cement with different percentages of mineral
admixtures like Fly ash (30%), Metakaolin (10%)
and iron oxide (2%).
Muthupriya.P et al (2011) performed an
experimental investigation on the behavior of
High Performance Reinforced Concrete column
(HPRC) to assess the suitability of HPRC columns
for the structural applications. High performance

concrete was prepared by partial replacement of

Ordinary Portland cement with Metakaolin and
Fly ash. The test results showed improvements in
strength, brittleness and durability. The optimum
replacement level for Metakaolin and Fly ash was
reported as 7.5%.they reported that the
compressive strength of high performance
concrete containing 7.5% of Metakaolin was 12%
higher than the normal concrete.
Kannan.V and Ganesan K(2012) investigated
the effects of Rice husk ash, Metakaolin and their
combinations when used as replacement for
blending component in cement. The properties of
blended cement mortar were investigated which
included physical properties, chemical properties,
setting time, compressive strength and saturated
compressive strength in percentage were 20.9% at
15% replacement of Rice husk ash, 17.42% at
25% replacement of metakaolin and 24.61 % at
30% replacement of Rice husk ash for a
Metakaolin combination of (1:1 ratio). WaterBinder ratio at all replacement levels and the
decrement in percentage of saturated water
absorption were 25% at 25% replacement of Rice
husk ash, 37.5% at 25% replacement of
Metakaolin and 39.58% at 40% replacement of
Rice husk ash for a Metakaolin combination of
(1:1 ratio).
Murali.G and Sruthee P(2012) experimentally
studied the use of Metakaolin as a partial
replacement substance for cement in concrete. The
use of Metakaolin in concrete effectively
enhanced the strength properties. The optimum
level of replacement was reported as 7.5%. The
result showed that 7.5% of Metakaolin increased
the compressive strength of concrete by 14.2%,
the split tensile strength by 7.9% and flexural
strength by 9.3%.
Paiva.H et al (2012) determined the effect of
Metakaolin on strength and workability of
concrete. The experimental results showed that the
use of Metakaolin decreased the workability and
to get the required slump, High range water
reducing admixtures (HRWRA) were essential.
HRWRA resulted in deflocculation of Metakaolin


IRACST Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,
Vol.3, No.3, June 2013

particles and thus a well dispersion of Metakaolin

particles were achieved. The work concluded that
use of HRWRA was very essential in concrete
containing fine particles like Metakaolin to
achieve well dispersion and better results.
Erhan Guneyisi et al (2012) made an
investigation to determine the effectiveness of
metakaolin (MK) and silica fume (SF) on the
performance concrete. Mechanical properties were
evaluated by means of compressive and splitting
tensile strength. Water absorption and gas
permeability tests were carried out to find out the
permeation characteristics of the concrete with
Metakaolin and Silica fume. The experimental
results showed a considerable increase in the
compressive strength properties of blended
concrete than the control mix for different water
cement ratios.
Vikas Srivastava et al (2012) investigated the
suitability of silica fume and metakaolin
combination in production of concrete. The
optimum combined doses of silica fume and
Metakaolin were found out as 6% and 15% (by
weight) respectively. The specimens where cast
and tested on 7th, 14th and 28 days. The 28th day
compressive strength of concrete generally
increased with the Metakaolin content for at all
the Silica fume contents.
The 7th day
compressive strength of concrete was found to
decrease with the increase in Metakaolin content
for all the Silica fume contents.
Dojkov.I et al (2013) experimentally studied the
reaction between Metakaolin-Ca(OH)2-water and
Fly ash- Ca(OH)2-water. It was clear that during
the initial period of curing (up to 7 days),
Metakaolin combined lime with a very high rate.
This indicated that the overall rate of the reaction
taking place in early age of Portland cement Metakaolin concretes and cement mortars was
limited by the hydration of the cement phases. The
reaction between Fly ash- Ca(OH)2-water was
taking place at a moderate rate in the initial age as
compared with Metakaolin-Ca(OH)2-water. The
experimental results justified the possible

combined use of Metakaolin-Fly ash-Portland

cement in concrete industry.

From this literature survey, it was found that
cement can be replaced effectively with
Supplementary Cementitious Materials(SCMs)
like Metakaolin. In the case of strength and
durability, the SCMs shows better results than
normal mixes. With regard to workability and
setting time, Metakaolin generally required more
super plasticizer and it reduces the setting time of
pastes as compared to control mixtures. When
compared with cement, the use of Metakaolin may
be uneconomical due to its high cost whereas it is
economical in the aspects of durability and

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