The core standard I am trying to teach is CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.A.1: Tell and write time to
the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving
addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a
number line diagram.
The mathematical goal of this lesson is for students to learn to measure time to the
nearest quarter hour and half hour.
My introduction of the lesson would include reminding students that they completed their
unit on subtraction with the test they took the day before. Today we will be starting the Time
Unit. I would call the class down to the floor and begin my lesson on the white board. I will
start by asking students if they remember any specific measurements about time already and go
over how many seconds in a minute, how many minutes in an hour, and how many hours in a
day. Next I will ask the students if they can make any real life connections as to why it is
important to be able to tell time. I will begin by writing a few definitions on the board including
face, short hand, and long hand. This way the students will have a reference to remember which
hand tells what information. I will then draw a picture of a clock on the white board and give
sample problems of a time on the hour such as What time do you have to be at school? and
show 9:00 on the clock. Students will identify where the hour hand and minute hands are
located. Once students are comfortable with the mini-review on hours I will slice the clock
down the middle into two equal pieces. Students will recognize the halves of the clock and we
will do examples such as What time do you eat snack? and show 11:30 on the clock. I will do
a few examples until I feel students are ready to move on. Then I will draw another picture with
the clock cut into 4 equal pieces. I will do examples with the students such as 6:45 and
emphasize that it is 15 minutes before 7 oclock. I can do other examples such as 7:15 which is
15 minutes after 7 oclock. When I feel I have done enough examples with the students, I will
leave the circles sliced in halves and quarters on the board as a reminder. Students will then
return to their seats to complete a worksheet in which they must determine the times displayed
on the clocks. After we go over the answers to the worksheet as a class I will have the students
complete an index card activity as a wrap up.
Students will receive a worksheet with 9 problems asking them to write the times
displayed. The worksheet includes examples of time on the hour, half hour, and quarter hour
which we discussed during the lesson. I will be looking to make sure students understand that
these different times form a pattern such as _:45 always has the long hand on the 9 and so on.
Once students have completed the worksheet we will go over the answers and I will emphasize
the importance of order with 15 minutes after, 30 minutes after, and 15 minutes before. I will
then pass out index cards with times written on them such as 9:15, 9:30, 9:45 and so on.
Students will be challenged to put themselves in the proper time order without talking to each