D&D 4th Edition - Neverwinter Campaign Setting
D&D 4th Edition - Neverwinter Campaign Setting
D&D 4th Edition - Neverwinter Campaign Setting
Matt Sernett (lead), Erik Scott de Bie, Ari Marmell
Jeremy Crawford, Stephen Schubert
Tanis O'Connor (lead),
Dawn J- Geluso, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Ray Vallese
Editorial Assistance
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Front Cover Illustration
Ralph Horsley
Back Cover Illustration
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ISBN: 978-0-7869 -5814-6
First Printing:
August 2011
98765 4 321
Interior Illustrations
Dave Allsop, Scott Altman, Steve Argyle, Zoltan Boros
and Gabor Szikszai, Sam Burley, Chippy, Alberto Dal
Lago, Thomas Denmark, Jesper Ejsing, Steve Ellis, Emrah
Elmasli, Wayne England, Mike Franchina, lars GrantWest, Ralph Horsley, Tyler Jacobson, Mazin Kassis,
Howard lyon, Slawomir Maniak, William O'Connor,
Adam Paquette, David Rapoza, Marc Sasso, Mike Schley,
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Game rules based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the
later editions by David "Zeb" Cook (2nd Edition); Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
James Wyatt (4th Edition).
Setting details based on the original FORGOTTEN REAlMS
campaign setting created by Ed Greenwood with Jeff Grubb,
the updated (3rd Edition) setting designed by Ed Greenwood,
Richard Baker, Sean K Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob
Heinsoo, and the 4th Edition campaign guide by Bruce R.
Cordell, Richard Baker, and Philip Athans.
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS , 0&0, Wizards of the Coast, FORGOTTEN REALMS, Neverwinter, a ll other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are tradema rks of
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INTRODUCTION ........ .. .......... .. ... .4
Nine Hallmarks of a
Neverwinter Campaign ...... .. ...... 4
........ 98
Goals .. ... .................. ... ........ .... 98
Relationships........ ...... ..
.. ..... 99
Encounters ........... ............ . ..... 100
Thayans .......... .. ... .. ..... .. ....... '" 1 04
.. ...... .... ... .......... 104
Relationships .................. .. ... ... 107
Encounters ............................. 107
.... 6
...... 16
Character Themes ............. ... .. .. .. 18
Neverwinter Noble ....... .. ... ........ 20
Oghma's Faithful
..... 22
Harper Agent..
Dead Rat Deserter ........... ... .. ..... 26
lIiyanbruen Guardian ...
. .... 28
Uthgardt Barbarian ........ .. .. .. . ..... 30
Pack Outcast .. ...... ...... ........ ...... 32
Heir of Delzoun ............. ..... ....... 34
Renegade Red Wizard
..... 36
Scion of Shadow
...... .. .. ...... 38
Devil's Pawn ...................... ..... .40
Spellscarred Harbinger
.... 42
Bregan D'aerthe Spy ....... .. ......... 44
Racial Variants ................... .... ... 46
........... .... .... ....... 46
Elves and Eladrin ............. .......... 49
Warpriest Domains .... .. .... .. ........ 53
Corellon Domain
.. ..... ........... 54
Oghma Domain .......... .... .. .. . ..... 57
5elune Domain
Torm Domain
.................. 63
11 5
.. 165
Neverwinter Wood
The Crags
.... 175
Iceless Waterways ............ .. ..... 1 75
Bones ofThundertree
...... 175
Tower ofTwilight...... ........
Sharandar Ruins ...... .. .. .. .... .. .... 176
Dread Ring ............................. 179
Xinlenal, Fallen City
.. 184
Vellosk. ................................. 187
Conyberry .............. ..
.. .. 189
Mount Hotenow ........ ......... ..... 190
Gauntlgrym ................ .
.. 192
The Great Cavern
.... 192
Iron Tabernacle.
.. ..... 194
Duergar Mines...
. ...... 196
The Fiery Pit .......... ... .. ............. 198
The Great Forge ............ .. .. ...... 1 99
The Deepest Depths ................. 200
...... .. ... .. .... 201
Vault of Horrors
Evemight ................. .. ... .. ... ...... 202
Daily Unlife ................
.. .... . 202
Crevices of Dusk ..
.. ..... 204
The Outsiders' War ...... .. .. .... .... 204
Black Mound ...............
.. .. 204
Temple ofFilth
........ ........ 205
Demon Pit ... ............ .... .. ........ 206
The Graveyard..
.. .. 206
lamantha's Mortuary
...... 206
Haunted Pier
.... 206
Castle Nowhere ...................... 207
Corpse Market
....... 207
Dark Creeper Enclave
.... 209
Thayan Outpost
................. 209
Evernight Encounters .
. .. 209
Beyond Evemight
... 210
Since that day of cataclysm, a decade a80, when the
volcano roared forth and painted a line of devastation from
the mountain all the way to the sea, buryin8 Neverwinter
in its devastatin8 run, the tone of the re8ion has chan8ed.
It is almost as if that one event had sent forth a call for con
flict, a clarion call for sinister bein8s.
In a sense, it did just that. The loss of Never winter in
essence severed the North from the more civilized re8ions
alon8 the Sword Coast, where Waterdeep has now become
the van8uard a8ainst the wilderness. Traders no lon8er
travel throu8h the re8ion, except by sea, and the lure of
Neverwinter's former treasures has pulled adventurersoften unsavory, often unprincipled- in weat numbers to
the devastated city.
Some are tryin8 to rebuild, desperate to restore the busy
port and the order it once imposed upon these inhospitable
lands. But they battle as much as they build. They carry a
carpenter's hammer in one hand, a warhammer in the other.
Enemies abound: Shadovar, those stran8e cultists sworn
to a devil8od, opportunistic hi8hwaymen, 80blinkin,
8iants, and monsters alive and undead. And other thin8s,
darker thinas from deeper holes.
In the years since the cataclysm, the northern Sword
Coast has 8rown darker by far.
And it pleases me.
-Drizzt Do'Urden,
from Gauntlwym by R. A. Salvatore
Left a desolate ruin after a supernatural cataclysm,
Neverwinter now rises from the ashes to reclaim its
title as the Jewel of the North. Yet even as its citizens
return and rebuild, hidden forces pursue their own
goals and vendettas- anyone of which could tear the
city apart. Adventurers in this campaign must plunge
into the politics, skulduggery, and peril of a city on
the brink of destruction-or greatness.
Instead of presenting the details of a setting in stasis,
the Neverwinter Campai8n Settiit8 assumes that the
DM will customize the setting and create new plots.
The campaign is designed for the players to become
deeply involved and for their choices to drive the
story at every turn. What the player characters decide
to do- from 1st level until the final moments of the
campaign-matters for themselves, for the people of
the North, and perhaps for people far beyond.
The Neverwinter Campai8n Settina accomplishes this
in a number of ways. The folloWing nine characteristics
encapsulate the means used to make this a fantas=~i!i~"';;;.
tic campaign to playas DM or player.
1. Low Level
While the vast majority of the campaign material can
be used regardless oflevel, the Neverwinter Campai8n
Settin8 focuses on prOViding challenges the adventurers
can face and overcome during the heroic tier. Having
the threats they face all be within reach of characters
from level 1 to 10 means that the campaign can center
on events in the area for all those levels, and it allows
the characters to follow many different plots and still
meet villains appropriate to their level.
2. Character Themes
Players can bring existing characters to Neverwinter,
but the Neverwinter Campai8n Settin8 presents a great
opportunity to start a new campaign. Newly created
characters should make use of the character themes
presented in Chapter 2. DeSigned specifically for this
campaign, the character themes embroil the heroes
in the plot lines of the setting from 1st level, giving
each player background information and motivation
to engage in the campaign's events.
4. Frontier Feel
The destruction of Never winter made the North into
more of a wilderness than it has been in centuries.
People rebuild the city, but law's reach is not long and
order's grasp remains weak. Things as simple as the
shipments of food to the city can become sources of
desperate conflict and dire events. In such a place,
individuals such as the player characters can be the
linchpin that holds everything together or the factor
that forces the wheels to come off the cart.
5. Intrigue Abounds
Everyone wants something: the characters, normal
folk, secret cults, rebels, mercenaries, invaders,
assassins, conquerors, looters, would-be kings. The
Neverwinter Campai8n Settin8 presents many organizations and nonplayer characters with a multitude of
plans. The heroes can interact with all these groups,
discovering secret ploys, allying with some, making
enemies of others, and playing them against one
6. Myriad Possibilities
The setting doesn't put you in a straitjack.e t of interwoven plots. It's designed to encourage improvisation
and for the campaign to move in whatever direction
the characters push it. To this end, sidebars throughout the book provide ideas for how events might play
out. They frequently offer adventure hooks. And they
might provide different interpretations of events or
alternative goals for factions in the game. In all cases,
don't take the suggestions in these sidebars as facts.
Instead, use them as you will. You might find ideas
in them perfect for your campaign, or they might
provide inspiration for your own ideas.
8. Adventure Is Everywhere
No matter which direction the characters turn or
what clues they follow, another adventure or intrigue
lies just around the corner. The characters' allies and
enemies in the setting have agendas that entwine,
and events the heroes don't keep their eye on might
suddenly interrupt their lives. Characters in this
setting shouldn't be twiddling their thumbs wondering if an adventure will come their way. Instead the
heroes will need to make tough decisions about what
quest to accomplish, and while trying to end one
adventure, they'll encounter m any others.
The Neverwinter Campaiyn Settiny takes some inspiration from the Neverwinter Nights computer game
series. A new computer game, Neverwinter, explores
the setting described in this book. In Neverwinter
you can see the city for yourself and interact with
characters and plots that will be both familiar and
new to you after reading this book.
To get even more from your Neverwinter experience, check out GauntlYI)lffl and Neverwinter, both by
R.A. Salvatore, and Brimstone Anyels by Erin Evans.
All of these novels and others that follow them have
Neverwinte r and its environs as their setting.
The Neverwinter Campaiyn Settiny is set after
the events of both the novels mentioned above,
and it shares its starting point with the computer
game. The plots, major characters, and the events
described in this book share much with those in
that product, but just as one OM's Neverwinter
campaign will differ from another's, so too will you
see differences between what is presented here
and in other sources. Use the novels and the online
game as refere nce and inspiration for your game, or
enjoy them as separate experiences.
Even in safer times, the North's reputation as the
Savage North was well earned. Now, times are worse
and the land more savage by far. Its great cities, once
bastions oflight and civilization, lie crippled. The
small towns that served to shelter travelers stand
empty-or have been claimed by murderous tribes
and hungry monsters. Roads etched into the earth
with thousands of years of use are increasingly
obscured by forest, bramble, and marsh. Communities now struggle alone amid the wilderness,
fortunate if they see an outsider once in a generation.
Neverwinter labors to breathe in the suffocating
harshness of this new North, the sea its only lifeline.
With few traders braving the increasingly long treks
between settlements, the city's docks now provide the
area's main means of import and precious little export.
Gone are the days of plenty, beauty, and luxury. Today,
Neverwinter struggles to break free of the forces that
brought it low, still weak and surrounded by danger.
N everwinter: The City of Skilled Hands, the Jewel
of the North- many were the accolades once heaped
upon Neverwinter. Then, almost thirty years ago, the
city died. Minor earth tremors that had plagued the
region for months were the precursors of the eruption
of Mount Hotenow. A portion of that volcano's peak
exploded with such force that lava and superheated
ash poured across the city in an avalanche. Half of
Neverwinter's population died in a heartbeat, the
city's buildings razed. A great rift now known as the
Chasm rent the surface where the shifting earth had
pulled apart. Strange zombies roamed the land in the
aftermath, their dead flesh turned to ash by the fires
that consumed the city.
Yet the people of the North have always been resilient. After the destruction, many who had fled at
the first tremors returned. Opportunists and looters
arrived. People began to rebuild. Lord Dagult Neverember, the Open Lord of Water deep, eventually
arrived as well, along with an army of Mintarn mercenaries. Today, the city struggles back to life under
the watchful rule of the self-styled Lord Protector.
Neverwinter River: The bright water of the Neverwinter River runs warm throughout the year, a feature
that helps to keep the city from being frozen in the
winter months. When the cataclysm struck, dark ash
choked the river for months before it began to flow
from Neverwinter Wood through the city once more.
Three bridges once spanned the river in Neverwinterthe Sleeping Dragon, the Winged Wyvern, and the
Dolphin, each sculpted in the form of its name. Ofthe
three, only the Winged Wyvern remains largely intact.
Mintarn mercenaries in the hire of Lord Neverember
patrol it day and night, watching traffic to and from
the northern portion of the city and guarding against
threats from Castle Never.
Helm's Hold: Once a small monastery and adjacent village dedicated to the deity Helm, the cathedral
of Helm's Hold now towers above the town and surrounding lands that bear its name. The death of Helm
saw the monastery fall into disuse, but the fortified
town became a refuge when the Spellplague hit during
the year following Helm's demise. Lord Neverember
now exiles victims of the Spellplague to Helm's Hold
for treatment, and his mercenaries guard the town.
Port L1ast: This town was a great city in ancient
times- the most northerly safe harbor on the Sword
Coast whenever Luskan would fall to orcs or other evil
forces. However, the rise of a relatively stable Luskan
and ports farther north began to diminish its prominence. Then came the Spellplague, and with it the
return of Abeir. The appearance of the new continent
in the ocean to the west changed the tides around Port
LIast, filling the harbor with silt and making Neverwinter an easier port to reach. With the docks of Port
LIast failing and trade dying off, most ofits citizens
have long since abandoned their homes or died at the
hands of marauders. Now a ghost town, Port LIast is
known as the realm of the evil sea goddess Umberlee
and as a home to sea monsters. However, some say that
this reputation is simply rumor spread by those who
want to keep the secrets of the town to themselves.
Neverwinter Wood: For generations, this dark
forest has been shunned by most people of the North.
That magic exists in Neverwinter Wood cannot be
doubted, but its nature- and whether it exists as a
force of good or ill-remains unknown. The forest
holds many secrets, and even on its fringes, one feels
a sense of unease. Humans have never logged in this
area, and the orcs of the North have traditionally
avoided it during their rampages. Only druids and
Uthgardt barbarians dare to pass into the deep forest.
The scars left by Mount Hotenow's eruption have
healed with startling speed, and many new forces
move within Neverwinter Wood today. The Netherese seek out the treasures oflost empires within its
Xinlenal: The first ofNetheril's flying cities, Xinlenal was built by the archmage Ioulaum and floated
above the ancient empire until its end. When magical
chaos consumed Netheril, Xinlenal drifted beyond
that land's borders, never to be seen again-until now.
Netherese under the command of Prince Clariburnus Tanthul recently discovered Xinlenal in
Neverwinter Wood. Although the city lies in overgrown ruins, Clariburnus believes that he can repair
Xinlenal's mythallars-the enormous crystal globes
that powered the most potent magic of ancient
Netheril. With its enchantments restored, Xinlenal
might take to the air once more, becoming a political symbol for the Princes of Shade and a powerful
weapon for dominating the region.
Tower of Twilight: This enchanted tower long
stood on an island in a small lake east of Never winter
Wood. Home to a student of the great wizard Khelben Blackstaff. the tower stood invisible by day but
would appear as the light failed. During the Spellplague, the tower vanished without a trace, though
it now reappears infrequently and unpredictably at
twilight. Who lives there now, where the tower disappears to, and why it returns remain a mystery.
Conyberry: During the Spellplague, a portion of
Abeir imposed itself upon the Village of Conyberry.
The terrain-altering effect of this transition forced the
inhabitants of the village to come together with people
dwelling in the regions of Abeir to which they were
jOined. However, in the intervening decades, the Gray
WolfUthgardt tribe has sacked the settlement in retribution for this "invasion" of their lands, slaughtering
Conyberry's citizens or forcing them to join the tribe.
The village now lies largely vacant, though Gray Wolf
tribes use it to store goods and as an occasional shelter.
Old Owl Well: Known in ancient texts as Old
Owlbear Well and in even older histories as Quesseer, this site marks the location of a Netherese
outpost established millennia ago. The Netherese
built a means of drawing water from the earth, using
the site as a place of trade. For centuries, this water
supply on a key trade route served as a source of
conflict. Until the chaos of the Spellplague, orcs and
humans from Neverwinter and Waterdeep still struggled to control the outpost. Now, it lies forgotten and
abandoned. Until trade returns to these lands, the
fate of the well and whatever ruins lie hidden in the
surrounding hills remain unknown.
Morgur's Mound: Atop this foothill of the Crags,
Uthgar- deity and founder of the Uthgardt barbarians-died after saving the North from Gurt, Lord of
the Pale Giants. The mound is named for Uthgar's
brother Morgur (called Morgred by some), who is said
to be buried there. Once, the bones of a great thunderbeast were spread atop the hill, marking it as the
holy shrine of the Uthgardt. Now, the bones are gone
and whatever treasures lay buried there have
I Jewel
of the North
Some of the locations discussed in this section
are covered in detail in other source material. For
instance, you can find more information about
Luskan and Waterdeep in the FORGOTTEN REALMS
Campa ian Guide. Other locations have been given
minimal development to enable you to make the
Neverwinter setting your own.
Use the information presented here to spur
your own ideas for adventures in a Neverwinter
campaign. Lord Neverember might decide that the
health of Neverwinter depends on reestablishing
land trade routes, and could ask adventurers to clear
out whatever hazards dwell near the Old Owl Well
or Leilon. Some group opposed to the Lord Protector might have special information that proves the
illegitimacy of Lord Neverember's rule, but that
proof must be delivered by land up the High Road
and through the Mere of Dead Men to keep it out of
Neverember's hands. Perhaps the Dead Rats gang
has been using Port L1ast as a smuggling route and
stronghold, braVing its dangers and using shallow
barges to transfer goods to land from ships at sea.
'~- .
N ...
Long has the North been a dangerous frontier. For
centuries, its people carved their settlements out of
the wilderness through adversity and toil, eventually
turning hard-won homes and villages into kingdoms.
Though the dangers of the North have always pressed
upon the minds of those who lived there, the mostly
peaceful years preceding the Spellplague seemed to
bring the promise of permanent civilization to the
region. Yet the North has been civilized many times
before, and often have those same civilizations eventually fallen.
The dates referred to in this section are in the
Dalereckoning (DR) calendar used throughout much
of the world. The current year is 1479 DR.
An Age of Elves
(-22900 DR to -1100 DR)
The elven settlement ofIllefarn first took that name
when it claimed the lands of the North over 20,000
years ago. By the time the first Crown Wars began
among the elves, Illefarn had become a great nation
whose history could fill any library. When the last of
the Crown Wars had ended, those elves who fell from
Corellon's grace had been turned into the drow.
The empire ofIllefarn lasted long enough in one
form or another to witness the migration of dwarves
from the south and the founding ofDelzoun, followed quickly by the rise of ancient Netheril in the .
west. A few short centuries later, the human ancestors
ofUthgar settled the island ofRuathym to the west
before founding Illusk on the site of today's Luskan.
During this time, dwarves from Delzoun mined
deep beneath the earth, secretly extending their
realm under the territories of other nations. The
dwarves discovered an ore of peculiar magic and
followed its veins. The resulting tunnels and chambers became the mines of Gauntlgrym. The greedy
dwarves of Gauntlgrym then encountered a trapped
primordial of magma and stone called Maegera the
Inferno. In the aftermath of that encounter, Delzoun
sealed the deep tunnels and focused its efforts on
establishing its empire closer to the surface. Gauntlgrym was lost, but not forgotten.
A Time of Dwarves
and Humans
(-1100 DR to 180 DR)
By the time Illefarn divided into three independent
realms, including Iliyanbruen (where Neverwinter
Wood now stands), Illusk lay in ruins and Delzoun
had become a great nation. Illusk would rise and fall
many times over the centuries to come-often resurrected by the Netherese and their ancestors,
and frequently at war with Iliyanbruen.
I Jewel
of the North
(1302 DR to Present)
Early in this period, the mage Arklem Greeth carne
to Luskan, claimed the Hosttower of the Arcane, and
formed the Arcane Brotherhood. After assuming
control ofLuskan, the Brotherhood then unleashed
a campaign of magic-fueled conquest and piracy
against the North. When the people of the North
eventually rose up against the Arcane Brotherhood,
the Hosttower of the Arcane fell, and Luskan was left
leaderless. The lich Valindra bore witness to these
events, for she was Arklem Greeth's lover.
In lost Gauntlgrym, the mind flayers had long
experimented with turning derros and duergar into
mind flayers under their control. The derros eventually succeeded in ousting the mind flayers and
enslaving the duergar in turn, but the events of the
Spellplague freed the duergar by giving them a new
master. Their god, whom they called Laduguer, was
revealed to be Asmodeus, though some suspect that
Asmodeus simply assumed that role after Laduguer
was imprisoned or slain. Swearing oaths to the devils,
the duergar gained the power they needed to overthrow their derro masters.
During this time, Neverwinter became a great power
in the North, earning its shining reputation. The city
went to war with Luskan on numerous occasions, both
by land and sea. A magical malady called the wailing
death struck its citizens in 1372 DR, the city not recovering for a decade. Then the Spellplague struck.
The century that followed saw the rise in power of
Netheril and its masters in the returned City of Shade.
Netherese loyalists infiltrated the power structure of
weakened Neverwinter, but their efforts were sidetracked by the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Unknown
to all but a few, the Red Wizards were responsible for
the volcano stirring from its slumber, in an attempt to
use the deaths caused by the mountain's eruption to
power their Dread Ring. Their plan was foiled, however, and the mountain sleeps again-at least for now.
In the last decades, life in the North has gotten
worse. Its cities teeter on the brink of dissolution, its
roads have not been as perilous in generations,
and the wilderness is as wild as ever it was.
I Jewel
of the North
Your Neverwinter campaign experience might be
unlike any game you've run before. All the same
rules apply as in any DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
(whether in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting or some
other world), but this book does things a little differently than you might expect.
A Campaign
Designed for You
The Neverwinter Campai8n Settin8 is not a simple gazetteer of the region with supporting rules options for
players. Nor is it merely a resource for the Neverwinter
game. Instead, this book provides a deep and compelling campaign experience that will inspire you as a
DM and thrill the players in your game_
To accomplish this, the Neverwinter Campai8n Settin8 adopts the following precepts.
Tight Focus: This book devotes the most attention
to Neverwinter and to locations in the surrounding
area closely linked to events in the city. Although the
book does mention other locations, it does so only
when they are intrinsically linked to important factions and events in the setting.
Inspiration, not Information: Even within the
tight focus of this book, the Neverwinter Campai8n
Settin8 avoids presenting detail unless that detail is
likely to inspire ideas, adventures, encounters, or
roleplaying. Rather than tell you what every shop in
Neverwinter sells or how often supplies arrive in the
port, this book presents campaign materials designed
to draw the heroes into the action.
Active Characters: The residents of Never winter-whether villains, foils, or potential allies for the
characters in your campaign-don't just wait around
for the heroes to run into them_ They actively pursue
goals in the area whether or not the adventurers are
involved, giving each Neverwinter campaign a life of
its own. No matter which way the adventurers turn,
they should run into people, creatures, and plots that
draw them ever deeper into the setting.
Character Themes: The character themes pre sented in Chapter 2 allow a player to connect a newly
created character to the Neverwinter setting. A character theme can be thought of as similar to a paragon
path for the heroic tier. Although a theme is not as
mechanically complex as a paragon path, it provides
important elements of character identity and story,
telling a player how his or her character relates to
the setting. In addition, each theme links a character to plots, locations, and factions in the
Many settings describe their greatest villains as
epic threats. Although this might be an adequate
representation ofthese characters' power, the effect
can often be to make players feel as though their
efforts to defeat such villains will never bear fruit
until they attain epic level themselves. Until then,
the heroes remain trapped in conflict with a seemingly limitless supply of underlings.
For this reason, the villains presented in the
Neverwinter Campaian Settina can be defeated by
characters of the heroic tier. Some will make tough
opponents at 10th level, but the heroes always
have a chance to win.
If you see your Neverwinter campaign as continuing into the paragon and epic tiers-or if you
prefer that the villains be more true to your vision
of them as great powers-feel free to increase the
villains' levels, devise new game statistics for them,
or utilize existing high-level statistics that fit the
Similarly, some villains don't have a full statistics
block to represent them, instead adViSing that you
use an existing statistics block. When this is the
case, feel free to substitute any other statistics more
in keeping with your sense of the campaign.
