3 Medical Dictionary (Vol 1)

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MEDICAL BY (onie)UaN Free Islamic Books www.islamimehfil.com www.nafseislam.com www.dawateislami.net a. oS Nurse7sopk@smail.com MEDICAL DICTIONARY me A ABA ! oe » ABD Fiaelonat “sterile, frée bf bacteria. — Sy! rol Sy eines ¥Abalienation, mental derangement. - “8 ey ~ bb die de Jie pls gi See aharoentts, loss of sense of Weight. - Ola 6 pm S djs eel Oj . if Abarticular, not affecting a joint. 9s 4 jal Jl 2 pe au atin ae A aia ed oD A. B.C. Process, purifying water or sewage ‘by. use, — of, alum, blood and charcoal. uw y= y& Gib b Jee “9 LS Gy Sl UT 5 ois i! bet oe Pes ME Be ry Siar Abduce, abduct. US 493 Ueda 2 Se fol US 18 -Abduct, movement of an extremity away from ‘the body or of a part from the middle of the whole. ee Bem SUT GES sh pre S054 \ gila UL de = boy te Aberration, different from normal action. += Jy “lee ce dae ple ch, > , Abevacuation, incomplete evacuation. el Al au Abeyance,. condition of suspended Sau os me UL oe eel Abiology, study of nonliving things. ae se) a .— Abionarce, insanity due to ¢nfirmity. ss u Gyn a (Ele JEG tye 2 Ss Abiosis, absence of life. bles = She Olas Ablactation, > weanine. es | Bee 0590 5 — Ablation, removal. — US Se as (US SI Ablepsia, blindness. y — Foy Bail Use HB ols Abluent, detergent. Wee Gh sy ly 2S te = Ablation, a washing. j Abnormal, not normal, © sh ve - dyes OE Aborad, away from the mouth. 52 ce Ate Abortion, termination of pregnancy before the child “is able to exist outside the womb. =Ule F Jan obi! lel cis jl di Foe ole uuu 2653 LY) ABR 2 : 3 : ‘ACG Abrachia, Congenital absence of arms. gab ily yn 95h) Abrade, chafe, ro Uly 10547 i bag Rx Seon i rubs off thesun n. Sal the body. UL te ie en5 yall Ep ia V< Abseission, surg: growth, Syms s @ 13 FSU bb 9 ney : ve Absorb, to seep in, f ie Abstract, to take away from. eS oo asin LE Sih le 2 wy “Abtorsion, turning outward of both eyes. one oye Ue p49 BUS eye Ie Gay Abutment, anchorage tooth for a bridge. Olay — ie 2k bs Uhm 35 (de) ro ee SH ee sj : ‘Acampsia, vee ofa art or limb. = Sixt ae Acahexiay inability to retain bodily secretions. ro OWS 55 Sy) Seles. | : Acceleration, i ancrease in the motion or speéd. - - Eleel G53 Sj) Ee x Te Ny Bas oe WL Sage A Acetic, sour ike vinegar, Acescence, sour. ACG : : oS a = ACH ed to a clima seer etr, Asai. y Accommodation, ‘adjustment. 4 Gilet Accouchement, act of being delivered. S a - Ss ae & pila ‘ i Accretion, accumulation ae matter at a’ part. os : UL ye ee ol om ae Acephalous, men ‘thigh bone fits. Sob ow pe WU bcle Sd “= Ea (I> US) > Fiske ae Acetate, salt of acetic acid eels ae of Spm Sul : : e bas co S o- Acetone, a colourless, inflammable solvent. Sy dk- Vip 235 ST: J Acetychlorine, hormone secreted by the neryous . system. d5.;la ar Vig 2iye ole ee las ilar! Achalasia, inability of certain hollow, muscular organs to Contract, /edall (250 Soke ul bie Op MASS ce Al ge =e ; ACH ; os ACM Achondroplasia, form of dwarfism in which the trunk is of normal size, the limbs are too short. Fe Von ls S Von eo poe pd SS oF Us! eee gy Dairy pals of b dy. yD }.. , Achroma, absence of colour. Use JS, Sha. Achylia, ED chee of chyle, an emulsion of fat i globules formed in theintestine. - Sey 4+ né Sue | oe (ee he ow oT lS) | Acicular, needle- “shaped. ly Bt SS 21s Ge Acid, a sour substance that combines with’ metals, releasing papi = Osteo gh jee Sa SIL GT es gle Grassi, as ore acid in the blood than normal. os ls! 1 Oy Slpf obj me dynes ne a = nee) Acme, crisis. ADOW.. ci yrs $$$ Dumb, unable to speak. - Ens On cis ‘small intestine, o> Pars dla Fell does ie oT gt ok Sal s : Dura Mater, outermost covering of the fein ‘and spinal cord. er dant = c= S 3+ pln gal EL? Dwarf, an undersized Person. Seal 2 a aoe ‘Oli! Dynamia; energy. : ae : Sec 3 Dys-(prefix), bad; difficult. = KL oy (eal) Dysarthria, stammering. cod ail — cS) = UAKe Dysarthrosis, dislocation; ‘disease or deformity of a joint. Silat Si one = Se Cee : Dysbasia, difficulty i in walking. <3) ox gly = £e)e5 B US oyam r Dyschiza,_ painful bowel movement: ee os wey vad nS Vga 352 : Dysemesia, painful vomiting. os Lge oy gil ; Dysentery, name given to a-group of ‘disorders in which there is diarrhea, produced by irritation of the bowels, i> ¢¥ BAe gens 5 GIST ge Oy + tt SILT cao ce tee 5 Olee 33! Ca- fore ‘ eee: ope pen of function. e dei fat al his aae htt a re ne malformation. ‘ of ed 531 CE Dysgraphia, inability to write. us em ea ye cate US Ce : e 4 8 a fe er SNE (298 hy 5 So SY ost os $e Opts 1B GIS) Sys — gS pa Actinic, applies to those rays of sunlight beyond the . violet end of the spectrum; which produce chemi- cal change. S cy9- 4 Le ety 5 (as, oe) ab OY GT May OWWAT Galen. 52 Stes : 2 - Actinomycosis, disease of cattle that can be trans- mitted to man. SE oe Ogiledl ge Syl SGN SO) yl eH Acuity, sparse, carne ‘Addison’s Disease, condition in which adrenal de are underactive. Ob 12 sjlky oS citys 5 gay ot t Ose 2) 23 plall Job pede St os eT Adduct, movement of an extremity toward the body or parts toward the midline of the body. sj) 1,1, por Seen Sm tl Spe SF a (USE oop Sb Soles 5 Ula preS- Ule oy iL Soul dalt, fully developed..,,., Adyentitious, accidental or acquired, spertqining 0, the tough outer coat of an organ or blood vessel occurring in unusual places. dele b, Glial - ule! a OM Gk Gin Lote Fu 5S od i oe nk Oa dom GE ge = Glee! os Aeriform, gaseous. 8 pa Use % oe me Sees Ul ee vast nod Afebrile, without fever. Affect, feeling, mood. Afferent, conducting toward a a cen Vg ote B.Gb Affinity, attraction. : 3 Afterbirth, material from Roop after. chi Sie peal se as £2 ge | Agalactia, absence of sae ste ality inert development. Old Ke 5 als le Gar a ability to swallow. eda S28 nu leee so atelblopsae anys : of unknown origin. goles ole U Jel Sat Agnosia, inat 1S 4 Ble oS pecans, peeon having No sex glands. aes vee Lal bility, to perceive chines. eee las , extreme fear of LRT ooeSe oe an ld -fashioned name for malate ‘or other 7 PU Uy 6 Gayle: 2 yns2 Unk mee motion during air ‘travel. Oy Le ag Sue ob Ble dhy 2s ait Ue AIR ‘ 11 i , ALI . Airway, instrument used to keep breathing passages open. uy 2s deel 3S 2955 MF Bah File oe ONT E ‘Akalamathesia, inability to understand. S se ony i Xx _— Alae Nasi; nost iigpenings: Che su. ae Alalia, speech impairment. | anes om =o BS ‘Alba, white. ao : ne alee Albinism, absence of pigmentation. - ei) ob Sars (ae SS - Say! c r Albino, latk of pigment in the skin. we SS) ae ale 48 Albumen, protein, Gell 825 .X Albuminuria, albumin in urine. . S Gesell on len Sryzae : : AS Alcoholism, annonce: asd } Alexia, unable to read. GUS seh | Algesia, sensitivity to pain. ele ee D> i Algid, cold. ‘ : ae Ms _Algogenic, causing ea lowering femperaure, eel So eal A any — 253 a Algophobia, extreme fear of pain. Us ae 4128 co, 332 J Sle ox Alimentary, pertaining to Aaron =< eas Jie Gee ce NE lee Alimentation, act of nutrition. '3¢ - ty dé - 4485 jas WS dele : ALK ; 2 + AMB- Alkalosis, | an excess of alkaline in the body: and blood stream. SI uw Oe BUS Ue) Olys> b eo So Allergist, Specialist ‘in lees wl! Allergy, abnormal s sensitivity to any substan e. se Osan GE Lo gee Allochroism, variation i in elur: ee st Sh). 53 ou Ky Aloe, vegetable used asa laxative. jas sores Lb A UN GUI a ys : ~ Alogia, inability to form wards; Am duu soy i senseless behavior. AME 13 AMY Amenia, amenorrhea. De PAS pam = ASS ude Amenorrhea, stoppage of normal menstrual periods. Usa a4 6 (Gain), 1,6 Amentia, amental impairment. pete = x = ca Yo A cids, 2 chemical radical in all proteins. at Raia Acid SSeS Vy 2 le a uy Glin) Amorphous, shapeless. : JSS Ampule, container for hypodermic solutions, —Jye1! Oe HY Bos SS me oe i Ge os St) Ampulla, widened end of a small Pees. Ay ele Bac Sp du 3 : _ Amputation, remoyal of a limb or Se ee ~ chy Usb pee : t “ Amyasthenic, muscular weakness. Ghee - ns ae ee : Amyloid, starch like. 1i.. 5a zi Amylophagia, eating of starch, ut. Wigs Cal jis als PAS SES aI 51s | Amylum, star¢h.| 4-12)” Soe Amyotonia, flaccidity of § muscles. e wd Sas Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease causing paralysis because of degeneration of spinal cord. Be ge WU aay SL on 5s ple Amyxia, absence of mucus. > | Usa w a Dime 2 eof male characteris nd draughts. xen sy as ANA — 15 A Anaphrodisia, loss of sexual desire. ue reentsh two-edged. Anconal, pertaining to the ‘elbow. : ‘Androcyte,' spetmatid. re Androphobia, 1 fear oh men. pe = 2 Oe ie ae 0327 normal @m20H at of abe | : “red b sod bees “elle tt Lay ae Ce yee 5 : Aneurysm; swelling in a blood-vessel i stretching of a weak place in the wal hett GY r* us so S GU ~ Ble dot ot gab Lis Fu we S Ot pha ctys bik ee ae Anfractuous, conyolutéd. eae ANO’ | Anhydrous, uiaine no water. cee a8) a dy | | si org oy. i ‘ : “Auilty, lke an o old woman.” Buiyt gle ona Ly lines. nkylosis, partial or complete rigidity of a Joint : _ proc luced either by di ease, such as arthritis, or ved Iberaiety, by surgi€al’ ‘operation. Gs BK} us SB UEDA ats Are Ue oy yh JK ei eec eee “16 SS SF Ka se oT iH es eee ae Anoscope, instrument use 1 ‘rectal “examination SY S58 dba oe Satu, Bj 17 anus. in the blood, Use a5 Vsom jNaie S oeeST cx Oy BAe Oe Nhe BS grew ST : Ansa, looplike structure: es ays y Antabuse, Proprietary drug used in the treatment of "alcoholism. fll gee Se ca cee os he Antacid, substance that neutralizes acids. oe Sale 3H 42,1 21> Ub 2 : oe 2 | asernacin fo forearm. > Se ) - Antemortem, before death. esos Antenatal, before birth, ors jt IS Ante-Partum, before: maternal delivery. J5 os Anterior, before, : ati - Anteversion, forward displacement of part of ss ‘ body, particularly the womb. © g=r) kes £1 (OD PAB py Lega (6 tae as Anthelmintic, drugs used to rid the body of worms. Ol OIb -93 Oly eS a 357 co ANT 18. ' ANT OO Anthophobia, extreme dislike of flowers. = Ossi Sa es : . lation of carbon dust. 21,3 5 ou 9 ti S Os met ; i - et J2ls pil as 5 gi Anthrax, disease of men from animals; two forms exist, one on skin and other i in lungs. © - the a Sl a Sta = ere Fo “Eyles : S Ossett 5-93 53! Sale | x A Principle, substance which scounteracts, i “anemia. (ole s rt) Leal 50 Lal wile ab i we 929, ; i || Cantiarthritie, that which relieves ANT 19 : ANT qe US be yy She Sot dye eb 5 cob daw shh (oul \a Dieveaa deodorant. — an a clo ‘Anticoagulants, a group of drugs. which reduce the i clotting tendencies of the blood. betssl os ed il Re ins Oe Sopa (oF Ae a west - pake | ae Temedy to counteract a poison. 193 aj ale tic, Tepiedy to prevent Vomiting. 53 me Antilemic, counteracting plague. Je >) A= = Oye | ise Antipathic, opposite in nature., Dies 2 bi 5 lye ; Antipathy, dislike. eH Ura Saeed Bain yretic anything that ee fever. ZS pS biel C22 Anuria, absence of urine fi 4 Sa Sarees ti: ing dryness. 3= - Antram, space with in a bone, usually that in the maxilla or upper jaw, pel de oe he = Je ow Sle Sahm ge ’ ‘ Anus, outlet of the bowel. whake o ace!) 5 KI f Anxietas, anxiety, worry. |” tal nS pists” oe a 5 dai oT J Aortitis, inflammation of the aorta. ir 5S phe! Ob= Apandria, dislike of men. US od 2 2 Apanthropy, dislike of human society. ooo a . Sahyn i - cll S ine : : : _jApathic, not haying eggotion:. : wa TAPE. oleae APP Aperture, opening. Aphakia, mea ofa lens behind the pupil of the eye. , Glas Fase Oe oe Sy east Aphasia, inability to form words. S= 475 - Ghi pie , Aphephobia, feat of being touched. Gee Be See Aphonia, inability to speak.. ce a Das Oye Olas Aphrodisiac, drug which produces sexual excitement. GSN Caged ~ oy See es ‘Aphtha, white spot. : fae es Siiahle ; low. er 38 SESS Aneplexy, condition which is the result of decreased 1 _ blood fiow to part of brain also called stroke. Beye cake : : postasis, abscess. a sey Apothecary, druggist. ghee AF 2 Appendage, euterow it: - Selene “ Appendix, fingerlike projection from the large in- testine with no known function, Wi Sl 2 ei Gh APP _ 22 Cae ARG_ i #5 Jin 6 Ghee Fs 5 pe tee (Ie Lal) Le ISS al oa = Styl = Se 5m one) pains. \ } . Appetite, desire for food. gale SS lage = Son — ot! i Applicator, instrument used to make local applica- | tion of medicine. J&4 vigsk (tla g> ce oe Soe CYT i _ ede | Approximal, close. ; | Apsychia, unconsciousness. lee! Olas te” I Aptyalism, lack of saliva. (pW Sse oF So ol | Aqua, water. ci : Ge - TK Bl | Aqueous, watery. — es ly dy ~ oT Le Arachnephobia, extreme fear of spiders, tat = O55 hye 7 ae tS Arachnidism, condition resulting from Spider bite. SAS ott Met oe el 5 BIE SIG Arachnoid, fine, thin tissue, - GySe - cil Sh — pet ek Gs RoR curved, ety Bob Suni - ba be oa ee Arenoid, like sand. ass oly Areola, ring of colour around a particular pointe.g., the nipple. 3 GS Sy oF aii ioe = alle tle Sh) b Se Sky i Argentic, ‘containing silver. gh Sols UIE Uw pr, ARI 2B ART @ - Ariboflavinosis, isydeHieteae y of riboflavin. =. So.tay P Arm, region ren shoulder to elbow. <= Bre - it Le EES GS pe ate Armamentarium, doctor 's entire equipment. & pis states ila chance ea scion ON, pode Arrhenic, pertaining to arsenic. 9 Si = af Arrhythmia, disturbance of normal rhythm. ES pie Se le gil. ~ Arrowroot, nutrient starch, sels 2) ese 5 pod Sal pat Sines Arteridstenesis, constiction of an artery. © Ob,4 .-* ES Ula BK - Ue gn RT a ART 24 ART xX ‘Arteristis, inflammation of an artery. ya! -0bs4 692 é oir 5 Ob,4 — Be ; oe ) Artery, vessel arich carries blood away from the heath . ele J th oe ee GU S o56 - OA ralgia, pain in joint : Reaweitegss remedy for gout. pecs? She eS Arthritis, inflammation of one or more joints. & ei) Geka tl ut = a Bs 5 Oe Bs : _rthrocace, 0 ulceration of a joint. UL 9 a = Ue ‘Arthronosos, any, joint disease. © gyn ba S 09537 ' oe SoS S Osh a, joint ‘swelling. ee 3 + (4 Arthroplasty, an operation upon 4 joint to make it function. S- ° H5L 2 pet! Syn aE Gt! ay Arthrosclerosis, stiffening of the joints. <= 6 oshs= \ le oe : 2 | Articulation, enunciation of speech; a joint. = oe ils jar Oe cee Arthropathy, any joint disease. See a4 aa ie x oss um dae . ASB 255: ASP ~ Asbestosis, lung. disease occurring in those who inhale asbestos or asbestos-like material. Os beet yols 5 ytd! ox ee dy SOS OA Pola S wet de pil aus Dose etl alte co Ul fie Ascariasis, invasion of the body: by ‘roundworms. . ~ Lge © Osil2 535 ox te Seen SONS Ge or el Ascites (Dropsy), an accumulation of body fluid in the abdomen. © Uh dua 44 = pide — oh 2 Missal Asepsis, absence of infected material or infection. ; 8 Shgie oe ye — leh - SY Asexual, without sex. get at bets we oh ‘Asexualization, castration. US at in deficiency: of food. Sixt - Ue - & Saye pb oa Aspermatism, nonformation of sperm. 