Tips of Studying Techniques For Law
Tips of Studying Techniques For Law
Tips of Studying Techniques For Law
Dr. H.G.Kulkarni, B.A., B.A.M. & S., LL. M., Ph.D. (Law)
Principal, D.G.B.Dayanand Law College, Solapur
Dean, Faculty of Law, Solapur University.
time. Syllabus of all courses is available on Solapur University
5. Read Text Books/Reference Books: Studying from the small sized
Guides or cyclostyled notes of a coaching class does not give
correct idea of the subject. It is necessary to read, for every subject, at
least one text book or reference book of a standard author.
6. Preparing Notes: Student should prepare his own notes while reading
law books. First reading of the book should be rapid reading. Notes
should be prepared while reading the book second time.
Approximately 100 pages (foolscap sized paper) notes should be
prepared for every subject. The manuscript of Notes should contain 2"
margin in which summary of notes on that page should be written.
This summary should be read about two hours before commencement
of the examination. If sufficient time is not available for preparing
notes and a student owns his own law books, underlining of important
points in the book is the substitute. Summary of points may be written
in the margin of the book.
7. Law Dictionary/Law Lexicon: A new law student comes across
many new legal terms while reading books. Law dictionaries and law
lexicons are available in the market. A law student must purchase one
law dictionary to find out the meaning of legal terms there. Dictionary
containing Latin words and phrases would be more useful as legal
topics contain many Latin words.
8. Use of Internet: Lot of important legal material is available on the
Internet on various websites. All Central Bare Acts are available on
the website Many Articles on current legal
topics can be found on search with the help of any search engine like
Google. The student should take interest in taking a tour in this cyber
world for getting knowledge relevant to his area of study!
9. In the Last Month of the Term: Three weeks before the
commencement of the Semester Examination and during the
Examination period, you should completely concentrate and focus on
your study. If you are serving somewhere, better take one months
leave during this period. During this period, time should not be wasted
in any entertainment, watching TV or any other time consuming
activity. But sufficient rest after exhaustive study is essential.
Maintain physical and mental health during this period.
10. During the period of Examination: While your examination is going