Existing Characters
If you are already running a FORGOTTEN REALMS
campaign, the Neverwinter Campai8n Settin8 can still
be of great use to you and your players. Just make
sure that the characters in your campaign have mul
tiple reasons to care about events in the Neverwinter
region. A secondary character known to the heroes
might have a connection to Neverwinter similar to
those expressed by this book's character themes.
Perhaps the adventurers ally with or join one of the
factions in the area. Characters of a mercenary bent
might be hired by Lord Neverember to supplement
his Mintarn soldiers, while those with connections
to the Harpers could be tasked with aiding Harper
agents in the region.
Just as race and class create basic definitions regarding
your character's place in the world, theme adds a third
component to help refine your story and identity. The
themes presented here give you specific information
your character knows within the Neverwinter setting,
and provide story hooks that you can use to roleplay.
When you create a new character for a Neverwinter campaign, you should select one of the
character themes presented in this chapter. Each
theme has unique features and powers. More impor
tant, however, a theme provides story elements and
potential goals for your character. Though some character themes are more narrowly focused than others,
they all provide plenty of room to let you create your
own background and personality.
From a strict game mechanics standpoint, your
character doesn't need to have a theme, but without
one you might miss out on some of the features that
make a Neverwinter campaign special.
If you'd like a character who has strong connec
tion to the Neverwinter setting but you want to create
a background that's wholly your own, read over the
character themes in this chapter and discuss your
ideas for a customized theme with your DM.
Choosing a Theme
A character can have only one theme, which you
choose when you create your character.
The theme you select grants the following benefits.
Starting Feature: Each theme includes one or
more features that you gain when you select the
theme during character creation.
Neverwl~ter noble
Oghma's faithful
Harper agent
A ~rue heir to Ne~erw,-ntf.!r
Gifted with divine visions
A betrayed Harper trying to win the trust
of the organization
A former thieves' guild member
Human, half-elf, or halfling
A~_ eladri.!!. returned from Faerie
A savage warrior seeking revenge
Cast out oia pact<of werewolves
Human or sj1ifter
Blood relative of ancient dwarf kings
ARed~Wizard no I~nger in service to Ttiay Wizard (mage)
A noble of Netheril who has abandoned
Human, shadarkai, or shade
that land
Marked by infernal powers ~~~~~,~~.-~--~-~------~--- -.----~----...
Scarred by the Spellplague
A.<Jrow Il!ercenary
Character Options
race otherwise might not provide. For example, playing aneladrin wizard with the Dead Rat deserter
theme creates a connection between your character
and that thieves' guild.
Like your choice of race, a character theme can
be a significant part of who your character is. In all
cases, a character theme should inform the background of your character and the choices you make
when you roleplay.
In theory, a character could do so, but that transition should make sense in relation to the character's
For example, a character might switch from a
character theme presented in the DARK SUN Campai8n Settin8 to the spellscarred harbinger character
theme after being exposed to the lingering effects
of the Spellplague. With the DM's permission, you
can retrain your theme choice when you gain a level.
If you have any optional powers from your current
theme or any feats that require it, you must first
retrain those feats or powers to choices that don't
have the theme as a prerequisite. When you do lose a
theme, you lose all the features that it granted to you,
including any items provided by those features.
Character Options
I have a destiny and a birthri8ht to claim-for the 800d of
the people of the North.
Twenty-seven years ago, before you were even born,
the city of Never winter perished in a great conflagration that slew its people and scattered survivors
across the north. Since then, the angry earth has
calmed, inviting people to return to the ruins of
this once-great settlement. Dagult Neverember-the
imperialist Open Lord of Water deep- has declared
himself a distant relation of the old rulers of Never winter, and thus claims to be the rightful heir to their
holdings. He has installed himself as Neverwinter's
Lord Protector until the city is rebuilt and order is
fully restored-at which point he is expected to name
himself king. Given Neverember's control of Waterdeep and the military and magical power that control
grants him, few have expressed any desire to dispute
his claim-at least not until a true heir is found.
A true heir such as you.
You are a last scion of Never winter's former ruling
family. Your mother was a noble who fled the city
during the cataclysm, wounded during her escape
and driven to madness by pain and grief When she
perished shortly after you were born, a noble family
of Water deep - the Thanns-took you in and raised
you as their own.
You grew up with heroic stories, poetry, and the
best education a young noble could have. With Neverwinter in ruins and your kin all dead, your adoptive
parents thought it best to hide from you their knowledge of your tragic past. However, in the aftermath of
Lord Neverember's seizing power in Neverwinter, you
have finally been told the truth.
At first, you weren't certain what to do. In one
moment, it felt as though you had lost two familiesthe old and the new. You had never seen Neverwinter,
but what you had heard of the city didn't make it
seem like a place worth claiming. If you ignored your
birthright, you could continue to live a life of relative
ease and luxury in Waterdeep.
Eventually, you came to see your problem a different way. Though your new family will always be there
for you, whatever remains of your connection to Neverwinter is in imminent danger of being swept away.
You have the opportunity to know your lost pasteven if only through the relics of that past. And by
claiming what belongs to you, you'll exchange a life of
idle nobility for one of responsible royalty.
Yet you are not naive enough to believe that the
path forward will be easy. Reclaiming the city is
not as simple as declaring your identity. N everember commands an army of warriors and mages,
and his influence ties him to hundreds of powerful
Character Options
Creating a
Neverwinter Noble
You have many options for your Neverwinter noble
character. A human fighter or paladin fits this theme
best. However, if you learned of your heritage only
recently, you might have any skill set or outlook.
Class Prerequisite: None. The utility powers provided by the character theme work best for a strong
melee combatant such as a warlord, a fighter, or a
paladin. However, you might have grown up fascinated by the arcane arts, or having learned to steal
for thrills or survival. Your adoptive parents were
indulgent even if they disapproved of your choices, so
you could conceivably be a member of any class.
Race Prerequisite: Human. The rulers of Neverwinter have always been human, and you follow in
that tradition even if your heritage might be muddled
by intermarriage. Mixed blood might make your
quest more difficult, but if you're interested in this
possibility, talk to your DM about choices such as
half-elf and half-ore.
You are well versed in a particular subject appropriate to a young noble scion. Perhaps you spent a lot
of time in social gatherings, or you preferred the
solitary pursuit of poring over the volumes in your
family's library.
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, History
Starting Feature
Descended from great rulers who acquired their
throne by strength and force of will, you are a natural
leader. Your overwhelming optimism can turn the
darkest of battles into victory.
Optional Powers
i . ....~~
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Honorable Challenge
You issue a resoundinB challenBe, thwartinB all foes that attempt to iBnore you.
Encounter. Aura, Martial
Minor Action
Effect: You activate an aura 2 that lasts until the end of
your next turn. While in the aura, enemies take a -2 penalty to attack rolls against any creature other than you.
When all looks dark, you muster a cry of hope to carry your ally
Encounter. Martial
Close burst S
Minor Action
Target: One ally in the burst
Effect: The target gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses
until the start of your next turn and S temporary hit
level 11: 10 temporary hit points.
level 21: 1 S temporary hit points.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
Even if no one had ever told you about your royal
blood, others would think you a natural leader. In
battle, you draw the eye of friend and foe alike. When
you move to bring an enemy low, your allies who join
you in that attack make bold strikes.
Benefit: While you flank an enemy, your allies gain
a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against that enemy.
Level 10 Feature
Your destiny shows with your every move, and each
word you speak rings with the authority of one born
to rule. The people of Never winter can't help but
be impressed by your royal mien, and those who
You surBe forward and take the blow meant for your companion, hurlinB your ally away from harm.
Encounter. Martial
Immediate Interrupt
Close burst 3
Trigger: An ally within 3 squares of you is attacked, and you
are not included in the attack.
Effect: You and your ally each shift up to 3 squares as a
free action, swapping positions. You become the target of
the triggering attack instead of the ally.
Character Options
> ~
With OBhma's blessinB, we will learn the truth. Have faith.
Building an
Oghma's Faithful
Any character can be interested in knowledge and
show faith to Oghma. When you roleplay your character, keep in mind that Oghma values all knowledge,
and that he alone decides what place each idea and
invention should have in the world. As a hero faithful to Oghma, you strive to see knowledge of any kind
collected and preserved so that others can use it.
Class Prerequisite: None. Although anyone can
follow Oghma, divine characters are the most appropriate for this theme. If you playa warpriest cleric,
you can use the Oghma domain presented later in
this chapter. Alternatively, a wizard or some other
character drawn to ancient lore might be equally
Race Prerequisite: None. Oghma accepts all
seekers of knowledge into his presence.
Worship of Oghma demands a studious interest
in learning and an inquisitive spirit. The way these
traits manifest in you depends on the field or
endeavor in which you concentrated your studies.
Associated Skills: History, Religion, Streetwise
Character Options
Optional Powers
Starting Feature
As a follower of Oghma, you take great interest in
knowledge of all kinds. Yet if you don't know the Ian
guage in which that knowledge is couched, you have
little chance of comprehending whatever you find
in your search. Fortunately, you can combine the
breadth of your experiences with the depth of Ogh
rna's knowledge to gain a brief period of fluency in
any tongue you have come across recently.
Understand Language
Encounter. Divine
Minor Action
Effect: Choose a language you have heard or seen within
the past 24 hours. Until the end of the encounter, you
can read and understand that language.
Additional Features
Oghma informs, inspires, and delights you with revelations both great and small. The presence of the
deity in your thoughts lends you an unusual confidence in your endeavors.
Oghma's Faithful Utility
Level 10 Feature
Sometimes finding key facts comes from simply
knowing exactly where to look for them. Whether
you're examining the stacks of a library or the debris
of some dusty tomb, nothing escapes your careful eye.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks
made to search.
Learned Response
Level 5 Feature
Sudden Insight
Bad Idea
Oghma's Faithful Utility 6
With a deft twist ofyour body; you show your foe that you are
not an easy taraet.
Encounter. Divine
Immediate Interrupt
Melee 1
Trigger: An adjacent creature makes an attack roll against
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: You slide the target up to 2 squares to a square
adjacent to you, and the target takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls and saving throws until the end of your next
Tactical Inspiration
Inspired by your aod, you move in a blur around your foe, at the
same time 8uidina your ally into an advantaaeous position.
Encounter. Divine
Move Action
Effect: You shift up to 3 squares to a square adjacent to an
enemy. Then, an ally within 5 squares of you can shift up
to 3 squares as a free action.
Character Options
You fight for your freedom? Well, I fight for the freedom
of all.
Bards who chronicle the past age sing of the Harpers, a secret society dedicated to advancing the cause
of good across Faerfm. In the group's glory days, its
members included figures oflegend such as Storm
Silverhand, whose beautiful voice matched her ferocity in battle, and Arilyn Moonblade, a half-elf wielder
of powerful and ancient elven magic. The Harpers
passed from existence in the wake of the Spellplague,
but the organization was reborn sixty years ago and
is now based out of the city of Everlund, several
hundred miles northeast of Neverwinter.Its stated
purpose is to stop the encroachment of the expanding
empire ofNetheril.
You grew up hearing tales of the Harpers' exploits
and have long sought to do your part to stem the tide
of darkness. You've always had a facility for deception
and intrigue, coupled with a strong sense of right and
wrong. As you grew older, you searched for the best way
to put those skills to good use. You journeyed to Everlund to enlist in the group, whereupon you were given a
task to complete in order to earn your Harper pin.
You were dispatched to Neverwinter, there to
contact a local Harper agent named Cymril and
lend your services to the Sons of Alagondar. Cymril,
in addition to being one of the few Harpers in the
city, is the leader of the Sons of Alagondar. This
underground resistance movement opposes the imperialistic aims ofDagult Neverember, the Open Lord
of Water deep, who has established himself as the
"Protector" of Never winter during its reconstruction.
The Harpers believe that Neverember's intentions are
less than noble, and that he seeks to expand his mercantile empire for his own gain at the expense of the
people. They are sure that, with his ruthless methods
and suspect alliances, Neverember plans to usurp the
throne of Never winter and build a cutthroat empire
on the Sword Coast.
On your arrival. you learned the hard way that
Neverember's treachery runs deeper than even the
Harpers know. You were included among a band of
rebels on a nighttime reconnaissance mission led by
Cymril. All of a sudden, your world turned inside out
when a squad of Never ember's mercenaries ambushed
your group. You avoided the initial assault by ducking
into an alcove-where you watched as Cymril began
cutting down your comrades! Clearly, she was working
in league with the soldiers. One of Cymril's lieutenants
turned on her and wounded her fatally just before he
himself was cut down by the mercenaries.
When the mercenaries moved on, they left the
bodies of their victims (including Cymril) in the
street as a warning to other dissidents.
Character Options
Before you left the area, you had the foresight to pluck
Cymril's Harper pin from her vest,lest it fall into the
wrong hands.
Was Cymril truly a traitor to Neverwinter's cause,
or was she working as a double agent? You can't be
sure. What you do know is that when both the Sons
of Alagondar and the Harpers got wind of what had
happened, they immediately suspected that someone
in the ambushed group was working for the other
As the newcomer, you bear the brunt of the suspicion of both groups. The city's rebel forces have
fractured since Cymril's death into disorganized and
ineffective war bands. Discovering which of the few
Harper associates in Neverwinter you can trust is
important to you. However, if you have to work alone
to get the job done, that's what you'll do. Your main
goal is to ascertain the truth about Cymril, and in the
process of doing that, you seek any means you can to
thwart Neverember's true plans for the city.
As a rogue agent, you work without official Harper
support, and are free to use your own methods and
make your own decisions regarding whom to trust.
Each new day is an exciting and dangerous game of
masks-guessing who speaks the truth, who offers you
lies in the hope of securing an advantage, and who
is the true enemy in any given situation. You follow
a morality of your own-one that seeks the good in
any situation, without compromise and without being
afraid to take the fight to those who oppose you.
In one sense or another, lies come more naturally
to you than truth, either in the telling or the hearing. You are a difficult person to fool, and your face
is nigh impossible to read when someone tries to
gauge your intentions.
Associated Skills: Bluff, InSight
Starting Feature
Harper Pin
level 3 Rare
This pin, depictina a crescent moon and a harp, bears the bless
ina of three aoddesses.
Wondrous Item
680 gp
Prerequisite: You must have the Harper agent theme.
When you acquire the pin, you gain one blessing of your choice:
Lliira's 8race, Mielikki's endurance, or Tymora's luck. When you use
Harper's blessin8, you can use the chosen bleSSing. You gain a
second blessing to choose from at 5th level and a third bleSSing
at 10th level.
Harper's Blessing + Encounter Utility
Effect: You use one of the bleSSings that you have gained.
+ lIiira's Grace
Tri88er: You miss with an attack.
Effect (No Action): Roll 1d6 and add the result to the triggering
attack roll.
+ Mielikki's Endurance
Tri88er: You take damage.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Reduce the damage by 5 + one
half your level.
+ Tymora's luck
Tri88er: You fail a saving throw.
Effect (No Action): Reroll the saving throw with a +2 power
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
The gods of the Harpers have blessed your efforts,
allowing you to channel their power through your
Harper pin to aid you when you need it most.
Unexpected Ally
Resourceful Dastard
Character Options
Building a
Dead Rat Deserter
The Dead Rat deserter fits best with a native of
Luskan, the center of vice and depravity in the North.
From a roleplaying perspective, your character is distrustful, cautious, and qUick to change sides as the
situation warrants. You understand the value ofteamwork and are loyal to your friends, but few others
trust you without good cause.
Class Prerequisite: None. Many members of
the Dead Rats are rogues, but that thieves' guild also
makes good use of the muscle of enforcers and thugs,
the magical expertise of wizards and sorcerers, and
the beneficial powers of clerics and other healers.
Race Prerequisite: Human, half-elf. or halfling.
These three races are most representative ofLuskan,
with members of other races unwelcome in the city.
The Dead Rats rarely accept members of other races.
Starting Feature
Early in life, you learned the value of being inconspicuous. When you jOined the Dead Rats, they taught
you the trick of melting into the largest crowd of allafter all, in Luskan, rats are everywhere.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
You learned the value of misdirection and subtlety in
the mean streets ofLuskan, and you have excelled at
both in your words and actions.
Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Bluff
checks and Stealth checks.
The Dead Rats are known in luskan for their subtlety, their skill at burgling. and their knack for using
an impressive show offorce to get their way. When
you were a member of the guild, you honed one of
those attributes to a high degree..
Associated Skills: Intimidate, Stealth, Thievery
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
Your bestial nature comes to the fore, frightening
your enemies as you strike. Their hesitation gives you
the advantage.
Savage Hiss
You dip into your inner beast and hiss in challenae as you land
a brutal strike, cowina the craven fools around you.
Encounter. Fear, Primal
No Action
Close burst 5
Trigger: You score a critical hit.
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Effect: Each target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls made
against you until the end of your next turn.
Level 10 Feature
The moon calls to you as never before, and your skin
itches each day as ifit is eager to be shed. You gain
relief only when you become a strange hybrid of
person and rat.
Benefit: You gain the hybrid bite power.
Hybrid Bite
Intuitive Leap
rat, you sprina into motion before anyone has a chance to react.
Daily. Primal
Free Action
Trigger: You roll initiative.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to the initiative check,
and you can stand up or move up to your speed.
Character Options
You cannot escape the past. I won't let you.
Anyone with a passing knowledge of history knows of
Iliyanbruen-the great kingdom of the mortal world
that was home and sanctuary to the elves after the
dissolution of the empire ofIllefarn. Like the empire
that spawned it, Iliyanbruen also fell in time. Many
of its folk left for Evermeet, even as others retreated
into the Feywild. With powerful magic, the elves of
old transported most of Sharandar, the capital city
ofIliyanbruen, to the Feywild. Their plan was for Iliyanbruen to rise once more on the site of the original
home of the elven people- but events seldom align
with the intentions of those who live them.
Although Iliyanbruen rose once more, the Feywild was no empty frontier. The forces that drove the
ancient elves to first leave Faerie for the world still
held sway in many places. Enemies of these returned
folk- particularly the Winter Court and the Twilight
Fey-arrayed against them. Treants, dryads, centaurs,
firbolgs, satyrs, and other creatures that might once
have been allies saw the Iliyanbruen eladrin only as
Generations of battles and legends later, Iliyanbruen endures as a realm, its borders several days'
walk from the ruins of Sharandar. That land has
always been your home, and your people have lived
there in relative peace for generations.
With the coming of the Spellplague, everything
changed. Faerie and the world were brought into
conjunction once more. Some eladrin grew eager
to determine what had become of their worldly
home. This was easier said than done, however, for a
covey of hags and their dark servants had taken over
Sharandar, making travel difficult at best. Although
you initially had little real interest in old Iliyanbruen
beyond mild historical curiosity, you were qUick to
join the effort at ousting the evil fey from the region.
Several of your friends were injured or slain before
your people reclaimed the territory and established
an outpost in the ruins. From there, you and your fellows ventured back into the mortal world where the
eladrin ofIliyanbruen had not stepped for centuries.
You were horrified at what you found. Though
you had expected the kingdom's ancient tree-cities
to have fallen into disrepair, you found many of them
looted as well. Their structures were ravaged and desecrated, with ancient treasures of statuary, artwork,
and holy icons all stolen away.
Fierce debate arose among the fey of New Sharandar. Some, enraged by what had occurred, demanded
that the eladrin reenter the mortal world in force,
wreaking vengeance on any who lingered
I Character Options
Building an
Iliyanbruen Guardian
The Iliyanbruen guardian has a specific focus but
presents a wide range of possibilities. Though your
character's race is proscribed, your choice of class
helps define this theme for your character.
Class Prerequisite: None. Any class can benefit
from this theme's features, though characters who
make use of extra mobility-such as rangers, rogues,
and warlocks-do especially well as Iliyanbruen guardians. Likewise, characters who depend on avoiding
damage or being hemmed in-including wizards and
sorcerers- make better use of this theme's benefits
than heavily armored defenders. The bladesinger class
(page 66) also makes a good choice for this theme.
Race Prerequisite: Eladrin. Though other fey
races such as elves and gnomes might be suitable for
this theme, its features focus on improving the racial
abilities of an eladrin character. The optional rules
for the moon elf and sun elf racial backgrounds (page
49) fit this theme well.
As a native of the Feywild, you might understand
the intricacies of magic as thoroughly as you do
the natural order, or the converse might be true of
you-because in the Feywild, magic and nature are
often one and the same.
Associated Skills; Arcana, Nature
Starting Feature
Your journey to the mortal realm by way of hidden
pathways has given you insight into planar magic
deeper than that of your kin. Your innate ability to
slip the bonds of space serves your allies now.
Benefit: When you use fey step, you can take one
adjacent ally with you. That ally teleports to a square
adjacent to your destination.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
Walking among the lands of your ancestors has
imbued you with fragments of their knowledge. Your
mastery of the wilds increases, as does your instinct
for recognizing the relics of the past.
Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to History
checks and Nature checks.
Evasive Step
Level 10 Feature
As a great eladrin hero, the power of magic courses
through you, refreshing your ability to walk between
worlds more sWiftly.
Benefit: You can use fey step as a minor action.
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
In your battles against a variety of foes, you've
learned to fall back and regroup in ways that few can
Blink Away
Daily" Arcane
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack when
you're fey step is unexpended.
Effect: You use fey step.
Feywild Will
lliyanbruen Guardian Utility 2
You feel the world slip away around you, takin8 your enemy's
attack with it.
I Character
What you think of as civilized, I know to be weak. The
world is a savage place. It takes savagery to master it.
I ,
Building an
U thgardt Barbarian
Characters who have close connections to the wilderness make best use of this theme. Even so, your class
is less important than your interest in roleplaying a
member of an Uthgardt tribe that has kept to its traditions for over a thousand years.
Class Prerequisite: None. The Uthgardt, however, traditionally embrace only the divine and
primal forms of magic. Characters who wield other
magical power must typically hide their abilities from
their tribe (and should have a good backstory reason
for haVing taken up that magic in the first place). The
Uthgardt also have a narrow faith, typically worship ing only Uthgar (an exarch of Tempus) and various
animal and ancestor spirits. Other faiths are seen as
breaking a tribe's traditions, so if you worship another
power, you must have a strong reason for doing soand should plan on keeping it a secret.
Race Prerequisite: Human. Although the Uthgardt are almost exclUSively human, a few half-elves
and half-orcs are found among the Thunderbeast
tribe. Additionally, members of other races are sometimes adopted into a tribe.
The Uthgardt have strong traditions of respecting strength and honoring the natural world. You
embody one of these traditions, becoming either a
well-honed physical specimen or a master of the
world 's lore.
Associated Skills: Athletics, Nature
Level 10 Feature
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
As a warrior of your tribe, you have the ability to
call on the spirit of your totem animal, the mighty
thunderbeast. With its power, you can accomplish
astounding acts of physical strength.
Spiritual Guidance
You feel the spirits ofyour ancestors around you, and in their
barely discernible whispers, you hear the truth.
Daily. Primal
Free Action
Trigger: You make a History, a Nature, or a Religion check
and dislike the result.
Effect: You reroll the check with a +S power bonus. Use
the second result, even if it's lower.
Starting Feature
In the depths of the High Forest, you followed in the
footsteps of the thunderbeasts. Now you follow them
spiritually, drawing on their majesty to imbue your
own tread with the weight of their power.
Thunder Stomp
Your foot comes down with the impact of a thunder beast, shockina nearby enemies into inaction and hesitation.
Encounter. Aura, Primal
Minor Action
Effect: You activate an aura 2 that lasts until the end of
your next turn. While in the aura, enemies cannot make
opportunity attacks.
Additional Features
Uthgardt barbarians worship their ancestors, believing that their spirits linger near the living to offer aid
and advice. Through a deep connection to your forebears, you can hear their words.
Level 5 Feature
Spirit Swarm
The true predator kills only what it needs. It is not I who
have betrayed our ways.
For your whole life, you've been one with the pack.
Not all members of the Gray Wolf tribe manifest the
beast within in the same way, but you all share it
to one extent or another, feeling it bind you in ways
few other people can comprehend. You are warriors
among your humanoid kin, predators among the
beasts of the woodland. You move as one, you live as
one, you hunt as one.
Or rather, you did.
For uncounted generations, your people have venerated the five spiritual pillars on which Gray Wolf
culture is based- tradition, the primal spirits, your
god Uthgar, the spirits of your ancestors, and the
natural order. It never crossed your mind what might
happen if the tribe violated any of those precepts,
because such a thing was unthinkable. But in the end,
the unthinkable happened.
In retrospect, you could see the first hints long
before things went truly wrong. The current Gray
Wolfleaders are more vicious, more bloodthirsty,
than those who came before. The Gray WolfUthgardt
has always been a violent tribe- you carry the fury
Optional Powers
Having been raised in the wild and thus possessing all the instincts of the wolf, you have powers of
observation that are second to none.
