Idaho Core Teacher Standards

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Tia Sinnett


Learn about what the Idaho Core Teacher Standards is

Learn how the Idaho Core Teacher Standards affect

Learn about what the Charlotte Danielson Framework
for teaching evaluation method is and how it affects
Learn how to use the rubric of the Danielson

In 1999 and 2000 Idaho Core Teacher Standers were

developed by teachers, higher education representatives,
parents, school administrators business people and others.
These standards are a method to determine a teachers
effectiveness. The teacher evaluation is based upon the
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
Model (INTASC). An effective teacher according to this
evaluation is one that shows knowledge, skills, and
commitments that ensure quality learning and growth of all
students. These teachers strive for achievement for each
student and are able to recognize and apply ways in helping
all children in their classroom to learn. The teacher also
knows that collaboration and continuing education is

The Teacher understands

the central concepts,

tools of inquiry, and
structure of the
discipline taught, and
creates learning
experiences that make
these aspects of subject
matter meaningful for

The teacher uses and

presents appropriate
content that is accurate
and relevant.
The teacher is able to
link students learning to
everyday life and global
The teacher presents
different viewpoints, and
methods of teaching

The teacher understands how

students learn and develop,

and provides opportunities
that support their
intellectual, social and
personal development.

The teacher knows how to

assess individuals and groups

to be able to instruct and
meet all student needs.
Teacher is able get teacher to
students to evaluate and be
responsible for their own
Teacher is able to make up
lesson plans that are at the
students level.
The teacher provides a
positive learning

The teacher understands how

students learn and develop, and

provides opportunities that support
their intellectual, social and
personal development.

The teacher designs their lesson

plans for the appropriateness of

students stage of development,
strength, needs, and cultural
The teacher identifies if she or he
needs to modify lesson plans to
those students that have different
The teacher find the appropriate
services and resources to meet
individual needs.
Teacher uses student experiences to
connect with lesson plans.
The teacher strives for each student
success and also creates a learning
environment to accommodate
learning differences

The teacher understands

Teacher understands the

and uses a variety of

different types of
instructional strategies
to encourage students
Teacher understands the
development of critical
different techniques and
thinking, problem
applications to teach
solving, and performance
such students.
The teacher knows how
to improve learning
through materials,
human resources, and

The teacher understands

individuals and group

motivation and behavior
and creates a learning
environment that
encourages positive social
interaction, active
engagement in learning,
and self-motivation.

The teacher knows the

principles for effective

classroom management.
The teacher understand
how to encourage self
The teacher understands
group function influence
The teacher understands
how participation,
structure, and leadership
promote democratic values
in the classroom.

The teacher uses

knowledge of effective
verbal, nonverbal, and
media communication
techniques to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and
supportive interaction in
the classroom.

The teacher understands

the communication theory

and role of language in
Understands the needs of
diverse learners.
The teacher knows the
variety of communication
tools that improve
The teacher understands
strategies for promoting
student communication

The teacher plans instruction

based upon knowledge of

subject matter, students, the
community, and curriculum

To meet curriculum goals the

teachers knows how to apply

subject matter, learning theory,
instructional strategies, and
curriculum development.
The teacher knows what
elements to consider when
planning instruction to builds an
effective bridge between
curriculum goals and learning.
Knows when and how to adjust
Understands how curriculum
alignment across grade levels

The teacher understands,

uses and interprets formal

and informal assessment
strategies to evaluate and
advance student
performance and to
determine program

Teacher understands

assessment and evaluation

and has multiple strategies
to assess student progress.
The teacher knows how to
use the assessments to
modify lesson plans and
The teacher knows how to
communicate assessment
information to students,
parents, and others.

