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Worksheet 7

3.3 The role of trade unions

1. Match the following economic terms and concepts with their correct descriptions.

A Closed shop

B Collective bargaining

C Industrial dispute


E Work to rule

F Single union agreement

G Trade union

H Official strike

An industrial action that involves workers deliberately reducing their productivity by complying rigidly
with every rule and regulation
An agreement between an employer and a single trade union to represent all workers at a particular
workplace. The arrangement saves time by negotiating with only one union and avoids disagreements
arising between different unions
A disruptive action taken by a group of workers in a firm or industry who refuse to supply their labour to
work and which has the backing of their trade union
An organization or association of workers representing employees in a particular workplace or industry
with the aim of improving their pay and working conditions
A disagreement over a pay or employment issue between a trade union and an employer, or groups of
employers, that often results in the trade union taking actions that disrupt production
The process of negotiating pay and working conditions between trade union representatives and
Trade union membership is made a compulsory condition for workers in an organization
Use of an independent referee to help trade union and employer representatives resolve an industrial
2. For each of the following suggest an aim or objective a trade union might have for its members.

Wages and pensions

Skills and training

Health and safety

at work


Annual leave entitlement

Brian Titley 2012: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchasers institute

3. What type of trade union do you think best describes the following unions?

United Association
of Plumbers and

Types of trade unions

general union

Botswana Housing
Corporation Staff

industrial union

craft union
non-manual union or
professional association

Workers Union

Workers Union

4. List three possible advantages to a firm of a single union agreement in its workplaces.

5. From the news report below identify three factors that give the trade union representing air traffic
controllers increased bargaining strength in their dispute with the firms that own and operate airports.

Air traffic controllers are taking strike action this weekend in support of their claim for
higher pay. The strike has the backing of their union representing over 90 per cent of all
air traffic controllers in the country and over 1 million workers in many other key industries,
such as the health service, public transport, and many schools. The strike has brought many
airports to a standstill leaving many holidaymakers and business passengers stranded on
one of the busiest weekends for air travel in the year.


Brian Titley 2012: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchasers institute

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