Associated Skills: Nature, Perception
Encounter" Primal
No Action
Trigger: Your melee attack hits an enemy that is granting
you combat advantage.
Effect: That enemy falls prone.
Starting Feature
Like all members of the Gray Wolves, you are and
have always been a shapeshifter.
Your flesh flows, your bones twist, and you lift your snout to how!.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
You grew up hunting and fighting alongside others
and have mastered pack-oriented tactics. You move
constantly to keep your foes off balance between you
and your companions.
Benefit: Enemies adjacent to you grant combat
advantage to you and to allies adjacent to those
Level 10 Feature
The wildness of your spirit hones your physical form,
granting you unmatched strength and presence.
Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Athletics
checks and Intimidate checks.
You know the wolf's ways because they are your own. 0
When a wolf strikes, it can bring down even the biggest prey-a tactic you've perfected.
Your attack catches your enemy unaware and draBS the foe down.
I Character Options
Yea, the blood oJDelzoun flows in me veins! I come
a'seekin8 Gauntlgrym, and I durn't care how many tried
and Jailed! Well , oj course I have me a plan! Buy the next
round, and I'll tell ye all about it.
Thousands of years ago, in an age of great empires,
the dwarven realm ofDelzoun thrived. Said to be the
pinnacle of dwarven culture, Delzoun was a place
whose citizens were happy and productive, trading in
relative peace with their neighbors. When Netheril
was laid low by the folly of the mage Karsus, it was
not only the Shadovar that suffered.
Like so many of the dwarves of the North, your
family claims direct descent from Delzoun. However,
with so many making that same claim, who knows if
any speak the truth? In private, for much of your life,
you've had your doubts.
Then seventeen years ago, during the Summons,
the ghosts came.
Perhaps only one in a thousand dwarves has made
a believable claim to have seen them-but you are one
of those chosen few. Clad in the vestments of ancient
times, the ghosts spoke with a voice that only you
could hear. Pleading in the manner of dwarves in the
most desperate need, they begged for help - not for
themselves, but for all your kind. They spoke of an
"awakening beast" that must not be allowed to rise.
And before they vanished, they begged you to come to
them-in Gauntlgrym.
Gauntlgrym. What dwarf of the North has not
dreamed of that place? Most people think it a myth or
a ruin cast to rubble ages ago, but dwarves know different. Dwarves feel the truth in their bones.
For a time, Gauntlgrym was the capital of Delzoun. The underground city was the grandest
settlement in the North-perhaps in all the world.
Doors cast of pure mithral opened at a dwarf's slightest touch. A forge burned there so mighty that items
of enchantment could be made without magic. So
great was Gauntlgrym that humans, elves, halflings,
and gnomes all begged to live beneath its roof, and
were welcome.
Yet Gauntlgrym fell long ago- first to orcs, then
to humans who claimed it, then to mind flayers , and
finally to the mists of history. Rumors have placed it
in numerous locations. Some claim to have seen it or
have maps to it, but lunatics and scoundrels assert
many things. The Summons drew many to search for
it, including you.
In the end, your search has brought you to the
Neverwinter region, where Gauntlgrym might yet
lie hidden. Some of your family think you mad.
Others burn like the sun with pride, for you have
the opportunity to prove their claim of Delzoun
blood. Many have sought Gauntlgrym
Character Options
All dwarves of the North know this poem, said
to have been composed in the earliest days of
Building an
Heir of Delzoun
You are a true descendant of your people's ancient
bloodline, and the abilities you gain as an heir of Delzoun are an asset to any class and role.
Class Prerequisite: None. Characters of any class
can take up this path.
Race Prerequisite: Dwarf The heir ofDelzoun
theme marks you as one descended directly from the
purest bloodlines of that ancient dwarven kingdom.
The shield dwarf racial background (page 47) is a
great fit for this theme.
Level 10 Feature
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
As you travel and learn the ways of the world, you
come to understand how to apply your cultural
knowledge more broadly.
You 8ain extra insi8ht from your study ofyour people's pastand sometimes, it seems, from your ancestors whisperin8 to you
Encounter. Martial
Free Action
Trigger: You would make an Intelligence or Wisdombased
ability check or skill check.
Effect: You make a History check in place of any other
Intelligencebased check, or a Dungeoneering check in
place of any other Wisdombased check.
Starting Feature
As a sign that you do indeed possess the pure blood
of your ancestors, one of the hallmark traits of your
people is stronger in you.
Benefit: You gain resistance to poison equal to 5 +
one-half your level.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
Your adventurous life in pursuit of Gauntlgrym has
made you more hardy than most.
Benefit: You gain a healing surge.
Noble Indomitability
Character Options
You will never understand horror until you've inflicted it. I
understand it. I pray you never do.
Character Options
Building a
Renegade Red Wizard
Although this theme is focused on the wizard class,
it still allows you a number of options. Because the
theme grants you new mage features instead of additional schools of specialization, your choice of school
is a critical decision.
Class Prerequisite: Wizard (mage). Other types
of arcane characters technically qualify for the
theme, but they would benefit only from the starting
feature and the level 10 feature.
Race Prerequisite: None. Although humans are
far and away the most numerous race in Thay, members of other races can prove themselves worthy of
being taken into the arcane schools that train each
new generation of Red Wizards.
Unlike the other themes presented in this book, this
one does not offer utility powers. Instead, the renegade Red Wizard gains class features that replace
what he or she would receive as a normal mage.
As usual for a mage, you choose a school for
your Apprentice Mage feature. However, Red Wizards have a long history of being specialists in a
particular school. Those in Thay now specialize
only in necromancy, but you used your training to
specialize in another school after swearing off the
magic of death. When you would normally have
the option of chOOSing a second school (at 4th level
and 8th level), you instead gain other benefits, as
described here.
Additional Features
Level 4 Feature
Your early training was in the magic of death, control, and carnage, and though you've left those days
behind, their influence remains.
Benefit: You do not gain the Apprentice Mage feature normally gained by a mage at 4th level. Instead,
when one of your arcane attack powers causes an
effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to its first saving throw against that effect.
Level 5 Feature
Your extensive focus upon a Single school of magic
allows you to make its arcane patterns in your mind
more fluid. A brief study of your spellbook gives
you the opportunity to reset some of those patterns,
giving you access to different magic.
Benefit: Once per day at the end of a short rest,
you can exchange one prepared power for another
from your spellbook. The new power you prepare
must be from the school you chose for your Apprentice Mage feature at 1st level.
Level 8 Feature
Although you have chosen to leave necromancy
behind, elements of its fearsome presence remain in
your magic- and indeed, your personal bearing. In
addition, your need to deceive your Thayan masters
has developed into a form of second nature.
Benefit: You do not gain the Expert Mage feature normally gained by a mage at 8th level. Instead,
you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks and Intimidate
Level 10 Feature
You might have gravitated toward an aspect of your
training as a Red Wizard, learning as much as you
could about the body or the soul. Or, your life on
the run from other Red Wizards could have caused
you to develop a talent for deception or disguise.
Associated Skills: Bluff, Heal, Religion, Stealth
Your ongoing struggle against your former compatriots and their undead servants has given you insight
into how best to bring them low. When you can catch
foes with their defenses down, your attacks land more
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
against any Red Wizard or undead creature that
grants combat advantage to you.
Starting Feature
As you approach a mastery of magic that you've had
to develop while on the run, you've learned to interweave a combination of secrecy and precision.
Benefit: If you are hidden when you use an
arcane attack power and miss every target, you do
not automatically become visible (though the targets
are entitled to new Perception checks to see if they
notice you).
CHAPTER 2 I Character Options
Toril thrives in the li8ht. I'll have no part in dra88in8 it
down into darkness.
More than a century has passed since the Year of
Wild Magic and the return ofThultanthar, the City
of Shade, to the skies of FaenIn. This last bastion
of ancient Netheril had survived for over a millennium in the depths of the Shadowfell, where the raw
essence of shadow has long intertwined with the
souls of the Shadovar. Some have become shades;
some are born shadar-kai. Most are still human, but
with an element of darkness about them.
You were born into the nobility of the Shadovarnot at any great rank, but high enough to ensure
yourself a position of power in the restored empire.
Like all Shadovar, you were raised to believe in Netherese supremacy-bombarded constantly with the
knowledge that dominance was your people's birthright, that the other peoples ofToril were weak and
inferior, and that Netheril would rule once more.
You had no reason not to believe in your great
destiny. At least, not at first. However, as your education progressed, you were sent out into the world
to observe Netherese military actions. Serving the
overseers of "reclaimed" communities, you would
occasionally skirmish with the border patrols of
neighboring nations. For reasons you still do not fully
understand, something in the world beyond Shade
Enclave spoke to you as your home never had.
You stood in the light of the sun, untouched by
the lingering darkness of the Shadowfell, and felt its
burn not as painful but as cleansing. You observed
the "weak and worthless" folk beyond Netheril and
perceived a simple joy for life that you could never
imagine seeing within the Shadovar. You knew
instantly that this was the life you wanted-one far
from the machinations, tyranny, and darkness of your
You had to pull some strings and con your family
into pulling others. However, in the end, it wasn't
hard to have yourself aSSigned to the ongoing Netherese efforts in Neverwinter Wood, hunting for old
ruins and ancient magic. Your hope was that this
Shadovar endeavor farthest from Netheril would
provide you the opportunity to disappear before you
were missed.
It worked, in part. You were able to slip away
between expeditions into the woods and make your
way to Neverwinter. So far, you've managed to keep
your past a secret, seeming to be just one of the many
people trying to make a fresh start in a slowly recovering city.
Yet something eats at you as you try to start your
new life. Your people have not come to the North
just to dig up the detritus of old empires.
Character Options
The magic they find here is meant to be put to a purpose. You don't know what that purpose might be, but
before you left Netheril, you heard whispered rumors
that spoke of raising an enclave.
It's a crazy idea. The magic to perform such a
mighty ritual hasn't existed since the fall ofNetheril
over a thousand years ago. Certainly, other enclaves
have been launched into the air since the Year of
Wild Magic, but these were existing structures. The
powerful magic of the mythallars that allows such
structures to take to the skies was already extant,
only needing repair. Surely nothing like that could be
found anywhere near Neverwinter ... or could it?
You came to Neverwinter to flee, but more and
more, you wonder if you could ever have run far
enough. If you remain here, you know you won't be
able to hide forever. If the Netherese succeed in their
plans for the region, a new Shadovar stronghold
might arise here- one possibly as mighty as Shade
Enclave. If that happens, you would find yourself in
the shadow of Net heri I once again. Much as you'd
like to simply vanish into the darkness, the dark is
where your people are most dangerous. And that
means your only option is to face them here.
Building a
Scion of Shadow
As a child ofNetherese nobility, you would have had
access to virtually any path or vocation you chose
to follow. Though your racial choices are limited,
this theme dovetails nicely with classes that use the
shadow power source (such as those presented in
Heroes of Shadow).
Class Prerequisite: None. The Shadovar respect
practitioners of arcane magic or shadow magic more
than any others, but all classes are open to you. If you
wield divine power, you would have originally worshiped Shar, the god of shadows. However, you have
most likely taken up a new deity since then.
Race Prerequisite: Human, shadar-kai, or shade.
Some of the royal family of Shade Enclave are born
as shades thanks to the influence of the Shadowfell.
However, this racial choice should be available to
characters only with the DM's approval.
As one of the Shadovar, you are most at home in the
darkness, and you might know more of its ways-in
either a mundane or a magical sense-than most.
Or perhaps living among those who might consider
you an enemy has given you a talent for hiding the
Associated Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Stealth
Level 10 Feature
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
As a scion of the Shadovar, you have learned to leave
behind a small portion of your essence when you
reenter the physical world.
Flitting Shadow
Starting Feature
You have spent so much time in the darkness that
it feels like home to you, letting you overcome the
effects of both magical and mundane shadow.
Eyes of Night
Daily .. Shadow
Minor Action
Effect: You gain blindsight 10 until the end of your next
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
Although you have chosen to live your life in the light,
the darkness still calls to you. When the shadows
grow deep, you feel enveloped in safety, and the step
into your dark side gives you the fortitude to return to
the fight.
Benefit: Whenever you are in dim light or dark
ness, add 4 to your healing surge value.
Binding Shade
Dancing Shadows
Character Options
What do you mean, those cultists seemed to know me? I
don't know what you're talkina about.
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
Fiendish power is built on treachery-a concept you
can channel to cause your foes to betray each other.
Traitor's Brand
Many of your ilk have a silver tongue when it comes
to deception, and you might be one of them. It's
also possible that during your admittedly short time
in the cult, you picked up quite a bit of knowledge
about faith in devil gods-even if at the time you
thought it was all nonsense.
Associated Skills; Bluff, Religion
Starting Feature
Your brand enhances your powers and draws forth
the power of the Nine Hells to smite your enemies.
You are reluctant to reveal the mark, but you do as
you must to survive.
Additional Features
Shielding Hellfire
Level 5 Feature
Glorious pain rips throuBh you as your skin blackens and hardens into devilish scales and weat black winBs, a crown offire
wreathinB your brow.
Level 10 Feature
You feel the warmth of your mark every day and
wake at night to echoes of the brand's searing pain.
Somehow, becoming acclimated to your mark has
inured you to the pain and destruction of real fire.
Benefit: You gain resist 10 fire. If you already
have fire resistance as a racial trait, it increases by 5.
Character Options
I've seen horrors you haven't even dreamed. Whether I
sleep or wake, the ni8htmares follow me.
Nearly a century ago, Faenln was ravaged by the
Spellplague. Few of those alive today can describe
this scourge firsthand, and every story disagrees in
the details. Landscapes changed, whole cities vanished, and alien nations installed themselves where
barren wasteland and the ruins of past civilizations
had stood for millennia. Magic failed or went wild,
and thousands upon thousands died horribly. Those
who encountered the plague directly, either initially
or in the long years since, have been forever changed
by its touch. Most are horribly deformed or otherwise cursed- even as a rare few gain a strange kind
of power.
Someone seeing you as a youth might not have
known you were bound to such a twisted destiny. You
were a normal person, living out a normal life. You
had family and friends, and you were looking forward
to marriage and children to carryon your legacy.
These simple pleasures were not to be yours, however-not once the nightmares began. You ignored the
visions at first, but you could not do so for long.
One night, you awoke from a nightmare screaming,
engulfed in blue flames that were no dream. Though
it did not harm you, this unnatural fire wreaked
havoc on everything nearby, consuming your home
and those you loved, their screams echoing as they
burned. When the flames died away, they left in
their wake disfigurements on the bodies of the deadwarped limbs, blue scar tissue, or strange runes in a
language you did not recognize. Though you survived
the destruction, your body was likewise scarred.
Hated for the harm you inflicted unintentionally
and despised for your deformity, you fled your home
Building a
Spellscarred Harbinger
The Spellplague curses and blesses at whim, and its
power can mark a wide variety of heroes. As a spellscarred harbinger, you are mysterious by nature,
since few understand- or will tolerate-your abilities.
You live by your wits and skills.
Class Prerequisite: None. Although a background related to magic might help explain the
exposure that created your spells car, this theme is
suitable for characters of any class.
Race Prerequisite: None. The effects of the Spellplague can manifest in anyone.
Any character who bears a spellscar, including one
who has the spellscarred harbinger theme, has the
following innate abilities.
Spellscarred Susceptibility: A spellscarred
creature takes a -1 penalty to all defenses and all
saving throws against the Spell plague and the same
penalty when it is attacked by a plaguechanged
creature or another spellscarred creature.
Spell plague Sense: A spellscarred creature
knows when an area of Spell plague, or a plaguechanged or spellscarred creature, is within 5 squares
of him or her.
Character Options
Starting Feature
You have a spellscar that takes the form of an unnaturallesion, glowing tattoos, tentacles where your fingers
should be, immaterial blue spines projecting from
your skin, or some other obviously magical effect. Your
spellscar grants you the power to twist magic.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
By drawing on the magic of your spellscar, you
enhance your attacks with burning blue fire. Each
time you evoke the flames, your spellscar flares ominously, enticing you to draw on more of its power.
Level 10 Feature
Your body and spirit course with blue fire, and you've
learned to harness that power in a new way.
Benefit: Choose another benefit from the spellscarred harbinger starting feature list. You can use
only one ability gained from this list per encounter.
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
The spellscar forced into your body and soul barely
contains the maddening randomness of the Spellplague. By opening yourself to its fearsome power,
you can disrupt the powers of those around you.
Plague Disruption
You release the SpeUplaaue within, and your enemies are overwhldmed by the chaotic rush of power you contro!'
Encounter. Arcane, Aura
Minor Action
Effect: You activate an aura 2 that lasts until the end of
your next turn_ Enemies in the aura take a -2 penalty to
attack rolls, and must roll twice and use the lower result
when !Jttempting to recharge a power.
Torture Reality
Character Options
No one owns a secret. Indeed, amonB my people, we say
that secrets own their keepers.
You were on patrol in the Underdark outside your
home, beautiful and benighted Menzoberranzan,
when betrayal came. As if directed by psychic command, your companions suddenly turned against you
as one. Drow are treacherous by nature, but such a
blatant and brutal attack could mean only one thing:
Your house had fallen. You escaped with your life, but
with no allies and no idea of what to do next.
None survive alone in the wilds of the Underdark
for long, and so your would-be killers assumed you to
be dead-as you would have been if the members of
Bregan D'aerthe had not found you. You had heard
the tales of these drow mercenaries, of course- the
much-derided and dishonorable castaways of other
destroyed houses. When your benefactors confirmed
that your kin had been annihilated, you expected
them to show contempt for the weakness of your
house and your own helplessness. Instead, they
offered to induct you into their company-giving you a
Building a Bregan
D'aerthe Spy
When you choose to be a Bregan D'aerthe spy, you
immerse yourself in the web of drow politics and the
darkness of the race's culture. Though you have many
options for making your character, only those with
sharp blades and sharper wit can become one of the
mighty Bregan D'aerthe.
Class Prerequisite: None. Rogues and other characters well suited to spying make the best choice for
this theme. Lolth's grip on her people is strong, and if
you playa divine character dedicated to another god,
you should determine how you found that faith and
whether you keep it secret. Many in Bregan D'aerthe
dislike the rule of the Spider Queen, but few would
be so bold as to openly worship another deity.
Race Prerequisite: Drow. All members ofBregan
D'aerthe hail from drow houses in the cities of Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad.
Drow train in stealth and the lore of the Underdark
from a young age, and they rely upon falsehood as
much as other creatures do upon breathing. As a
member of Bregan D'aerthe, you are well versed in
one ofthe skills vital to your survival amid the deadly
politics and dangerous pockets of the Underdark.
Associated Skills; Bluff, Dungeoneering, Stealth
Starting Feature
Though not all drow can levitate, you saw the usefulness of such an ability and struggled to master it.
Additional Features
Level 5 Feature
Your control over your ability to levitate increases,
letting you spend an entire battle in the air if you so
Optional Powers
Level 2 Utility Power
As a spy equally at home in the Underdark and the
surface world, you know that the ability to SWiftly
fade from sight can mean the difference between success or failure in your missions.
Sudden Stealth
The moment a threat reveals itself, your instinct for stealth takes
over, lettin8 you vanish from si8ht.
Encounter. Martial
Free Action
Trigger: You have any cover or concealment when you roll
Effect: You can make a Stealth check to hide.
Fluid Steps
Spy Sight
You focus your senses, lettin8 all that would obscure the world
slip away.
Oaily Martial
Minor Action
Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to InSight checks and
Perception checks until the end of the encounter.
Level 10 Feature
Your life of adventure has taught you to be waryespecially when you're vulnerable. Foes might
surprise or corner you, but they'll find there's little
profit in doing so.
Benefit: When you grant combat advantage,
enemies do not gain the bonus to attack rolls
against you.
I Character Options
Racial Variants
Elves and dwarves in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting
are made up of distinct subraces. Such divisions often
have their roots in a race's earliest existence.
When you create a character who belongs to a
subrace, you are free to use the race's standard traits
for that character. However, you can instead use the
options in this section to set the character apart from
other members of his or her race, and to provide ways
to develop your character's identity.
Each subrace deSCription contains a set of benefits.
Each of these replaces a standard racial trait, as noted
in the benefit's description. Unless otherwise noted,
you can select as many of a subrace's benefits as you
In addition, each subrace includes a racial background tied to it. Like other backgrounds in the
game, these offer associated skills and languages. If
you choose the racial background that matches your
character's subrace, you can select one of the following benefits.
Gain a +2 bonus to checks with a skill associated
with your background.
Add a skill associated with your background to
your list of class skills before you choose your
trained skills.
Choose one language associated with your background. You can speak, read, and write that
language fluently.
In a time before the world knew what it was, Moradin
the All-Father forged the dwarves in the fiery heart
of Abeir-Toril. His people won their way to the light
of the surface through grit and battle prowess. In the
hot south of the world that then was, they emerged
into the cool heights of the mountains and forged for
themselves an empire. Divisions among them forced
some away and to the plains of the west, where they
settled in what would come to be known as the Great
Rift. This banishment to the flatlands would prove to
have far-reaching consequences when gods and primordials battled. The world split apart, stealing the
first great dwarven empire away-beyond even Moradin's reach.
Untold years passed until the next great schism
among the dwarves, during which their commander
led an exodus from the caverns beneath the plains.
His people would forge many kingdoms and pass
through many generations, eventually becoming
shield dwarves. Those who remained in the plains,
and who dwell there still, are the gold dwarves.
No grudges endure from such ancient
divisions. Dwarves are the children of
Character Options
Gold Dwarf
Gold dwarves see themselves as the founders of the
dwarven race, their society able to trace an unbroken line back nearly to the world's creation. It should
be no surprise, then, that gold dwarves have a chip
on their shoulders-and a heavy one at that. Gold
dwarves get along well with others, but they come
from a culture where tradition reigns and codes of
honor are strict. Each dwarf has a predestined role
and a place in society that stems from birth order and
bloodline. Gold dwarves who stray from such strictures bring great dishonor on themselves and shame
to their clans.
The largely isolated kingdoms of the gold dwarves
had begun to expand before the Spellplague hit.
Many adventurous gold dwarves left the Great Rift
and their other traditional lands to explore distant
parts of the surface world. This emigration served
them well when their homeland was destroyed by
the plague. Much of the Great Rift and the surrounding surface was obliterated, leaving in its wake
the massive Underchasm and the realm of Great
Bhaerynden. The gold dwarves who were spread
across Faenln returned to the area to help rebuild
their homeland, and the realm known as the East
Rift was built on and in the ruins of the Great Rift.
The disaster and the disruption of those dark times
caused numerous gold dwarf clans to accept new
ideas and new peoples, while some others retreated
into xenophobia as a means of holding onto the traditions of the past.
Wisdom comes with age. Those who have witnessed the passage of decades deserve respect. Those
who have seen centuries come and go deserve more.
Any society that does not respect its elders is dangerous, for it ignores the wisdom those elders represent.
Blood bears truth. You were born into a society
where everything was decided for you, from your
profession to whom you would marry when the time
comes. These decisions were not the whim of an
elder, but the dictates of your bloodline in relation
to others. Among gold dwarves, who you become is
a direct result of who your parents were and all your
ancestors before them. Even far from the East Rift,
you understand that getting to know someone means
getting to know their past as well.
Gold dwarves have a long history of living beneath
the earth and dealing with its denizens, particularly
the draw.
Associated Skill: Dungeoneering
Associated Lan8ua8es: Deep Speech, Elven
Shield Dwarf
A long history of internecine war has made the once
clannish society of shield dwarves more open. Shield
dwarves actively seek out friends and forge alliances
against enemies. They judge others by their skill and
bravery, not merely the honor of a bloodline or the
number of beard hairs gone gray. Tradition, respect
for elders, and the bonds of kinship are strong forces
in shield dwarf culture. However, no shield dwarf
would be thought dishonorable for seeking his or her
own destiny, whether doing so involves battling orcs
alongside elf allies or becoming a master crafter in a
human city.
The history of the shield dwarves can be traced
back through millennia. The sons ofTaark Shanat
the Crusader founded eight kingdoms, which
fought, made alliances, rose to greatness as one
nation, and then fell into separate states before
vanishing from the face of the world. The last great
dwarven kingdom of the North was Delzoun, and
few are the shield dwarves who do not claim a connection to the bloodline of that realm.
Character Options
Shield dwarves have a long history of struggle for
survival in the wilderness of the North, fighting
against orcs, giants, and their own kind. To aid in
such conflicts, they have found the native languages
of the North useful.
