Teach 2 Revised
Teach 2 Revised
Teach 2 Revised
Title of Lesson:
Sink or Brim
Lesson Source/References: What did you use to develop this lesson? What lesson
planning materials were provided to you? If you adapted a lesson(s) then list the
sources here.
Algebra Experiences I, Ravens and Jug
Essential Understanding/Big Ideas: Provide a broad, global statement about the concepts, vocabulary, etc. you want students to understand as a
result of participating in this lesson. This is an overall goal statement of what you want the students to learn.
A relationship between two (linearly) related variables can be modeled using linear regression. By collecting and plotting data, a line of best
fit can be created and used to predict how variables generally relate to each other in specific situations.
Knowledge Package: See attached sheet.
Objectives: Write specific, measureable objectives using action verbs.
Prioritize the list, including at least one higher-order objective. Use the
SWBAT form.
Students Will Be Able To:
Recognize when they can use the formula (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)
Identify if a slope is positive, negative, undefined, or zero
Associate slope to a rate of change
Accommodations: Consider teaching this lesson to any group of students. Include at least two modifications to accommodate students with
diverse needs. Consider what you have learned about your current students and include specific accommodations for these students, if
All students will work in groups (partnerships) and if they need help or have a question they can rely on a group member. For accommodations
with below grade level readers, instructions will be vocalized.
Microphone for student with attention problem.
Safety: Always include a general statement that indicates how you will establish a learning environment where safety for all is assured. How will
you create a classroom climate where all students feel safe participating in this lesson? Include safety concerns specific to this lesson, if
General classroom safety guidelines will be followed.
All safety rules of the classroom will be observed.
Specific safety instructions for experiment will be stated before the students gather materials.
Equipment/Materials: Include a comprehensive list of all equipment and materials (and quantities, if applicable) needed to execute this lesson.
Note materials that will be used by the students and materials used by the instructor. What advance preparation is needed to execute this
lesson? Embed copies of handouts here, or in the appropriate section of the lesson plan. Embed PowerPoints and/or other instructional
materials here, or in the appropriate section of the lesson plan. Embed copies of assessment under Evaluate section of this lesson plan.
-12 Translucent retainers/cylinders
-12 rulers
-Tub of marbles of varying sizes
-Access to water
-Graph Paper
-Pencils (colored pencils if wanted)
-Paper towels
-Expo marker (to mark lines on the containers)
http://www.kw.igs.net/~bkiggins/letters.htm Alphabet activity
Teacher Decision Point Assessment: Include a statement that helps the instructor decide when to move on to the next section of the
lesson. Finish demo. Finish bell work and share with the class.
Teacher Decision Point Assessment: Include a statement that helps the instructor decide when to move on to the next section of the lesson.
Walk around the class and make sure everyone finishes their graphs. Finish going over the alphabet as a class, then pass out the rest of the
Teacher Decision Point Assessment: Include a statement that helps the instructor decide when to move on to the next section of the
lesson. After everyone copies down the slope formula and works with their partner to solve their slope. Answering the second part of the
alphabet activity, then discussing as a class.
Teacher Decision Point Assessment: Include a statement that helps the instructor decide when to move on to the next section of the lesson.
Formative Assessment Day 2: Explain the types of formative assessment you will use to monitor student learning within this lesson (e.g.,
observations, surveys, white boards). Embed student copies of these assessments, if applicable. Embed copies of the rubric or answer keys
you will use to evaluate responses, if applicable.
How well they understood finding and explain the different types of slope.
Summative Assessment (at the end of Day 2): Explain the summative assessment you will use to provide evidence that students have met
the objectives of the two-day lesson. Embed a student copy of this final assessment. Embed a copy of the rubric or answer key you will use
to evaluate responses.
Bell work and in class discussion.
Extension activities/Back up plans: Include a brief summary of some extension activities you could draw upon if you have extra time and/or
you are not able to execute this lesson as planned (e.g., technology issues prohibit you from doing so).
If time is allotted students will be asked to switch graphs with another pair and analyze their graphs. They will also be asked to find that
groups particular slope and put it into the y-intercept form.
Calculations can be taken by analyzing the differences in volume of the containers from group to group.