6 ash 5 (os 5) ye ai ag ‘ : breathing due to obstruction wp SSF AUD 8 AUT Aura, ‘sensations eee before Ke onest of a disease or convulsion. 44 = <2? (ES) & Eke (lee! 4) bole Spb tle Sl os ee : Aural, pertaining { to the air or hearing. a ~ usl gen Auscultation, part of, physical examination which, uses detection of sounds in body. by use of stethe- scope to aid diagnosis. £ solis, acts, = ell gh US) gl Fogut s cam BJ jie! oe Pere oe Autism, morbid concentration. ad Sal — car Male Sas bie be dyn 0 Autodigesiion, self- -digestion. _ Autoerotism, sexual stimulation of self. ‘Autogenous, elt generated. lag Sy 2a — BP AUF Audiology, science of hearing. pre Gls ce Sele AUG 29 sre \ ANT: aes ea ee ee aE ‘Autointoxication, poisoning by toxins formed within Efetnody dulig ) Lene onl tee Oa ae - Autokinesis, voluntary motion. aly Soe Automatic, involuntary motion. 624)! 2 CS = I 2 Au ‘nomic, independent in action jemsde Ue Solel nue ob SP Autophobia, extreme fear of solitude. J+ wit dl Autopsy, examination of a body. after death: to, dis- cover the “cause of death. lel Lene a to ash 6 Sa Seop DELS ‘Autonomic Nervous System, part of the central nervous system which supplies the internal organs. It is divided into two parts, the sympathetic ‘and: the parasympathetic nervous systems. ) _}. Bacteremia, bacteria in the blood. SUS ee Ore Bacteria, microscopic organisms; pole getast = os + Bactericide, that which destroys bacteria. op LAS pale JU = 2 By 2k , Bacteriuria, bacteria in the urine. » a Wash one elo | Gea S Seat Bae Balanitis, inflammation of the tip of the penis or dlitoris. Zoe EB hold pee Bye S tie Se Bis S + Balanus, tip of the penis or ae 6 ju ae fall (oe rae aij) Waite - Syke - pf Balbuties, stammering. eK LSS oe eae UAKe y Baldness, lack of hair. at Ballistophobia, extreme fear of missiles. © otis Le dhe! E Ballooning, distention of a cavity. ase Ke Se - Woe b Cha & Ballottement, rebound of a part when pressure is released. OH (2 2 pS An) Fe im, soothing ointment. pave BL 2 SF = elt Balsam, on aromatic resin. (Spend 5 ly) soarta5 - oll el Barren, sterile. ore rei : Baryecois, deafness. e : talon Basel Metabolism, the. processes and/or measure- P ment of vital cellular activity in the, fasting and resting state based on oxygen usage. uw Su 5S au =o %5l SEALS by Spl uae Cee GEE A Scale Basic, opposite. of an acid; fundamental. aie. Bog Sale < Sie - (My Saele S54S) BAS : 33 ee BEH Basilic, Vein, Jarge vein on the inner: ide of the upper arm. 439 6 Sole Gal S sh ov Bastard, one born ofan unwed mother. Sides nd selena! S Ob alo Bt Bath, method of cleansing; therapeutic treatment. Ue Su Oe way bop ob Sy ue ‘. Bathophoia, extreme fear of high. aplectss ul pl re ree i Battarism, stuttering. “- 4 * EK) UAL Beaker, glass with a wide “mouth. bas n= 2 Pols 6 ASE Bearing Down, the expulsive effort of a woman in’: - the second stage of labour, un des ies? 5 3 2p 2 T aly aq aU UBL 59} os ge ae: Sree j iat J Bedsores, lesions over: pressure areas on” body. ae a. bedridden’ patient. Zo doles Dees Boat bee ap OS wae Olay ge bas 5U3 Open oe L per a GA) wel ot = xmigds cole glen Behaviour, the observable activity of an individual. Sigh = Peirce : 23 é 3 z. Belladonna, drug used to help spasmodic disorders. - eo de S dhe! ES oS GIEF et old - Usdty Bell’s Palsy, paralysis of the facial nerve; shown in weakness-of one side of the'face. The eye on the affected side will not close properly, and it be- eomes impossible to blow out the cheeks or whistle. Sle te - UE SESS ete at) te be cae! ee oie bt ed 38 a ah oe HT : +> Bally, stomach. : fe Rigas Bends, decompression sickness. ¥oslls 24) om She Sled S 0439 Abst : Benign, non-repeating when refferring to a disease. | eh Ab = 8 SY al Silent ge, = Saba BY ae Sls? Benignant, not recurrent. - syn gh ok oe Benzedrine, the proprietary name of a nervous stimulant. 192 duty ly x9 Kia oT heel Beriberi, disease, uncommon in this country, caused by eatimg food deficienting vitamin B. -sa ev ele neg Se ole er wl 6 Klee pS Beryllosis, inflammation of the lungs due to beryl- ~ Yjum oxide dust.« 4s 2 te os © ASUS Telit Phen S Oahertt 022 Met ce ele sill . Bestiality, intercourse with an animal. le SHOU Ups a SLL yylle WF cade © : doth Bex, cough. ~ : ee os BE aS BIO Beta Rays, negatively charged particles emitted by radium. = cle se dl chi ree ~ehs ty ols ele 2 Betalin S, synthetic qitaninB: (Fgias SO othe oF Zo ots 253 : Bicameral, “having two cavities.’ = 9" ahs Ons, oot ly He > : i : ea Bicellalar, composed of two calle ot ie code » Bicuspid, premolar tooth... s}l> oA oot 55532 Bifurcate, forked. WS pred Us Open 33 = acl 93 Bile, liver secretion. Jt» ali Ys w=) fe eve le Biliatioa, excretion of bile. kiny Bey = Lyte Zh! Biliousness, mild upset of the liver caused by dietaty indiscretion. ay Sey Sire a as! “haste Iie “ade diate! pds os WS Led SrAn f nia Biliuria, bile i in “the urine, . Seyrys SAS Oy Glee Binder, broad bandage used to encircle and support. eT bE le 3s! Be Gt a Biochemistry, chemistry of living things. -sA- oy ail : Bloated, swollen beyond, normal size. + ple - Le Year Aya Ved 034} ce tle Blood, fluid contained in arteries and veins of body that carries nutrients to and waste away from all . : tissues. Made up of cells and plasma. -¢2 > Oe SS Oth FT oldie go dhe SL ayn ge cm Oats ja! Ost = AG Ose 3! tle 62a - g US cll pee a3! niet Gye Sete (LIM) Blood Bank, storing place for reserve blood. - i 4h : ga ce Oe att dol 05H lee ( Blood Clot, coagulated mass of blood. &5+ 1,0 Le -KeF . " T and type of red and white b ae cells sa 1G: _ millimeter of blood. = pesk gb- ps ole gle “ens Gal - g Ue bales eas cae tele SOF 4 dle S pale sad Sal te Blood Groups, categories under which all human blood can be classified. y pti! takes S598 = a5 tu : oF the ES GH toy 5 pl Gees dll ole 53 a Sah i Bloodshot; locally congested with . btood. Oe. ra ge Soe O58 chet yb oth le Gt ‘ Blood Pressure, this term, refers. to two different. pressures in the blood system; the: systolic: pres- my q ae “gan acter j eee. i “40 sure, which is that existing when the heart con- tracts and the diastolic pressure ‘when the heart is in full relaxation. a3 Kose - pall ed = Stig th le Ge 5 dies! ease oxen ares J chbel 4 dace Uo ee bles! ne jot DS ds Stee ee Bk i R - Blood Type, classification of blood into different groups. 44 429 S Os os On 5 aie Blue Baby. child born with a blue color due usually to a heart defect. 4 96 65) Jo 4p sist} va oH gt cel Slt SO Uys va Blne ‘Ointment, mercurial ointment. eh ee de Te oe 5 OS oS Se - Blushing, rush of blood to the face. & pt Serr Sle ook 6 O94 Gb S Sore - Vie ot trect Body, the physical man; trunk. Gil ear - On eet Body. Cavities, thorax, abdomen, pelvis. sas se ‘ee oH = Ge) as ons Bolus, round mass; pill; food prepared for ‘swallow- ing by mastication. 5 t= ae Sy fest, Sipe he VL & : skin one Grafting, transplanting a healthy bone tor “place missing or defective bone.” ote Wa ele e — re ie DYS 83 "EBU; Dyskinesia,-impairment of the ability-to “make any physical Motion.’ -7Ule els 5) ol Ss (ee HU See gue te Dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation. U2 uk 3 bua Dyspepsia, indigestion. + « (pea LS Seay Dysphagia, difficulty in swellowing. by 4.65 oo 5 (Dyspnea) labored breathing. Wi iu. ese ere ‘Dysoniia,/sleep disorder. Seb) qe aed 3) Sw ad ‘Dyspareunia, pain felt by the woman during sexual intercourse. ol)s2 = (Gok. Se senile | cumales OF U3 ye! Ko ae ; Dystithia, difficulty in breast feeding. 0392 ee Glee Se2 ZN. - a Dystocia, difficult childbirth, lay S ~oN' Silyto es diy oT ty oe Sse 34 Dystrophy, weakening of muscle due. to” abnormal . development, SITS alae teow = Ws ol dame z AB yal — Sj 96 ail Dysuria, painful urination. Ws eee ys oly Bo aa - E : ‘ BS Ear, organ of hearing. , ose oK _ Earache, pain in ear “usually due to inflammation. eg Up sey S Be lye tos oe Eat, to take solid food. UTA agg UGS Ebullition, boiling. 2 WU Selly, Eburnation, hardening of teeth or bone. Gla § tls Uly ge chee 5. oe . “BON se a «BRA on She SIL US hs Ace 699 dle Sicle Ghe S Sha - UE) Gla drcms 6-99 Oleg gh ga A dye ye ey Oy SiS tiga : : : Bonelet, small bone wie Gree Bone Onlay, portion of transplanted bone placed across a break ina bone. 4am 3 5 cde Gye ob! 3 gt 5s le £ cae es sla ye A stop bonebleeding. cel = one -¢+ 5 site : = Oe S dll SL Gy O56 > Boric Acid, an anticeptic used on skin to help in- fections. 3) #s- 4 ale ge $99 Ci yie dle ae Se ee Ole S leat 5 2S ( Boss, protuberance at one side ofa bone. . he ae jel SSS Ft - : Botulism, the most dangerous form of food poison- ing. eee ot sa She BRA 42 Braidism, hypnotism. see eps Soe " Brain, the primaty nervous structure which: sends out and receives stimulations to and from the rest of the body. agile lest Glal — lee - ye pl? Goss deus pe on hg Sere AM ot +(e US daes Isl js! Uwe Stal) g aye ingitis. 2 ee Breath, air inhaled and exhaled in the respiratory process. 35 te J.y4ll lyn ge Ol Spel ee
    dlse 02h} Set ae ~ ~ ee 5 oa abe BUS eee ge Ue wb ty ul tye ES Keds Osh tes 8U ce Opt pet ale prs = 6 Sr : Sos a s Calamine, pink substance ‘composed ofizinc Satan ‘ oxides, used in the form of lotion to soothe: the skit, so esl BS pW ds lg oe BUST Osi gs! 5 ele LF Jus 2. FBP O55 Sale cm RS sins Calcaneus, heel bone. eh S gpl Caleareous, aa containing oun is ob Calcification; calcium deposits within the tissues of. the body. Ue # ger 6 pith um vst Spo y+ Calcinosis, calcium deposit:in the skin and itsunder- lying tissues Ge © thE ov O95l S ale gph gal le Ue se a+ ft : ee Calcium, element whichis the basis of ‘limestone, important in body skeleton and function. F e pal ea EF SUS Gla yy! alles Gl wa — Seay CAL 47 CAM Calculus, stone like mass which may form. in the body under. abnormal conditions. wh. ge GFE we Ue Bee ESS S Us pet oe oes phakrament ‘for “measuring “openings: oC Callas a ie ckedines of the ae donned on the site of'continual irritation, unusually on the feet. orthands. 95 "5. a (g8) 9) Jalae Olpe dean 09 5 le | Ue ge ee Bale Sy #53! 54) ayb Dane ne 4 Se Callus, the new tissue formed at the site of fracture ‘when a bone heals. Sy C2 Sy cle” ie Mtg Ae dat BSF Ale be .Calmant, calmatiye, sedative.” db ao 95. om Calomel, mercurous chloride, formerly uséd in the, treatment of syphilis. ri - Sie Ses - dels 295 ory = NOE Ule LS Slarcal 2 = ail a sss Calorie, measure of energy intake aaa output in the body. Al ya! 2) jail ar ge tlle Fess» oh S25 (G98 ge Bay Sire Go dele me <4 ‘oi Calyities, baldness. ; i Camphor, drug obtained front the Runonoct tree and used to stimulate the skin. ai Aya ae ed = AO: i i spl oF ale 31 mage Ves och eos 5 < GES AS { oA “CAM, 48 ; CAR NA St eo Camphorated, containing cone eb iS ox wo Canal, “passage, duct. oe Ee Ou re, 255 ~ Cancer, any malignant tumor. Jo) ot = aS - Ob = Cancroid, like cancer, a tumor, type of skin’ Cancer. pod 5 Olbye 5 de + Use) Hie ddL S Ob Canine Teeth. four teeth (upper and lower), betwe n. the incisors amd molars. - 3 ols - ly 3 fale (Zp. 92 53! pial 99) clo ly» BIg LE = Oe HH Olas Feats Glee F osasid gat oallg SEU LAT Se Canker, type of mouth ulceration. ae -Ohe ou . OW SOs P Capsule, tissue covering Bo ar soluble coating surrounding medication. 5 GS Hae SIE Fy pa eee ly llas BS oe Uae - See Ue ; -“Caput, head. Vee ee ie.“ ebalbcoia tauaien “Carbo, carbon, charcoal. ; 48S GL Cc “the scientific name for sugars, stai- ahs ats) # az Att ses Carbolic Acid. coal tar merece used as en anti- “septic and disinfectant. Y6i =: jlj5 yo tt 6 & Bye JL BF tle Tal eigke Glo yok ge Ue Carbon. element which is the characteristic consti- tuent of organic compounds. GlaU 5- et CLS, < Ue eK ae CAR + 49 ; CAR Carbon Dioxide (CO,), colorless, odorless gas used with oxygen to Promote respiration. MUST GIS qj SSeS et a yal Sy ge oS = dp Shel GS eT 3 Carbuncle, large boil. Sve Vee Clr et Carcinogenic; causing cancer, = ot 98 Ob Cel ox Carcinoma, particular type of cancer. § pai ele SI oe (5) Ob Boe ; \Cardiac, concerning the heart. tol = Glaze 3 A Cardiac Failure, heart failure. eS Ble ye ty So Vee yo 5 < ~ \ Cardiogram, record of changes in electrical energy. of heart cycle. 02 GIB cali - (ye ga oS!) ASS DEG Boss on G5 nS ON a : Cardiograph, apparatus for making a graph of heart cycle: OLL 3 ju ret, SSE Ie Ss Ch Cardiology, medical specialty dealing with the heart. Stell ds sia! pe ‘ Cardiophobia, extreme fear of heart disease. S$ Js Gxt dds ylky ; Cardiospasm, contraction of the muscles: controlling the inlet to the stomach. BAe Soke i ee Oe Somes Ayo Fy te : Cardiovascular, Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels. 59) Lis gles ot — Gh du S Ose js! So Gee sibs : CAR ee) ns. 1 Caries, condition of decay. usually applied to’ decay © of the teeth. USL. 1 BS om Osilld « Ube so, Biss = OF ‘Carminative, drug to aid digestion and relieve flatu- lence, e-g., ginger, pepermint: ch) Becky ee © bts at - Spat He dys dls as ot chy wt 25 Aeele - Carnal, pertaining to the flesh. note Ae oo GLH. Glen - Bret : Carnal | Knowledge, sexual knowledge. ligles ate Carnivorous, flesh-eating. ’ eis Gib S pl oe OWE GH elating to the wrist. Ges a ri es = Db - Carrier, ‘one who harbors disease’ germs without suffering from the: disease himself. salle 09 ~ set | eb dee Se 6 ye3? 