Associated Skills: Dungeoneering, Endurance,
Associated Lanauaaes: Chondathan, Giant
Character Options
Character Options
to depend more than ever on their traditional insularity, closing ranks against outsiders that would
spread chaos and doom.
Taking advantage of the renewed connection to
the Feywild represents an exception for some sun
elves, but for others it merely proves the point. The
elves of Faerie might look and act like the elves of the
world, but to many sun elves, they represent as much
of a potential threat as any worldly nation.
Sun elves mimic the aloof (some might say
haughty) nature of their society in their personal
interactions as well. They are slow to smile, quick
to disparage, and always ready to demonstrate their .
superior knowledge and skill. These barriers break
down over time in the dealings between a sun elf and
his or her closest allies, but many sun elves remain
forever withdrawn in the company of people who
speak plainly and show emotion openly.
Wild Elf
Of all the fey folk of the world, wild elves live most
closely with nature. Indeed, many wild elves see themselves as the only true examples of their race, since
they are the only ones living as their ancient ancestors
did. At first glance, because of their body paint and
beadwork, wild elves can easily be mistaken for primitive hunter-gatherers. Their culture, however, contains
complex and intricate traditions that have survived
largely unchanged from the time of the Crown Wars.
Wild elves are more isolationist than their sun elf
cousins-often violently so. Those wild elves who do
Character Options
Wood Elf
Wood elves resemble moon elves in that they are
friendly to other races. However, like wild elves, they
prefer to live hidden in the wilderness. Wanderlust
has no place in their lives, and they consider themselves the solemn caretakers of ancient empires.
Wood elves prefer to build modest settlements,
viewing the urban and urbane lifestyles both of the
ancient elves and their sun elf descendants to be
After fleeing the destruction of the Crown Wars,
the wood elves sought to keep their distance from any
conflicts that they believed brought ruin upon their
people. However, unlike the wild elves and the sun
elves, they did not want to detach themselves from
the world. The lesson they learned from the destruction of the past was to be compassionate, both toward
other elves and the other races that would come to
prominence as their own race waned.
I Character Options
The warpriest cleric, presented in Heroes of the Fallen
Lands, chooses a domain from which he or she gains
special features and powers. That book presents two
choices- the storm domain and the sun domain. This
book adds to those options with four new domains for
use in a FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign.
The domains here differ from the domains in
Heroes of the Fallen Lands because each focuses on
a specific deity. This focus allows each domain to
encompass more aspects of a particular faith. Only
a warpriest dedicated to Corellon can choose that
deity's domain, whereas a warpriest character who
chose the storm domain might serve one of a number
of deities.
Some of these domains link to one or more of
the character themes presented earlier in this chapter. In the most obvious example, a warpriest who
chooses the Oghma domain is a prime candidate to
also take on the Oghma's faithful theme. Similarly,
the Iliyanbruen guardian theme is tailored for characters devoted to Corellon. A warpriest ofSehlne
might quest in the area because of the presence of
If you want to playa warpriest of a deity other
than those whose domains are presented in this
section, a number of other domains are available.
In addition to the storm and sun domains featured
in Heroes of the Fallen Lands, the death domain
can be found in Heroes of Shadow, and the earth
domain is available to 0&0 Insider subscribers in
Draaon 392.
The following domain associations can be used
for warpriest characters who worship particular
deities in a FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign.
Berronar Truesilver
Gar! Glittergold
Tempus (or Uthgar)
I Character Options
Corell on's clerics serve as his feywardens-characters whose solemn
duty is the protection of the traditions
and works of the elf race. However,
Corellon stands for much more
than just the guardianship of
his people. He leads the pantheon of elven deities as the
epitome of elven magic,
music, arts, crafts, poetry, and
warfare. Corellon's warpriests
follow his example, becoming
experts in the arts of creativity,
war, and magic. They must not only
protect the elves and their culture, but
must promote and spread the greatness
of that culture.
Character Options
Cleric Attack 1
Cleric Attack 1
You can decide which ofyour weapons to use at the last second.
When you brin8 it forth , it pulses with divine power.
At-Will .. Divine, Force, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee or Ranged weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you can sheathe one weapon and
draw another one.
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1 [WI + Wisdom modifier force and radiant damage.
Level 21: 2[W] + Wisdom modifierforce and radiant
Cleric Utility 1
Cleric Attack 1
Step Together
Cleric Utility 1
Allied Accuracy
Cleric Attack 3
Level 5: Corellon
Domain Feature
As you continue in your devotion to Corellon, more of
his magic becomes open to you. When you call on his
aid for healing, he grants you a means of slipping past
foes unscathed.
Benefit: When you use healina word, the target of
the power can shift 1 square as a free action. If the
target is an elf, a half-elf, or an eladrin, the target can
instead shift a number of squares up to your Constitution modifier.
Fey Beguiling
Cleric Attack 7
Corellon is a god not just of elves but of all fey, including the mysterious and beguiling unicorns. Utilizing
a measure of their power, you thwart your enemies'
CHAPTER 2 I Character Options
Blessing of Elvenkind
With your deity's blessinB, you and your allies BO on the hunt.
Daily. Aura, Divine
Minor Action
Effect: You activate an aura 5 that lasts until the end of the
encounter. While the aura is active, you gain a +5 power
bonus to Stealth checks and a + 2 power bonus to speed.
Any ally who starts his or her turn in the aura gains the
same bonuses until the start of his or her next turn.
Glimmer Strike
Cleric Attack 13
Your weapon starts the sonB, and as your allies make their at
tacks, your maBie Buarantees that the foe will be struck.
Encounter. Divine, Force, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier force damage.
Effect: The next time you or an ally misses the target with an
attack before the start of your next turn, the target takes
5 force damage.
Implacable Enmity
Awful to Behold
Harmony of Blades
Character Options
Cleric Attack 27
At once, multiple Bhostly weapons lash out from your attack. For
each blow that draws blood, an ally's health soars.
Encounter. Divine, Force, Healing, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier force damage.
Effect: You can spend a healing surge. For each target you
hit, a different ally within 10 squares of you can spend a
healing surge.
A devotee of Oghma comprehends the power of
ideas and the primacy of
information-not just with
the mind, but with the soul.
However, the lord of knowledge
does not dedicate himself to
knowledge alone. Innovation,
inspiration, discovery-these
too form the basis of faith in
Oghma. To serve the Binder
of What Is Known is to serve
the truth, whether that truth is
found in ancient secrets, beautiful art, or a brilliant
Singing Strike
Domain At-Will Power Your never-ending quest for knowledge drives you to discover the
secrets of your foes. An enemy's weaknesses are often
the most valuable information.
Blessing of Knowledge
Cleric Attack 1
You lay into a foe, the attack revealinB an openinB that your ally
can exploit.
At-Will + Divine, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Wisdom modifier damage.
Level 21: 2 [W] + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: One ally within 5 squares of you gains combat
advantage against the target until the end of your next
Your weapon sinBs with holy power and Blows from the presence
ofyour deity.
Cleric Attack 1
Cleric Utility 1
You Bain a divine perspective into how a challenBe can be surmounted, the thouBht arrivinB in the nick of time.
Encounter + Divine
Immediate Interrupt
Close burst 10
Trigger: You or one ally in the burst fails a skill check.
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: The target gains a power bonus to the skill check
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Cleric Attack 1
You ask your Bod to bless your action as you swinB your weapon,
hopinB to knock some sense into your enemy.
Encounter + Divine, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Target: One creature
Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls and its next saving throw.
Character Options
Knowledge to Spread
Cleric Utility 1
Thouahts run throuah the minds ofyou and your allies, each
idea particular to the task to which you set yourselves.
Encounter" Channel Divinity, Divine
Close burst 3
Minor Action
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: The next time the target makes a ski ll check before
the end of your next turn, the target gains a + 2 power
bonus to the check.
Special: You can use only one channel divinity power per
Inspired Steel
Cleric Attack 3
Level 5: Oghma
Domain Feature
You have learned how to treat all sorts of afflictions. When you bless an ally with healing, one such
malady can also be washed away.
Benefit: When you use healing word, the target of
the power can make a saving throw.
Thought Storm
Cleric Attack 7
With a savaae strike, you Jlood your enemy's head with a thou-
I Character Options
Divine Inspiration
Daily" Divine
No Action
Close burst 1 0
Trigger: You or an ally within 1 0 squares of you rolls initiative
or makes an Insight, a Perception, or a knowledge check.
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Each target can reroll initiative if it is the beginning
of the encounter and must use the second result. Until
the end of the encounter, each target can reroilinsight
checks, Perception checks, and knowledge checks, and
must use the second result.
Thought Crusher
Cleric Attack 1 3
Your attack strikes both body and mind, teaching your Joe a
lesson it will not soonJorget.
Devout Warpriest
Attack 20
Shared Secrets
Cleric Attack 23
At the same time that your attack hits home, it sends a message
to an aUy to get in a quick Jollow-up strike.
, Brilliant Idea
Dangerous Knowledge
Cleric Attack 17
Thought Destroyer
Encounter. Divine
Standard Action
Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Effect: Each target is blinded until the end of your next
turn, and each ally within 5 squares of you can make a
saving throw.
Cleric Attack 27
With the touch ojyour weapon, you cause your enemy to com-
I Character Options
Sehlne and her evil sister Shar
created Abeir-Toril, and both
were witness to the fission
of reality that made their
creation into two worlds_
During the Spellplague,
Shar's dark influence
drove the catastrophe
in which portions of
both worlds swapped
places, while Sehlne was able
to do little but watch from
her spirit's home in the moon
and weep. When the two sisters had clashed in the
past, Selfme often took the heroic path offorgiveness,
restraint, compassion, and self-sacrifice. That time has
ended. Now, warpriests flock to Sehlne's faith, and their
task is clear. Light must battle darkness ifit is to prevail.
Creatures that
commit evil acts might do so with fortune or dark
skill on their side. To tip the scales in favor of good,
Selune offers her warpriests a measure of protection
with her blessing of light.
Blessing of Light
Cleric Attack 1
Character Options
Cleric Attack 1
Your weapon emits a cool radiance that scours your foe and
8ives you and your allies hope.
At-Will .. Cold, Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Wisdom modifier cold and radiant damage_
Level 21: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier cold and radiant
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you and each ally
within 5 squares of you gain a +2 power bonus to saving
Domain Utility Power For the most dedicated soldiers of her faith, Selune's clear light is both
a beacon and a weapon.
Moon Weapon
Cleric Utility 1
Cleric Attack 1
Cleric Utility 1
Peacemaker's Light
Cleric Attack 7
With an oath to your 80d and a threat to your foes, you shed the
cold li8ht of truth upon their souls.
Moonshadow Blow
Cleric Attack 3
umbral moon.
Character Options
Dazzling Light
Silverlight Blow
Cleric Attack 13
Your attack draws the attention ofyour deity, who heiBhtens the
fury of battle in you and an ally.
Encounter" Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and an ally
within 5 squares of you gain a power bonus to damage
rolls equal to your Constitution modifier.
Heaven's Tear
Moon Tide
Cleric Attack 23
Gleaming Strike
Cleric Attack 17
A silvery Bleam envelops you and your allies as you strike a blow
aBainstyour foe.
Encounter" Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: You and each ally adjacent to the target gain resist 5
to all damage until the end of your next turn.
Character Options
Staggering Moonglow
Cleric Attack 27
The blow from your weapon leaves your enemy reelinB, even as
the bIessinB ofyour Bod expands to include your allies.
Encounter" Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and the
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and each ally
within 5 squares of you gain a power bonus to damage
rolls equal to your Constitution modifier.
Domain At-Will Power Sometimes nothing is more valuable than an ally in the pursuit of
righteousness. With Torm's bleSSing, you spread your
enthusiasm for the cause by sharing his grace.
Duty, loyalty, truthfulness, perseverance in pursuit of what is right:
All these qualities affirm your
faith in Torm, the Loyal Fury_ As
a warpriest in his service, you
stand as one of his holy champions, willing to seek justice in
an unjust world, and acting with
honor toward those who have
none_ You do these deeds not in
search of reward from Torm, but
because law and morality must
be preserved_
Shielding Strike
Cleric Attack 1
You strike at your foe as you call on your god to want your ally
Cleric Attack 1
Cleric Utility 1
Domain Encounter Power The teachings of a warpriest ofTorm emphasize loyalty to one's
friends and ideals, but allies should be deserving of
that loyalty and act accordingly. With rinaina blow,
Torm rewards those who follow your leadership.
Ringing Blow
Cleric Attack 1
Cleric Utility 1
Heartening Strike
Cleric Attack 3
LevelS: Torm
Domain Feature
Your loyalty and your devotion to duty serves as an
example. Those whom you heal can show their loyalty
to you by coming to your side during times of peril.
Benefit: When you use healinB word, the target of
the power can teleport to a square adjacent to you.
Tactical Strike
Cleric Attack 7
With a deft step, you flank your foe and Bive your ally heart.
Encounter. Divine, Healing, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
. Effect: You can shift 1 square before the attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: One ally flanking the target with you can spend a
healing surge. Until the end of your next turn, you and
that ally gain a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls against
enemies that you both flank.
Character Options
Your faith in your deity lends confidence to your pursuit of righteous justice. As you select a target to strike
down in Torm's name, your god signals approval of
your choice with a peal of thunder that draws the
attention of your allies to your cause.
Thunderous Blow
Cleric Attack 13
As your attack hits home, a peal of thunder tells you that your
aod is pleased with the taraet you chose.
Encounter. Divine, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Target: One creature
Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the
target falls prone.
Effect: Each ally who hits or misses the target before the end
of your next turn gains a + 2 power bonus to all defenses
until the end of his or her next turn.
Honorable Challenge
Cleric Attack 17
Revitalizing Shove
Cleric Attack 23
Your attack sends your foe sprawlina, causinB you and your
allies to take heart at the siBht.
Encounter. Divine, Healing, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier damage, and you push the
target up to 2 squares and knock it prone.
Effect: You and each ally adjacent to the target after the
attack can spend a healing surge.
Valorous Charge
Cleric Attack 27
With a roar of triumph, you lead your allies in a alorious onslauBht aaainst your enemies.
Encounter. Divine
Standard Action
Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally-in the burst
Effect: Each target can charge or make a basic attack
as a free action. Until the end of your next turn, each
target gains a power bonus to all defenses equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Arcane Controller: You realize the ultimate blending
of swordplay and spellcasting, unleashing magic and
making attacks with your blade with equal ease.
Why This Is the Class for You: You enjoy having a
character in the midst of melee who can also cast
deadly wizard spells.
Key Abilities: Intelligence, Dexterity
Those who see a blade singer in battle never forget
the sight. Amid the chaos and blood, the bladesinger
moves in an otherworldly dance. Spells and sword
act as partners, matching awe-inspiring beauty with
an awful deadliness. When the bladesinger engages
in the true heart of the art, when the sword whirls
through the air so swiftly that it keens and the air
hums and whistles in chorus, when the bladesong
has begun-then the bladesinger becomes something
unreal, something timeless.
According to legend, Corellon himself inspired
and taught the first bladesinger. The techniques
handed down as a gift from the leader of the elven
Character Options
This section walks you through the steps of creating a bladesinger. As you make choices at each step,
consider how those choices relate to your character's
personality, history, and goals.
Consult this chapter's three class feature tables,
one for each tier of play, for a summary of what you
gain as you advance in level.
Bladesinger Traits
Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 12 + your
Constitution score. You gain 5 hit points each time
you gain a level.
Bonus to Defenses: +1 to Will
Healing Surges per Day: 7 + your Constitution modifier
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee,
simple ranged, military ranged
Implement Proficiencies: Orbs, staffs, wands
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (lnt), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), History (Int), Intimidate
(Cha), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis)
Trained Skills: Arcana, plus three more from the list of
class skills
Almost without exception, a bladesinger is either
an eladrin or an elf Since the ancient Tel'Quessir
tradition of blade singing began, the art has passed
from master to student, and no writing is supposed
to record the techniques. When the last bladesinger
dies, so too will the beauty and mystery of bladesinging. An elf or eladrin master would not dare to
teach someone not of the People, although a few halfelves have earned the honor of being admitted to this
culture of secrecy.
Elf Like their eladrin cousins, elves possess a natural talent for bladesinging. A bonus to Dexterity arms
them equally well in the deadly dance of combat, and
a bonus to Intelligence proves invaluable in learning
the spellcasting that interweaves with swordplay. The
uncanny accuracy that elves can attain only adds to
the daunting reputation of elfbladesingers.
Wood elves and wild elves have as long a history
among blade singers as their sun elf and moon elf
kindred, but the acumen and regimen required by
eladrin schools of blade singing appeal to relatively
few among them. Thus, those elves rely often upon
individual instruction, wherein one master works
with just one student.
Your training to be a blade singer occurred either
among eladrin or with an individual expert of the
art. If you learned with eladrin students,
CHAPTER 2 [ Character Options
Ability Scores
Determine your ability scores, making Intelligence
your highest score. Intelligence powers both your
melee and magical attacks, and combining those arts
requires complete mental focus. Dexterity should be
your second-highest ability score, since it improves
many of your class features and powers.
You increase two ability scores of your choice by
1 each when you reach certain levels: 4th, 8th, 14th,
18th, 24th, and 28th. In addition, all your ability
scores increase by 1 at 11th and 21st levels.
You must have a brilliant mind and agile movements, but your other ability scores help to define
what marks you as unique. Since both your highest
ability scores benefit AC and Reflex, you might consider splitting your next two highest ability scores
between those that benefit Fortitude and Will. Are
you wise and perceptive but somewhat abrasive, or
does your friendly and trusting nature sometimes
lead you to be incautious? Have the rigors of a life in
the wilderness made you hale, or has sword training
honed the muscles in your body, making you athletic?
At 1st level, you have training in Arcana. In addition,
you choose three more trained skills from the following list of class skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Diplomacy,
History, Intimidate, Nature, and Perception.
Your skill choices represent the history and
interests of your character. Do you know much of
wilderness from your time among the trees? Perhaps
you honed a silver tongue in the treacherous court
intrigue of the Feywild. In guarding the secrets of
your people, you might have first learned a great deal
of history in order to find lost relics and lost settlements. The dangers of your life after leaving your
fellows might have reqUired you to become extremely
alert and aware of your surroundings.
Character Options
Choose one feat at 1st level. You gain an additional
feat at every even-numbered level, plus a feat at 11th
and 21st levels.
You can use a wand, and you can use a weapon
as a wand, so you should consider the Wand Expertise feat for when you use spells. Your more frequent
weapon attacks instead benefit from feats such as
Heavy Blade Expertise and Weapon Focus, so you
might instead opt for such a feat at 1st level and
choose Wand Expertise later.
You have proficiency with the following types of
armor: cloth and leather. You have proficiency with
the following weapon types: simple melee, military
melee, simple ranged, and military ranged. You also
have proficiency with the orb, the staff, and the wand
as implements.
You trained to be lithe and swift like a dancer,
and you became experienced with many forms of
combat in order to tailor your blade song to the opponents around you. However, some of your abilities
require that you keep one hand free or wield a wand.
That means that if you choose to wield a two-handed
weapon, you rely upon martial ability alone.
You have 100 gp to buy your starting equipment.
Your first purchases should be leather armor and a
longsword. You could choose a different one-handed
weapon, but since you must hit to gain the effects of
your at-will powers, the high accuracy of the longsword makes the most sense. That weapon suits
bladesingers well, due to the long eladrin tradition of
training in its use.
You should also purchase a ranged weapon for
emergencies. Although you'll have magic that can
affect enemies at range, on occasion it might make
more sense to use a ranged basic attack. The longbow is a good choice, but because you'll almost
always have a hand free, you could pick a one-handed
weapon that has good range, such as a sling. You
likely have a high Dexterity, but if your strength is
better, you might consider a heavy thrown weapon
such as a javelin.
In the heroic tier, your abilities as a blade singer focus
on integrating your arcane and martial abilities. As
you advance, your mastery of blade singing increases.
I Character Options
Levell: Bladesong
The bladesong lies at the heart of any bladesinger's
craft. Bladesingers describe it as a period of peace amid
war, calm in chaos, and clarity in confusion. When you
enter the blade song, the world seems to slow even as,
to an outside observer, your movements speed into a
blur. Your concentration becomes absolute as mind and
body, spell and sword meld into one perfection ofform.
Then your sword sings the dirge of your foes.
Benefit: You gain the bladesonB power.
Wizard Utility
Your whirlinB blade beBins to sinB throuBh the air as you enter
a state oftotal concentration.
Encounter. Arcane
Minor Action
Requirement: You must be wielding a melee weapon in
one hand and no weapon or shield in the other hand. The
power's effect ends if you stop fulfilling this requirement.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2
power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses, and a +5
power bonus to damage rolls.
Level 17: +10 power bonus to damage rolls.
Level 27: +1 5 power bonus to damage rolls.
A bladesinner cuts a dashinnfinure
like all bladesingers, you can channel magic
through your chosen blade, treating it as an implement. When you use the weapon as an implement,
it works like a normal implement, but you gain
neither the weapon's proficiency bonus nor its
non magical properties, such as high crit or versatile. A weapon's range and damage dice are usually
irrelevant to implement powers, since such powers
tend to specify their range and damage.
If your chosen blade is magical and you use it as
an implement, you can also use its enhancement
bonus, critical hit effect, properties, and powers.
However, some magic weapons have properties and
powers that function only with weapon powers.
I Character Options
Levell: Bladesinger's
Spell book
Like other wizards, a bladesinger keeps a spellbook
and prepares spells from it. Your spellbook holds the
most powerful spells you learn as you advance in level.
Benefit: As you attain certain levels, you learn two
new wizard powers and add them to your spellbook
(two wizard utility powers at 2nd level, for instance).
At the end of each of your extended rests, you choose
a number of wizard powers from your spellbook and
prepare them. The number you can prepare is determined by your level.
The powers that you prepare are the wizard
powers that you can use during the coming day, in
addition to your at-will attack powers and powers
from another source, such as racial powers. If you
do not prepare powers from your spellbook after an
extended rest (for example, if you do not have access
to your spellbook), you can use the same powers you
had prepared on the previous day. See the Wizard
Powers Learned table for the levels at which you add
wizard powers to your spellbook.
Any wizard encounter attack power that you add
to your spellbook through this class feature functions
as a daily attack power for you. In other words, you
can use it once per day, rather than once per encounter, and you can use the power again only after an
extended rest. Because the power functions as a daily
attack power, you cannot regain its use from any
effect that recharges encounter attack powers.
Find your level on the Wizard Powers Prepared
per Day table. The row corresponding to your level
Levell: Bladespells
A bladesinger mixes melee and magic with such ease
and grace that every successful strike unleashes a
spell. Unique to bladesingers, these blade spells lash
out to affect even the most well-defended foes.
Benefit: You gain three wizard at-will attack
powers that have the bladespell keyword.
Dancing Fire
Wizard Attack
Frost Bite Even though the world has drastic extremes of weather, never does it approach the
treacherous beauty of winter in the Feywild. Bladesingers who learn how to harness that frigid fey power
can turn it to their advantage whenever they want.
Frost Bite
Wizard Attack
Character Options
Wizard Attack
You stab your opponent, and an arc ofli8htnin8 leaps from your
hand to encircle afoe in a cracklin8 rin8.
At-Will (Special) .. Arcane, Bladespell, Lightning
No Action
Ranged 10
Trigger: During your turn, you hit an enemy with a melee
basic attack using a one-handed weapon while your other
hand holds no weapon or shield.
Target: One creature
Effect: Dexterity modifier lightning damage, and the first
time the target moves before the end of your next turn, it
takes the lightning damage again.
Level 11: 2 + Dexterity modifier lightning damage.
Level 21: 4 + Dexterity modifier lightning damage.
Special: You can use only one bladespell power per
triggering attack.
Wizard Attack
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Character Options
Unseen Hand
Wizard Attack
You level a crushin8 blow a8ainst your foe, and an unseen force
8rasps an enemy and dra8s it about the field of battle.
Levell: Bladesinger
Daily Powers
A bladesinger must split time between study of martial skill and the arcane arts while at the same time
using mental focus for both. This division limits the
bladesinger's spellcasting attacks while they heighten
his or her melee capability. Spells that a mage can use
in every battle become powers that a blade singer can
replenish only after an extended rest.
Benefit: You add two 1st-level wizard encounter
attack powers of your choice to your spellbook. The
two function as daily attack powers for you.
Wizard Attack 1
Chill Strike
Wizard Attack 1
You hit your foe with a bolt offrigid purple energy, reducing its
ability to act for a moment.
