Sop 3-CS
Sop 3-CS
Sop 3-CS
I will never hide my talents, if I am silent, I am forgotten. If I do not advance, I will fall back. If I walk
away from my challenge today, my self-esteem will forever be scarred, and if I cease to grow even a
little, I will become smaller. I reject the stationary position because it is always the beginning of the end.
The above philosophy has played an important role in the shaping of my objectives and framing of my
plans for the future.
I have been dedicated towards my studies right from my childhood. I secured 70.44% in Maths and
science in my higher secondary certificate examination (10+2 pattern) XII Science, 1996. That opened
up doors for me to secure admission in the Four year Degree Program of Bachelor of engineering (B.E.)
in Textile Processing at renowned Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), Surat,
India. This marked the beginning of one of the most important phase of learning in my life. This course
took me a step closer towards fulfillment of my goal of delving deeper into the world of science.
During my eight semesters so far at SCET, I have come a long way in expanding my horizons. After
learning the basics of engineering in first two semesters, we built a slid foundation of Chemistry and
Textile Processing in the next two semesters. Out of the plethora of well-structured courses in Textile
Processing, I also studied three computer subjects such as Computer Fundamentals &Programming in C
Language, Computing Method Using C &Computer Aided Design &Computer Colour Matching.
My career aspirations have been influenced by fast development of latest technology in India by virtue
of Commercial liberalization policy of Indian government and participation of foreign companies in
advancement of Software &IT industry. Considering the need of information technology &programming
Knowledge and my interest in computer subjects, I have decided to enroll for the course of Computer
Science at your esteemed university.
I believe that the process of learning continues at every stage of life. It is with the help of course of
Computer Science your university that I think; I can enhance my academic career. I desire to take
graduate study in order to become conversant with Information Technology. I am well are that study in
American demands hard work, sincerity and punctuality for which I am physically and mentally
equipped. The main aim in opting for an American standard of education is very high competence
Particularly in the field of information system.
I am confident that my earnest aspirations of academic endeavors will become a reality by your kind
Consideration for my admission for masters program in Computer Science. I am confident you will find
In me a person giving his best in all challenging environments utilizing my knowledge and resources for
mutual betterment.
Rashesh Patel