2 Sr Syl pale & Syl ws Sy SO 2 & XC ickness, 1 illness due to. motion ‘ofa car. S i © AG) elt By ee Sel Ee O68 oka ° Ce : : | i Cartilage, gristle. ee “isha Ss” Hy Cascara, a laxative. ae eho oe mM Case, particular example. wi~ - ses vi ds - ae Wed ~Caseation, | convertion of tissue into a cheese- like | ‘ * ‘substance by certain diseases. un Sawa bed, aay Un cel E Sl FU Ue Sd oh OS ICAS 4 SSige * CAT = gp de Forays 9 ws ye OLE ae Casein, protein product of milk. Gs ES = Un 093 Lae Ose IF ce 0393 po lanl — ody y 2 Cast, mold to hold ‘bone Tigid and straight. a aplle 5 a y. 9) Vege aS ole \ Castor Oil, old fashioned purgative. sh! Sree Wego Sit aise / Castrate. to temove the testicles or ovaries UF) nd ’ to Ubu pod det b by €astration Complex, extreme fear of injury to the Sex organs, Sot Wt FON bye gS fs YT Casualty, accidental i injury. © bye Gols - gue | Catabolism, the breaking down of complex com- pounds into simpler Ones. bylbee - + tbs ols - Anil i , iA 5 a ont) - US Std oe al FST ow ! e Soe Ian) GUI al Eas ES EDL Say cores dee Catalepsy, general name to describe yarious states . marked by loss of power to move the muscles. oF Oa Sel os ily Oe pt Sle all's s4eT = 35k. Oe Sm oes cel 5 as - Sb op CT as -atalyst, agent which influences a chemical reaction without taking part init. joe SleaT GF ge Yule oy ele : St tae Ge lak Ss Sal Sg Catemenia, onset of first menstrual period. = ae lal S sly dei : : SD .CAU louding ‘of the lens of the eye which pre- vents Clear vision. o Ya boxe SST a Oy UT ones Ble re ; dead ete Catarrh,.any. illness which Causes raiser of membranes with a discharge of mucus. ds 4 as} oe phe ut 0! ae Vise os brlerti an fie ioe Catatonia, type of schizophenia characterized by i _ Immobi af, Sr arr SANS on Yeh Been Jee Wes he 39) 4 cat S htt H(GLLG Sits Ae deel yt £ Eo ‘ gE Slat te ot aan purgin Cathartic, purgati ve. u aauly to eveciate fluids. (28) sik wit SI Bie VG slp al oe OPES per Eye ~ Cathexis, emotional energy attached to an “object, oF Tele Wyss pl ce tL ee Caustic, irritating, burning. ~ By = a0 an - see 2k My 25 lag : Cautery, application of a burning agent to ‘destroy ‘tismue. aT yy & ze = is WEI oon Slee ya coke ile | : Cavernous, having hollow'spaces- dae = jlo re "Cavity, hollow space: ; Se Je ere i ~—/ Cecostomy, establishing ‘an artificial Opening into the large intestine nea| the appendix fot evacua- - : MOD al Fie Stee une iis tla ests a Ue, Ay pe 495. S21! : : eg ket Celiac, Pertaining to the abdcminal Tegion. — (shy Glee eae Ss ik Cell, small Cavity, a mass of Protoplasm conty aing 4 nucleus, (3%, stan ~ We Uses Aa 03 L ee P(e Bom (Oke ee) Ue Oh? F pe Sle wal) ete nag er ea : . Cellular, composed of cells, PW eS Uade os _ A Cellulitis, deep inflammation Of the tissues just Car Ale Gia} Sel) SS ge err Se pe ose 5 (0,310) ie Centrifugal, moving away from a centre, . 515, Sy dye ay aS an E Cephalalgia, headache. _ . bhi) Cephalic, Pertaining to the head, . eghe CER: - 54 “CES iran ie | Cerebellum, small part of the nervous system). situ- | ated at the back of the brain, which is concerned i with co-ordination of movements and bodily func- tions such as respiration. > - ¢\? User — ae Kn ld 6 px ton Ugar SIE (Ud Gilat! lly cme ve Te Wyn ce pt dt He Sls! Glee! Sea] pe oto i Cerebration, mental activity. jets i Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, the clear fluid which surrounds : ‘ the brain and spinal cord as they lie inside -the skull and in the canal of spinal column, acts. mainly asa shock absorber. 43! ¢43- St me bl Dede yo! Stee ot len SiS Aare ofa E GH le) CH i ge ES Stat oF ; mec Aosta tees i Cerebrum, the brain, especially fhe large ‘frontal i portion, as distinct ffom)the cerebellum ‘and the spinal cord. 5 phe Legend = EU? pale 2 ES Vo gles whe E34 cle ash (ELgdote) GM HF joel NBs ; Se : LA Cerumen, ear Wax. i Cervix, the neck or that part of an organ resembl- i: ing the neck. SOS o> ree ae oS - Lo pe aie ; Cervical, pertaining to the neck or mouth of womb. ie tps ee (era a) aE ey le OS Cesarean Operation, abdominal opetation to remove: a child from .the womb of a pregnant woman. oe Pe dee FOF CES 35 CHA Eye Male eal je Jae dead Bll ly S jag) Sayed Ge. Sil RE IE BIS tay oo py a Cestoid. resembling: a tapeworm. (235) ails a al = Chatirg: irritation caused by the rubbing together. GSI ly 2 ye by oe 2, Chalazion, tumor of the eyelid. 2 - Use) ST per HS é Chancre, the name given to the sore that appears on the body when infected with certain types of venereal disease organisms. yar. - deni ood te pt Vy 2 ye Dy) ot ome ce SS alee ase = Change of Life, the menopause, usually occurring in women between the ages of forty and fiftyfive, - and about ten years later. in men. Ost je'e Ot ye oe O94 jl baja Hye F Jl cate ol wll Lye ie O91) 9 O93 Fl Ge) GU ga al ta; Jeu tt = ul (ag Se ge ts yom one Chapped Skin, skin becomes dry and.cracks due to- decreased activity of glands in the area. Jd” sa AWE ole le bay Sym Kee ale — ale tas ae “ge ot oS Um dab £ Up oad Sot oe pat Lead yl Charley Horse, bruised or torn muscle associated with cramping pain in the muscle. 4 Nee WU ye - PPT IP Hi 29 GET Om ym alia Nye gy x CHA 56 ‘ CHI Sey bee -US dele chal 6 odd Sasha US ty ‘ Check, slow down, stop, verify. - UX stl 53) | US Gitad — Ul ge acne feee me : dan Fee ed S. : ee % Cheilitis, inflammation of the HP: Ost = 019 FOF se Bie S . Cheilosis, lip Gisorder due to vitamin encicney A oS Optloe Sey FSS thn we, Chest, area enclosed by the ribs and sternum, ~ pen TD 2 SOUL 331 she Sm Gor pe Lee les - Chigger, mite whose bite causes severe inflamma; tion, = AES ve SYS Cree (Ys aie oy aes og le ye p39 al Age did > Chilblains, painful swelling of fingers, toes aa’ ears : caused by exposure to cold. 20) 63. oie» lst si 3° if! 2p? Uv ut ot S036 39) 5-81 Sosy, ee Child, one in the period between infancy and youth. Pe 392 Shay9 © lye 33! Silyt nt Sib - ag Chill, symptoms ‘that occur when one first becomes - - infected with any germs which cause fever; result -of nervous stimulation. ple Jy Oseg - eS — Ble gl a bade ly ser nol ge EY ay = eos = ee SA Slee! eel © é poe dae Hed CHI 1a i. CHO Chirology, means of communicating with deaf mute’ by sign-language, ob 341 2 yy SS ab} S ugh Sleaze! Foyt SIO Ss Chiropractic; system of treatment based ‘on the belief that all disease is caused by pressure on the nerves as they leave the spinal column, oe Gob ATs SEl BO gi jleg) (SAS ee at yeti deel = : FH Ba 2 O! ce 265 ol 2 ches #5) rlee solael (ue ig een oe bel) - Chiropractor, ‘one who specializes in bone manipula- ion, ALE Oke Gib Wark. ah ok aL Chloasma, brownish discoloration of the skin found in patches on any part of the body, particularly apparent in some pregnant women. ae ~ ities OL 033 Gre nil ps alse any Ue yet G1 yo yes Be oe ae i a ; puscles of the blood. (alsl ol Eo) OE se im Oye CESS Fe js! i ; an “aliesthetic.. yai> o Jue sil Si A Git Spin Bet Dhetel 2) 2 hoe 9 aS as * Chloromycetin, antibiotic. sal St ete Glia Woes eae se A Chlorosis, form of anemia etl ~ oe Se ~~ Chol €, obstruction ofthe pharynx or esophagus. O35) BUS Ye ae ps ' CHO - 58 CHO Cholecystectomy, removal Of the gall bladder. 4) tao OBE a on (le OF Cholecystitis, inflammation of the gall bladde ole tle = se oad § aby - Ser S : “Cholera, tropical intestinal disease, -£- WS - 24> Sieg Sot Slee ( ) | ~~ Cholesteral, substance found jn fats and oils. ~ | wl Is Zhe ds sl an te . i Choleric, irritable. ‘ J tA | i Cholinesterase, an enzyme. ead is a - Chondral, pertaining to cartilage. sis 6.5 dort i Gea § : i * Chondroma, tumor of a resembling cartilage. dane den SES = do) Cae Chorda, string, tendon. . ea -7 = 39 Chorea, also known asSt. Vitus’ dance or Sydenham’s ‘chorea, disease of the nervous system, usually con- __. fever. SF shee Lye or - OS S pls tel 44) ij dive oe Ge a el Lp EO ; Choriomeningitis, inflammation of the coverings of it the brain. pie ee SES i rion, outermost of the fetal membranes. -- 5 os her dla we * sidered to be related to rheumatism oF rheumatic = .. + Seo SA els 3ST - Chromatic, pertaining to color. © Chromatosis, pigmentation. Chromocyte, colored cell. anion 1 x 1b ois eam ne Soins ‘ ‘Seen : : Wb gee - eee Circulation Time, rate of bled flo Ve! (jy S25 : hy X Cireametsion, o peration of cutting - of male penis. we de #2 £15 J BESS Cirrhosis, hardening of any tissu ‘but eerriculatly : orn ters aaa re Ue 2 cee Eo . \ Cirsectomy, removal ofa aie of a s j Lo JE (Ai! Aad) em I OL,4 LE ls> 60: ‘ -CLU » lan ness due to Aenea blood flow. Ete ays: FS 054 Oh Claustrophobia,- extreme fear of enclosed spaces. “Clavus, corn Cleavage, jon into distinct parts. eed = Guts! | pS yarn tt = Cleft. fissure. ms Ge) dae a Sez jy + Cleft Palate, congenital fissure of the pal ite form: ing one cavity for the nose and throat. - ps Lo: tee Seats tS a iP ae a sees ot ae ut Sl a Bath i Climacteric, ‘change of fife. ee és Clinic, bedside examination, center where patients “are treated by'a‘group of physicians practicing ~ together. 5 J+ a3 5 Som oles pa. aT eb USI Osea / Climax, “period ‘of greatest sulensity. os) Sout te Clinical, pertaining to bedside Be ae - ae Clitoris, small erectile organ oftthe female genitalia. ge ye Lat Migae og Ute NT AUS = ca Clot, to coagulat bb Bak dye be - Rete F O5¢ 4 Wok Club-Foot, congenital, deformity: of the Hee so Sun- | known cause: gti Busy ple Saes point ~ pe lahi oi ed ‘ a Guu 61 Clunnis, buttock. . Clyster, enema. ‘ sage Coagulation, formation of.a blood clot: ba ERS 5 Oe y te Iavomer } eCoalescence! fusion of parts. «lj bao. fe ee pees Ip dae Sia a “Coccygodynia, pain in the area ofthe “tail bone. 29 om BAe She S ied nb ete the Ae : ss — Oble Goer np pel Soke Say) she Cochlea, cavity in the internal ears a * Codeine, sedative. hes fade BE a Ce Gay > oake a —_ te LT ee 3 : " Cognition, processes involved in kcowines 15 Syl ural a Mec tT Coitus, sexual intercourse. piel SFr ph a omalns Colchicine, drug which helps to relieve. t+ | : BS Sle eStle ly 2? Colon) largeitntestine. (eames Color” Blindness, an inborn’ = bey Sure Gt tit - ioe le Sut Lesa ee OS Us Sts 2 ec <= de Giles Z dyane ‘ * COL 63 COM. eee a se EE EEE eae ae Colostrum, first milk from a‘ mother’s. breast. after childbirth, 2 Glue Sob wt vila S ae Se aap tet Ye ais) é Uae Colpalgia, vaginal pain. 1 ays Bayt = dee > Colpatitis. vaginal Sears Phe 8 dee Column, supporting part. ten Ws & Hier dyn * Coma, complete loss of consciousness, which, may “be the result of various causes. - tse are Che ge aes 2 = tages AS i br S Olages ils Comatose, state of being in a coma. pe he wd ‘ ~ Comedo, blackheads in glands of skin. oe oe a ied Gale Sls aye LU ; Comminution, breaking into small fragments. oy dy tSjl- Spin = Use 2 Comminute, a ana Shattered ‘in ert pieces. Ue Bn 23S SE Ste Se 3 ou Seach Commitment, “placing a patient in an institution. UE hal le) as oll EE die a Jit) us filo) Soh” _ Comparative Anatomy, human ony campared fo that of animals. ONly-.! ee: tell = ay bbs » Anis UU K pre S+ oye Complication, added difficulty. Sux Compound, substance: composed of different ele- ments. 9° bi oS he ce sole Lilies oe » COM 64 CON cation to a.specific area. 9 GAS Si) = teat — Ul eT LLB I ce re Y aiid 3 f Let 3 ae Concha, shell-like organ. 6 0) + Bob S (ee) he Ken 432i : At cies . ern Conéussivn, stunning, ‘cohdition ‘of dizziness, mental - confusion and. sometimes unconsciousness, due to a blow on the head, le cal - Gor le ade slo, ta oil van 2! Spo dlenll ss - Serle als ee Uys ER oe on el Bilee de condom, rubber covering. worn over the penis to g prevent conception. Wleje i dn +4* aloe - 99 LS BO GG Udell Sy dan oe do Basle : “+ Conductién, conveyance of energy. Gol - os de Uys See os aor tals. satis BE S oo eg 5 Ja ole ae _, Congenital, existing at Or before birth. ye = wtlia ge oye Di 2 ol oS Li plen : Congestion, excess accumulation of blood or mucu: jn any part of the body. ox se Cs al Vas else! - Ul 98 er ox sl SUSE pat & Oo* ee Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the transparent gnembrane which covers the eyeball. ssh, 0 Son S dee Se HE ST ote CONS a 655 aoe CON Connective, that which. binds together. - db on Ghul ci: 223 WS yn - last Connective Tissue, one of the four ‘main tissue of "the body which ‘support bodily structures, bind Parts together and take part in other bodily functions, 6h ibe Sener sciy sly 2 - eel 2g BF GU TK aly 9S leslie ge SN ei <= te ww dull 2 93 5 +, v3! = GP Whew ered ees awareness. SoU apes y aheee ivok Coestipation failure of bowels to excrete tesidue at - proper intervals. Usa Sy cig Feil. yas Consumption; tuberculosis. ' oe Ges Contagion, (sce infection), Lda - abe _ Contagious, casily transmitted by contact. oe 258 See - Sly oe Jee ee LT - : Contagium, agent causing infection. - Yip Par sty 2 Sole O13 Ssty c te Se Continence, ability to control natural impulses. os Dy oltal oc cbs cal See ee a Ce) 055 Stal SLY . c % edi- cines to prevent'conception. GY y Sts Jo ut Jacl ~ Contraction, a drawing together. LipigS Wty | . Contracture, a shortening of tissue, causing defor- mity or distortion, €.g. scar. tee ut Ue | Seri OIE pj eet oes ee eos 66 : COR. Contusion, bruise. = Ling Ue ho Convex, rounded and somewhat elevated: DSe cam mae oS 3! ¥ oN Convalsant, medicine which causes convulsions. ‘(,—! Tha Be sdy ass. Seta ROY ; Convolution, coil of tissue on the brain” surface, separated ‘by fissures. cee ST ple Ayu - pls Geils 3 2 3 clip Ole Fo JLT 2 ye 2 jail ‘ _Convalsion, temporary loss of consciousness: with severe muscle contractions due to many ae {] . fit or “generalized spasm. ot tt goles Gen claps Sr Sul- Je st Slee At ae We BF oe Wish = Ristewse ce ela at i Co-ordination, working together of Various “muscles. fe Sales cert Flea, MENG ce Copalation, sexual intercourse. gees 6h oo ale "> Cord, Spinal, that portion of the ceniral nervous s ‘system contained in the ‘spinal canal. - ah) Ge (JU Sah) S92 8 oe tan ay pl gle! are are oH eo ot Cord, Umbilical, cord which connects the umbilicus “Sof the fetus.to the placenta. G+ 42 Sis - 12) da * oe hs = (Spl) oe aS ese Cordate, heart-shaped... 6 §S3Sida gk. uo: Corium, layer of skin under’ the epidermis, 6 4. Bae ay ‘ x 1G. yaar 67 ‘COR ‘Corn, thickening of the skin, hard or soft; accord- ing to location on the foot., -Ul> yo Us+ 6 te - she BES ph che Vp a co Seale SK ins OY Cornea, transparent membrane covering the eye ‘and lying beneath ‘the conjunctiva. 35 4ST - 4 GU 3 F damls go dee Tle Jy alla Corneum, outmost layer of skin, GAT co 5 we Bd)” ca ao Coronary Thrombosis, clotting of blood in the blood "vessels which supply the heart. J> = 43d cul as Uh) FO Oe Ord DNs 2 tty O50 9 inquests over those idead from violent or unknown causes. pale y 2423 15,6° ~ ghdes Ys 2S got Ue eh F Olyl yy S Oleg: Corpus, principal part of an organ, mass. hoe es De 85 = ane UE : a Comicrciee Cell wes : ade 6 Oye ** Corrosive, destructive, sisintegrating. Sl 2 or ls YW 27 , Cortex, outer layer of the brain and other. organs. 45 Gan S atl 2 ya9 331 54+ = 03d - Rhee Cortisone, a hormone produced by the adrenal © “glands. dssjle 35 ld 60S goa - 033 LE Corsucation, sensation of flashes of light before the eyes. lel boss 5 gts) Gils 5 OST, a Coryza, nasal catarrh or common cold. a 5 5 ee is wo” \ oS cos 68 aueiea aa ‘CRO ea Costalgia, rib pains. op © det © ostive, constipated: 2 ya - uae © Cough, an attempt on'the rv of the body to expel something causing irritation in the respiratory tract. 