900 Control Station

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900 Control Station

Protective film
Order Part No.




0.003" thick clear polyester sheet for 900CS10-00
(10 inch display)
0.003" thick clear polyester sheet for 900CS15-00
(15 inch display)

Document Number

Form: 51-52-33-159
Effective Date: October 2009


The films are a convenient way to protect the front of the 900 Control Station
in dirty or abrasive environments such as foundries and concrete plants. The
low-tack adhesive allows them to be applied directly to the display. Their
large size provides protection for the keys as well as the screen.

Tools required

Thin non-metallic object (for removing old film)

Table 1 Installation


Clean the front surface of the 900 Control Station. Note: It is suggested you first access Main
Menu>Station Settings>Station Setup>Clean Screen. This will allow you to touch the screen
without effect.

Peel away the backing from one edge of the film.

Align and attach that edge to the corresponding edge of the unit.

Slowly remove the remaining backing from the film as you slowly apply the film to the front.
Use a wiping action to minimize air pockets. Press entire area to achieve best adhesion.

Table 2 Removal

Oct 09


Start by lifting a corner of the film with a non-metallic object.

To remove, slowly pull one corner towards the other corners.

900 Control Station Protective Film Kit #51-52-33-159

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