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement
Standard Action
Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Wizard Attack 1
You point three fingers at your foe, curling them like talons.
Weird green mist streams from your enemy's flesh, canying
away its strength.
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Necromancy, Necrotic
Standard Action
Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and
the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Levell: Bladesinger
The basic tricks of magic are known as cantrips,
and they are the first spells that a beginning wizard
learns. The formula underlying a cantrip is so simple
that each cantrip can be committed to memory and
used at will once you have mastered it.
Benefit: You gain three cantrips of your choice.
Wizard Utility
Wizard Utility
Mage Hand
Mage Hand
Wizard Utility
Character Options
Wizard Utility
Wizard Utility
Magic Missile
Wizard Attack 1
Feather Fall This spell, possibly the most specialized in your spellbook is popular with scholars
and adventurers alike. Whether you've just pitched
backward off a tall ladder in a high-ceilinged library
or watched your companion drop from the claws
of a roc,feather fall is a spell you're never sorry you
Feather Fall
Wizard Utility 2
Wizard Utility 2
LevelS: Bladesinger
Daily Powers
Your study of magic opens your mind to more powerful spells. Now you can prepare and unleash two
attack spells each day.
Benefit: You add two new wizard encounter
attack powers to your spellbook. The powers must be
of 3rd level or lower, and the two function as daily
attack powers for you.
Blissful Ignorance
Even though their existences can span centuries, the Tel'Quessir are acutely
aware of how precious and fragile life is. Spells such
as blisiful ianorance are a result of that awareness,
encouraging enemies to take a moment and consider
possibilities other than fighting. Many a marauding
bandit troop has rethought its plans after waking
from a daydream to find itself suddenly surrounded
by an elven patrol.
Wizard Attack 3
A tanale offey maaic soothes and distracts your enemies, leavina them vulnerable as they chase after pleasant dreams.
Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Enchantment
Standard Action
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Effect: Each target is slowed and can't take opportunity
actions or immediate actions until the end of your next
Color Spray
Color Spray
Wizard Attack 3
Shock Sphere
Level 4: Ability
Score Increase
Blissful Ignorance
Shock Sphere
Wizard Attack 3
Wizard Utility 6
Character Options
Wizard Utility 6
Wizard's Escape
Wizard's Escape
lightning Bolt
Wizard Attack 7
Wizard Utility 6
Spectral Ram
Level 8: Ability
Score Increase
You reap the reward of constant challenge by increasing your physical and mental well-being.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1.
Level 9: Bladesinger
Daily Powers
Your spellcasting skill increases, giving you access to
seminal spells such as lightning bolt.
Benefit: You add two new wizard encounter
attack powers to your spellbook. The powers must be
of 7th level or lower, and the two function as daily
attack powers for you.
Character Options
Wizard Attack 7
You seize your foe with unseen maBical force and bash it
aBainst the ceilinB and walls before hurlinB it to the wound.
Encounter. Arcane, Evocation, Force, Implement
Standard Action
Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2dl 0 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
push the target up to 3 squares and knock it prone.
Miss: You push the target up to 3 squares.
Winter's Wrath
Winter's Wrath
Wizard Attack 7
You raise your hand, and an icy blizzard rains down mercilessly
upon an area you desiBnate.
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement, Zone
Standard Action
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
your next turn or until you dismiss it as a minor action. The
zone is lightly obscured, and any creature that ends its turn
in the zone takes cold damage equal to your Intelligence
Arcane Gate
Arcane Bate expands the tacticalminded wizard's arsenal of mobility spells. An entire
party can move through the caster's rip in space,
avoiding otherwise impassable obstacles and implacable foes.
Arcane Gate
Wizard Utility 10
Wizard Utility 10
You cloak yourself with a shimmerinB aura, makinB your outline almost impossible to discern.
Daily" Arcane, Illusion
Minor Action
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power
bonus to all defenses, and you are invisible to enemies 5
squares or more away from you.
Mirror Image
Mirror Image
Wizard Utility 10
In the paragon tier, you continue your intensive study
of the ways in which sword and spell can unify into a
Single weapon. The bladesinger's path is both a highly
formalized tradition and a deeply personal journey
into the secrets, of magic, swordplay, and the self As
your journey continues, you come to grasp ever more
powerful spells, and magic plays an increasingly
important role in your drive to victory.
Paragon Path:
Sorcerous Sword
At llth level, your blade singer takes on a paragon
path, such as the sorcerous sword paragon path
described here. Your explorations into magic and
swordplay set you on a path of heightened magical
ability. Yet as you pursue arcane might, you strive to
maintain a balance between it and the might of steel.
Prerequisite: Only a bladesinger can take this
paragon path.
Class Features
and Powers
Ability score increase
Choir of Swords
[sorcemus sword]
Boon Spell
[sorcerous sword]
Bladesong Ballet
[sorcerous sword]
Unerring Bladespell
Ability score increase
Bladesinger daily pow ers
Bladespell Step
[sorcerous sword]
Utility powers
Ability score increase
Bladesinger daily powers
Signature Spell
[sorcerous sword]
Character Options
Character Options
Wizard Attack 1 3
Wizard Attack 13
Wizard Attack 13
Dimension Switch Early eladrin bladesingers refined their innate knowledge of the boundaries
between planes into a powerful tactical tool. Since
that time, their students have used this knowledge to
remove their allies from harm's way while positioning
themselves to rain havoc upon their adversaries.
Dimension Switch
Wizard Utility 16
Wizard Utility 16
You leap into the air and are borne aloft on win8s of ma8ie.
Daily. Arcane
Standard Action
Effect: You gain a fly speed of 8 until the end of your next
turn. When the fly speed ends, you float to the ground
without taking falling damage.
Sustain Minor: The fly speed persists until the end of your
next turn.
Wizard Utility 16
With an arcane word and a sprinkle of diamond dust, you imbue yourself or an ally with skin as hard as wanite.
Daily. Arcane, Transmutation
Standard Action
Melee touch
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target gains resist 10 to all damage until the
end of the encounter.
Dancing Flames
Wizard Attack 17
You unleash shiftina streams offire that burn down your foes
while Jeavina allies untouched.
Encounter. Arcane, Evocation, Fire, Implement
Standard Action
Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Wizard Attack 17
Mass Charm No strangers to the beguiling magic of the fey, elf arcanists use this powerful
enchantment to direct their enemies in a deadly
dance. Compelled enemies find themselves in disadvantageous positions, manipulated into fighting one
another, with their bodies, their tactics, and their
morale battered if not broken.
Mass Charm
Wizard Attack 17
Your foes suddenly stop dead in their tracks, howlina infrustration as they lurch forward to attack their own allies.
Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Enchantment
Standard Action
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Effect: You slide each target up to 5 squares. Each target
then makes a melee basic attack against a creature of
your choice as a free action.
I Character Options
Wizard Attack 19
Wrath of Battle
Wrath of Battle
Wizard Attack 19
With a shout, you tap deep into your foes' hearts and minds,
forcina them to turn on each other with devastatina results.
Daily. Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Fear, Psychic
Standard Action
Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Effect: You slide each target up to 3 squares, and then
each target makes a melee basic attack against a creature
of your choice as a free action. If that attack misses, the
target of this power takes 1 5 psychic damage.
Only in ancient legends has such a hero of the
Tel'Quessir existed to rival what you have accomplished_ If any living bladesinger has attained your
level of skill, he or she has hidden that fact welL You
believe now that you might fight alongside Corellon
himself and honor him with your skill and bravery_
When your blade singer reaches 21st level, he
or she takes on the epic destiny of the Indomitable
Champion (see Heroes of the Fallen Lands) or another
available epic destiny_ This epic destiny represents
the grand finale of your adventuring career, and like
your paragon path, it grants a set of related features
and powers_
Class Features
and Powers
Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature
Utility powers
IJladespell Burst
Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature
Bladesinger daily powers
Epic destiny feature
Ability score increase
Bladesinger daily Rowers
Epic destiny feature
Mass Fly
Mass Fly
Wizard Utility 22
White motes ofli8ht jly from your jin8ertips and swirl about,
liftin8 you and your allies off the wound and 8rantin8 each of
you the power ofjli8ht.
Daily. Arcane
Standard Action
Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Each target gains a fly speed of 8 until the end of
your next turn. When the fly speed ends, each target
floats to the ground without taking falling damage.
Sustain Minor: The fly speed persists until the end of your
next turn.
Time Stop
The grace of the blade singer is legendary, and deservedly so. This spell allows you to
temporarily Sidestep the relentless advancement of
time itself Use it to prepare and position yourself,
surprising foes and protecting your allies to ensure
your ultimate victory.
Time Stop
Wizard Utility 22
Wall of Force
Wall of Force
Wizard Utility 22
Character Options
Chain lightning
Character Options
Wizard Attack 23
Wizard Attack 23
Black Fire
Wizard Attack 27
You create a peal oj thunder that rolls across the battlefield and
slams into aJoe, disorientinB it Jar a short time.
Wizard Attack 23
Wizard Attack 27
Wizard Attack 27
Character Options
r:t:J 1
UJ \l
lord Neverember's role in Neverwinter is up to you.
Although he's not wholly selfless, the regent could
play the part of heroic leader of the people. Alternatively, his claim could be false, and his efforts to
rebuild the city might be only a stepping stone in
some plan to dominate the Sword Coast.
Regardless which side of the moral compass
Neverember sits on, the characters' efforts could
put him on the throne or depose him. Heroes might
use the protector's forces to stabilize the area, or
they could run him out of the city.
I Factions
and Foes
Theme Tie-In
Having plumbed the depths of his ancestry for any
connection to past Neverwinter rulers, lord Neverember is well aware that other claimants to the crown
could surface. Thus, the regent keeps an eye out for
reliable spies to watch for and report on any would-be
heirs. If anyone in the royal lineage were to go public,
Neverember's aspirations might turn to ash.
Neverember could hire characters for one or more
such surveillance jobs. Alternatively, the regent might
assign a spy to trail a character who has the Neverwinter noble theme. If Neverember is unable to deal
with the problem quietly, he embarks on a campaign
to discredit the supposed heir.
Theme Tie-In
Neverember is always on the lookout for self-sufficient
sages he can hire to delve into vaults that survived the
cataclysm to search for evidence to support his claim.
The heroes-particularly if an Oghma's faithful character is among them-fit this bill well. What they find
might support or contradict Neverember's claim. Perhaps Vers Never died childless or did not exist at all.
One way or another, any factual revelations are
sure to draw fire from the regent or his opponents,
unleashing a variety of potential consequences. If such
information becomes public, a campaign to discredit the
heroes is likely. Alternatively, the characters might keep
the information secret to use as leverage against Neverember, the rebels, or any other claimants to the throne.
Find Gauntlgrym
Neverember recognizes the cultural and economic
implications of rediscovering Gauntlgrym and is
recruiting adventurers to search for the lost dwarven
metropolis. Ifhis seekers find it, the regent plans to
rebuild the lost city- an action apt to win over a lot of
citizens, especially dwarves.
Hire Sellswords
Embroiled as he is in his many ploys, Neverember is
unaware that several of his successes are actually the
carefully calculates losses of other regional power
Abolethic Sovereignty: The regent has no idea
the Abolethic Sovereignty is hard at work far below
his beloved Neverwinter, nor that its aboleths are
sending minions topside to keep him busy. As far as
he knows, the plaguechanged horrors at the Wallwhich he finds grotesquely fascinating- are random
Spellplague manifestations.
Ashmadai: The secretive Ashmadai cult has made
overtures of alliance to Neverember, which he has by
and large accepted. The protector knows little about the
society- whom its cultists serve, its goals for the region,
and so on- and therefore tries to keep his cards close
to the vest. He underestimates the Ashmadai, though,
assuming he can safely use it for his own purposes.
Meanwhile, the Asmodeus-worshiping cultists
are methodically turning the regent's people to their
cause. The Ashmadai controls nearly all the mercenaries assigned to guard the Chasm, and
its members are wooing a handful of the regent's closest retainers_ The effort goes all the way to the top:
Ashmadai leader Mordai Veil is assiduously pursuing
the attentions of Sabine, the leader of Never ember's
mercenaries_ Ultimately, the cultists aspire to induct
Neverember into their dark society_
Thayans: The protector has received reports
that Thayan agents are operating in the city- He has
ordered General Sabine to sniff out any truth in the
rumors_ He is awaiting her findings .
Netherese: Neverember is ignorant ofNetherese
interests in the region, and he has in the past unwittingly hired several Shadovar agents to conduct
discreet assassinations.
Although Lord Neverember has made serious efforts
to secure peace in the streets, Neverwinter is far
from safe. Grim-faced mercenaries sneer at passing refugees, while angry, armed rebels skulk in the
shadows. Serious dangers lurk outside the Wall, and
deadly threats rise from the sewers. The regent has
dispatched his Mintarn forces to combat these threats
and also has hired numerous solitary sellswords to
sleuth, assassinate, sway, and mislead.
The creatures on the encounter table are best
presented as Neverember's hired goons. Most of
them hail from Mintarn, but he-or rather, his coinrecruits aid from far and wide.
Level 7 Soldier
XP 300
Initiative +8
Perception +5
Dragonborn Mercenary
lowtown Kneebreak.er
Doppelganger Sneak
3 Skirmisher
Town Guard
3 Soldier
Dwarf Bolter
4 Artillery
5 lurker
_Gf!ol11~ Spy
Half-Ore Hunter
5 Skirmisher
Dragonborn Soldier
5 Soldier
Gnome Illusionist
6 Artillery
6 -Skirmisher (l)
' Half-Elf Bandit Captain
Human Transmuter
7 Controller
7 Minion Skirmisher MV
f Hl!ma~n Thug
Gnome Assassin
7 Skirmisher
Human Duelist
8 Soldier
MV: Monster Vault. MVN: Monster Vault: Threats to the
Nentir Vale. MM: Monster Manual. MM2: Monster Manual 2.
Tri88er: An adjacent enemy shifts or uses an attack power that
doesn't include Neverember as a target.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Neverember makes a melee basic
attack against the enemy.
Skills Athletics +11, Bluff +12, lnsight +11, Intimidate +11
Str 17 (+6)
Dex 16 (+6)
Wis 15 (+5)
Con 20 (+8)
Int 17 (+7)
Cha 19 (+7)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Equipment chainmail, longsword, signet ring
Soman Galt,
Mayor of Neverwinter
Once a great explorer, Soman Galt has atrophied
into a weaselly politician who projects a cold, disconnected presence. The dwarf stares absently, his eyes
seeming to watch something no one else can see, and
he often mumbles to himself. He is capable of rigid
focus, however, when the situation warrants it, and he
takes his work seriously.
A former government official, Galt was a natural
choice when Neverember sought a lackey to manage
Even though Lord Neverember's position in Neverwinter is far from secure, it isn't particularly shaky. He is
entrenched economically, politically, and militarily, making him the linchpin of Neverwinter's stability. If the heroes
or some other group kills Neverember (particularly early in the campaign), the consequences should prove dire
and far-reaching.
The protector is both loved and hated, so killing him would earn the party new enemies and new friends.
Valindra and the Thayans, the Netherese, the Neverwinter rebels, and possibly the Ashmadai (depending on how
successful they've been in corrupting Neverember) would likely revel in the lord's demise and the ensuing chaos
his death would unleash. Meanwhile, the Abolethic Sovereignty might decide to snatch droves of the returned
refugees during the tumult. The Sons of Alagondar could try to take over, killing anyone (including the heroes) who
attempted to take the protector's place. As for the Mintarns, General Sabine would probably make a bid for leadership. If she were to take the city, Neverwinter would become a hardened, brutal police state. If she were killed or
failed to claim leadership, the mercenaries' ranks would collapse, and most of the sellswords would stream away
in search of new work. Others would revert back to thieving, thuggery, and treachery.
Ultimately, for good or ill, Lord Neverember is a stabiliZing force in Neverwinter, and killing him before the city
is reconquered would lead to pandemonium. It would also likely awaken the sleeping giant, Waterdeep, which
could have an angry, dedicated legion of soldiers on Neverwinter's doorstep even as rigor mortis took hold of their
open lord.
In short, Neverember's death wouldn't be the end of the story; it'd be the beginning of an epic new one.
I Factions and
Level 6 Controller
XP 250
Initiative +5
Perception +2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1 d8 + 5 damage.
Effect: Galt can slide the target 1 square.
~ Tr;msl11ute the Unwill!ng (psychic) At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is slowed (save
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of its next turn.
, ... Weave Nightmares (illusion, psychic) Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +9 vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its
next turn.
Madness lies in the Chasm. Ifyou want to enter, be my
8uest. I never liked you anyway.
- General Sabine, Mintarn commander
When the primordial Maegera erupted from its prison
twenty-six years ago, the resulting volcanic destruction
tore a deep chasm in the earth that sliced through a
quarter of Neverwinter. This rift reached the depths of
the Underdark, opening wide to an underground sea
where a branch of the Abolethic Sovereignty was busy
manipulating a pocket of Spellplague and covertly
experimenting on creatures in and near NeverwinteL
Once the Chasm opened, abolethic activity on the
surface escalated sharply, and the aberrant creatures
began mutating many more topSide monsters and
plaguing sentient beings with nightmares and bizarre
hallucinations. Of course, these mental violations are
paltry in comparison to what the Sovereignty hopes to
unleash with its Spellplague experiments.
A notable consequence of the Spellplague was the
advent of the Abolethic Sovereignty. This kingdom
of aberrant creatures was transplanted from Abeir,
Toril's twin world. The aboleths settled in and forged
Xxiphu, a flying citadel that roams the world and is
most often spotted in the Sea of Fallen Stars.
The Sovereignty quickly took an interest in the
Spellplague, which had brought its kingdom to
Faenln. It began locating and studying areas of active
Spellplague caught within magical fields or trapped
in the earth's depths. The aboleths found one such
patch in Underdark, far beneath Neverwinter, and
a branch of the Sovereignty took up residence there
several decades ago. The aboleths have been using
it- and creatures kidnapped from the city-for their
ambitious experiments.
When the cataclysm claimed Neverwinter and
opened the Chasm, the aboleths' operations were in
danger of being exposed to the surface world. Since
moving the patch of Spellplague was not an option,
the Sovereignty instead bolstered its defenses and
sent the results of its early experiments toward the
surface to repel or discourage any would-be explorers. The city above had already fallen into chaos, so
no resistance was mounted. The aboleths rested contentedly for years thereafter.
Then, ten years ago, Neverember arrived in the
city. The resulting flurry of activity drew the Sovereignty's attention, and the aboleths came to see
Neverwinter's reconstruction and resettling as a
threat to their larger plans.
The aboleths have been at work in Neverwinter for
decades, and they aren't about to let the city's reconstruction hamper their efforts. To them, the returning
refugees represent a greater body of potential subjects
to choose from.
Theme Tie-In
The Symphony of Madness could affect characters
differently. An Oghma's faithful hero might see the
nightmares as a source of tempting but forbidden
knowledge, while a spellscarred harbinger might be
haunted by visions of a terrible future.
Many Neverwinter citizens use tiny totems to ward
their minds as they sleep. A sleeper who rests his or
her head atop a dreamthief doll doesn't suffer the
strange nightmares that afflict so many people in
these parts. In fact, sleepers remember no dreams
at all.
Crafting a doll requires a user's lock of hair or
other deeply personal possession. Patients at Helm's
Hold make the eerie little totems, which sell for 15 gp
each, and some people believe the users' nightmares
are instead sent to the monastery's mad patients. The
Prophet assures skeptics that this rumor is false. She
says the dolls possess only a mild protective magic.
The aboleths keep careful track of their foes in the
city and assume any serious attack would come from
a rival power group in the region.
New Neverwinter: The activities of Lord Neverember and his forces warrant watching but aren't
cause for serious concern anymore. Now that Mayor
Soman Galt serves as the aboleths' eyes and ears in
Neverwinter, any emerging threats can be qUickly
stamped out.
Ashmadai: The aboleths disdain the Ashmadai.
The one attempt the Nine Hells devils made against
the Abolethic Sovereignty-sending Rohini- was an
abject failure that resulted in a net gain for the Sovereignty. So the aboleths are perfectly happy to let
the devil worshipers or their lieges continue feeding
them converts.
Thayans: The aboleths' mind spies have been
circumspectly acquiring as much information as pos
sible about Valindra Shadowmantle. The Sovereignty
hopes to eventually turn her as it did Rohini, the
Prophet. However, the aboleths feel compelled to use
a light touch with the Thayans. And they want at all
costs to avoid provoking a battle with Thay, because
Szass Tam scares even them.
Netherese: The aboleths recognize true power
when they see it, and they're glad the Netherese are
unaware of the Sovereignty'S presence. A war now
with the Shadovar would significantly disrupt their
The aboleths can twist nearly any creature-humanoid, beast, or monster-that enters the region. For
covert operations, they can use the Symphony of
Madness to alter humanoids in subtle ways, making
them aberrant and subservient to the Sovereignty
without arousing suspicions in people around them.
Such victims make excellent spies and sacrificial
Some of the aboleths' servitors are more obvious:
foulspawn, gricks, grell, and nothics. Culled from
the Underdark or created from weaker vessels, these
monsters serve as soldiers and shock troops, guarding
Aboleth Opener
An aboleth opener psychically lacerates a creature's
mind and inserts its own will, destroying the vessel's
mental defenses. It turns foes against one another
and claims winners for exposure to the Spellplague
and enslavement. When melee is unavoidable, its tentacles part flesh as easily as its psionic ability rends
Aboleth Opener
Level 7 Controller
XP 300
Initiative +7
Perception +6
Aboleth Remnant
Not even aboleths escape exposure to the Spellplague's
energy unscathed. The chaotic arcane emanations can
warp an aboleth into a mad, flailing creature. An aboleth remnant looks much like an untouched aboleth,
but its body ceaselessly spawns and sheds tentacles
and other gnarled limbs. It also exudes madness like
sweat, infecting nearby natural creatures. Unlike other
aboleths, a remnant can fly. On occasion, one such
pathetic creature is spotted repeatedly dashing its
body against rock walls or earthen ceilings.
Aboleth Remnant
large aberrant magical beast (aquatic)
HP 78; Bloodied 39
AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 15
Speed 5, fly 7 (hover), swim 10
Level 5 Brute
XP 200
Initiative +6
Perception +3
Grell Strangler
Unlike their more venomous cousins described in the
Monster Manual, grell stranglers prefer throttling their
victims. A strangler stays hidden until its foes are distracted. Then the monster sWiftly and silently coils
its long, prehensile tentacles around a creature's neck
and carries it off to be consumed privately. Usually,
a strangler's quarry is dead long before the aberrant
beast reaches its lair.
Grell Strangler
Level 4 Skirmisher
XP 175
Initiative +7
Perception +8
Blindsight 12
Combat Advantage
The grell deals 1d6 extra damage against any creature granting
combat advantage to it.
Nothic Plaguegazer
Chaos magic rarely takes physical form. But when
it does, the monster it births is horrific. A nothic
plaguegazer has a mottled, shifting carapace, and
a creature that gazes into its single eye contracts a
debilitating spell sickness.
Nothic Plaguegazer
Level 6 Artillery
CD Claw" At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1 d6 + 8 damage.
;fSickening Gaze (necrotic, poison) .. At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d6 + 3 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed and
takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends both).
First Failed Savin[j Throw: The target is immobilized instead of
-$~ Spread the Infection (necrotic, poison) Recharge when first
Attack: Area burst 1 centered on a creature taking ongoing
pOison damage within 10 (creatures in the burst); +11 vs.
Hit: 1d6 + 3 necrotic damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage
(save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Skills Stealth +12
Str 15 (+5)
Dex 18 (+7)
Wis 14 (+5)
Con 18 (+7)
Int 10 (+1)
Sha 9 (+2)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Deep Speech
Nothic Mindwarp
When chaos magic merges with a bubble of psychic
insanity, a nothic mindwarp scrabbles into existence.
Dashing about in psychotic glee, the monster can
mesmerize a foe caught in the stare of its eye and
then deliver wounds to that creature while at the
same time becoming invisible to its other enemies.
Nothic Mindwarp
Level 3 Lurker
CD Claw" At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
The Spellplague distorts everything it encountersstone, flesh, spirit. Creatures infested by its corruptive
influence, known as plaguechanged, manifest bizarre
arcane powers. Every plaguechanged being is affected
differently, and a new ability might reveal itself in a
sudden, unforeseen way. One monster might blaze
with blue fire when angered. Another might display a
rippling blue scar that snakes across its body. In contrast, spellscarred creatures exhibit a relatively minor
version of the affliction. The Single attribute linking
all plague changed and spellscarred creatures is some
manifestation of the Spellplague's hallmark blue flame.
