Leaf Man Lesson Plan
Leaf Man Lesson Plan
Leaf Man Lesson Plan
Olivia Graff
October 28, 2014
As the teacher works with the small group, she will make mental notes of how they interact
and respond to the story and prompts. During the Leaf Man creations, the teacher will have
time to jot down notes about what happened during the story and how the students are
doing with creating their own leaf man. The teacher will be looking for the level of
engagement, how well they were able to make predictions, if they observed the
illustrations, if they asked questions about the stories, etc. This is informal and mostly to
gauge where the students are.
Create a scenario for the students to create their leaf man in. Ask them why they made him
how he is in that scenario.
Have the students make up a story with their lead man orally to share with the other