Construction Hints and Techniques

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Hints and Techniques

You just get finished building a Microwave project and it looks beautiful. After admiring it for
awhile you decide to spark it up. All of the voltages and currents look good, so you apply RF. Now
after a tweak here, a cut there, a component change, and a repaired trace because you burnt it when you
forgot to shut the voltage off, you have a mess that still doesn't work up to expectation. If this scenario
sounds like the last "Quiet Time " you had in your shack, then the contents of this paper should be of
some interest to you.
If you have the desire to make a VHF, UHF, or Microwave project work the way it was
designed and have it look like a gem when you are done, you will find this compilation of procedures,
techniques and ideas helpful. You will also find that good construction practices and techniques not
only allows the project to initially work, but will add to the reliability and enable you to repair a mishap
with ease so you will be able to keep your pride and joy working for years to come.
Steve Kostro, N2CEI

Circuit boards, transmission lines, and other related stuff

When making your own circuit boards, cut or etch, follow a simple rule for 90 degree bend.
Trim the corner as illustrated below. This keeps the impedance as uniform as possible and eliminates
reflections that cause radiation.
When trimming any circuit during a tuning session with a razor knife, keep track of the
discarded material and make clean cuts in the softer type circuit boards. Try to avoid deep cuts to
prevent circuit shorts to the ground plane.
Cut Line
1/4 W
1/4 W

W = Width of transmission line

Straight transmission lines should be chamfered down to accept a lead of active devices or chip
components. Loss is hard to measure under 500 MHz. but could be as much as .5 dB at 1.3 Ghz and
causes major problems 2 Ghz and up! It is totally dependent on the component used.
Be careful with tuned circuits. This is for Transmission lines only!

Cut corners

Connectors soldered to transmission lines need to be short and clean. Keep the impedance
uniform by trimming the connector to fit the board. Wick off excess solder on the pin. Make a good
ground connection. NO GAPS!!!! Gaps in the ground plane cause discontinuities. For LNA's
remember that all losses equate to increase in Noise Figure. If the connector needs to go through a wall
for mounting,(in a box or on a panel), use the insulator diameter for the hole size. The connector is still
coax until the pin intersects with the circuit line. This technique becomes "Black Magic" above 4 Ghz.
and alternative methods should be examined. For home made enclosures please review Russ Healy,
NJ2L, paper on "Building Enclosure for Microwave Circuits".
Cut pin short
and trim excess line

Cut pin short

Metal Enclosure
Solder fillet

When interconnecting circuit boards with coax, Good quality coax (Teflon, or other high temp
dielectric) should be used. Attach the shield to ground as close to center conductor as possible. Do not
pigtail coax above 450 MHz. Stop using coax after 3.5GHz
Coax Shield


Surface mounting non SMD components

When surface mounting radial or axial components, pre-form and fit before soldering. Be
careful not stress the lead at the body of the component. Keep components as close to circuit board as
possible. All leads that attach to RF circuits should be as short as possible. Composition of resistors
becomes important at 1.3 Ghz and above. (use carbon comp not carbon film) Using leaded
components at 5 Ghz and above is CRAZY at best!
Leads soldered to PCB surface
DC trace

RF trace

Circuit board
When using "Dead Bug" style assembly , pre-form all ground connections before soldering.
These connections support the circuit and keep it from shifting around . Its the backbone of the circuit
so build it strong!

Tin all enamel wire inductors before installing. The input inductors on LNA's are hanging in the
air and are supported by the gate lead. A good solder connection is needed to withstand a stretching and
compressing session during tune-up. A clean well tinned lead will solder with a minimal amount of
solder (if any at all) and requires a minimum amount of heat from an iron.

Solder Tinned Area

Solder coil to Gate lead

Solder Tinned Area

When installing crystals and glass diodes, DO NOT bend the leads at the body! Pre-form before
soldering. Always support components such as crystals to prevent unwanted bending and flexing after
HC-18/U Crystal
Glass Diode

RTV or Solder for support

Surface mount components

Never soldered a surface mount component before? Or maybe you might want to check you
technique? I think Paul Husby, W0UC, has correctly put it in words in this article from the "ARRL
UHF/Microwave Projects Manual".

Solder Fillet

Circuit board

Component Placement

Additional Comments:
Silver solder isn't necessary. The silver content in the solder makes the joint look nice but it
raises the melting temperature. It also makes the final connection more brittle. Some of the newer
solders on the market now have organic resins and some are "NO-CLEAN" and low temperature.
All SMD resistors are all basically the same.
After reviewing their construction, it is easy to
see where their problems come from. It is easy
to think that a SMD resistor is installed
correctly only to find it to be an open circuit. If
it is open, replace it! You may think you can
fixed it by re-soldering, but it won't last!

This picture of a typical 1206 type chip

resistor was taken from the "ARRL
UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual".

SMD Capacitors- Why are the inexpensive ones

so cheap and the good ones so expensive?
Good quality porcelain chip caps are made of
layers of interwoven plates much like air
variable capacitors. Then the plates are bonded
to the metal end caps. The lesser quality SMD
capacitors are made of a epoxy mixtures
between two plates which are the end caps .
They are not very good for high frequency
work. Some of the problems are loss, tolerance,
effects of temperature and series resonance.
Examples are discussed in Bob Atkins',
KA1GT, article from the ARRL
UHF/Microwave Projects Manual, "Caveats
for Choosing Microwave Capacitors".

Even good high quality chip caps have

problems. Over time, with temperature, the
plates break away from the end caps which
causes the capacitor to have less capacitance.
This is shown in this diagram from the "RF
Capacitor Handbook" published by American
Technical Ceramics Corp.

Another problem at the upper Ghz. frequencies is parallel resonance (Not the series resonance
problem). This problem is fixable. The reasoning and one solution is shown below. Another solution is
practiced all the time. Decrease the value of the cap! Diagrams below are from the "RF Capacitor
Handbook" published by ATC Corp.


1. When removing a leaded component, first cut as many leads from its package as possible. It
is easier to desolder one lead at a time from the circuit board.
2. Surface mounted active components can be removed by cutting their leads with a razor knife
first then desolder the leads from the circuit board.
3. Surface mount resistors and caps can be removed with a large tip iron (bridge the gap and
heat on both sides) or use two soldering irons.
4. Leadless disc caps. leach easily. Keep heating to a minimum. Be careful not to pull to hard
on the lead that you are trying to cut that is soldered to a leadless disc cap.
5. Wick off all extra solder from circuit board before installing a new component. Treat
installation as if it was the first time.
6. Clean replacement area and check for stray pieces or extra solder globs or splashes
produced by the repair procedure.
Is The Job Done?
1. Make sure all Fluxes and Resins are removed from the entire project. It will keep oxidizing
anything it is in contact with. Examples of problems caused:
It will seep into non hermetic active devices and attract moisture and become more active than
It will penetrate porous materials such as epoxy chip caps, and G-10 circuit board, then
degrade their quality rapidly.
It will oxidize copper or copper tinned surfaces such as PCB ground plane to housing contact
points creating voltage differential on a once common Ground!
2. Be sure all mechanical connections are tight. After a few cycles of heating and cooling,
thermal compound may spread and leave a gap between a Hybrid power module and heat-sink.
Also, some degreasers used for washing flux, may remove thermal compound.
3. The Rattle Test! Give it a good shake after assembly.

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