To build creatures that have been warped by the
Spellplague, use the plaguechanged monster theme
presented here or one of the monster templates in
another source, such as the scion of flame in the DunBean Master's Guide or the chaos warrior in DunBeon
Master's Guide 2.
Attack Powers
The Spellplague destroys, and the plaguechanged
most easily channel its power into violence. Such
attacks often deal extra fire damage or allow
enhanced mobility, making them excellent choices
for brutes, skirmishers, and controllers.
Effect: The plaguechanged creature teleports up to 5 squares
before the attack.
Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); the plaguechanged
creature's level + 3 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + the plaguechanged creature's level fire damage, and
the target falls prone.
Miss: Half damage.
Unraveling Touch At a Single touch, the creature changes flesh into a bubbling mass of corruption.
+Unraveling Touch (fire, necrotic) .. Encounter (Standard
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage to the
Utility Powers
Some of the blessings of the Spellplague are defensive
in nature. They give plague changed creatures added
survivability in combat, or aid them in setting up
Level 9 Controller
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 6 psychic damage, and Rohini slides the target up to
2 squares.
Soul-Wrenching Kiss (fire. psychic) At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: The target cannot attack Rohini and takes ongoing 10 fire
and psychic damage (save ends both). Until the effect ends, the
target cannot willingly end its turn farther away from Rohini
than where it started. This effect ends if Rohini attacks the
target or uses the power against a different creature.
;Y Forcible Domination (charm) At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of Rohini 's next turn.
Rohini's loyalties are up to you. She might be the
Sovereignty'S thrall, or her servitude could be a cover
that masks her true identity as a Nine Hells agent.
When the characters first meet her, Rohini presents herself as exactly what she seems: a selfless
humanitarian. She knows how to elicit sympathy,
whether it requires healing hurt heroes or arranging
for her minions to attack her.
In the scenario presented here, Rohini represents
the Abolethic Sovereignty's interests in the region,
and a campaign against the aboleths might require
characters to move against Rohini. But how they
decide to engage her will be pivotal. Boneheaded
actions could spell disaster for the heroes, the monastery, or the whole of Helm's Hold. On the other
hand, clever and well-planned maneuvers could
seriously set back the Sovereignty'S plans and save
a whole lot of lives.
Corrupted Green Dragon
A personal servant to the Prophet, Chartilifax is a
lethal asset for the Abolethic Sovereignty. He is a
twisted and powerful green dragon who serves the
succubus as personal jailer and mobile weapon.
Until several seasons ago, the young green dragon
made his home in Neverwinter Wood. The local constabulary mustered a force to deal with the beast, but
none of the would-be dragonslayers returned home.
So the Prophet of Helm's Hold intervened. Her foreknowledge, she said, led her to believe she could deal
with this dragon-as long as the townsfolk kept their
faith in her.
Rohini caught Chartilifax in the thrall of her
beauty long enough to bestow a kiss on him, binding
the dragon to her will. Then the Prophet opened her
mind to her dragon and drove him instantly mad.
Shortly after Chartilifax's capture, Rohini assigned
her foulspawn sorcerers to forCibly alter his form.
Today, the beast, often in the form of a green-skinned
elf, lurks in the crypts beneath Helm's Hold. He
spends his days fulfilling the simple task Rohini set
him-dispose of any intruders who attempt to find the
Hex Locus. He is not wholly unapproachable, particularly if the heroes have his favorite food: fire magic.
He loves riddles and plays cat-and-mouse stalking
games with clever adventurers, treasuring the hunt
and kill as he did in Neverwinter Wood.
To use Chartilifax in an encounter, start with the
young green dragon in Monster Vault and add resist 10
psychic, the chanBe shape power (as Rohini but InSight
DC 27), and the devourer offlame power (page 96).
Devil worship? In Neverwinter? Why, my pretty lass, I'm
cifraid you've been misinformed. The Lord Protector does
his job well, and I assure you we're safe from such thinBs.
Now, why don't you let me pour you another cup of wine?
ifyou're friBhtened, you can sit closer to me.
-Mordai Yell
A secret society rules the shadows of Never winter's
surface streets. Few dare to even whisper their fears
of it. After all, anyone could don a pleasant smile and
still be a member of the Ashmadai, a brutal cult of
devil worshipers sworn to Asmodeus.
The Ashmadai is well connected. In the past few
decades-before and after the cataclysm- its members
burrowed deep into every organization in Neverwinter. Now no one really knows who is a loyal friend
and who is a devil-worshiping enemy.
Ashmadai cultists come from all walks oflifepoor or wealthy, male or female, any race or creed.
The three traits that unite them are a tendency
toward arrogance, a shared faith in (and fear of)
Asmodeus, and a curious mark branded on their
chests, which they usually take pains to hide. Often,
members do not know one another on sight, and the
brand is the only way they can identify each other.
Years before the cataclysm, cultists of Asmodeuscalling themselves the Ashmadai, or Messengers
of the Raging Fiend- began working in the region
as agents ofThay. The exact nature of the bargain
between Szass Tam and the cult remains unclear.
What is known is that Thay's regent possessed a powerful magic scepter that the Ashmadai consider a
holy relic. Originally, he employed cultists to meet the
needs of surface operations in Neverwinter under his
agent, Sylora Salm, a Red Wizard tasked with raiSing
the Dread Ring in Neverwinter Wood.
It was Salm's intent to manipulate a dwarf of Delzoun blood into releaSing the primordial and thereby
cause enough deaths to power the Dread Ring. But her
plans ran afoul ofDrizzt Do'Urden, Jarlaxle, and their
companions. Salm fled the region, causing the loyalty of the Ashmadai to waver until the lich Valindra
Shadowmantle revealed her possession of the magic
scepter. The cultists have not seen the scepter in some
time, but they assume Valindra has secreted it away to
keep it from them. In truth, Szass Tam has reclaimed
it. Even though many Ashmadai cultists still serve
Valindra, the cult's aims have diverged from Thay's.
The Ashmadai is split into two distinct sects.
One is slavishly loyal to Asmodeus , and the other
is populated by cunning and manipulative
The Ashmadai still pays lip service to Thay, but it
advances plots ofits own through Mordai Yell's
subtler branch of the cult. Members of the other Ashmadai cult are little more than thugs, loyal only to
Asmodeus and his chosen representative, Favria.
By Hook or by Crook
As befits servants of Asmodeus, the supreme master
of the Nine Hells, Ashmadai cultists seek to control
Neverwinter, either as daylight rulers or covertly
through intimidation and blackmail. Lacking the numbers and individual power to flout Lord Neverember's
thugs, the cult cannot yet operate openly in the city.
Therefore, Mordai Yell uses a pod system to
manage his sect and shroud it from prying eyes. The
highest-ranking members report separately to Mordai
and do not know each other. Each of those leaders
has his or her own pod whose cultists report separately to that individual-and so on down through the
ranks. Each higher-ranking member regularly assigns
Theme Tie-In
The heroes might be approached through subtle
channels for recruitment into the cult, particularly if
a devil's pawn, a Neverwinter noble, or some other
well-born individual is among their ranks. An induction involves dark rituals and, of course, the telltale
branding of Asmodeus.
Outmaneuver Thay
Ashmadai cultists are adept at applying pressure to gain
what they want. In particular, they want to turn the
tables on Szass Tam by recovering the scepter (which
they believe Valindra has). They also covet Valindra's
phylactery because they'd like to pay back her abuses
in kind. With either item in their possession- preferably
both-the Ashmadai leaders are confident they'll finally
be able to throw offThay for good and establish the cult
as the dominant force in Neverwinter.
Little do they know that Szass Tam again has the
scepter. Valindra's phylactery is discussed on page 108.
Being a secret society deeply interested in cloak-andbloody-dagger work, the Ashmadai keeps close tabs
on other organizations operating in the city.
New N everwinter: The Ashmadai try to corrupt
New Neverwinter supporters at every opportunity.
Cultists haven't been able to sway Mayor Soman Galt,
so they've begun focusing on the Mintarn mercenaries
instead. Mordai VeIl has his suspicions about Galt, but
the sect leader wants more evidence before he marks
the mayor for death. For now, Mordai is working on
General Sabine, whom he regularly invites to
his estate. Ultimately, the devil-worshipers
CHAPTER 3 I Factions and Foes
Mordai VeIl,
Patriarch of Asmodeus
The Ashmadai's vibrant leader smolders with the sort
of confidence only a god's favorite mortal can know.
Tall and dark, Mordai has luminous gold eyes even
though most tieflings boast red or black ones. Charisma practically drips from him, setting all around
him off their guard. His obvious wealth doesn't hurt,
either. As the last heir of a noble family (one whose
holdings remained remarkably intact after the cataclysm), he exerts great influence over Neverwinter's
economy and politics.
Mordai is arrogance incarnate. He pursues whatever interests him, regardless of how far he must
reach. He trusts in his combination of charm, status,
wealth, and service to Asmodeus to gain him what
he wants.
Mordai is a smooth operator-charming, rich, and
always keen on how he might ally with new acquaintances and use them. The devil worshiper is generous,
appealing, slick, and flirtatious when it suits his
Mordai VeIl
Level 6 Lurker
XP 250
Initiative +11
Perception +5
low-light vision
LevelS Skirmisher
XP 100
Initiative +8
Perception +5
Branded Zealot
Branded zealots make up the bulk of the initiated
Ashmadai. They are unyielding in their drive to
serve Asmodeus, drawing power from the soul-deep
brands that mark their nefarious covenants. A typical branded zealot has little patience and a vicious
temper, making the cultist easy to goad into a fight.
Branded Zealot
Fimbrul devil
Level 4 Brute
XP 175
Initiative +4
Perception +4
Hellfire Warlock
A hellfire warlock, having proved itself a dedicated
and sinister servant, walks its path with Asmodeus's
blessing, gaining the ability to wield some diabolical
power. Such a cunning devotee is careful to conceal
the brand it bears. It insinuates itself into enemy
sanctums, where its eventual betrayal can be both
surprising and effective.
Hellfire Warlock
Level 4 Artillery
XP 175
Initiative +5
Perception +3
Hellfjre Affinity
The warlock has a +2 bonus to all defenses against attacks
made by creatures taking ongoing fire damage.
Fimbrul Devil
A fimbrul devil spreads winter wherever it goes, sapping life from warm flesh. It hails from Cania or
Nessus, the Hells' eighth and ninth layers. Foes who
survive a battle with a fimbrul suffer persistent chills
for years.
Fimbrul Devil
Medium immortal humanoid (devil)
HP 66; Bloodied 33
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 16
Speed 6 (ice walk)
Resist 10 cold, 10 fire
Level 5 Controller
XP 200
Initiative +5
Perception +5
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 cold damage.
, .. Icy Exhalation (cold) At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 3 cold damage, and the target is slowed until the
end of the devil's next turn. If the target is already slowed, it is
instead immobilized.
Frozen Prison (cold) Encounter
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 6 cold damage, and the target is restrained (save
Miss: Half damage. and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Skills Stealth + 10
Str 15 (+4)
Dex 17 (+5)
Wis 16 (+5)
Con 18 (+6)
Int 13~+3)
Cha 12 (+3)
Alignment evil
Languages Supernal
Seared devil
Seared Devil
Resembling a horribly burned humanoid, a seared
devil crackles as it hurls its charred body at foes.
The impact propels a cloud of ash into the air as the
fiend's stink sends bile up enemy throats. Jealousy
fuels its actions , and it snarls as it races toward the
freshest uncooked bodies.
Seared Devil
Level 3 Soldier
XP 150
Initiative +5
Perception +3
A'ii}i.tJ;i.l;,i tMb
CD Ashen Slam. At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. and the target is marked until the end of
the devil's next turn.
These people haven't the sli8htest understandin8 of the
power accumulatin8 in the earth beneath them- power
we must have. A pity that they stand in our way, but who
knows? After some time under the earth, perhaps they, too,
can be useful to us.
-Valindra Shadowmantle
No nation is as loathed or feared throughout Faenln
as the necromantic magocracy ofThay. In the
remote Neverwinter region, far west ofThay's bor
ders, opposition to Szass Tam's empire takes many
forms. Upstanding citizens and would-be tyrants
find themselves on the same side in an effort to fend
off and repel the shambling undead creatures that
slink through forests and brush along the outskirts of
urban areas. Whispers course through the region's
cityfolk, nomadic tribes, and wandering travelers. No
one feels safe. Thay is watching, Thay is plotting, and
Thayan operatives are working inside the city.
How much more fear-how much more hatewould the people feel if they knew Thay was
responsible for Neverwinter's devastation? What if
they knew Thay still sought to take advantage of its
earlier failures, to squeeze out the region's remaining
resources at the expense of more lives?
Valindra Shadowmantle-wizard, lich, and hand
of Szass Tam- oversees Thay's interests in the region.
And even though many locals know Thayans are
skulking about, none realize how large Valindra's
force is, nor how far-reaching her machinations.
Plenty of power remains to be harvested in northwest Faerun- some that was partly unleashed when
the primordial rose and Neverwinter fell, and some
that lies quiescent beneath the region's soil. Valindra
intends to mine both sources and deliver the bounty
to her master.
A ring of drago ns is a status symbol that leaders
among the Cult of the Dragon don to d isplay their
status. A ring enables its bearer to call and communicate with dragons. Of course, summoned dragons
might not be interested in conversation, and closely
allied dragons still might not arrive in a timely fash ion.
So the ring can also create the illusion of a dragon to
deceive foes or challengers to the wearer's authority.
Ring of Dragons
level 7 Rare
This simple brass rina looks like a draaon circlina to bite its own
Item Slot: Ring
2,600 gp
You can speak, read, and write Draconic.
You gain telepathy that works within line of Sight, but only to
converse with dragons.
Chromatic Summons. Daily Utility (Free Action)
Effect: Evil dragons within a day's travel know the direction and
distance to the ring for 24 hours.
Draconic Protector (Illusion) Daily Utility (Standard Action)
Effect: Th e illusion of a dragon of up to Gargantuan size
appears in an unoccupied space within 40 squares of you. It
can make sounds and can move within its space. Each of its
defenses is 10. The illusion lasts until the end of your next
turn , until an attack hit s it, or until a creature touches it or
enters its space. An Insight check (DC 20 + one-half your
level) allows a creature to determine that the image is an
Sustain Minor: The image persists until the end of your next turn,
and you move it up to 10 squares.
Theme Tie-In
A Neverwinter noble or Oghma's faithful character
could find citizens pressing him or her to halt the graveyard's desecration and prevent Thayan necromancers
from enslaving their deceased friends and relatives. If
the adventurers fail or move too slowly, they might find
the populace turning against them, putting their faith
in alternative leaders and gods. An Uthgardt barbarian
character might feel similar societal pressures to prevent further violation of the natural order.
A known renegade Red Wizard character could be
compelled to act against the Thayans as proof that he
or she isn't secretly serving the lich.
I Facti o ns an d F o es
If the heroes locate the path to Gauntlgrym's Great
Forge (page 199) or if the Netherese manage to
restore the mythallar in Xinlenal (page 184), Valindra m ight try to usurp control over one or both
of those power sources. Clever characters can
use Valindra's obsession with raising the Chained
Wyrm (page 109) to create or he ighten conflict
between various enemy factions.
Alternatively, Valindra might send operatives to
raid the secluded libraries beneath Oghma's temple
or to kidnap Atlavast (page 145), the libraries' caretaker. Although Valindra has ties to the Ashmadai,
she is unaware that they secretly control the aboveground temple. Thus, she might step up attacks on
Neverwinter's citizens, assuming the priests would
turn over their ancient texts to save people's lives.
Since such a tactic likely wouldn't sway the Ashmadai, the heroes' intervention might be needed to
prevent substantia l bloodshed.
Theme Tie-In
A renegade Red Wizard character has plenty of reasons for opposing Thay_ But he or she also has a major
vulnerability.lfValindra found out such a hero were
around, she would gladly use the renegade against his
or her companions. An offer of complete freedom from
Thay's persecution in return for the wizard's betrayal
of regional defenders could be a powerful motivator. It
might not convince the adventurer to turn on friends,
but it could test loyalties for a time.
Level and Role
Decrepit Skeleton
1 Minion Skirmisher MV
Grasping Zombie
1 Brute
Skinwalker Skeleton
2 Brute
3 Brute
Dread Protector
3 Soldier
3 Soldier
Deathlock Wight
4 Controller
Flesh-Crazed Zombie
4 Skirmisher
Hulking Zombie
4 Brute
Boneshard Skeleton
5 Brute
Zombie Shambler
5 Minion Brute
Dread Marauder
5 Skirmisher
5 Skirmisher
Dread Archer
6 Artillery
Gray Company Fallen Hero 6 Brute
Chillborn Zombie
6 Soldier
Skeleton Soldier
6 Minion
Human Transmuter
7 Controller
Human Thug
7 Minion Sk~isher MV
Skeletal legionary
7 Minion Soldier
Dread Guardian
7 Soldier
7 Soldier
Unhallowed Wight
Human Duelist
8 Soldier
Zombie Throng
9 Brute
Death Kin Skeleton
9 lurker
Battle Wight
9 Soldier
Skeletal Tomb Guardian
10 Brute
Wight life-Eater
10 Skirmisher
*: Presented in this section. MV: Monster Vault. MVN:
Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale. MM: Monster
Manual. MM3: Monster Manual 3. OG: Open Grave: Secrets
of the Undead. DMG2: Dunyeon Master's Guide 2.
Valindra Shadowmantle,
the Hand of Szass Tam
Like allliches, Valindra Shadowmantle is exceedingly strong-willed, deeply ambitious, and utterly
ruthless. She is devoted to her quest for more power,
and it suits her, for now, to serve Szass Tam. Although
she is highly intelligent and adept at predicting her
enemy's actions, Valindra's extreme arrogance makes
her prone to underestimating her opposition.
Valindra Shadowmantle
XP 800
Initiative +5
Perception +5
Soul Phylactery
When Valindra drops to 0 hit points, her body and possessions
crumble into dust, but she is not destroyed. She reappears
(along with her possessions) in 1d1 0 days adjacent to her phylactery, unless the phylactery is destroyed.
Unhallowed Wight
Theme Tie-In
Level 7 Soldier
XP 300
Initiative +5
Perception +2
the Chained Wyrm
The black dragon Lorragauth died centuries agoand lived for centuries before that. Although not the
eldest dragon in Faerfm at the time of his demise, he
was old enough to have amassed a great hoard.
But natural death did not claim Lorragauth. A
creature of malice and spite, he set about leveling his domain when he felt death hovering over
his shoulder. Ifhe could not keep his "kingdom," it
would die, too. While ravaging part of the edge of his
territory, Lorragauth spotted the amethyst dragon
Ash Zombie
When the cataclysm hit Neverwinter, the air thickened with the burning city's ashes. The flames
consumed structures and people at random, and
the stink of death merged with the blood and ash
streaming through the ruins. In the tumult, ash
zombies arose.
Thay's Red Wizards were delighted to discover this
new kind of zombie and set about researching how
to create more. They discovered that an ash zombie
is attracted to the scent of fresh life-the younger, the
more alluring. When an ash zombie shambles after
such creatures, it leaves a trail of ash in its wake.
To create an ash zombie, add the following power
to any zombie (or other corporeal undead, such as a
ghoul or a wight). Also increase the creature's speed
by 2, to a maximum ofS.
Netheril ruled for thousands ofyears. Wrapped tiaht in a
second womb of shadow, we have learned from our past
mistakes for over a thousand more. How foolish for any
mortal to even imaaine standina aaainst us now.
-Clariburnus Tanthul
Returned from their imprisonment in the Shadowfell,
the darkness-touched Shadovar have cast their eyes
across the continent and sworn to clutch the whole
ofit within their fists. The people ofFaenln are wise
enough to fear reborn Netheril. But they have forgotten that any shadow can hide a deeper darkness,
and they fail to notice how ubiquitous the Shadovar's
schemes have become.
The bulk of the region's populace is ignorant of
Netheril's operation in Neverwinter Wood. Clariburnus Tanthul, one of the Twelve Princes of Shade, leads
the Netherese effort to restore the city ofXinlenal,
also known as the First Enclave, the single greatest
symbol ofShadovar dominance. Success would alter
the region's geographical face and plunge Neverwinter into shadow forever.
Clariburnus and his seconds have a variety of
schemes under way, but all their plots are inextricably bound to their primary purpose: the resurrection
ofXinlenal, Netheril's first flying city.
Theme Tie-In
A scion of shadow character has an obvious motivation to see the Netherese efforts fail.lfXinlenal rises
and the region becomes a Shadovar power base. it's
going to be far harder for the character to escape the
attention of his or her former compatriots.
If Clariburnus becomes aware of the fugitive, the
prince might make use of spies and divinations to keep
an eye on the hero for a time. This way, if the adventurer discovers any useful magic items, C1ariburnus's
agents can swoop in and recover them. Alternatively,
the Thayans or other enemies of the Netherese might
try to persuade (or force) the scion to spill what he or
she knows or to spy among the Netherese ranks. lord
Neverember. once he learns of the operation, might
assume the adventurer is a Shadovar spy and take
steps accordingly.
A particularly convincing (and gutsy) scion might
try to convince low-ranking Netherese agents that he
or she is one of them to learn about ongoing plans or
to give false orders.
Theme Tie-In
Most of the magic items Clariburnus has acquired
come from the region's ancient cultures, lIIefarn and
Delzoun in particular. This plundering is almost certain
to drag characters who have the lIiyanbruen guardian,
heir of Delzoun, or Uthgardt barbarian theme into the
Netherese fray. leaving aside any general quest for
revenge, the adventurers might learn of specific relics
the Shadovar have taken and not yet destroyed. You
can craft such items' history and mythology to spark
an entire adventure.
Theme Tie-In
Theme Tie-In
For the most part, the Shadovar would be content if
everyone would leave them alone to do their work.
But since that isn't going to happen, they're happy to
set the might ofNetheril against anyone who gets in
their way.
New Neverwinter: For the time being, the Netherese have no interest in Neverwinter's nascent
government. They anticipate eventually beginning
that the Netherese are responsible for the bulk of the III
thefts. And the Shadovar have no intention of stopping ~
now. Their sporadic raids keep the fey off balance and IJ.J
pin them down in a few outposts. Of course, the Neth- ~
erese swiftly kill any eladrin who get in their way.
Netheril's citizenry includes humans, shades, and
shadar-kai. However, the Shadovar are welcoming when it comes to immigration, so heroes could
encounter many other kinds of foes. You can also
transform monsters into shades (page 114) or werewolves (page 125) to suit your needs.
level and Role
Wisp Wraith
1 Minion
Clay Scout
2 lurker
2 Minion Soldier
Human Goont
Common Banditt
2 Skirmisher
'Stonefist Defender
2 Skirmisher
Shadow Stalker
3 lurker
3 Soldier
Town Guardt
4 Artillery
4 lurker
Dark Creeper
4 Skirmisher
Kir-lanan Wing
4 Skirmisher
Hex Knight
4 Soldier
5 ArtiiJery ~~~-MM3~-- Shadow Bolter
Thaalud Constructor
5 Elite Brute
Dark Creeper
5 Elite Skirmisher
5 lurker
6 Controller:.
Shadar-Kai Gloomblade
6 lurker
.Shadar-Kai Chainf!ghter
6 Skir:.mishe L~
Dark Moon Monk
6 Soldier
Shadar-Kai Witch .
7 Controller
Human Thugt
7 Minion Skirmisher MV
lingering Warrior Spirit7 Minion Soldier
Moon Wraith
7 Soldier
'Shadar-Kai Warrior
8 Soldier
Sovereign Wraith
8 Soldier
fShadoVII Strang~~r
9 AJ:tillery
Vulture Drake
9 Brute
'lingeri l1g Mons!~r Spirlt
9 ~Jl1ion BLllte
Bronze Warder
10 Elite Soldier
Dark Stalker
10 lurker
t Add the shade traits and powers (page 114) or the
werewolftraits and powers (page 125).
*: Presented in this section. MV: Monster Vau't. MVN:
Monster Vau't: Threats to the Nentir Va'e. MM: Monster
Manual. MM3: Monster Manua' 3. FRCG: Foraotten Realms
Campaian Guide. OG: Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead.
DrM: Draconomicon: Metallic Draaons. Un: Underdark.
Clariburnus Tanthul,
Prince of Shade
One of the twelve Princes of Shade, Clairburnus Tan. thul has held power in Netheril since before the first
empire's fall. And he is determined to see the empire
spread now that it has returned.
