3 Medical Dictionary (Vol 1)
3 Medical Dictionary (Vol 1)
3 Medical Dictionary (Vol 1)
cha. I : ge Dig th ob) St SI So ple te Est are - Leukoblast, i mature white eo cell. wats Oe © Age! Ade - ae ake ae Leukocytes, y white blood cells. © L : ‘Leukocythemis, leukemia. lyme we ae die is De ; PO Rie SA oe : oer destruction of, mht ;Lic i UM | See : Lichen, any form of skin disease: BN = Gye ‘ : Lichentfeation, thickening aaa 5 hardening of the skin. Ue gn Bee gl oe ae ; ¢ = Licorice, dried root used in, pea on. ae ce adi S le Ge he or © ie RUSE eY Lienitis, inflammi Sh 5 e ts 4 ‘Lientery, diarrhea with evacuation ncot gested food. pas nu! cas bea! erie, — ale > pl lad oat Sees oo . Life, state of being; alive. ae 52. a je Ligaments, firous bands that hold ‘bones together in’ : the region of a joint. > 4*n.- ny Sy= 2 bay “eae 053 ES Tait wit pe ES eS a OH. ieee po 9 a ligament. <= ge | tying. oR pet Lightening, dropping oft “infant into, the mother’s pelvis in the first sta} “Jabor. ub 6 Si Sale gh om wh Se War x OF a - Limb, arm or legLIP: abus, ‘Tim; bo ; Sy Liminal, barely noticeable. Coe = = 55! pS : Limitans, Deming eu YU 2S asdme pee ty che _ Limp,’ icopediment in ikiers Linetus, ‘thick syrupy pete e 5 oe _ diss seer es ee Le eeLIs' 2 173 is LOB eS He SD Dy By olen 2 Bae tie! or os © (Gy 2 le gee SL 6S Sp : : Listerism, principles and practice of anticeptic ais asceptic surgical procedures, Ley Style Gils BO! doh £ tne de Sys ef be v! Suez = deel ‘lt he : Liguefacient, converting intoa ae eos ae ee ; wy bas Us di Liquescent, becoming ‘liquid’ om des ete oF dhe Ue ye huss ; Lisping, ‘substitution’ of sounds © due. irs speech . defect, e.g. th for s. 5 el o- ed OS SK) ok cess ay = eee, aKa s iit SK ea ae oy, ae las - Livedo, discolored. ‘patch ‘of: gy ace we a) ee SS Livid,. pale! ashen. : : Lividity, discoloration. © ~~) > Mk eae Lobar, pertaining to a lobe. joe @ this < ya ; : :3 Lobo! y, cutting 2 across of brain tissue. - : 4 at Lobule, small lobes part of a lobe. & tee Locomotion, f move: ment from place to place.- Se 5 vias ‘Loculpus; s Locus, place; ‘site. amnesia, i inability to nee Ua sy bu _ Logokophosis, word deafness, - tke ai gre oS bul 2S INS Loree any speech disorder of central “ori; eae ts Soe IO y . case: study and treatment se 5 Ol as! wet 5 a =saat space’ wi nit ‘Laminal, sedatives “oi Lying- ; ’ Lymph, special fi 3 specific. vessel: _ lymph glands before entering a “ops Pye oe dle Ms 2S Br en Le Fhe A Lost std Nye Bet 2 otin ge ls oe eeeran cue eesteee of a disease. ES eo A : | Macala, pigmented: ioe on the skin; a ‘in-the | 4 ih Ee cet Cala SaSones 4Ble wos Set eo at! f gr tp sit Si a :181 : Mas a Mastoataton, ‘skillful use of the hands. paekan® Manual, pertaining to the nade: gles = 0 vi Manubrium, handle; top part of the breastbone. Aen ial Ste S tsee yall lig Utia - ans f pas hand. ead GS, SOpSESE 2 As) oy. tape = (Sila $ © Marasmus, progressive wasting in ihe y an obvious cause. alli Bom dene. ~Gseat 5 ar ge 135-5 521 2s as Lwaleat aS : Mareo, seasickness. 33) Ux tee Sytem 15 ak é ents A 4 2, maLness border; margin. t; blemish.