4 Sor LA eS ue Sel) Lyle, 2 ta FS oon a OH S65 4 % i Sor © eo) - 539 ote Cramp, painful, spasmodic contraction. wes - OK ie site = AE Crapulent, characterized by excessive eating and | : drinking. eel SA 2s! BUS 2h} : : Cremaster, muscle which draws up the testis. © s==* Crest, ridge on a bone cee jel 6 ode GF Cretinism, condition caused by the lack of or dec- reased secretion of the thyroid gland in a.child. - ne Danan aetna toe ae ae 2 47 5 (8 fat ue ge oF ish) 2) Critical, dangerous, severe: ce SUE - SU Cross-eyes, condition in which ‘eyes do ‘not. move together. Sl MST 09532 om a dle eeil + oat Sl os 4 oS- Ble jp ee ss-knee, knock knees en ie Gail = 28 ly alist G1) > oat & Uae tee Croup, a disease of children, characterized by cough- - | ing.and difficult breathing. «+2 SI- Gh py - es ge TT yt ja! Ge Use GES Oe 2) lle SOs om ot ; Crptontele: of unknown or obscure ous) oie igs (SU pale Jol U teg Sgt sem ‘Cule,-cle (suffix), little. Ni sgn = nie (4-Y) © Culture, propagation on ofan organism. Ji - 25 Nyy Se eat ~ ple Aas * Cumulative, increasing. Vg Eady — opens = clase Cure, system of treatment, restoration to pe: Usa col cme - oe ab ~ it Curettage, scraping the interior of a cavity with a curette. «= G94) = He. a cl she tee 3S Use ther Curette, a spoon : shaped instrument used for scrap- ing away dead tissue. 5 Ome 2 — cle HEU ATU ayer o) Echt Cusp, point of the crown of a tooth, pointed pro- jection on a segment of a cardiac valve. 3! cil. See N53 aie Sb £ Jo = den 5 Cuspid, canine tooth. On bse ep & om cid gle oy - lil-ollye * Cutaneous, pertaining to the skin. Ge = tie - sale” Cuticle, outermost layer of the skin. ply a = 5 ale wie die ai Sly . BPCRO! 69 sme CYA oe DAN Cyanosis, term used to describe blueness of the skin, _gencrally caused by lack of oxygen. u!.- 08 AI oF SomeO Tn 138 ple tee Sune oe dd ae us qe or ties ge ‘ Cycle, sequence. Cyesis, pregnancy. : i Cyst, any sac in the body filled with liquid or semi= liquid substance, uv p—> = 2 Bl gloss taal ye Nye} 2s dhe ail Ske Gy yt ct tb dee oS inflammation of the bladder. Bi Se gq Ue LF adie 6 dam Goal £ ase 34s cS: D . Dacryofrhea, excessive flow of’tears. Dactyl, digit. ‘ Bl te Dactylion, webbingof the fingers and toes, 3! 4 yy cog pal & OyB-i1 S054 sre Dactylology; communiéation'with the fingers, 1-€., sign language. Ube ole Sy BAl - O83 SF 09)! Dactylus, finger, to¢. Sl Sob Wale Daltonism, color blindness. Giz? um OSS 59 SY 1S Sa = eee Dandraff, condition of the scalp acterized by dry scaling. vis! Step Kes Kes = x Sri = dt! ‘ FE Sr Re oy tee eee UT iT 8} Ge! DAR ee DEC Dartos, fibrous jase under the skin of ne scrotum. Asati ad £ ale S bt Deaf- mutism, Ynability to to hear or speak. ee Tet Gyn al AVG Soa) y3l Ge estes. complete or partial loss of hearing. u Sie Oh ES Dealbation, bleaching. —” us. die UBL ASS Dearterialization, conversion of arterial into venous blood. E had om Oe Sty S 034, Jkt ‘Death Rate, number of people who die each year, compared with the total number of population. eel on saul Boal stad SF oslly 2 Se pa oe Death Rattle, gurgling noise ‘caused by passage of \_ air through accumulated fluid in the windpipe. Dd Atte Dole = ene IM eS 4 f Debility, weakness, ~~ coe SF Decalcification, cans in the normal mineral ‘salts “content of bone. Dyes FSI Gee cee, ole - Guy ot Decerebration, Paver of the brain. op eS Lidia pe CTS f Decidua, membranous lining of the uterus shed after childbirth or at menstruation. 5 ey-wt te G Ob He WoT a be Sid G9 22 Ub dee) Set Decompensation, failure of an-organ to adjust itself to changing condition. © pac re ok ise gla DEC 22 DEG SU oe ay gill Elle a a ast Decompression, removal of pressure. AJ te 5 5u> Decripitude, senile feebleness- S ahh - de alg | Sur eS ‘Decubitus, lying down posture- el ee Sti jl Eats bah : x Decubation, period of-convalescence from an infec- tious disease. 48 C24 ow = je 2 Sree ot ask (hl ee ee ' Defecation, evacuation of the bowels. © AiEY = Ealel Defective, imperfect. JXU-s9 4 a oe du ud Deficiency Disease, any disease caused by the lack _ of some essential part of the diet. Sie - re plea By Ee GY St ZS be! lero. Defloration, loss in-a woman of virginal characteris- tics, i.e... rupture of the hymen. oe os U5! ebay Foy 0) — Uae pe of 31S B Sat Defiuviam, falling out of hair” o USFodk Deformity, distortion, malformation. <5) -uS+ le ae ta S ett ee OS Yee Degeneration, deterioration or breaking down of a art of the body. (J+!) Sy es Siem SL ee Aleni! ; : Deglutition, act of swallowipe- ' Deltoid, triangular. DEH 13% ” DEN —— Dehydration, loss of water: = Ul 92 pe ye cee 55h dy ot é : Dejecta, excrement. ae Slot has Dejection, meloncholy. i (Sap-dl _ Delactation, weaning, stopping of lactation. A299 US ay Una (GF a) Ue . Deliquesence, liquefaction of a salt by absorption of moisture from the air. gl = \* © Kes ae ss Gd SS ylael Ss ke ay SOOT Shyu Delirium, mental disturbance, usually cecuiie in. the course of some infectious disease, or under the “influence of Poisonous drugs. aUly - ol a ! : eh s3! dial Obs 5 Ah oe tee 4 “15 sue - ta sl fa Deliver, to aid in birth. ws 3 es oy 1} dn = Ally Alas = alls Ame : Dementia, deterioration. of intelligence. Sie bibl JR, Fetes Demorphinization, treatment of Seen pidiiioe by gradual withdrawal: = che jy at! wae Lost yolk 25 Saal ana Sled Boje Demulcent, reducing irritation, a soothing substance. 193 dlp 29 OK LS STILE i Dengue, tropical disease carried- ne mosquitoes, 745 a DER. causing fever and joint pain. .+ 3b 3st ot SSS FR! wget on orl = eee an eer Cee oe aga hoe 33 ae a! Denlgration, process of, becoming | ‘black. fab iw lee Bei (he 5) ost Bor C4 Sh Obs Op | Denture, complete unit of teeth. po fb oa i Uy crys bs se sab le US oe ae " Deplete, to empty...” Depraved, “perverted. © Depressant, that. which retards any function. voStyprbies Sates eoeie de ution? Reperesseint o oe e drying, «| Oy 82S Ste i " Desiccaté, to dry. _ US Kes Desmalgia, pain in a ligament. 3)3 us bly a Vy 25 le DER ie 05 DIA . Derangement, disorder. : : Bed -Dermad, toward the skin. . ete S ae Dermatitis, inflammation of the Se eczema. = LasS = ale : Dermatologist, skin greatly ol Aeon Pe Fell Dermatology, branch of Pesce which deals with the skin and its diseases.» «9 S Gb - 4b lpi gle’ te Oates Sort yal db, ee Bcos Dermatosis, any skin neers dle op Silos DISS Ale ~ Dermoid, resembling skin. yl ce le Desiccant, a drying medicine, tendency to cause Detergent, cleansing. Deviation, variation from the normal condition. hes SNe Ste - ae rhe - Gall Dexter, right, ape ot ~uuls | \Dextrocardia, position Dae the heart in the rene side - -yof the chest. Ys Gb Uil> Un tie 62 = atl oe . Dextrophobia, extreme fear of‘objects on the right : side ofthe body. Gs= dat ce let S ile axis. oe, a Dextrose, form of sugar! | pS Diabetes, a disease which shows itself i in an inability -of the body to handle. glucose. ae al. = orkdls DIA : 76! : DIA ent i sal ark tee al SN IE ea Se 3 deus - : Ugh Br £ uae - Ears c ~ Diagnostician, one skilled in Cerne the nature ofa disease. yam al | : ? Di-(prefix), two. : ys (aaa) of the chest from the inside of the abdomen, con- i eo traceptive device. 6 St 9 dee - US) > -5rle, lee MT ae (oun GARE) alae Bh Slee 6 (St at ee ote les " Ulin a (89 Br ttn) ib OTF (Stet - ey bl : aT fins dee i h Diaphysis, ae ofa long bone. “ole od (S 3h) Diarrhea, watery, loose bowel movements. - => zy By ee Al - dle! i Diarticalar, pertaining to two joints. Ga = Us} 22 a Diastole, period of relaxation of the” heart during which it fills.with-blood. § ce 2 2 - ll! bLat g- Ue ye ae Oey Os? & oe (4) ais aoe Diastalsis, forward movement of the bowel contents. . i . seb ost 5 eth apo ost / Diasteina, spage, cleft. : me. aS Hae: Diathermy, treatment of disease or injury by, use of (7 heat. US oh a8 (AS) lp 6 Pe bas oF i : Diathesis, type of constitution which’ makes one Hl ‘ ‘liable to a particular disease. - 4 slancel - chy DIC 7) . PIG — $$ Bl Fe Bat 9S yah ol ce IS pt Sete dae res : Dichotomy, division into two separate parts. Sil g> US pad Ut Oren Sl _. to or immune from scarlet fever. 4 y> (4-3) db! - LS ge jt Er ot a Wag Uh Le ey a = bye let : ‘puyassigta® painin‘a testis. “= ay att Diet, nutritional intake; prescription of food per- mitted to be eaten by a patient. Slyy* - We = Sj 5+ ; otis 2h Syst shes - por a ely : ‘ Dietetics, science of diet and nutrition. SSIs gy! UE pile alex ce “ Diffase, widely spread. |e edt acusae Digestant, that which aids digestion. 24 us a My ae : Digestion, assimilation of food by the body. © Ox ee . Digit, finger, toc... : : ~ Digitalis, drug used in the treatment of heart dis\ ~ Spee wed Seed SMe “es t ot s ‘ (S$ d§h ep eases. -Uleaza! ea ov = de lel ge Me ws + ls eee e oh : DIL ce 2B Dilatation, stretching; increase in diameter. UL aby bs LL Mees ese . Diphasic, having two phases. ~ Vy oe 3 Diphtheria disease causing the ‘development an membrane in nose and throat. to te ol se dl 98 pus ee S Gla a9! SU Pat Diploplia, double vision: UT eyo oly Sa! Seal qlaail _ Dipsomania, excessive desire for drink: see Ose dale ds Salt - nt O¢e Disarticulation, ‘separation of bones at a Joint. US SNE gle co foe - UES pat Se Jor - Discharge, setting free; excretion. _ WEI jal - esi Discrete, separate. eee i et urs Disease, sickness, ailment. <~ . oe = Sled Disengagement, liberation of the fetus from vaginal canal. Vie ye OTS one ee Jt Se) dere Disinfection, killing | germs by * antiseptics or other - - methods. ‘obey l Me), ole al - ee a ee: “ Disinfectation, extremination of pests. ees Dislocation, displacement of. the bones in “a joint. Werlgee geo U ec pe al Ede > Disseminated Schlerosis, disease of the netvo © system in which Small “patches of hard * tis: é Dismemberment, amputation. iw 4 Dispensary, place which gives free or low, cost tel 49 i *(sclerosis) develop through out the spinal cord sand brain. 23 931 ple cn ur wile SW scales! thet pS) gay fle (pis 8) Z vst che on _ Distention, *widening, ee ~ phe oe ne Lah - Hoes SE medical-treatment. © GF pS Sp Y Ske Ole = Sinieed Mg UE LS eke a 5 Distillation, purification of a liquid by’ veporizing it and then condensing it, 45° dhe (a0 - UT 14S (ES 1b rel) ve) ST OL de Laks alle Uy Mee ot pminctt Distrix, the splitting of the baits at the end. jon ue bg B09 i Diuresis, frequent urination. UTapley 5h sual ner: Dieuretic, medicine which increases the flow of urine. jsf oley- Sapte ian _Pivagation, unintelligible ae oi Us gree Olde - Dizziness, Sensation of spinning ‘or off” balan Mute = ae ‘ z ; Dou. 7 R0 - D.PH. Dolorific, causing pain. lay dpe 3 eel 5 2 ety Vy 2 : 4 he Domatophobia, extreme fear of being in a house. Ob tH ~ oe eat te OS ie : Doraphobia, ‘extreme fear of fur. oy ont 2 Ss vaste = S39 ett ce (4) SUT Dorsal, pertaining to the back or hind we of an _ organ. (Gls Pham ale Sige Sy sly sy Dorsalgia, pain in the back. ety 3p) - 2959" Dons beck er ryrcay: Dose, amount of medication to be given at one time. | jl4is S y> ly 2 oss on iy SSIs Dose, Lethal, dose large enough to cause death. (ASU e Jas Shea by Dissler tie cb ataTaing ta cpationt’s ease ahisipry. MOEN GSES Ae Douche, stream of water directed into a body cavity or against the body itself. = wt ee = Aled - She “tye glee S Gl os Ge a. DRA ee aca DUI Cet EEE Diner: ines: sugar coated pi ay a ach 5u J eae @ pil tel pn ee 3 af ‘Dramamine, drug commonly used for Ae Eness, doe deal 3 Lei 3m er Cems ge N93 Dressing, protective covering placed over wound to aidthe healing process. wi pie S etd - Ses Uy 2ige Sukie cal gz UGS ze Blin, asl et) LS * 29 She : Drive, basic urge. ; plat ale Drop Foot, state of irfability to taise the foot. up- wards due to paralysis of the leg muscles. LS egal U SZ UM ysl OS by SQV Shee | Dropper, tube for giving liquid in drops.” dhe = 13 sad My eps EO ash ahd 12 Usd seriseyn - Dropsy, generalized accumulation of fluid in body; edema. Ule 5 ot Slew Gp om =p) — atile = Weel Drowning, suffocation and death due to filling © ‘the Jungs with liquid. 2.4 dy ov oxime) — U Py ie) Use Gb Se Sp d Drug, any medicinal substance. vb ate PIE Ie - we J uo % i Duct, tube or channel that ee anets Aud, , especially the secretion ofa gland. lee Ue ape = - pe > > Ju Slee Vip ging ce 2942 pg Geaee — 9 BaF eal Duipara, woman who has had two children. a8 tl 92 2 pe oS OR (Glyde) 93 2 pe SL NNIN. eli eo B& DYS Dumb, unable to speak.’ Se Sot ge — BIS “Duodenum, first eight to/ten inches of thé small intestine. o> = sl Glial FT Gree oT SES gy Sell : Dura Mater, outermost covering of the brain and spinal Cord. Ser dan a cm S 54 ple jal pL2 Dwarf, an undersized person. Kewl y wo sey - Uy Dynamias energy: ' _ eiblos # -Dys-(prefix), bad; difficult. ei Ly Cale) Dysarthria, stammering. oS va - Ie UKs Dysarthrosis, dislocation; ‘disease or deform ty of | a joint. sil! Six Gc - by 2 4 Pr oa Dysbasia, ‘difficulty i in walking. leh ae exe ales ds c ey ees : : Dyschiza, painful bowel movement. eg wey nee eS Ugh 95. Dysemesia, painful vomiting, i © Uye 39 gil 2 "Dysentery, 1 name given to a-group of disorders in which there is diarrhea, produced by irritation of the bowels, yer pl Bt yeee 5 GIES ge Cys stat eT ens ce toy Soles 53! Hise we ase Dysfunction, umpairment of function. Sdsie os ai folsage pitt aa 220-5 c Dysgenesis, Palcraaion. © oat Surya call Dysgraphia, inability to write. sb came = CHT je cdel U 5a face DYS 83 EBU: Dyskinesia,- ‘impairment of the ability to make any physical motion.) Ule yels 3) st Gs ees ob OU Hes Gur Dysmenorrhea, painful REAR Te ass ua Dyspepsia,-indigestion. / * pee ols. aay ee difficulty in swellowing. Usa G65 o- 255 { Dyspnea labored breathing. © te) le a (Rs A p> Dysomia, Sleep disorder. “S802 wud — hy Foy as “Dyspareunia, pain felt by the woman during sexual intercourse. dls. 5 (GX. eo) Sails ocala S39 - plan! B32 SF oye , : Dystithia, difficulty in breast feeding. 290 at Glee Sylyt> om 2 Dystocia, difficult childbirth, lay 5, at mrss “Silyto Se dis 27 py on 4 Dystrophy, weakening of muscle due. to. eeothal _ development. nS 1875S Aree sre El gs gt donne eos aad all — SIjy6 ya - Dysuria, painful urination. “2123s wey Ear, organ of hearing. : P.O Earache, pain in ear “usually due to inflammation. ep eel Stipe lye pros pos 8! Eat, to take solid food. © UGSNSE nye) UGS Ebullition, boiling. 