Although a creature of shade, Clariburnus has
retained more humanity than the other princes.
Despite almost never showing emotion in his unlined
face or his flat, whispering voice, he is skilled at reading and manipulating emotions. He is merciless and
has no concept of honor. The prince sees cheating as a
viable tactic in any contest, and he breaks promises as
casually as he breathes. When necessary, he can don a
facade of charm that masks the dead soul beneath it.
Clariburnus Tanthul
Clariburnus Tanthul
Some Shade Enclave citizens absorbed so much of the
Shadowfell they were either transformed into, or later
gave birth to, creatures of shadow.
To create a shade, you can use the shade template
in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campai8n Guide or the following Simpler option to create a nonelite shade. You
can also look at the shade character race presented
in Heroes of Shadow for a different way to integrate
shades into your game.
Start with any human (or similar humanoid) monster; change its origin to shadow; and add vulnerable
5 radiant, darkvision, and the follOWing traits and
The shade regains S hit points whenever it starts its turn and
has at least 1 hit point. When it takes radiant damage, its regeneration does not function on its next tu rn.
Coalescing Darkness
If the shade moves 3 or more squares by any means, it is
cloaked with supernatural darkness, gaining total concealment
until the end of its next turn.
Thaalud Constructor
The infamous thaalud tomb tappers, known and
dreaded by explorers across Faenln, were creations
of the old Netherese Empire. Now that the Shadovar
have returned, they have resumed building these
powerful constructs. They have also begun crafting
a weaker version, which is faster and easier to make
and is useful for menial labor.
Thaalud Constructor
XP 400
Initiative +1
Perception +7
Blindsight 20
Tri88er: The constructor drops to 0 hit points.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +8 vs.
Hit: 3d10 + 8 damage.
Effect: The constructor is destroyed, and the area of the burst,
including the constructor's space, is difficult terrain until the
end of the encounter.
Skills Arcana +8
Str20 (+7)
Wis 11 (+2)
Dex 9 (+1)
Con 17 (+5)
Int 12 (+3)
Cha 15 (+4)
Alignment unaligned
languages understands Common
and Netherese, telepathy 20
The Dead Rats gang has established a warren in
Neverwinter's shattered sewers. Renowned in Luskan,
the City of Vice, for its ruthlessness, the wererat-Ied
pack has burrowed into the city's gnarly underbelly,
operating from the sewers near Blacklake.
Rsolk, a one-eyed wererat mugger (page 116),
leads the Dead Rats pack in Neverwinter. He claims
he lost his eye in a falling-out duel with the halfling
Toytere, the Luskan gang's leader. In truth, Rsolk is
following Toytere's instructions to establish a foothold
in Neverwinter. Together, the gang leaders intend to
build a criminal empire along the Sword Coast.
To this end, the gang is working to usurp control
of the Sons of Alagondar, which it is using to establish a trade alliance with Valindra Shadowmantle
and Thay. Ultimately, the Dead Rats plans to eliminate the rebels and remake Neverwinter in Luskan's
image, albeit even more unstable.
Theme Tie-In
A Dead Rat deserter (or any character raised in luskan)
knows how the Dead Rats members think and operate, having been one of them (or familiar with them).
Consider giving such a character a +2 bonus to Bluff,
Diplomacy, InSight, and Streetwise checks involving
the gang. If the hero uncovers Rsolk's true mission, he
or she can claim to be Toytere's messenger, sent to test
the Neverwinter branch.
Such an event has consequences, though. Eventually, Rsolk and the character must come to terms_ The
wererat might try to recruit him or her-if the hero
accomplishes some minor task-or Rsolk might see the
character as a threat. However, if the adventurer can
elicit a good reaction from the gang leader (or another
Dead Rat), the party could gain a friend or an informant within the gang's ranks.
The gang recruits from among the region's scum.
It infects new members with lycanthropy to ensure
their loyalty. In addition to rats, dire rats, and the
creatures below, you can use any humanoid
Wererat Mugger
Level 4 Brute
XP 17 5
Initiative +7
Perception +3
Low-light vision
The wererat regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and
has at least 1 hit pOint. When the wererat takes damage from a silvered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next turn.
Requirement: The wererat must be in human or hybrid form.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1 d8 + 8 damage plus 5 poison damage.
CD Rending Bite (disease) At-Will
Requirement: The wererat must be in rat or hybrid form.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5
damage (save ends both).
First Failed Savina Throw: The target contracts were rat filth fever
(stage 1).
I Factions and
Wererat Mugger
A wererat mugger uses stealth to approach enemies.
After that, it's all about brute force. Relying on regeneration, a wererat mugger confidently engages in
melee. But if the fight turns sour, it's qUick to take rat
form and scurry away.
Wererat Template
To create a wererat, start with any humanoid monster (preferably a skirmisher or lurker), add the
shape changer keyword, low-light vision, a climb
speed of 4 in rat or hybrid form, and the following
trait and powers.
The wererat regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and
has at least 1 hit point. When it takes damage from a silvered
weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next turn.
Neverember, the city's self-proclaimed protector, might
be charming, but not all Neverwinter citizens trust
his beneficent smile. In particular, a band of rebels
agitates for self-governance. The Sons of Alagondar,
named after Neverwinter's last ruling line, refused
to abandon the city after the cataclysm. Its members
swear loyalty to Neverwinter alone. They are waging a
desperate insurgency against a far superior force and
would welcome almost any aid that's offered.
The Sons of Alagondar rebels are nationalists.
They trace their lineage back to Lord Nasher Alagondar's loyalist servants. The order wages a war ofideas,
constantly mustering public opinion against Neverember. Members believe in honor and in restoring
Neverwinter to what it once was- a symbol of peace
and goodness in the savage North.
For the past five years, a female Harper named
Cymrilled the Sons. She recently met a brutal end,
though, and her absence has created a power vacuum.
Even though treason or subterfuge can't be proved,
suspicions and accusations have been hurled fiercely at
a variety of suspects. Confused and disorganized, the
group chose to strike out on its own rather than risk
associating with potential kinslayers. Scattered and
:I ,
leaderless, the rebels might have perished in Lord Neverember's brutal reprisals if not for the support of some
new allies, including the Thayans and the Dead Rats.
Generational Divide
Although nominally a single organization, the Sons
of Alagondar is becoming increasingly divided over
how to free Neverwinter from Lord Neverember. The
order's split occurs largely along generational lines.
The Nashers (named after old Lord Nasher of
Neverwinter) advocate a violent approach, including
rioting, assassination, and sabotage. Mostly young
rebels, the Nashers have been reared on stories of the
city's former glory, but they have always lived in the
shadows of its ruins. Their detractors refer to them as
"Gnashers," for their gnashing of teeth.
The Nasher faction has begun to see ArIon Bladeshaper (use the human javelin dancer in Monster
Manual 2) as its leader. Bladeshaper claims to be the
great-grandson of one of the original Neverwinter
Nine, and he has grown increaSingly frustrated with
the Graycloaks' lack of progress on diplomatic fronts.
Members of the other camp, calling themselves
the Graycloaks, also bear no love for the Lord Protector, but they focus on the overarching picture of the
city's health. This faction believes that Neverwinter
needs both firm leadership and a sizable force of
arms to find a way back to her glory days.
By and large, these members lived through Neverwinter's destruction and mourn her ravaging on a
personal level. They see themselves as successors to
old Neverwinter's Graycloaks, so called because the
militia's members could not afford formal uniforms.
The Nashers often refer to them as the Gray Hairs, for
obvious reasons.
The Graycloaks seek to infiltrate and befriend
civil and military individuals who have access to Lord
Covert Operations
Actions speak louder than words, and the Sons of
Alagondar's Nashers no longer hesitate to dirty their
hands. Before Cymril's death, the insurgency limited
its tactics to nonviolent but frustrating annoyances,
such as minor sabotage, theft of supplies, and embarrassing Neverember's mercenaries. Now, however, the
Sons have partnered with new allies to add assault and
occasional murder to their repertoire. The younger
rebels also disrupt shipping, attack Neverember's soldiers in the streets, and steal as much gold as possible.
Valindra Shadowmantle occaSionally prOVides the
younger Sons with weapons and tactical support in
exchange for information. She has little interest in
their war for freedom, but she appreciates their value
as a conspicuous distraction for Neverember. Thus,
Valindra instructs her agents to inflict as much carnage as possible when assisting the Sons on missions.
At first, Arlon Bladeshaper was leery of embracing this darker facet of what was supposed to be a
bloodless movement for freedom, but the victories
the Nashers have had since allying with the Dead
Rats and Thay have convinced him-for now-that the
Nashers see things more clearly than the Graycloaks.
Moreover, now that Bladeshaper has led his faction
through several bloody victories, he cannot easily
back away from the gory precedent.
Most of the rebels are duelists and archers of various
races common to Neverwinter. They trust only people
who were invested in the city before the cataclysm.
level and Role
Dwarf Warrior
1 Minion Artillery
Human Goon
2 Minion Soldier
Common Bandit
2 Skirmisher
3 Soldier
Town Guard
Dwarf Bolter
Raven Roost Harrier
4 Skirmisher
Raven Roost Grenadier
5 Controller
Gnome Spy
5 Lurker
Half-Ore Hunter
5 Skirmisher
6 Artillery
Gnome Illusionist
Half-Elf Bandit Captain
6 Skirmisher (L)
7 Controller
Human Transmuter
Human Thug
7 Minion Skirmisher MV
Gnome Assassin
7 Skirmisher
Raven Roost Highwayman~7Soldier
Human Duelist
8 Soldier
MV: Monster Vault. MVN: Monster Vault: Threats to the
Nentir Vale. MM: Monster Manual. MM2: Monster Manual 1.
A group that seeks to help
Neverwinter develop
into the bastion of
good it was before
the cataclysm,
the Harpers
have suffered
setbacks in
the region.
The most catastrophic was
Cymril's murder.
A high-ranking
member, Cymril was
charismatic and capable.
She had even managed to rise to leadership of the
Sons of Alagondar rebel organization. Her death
was a major blow to those insurgents, too, and they
now eye the Harpers with suspicion. To make matters worse, a faction of the leaderless rebels has since
turned to the Dead Rats gang for aid.
Only ten or twelve Harper members work in
N ever winter, and only two of them are official agents.
Toram (use the half-elf bandit captain in Monster
Manual 2) makes the cell's tactical decisions. His
half-sister, Theryis (use the eladrin arcane archer
in Monster Manual 2), runs the House of a Thousand
Faces tavern, which accommodates the Harpers.
Members hide out in their Blacklake district base,
arguing over how to unite the rebels under an honorable banner once more.
The Harpers know nothing of the Netherese presence in the region or the Thayan threat. They would
consider both a higher priority than ousting Lord
Neverember. Knowledge ofShadovar involvement
would cause them to seek help from Harper cells
in distant lands. Practical-minded, they might even
align with Neverember to fight the other threats.
If the adventurers come to the Harpers' attention as
regional heroes, cell members might ask the characters to approach the Sons of Alagondar and help
lead the rebels from their violent path. If a character
has the Harper agent theme, the party's reception
among the Sons could be downright hostile.
To represent the Harpers in combat, you can use
the above suggestions for its leaders (or whatever statistics suit your game). Harper sympathizers could be
minions or more potent fighters.
For much of the North's history, orcs feared the
"haunted woods" of Never winter. Centuries of failed
raids into the forest had stirred cultural legends among
the barbaric people, and they had long given the
woods a wide berth. The cataclysm in Neverwinter
ruptured these myths, though. And in the past twentyplus years, orcs have returned to plague the area.
Recently, King Obould XVII of the Kingdom of
Many-Arrows sent a vanguard to explore options in
Neverwinter. However, the commander he entrusted
with the assignment- the power-hungry Vansi- far
exceeded her orders. Rather than report back about
the city's state, she pressed through its walls and
established a base in the old Cloak Tower, claiming
territory in Neverwinter's ruined northern half
Meanwhile, the Abolethic Sovereignty has been
making subtle overtures toward the orcs. The Prophet
has successfully beguiled Vansi into accepting the
Spellplague "blessing," tainting the ore commander
with a powerful spellscar. The Sovereignty intends to
use the spellscar to twist the orcs into becoming their
most useful pawns in daylight Neverwinter.
The northeast quarter of Never winter teems with
orcs of all sorts, many with the plague changed theme
(page 95).
Vansi, Spellsearred
Ore Commander
Ferocious and deadly, Vansi takes her position as
commander seriously. She defied Obould's orders
because she saw an opportunity to take power in the
city. Who knows? Perhaps one day, Neverwinter will
become part of Many-Arrows.
Though violent instincts govern her, Vansi has a
strong sense of honor, and she holds true to her word
when she gives it. Once befriended, she makes a valuable ally.
The Spellplague shows clearly in Vansi, who literally bristles when angry. Her spellscar takes the form
of ridges of bone and spines that project from her skin
unexpectedly, particularly during fits of emotion.
These spurs pulse with hungry blue fire .
XP 250
Initiative +7
Perception +4
While in the aura, allies deal1d6 extra damage to creatures
granting combat advantage to them.
Fiery Bone Spurs (fire)
Any creature that grabs Vans i takes ongoing 5 fire damage unti l
the grab ends.
Males have little purpose aside from warfare and
breeding. As such, it is truly remarkable that a male- Ct:
dominated mercenary organization such as Bregan
D'aerthe could withstand the test of time- and not
surprising that its interests extend beyond matriar$
chal Menzoberranzan.
Jarlaxle, the sometime leader of Bregan D'aerthe,
has long maintained an interest in the surface
world's northlands. He wrung every coin and secret
he could from Luskan nearly three decades ago and
then turned his interest to Neverwinter. Following
the cataclysm, Jarlaxle withdrew from the city and
its frothing chaos. However, since Lord Neverember
moved in, Jarlaxle has set his spies loose in the urban
fray once more. None can say exactly how many
Bregan D'aerthe agents operate in Neverwinter, and
Jarlaxle prefers it that way.
Battles with this shifty group of mercenaries should
be rare. The Bregan D'aerthe drow fight on their
own terms, or they can't be found. The statistics
Drow swashbuckler
Drow Informant
A drow informant is a spy that specializes in theft,
either of secrets or of coin. Its ability to maneuver into
a position matters as much as its skill at sneaking out.
Drow trained in infiltration are frustratingly hard to
pin down.
Drow Swashbuckler
Bregan D'aerthe warriors are some of the best duelists to be found, above or below the earth. A drow
swashbuckler fights without honor, making an enemy
look foolish before it dies.
Drow Swashbuckler
Drow Informant
Level 7 Skirmisher
XP 300
Initiative +10
Perception +9
XP 250
Initiative +12
Perception +10
CD Dagger. AtWiII
Level 6 Lurker
Draw informant
Other Factions
in the Wood
The Uthgardt tribes have occupied the region for
time immemorial, following seasonal migrations and
hunts and sharing (or squabbling over) territories
with one another. At first, the Gray Wolves had no
particular advantage over the other tribes, nor had
they been more territorial than any other tribe. Of
course, the barbarians weren't shapeshifters then.
Change swept through the tribe hundreds of years
ago when human refugees from Gauntlgrym spread
the lycanthropy they had contracted from the mind
flayers' thralls.
When the Shadovar arrived and offered the Gray
Wolves an alliance forged in others' blood, it awoke a
primal hunger in the barbarians. Already more prone
to violence than their predecessors, the Gray Wolf
leaders quickly accepted the Netherese offer. Some
leaders justified the pact as a reunion of sorts, since
the original Uthgardt tribes were, in part, composed
ofNetherese refugees. Others were persuaded by the
Shadovar promise to cede the wilderness to the Gray
Wolf tribe once they had together conquered the
region's cities.
The Forsworn
Since the start of the alliance, the Netherese have
used the werewolves as expendable shock troops,
and some of the Gray WolfUthgardt have become
dissatisfied with the tribe's pact. These Uthgardt
didn't wait to be killed; instead, they secretly planned
a coup. The mutiny failed, though, and now these
oathbreakers-dubbed the Forsworn by their former
kinfolk-live apart, loathed and hunted by those they
once hunted with.
Since their escape from the tribe, the Forsworn
have worked against the Netherese as best they can.
They slay any Shadovar they meet, and they've even
managed to covertly establish a hidden camp near
Xinlenal. They avoid fighting any Uthgardt barbarians, but the Gray Wolf tribe does not return the favor
(see "Forest of Hides," page 184).
UthBardt warrior
Theme Tie-In
If the adventurers can prove they're trustworthy allies
of the Forsworn-perhaps fighting alongSide them in
multiple engagements or protecting members from
detection by the Shadovar-the splinter pack might
informally adopt the characters. This turn of events
is particularly likely if the party includes an Uthgardt
barbarian or a pack outcast.
As trusted friends of the Forsworn, the heroes
could witness the pack's religious observances and
thus see the werewolves commune with their primal
spirit totems. A primal character or one who has either
of the aforementioned themes can choose to participate in these rites. If such a character does, he or she
gains the following power.
Primal Surge
Granted Utility
Encounter. Primal
No Action
Trigger: You use an encounter attack power.
Effect: Roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, the triggering power
is not expended, and you lose this power and cannot
regain it.
When planning encounters with the Gray WolfUthgardt, you can use the frenzied werewolf in Monster
Vault and the shifters in the Monster Manual, in addition to those presented below. Also, the werewolf
template presented here offers a way to convert a
Ethraniev Marrowslake
One of the most bloodthirsty and greedy of the Gray
Wolf pack leaders, Ethraniev leads the bulk of the
tribe's attacks against Thayan forces. She revels in
carnage and might have accepted the Netherese
offer purely as an excuse to hunt and kill. She is
qUick to threaten anyone who speaks out against the
Ethraniev is enormous_ In human form, she stands
over six feet tall; in hybrid form, she is nearly eight
feet tall. She wears her black hair in braids, which she
gathers up in a tight knot, making her sharply angled
face appear even more severe. She responds to any
threat or insult, real or perceived, with immediate
Ethraniev Marrowslake
Level 7 Brute
Ethraniev regains 5 hit points whenever she starts her turn
and has at least 1 hit point. When she takes damage from a
silvered weapon, her regeneration does not function on her
next turn.
Werewolf stormcaller
CHAPTER 3 \ Factions and Foes
Werewolf Stormcaller
The Gray WolfUthgardt's spiritual practices combine worship ofUthgar, their ancestors, and primal
powers. A handful of tribe members specialize in
summoning the natural world's energy, particularly
the great strength of the storms that rake the North.
A werewolf stormcaller stands back from battle
and hurls thunderbolts like a distant storm cloud.
When closely pressed, it unleashes the storm's power
to blow away enemies.
Werewolf Stormcaller
penalty to Will.
Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, whenever the target
becomes bloodied, it makes a melee basic attack as a free
action against an ally adjacent to it.
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, whenever the target is
hit by an attack, it makes a melee basic attack as a free
action against an ally adjacent to it.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes
an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
10 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
11-14: No change.
15 or HiBher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
Level 6 Artillery
Werewolf Template
The werewolf regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit pOint. When it takes damage from a sil
vered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next
level 6 Disease
The werewolf regains 5 hit pOints whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit point. When it takes damage from a silvered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next
turn .
CD Claw" At-Will
Requirement: The werewolf must be in wolf or hybrid form.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); werewolf's level + 5 vs. AC
Hit: Use the damage expression from the werewolf's other
melee basic attack.
When the Spellplague shook Toril, the Feywild fell
once more into alignment with the mortal realm.
Over time, many denizens of that untamed world
crept, dashed, or strode across the newly weakened
barriers. Some eladrin from the Feywild kingdom
ofIliyanbruen- who had fled when Illefarn fell into
ruin long ago -decided to return to their ancestral
roots. When the eladrin arrived at the portal connecting their forest to Neverwinter Wood, dark fey
were already there. After driving out the evildoers,
the band erected a military outpost in the surrounding wreckage on both sides of the portal and named
it New Sharandar, after Iliyanbruen's former capital. Now the fey have spread through several of the
ancient ruins, which time, nature , and intruders have
The eladrin want to restore their ancient city and
smash in the heads of the pillagers that defiled it.
Even though most of the fey reserve their anger for
the thieves and ravagers, others aren't so precise in
their wrath. These eladrin are enraged at the desecration of their ancestral homes. They believe the entire
region is theirs by right, and they'll happily slaughter
anyone who dares gainsay them.
The leader of the Iliyanbruen eladrin, a fey knight
(see Monster Vault) named Merrisara Winterwhite,
subscribes to the calmer beliefs of the first faction.
So far, she and her lieutenants-those who agree with
her, anyway-have kept the bulk of the eladrin forces
in check. Nevertheless, travelers who come too near
these new eladrin territories are often attacked, and
it might be only a matter of time before the more
violent faction acquires enough support to force its
leaders' hand.
The Iliyanbruen might become the adventurers'
allies, but they suspect the world to which they've
returned holds many hidden dangers. In a first
encounter with the heroes, the Iliyanbruen should be
at least guarded and possibly outright hostile, especially if the party includes a pack outcast, Bregan
D'aerthe spy, or scion of shadow character.
To build an encounter with the Iliyanbruen, consider eladrin foremost, but other fey allies make
excellent choices as well.
Addemios Three-Dawn
Winterwhite is struggling to contain the eladrin's
increasingly explosive anger, even as several community leaders-including Olirien Mistcrown, her
second-in-command, and Emrae Firesky, a priestess
of Corellon -agitate for more bloodshed. But at least
these two are known troublemakers.
Addemios Three-Dawn, Firesky's assistant, is a
hidden viper in Winterwhite's midst. While he pretends to be a celebrant of Corellon, the nefarious
spiritual leader is secretly fomenting violence and
seeding ever bloodier and vicious thoughts in the
minds of the more extreme eladrin.
Three-Dawn is actually a diSciple of Asmodeus
(see "Hidden Shrine," page 178). In league with the
dark fey the eladrin drove from the portal, he works
to instigate open war between the Iliyanbruen fey
and the mortals of the Neverwinter region.
Addemios Three-Dawn
Medium fey humanoid, eladrin
HP 51; Bloodied 25
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 18
Speed 6
Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
LevelS Artillery
XP 200
Initiative +6
Perception +5
Low-light vision
Adimond Kroskas
With wild hair and glassy eyes, Adimond Kroskas is
a dramatic and charismatic sect leader. Outwardly
obsequious to Valindra and commanding to his disciples, he disguises the stress of his situation well.
The delays in raising the dracolich (see "Lorragauth,
the Chained Wyrm," page 109) are beginning to
irritate Valindra, and Kroskas is no closer to retrieving his rin8 of dra80ns from her. He desperately needs
something to change, perhaps a major distraction
for Valindra or a way to gain the upper hand. He
daydreams about a masked accomplice snatching
Valindra's phylactery or retrieving his ring.
To include Kroskas in combat, use the Zhent war
mage in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campai8n Guide,
except that Zhent flash deals cold damage, not radiant,
and black vapors deals acid damage, not poison.
Denizens of
All most people know about ancient Gauntlgrym is
that it's in the North, somewhere near Neverwinter.
Although its ruins are long lost to the surface world,
many Underdark creatures have walked, crawled,
or flitted through Gauntlgrym's echoing halls for
Over time, new creatures have jOined the throng of
ancient dwarf ghosts and undead humanoids whose
living selves were slaughtered when orc hordes ravaged the Delzoun city. Dire corbies, strange birdlike
beings, also live in the stronghold's ruins, as do other
Underdark denizens.
Dire corbies descend from a variety of predatory
birds that were lost and trapped in the Underdark.
Over generations the colony mutated, and each new
generation grew more deadly and dangerous than
the one before. They lost the power of flight, but their
wings developed into muscular, taloned limbs perfect for climbing sheer Underdark caverns, pulling
themselves through narrow subterranean tunnels,
and eviscerating anything remotely edible. Covered
in coal-black feathers, they blend into the darkness of
the subterranean tunnels they hunt.
A full description of dire corbies can be found in
Bruce R. Cordell's article "Exploring Gauntlgrym,"
which D&D Insider subscribers can download as part
of DunBe on 183.
Some dwarf ghosts might be helpful, at least to a
Delzoun heir. But Gauntlgrym's other inhabitants,
particularly the primitive dire corbies, are driven to
kill. The monsters on the following table represent
only a portion of Gauntlgrym's inhabitants. In addition to the members of the various factions seeking to
unearth the city, you can populate the place with foes
that make sense for your campaign.