The teacher is a reflective

practitioner who
demonstrates a
commitment to
professional standards and
is continuously engaged in
purposeful mentoring of
the art and science of

The teacher knows the

Code of Ethics, is able to

self assess and reflect.
The teacher is aware and is
able to present with
objectivity, fairness, and
Knows how to get access to
professional resources
Knows how important
collaboration is
Knows how to use
technology to enhance

The teacher interacts in a

professional, effective
manner with colleagues,
parents, and other
members of the
community to support
students learning and well

The teacher knows about

the relationships between

schools, families, and
community that effect
student learning.
The teacher knows what
influences students lives
and learning.
Knows how to effective use
of professionals,
volunteers, and peer tutors.
Knows student rights and
teacher responsibility

The Danielson Framework for teaching evaluation

method identifies the skills teachers need to promote

student learning. It is research based and outlines
what teachers should know and be able to use it in
their profession.
The Danielson Framework includes 4 domains and 22
components. The State of Idaho has adopted this
method of evaluation. The Framework and Idaho Core
Standards are closely related other than I believe the
framework is more detailed

The next slides will show the Domains and the

components, while you look notice how the Domains

correlate with the Idaho Core Standards.
Domain 1 correlates with standard 1, 2, and 7. Domain
2 correlates with standard 5. Domain 3 correlates with
standards 3, 4, 6, and 8, and lastly Domain 4 correlates
with standards 4,9, and 10

1a: Demonstrating Knowledge Of Content And

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge Of Students
1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
1d: Demonstrating Knowledge Of Resources
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
1f: Designing Student Assessments

2a: Creating An Environment of Respect And Rapport

2b: Establishing A Culture For Learning

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures
2d: Managing Student Behavior

2e: Organizing Physical Space

3a: Communicating With Students

3b: Using Questioning And Discussion Techniques

3c: Engaging Students In Learning
3d: Using Assessment In Instruction

3e: Demonstrating Flexibility And Responsiveness

4a: Reflecting on Teaching

4b: Maintaining Accurate Records

4c: Communicating With Families
4d: Participating In The Professional Community

4e: Growing And Developing Professionally

4f: Showing Professionalism

With the evaluation assessment a teacher is

determined either unsatisfactory (Level 1), basic (Level

2), proficient (Level 3), or distinguished (Level 4).
On the next slide I will state what they consider each
of these levels mean.

The teacher displays dishonesty in interactions with

colleagues, students, and the public. The teacher is not

alert to students needs and contributes to school
practices that result in some students being ill served
by the school. The teacher makes decisions and
recommendations that are based on self-serving
interests. The teacher does not comply with school and
district regulations. (Danielson)
Example: The teacher fails to notice that one of his
kindergartners is often ill, looks malnourished, and
frequently has bruises on her arms and legs.

The teacher is honest in interactions with colleagues,

students, and the public. The teachers attempts to serve

students are inconsistent, and unknowingly contribute to
some students being ill served by the school. The teachers
decisions and recommendations are based on limited
though genuinely professional considerations. The teacher
must be reminded by supervisors about complying with
school and district regulations. (Danielson)
Ex. The teacher considers staying late to help some of her
students in after-school daycare but then realizes it would
conflict with her health club class and so decides against it.

The teacher displays high standards of honesty,

integrity, and confidentiality in interactions with

colleagues, students, and the public. The teacher is
active in serving students, working to ensure that all
students receive a fair opportunity to succeed. The
teacher maintains an open mind in team or
departmental decision making. The teacher complies
fully with school and district regulations. (Danielson)
Ex. The teacher notices some speech delays in a few of
her young students; she calls in the speech therapist to
do a few sessions in her classroom and provide
feedback on further steps. (Danielson)

The teacher can be counted on to hold the highest standards of

honesty, integrity, and confidentiality and takes a leadership role

with colleagues. The teacher is highly proactive in serving
students, seeking out resources when needed. The teacher
makes a concerted effort to challenge negative attitudes or
practices to ensure that all students, particularly those
traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. The
teacher takes a leadership role in team or departmental decision
making and helps ensure that such decisions are based on the
highest professional standards. The teacher complies fully with
school and district regulations, taking a leadership role with
colleagues. (Danielson)
Ex. When the district adopts a new Web-based grading program,
the teacher learns it inside and out so that she will be able to
assist her colleagues with its implementation. (Danielson)

Danielson, Charlotte. The Framework for Teaching:

Evaluation Instrument. 2013 Edition ed. Princeton,

NJ: Danielson Group, 2013. Print
Idaho Core Standards. Standards and dispositions
for professional teachers. University Of Idaho. PDF
on Web.

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