How Earthquakes Happen: Contoh / Example of Explanation Text About Earthquake
How Earthquakes Happen: Contoh / Example of Explanation Text About Earthquake
How Earthquakes Happen: Contoh / Example of Explanation Text About Earthquake
Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several
regions, like China, Indonesia, and Japan. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you
know how an earthquake happens?
Gempa bumi merupakan salah satu bencana paling merugikan. Buruknya itu sering terjadi di
beberapa wilayah seperti di China, Indonesia, dan Jepang. Gempa bumi telah menyebabkan
kerusakan parah. Mengapa itu terjadi? Apakah kamu ingin tahu bagaimana gempa bumi terjadi?
Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden
release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or
two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks
are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the
pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.
Gempa bumi biasanya disebabkan oleh lempeng yang bergerak tiba-tiba dan melepaskan tenaga
yang menyebabkan getaran seismis dan menyebabkan tanah bergetar. Saat dua lempeng
During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to
move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of
the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.
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The term of tsunami comes from the Japanese which means harbour ("tsu") and wave ("nami"). A tsunami is a
series of waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale.
A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water.
Such large vertical movements of the earth's crust can occur at plate boundaries.
Subduction of earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser oceanic
plates slip under continental plates.
As the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its equilibrium, it radiates across the
ocean like ripples on a pond.
Tsunami always bring great damage. Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial
wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into the coastal area.
What is cancer? It is actually a group of more than one hundred separate diseases. Most of us are
fear from cancer It is reasonable because next to heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause
Cancer cells come from normal cells because of mutations of DNA. Those mutations can occur
spontaneously. The mutations may be also induced by other factors such as: nuclear and
electromagnetic radiation, viruses, bacteria and fungi, parasites, heat, chemicals in the air, water
and food, mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc. All such
Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism. It is estimated that there are about 10,000
cancer cells at any given time in a healthy person. Why do some result in macroscopic-level cancers
and some do not? First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die quickly. Second,
those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by the mechanisms
available to the immune system. Therefore cancer develops if the immune system is not working
properly or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune system to eliminate.
Begitulah pembahasan CANCER; Example of Explanation Text ini. Semoga bisa membantu yang
sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah hususnya pelajaran jenis teks.
The sun seems to rise in the morning, crosses the sky during the day and sets at night. However the
sun does not actually move around the earth. Earth's turning on its axis makes it look as if the sun is
The earth makes a complete turn on its axis for 24 hours. It is called as rotation. It causes day and
night. The earth also moves around the sun. It takes 365 days or a year. This process is called
revolution. The revolution process causes the changes of the season
Begitulah pembahasan How Day and Night Happen: an explanation text ini. Semoga bisa
membantu yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggrisdi sekolah hususnya pelajaran jenis teks.
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