Level and Role
Decrepit Skeleton
I Minion Skirmisher MV
3 Soldier
Phantom Warrior
4 Soldier
Blazing Skeleton
5 Artillery
Rayenous Ghoul
5 Brute
5 Lurker
5 Soldier
Mad Wraith
6 Controller
Dire Corby Wastrel
6 Skirmisher
7 Brute
Dire Corby
7 Minion Soldier
Skeletal Legionary
Shambling Mummy
8 Brute
8 Lurker
Trap Haunt
8 Minion Soldier
Hill Clan Apparition
8 Soldier
Sovereign Wraith
Skeletal Tomb Guardian
10 Brute
Moldering Mummy
10 Minion Brute
*: Presented in this section. MV: Monster Vault. MVN:
Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale. MM: Monster
Manual. Dun: Dun8eon 183 ("Exploring Gauntlgrym").
Dire corby
Dire Corby
Level 7 Brute
XP 300
Initiative +8
Perception +10
CD GilshingBeak
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
A colony of illithids once ruled Gauntlgrym, but its
illithid-derro crossbreeding experiment ballooned
out of control, and the mind flayers' creations overthrew the colony. After the primordial's awakening
and subsequent reimprisonment, mind flayers and
their elder brain reclaimed a large portion of the legendary dwarven city's lower reaches.
Of course, the mind flayers are unaware they
owe their success to the Abolethic Sovereignty,
which covertly infected the collective's elder
brain with Spellplague. The Sovereignty uses its
Symphony of Madness and a steady supply of Spellplague energy to control the elder brain and thus
the mind flayers.
The aboleths use the mind flayers to research the
bound primordial and stop any would-be conquerors from seizing it. Slowly, the Sovereignty has been
revising its hymns to funnel more energy to Gauntlgrym. However, the resulting increase in Spellplague
energy is beginning to mutate the mind flayers, and
adventurers familiar with Spellplague effects could
discover that the Sovereignty's reach extends a lot
farther than anyone suspects. Of course, such a discovery would earn the aboleths' wrath.
I Factions
and Foes
XP 800
Initiative +11
Perce(ltion +7
Blindsight 20
<. .
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the elder brain teleports the target up
to 2 squares.
Turbulent Psychopathy (Ilsychic) Recharge r;:;] [!J
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Miss: Half damage.
Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 3 psychic damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5
(lsychic until the end of the elder brain's next turn.
Where the dwarves once ruled, their darkest reflections now hold sway. The devilworshiping duergar
have come to Gauntlgrym. Few know they are here;
none know why they stay, not even the duergar. They
expand the dwarven mines ever deeper until it seems
as though the world must bleed. Although they have
claimed great veins of precious ores-iron, mithral,
and legendary hellthorn-these are only extra prizes.
They don't know what they seek, only that Asmodeus
commands them to dig.
The duergar are not alone within the twisting
depths of Gauntlgrym. They laugh at the pain of dire
corby slaves, cower when Gauntlgrym ghosts float
near, and ready their weapons when mind flayers
come for new thralls. The duergar still recall the days
of yore, when illithids performed horrid experiments
on their ancestors, creating unspeakable abominations. Heedless of the danger around them, small
duergar scouting parties continue to dart from the
mines, eager to capture new slaves, raid rediscovered
treasures, and deface the dwarves' former temples.
The duergar in Gauntlgrym despise other creatures
and believe slave labor in the mines or death is the
best the vermin deserve. They know nothing of the
Ashmadai and would react with suspicion to other
Asmodeus cultists unless devils appeared to them
bearing Asmodeus's words. The duergar have no
reason to act with anything but outright hostility
toward heroes, employing their weapons, supernatural powers, and traps with equal abandon.
Level and Role
Duergar Sq)ut
4 Lurker
Duergar Thug
4 Minion Brute
Duergar Guard
4 Soldier
Duergar Raid leader
5 Artillery (l)
Duergar Theurge
Duergar Shock Trooper
6 Brute
8 Skirmisher
Duergar Fleshtearer
11 lurker
*: Presented in this section. MV: Monster Vault.
Monster Manual 2.
Level 9 Soldier
XP 400
Initiative +8
Perception +6
Nimor Ironvice
Nimor Ironvice (use the duergar shock trooper in
Monster Manual 2) discovered a winding tunnel to
the surface some time ago. Being careful to disguise
himself with a cloak and travel at night, he made several brief explorations into the region. During these
forays, he met Mordai VeIl and learned about the
Now Nimor plays a dangerous game, stealing hellthorn to carry to the surface and charging Mordai
exorbitant prices for it. Nimor knows Kholzourl would
torture him publicly for his freelancing, and it is
becoming increasingly hard for him to devise excuses
for his absences. Soon he'll have to decide between
severing ties with the surface and forming an alIi
ance with Mordai VeIl against his fellow duergar. He's
hoping some infernal sign will show him the way.
The exotic red metal known as hellthorn is sought
out by the duergar, who have a special appreciation for the diabolical quality of a weapon crafted
from the stuff.
_ r/
Nimor Ironvice
Hellthorn Weapon
level 1 0+ Rare
The weapon,for8ed of red iron, seems to radiate a palpable
aura of devilish 81ee.
Lvi 25 +5
625,000 gp
Lvl10 +2
5,000 gp
Lvi 15 +3
25,000 gp
Lvi 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Lvi 20 +4
125,000 gp
Weapon: Flail, heavy blade, spear, or staff
Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 fire damage per plus, and ongoing 10 fire damage
(save ends)
Level 25 or 30: Ongoing 20 fire damage (save ends)
You are considered to be a devil for the purpose of any benefi
cial effect that impacts devils. If you have fire resistance, it
increases by 5.
Hellthorn Vengeance (Fire)
Encounter Utility (Free Action)
Tri88er: You miss with an attack that targets AC.
Effect: An allied devil adjacent to the target you missed can
make a basic attack against the target as a free action. If the
allied devil hits, the target takes extra fire damage equal to
twice this weapon's enhancement bonus.
Level 8 Skirmisher
Coursing Flame
If the steeder takes fire damage, the next creature it hits before
the end of its next turn takes 5 fire damage.
Diabolic Steed (mount)
If an attack power targets both the steeder and its ride r and
misses one of them, it misses both of them.
The result of diabolical experiments in crossbreeding, a steeder appears to be a giant tarantula
sculpted by a drunken god. A steeder stares with
protruding humanoid eyes, its great mandibles glimmer with a Sickly red sheen, and its many legs are
coated in dark hair. Those legs, which come in odd
numbers and uneven lengths. carry the steeder's
rider across any surface-wall, floor, or ceiling.
The paranoid and reclusive House Xorlarrin endlessly pursues schemes for greater power and
prominence among the drow_ Matron Mother
Zeerith leads the house with a lighter hand than
any of her counterparts, actively seeking opinions
and input, even from her house's male drow. Of
course, this prominence comes at a price. Xorlarrin
males are bred for their magical ability, and those
who show no inclination toward the art are sacrificed. This practice has given House Xorlarrin a
solid reputation as one of the most magically gifted,
and therefore dangerous, of the noble Houses of
House Xorlarrin's arcane means of gathering
information have nabbed Matron Mother Zeerith a
particularly ripe secret, one J arlaxle was trying desperately to keep. During his investigations into the
primordial hidden beneath Gauntlgrym, Jarlaxle consulted Archmage Gromph Baenre, his older brother
and the master of the Sorcere school of wizardry.
Even though the details of that meeting should have
remained between the two, Xorlarrin's matriarch
learned something of their discussions and sent a
contingent to investigate. Perhaps with the aid of a
controlled primordial, Gauntlgrym could become
a drow stronghold to rival Menzoberranzan- under
House Xorlarrin's control, of course.
House Xorlarrin drow now hunt in the caverns
around the dwarven city, coming ever closer to discovering a way into Gauntlgrym and entering the
struggles for its control.
Drow Spellspinner
A drow spellspinner weaves threads of magic like a
spider. From afar, it rains spells on foes and summons
a web oflightning to entrap approaching enemies.
Theme Tie-In
If a character has the Bregan D'aerthe spy theme, Xorlarrin could have destroyed that adventurer's house.
Alternatively, a drow "friend" among the Bregan
D'aerthe might have suffered that fate and now seeks
the heroes' aid to revenge his family_
House Xorlarrin drow rely heavily on spellcasters,
but encounters with drow warriors, Lolth-worshiping
priestesses, and spiders of all sorts are possible.
_ I,i
Drow Spellspinner
Level 8 Artillery
XP 350
Initiative +6
Perception +5
The primordial's elemental servants are handy foes
for random encounters in and around Mount Hote now and Gauntlgrym. If you want the monsters to
playa more important role in your campaign's plot,
they could be fractured into several factions, each
doing what it thinks the primordial desires. Alternatively, they could have communicated with the
primordial and be a unified force in opposition to
the mind flayers, the duergar, the drow, and others,
Perhaps the duergar have an uneasy alliance with the
elementals against everyone else, and the heroes can
attempt to turn one force against the other.
If your heroes are still working their way toward
Gauntlgrym, you could drive them toward the river of
flame (page 190), a snaking slurry ofliquid fire that
leads to numerous tunnels and the lair ofKarrundax,
a young red dragon.
Salamander Spearwarden
Fiery denizens of the Elemental Chaos, salamanders
slither on snakelike bodies. They dominate lesser
creatures and live in feudal societies, A salamander spearwarden serves its masters as a soldier or a
guard. It stands back from enemies, stabbing with its
longspear and using its tail to lash out at any enemy
that approaches it or its deSignated ward.
Salamander spearwarden
Salamander Spearwarden
large elemental humanoid (fire , reptile)
HP 107; Bloodied 53
AC 20, Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 18
Speed 6
Resist 20 fire
Level 8 Brute
XP 350
Initiative +8
Perception +6
Salamander Sparker
A salamander sparker wields an iron bow strung
with steel wire. From this weapon, it shoots explosive
arrows of pure flame _
Salamander Sparker
l arge elemental humanoid (fire, reptile)
HP 90; Bloodied 45
AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 24, Will 21
Speed 6
Resist 20 fire
Level 11 Artillery
XP 600
Initiative +10
Perception +7
m.t.i;iae 4Itmg
CD Tail lash (fire) .. At-Will
A once-bustling metropolis, the northern city of
Neverwinter lies mostly in ruins after a century of
turmoil that culminated in a great cataclysm nearly
thirty years ago. Fires, earthquakes, and evil portents
destroyed or chased away most of the populace, but
even the waking of an ancient primordial could not kill
the city completely. Some stubborn natives remained,
carrying on in spite of countless hardships. Because of
them-and because of the reconstruction efforts of the
last decade-Neverwinter still stands, despite its tragedies. Today, the city is a center of trade, warfare both
open and secret, and-above all-adventure.
After so much abuse and neglect, much of the
city's architecture is damaged or lies in rubble.
Recent repair efforts have given Neverwinter a patchwork appearance; slums are juxtaposed with new
construction, all resting on the shattered remnants of
old buildings. Certain districts are more intact than
others, and former citizens have returned to such
areas, thanks to the efforts of the city's Lord Protector: Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Water deep.
Two popular legends about the source of Neverwinter's name stir up endless debate among the
people. One legend holds that the city is named for
a persistent heat in the river that proVides warmth
regardless of the season. The other credits the
talents of the city's first gardeners, whose flowers
bloomed in the depths of winter. Residents of Neverwinter enjoy debating the merits of both stories
as much as other people talk about the weather or
politics; likely, both legends are true.
Generally speaking, the city is temperate,
shielded by sea breezes from the worst of winter
storms and summer heat. The Neverwinter River
flows warmly throughout the year, steaming on
chilly winter days and keeping the port free of ice
in the coldest months.
Neverwinter residents look with fond patriotism upon
the life and reign of Nasher Alagondar, a former adventurer who ascended to rule the city over 150 years ago.
One remarkable story tells that he refused the title of
king for much if not all of his reign; today, natives
of Neverwinter still debate whether he was
truly a king or merely a shepherd of his
Hall ofJustice
The Lord Protector of Never winter rules the city from
the Hall ofJustice, the old temple ofTyr. Farthest
from the source of the great earthquake that struck
Mount Hotenow almost three decades ago, this area
of Never winter suffered the least destruction. This
good fortune also made the district a primary target
for Lord Neverember. He moved an overwhelming
force of mercenaries into the district, secured his
base, and, ever since, has spent half his time here and
half in Waterdeep.
The Protector's Enclave stands mostly intact, and
many former residents of the city have returned to
live here alongside new immigrants. Although this
district is the most stable part of Never winter, it
chafes under the firm hand of Sabine, the general of
Lord Neverember's forces. Spies watch every neighborhood and notable gathering place, and Mintarn
enforcers march through the streets. When the
townsfolk complain, Neverember shifts the blame
to one or another of his subordinates and is subsequently hailed as a hero for making an example of the
supposed scoundrel. He assures the citizens that he is
doing his best in a bad situation.
The Enclave boasts the best-stocked
market in the city, thanks to trade from
Hall of Justice
The high walls and imposing stonework ofTyr's former
temple mark it as a timeless bastion of duty and honor.
The great temple stands atop a seaside bluff, challenging all threats from the Sea of Swords or inland Faenln.
When Lord Neverember set his sights on the city,
he chose the Hall ofJustice as his base of operations
for its practical value (the cataclysm left it almost
untouched) and its emotional significance to the
people of Never winter. The city had long served Tyr,
the god ofjustice, and even after the deity fell nearly
a hundred years ago, the residents refused to convert
the temple to worship of another god.
By restoring the temple to its former status, Neverember seeks to win over the city's traditionalists
and establish himself as a champion ofjust rule. He
sponsors priests ofTorm whose rites emulate the
Tyrran tradition, hoping to attract new devotees to
the temple (and to the Lord Protector's cause). For the
Theme Tie-In
The story of the Moonstone Mask is an object lesson
in turning a bad situation to one's advantage. When
the Spellplague struck Neverwinter nearly a hundred
years ago, the land around the posh inn tore free ofits
surroundings and floated off toward the sky. Quickthinking guests secured it with tethers, and dozens of
thick ropes were lashed from the inn to nearby buildings, much as a ship might be tied up in a bay. Thus
secured, the Moonstone Mask reopened for
business within the year, boasting a panoramic view of the city and the surrounding
I Gazetteer
The Moonstone Mask makes an excellent base
camp for characters adventuring in the region. It is
defensible, and can be moved if needed. Characters
can unfasten the anchors and guide the Moonstone
by ship, or by sails deployed around the main building. The inn and its patrons are firmly loyal to Lord
Neverember, and adventurers who stay there must
deal with an attitude of appeasement toward the
Mintarn enforcers. However, ifthe characters defeat
General Sabine and her goons or depose Neverember, they quickly earn the loyalty of liset Cheldar
and her regulars. As long as a patron carries good
coin and doesn't behave too badly, the folks at the
Moonstone Mask make little distinction.
The Wall
I Gazetteer
natives who refuse to give up their self-imposed stewardship. The natives who built the Wall view this
takeover with suspicion, particularly now that they
have to take orders from Neverember's harsh mercenary leader, Sabine, or from her Captain of the Wall,
Durham Shaw. Many people dislike Sabine because
of her personality, but Captain Shaw is resented by
many people for a different reason- he has been
allowed to stay in the city and work on the Wall even
though he suffers from the effects of the Spellplague.
Some say Shaw receives this special treatment
because he is a personal friend or distant relation of
Lord Neverember.
House of Knowledge
At the far northeastern end of the Wall stands what
was, in happier times, a flourishing temple to Oghma,
god of knowledge and wisdom. Before the quake,
the House of Knowledge served as a repository of
chronicled learning, including maps, history, and
hundreds of poems and chapbooks produced over the
centuries. Today, it looks less like a library and more
like a refugee camp, holding the area where the Wall
approaches the Neverwinter River.
After the cataclysm, leadership of the reduced
flock at the House of Knowledge fell to Brother
Anthus, an elderly human interested in studying the
Chasm and the Spellplague-touched creatures that
came from it. His research led to the temple's use as a
haven for Spellplague sufferers, which did not please
the Lord Protector. After Anthus's death under mysterious circumstances, a young woman in residence
known as the Prophet relocated the makeshift hospital and the remaining clerics of Oghma to Helm's
Hold, claiming a prophesied disaster would befall the
city if she did not.
Only one priest remained after the Prophet's
departure- Loremaster Atlavast, a middle-aged
human who became the custodian of the library after
the cataclysm. Fearing the worst as the cataclysm
occurred, the loremasters of the temple sealed the
inner sanctum, leaVing the young Atlavast sealed
within. As the ground shuddered and shook, Atlavast's
mind grew unstable. Now grown into an eccentric
recluse, Atlavast keeps to the lower vaults, continually
catalogUing and reorganizing. He is rarely glimpsed
these days, and the main evidence of his existence
is the occasional flickering light that filters up from
cracks in the cobblestones in the dead of night. As a
rule, no one ventures closer to investigate.
After the Prophet departed, the badly damaged
temple stood empty and abandoned until recently,
when a handful of squatters moved back into the
House. These refugees from the River District earn
their keep by ringing the temple's bells when they
Sight a new wave of monstrosities spilling from the
Chasm toward the Wall. Lord Neverember is said to
A jealous but not necessarily malicious guardian,
the reclusive priest Atlavast cares little for anything
other than the preservation of lore. He lets no one
see the lore he swore to protect as a youth_If intruders gain entry to the vault, his first reaction is to
lead them on a chase through the maze of traps he
has built over the last few decades.
Atlavast can be used in various ways. Perhaps an
ancient tome has loosed a demon that is keeping
the priest prisoner in the crypts, and he needs the
characters' aid to defeat the creature. Or perhaps
he, like so many others in the city, has fallen prey
to the influence of the aboleths and must be freed
and redeemed, after which he proves an ally to the
adventurers' cause.
You might play Atlavast as an eccentric who
has gone more than a little mad after years of
isolation. Perhaps he has maintained his wits and
merely awaits the coming of a legitimate heir (such
as a Neverwinter noble character) who will bring
lasting stability to the city. Once that occurs, the
priest plans to return to the surface and reclaim
the temple. He might or might not be aware of the
Ashmadai infiltration above.
Outside the vault, Atlavast can be a thorn in the
sides of both lord Neverember and the Ashmadai,
particularly if he makes a habit of attacking anyone
in the temple during his rare visits to the surface.
If the characters eliminate Atlavast, they might
acquire new and unexpected friends.
Atlavast takes special interest in an Oghma's
faithful character, since he or she is the first real
member of his faith to come to the House of
Knowledge in some time. The loremaster tests the
character's mental and physical fitness to reclaim
the temple before taking the adventurer into his
A cracked stone wall, patched in places with thick
wood, surrounds the graveyard called Neverdeath.
Consisting of two wide, roughly square areas of the
city, Neverdeath is filled with rows of headstones
interspersed with mausoleums and crumbling statues, often overgrown with withered grasses. Time, the
Spellplague, and the cataclysm all took their toll on
the graveyard, thrusting some sections higher than
others, collapsing buildings, and revealing graves.
Coffins now jut from small cliffs, and tumbled bones
litter the ground.
The graveyard takes its name from a common blessing given over the dead. As long as the city remained
in summer, it was said, the dead would never truly
leave. Many think that winter is coming soon for the
city's dead, however, brought by malevolent forces from
Thay. Neverember's mercenaries fear the graveyard,
preferring to burn the dead outside the walls of the
burial ground. If they are not burned, corpses left lying
nearby sometimes rise of their own accord.
Visitors who breach the walls of Never death come
under attack from undead creatures that emerge
from the ground. The cruel mistress of the graveyard,
Thayan sorceress Valindra Shadowmantle, expects
these first lines of defense to falter and relies on them
only to warn her of intruders. For Valindra, the graveyard's abundant, interconnected mausoleums are a
complex and tactically useful lair, one that the locals
already fear. Better still, she can take her pick of the
moldering corpses and yellowed bones buried here
and disturbed by the cataclysm.
Valindra uses the graveyard to bolster her undead
forces and to travel to Evernight by means of a
shadow crossing-a place where the thin boundary between the mortal world and the Shadowfell
is easily breached-at the center of Never death. She
has wrought a teleportation circle for this purpose,
which she activates on her own or with the aid of her
apprentice necromancers.
Theme Tie-In
The details of using the shadow crossing are up to
you. Perhaps the characters must open it with a grisly
mystic key, such as the hand of someone recently
slain. They might gain entry by succeeding on a skill
challenge involving Arcana and Religion, and using
Endurance to weather the rage of the spirits that
swarm the area.
The Red Wizards are well known for their mastery
of circle magic, and a renegade Red Wizard character
might remember the secrets of the technique. This
information might allow the character to know the
key or provide a bonus to skill checks related to the
shadow crossing. A scion of shadow character might
have a special relationship with the shadow crossing, and could accidentally stumble through it. An
Uthgardt barbarian or pack outcast might be led to the
location by a primal spirit.
Some time ago, the Netherese detected the Thayan
incursion into the Shadowfell, but by then the Thayans had already established a base in Evernight. The
Netherese hope to cut the Thayans off by stopping
Valindra Shadowmantle from using the shadow
crossing in the graveyard. The Netherese do not
want to alert Lord Neverember to their presence,
however, since avoiding interference with their
attempts to raise the city of Xinlenal (page 184) is
more important than cutting off the Thayan supply
of soldiers and workers.
Use this struggle to suit your game. Perhaps the
Netherese hire or manipulate the characters to
attack Valindra and shut down the crossing. The
Ashmadai or the aboleths might let rumors of the
struggle reach Lord Neverember so as to distract the
Netherese, the Thayans, and New Neverwinter. Or,
the Netherese might grow tired of cloak-and-dagger
tactics and launch a full-scale invasion of the city to
solve the problem.
I Gazetteer
Theme Tie-In
Gnome and dwarf guild members returning to
Neverwinter as refugees might solicit aid from the
characters to find as many of these clocks as possible
so they can recover lost construction techniques and
open the guild once more. Perhaps a member of the
guild begs the adventurers to bury a fellow member in
the crypt, as the only fitting way for the master to be
laid to rest. An Oghma's faithful character might relish
the chance to chronicle lost knowledge, and an heir of
Delzoun might appreciate the craftwork and seek to
learn more about it.
Neverwinter Docks
-'i uch of Never winter's original wealth and influence
came from its position as one of the few deep ports
on the Sword Coast. The Neverwinter docks were the
commercial heart of the city, though in some ways
that heart was infected with darkness and corruption.
The Spellplague went some way toward purging that
corruption- chunks ofland broke away and rose into
the sky, forming earthmotes that hovered overhead.
The surviving residents of the city adapted, connecting
the low-floating motes to the shore with ropes, chains,
and bridges. However, the cataclysm later destroyed the
foundations of these bridges, and the changed currents
swamped whole areas of the port with tidal waves. Neverwinter's already diminished trade dried up entirely,
leaving the docks a rotting ghost town. Only a few fishers and the occasional pirate ship made port here.
Lord Neverember made rebuilding this center of
trade a top priority. As part of his first initiatives, he
sent engineers and loggers to the Upland Rise, a forested hill outside the city that once served as a park for
the city's residents. The crews stripped the hill of all salvageable timber, leaving the Upland Rise a sparse echo
ofits former beauty, and used it to rebuild the docks.
For all his flaws as a political leader, Neverember is a
brilliant merchant prince, and his efforts have restored
rrade to the city. Today, supplies and coin flow into
Theme Tie-In
Shadier player characters-such as the Dead Rat
deserter, the scion of shadow, and the Harper agentmight find themselves particularly at home at the
docks, where coin is king and morality plays second
fiddle. Adventurers can buy whatever they need
(within reason) at the docks, whether the deals take
place on or under the table.
Theme Tie-In
Characters who have contacts in Waterdeep, such as
the Neverwinter noble and the devil's pawn, might be
of great interest to the Abeirans. A noble from the City
of Splendors, or anyone with influence over trade in
Waterdeep, can make fine friends among the Tarmalune merchants-and enemies among their rivals. The
characters might be able to use such connections if
they need a ship.
The merchants offer an opportunity to introduce
colorful personalities to the game. Disconnected
from the intrigues of Neverwinter, they can provide
lighthearted banter and be a breath of fresh air
when needed.
Fisher's Float
This island hovers over the Sea of Swords beyond the
southern end of the bay. Dotted with a smattering of
shacks, it is the home and workplace of fishers who
have lived on this earthmote since the Spellplague.
Skilled at their trade and fearless of the weather and
the turbulent sea, they provide a great deal of food for
the city.
For many years, rumors have spread that the fishers have thrived because of their worship of dark
gods or unnatural alliances with creatures that live
beneath the waves. Regardless of the veracity of these
barstool stories, the people of Never winter happily eat
the fish and crustaceans brought to land each morning and evening.
Pirates' