Heather Hansen Resume
Heather Hansen Resume
Heather Hansen Resume
1162 N. 200 W. APT. 7
Bountiful UT. 84010
To obtain a position where I can use my education and skills, I am qualifi ed to achieve my full
potential and in doing so I can help the company I work for to be more effi cient and enable
them to grow in numerous ways. True interest and diligent work is assets to both employer
and employee.
CTA- Community Support
Program Manager
Oversee fi nances for each participant, and ensure medication errors are avoided.
Work as a team player and provided genuine support to each individual I support.
Manage multiple forms of data, including advocacy, scheduling, menus, and other
Strive to make it a safe and accident free for both clients and staf
Help clients with; toileting, community access, daily routines, medications, teaching
communication needs, and setting and obtaining goals.
Know laboratory safety rules, and adhere to all CDC recommendation and OSHA
I obtain blood and other specimens in a pediatric and adult setting, as ordered by a
licensed health care provider.
Label all specimens collection tubes, spin and separate blood for testing, verify lab slips,
order requested testing, set up transfer list of specimens to dif erent locations of the
lab, preserve and process specimens.
Answer phones and direct calls to appropriate clinical personnel and lab technicians,
properly dispose of contaminated sharps.
Know laboratory safety rules, and adhere to all CDC recommendations and OSHA
Label the specimen collection tubes, fi le lab slips and incidence reports, preserve and
refrigerate specimens.
Answer phones and direct calls to appropriate clinical personnel and lab technicians,
properly dispose of contaminated sharps.