AliceSapienzaJohari Window Model
AliceSapienzaJohari Window Model
AliceSapienzaJohari Window Model
by self
by self
by others
by others
design alan chapman 2001-4 based on Ingham and Luft's Johari Window concept
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The Johari Window model was developed by American psychologists Joseph
Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950's, while researching group dynamics (hence
the title, from their first names, Joseph and Harry). The Johari Window soon
became a widely used model for understanding and training self-awareness,
personal development, improving communications, interpersonal relationships,
group dynamics, team development and inter-group relationships.
The Johari Window model is also referred to as a 'disclosure/feedback model of
self awareness', and by some people an 'information processing tool'. The Johari
Window actually represents information - feelings, experience, views, attitudes,
skills, intentions, motivation, etc - within or about a person - in relation to their
group, from four perspectives, which are described below. The Johari Window
model can also be used to represent the same information for a group in relation
to other groups. Johari Window terminology refers to 'self' and 'others': 'self'
means oneself, ie, the person subject to the Johari Window analysis. 'Others'
means other people in the person's group or team.
Johari Window Four Regions
The four Johari Window perspectives are called 'regions' or 'areas' or 'quadrants'.
Each of these regions contains and represents the information - feelings,
motivation, etc. - known about the person, in terms of whether the information is
known or unknown by the person, and whether the information is known or
unknown by others in the group. HAND OUT. The Johari Window's four
others, the aim should be to reduce this area and thereby to increase the open
area, ie, to increase self-awareness. This blind area is not an effective or
productive space for individuals or groups. This blind area could also be referred
to as ignorance about oneself, or issues in which one is deluded. A blind area
could also include issues that others are deliberately withholding from a person.
We all know how difficult it is to work well when kept in the dark. No-one
works well when subject to 'mushroom management'. People who are 'thickskinned' tend to have a large 'blind area'.
Group members and managers can take some responsibility for helping an
individual to reduce their blind area - in turn increasing the open area - by giving
sensitive feedback and encouraging disclosure. Managers should promote a
climate of non-judgmental feedback, and group response to individual
disclosure, which reduces fear and therefore encourages both processes to
happen. The extent to which an individual seeks feedback, and the issues on
which feedback is sought, must always be at the individual's own discretion.
Some people are more resilient than others - care needs to be taken to avoid
causing emotional upset.
Johari region 3 is what is known to ourselves but kept hidden from, and
therefore unknown, to others. This hidden or avoided self represents
information, feelings, etc, anything that a person knows about him/self, but
which is not revealed or is kept hidden from others. The hidden area could also
include sensitivities, fears, hidden agendas, manipulative intentions, secrets anything that a person knows but does not reveal, for whatever reason. It's
natural for very personal and private information and feelings to remain hidden,
indeed, certain information, feelings and experiences have no bearing on work,
and so can and should remain hidden. However, typically, a lot of hidden
information is not very personal, it is work- or performance-related, and so is
better positioned in the open area.
Relevant hidden information and feelings, etc, should be moved into the open
area through the process of 'disclosure'. The aim should be to disclose and
expose relevant information and feelings - hence the Johari Window
terminology 'self-disclosure' and 'exposure process', thereby increasing the open
area. By telling others how we feel and other information about ourselves we
reduce the hidden area, and increase the open area, which enables better
understanding, cooperation, trust, team-working effectiveness and productivity.
Reducing hidden areas also reduces the potential for confusion,
misunderstanding, poor communication, etc, which all distract from and
undermine team effectiveness.
Organizational culture and working atmosphere have a major influence on group
members' preparedness to disclose their hidden selves. Most people fear
judgement or vulnerability and therefore hold back hidden information and
feelings, etc, that if moved into the open area, ie known by the group as well,