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Brooklyn Topic Plan

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Duration (weeks):


Stage 1: Desired Results

The following achievement standards are addressed during this topic:

Thoughtful and insightful understandings of the ideas, characters, and themes constructed and presented in the text.
Complex discussion and critical analysis of the structures, features and conventions used by the author to construct meaning
Considered selection of textual evidence and highly appropriate and relevant use of metalanguage

Key Understandings:

Essential Questions:

Students will understand that:

Authors use narrative viewpoint, settings and symbols to construct meaning

Social, historical and cultural values are embodied in the text.

Different interpretations are possible.

How does migration impact on a persons sense of identity?

What were the social influences of the 1950s in Ireland and America?
How did the context of the time impact on Eilis views and values?
What is the authors message within the novel?
How are the different themes portrayed in the novel? What is Colm Toibin
trying to indicate about each theme?

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Major Assessment Task(s):

Other Evidence:

Reading and Responding SAC

Class activities
Class discussions
Group Work
Individual class tasks
Writing Tasks
Learning Activities
Practice SACs

Stage 3: Learning Plan


Historical background
information about the
1950s The American

Introduction to the
author: Colm Toibin

Structure and features of

Symbols/Imagery within

Learning Activities


1&2: Introduction to Brooklyn/Context of 1950s Ireland and

Students will be watching an interview with the author of Brooklyn Colm
They will then be discussing some ideas from the interview. After this
they will move onto researching the context of the time. Students can
work in groups and choose one aspect from 1950s Ireland and one from
1950s America to work on. The students will then be presenting their
information gathered in the following lesson. During the presentations
students are to take notes about the context of the time.

Introduction to Brooklyn SIMON

3: The American Dream

PowerPoint on The American Dream
Class Discussion/individual activities throughout the PowerPoint
presentation. Quotes from Brooklyn and questions relating to the
text/Eilis/The American Dream throughout.
1&2: Structure/Language/Plot of Brooklyn
Part 1: Page 3-49 (Home)
Part 2: Page 53-91 (Brooklyn a place of loss and a terrible weight)
Part 3: Page 95-199 (Brooklyn a place of renewal)
Part 4: Page 203-52 (Enniscorthy reversal of nostalgia)
Group work activity on final slide of PowerPoint

Extra resource:
BBC Bookclub Interview (55mins)

Interview with Colm Toibin:

The American Dream PowerPoint SIMON
Article on 1950s: Pursuing the American Dream

Metalanguage to use for Brooklyn SIMON

Structure and Style in Brooklyn SIMON
Structure and Plot in Brooklyn PowerPoint on SIMON
Four Acts of Brooklyn SIMON

Four Acts of Brooklyn Ticking Mind resource (students to fill out)

Introduction Questions - SIMON
3: Symbols/Imagery/Motif
Eilis is Celtic for Gods Oath

Stage 3: Learning Plan



Learning Activities


Curtain (See sheet on SIMON on curtain motif)

Introduction Questions (SIMON)
Students are to complete three of these questions in detail and will be
sharing their ideas and responses.
Practice SAC on structure/language (planned response):
Toibins Brooklyn places just as much importance on what the
characters dont say as well as what they do. Discuss.
1,2,3: Characters

Brooklyn Eilis Journey Qs SIMON

Brooklyn Eilis Journey Questions SIMON

Brooklyn Discussion Questions SIMON

Brooklyn Discussion Questions SIMON

These can be split up amongst the class. Perhaps one question
between three students. They need to come up with an answer
to the question including textual references and quotations in
their response as evidence. Each response should be extended
aim for 3 paragraphs.

Character Roles Handout SIMON

Characters in Brooklyn

Minor Characters Handout SIMON

Role Development Handout - SIMON

Characters to focus on: Eilis Lacey, Rose Lacey, Mrs. Lacey, Father
Flood, Tony Fiorello, Mrs Kehoe, Miss Kelly, Jim Farrel, Nancy, etc.

Character Roles Handout Students are to link these words with the
characters in Brooklyn
Minor Character Handout Students can fill out the similarities of the
minor characters to the major, and plot which minor characters hinder
the struggle of Eilis, or support her on her coming of age journey
Role Development Handout Students can look at the various roles
that Eilis plays (student, daughter, sister, wife, girlfriend, worker etc.) and
how these roles change/develop throughout the text. Linking in each
part of the text with each role.


Character Practice SAC:

Eilis Laceys journey is stagnant. By the end of the novel she is still
restricted and unable to make choices in her life. Discuss.
1&2: Themes
Students first begin to reflect through the following statements:

Brooklyn Theme Work SIMON

Stage 3: Learning Plan


Views and Values

Learning Activities
Eilis feels at the start of the text
Eilis feels during the text
Eilis realises during the text
Eilis knows at the end of the text
After the conclusion of themes prezi (link in resources) students will
work through the themes work and then try to come up with their own
statements in relation to the themes.
Social class/social status
Racial prejudice
Love and duty
Commitment and marriage
Role of Church
Growing Up
Grief and Loss
Brooklyn Theme Work - SIMON
Theme Resources SIMON (words to use in essay)
3: Values
Respect for others
Freedom of Choice
Changing Views and Values SIMON
Students to try filling out individually, then coming together as a class to
work through it. Perhaps splitting it up for a group of 3-4 students for
each value and them gathering quotes, evidence etc. for the value and

Values in Brooklyn SIMON
Changing views and values - SIMON
A prezi on themes in Brooklyn

Stage 3: Learning Plan



Learning Activities


any change that occurs, then coming back and presenting to the class
while they take notes.
Theme Practice SAC:
The migration experience for Eilis was positive. Do you agree?
1: Eilis Journey Questions
Discuss and work through these as a class identifying quotes that
could be used for each question, what ideas are being asked, what links
you would make to views and values, symbolism, themes etc.
Brooklyn essay writing PPT (SIMON)

2: SAC Prep
3: The Big Nine
Keynote on SIMON.
Go back over the metalanguage sheet, the words and phrases for essay
writing sheet

SAC: Brooklyn

The Big Nine Key Note SIMON

Brooklyn Essay Writing PPT - SIMON

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