2 MYL 2 sally Eburnation, hardening of teeth or pont: olay cis UL 2 chee F 2 ae ECO 84 8 Laer ECT duces abortion. - dls 25 l43 658 we de £ ws Jl 21S dee : oon Eccentric, peripheral; peculiar in ideas. - 7+ - on Vy ole coms ; : Ecchymosis, a discoloring. of the skin ied by: the seepage of blood beneath skin. ey FS) £ ae Jes ue KE ae oe Soe at & Me : Eccyscsis,| extrauterine ‘pregnancy. ..p*) wed oe Ecdemic, pertains to disease brought i into a region _ from‘with out. © ah = ae ve Vy be a Sf ale. 27 jl Echinococcosis, infestation with ¢ a typeof tapeworm. Upp oe OE pd SIS (eget) REE Od Echo, Teverbrating sound. le Sad gS Sse Echolalia, senseless repetition of words spoken by - others. De (are ar *) bull Ley. Eclampsia,| form of internal poisoning and conyul- sions which may occur in late pregnancy. aj 5x5! ae wEAlL dalpe so et wlll s Eeouyillonage, cleansing | of a pound or eayiys os (Chit S pas) Sie Se 4 e- Ecphuma, outgrowth, tla ide Ecstasy, exaltation. , : SiS ated Ectal, external. . ie ats ow - we Ectasia, widening i in diameter of a tubular vessel. Sse: (Uk nt) Some z ECT; 85 eo EEE & F 'f Ecthyma, inflammation of the -skin, characterized _ by large pimples that rupture and become crusted. CY St 9 oe — oy SES Olemtty GH Shum - ale y= ale yy Lge 3 Olt . y Eetocardia, displacement of the heart. = te a Fue : ey Te gl UL ee Ectoderm, outermost layer of cells in a. developing = embryo, 3x gic clk 38a) 5 oe 2 ye oy By ode : eats * -ectomy, (Suiflix) excision.» ....... 3 ae 25 (49) : “Ectopic, abnormal position of an orga, part of a body; pregnancy out side the uterus. wo ee ae de Al Lp ole nt tS et ae Ectropion, the turning out ofa part, ‘particularly an eyelid. 5 tet pT boat = be 6 Aan oat UTS 5S al FOS ‘Eczema, an itching disease of the skin. eau ee dot Aye ow nt Bale — celee Edema, an excessive accumulation of ‘tissue sfluidas | » ghesel Dyers 8 5 dhe gree! = Chom 1 _ Edentate, without teeth. ot) Olata Wy > cla na joe te a |. Edible, suitable to be eaten. © G34 - hu pour *~> Effemination, assumption of feminine. qualities i ma - man. Pos bole yes Uf Gs 3 j Efferent, conducting away rom a center, 3? = Fi ‘ be : EFF. i 86. ee BLA Fo) Effluyium, foul exhalation, 4 5 par = 9 - pts hey 2 at er ~ j Effusion, accumulation of fluid, or-the fluid: itself, in various spaces of the body e.g: joints. - us!) Sle Y= cm Uatse Ms Slew Que gs Us Die Se le ST peme Viewer : a8 a Egesta, ‘body excretions or discharges. -j!x- Si coke At Gyles bene See : Egg,ovum... 0 (0 (ge Bat = oe) a 1H Ego, that part of the mind which possesses reality and attempts to bringsharmony between the an- stincts and reality. 02 & oa} - 62+ - ol3 Ul — gal Lida 53) O53 be 30! Ca Uys jole Facide gp tae 6 BS PAS SAS by Sal oh Stes? SEgocentric; self-centered. Wy BFL O8 i! (6 pF Ble) Ose : 3 ae Egotism, exaggerated evaluation of*one’s self. ol)! ade ow 2B ila os aie te Eiloid, coiled. : (ulsya)), abe de: Ejaculation, ejection of semen. — - Uy» dist gece! LB Fad) ol. : vans » Ejection, the act of expelling. Soe USS ab - cle! Elastic, able to return to normal shape after distor- tion. aes ailan £ 2hote gee ae - 21 Sy 2tossl : é a . Hee Elation, joyful emotion. 1 ashy F tee 87 wy -B LE: ELB- pect Sym & 954 - Gt: ‘ Electric Shock, burns with loss ‘of consciousness. aay Jt- SE SAIL ta we Ge Jet = at oot * wb ne Ae ¢ Elecricity, form of energy having magnetic, chemical and thermal effects: o> pal ooe gal calb'= Se Ceo 1A E eile eats s He electrical activity of the heart muscles, 35. 5 9A! Ge GF KIS cae F dle ue SDE i Oe Burt co de 25% z Electrocogulation, the deterioration or Hardening of tissues by high frequency currents. 9%) © Vere Ue ge AU Ue gt he a 2 aj da dls oF : Electrode, an electric conductor - through “which current enters or leaves a cell, an apparatus oF body. a pap ar ten OTE Ue Gt der - it qyle oat JE}? x tb 22 Gre wpiul -e be us eur. A mee the brain. 3583) Sosdns Gus Electron, an elementary unit of electricity, negatively ; charged particle of the atom. Kl 6 be - 03.250! ol)5 a te & pl - RG : i Electroshock, shock produced by electric. current. Sts SASH toe ay da - Bee Fn ELE Se Siam ae - MB 1 tricity. Ge Ost oe Ula my — eM dy Electuary, soft, medicated confection. - Gy) - Oyen 12 5 * a : hi v- Hlephantiasis, tropical disease in which blocking of \the lymph Vessels by a Parasite leads to. great Swelling of the tissues, especially in the lower part of the body. > cys SNS Ke py i Use Sy ay eel Fade Jub SN GLI slid ou Sat Bee only peat dae ot) Copa ay Ge Ise Sey Elimination, discharge of indigestible matecals and ~ waste products from the body. j31 Xai =e dtl Fonl by 2g Una : Elixer, a sweetened, alcoholic ‘liquid used to dis- “guise unpleasant tasting medicines. -Gltalys- p51 N92 4S LF ce JA SS ye 2D Ae F obs gay Emaciated, excessively thin. D955 = Wd 03lj Spy . Emasculation, castr: man Pees Position. WS Byine 2 bye lye Sum ae + US bye : Embolism, small clot or foreign substance detached from the inside ofa blood vessel and floating free’ in the blood stream, .b 4% User F058 Loe Js” Se che Uyyall SLU S Oye srl Glen ne Gyr FB gle> S398 O98 Ohyy3 net: - Embryo, éarliest Stage of development of a young organism, the human young through the third month of pregnancy. li 5 5s S par Sym, wr 2 ose SARS ol frat © Je Ges gli — ale asl 6 EME ee 89 : : EMP Emedullate, to deprive of marrow. 2 oS (5 ha) © BHP U5 Nae le Spe i I Emesis, vomiting. : US Sass | _ Emetic, stg that causes vomiting. N93. sof. a ; -Emetine, drug that causes sweating and expectora- es tion. 192 Jy BS oth ys! ¥ anny ay fo Emiction, urination. UF lea be £12 chal 6 se Emmenia, the menses. bl. Gilgale = uae Emmenology, that which i is known about menstrua- tion, Cleon - dae gle : : zl Emmenagogue, that which stmiulater the menetran © flow.: 25 5155 oF Seals oo uae geet de ~ Emollient, relaxing, soothing agent used to” soften the skin or internally to sooth an irritated sur- ? “face. LOT pt Fale (153) ly a oS lh S Kat oe Dlg Se nO Middle aa ede Ss : Emotion, , mental attitude. ss Stall - Hee Empathy, understanding; sympathy. (S>yben 21) *, Emphysema, | lung disease characterized by th - , Ring and loss of. elasticity of lung tissue. - Lystyt E Pe RIS Oat Steet ew lm SS tee dnl -< dk Emphir , based on experience. 4 wT okt S ype - Sis oe ee ot EMP 90 END ‘x Empyema, collection of pus in the lung. <3eea Ule 98 cot wat ov (GME 5) a We al - US oe - om Emulsion, product made up of tiny globules of one liquid suspended in another liquid.’ «le Gale! Emulgent, draining out. un Dhe ces KOs Sige Soyer 4 = dle ea heay Glas > Encelialgia, pain in abdominal ‘region. oe abu 22 oy : ¥ She Encephalic, pertaining to the brain-.’ <= Fla ee Encephalitis; inflammation of the brain = ple = sls woke Encephalomalacia, ‘softening of the brain due to deficient blood AUPE pe Opus eek SF SOX Ula ; ores = Encranial, located within the cranjum. © ches dls sl 7 _ Endomoeba, a single-celled ‘parasite that lives in — humans. or eae JL ge pede Gab ale KS! arte) : oe ns ‘ : Endeictic, symptomatic: ~” dhe -igt Endemic, disease prevalent in a particular atea. DP Ghee] Ue SHE Ur pais 92S ileat Jee ee END 91 END eS ee Endangium, membrance which lines blood vessels. dee dy 25 Ae! S 0349 rg Endermic, administered through skin. dad EL dle WS ok GF de - le G3 ass © te \y3 92 - Endoblast, cell nucleus: Oe Fade = dele Sl gt Endccardial, pertaining to the interior of the heart. | Gis 2 6358 penile’ Endocanditis, inflammation of the inner lining of the _ heart, especially the heart valves: “ee Gayl S ds Sin 5 de Son O ee AS ' Endocardium, tissue lining the inside of the heart. eS dee 324! S de pte Endochrome, coloring matter ofacell. 55 Sf ade wl Sly 3 2 = wre _ Endocranial, within the cranium. whe Chat Endocrine Glands, ductless glands that secrete directly into.the blood stream. 2244 £ JU a aoe SHV ce 2 eon egles £ bot Sealy ale caghy oil oe Endocrinelogy, study of ductless glands and their secretions. avila» Fost sby 5 Ol yl ose LS Endoderm, inner layer of. ells of any embryo. Lo 5 Gal So : Endodontitis, inflammation of the dental pulp. vio- Bir Seas Lusi ob =: Endometritis, inflammation of the lining of the . womb. =) bh v2" : ; . : Endometrium, tissuc that lines the interior wall of the womb. =) sil - Jer JY 2h ful om pen * END 92. _ENT “Endoplast, nucleus of a cell. 35> Fale End- -Organ, any terminal errueture of a nerve. ee apis Gel 6 ae sped amare pleasure enjoyed wn GEEH OME sexual act. (JUV 20 del nba Seat End Product, the final excretory product that passes from the system. <4 irl+! dls 25 Sie one cll, Endothermic, characterized by heat absorption. of Wy 25: soar Enema, ‘an. injection of liquid aio, the. rectum; usually * intended for the treatment of constipation. B gtd Lae tek Fol ‘ US deb dhe Ue - dais - Ade - Ll gn OS oh ey _ Energy, ability to work. Enervation, weakness. Engram, the indelible impres: makes upon nerve cells. : oul 5 ol Jl als 28) Enomania, craying -for alco tremens. Enstrophe, turning inward. Ental, inner. * fection or irritating food. Bae om (Sal) Z) uxt ce ee Image 0092 JPG. Engorgement, excessive fulness. 6m Olyda — pal ys Sar) sols . Enteralgia, pain in the intestine: Enteric, pertaining to the intestines. — Enteritis, inflammation of the intestinal tract by in-" eal 52576 - SUS oF S13 Nga tleee 2) ce y92% sion which “experience oy Adem yf Dede gherl holic Arak delerium ; (bE SF pil. SeGs all 2p ost” gee ost dls Se led ole u se ia ENT. “+93 EPI es SS Enterocolitus, inflammation of the small and oe _ intestines. 43-5 eT sh 53! dee ; Enteron; the intestine. boas ol Pane introduced from without, Yy2bTe -t Entopic, Jocated in He, proper, place: tt 2! or Neila Be 3 : 7 phous. turning in of the edge of the eyelid so * that the lashes rub against the eyeball. 54 6 5%) ‘ aah NE Oe a2 8 Ue bos ye 2s Hy _ Enucleate, to remove a dumor or an organ in its entirety. O55) 3 126 dS oe de bdo Ge a be SS o: a “Enuresis, bed wetting. | kp Sly pee) Environment, external surroundings. = dye Enzyme, a substance produced by living cells which- although not participating in a chemical reaction, — promotes its speed. “usd +4 - ee Gales — pill Tap Used Sart um Jue SLs SAF ab 2 SDE — 853 ty Sol Sa Ephebic, pertaining to puberty. Get sey tah Ephedrine, drug used to shrink the lining of the nose in colds and in the treatment of asthma. 3509 UK ay JES ol le Exhaustion, extreme fatigue. i> oats Sykes dhl S1957-F 33) KO ia 5 Exhibitionist, abnormal impulse to show one’s _ genitals to a member of the opposite Sex. Os> “All oS Glin King = Jal 2 Uael ils oa © aks Spd gene ne bos Jets 2 tae! Exhilarant, cheering.” aiSs- Jl 25 oe 9 ats dls 257 : Exo-(prefix), outside; outward. dhe 5 ah - at (uate) oti ia : ‘ Exodontia, tooth ‘extraction, ean Sos = 6 oi8 Mya ye WS . Exophthalmos, bulging of the eyes, usually caused: by over-activity of the thyroid gland, shes 5 ST ool ao game 6 ayy sad Le yes soa Sul - ene gba US Oe : pi outgrowth from the surface. of a Bone, Shel ap clan S ste — rei 6 Sle ~ plied O97 Expansion, increase in size. fle ~ cee — aces Os om UL ah ow ji : liquefying the sputum. 25 QELS ST ah 132 ty fs EXP 101 : EYE a Expectoration, spittle. pa cht Sy4i = ceil Expression, the act of squeezing out;” fecal disclo- sure of feeling or emction. - WkI ope US sa i5 Wye all ce eee Wolsey Glee! - opty het . “inter, outside. Gon - le dan - Se S al Extern, medical student who works in ‘a hospital | but lives elsewhere. p> (248% Jute) es Sb 6b pp Se ool AT play Sor! 6 gn US ue Sige ; Extima, ‘outermost covering of a blood vessel. Sox ONE Uy FU Extirpation, complete surgical removal or destruc- tion ofa part. 3S 4mm 5 sus £ ole ~ dba! US SE ob Si Extra’ (prefix), Burade of; in addition. “ole IU (ay) ‘ whe 5 _ Extract, to pull out; remove the active portion: of a drug. eke nee USI fps ae EID Gh - bg Extremity, terminal part of anything; a limb of the body. (w3y baile) pee S15 me. = deer SATE ae Extrinsic, of external otigin. at = tt Extrovert, one interested in. external objects and.. actions. Vy 23 enzo Um dlail. ys! Gal Gey ae Vy ez z or upper canine tooth. ? F., Parenter one gauge of measuring: tempera- ture. sly RIE YU Syl dn yo o baile Oyu Facies, appearance of the face. Facilitation, hastening ofa natural Process. OF m4 Use 5.1 6 ee. < . 4 Facioplegia, facial eraae Factitious, artificial. : . ee ree a 2 Faculty, normal power or function; mental attri- bute. Sy — ce Ay — dltal a 6 cil pills cae Farenheit Scale, boiling point of water 212 degrees, freezing point 32 degrees. Ue pe Ke bole ont = Use ny? 32 ster ahi 2 en B12 ee Fahr., Fahrenheit. : ies Fb Sle Fainting, temporary loss of consciousness due to insufficient blood Teaching the brain. jeje. 22 FESS ated Ose GEU SS ZLO. ta : é : Q FAL é 103 FAU Fallopian Tubes, tubes which connect the ovaries with the womb. 25 (Glo aan) pel tet - OLE GSE : OW Ny oh md, - Fallout, settling of radioactive dust from the atmos- phere after a nuclear explosion, 44 5 Ss2 (4! Me ey on}, che SS ad oo bas gas GE False, not true. : gee nb = igi = be edhe owl E pacatliaL: pertaining to the same family.” a - de gis = Ola Family, group Se from a common ancestor. Ya S olded 9 olf Sat. - Sluis & cil ’ Far Point, farthest point which an eye can see. dis- - tinctly when completely relaxed, 5) abil 615 tans CPS oe oe XS SS a gh cols oy ort ST ge be i . : Fastigium, acme; highest point. BA. -g dhl any? Stal ae Use or 6 StS um os Sle - Byes Fatigue, exhaustion; weariness. — Ub & F Se cad ee : ae Fauces, space in the back part of the“!mouth; sur- rounded by the soft palate, the tonsil arches and the “base of the tongue. £ a — - de thee =e Coe) RAV 104° : FEE : pirat ZS CM p55 2S 0S ye Se Stem ert a dls SOU Favus, contagious skin® disease. ‘SF ae SS - els Syed bly ser F.D., fatal disease. “gly 2. Juul A 5) ee yore : Fear, emotional response to danger. aC ze = 3S a) Gide chy Sekt is shown by the conscious fear of a ‘particular event or object. & xr re eS ou Ut Golead Ghde is 33! JEL asta scot Le St 7 by S Mls om lb Febrifacient, producing fever. « ay as tae Febrile, pertaining to fever. Z Gls ey Febris;.feyer. 