Taube Dunes Referendum Statement of Support

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Report on Proposed Referendum of spending tax payers money

to fight the State on the Shore Protection Project

To: Mayor Becker, Commissioner Blumberg, Solicitor Abbott & Margate
Fr: Brenda Taube, Commissioner of Public Works
For the record, Id like everyone to know that I fully support this referendum
because I think the cost will be more than the $30,000 or the $200,000
estimated by our two outside counsels. Spending money to fight a potential
losing battle concerns me but if the majority of residents support this
challenge and expenditure then I will support it too. I recognize that 64% of
residents voted no to moving forward with the Shore Protection Plan but
they did not vote yes to moving forward in a law suit against the Governor
and the State of New Jersey.
I think the estimated costs of $30,000 and $200,000 from our two outside
counsels is an under estimation. The citys legal fees and the hiring of expert
witnesses could cost much more with no guarantee of success; actually, both
of these counsels and our own solicitor state that it's more unlikely than likely
that we will be successful.
We've done everything we can and if we continue to move forward fighting
this project, our residents deserve to know and must know what is entailed.
I'm not comfortable gambling with tax payer's money without them knowing
that it will be costly and that we have three opinions stating we will likely not
Remember the Governor/State's Executive Order is presumed to be valid. The
burden of proof is on the City to present clear and convincing evidence that
the Governor/State abused his/its authority.
Our citizenry deserves to know that this could be a very costly fight and they
should also be made aware of the negative odds of winning such a lawsuit. To
not share this information, is in my opinion, grossly misleading our residents.
Brenda Taube

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