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Matsu Rubric 1

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Meegan Demke

ELED 3420

April 15,2014

report. I learned how to effectively look at an assessment and see what the data is telling me. I
was able to find similarities between questions missed, and because of this I knew exactly what I
needed to review for my students. I learned how to deeply analysis and synthesize an assessment
for a whole class, but also for three individual students. As I broke down the scores of the whole
class and the three students, I was able to write a report that explained my findings in great
detail. In this report I learned how to create different types of charts, and how to explain what the
charts meant in regards to my assessments, and students. To be honest creating charts and graphs
and explaining what they meant took a lot of time and patience.
Furthermore, I found it very interesting to dissect the assessment and find what
information my students were lacking before they even took the assessment. This report could be
used as a way to review one's teaching. However, this report can be used as a prevention strategy
that one can use the next time he/she gives this same assessment. Rather than having to re-teach
a question or strategy, one can pre-teach the questions or strategies that were most missed the
last time students took the assessment. I would always rather afin my students with the correct
strategies before they take a test, rather than have to go back and re-teach. I know that reviewing
concepts is a part of teaching, yet one shouldn't have to review multiple questions after
administering a test. One should have effectively taught his/her students so they can successful
pass the assessment the first time. Also, I learned how to synthesize the data that my assessments
gave me in this report. I came up with tools that I would use as if I were the classroom teacher. I
found this very effective, and realistic. I will need to have strategies in place for when my
students don't perform well on an assessment. Looking at what the data is telling me, is the most
efficient way to help my students better understand the information. Coming up with three game
plans in this report was quite exciting, and rewarding. As I thought to myself what would I really
do if my students missed these questions on an assessment, I found myself picturing my future
classroom. Mainly, I would take however long of time needed for my students to grasp the
information that wanted them to learn. I would re-teach the concepts missed as a whole class,
then I would pull back some of my struggling students for tier two instruction. I would want to
catch these students right after the assessmen! before we move on to new concepts. I would have
to know for myself that each of my students has grasped the concepts before I stop my one-onone and small group interventions.

In conclusion, I feel that I truly have learned a great deal on how to analysis and
synthesize assessments. This project was not easy, yet looking at my finished project I am
amazed at what I was able to accomplish. I feel that from this report I know how to analysis an
assessment, and create an effective strategy for helping my sfudents better understand questions
they missed. Mainly, this has been a trying but worthwhile experience as I can better understand

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