9" = 3 ae Fecal, pertaining to feces. Ges = (2G) Dab - Sile Fects, waste matter excreted by the bowels. -j» das - SEY Fecundity, fey S25 lag ag - SAD - Lads oat © coal Feeble-mindedness, AND of low development of. the intelligence. “tj! < s)4) cme Feces Feeding, taking of food. UAT Shae US She FEE y 105 unethical practice of dividing patient’s charges between the referring physician and the consultant. qi (ple) le US pen Sed EAM 3! caste el F (lle wl) datri KF yy BS oes a ule od op gil al otc baat at, Ah eh SS 4 Gy 2d LY Gm iT glee Uh? 09) + = dle up OE Lok! stand. Wer Glut 4 pe 2 ye eae oe = qt iy sont Fellatio, type of sexual perversion in which the: -male sex organ is placed in the mouth of another,’ SGA 2 gaz - WS plan sly F die pad — gd kee ne Ae SA pt gS Sal pee Ie me oe pt i! qo Uk ks eb . Liss Fae . Felon, deep skin; infection on the far end and inner Surface of a finger. TS [SSI _ QUE yi Gq . Ssh Ful se Be OE eS cas ale te yl Ser eUF om se - Female, woman; girl; pertaining toa woman. ~ oie Se ete ete ole Femar, thighbone,-9 0 6) gh $04) Fenestration, surgical operation designed’ for! the treatment of certain types of deafness. ae ore — WE Zeee er ee reales 106 : FIB tion, decomposition of complex substances Ws, ‘under the influence of enzymes. - Us! we - AT | “Si Kot byes OT, 3! 23 eo ST) pal i Féirule, metal band applied to a/tooghtostrengthen wi obs Ferlile, capable of epaaietir Ba gus aN 8 ' ae ee ae +. Fester, to produce pus. ey Uy aa Fetal, pertaining to a fetus. (Ses Oe = see Fetation, pregnancy. ¥ “Ks Fetieide;ekilling’Of an tinborn ehild. ys Bie 8 Ai Fetid, having a Ghasecable ador. Ys 91 FU = of 91) ‘Fetish, that which becomes attractive because, of "its association with sexual ‘pleasure. rt st (as gales) 2 c# wade 9 AS eek S34) GS ce Gh Fetus, an unborn child.from the third month until Vbirth, Ma = ty oo 5 ol 29) 41 Son aoe (Soy : Ferm elevation of the body temperature, p= oe destined > ~ Ba Folate £ ie Fibre, threadlike Structure, © ctl lJ S las Sl - ate, Fibrillation, s state of tremor in the muscles. found, - > fin | certain nervous; muscOlar and heart diseases. epee Serres Fat ute AS Sa ES hey © ae SEY L Osi slant _FIB g 215107 - -FIL, Ree Re Inne OR ee et eee Fibrin, protein substance produced by elements of the blood and tissues which forms a network as 123 the base of clots: y = OsS4y3! Op6 ge Bl Gled an a ES ist yal ge Use pj ap FKL oh or 1 Pe BS tlt ce ‘ “ _ Fibroid, benign tumor of the womb consisting of. | tough, fibrous tissue. oF ar Joy Hot S ed Ne “Gt Jt 9 O34, ioacyy ” i “ f Fibroidectomy, surgical Temoyal of a fibroid tumor. -— t 13 IEF yal SS tun! 9 Use 912 At) + Fibroma, benign tumor composed of fibrous tissue. 4) (ee at) Joey 3! 422) Field, limited area. : ATAE aye lies Figure, body; shape; outline. > 47 ~ p> - SS Filament, delicate fiber or thread. i eek, ae Be Slo k cil Filariasis, tropical disease due to Gaiden of the body with tiny worms Which block™the lymph vessels, causing swelling of the limbs, elephan- Haste Bw A SF Se See 2S Nay Saby on OsdU cali) 50 JE ce poe 2h we Ole ge GAY BW dd ST ce OY ee So “Ne : ; Filling, material gery in the cavity of a tooth. UST Jala vol GS cu AS SF Gils — Ug: Clo . Filter, to pass a liquid through a porous substance to eliminate solid particles; device used in this FIL See es FLA fe ee process, pS a7 dle Y dl a0 - US us - nh = AU oath ge SU OS orga che AST UNS ce Une gem 22 plow aST Yip age leat! ee Usa ee x viet fluid which has passed. through a filter, Be 3S ce Un AY oe lee - phis meee digit of the hand. Sil Sail - e281 - St First Aid,-emergency, temporary medical care and treatment of an injured person. ,-- slab Gla! GAE 33 Sle 652 ab erle 3a! ne ST Gate ath Fission, division into parts. Ve 5m eed Ux Ne! Fissure, groove; cleft. eas gtd = $1y9 — 332 Fistula, abnormal passage leading from the surface of the body to an internal: cavity. S per - Yor’ (Syme né) Ghd ne le 5 () Ge day! = Veet - sant - ately ’ Fit, convulsion; sudden attack. - abe GK - 999 25 Ube Fy 0j92 KI FG yled aS . . Flaceid, flabby; weak; soft. - s257- AS - la) - pt Flagellation, to beat or whip; beating as a means of satisfying sexual desire, yee - WL GE - UL © 259) oF Say amy L pall Gz - ats b IE YK Folsal,s ah CES Sal oS Flap, mass of partly detached tissue. dn oe og © Sige SLES gi 22h rie ST gel AT oe Oe qd het SF i le of the foot. a 4 ah OE UE Ea os ay oe | HAs bon ol ple SO RCAC 109 FLU Flatulence, gas in the stomach or intestines. - cw vad ce Opt ates = fel Flatus, stomach or intestinal gas. «4-24 = jo5- cu oF Sosy : Rte rook tii! Flaxseed, linseed. fan eel Flesh, soft tissue and muscles of the animal body. — BL ODN PES doe per cpl eel ’ Fletcherism, through mastication of food. 2b gh Me as L 4 3 qe “Flex, to bend: : : > (Kee = US Flexion, bending. So Sat Bh Bae Sant Flexor, muscle that bends or flexes. © pr s+ We ge UK ge ST deme ya” i ‘ i Floating, moving around; out of normal position. SS SDN co tle ab GW 2ST — aT Iya Bat Vy 2 ; es Flora, plant life. OUU Ske + Fj GU - 29 Florid, having a bright color. 5s - Vy Ki, glaKoe FL, Oz., fluid ounce. b+! Je (p18 As aT) yal Uv dil 5 Au Fluid, a non-solid, liquid or gaseous substance. © getke yoy dhe ge rgd ge = da Gay - dhe gle (Sat Fane Gal Spe ee See Sore ee Sle Us Se = jess dl ees F lest £ ohle yaad pt FLU lo: FOR Flutter, irregular, rapid motion; agitation, especially of the heart. SF J2 Vegas sli 5o5 gi! re 2 — dal doer Flux, a large flow of any body excretion, particular- ly the bowel contents. de-> ed - oe yy - Oe (LES ced = Spel) ce Os Lye = UES 02 Set Slat -Fold, ridge; a doubling back. thy bee teas Folie, mania; psychosis. : ‘ vie ghd - Ore Follicle, small secretory sac or gland. ~ 334 as An S 298 Y ae? Gate DUO ZT Gye Sashy ’ Follicalitis, inflamination of the follicles of the hair. le Shel Bip S 092 SL Nt ,Fomentation, treatment of inflammation by applying _ heat and i =U. Le 3S * Rontanéhy the Soft "4s closed:by the growth. of bone. ae S aioe woha day Sieh 8 (Bay BE oe Or 2) Seed ve de wy Kegan Dh AL : - Food, that which nouristies. ld ge = oe. Was ; BS U9 oS pon alge 8H © : Food Poisoning, disgestive ‘disorder due eating foods , containing pois: substances. 4) = She leg. dle 38 oe rate dee} - babe Ua Jag Bo Sasi aa ie Foot Priat,, impression. of the foot. oy - ow ou * . ‘Foramen, any opening or Srcn ae oat = Elyse wrist) ¢ Oke £ set! BT oe tee wb OF Forensic Medicine, aspects of ,mé Taw. ant Glee co 0910 6 a2 pt Formation, structure; shape; figure. -*° “Up lag - ee azitas / ae Fragilitas, brittleness. Fragility, characteristic © 7 So Web tsa i Frenum, fold of skin or lining tissue t moyement of an organ, iongue. sae Sl ee bey Ya cate Jee ei Sai L0uj Me ue) dyin SF SS f being easily brokeil.* hat limits the ' { Formula, rule prescribing the kind and quantity. of ingredients jn a preparation. - =) Ayu cud pod gal Nate Shel Se ws yl = Ab 38 ake be 7 2 aga tuasaneaemnys Uj- (Os 4 Sgt Uber) O* siadt le os A OF fo Fossa, pit, depression. Seyi s oeeth ey. Fracture, breaking of a pone. 0° ity Last esta ¥ Wd = ote jut ¢.g-, tissue under the® rreenimantiaresrneaeuirraa FRE _ a1 "FRU" Freckles, ‘small patches of pigmented skin “more ‘commonly found in blonde or ted-headed péople. Sy, worries = Yap £ ake os Ky oe = le et ey dn 05) Jy Osh EU tal : : Freezing, frigidity of a limb due to severe cold. px UE aE pe gel So eee eit Frenzy, maniacal excitement. dleatt Gyn Friable, easily broken into small pieces. 36 She Wee OH x OSS 2 yen 3b see ce GUT Friction, rubbing. Rte Skat us; Fright, extreme, sudden fear. ye - s aie : Frigidity, absence of sexual desire in women; cold- GDESS. | Sops 9 ey gh Solas B pale oe cme Osas0 rayon, forcheda emia TUES eG Sgie ys. ertaining to the forehead. FAT Vpn | Gee UY Gy Ge i Frost Bite, ‘condition caused by long exposure to severe cold; freezing of a part of the body, usually nose, fingers, toes. 0) 53 33 ns 530 dias - UL Yy Tamale WSU yee Ue a den Bae OS poe ce wy doe Fe LE Sosy ; _ Frottage, rubbing; massage. US albu Frustration, the feeling atroused when physical or Personal desires are thwarted. — eH <5 U FORT Siy Slowly GIS Y abis wl ce ee wt lee Wy 2 yal oS kt * FUG : 113 FUR © _ Fugitive, wandering. (239) Ya das Se a IT Fulguration; therapeutic destruction of: tissue by ~ means of electric ae (gk 298) « = pes oe ey © WD Ae ST geet a Fulling, kneading. ~ Bi ee Saga uel alt Oya Ly Fumigation, disinfecting. oT ee OSS ny ght ola gh yao Wry” _ Function, normal aad specific : action of a part. — ae Eye al Goya (ene) ae cee 4b =o dee Gils : i Fundament, base; rounadtion® - eu = bl oly ~ Fundus, base of an organ. sel b ae ws Ss pe Fungicide, an agent that destroys fungi, ub we a Palses: Sao: Fungus, mold, ~ Esye - Shy — Sa. SA sey, Funny Bone, outer part of the elbow which is’ cros- sed by part of the ulnar nerve. Olpe dram Gory coe = OF dee SI Boj ame : é Fur, deposit forming on the tongue.: J» y Ob} — 5 dap Wy Furfor, dandruff. . Sie Mb enoet Soe - ty Faribund, maniacal. : aie poet = Furor, tage.” iegetunbatinn fae Furuncle, boil, *, 333 BY - ds — heap _Furunculosis, boils on skin, EES Sogo ale Woe GAM FUS - * ” ‘Fusiform, spindle-shaped. ree 5 o- ab 3 Fusion, uniting. (Sart aie UF OS - be ty de : : : Gus Gait, manner of walking. t ab 6 At - dk Galactic, pertaining to. milk. Gee a ~Galactischia, suppression‘of the’ secretion of milk. Mp5 5 nose cele ge oy i ns32 (es O07) eee Galactorrhea, excessive flow of milk. - Gy S a2g3 ST alg 0292 (ae UFI94) 7 ot ‘ Galeophobia, extreme fear ofcats. Urata Osh Gall, secretion stored in the liver which helps in emulsifying fats. 5*) cr Sot cay 4-H oe BS Se) ge GR Sand SF SUSE a fe wee ae atlas bis t | qiiiiplodaer, fe beneath the liver which 19%¢8 ile and secretes mucus. we Seoul - a pe oh) ot aa) dS er oS le Duele ede 2 Wet Ce Gall Stones, stone-like objects found in gall bladder and its drainage system, composed primarily of calcium. «24 Baebeuow Ao oboe 5 4 ey Be ee TT oe on Galvanism, uniterrupted eleciric current. ut 3t i ot chle S pd a ot 2 i Gammacism, imperfect pronounciation of g sounds. 23> om of SE? yal agp de - 0 oa US. Sa lal : Gamogenesis, sexual teproduction- aah Hat o> WS let : i | GAM. ils GAS itt. . Ganglion, cyst-like swelling found in the region ofa joint or the sheath of a tendon; area between two _ merve fibers. IS a old Sid IH) atte HS ay Sy 191) EAI Soe ea - dam Glees9 6 (Osis) st ules (Ge ye) nF GE Wy 2 YY Gangrene, death and deterioration ofa part of the ; body, caused by interference with the Blood supply, Sot - tle ade yl ae oT emt re ce ee rey Grebe roe ar : Gapes, disease of fowls iaised by a worm, e}5 I | Sika S Osta Sy 2) : _Gargle, mouth wash. - US Ble an gle astralgia, stomach | pain. ota. - 23) a oa pt 23 us < ee - Gastric, pertaining to the aomackt © Glee ates "Gastritis, inflammation of the stomach walls. eles p39 Gastrobrosis, perforation of the stomach. . cn oles US sep ; i 2 Gastrocnemius; calf muscle. alae (U1) 5 ty ‘Gastroenteritis, inflammation of the stomach and. intestine. . “Sige SOs ja! eta — lal y eter Gijge | Gastroptosis, abnormal relaxation of stomach mus- Culature. (44 y9b sens p24) Ue rey SB odes Sade ca. Gastrorrhagia, stomach ‘hemorrhage. es - Sdn iil ur OF Gastrosis, any stomach disease. “Sjhest FS ates Gamophobia, extreme fear of Caer ies ae 116 ee GEN - a6 Ost: GAT * Gatophilia, sonormall fondness for cats. GH FOr Se a Uy ss. Gatophobia, extreme fear of cats. ye te 2 os inserted into the mouth, down the gullet and into _ the stomach, Seb sg dU ape BN ani JU ul lds dle ott - sade ss oS ays ae len SS edas : * Gelatin, body protein in a solid state, 1 used jn manu- facture of drug capsules. _ dler fae use o - he eS (Se 2H ore LN = Stal ‘ Coie like Jelly: &’ cm Ser - Loom i : Gelosis, hard; swollen mass. - sale Lae Vga = See Gelotolepsy, spontaneous Joss of normal muscle tension. *24 s¢ S12! Kbleer ails S dpe 5 Ona Vea ee ; ; Geminate, in pairs. . * dye bi = Gen., gene. ¢- > J Fb Sl Obert G32 2 Js Gea , : : Gender, sexual ‘category; male or females WS 54 - ie, apy . Gene, biological ant which transmits pemuaey cHaracteristics. cedlyy ye DONS pro W GEL le Sie SF dS sl Shera ey (alacl s etl) oy 2 w e JF: Generation, reproduction; period of family history ae apy - Ge = Ulf - I GEN © Reve 2 GER Generative, pertaining se rnaaction, ed aap ate Generic, pertaining to genus; distinctive., - W&- W—> Uta : : i Genesis, 0 origin: and development. * « ae os ae) gi Ls 9 ged gal lagl — ky 5 i Genetics, the science of natural differences and similarities in successive generations of living organisms, y¥ ux Uylai < Kya tay Sy SF plee! sl eB alles SS Spile 591 SF (Ss) \ _ Genetous, dating from fetal life. Sern - lag = a : Genetal, Peraine to. the sex CreADe Pell (ej) Gee ce Jol He eae tet Genitalia, reproductive organs. Jl» al Is tcl Genocide, Tace destruction. PES I~ shh ~ agiles i [3 ‘Genus, biological classification. UL 9 Cllye - ye G43 AES : 5 Geophagy, eating of soil, WUS (g = Sye _ Geratic, pertaining to old age. a = Gls ee Oyh Ga ae dia Geriatrics, medical rudy of old age. “gle. = ale Ps ‘ ning of a developing embryo, Ol-il - a5. . Genu, knee; knee-like structure. 6 Us: 5 24S, tat 118 GLA Gil e pAt = det wag pleat ily 2B yen German Measles, a viral infection characterized “by . high fever and skin rash. ote SNS ee Oe JS 213 gor Ble Lath 53 us yt led dls oye f pe el; | \ Germicide, agent that destroys germs. OF dle | * Geroderma, wrinkling of the skin. - Uh gS us ab i . Gestation, preganancy. : d= | Gestosis, toxemia in pregnancy. tle aby aj O99 £ ie 1| _ Gibbous, humpbacked. ig Lyn Let = Spa A SS” al \ o b5 i i Clesaticn abnormal height and size. Bae al Ht Mea st 3h Dynes EB pre. d | : a Sus } ie "SMipe lal aS Gyo 2929-2)! Gingivitis, inflammation “of the gums. oie Girdle, encircling structure. 2 yr - Ge - BS od 9 WS) Oba au Ges 8 : Glabrous, smooth. é gyn — wt EUs lde pe dan Slap 5 ‘ . Glanders, contagious horse disease. eb oh ae 3h AS 6 gilt SSsez ds | Glandilemma, outer covering of a gland. oe oe GN Gog 6 2936 GLA 119 GLA ~ Glandula, small gland. D9dd iginy odd Le Ugg Glands, there are three main types of glands, the ' lymph glands, which are found mainly at various junctions in the body, such as the armpit and the groin, and also Within the body and around the base of the neck, their function being. to trap germs and prevent them from teaching vital areas; larger (glands, ‘such as the pancreas and liver which produce digestive agents such as ‘bile, en- zymes, etc. and which empty their products into the intestines through a duct or tube; the endoc- tine glands, which are also called ductless glands berause they empty their products directly into the blood stream. hth SH OF S Ol OE ayad + we thin £ ome Fuedlt} ge ale Gylied Y aide oye ~w de Lol n8sdly oT J = 2b Sy yy dial ola, othe (EEO wee ye pd 5 O28 51 um fot te Lt foal prh SU e Uy ty ogy al (WW ge nabs Sp jal ald Res oydd 2 Se gy dS SeT) pllsal «Lhe Hes cy 2-y Lule ly f2p9 3b Ge can RE US ebaby a ail anak ay ety (ne Ma ae ES Wa ot SS oad ya ly Oe ll OF 8 Woe Ce HE O96 ety aly obighy ceil” Glandule, small gland. bs 294 ge Glans, cone-shaped body that forms the tip of the. Penié or Clitoris. - S)lym — 55°35 jo = pan BE wea Aide ene Ke + Kee OB 2h os ASP Glaucoma, disease of the eyes ‘in which the. Pressure’ ! ‘of the fluid i in the eye increases. Silest ole by 5 oe : Ble a Sho Bde om ST om. oe ~~~ Gleet, discharge from the urethra found in chronic gonorrhea. - cl! = at Ss line poz Sm 3 qt om S Sige lg GS 4 ~. Glioma, tumor ofthe nerve cells. es) ne ai ‘Globular, spherical. site seca “Globule, small droplet. Bose ont " Globulicidal, destroying red corpuscles. ¢~ (£ 59#) Wy 2 als gS ty5 Globulin, the name ofa group ae proteins. = Shen! 5 Ube S Sl ; > Globus, ball; sphere. : Vs Globus Hystericus, imaginary dump in the ‘throat. ll Saye FS Fee Ges Glomerulonephritis, eidney disease. EH aie oY! yes 5 032 ee the kidney. Glossalgia, ‘tons fe pain. Glossitis, inflammation of the tongu: Be S - és ae Glottis, the space between the vocal pore: pi - ok ae Gla? 5 dre dee - Ge . LU 121 A GON Glucohemia, sugar in the blood. - Sise51.5 S+ Gu os Sh KAS Oy ! lucose, liquid which is sweet and important to: body chemistry; Sugar. Gleas ss! Ute ge Ske = i595 Sg Use pal t ; * ( ten, piofein To nd in cereals: ate 2y uy cll Fe Glen) © ily MO t , ; Glutinous, sticky, © Ys Se bape te : Glycemia, sugar in the blood.‘ S2sey- S St uv dy Glycerin, clear, syrupy liquid used for medicinal purposes. Seerlins Slisal go Soe LE St Gls. oy pa oy ya Glycolysis, digestion of sugar. : US oak 5 St - | j _ § -Glycyrrhyza, licorice. dean ogg uth i Gnosia, faculty of pefception and recor inonsy og Sees y Syst , Goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid ciead® WE ue 5 al oe 5S hates causing ecliee db ep iats 55 . GON Feel 22 ge a GRA Gonagra, gout in the knee. Gonalgia, pain in the knee. Beep ey Gonococcus, germ which causes gonorrhea. 4 pai! oy BH eel 6 Sly e Gonorrhea, veneral disease. “Gout disease in which there is an upset in th ~~~ olism of uric acid, causing symptoms. of joint pains (cal 4) (ll 5 1, Sot ot ne Sale| Sle es ul » Ma ol Sop Lohse =e 2H 5, , Gouty, pertaing to gout. oe ve Lgl G. P., ‘general practitioner. ge giles ple - ES Une 2S de E Sila 5 on A i oe Gracile, slender. - ‘i 32 55 Gradatim, gradually. aznaT aces — de yay!an 3 Graft, piece of tissue for transplantation. Js3-4s3 | USE ged I OS : ; Grand Mal, epilepticattack. . 4 ae 6S - Granulation, process of wound healing. - Sil Dptd dat Bye Sette ot) - Granulocytopenia,. disease which reduces ine defen- sive cells in‘ the blood; ‘the white blood cells: u A - Le ate Uya ym Bay gph SS” Haunch, hips and buttocks. Ned oS g3l eye = S39 ‘Haut: Mal, epileptic attack at its peak. S/+ - 4148 Le, Pal ge oes Saye L : Hay Fever, an allergic-disease caused ay abnormal i sensitivity to certain air borne pollens, : = eh le oj = pod Uta ae = let Seal ne sh a jot oe ane os ase Lae g. W doe S xe y- eee a cea =~. dn Fost Shy Headache, pain in pubs head. ee eS Dare ae i Health, state of having a normally. active body’ ‘and Z mind, dy-n« 593 2! pet Use ye SHE gil «gap = Soe Oe) SS oe - Os* oe (Sm ills 5 i amplify. sound waves. S dba! S onl tis! OES o- Ges pa Che See cal 2 Be at 2 LE dlewel F asset - oe Heart; the powerful, muscular, contrac le organ; » the center of the circulatory system. 2 ent ' HEA ri ee HEA lt ale etches ches GL + Se & St lyse Heart Block, disease of the heart in which the both beat independently of each other. - ace AT ae ene KI Oss3.um gel F een ee uy 2S deo allaiT has . pe teartbers, burning sensation, either in the back of the throat or in the left side of the chest, bral occurs after eating. Leyee ge Urleal 6 ole = gle Selaes Mee BET gg det lle aS S ler b eo Eh eas SLUT - Heart Failure, inability of the heart to maintain adequate body circulation. o5j='- Ul ya Jb cyte: FM GLB OE Olyg2 Contes ne pn Dd ee Ue ge Pek 455 ~ Heart ‘Murmur, . -abnormal heart sound. 4 s oo jo ge x ; Heart Rate, number of heart beats per minute. 0s (Bd So gS $e9 Ss Us LK = js, ~ Heat, warmth; high temperature; form of energy; | sexual excitement in certain animals; to make hot. Ogaplle Ghat pd Kt Seg Syl ean y2 02h = eS eal UES Shes tle Sil ae : Heatstroke, state of dizziness; nausea and spots £ before the eyes due to direct exposure to high” temperatures. uv cyl» anja 53 = Sg fo bye impulse of contraction is unable to pass from the., _ auricles to the ventricles, with the result that _ Ee hy iF ee OA PU cn yee wy so : HEB 128 (2 HEL awe BI Gale £041 ya! Je 2 US ee Ze e | a GUS 6 Hebetic, pertaining to “puberty. (Gls es Hebetude, mental slowness. Ula ye AT Karlen 9 Sie ? Hectic, ‘habitual; -const utional. a 2 alps ‘gale Hedonism, devotion to pleasure, ene Bee Meme S45 deb Fo p-4 at : ‘Heliotherapy, treatment of disease ‘sun or by the use of. an ultra violet lamp. oF & pels (ty 29) HULL oe S wre eat US hee. Heliotropism, tendency of an areas to turn to- ward sunlight... ¢) 3 S.(542) S) cua- Kylale oe "(dee Esk Z2~ He) Ws ile S ge - US” Helminthiasis, presence of parasitic worms in the ~ “body, S095 ow ossl) Siyeee um gon S09 Seth O12 Gaye = (Sta aS Helminthology, study of parasitic worms, Olas em. vaste, 6 O95 lath - clad 2 tpa ye ple HEL 129 HEM _ Heloma, callosity; corn. 034 y glu — 0,2 = BL w sdee Ble ge Stee Bane gS TALS Helotomy, Surgical removal of a corn. (Ale et asd ys FS Fish (ot Si!) : : Hemafacient, blood producing agent. 0 ~ Ost Wy 190 My 2513) Hemagogue, agent which Promotes , is flow.of blood. 7 'y2 Wy 2.5 este dye “Hemal, Pertaining to , blood or blood veascle.| WQae Cyd = Glee oo Oycli S se Hemangiectasis, enlargement of blood yesses., Oe Ula 50 Wi CsI S : Hemarthrosis, -accumulation of blood in a ‘joint. le ga con O54 cn Soe a> Hemase, blood CNZyme, 2994 om O38 ad Sthen Hematemesis, vomiting of biood. - Hemathermous, warm-blooded. Henlatic, pertaini ag to bi de : r Hematischesis, stopping of bleeding. © 4 2s ao W55 : Hematocolpos, collection of blood in the vagina. Ue ye ee 6 Os Oe dpe Hematocryal, cold-blooded. S Hematoid, resembling blood. Hematologist, one who Specializes in blood and its diseases. vl yal Oyo we Fsbo SF rose $6929 ee Oye CHEM E1303 : HEM a a ee EE Hematology, science of the blood. “uals! ple = Sha? a Hematoma, » swelling con’ usually caused by direct “eye. Kyl - 38 Meope da FAST Re ee Uys Ui ge Lijce eel ‘Hematometachysis, blood transfusion. Hematonosis, ‘plood disease: ~ i ‘the | ‘passing: of blood in’ the urine,pl UT Ose(os ah 5ee Hemeralapia, day blindness. © 9 gucgbuiees OT coed a cs gts 58S Saree Hemi-(prefix), half. (Ses ah ehal (at) Hemianopsia, blindness in half of the visual field of “each eye. S« & dial FS a ys Sl re er Hi i He “migraine. 2)? a 2 23 fe Rees Hemifacial, affecting one side: ‘of the us a. ib al S 2s. Hemiplezia, ‘paralysis of one Bice of the ‘body. Kins — EGE ANS é Hemocidal, destructive of blood ‘ells. Wy 2 Sls oS — Hemocyte, blood corpuscle Hemofuscin, | brown coloring m ter of blood. - He 6 Ki ob S30 SOF : clotied aioe crania, headache on one, side oa ic, pertaining to blood. S247 - dx* = ~ GO | )eHEM—« pela HEM Hemoid, resembling blood. (Ae ce Oye Lace Oye Hemolysis, destruction of elements of the blood. A bya Sy Sols (Em) FH O92 Hemopathy, blood disease. i BabaeS Og” ; Hemopercardium, blood in the heart sac. (J-6} Soo Oye om . = Hemopexin, bivva ron eclsae enzyme. algal 9 ge Glee ST Osh sc Uk AKG O gt ye (Kd ale) Hemopexis, coagulation of blood. es alee Ogk ky Bat! B bot ky as ie Hemophitia, blood disease pheretenaed by defective coagulation of the blood and strong tendency to . Dleed. 85. 6 O92 "on pt Slee S Os wack nt pallid Obey ed BO5e one ace ay IR ce fiers a at: = Ub ky a io a i, ‘Hemophiliac. £, one ‘afllicted with eerie: pl ds 98 Be Sete Seem S Sh yl ye - uate B Gab nt ‘Hemophobia, aversion to.blood,'3$ — o.= eae O35 Hemophoris, conveying blood, art a) O34 J _Heméptysis, s Spitting up! of. blood. ey eat ate WS Hemorrhage, bleeding. Usd O54 Susy - O52 Oke Hemorrhagenic, causing hemorrhage. Oe ey sy 2 Gilt O98 ge ge Hemorrhoids, varicose vein condition of the lower recluiy and’ ANUS.” am Sy ed js gal tale pally / kL Ge Soy Li Sts cena withdrawal of blood. na uri UY ee on oo por HEM. i - 132. HER Hemostasis, stopping of hemorrhage. aoe ¢ US ' Hemostat, instrument which stops bleeding; ‘clamp. ArT ak. WY 259) gt UT po pile Hemotherapy, using blood to treat Diseatee = Opiylen 2 UTIs On IE Oke aul Hemothorax, accumulation of blood between the lungs and-chest wall. £ Giles 3! ustens) pte Gj! Ue 98 ere O95 Oley? aus . 2; Hepar, liver. | - ‘eS hits pia nisae ES suena, substance which prevents clotting of blood. oo w aae = oo) eae O58 geile “concerning the livers? os) Gl ile GA5- _ Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver. |. Olin - SX vis- Hepatogenic, produced i in the liver, Pst oe -‘Hepatoma, tumor with its origin in liver. Sipe d=) ne Em bles -Hepatomegaly, enlargement of the liver, Ule uh 6 X> .. Hepatopathy, liver disease: pias abe SUS Hereditary, transmitted “from” one’s Horetantrs. : oy Si ce lsel y. AhT ye dates ths Sli Gir (lex) Jy Heredity, traits and characteristics transmitted from parents and other’ ‘ancestors to offspring. — Syst cs) Mat My aye is = sae Me ns) sal opally op V3! Shee jak aa! “ Heredosyphilis, pereeaite] yohilises ’ sail otilan ies "HER 133 “HIA “Hermaphodite, one having both male and female sex _ characteristics. Se} 42 atlaye ya! US oe pe fe “Oye lye mae | Hermetic, Hermetical, airtight. ody Nye "Hernia, rapture; the bulging out.of a part of any of the internal organs through a weak area in’ the muscular wall. Li teed Goyal | Ua CT Ga - Lae : UT yl SF ae we aS Lido Dhae Wan oS “Her pes, skin disease~ characterized ty clusters. of small blisters. 21> 2 9¢¢ 2585 or Ut Gilet Sale — als oy 21 on Kt S use ‘Heroin, narcotic. f ek gol atin claps” Heroinism, addiction to the use of heroin. © case BE 3 S chant cop hat Ue ole Fuss Simplex,’ fever blisters; mouth “blisters. ah fan 21s SE Uap - ale abet . Herpes Zoster, acute, infectious, inflammatory skin “disease; shingles. utjs- «44 « Je ont - ace . Syke} Cle ty ‘Herpetiform, resembling herpes. 7 gla So ala Heterogeneous, of unlike natures, Wilke — plos'l uilor. aly ashes ‘ Heterosexuality, sexual desire for one of the Oppo- site sex. pals lyr cd D geS cs Un bes die Hexavaccine, vaccine having six different organisms, us Bye (WE) AU Tose at Se Hiatus, fissure; gap. a Es Xe jo — 545 HIC 134 Ole GHLY, “Hiccups, sharp, inspiratory sound caused by .con- “tractions of the diaphragm. © jl Gus or plot gt SAle ot yal pik 2 : Hidrosis, sweating. e * UT Ages Hip, upper part of the’ thigh mere it joins with the” pelvis. ele 5 hj 9 Oler tee 6 sl BON) - Boe - ohm e tls Hippocrates, Greek physician, the frather ee Medicine. (p- 5367 U - ¢ -.G 460): 2ub. bia © glans GU! yore as f Hippocratic’ Oath, oath taken by the graduating physician on which he bases his medical ethics. oe rt cp ZN Ge ye Sy 2d SS a = il tli [a SOAS able : é Hirsute, hairy. é : Seb Vy oglt Histamine, bodily substance found in most tissues, released when tissue is damaged. Ot Orel Le Set pie ee ed Bor ge ol dtr Wy 2b wy Use A Histoblast, tissue cell. . is be is : tiss es. esl S a erie & pis : oma, any tissue tumor. 4 b doy SI (Me illness and symptoms. eS uae = CE en. CiyAll F arte 491 eke eae a) : Hitch, knot. et Hives, skin rash characterized ‘by large wheals. Uye all sll ai ome - Gt - Shee HOA o> nies Hloarseness, difficulty.in speaking... Js - Ub es 5 it a Ue GES uve 2 - Ue © 4 " Hodegetics, medical etiquette. oT ck ~ Hodgkins’s Disease, disease in which *the lymph, glands and spleen ‘become enlarged. .- oS & iu wy 2h ahs Si gal 2982 Galle) Om une a. Holarthritis, inflammation of all joints. . 5 yah o ic 5 Wire > ¢ i Homogeneous, of uniform sttucture. ~ Vy giles OL > one to be attracted to people of'same sex: kil GL GL Sls Ly Gol a tes Sr SrAha Se Ug8 obj oy O92 As 8) Gat ote ne ge i San ot = (ge IE LY ott ext Ost ape SUL! pt Hook, curved instrument used for traction or hold- ing. -£. 239 gS set SY Fo oe dat - UST. - ge Ue LS Sle! J Hooping Cough, acute, infectious disease cnerked by a paroxysmal cough ending in a crowing or whooping inspiration. Jly sey 442 - asus fe feat £29 yl 2a L yi oe ue Sie, it 6 ES GS Bd LUN Sy W AT i -Hordeolum, sty. S258 £ el rele on 5 es : ne ttt ot LI : Hormone, a chemical that originates in the ee and is carried to all parts of the body by the blood. Su 2 vsi9é je oats Bin ol < oom : ge Peet Ue pat pled days Os4 HOR | 136 HUM Horror, fear; dread. a us. 5 Hosp., hospital. Oke jley ois Jean + Hospital, institution for the care of those in need of medical attention. ybo5 op oles 21) ols! ails - g Uoe Sys7e.0 2b) * é ° -for treatment. bgS) i 2S 2D oe W582) eee . Host, organism on which a parasite lives. ao dab. 2S rl poe bal a lo 3 Hot, having a high Sees al Any? bee ea ‘ oe eal Hottentotism, abnormal an of eraicrinee : eal : Uys Set see) House Physician, doctor who lives in the hospital _- and is available for help at all times. - aay ule ‘ sem ge sh ge ex Deas Hl) Set FES ay a pete ok pee so dln 3 S Oran 39, House Staff, residents, ‘interns and certain dover ‘i ofa hospital: Ala Ze) play os Ene ote dle S Ope ge PON ed? 42F a3! ZS Setsh 28) saa: asec 3p chy) Eat Humidifier, device used to increase moisture in. the air ofa room. 26} Sis) ox lat Sart aT st, ele LS Jewel tS (24 wah 3y) - Humidity, amount of moisture in the air. re Ce gla Sole aT : aha Sigs Humor, body fluid. cab) ‘seas be HUM Sorte BT HYD _ Humpback, curvature of the spine. 3h oan gli hohe Shy - oh x Hunger, desire, especially for food. alse -S ” Ses Ue pat a Hyaline, glassy. OB tte ck - ough Hybrid, product of parents of different. species. s oYyl 5 oils eo ee oad ga - Hey "Hydatid, cyst formed in the’tissues. Vp Ga om Oped * (em lps Os yee) teed dle | : pone : : Hydragogue, strong laxative US Gad eden HE Se Hydrarthrosis, accumulation of fluid in a joint. U- cle! B pe oe Soe - Hydraulics, science of liquids in motion. Sle rr pe Basel dk ols) 2 Hydroa, skin disease with blister-like patches. ek h Be W abl oe or Get ‘ _ Hydrocarbon, compound of hydroge! ! 6S oublal orate en oe ¢ Hydrocephalus, abnormal enlargement of ‘the ‘head due to interference with the drainage of cerebral wale n and carbon, * SE bl dhe ths ~ Flo 2 ate! | We |] | fluid. S38s oy “Ht rf | Vile By BY unde Ul oe task dos epg tS | Hydrocyst, cyst with watery contents.” > auss GEE yp Vy Le: BQ Oe oe bits ct : Hydrogenate, combine with water- UMel Sd bd Side Sh © 3 -Hydrophilia, absorbing water. Hydrophobia, rabies. ~ Og Se Sek toe see eG A356 Sa myo d OT Sele HYD 138 HYP Hydrops, dropsy. ~~ aa Swath attal Hydrotherapy, treatment of ene by means of water. cil dalins - oe Be Oyster = Gb Hygiene, science of health and observance of its” rules. cme Oli» ple — ine ile Hygienic, pertaining to health. (Ghe- = ony Ole Hygiene Mental, development and preservation of mental health. le - cb js) GT S omy (elo o> de ‘ Hygiene Oral, proper care of the mouth and teeth. Sle? 4X12 ales S ostila jy! dea oe Gl S Ae : Hygienist, specialist in hygiene. oe Cle le ; Hymen, membrane fold located at the entrance.to the female sex organs. dee op Sols 2 lael aU} oy by Hymenectomy, surgical removal of the hymen. cana tao SA oy fay (otal) ale dee . Hymenotomy, surgical opening of the hymen. 4a) WS Ely ge ome SK B29 oF! : Hypacusia, faulty ‘pearing = ky dk Agdigl — te yas tle fi Hypalgesia, * ‘reduced Seviiy to pain, 3)2 vteel cls Hyperacidity, excess of: stomach acid. -&alj3 fu BUS Salat cw etn a Hyperacuity, sharp vision. he +55 55 Hyperacusia, acute hearing. Clee (S55 Hyperbulia, excessive willfulness. 24} - 45. 2hj a - Hyperthyroidism, condition . caused by excessive S ion of the thyroid gland. nad ad dled oa ag Soe pole cisky om sa 2 SEE Sb. les ile Hypertrichosis, excessive hairiness: - lip oy 2 Sr Uae de 2 HYP: =~ 140: Hypnagia, Pain while asleep, +28 Olyys £ asd dls 2 as _ Hypnosis, trance induced through verbal lipeestion | or concentration upon an object, “4233 93 je ee MT yb isd tay SF SUIS gst ay al 3k y ZFS E ‘ Ue aad SO pstle J ; Hypnotherapy, treatment by fyPalisms 4a £ aie us oe Hypnotize, to put i in a state of hyeeene ul a laa SF 580i - Lys ey yb sens ne ~ ber Ssjlb Hypobaropathy, decompression sickness. = jt oh ee Sl on SUS Le (9 Ost) 93 oh hh Se GEG dN 2 Syl Hypocalcia, calcium. deficiency. % ae ; Hypochrondria, undue concern about’ Png 's health; suffering with imaginary illnesses. = »~ Ialgfegd Le AAT Sia! ne Glas Some — Ke B cyl at Hypochondriac, one who suffers “from coegiiaty “illness. («ls5+ 912) Bok on - Jee Eo dhs -dl- ee, gral yheat dérmic, | beneath the skin;. Jinjedtion ‘under the: skin; ‘nee dle used for aneeron oa = dle Sale 4 De dls oe dust BS ee oR pts les Bad jal GU = sieind yj aes dam Sleep & + ee . Hypogonadism, deficient activity of testis or-ovi HYP : 141 : -_HYS PF oe S26 S pall teat b Osh yi : _ Hypomastia, unusual smallness of the breast. Osi Wye Uses rb dpe nt 2 “Hypomenorrhea, deficient menstrution. - UT pS a= UT oF isslyal Hyponola, mental sluggishness. (s=« (43 - bee _Hypophrenia, feeblemindedness. (15+ 6s} - stead 2359-5 Hypopraxia, deficient activity. ’ Orde Bhs Be: Hypophysis, pituitary gland. .<)- ebb reSae ey é U3 JoRe Se ty Ed gp d94k Soa 5 Si a eel & ple aah 5 UU ait eo be, o~ tl, = she qe A ee oh eet _ Hypoplasia incomplete tissue d:velopment, Benoa : Se) AS TTS pend = ot Gai, “Hyposensitization, treatment of allergy re giving small doses of the material to which the person is allergic and gradually increasing the doses until the allergic reaction is reduced. (ssl (32) -jey!I ph 0d bee Gigs (re) SE ee ee pa = ee 0S Le oy DE 2 ta Qty es Gap GLEN * ge le ge pS bee 3) Kel Hypotension, law blood oressure. j= of Bota ay Hypothesis, supposition. ~ US ja US es Hypotonia, abnormally low strength or tension. te ae CHE yyb pene nb 2 ylb . itaaeenye surgical removal of whole or par “the Womb. SSS te SI Fol pay vas luo IG eS Ichthyosis, gone ion in which babies eee dry. and _HYS 142 Hysteria, psychological staie or neurosis: fesulti from failure to, face reality, - \w-« cies ed Sosu Ue eal & cake ge ye tt Sas get Halen ple S Oates = Gye ce Ae oe Hysterosalpingectomy, stirgical Temeval of the w and fallopian tubes. -o5.10 ue 33! fo) i ws. uy al bs Ss : ‘aes therapeutics. Jatric, medical. Tatrology, medica! science. Ice, frozen wat : Ichnogram, footprint. jh tel Ichor, watery. discharge fronra’ sore. a. ee Soe pA oT Glo. Iconologny, sexual desire aroused by pictures or Statues: WUT 61 5 pale Qo 2 ago noes be gle Vise May Uke Gye ides Ichthyol, coal tar product used in ihe: Want of skin diseases. Gala y= 21s Boat ee sae, oe pass eis Vye dlentel om CAEL Sil Jcthyophobia, extreme fear of fish. iy tte ede scaly skin. Teteric, relating » a shee Oly ety ‘concept. dea, Fight ‘of, rapid, dibcotneied speech chatac- °! féristic of Certain mental diseases. 1 SE Syn 258 Se ey 2S SSE S peed Ul I Hees wel al ele gaa » ideal; concept of Perfection: VE diegsl oe UE ne ‘ ce Yeeation, thinking. © SH ~ bg ye, cidée Fixe, obsession. Uae ok Due Tdentical, exactly the same.” gas JSIU- Ges are “Tdentical Twins, twins developed from one fertilized sce. Slybe Sh SY Ns 525 co ale (oa) aT GY i! (a) u Tdlosyncrasy, pecuhar characteristics whereby one pérson differs from ‘another. Koad — G13 slancet wie oe corde cht Sl aes Soe gle oe = ane : ql ) : ‘diccrasy, peculiarity. : : eer “ Adiovy, mental deficiency with an I.Q. under 25. si See G25 om tes die wy = CPT GeLo Eo ot Sols + IDI 144 hh I only with his wife, or only Ct a ter “women. Pansies eee Y San ail ye aaa “3 oh Se he SUB Ua sete The ; I 7 ering from congenial feeblemin jed- “ness. oe eS of aah Gla, Idiotypic, relating to needy" Idrosis, excessive sweating. ignis, c tery. Tieitis, inflammation er the lower. smal Sie S OT Gree S as i Heocolitis, inflammation of the lowersmall intestine - and the large intestine. (5) Heo ay Pega 2 Spee oe gE Soe pb lhe oll S oe Fdare Li Incubus, nightmare. ; US oy ols oa Incurable, not able to be cured. = gio Y- is guu Indication, ¢ any pect ofa disease that points | ‘out its treatment. ScvLul i o IE il - hs eX bes dh : aa Indigenous, native toa a particular Place. - 51. - j-1 : (cath) 6 Ke rl Oe Indigestion, failure of digestive function. ee tee Indolent, in: ive. : la né -or- ute _ Induced, brought about by indirect’ stimulation. (WLS Jam Bes) Wa 7 Le Spt abl ly oS faye DU ~ Indurated, hardened. revise) Ue o che (Ula Se cine Inebriation, intoxication. : Ue mt dy = tyne Inert, inactive. 2 dem Geel AS ye Le oT Inertia, inactivity. US dae un SS yo = Sond = oe” ’ In Extremis, at the point of death. cb - se — ee ‘ ees Infanticide, killing of an infant. 1S yu iS an ef rs Infantile, pertaining to infancy; possessing charac- teristics of early childhood. 2 wybosn4 lj - JAb Sala Fhe grat ST ory 2h. Ghee” , "INF @ “149 Na) INE Tnfantile Paralysis, infection of central nervous _ system; poliomyelitis. © Wy 542 5 Glecl cll GF OY Bsa - sayy - Syher : ae Q Infantilism, failure of development. »é - the ib “aly G3 ee Tafarction, Blockage of vessel. - Ue ye 44 6 JUS de aa p! 3 e i ‘Infection, implantation of. a germ; spread of a | disease, - UL a} ym Sela poe B pctlym - Csee = Nihege Bisley (aT : ‘ Infectious, liable to be transmitted by” infection. VWs 2h Jie anys Sighy — Share — 52 rgge Inferior, of a lower position or situation. - Ji-! + Ags LF — Vy 2 gm aly od : Infertility, ‘sterility. opel Infiltration, Process by which substances pass into cells or into the spaces around cells. «)— cts! Oaks SOF sl FY Ople esl (Slee) ayy Lut de a2 ew Se ae. : Infirm, weak; feeble. - 2 ATU = gy | Infirmary, place for the care of the sick. 5 osjka Alle jlo Se S20 Se: 4512 F Onylee Ke SF ws)2 ghd diane = alta las a : : pnalahg t | Infirmity, weakness; sicknesgy ileal = G95 "Inflammation, changes that occur in ‘living tissues when, they are invaded by germs, e.g. redness, swelling, pain or heat. E ple = p39 Bye Ohl Jb ee Gly oe (sil) Oseead edly Se ye yl alee AFI 233 = Gee ee Re Ol. ; “Inflation, distention. ee i. , beyond the red onic of the: sie Go en Inherent, intrinsic; ‘innate. _ ; : : Inherited; received from one’s ancestors. > fue Jy a Sil aT ade BNI ee el eat Initial, beginning; first; commencing. =dd - dla! S 027 toe es i ‘ * {nitis, inflammation of muscular substance, 4! Be Seat Jae ep Fat i Injection, forcing a liquid into ‘ody tissue or a - “cavity. aw Sor Vertu See - US = ol UF dela (335) yee pairs eae 2” Injury, hurt; damage. Sail Boba Soe . Inlay, filling fora dental cavity. We s+. Betts, < Inlet, means of entrance. Vannys Foie Gal pl Innate, hereditary; congenital. - .sl4y - ue Wf oy 2 - Innervation, distribution of tae to apart; amount - _ of nervous stimulation received by 4 part. 2 p= Sy AL pat Ca Kl pe Sohal cae eet cTlb ee : . ij 28 Innocent, harmless; benign. -<4 < Oye = pene : ae Cl Innocuous, harmless, : ; eae 3 Innominate, nameless. poo oe Inoculation, immunization against disease by intro- ~ ducing one form of the germ or its products into = the Body. par le Bal W pale (2) * UE So ght MS on Soe etl! jae SS Soe : " Anoculum, material used in inoculation. £25 ds 298 Ulescal oe 0958 ghlin - aale Yip zige Dll om ee Wyo dls Cae mae e : i I | ee t eats BS persion, ee with Powder, or fluid. aM. Se on dhe : : : Be - ea oe so Anteufgeace,atitity to see the rls webeen t ae eee ee ercourse, communication between Persons, 4b!) or oe : INT. 154 i aING | Intermirtent Claudication, pain ‘in legs; after brie! “exercise caused by a defect in blood ‘circulation, 409 Se 3? oy OSI ay = hs ee eae Sues © tle Ue O54 Ole : Intern, an assistant physician ofee a nospital aaa | aa " who i isin training prior to receiving a license to “Practice medicine. s+ ql 40 Kale Siattlia 5 Seif oles At 2 2 doe wh BS ole ‘Gicmatiicac worsen in ace internal organs. ae Cp sla 5 tas Gaal ere Ee e ‘ of, the ice of an intern. ~ 4 cal Fee e I Ynternus, internal. = “dap Interstice, space or gap ina tissue or, stricture. aie : Be dE ce pid Vet By cae -Antervascalar, Dene blood vessels. eS eek ee Intima 7 innermost a of a bloc 4 vessel. Sd ot ae de dail Stell, Sosdu : ~ Intolerance, not able to edie (Ka Sis, ‘ntonication, drunkenness, kt ee (ends 2) — des cle iat 155 be INV, tra-Abdominal, within. the abdo: FALE be oh aie 4 Oa yal” rad, inwardly. tramuscular, within the muscula “pil Ei alae — Ghee substance. intravital, during life. Dae sy aan “ole a “Intrinsic, innate. : Se trovert, one whose thoughts “an eck are. turned inward Upon ” himself. “9 Sy 093" = hl We 25 Gb anlar pid otole intuition, instinctual knowledge. Inuuction, massaging the skin wit! USMS ern | - Invagination, becoming; insheathed. x Ula gn Baim = Ut = 5 Inversion, turning inside out. ULT Sal : ' Inversion, ees) homosexuality. ; et te : Invertebrate, having no packen 6a: Imvest, enclose. * : Inveterate, hard to cure. “puis « -- [ a Renee OH Ee | ee. ee) eee itravenous, Within a vein. 5! Lay 3649 09)> Oe 595 4 SB al OME a! Obyaal> pt” s = ot | a ( eee | plant root used. itis,‘ inflammation of the iris. n, chemical element found m “globin of the red blood cell. s= UE WY ce hrs S ort tno pparatus to. ate ae uit FAVE A, othe: ei i ‘ : fF table, capable of, reacting toa stimulus; s Lytle x ale Vy soy 6 Ue Sle lee Bee. Riek retention ot urine. eee composed ae identical 2 : te Wa vale oe Sls whe We pring; suppuratiog sore foreign body in the tissue. 2 ut Oh aad ad eNO tching, Jaqaien skin sensat yy scratch- a ng. BO Ge GG Cale ee intré F159. Se ia = ; : elly, thick, Homogeneatt, mass. o bie - oy = = de: ‘ enh Jockey ety ri rece, ferent suppor ‘

    cha. I : ge Dig th ob) St SI So ple te Est are - Leukoblast, i mature white eo cell. wats Oe © Age! Ade - ae ake ae Leukocytes, y white blood cells. © L : ‘Leukocythemis, leukemia. lyme we ae die is De ; PO Rie SA oe : oer destruction of, mht ; Lic i UM | See : Lichen, any form of skin disease: BN = Gye ‘ : Lichentfeation, thickening aaa 5 hardening of the skin. Ue gn Bee gl oe ae ; ¢ = Licorice, dried root used in, pea on. ae ce adi S le Ge he or © ie RUSE eY Lienitis, inflammi Sh 5 e ts 4 ‘Lientery, diarrhea with evacuation ncot gested food. pas nu! cas bea! erie, — ale > pl lad oat Sees oo . Life, state of being; alive. ae 52. a je Ligaments, firous bands that hold ‘bones together in’ : the region of a joint. > 4*n.- ny Sy= 2 bay “eae 053 ES Tait wit pe ES eS a OH. ieee po 9 a ligament. <= ge | tying. oR pet Lightening, dropping oft “infant into, the mother’s pelvis in the first sta} “Jabor. ub 6 Si Sale gh om wh Se War x OF a - Limb, arm or leg LIP: abus, ‘Tim; bo ; Sy Liminal, barely noticeable. Coe = = 55! pS : Limitans, Deming eu YU 2S asdme pee ty che _ Limp,’ icopediment in ikiers Linetus, ‘thick syrupy pete e 5 oe _ diss seer es ee Le ee LIs' 2 173 is LOB eS He SD Dy By olen 2 Bae tie! or os © (Gy 2 le gee SL 6S Sp : : Listerism, principles and practice of anticeptic ais asceptic surgical procedures, Ley Style Gils BO! doh £ tne de Sys ef be v! Suez = deel ‘lt he : Liguefacient, converting intoa ae eos ae ee ; wy bas Us di Liquescent, becoming ‘liquid’ om des ete oF dhe Ue ye huss ; Lisping, ‘substitution’ of sounds © due. irs speech . defect, e.g. th for s. 5 el o- ed OS SK) ok cess ay = eee, aKa s iit SK ea ae oy, ae las - Livedo, discolored. ‘patch ‘of: gy ace we a) ee SS Livid,. pale! ashen. : : Lividity, discoloration. © ~~) > Mk eae Lobar, pertaining to a lobe. joe @ this < ya ; : : 3 Lobo! y, cutting 2 across of brain tissue. - : 4 at Lobule, small lobes part of a lobe. & tee Locomotion, f move: ment from place to place.- Se 5 vias ‘Loculpus; s Locus, place; ‘site. amnesia, i inability to nee Ua sy bu _ Logokophosis, word deafness, - tke ai gre oS bul 2S INS Loree any speech disorder of central “ori; eae ts Soe IO y . case: study and treatment se 5 Ol as! wet 5 a = saat space’ wi nit ‘Laminal, sedatives “oi Lying- ; ’ Lymph, special fi 3 specific. vessel: _ lymph glands before entering a “ops Pye oe dle Ms 2S Br en Le Fhe A Lost std Nye Bet 2 otin ge ls oe ee eran cue eesteee of a disease. ES eo A : | Macala, pigmented: ioe on the skin; a ‘in-the | 4 ih Ee cet Cala Sa Sones 4 Ble wos Set eo at! f gr tp sit Si a : 181 : Mas a Mastoataton, ‘skillful use of the hands. paekan® Manual, pertaining to the nade: gles = 0 vi Manubrium, handle; top part of the breastbone. Aen ial Ste S tsee yall lig Utia - ans f pas hand. ead GS, SOpSESE 2 As) oy. tape = (Sila $ © Marasmus, progressive wasting in ihe y an obvious cause. alli Bom dene. ~Gseat 5 ar ge 135-5 521 2s as Lwaleat aS : Mareo, seasickness. 33) Ux tee Sytem 15 ak é ents A 4 2, maLness border; margin. t; blemish.

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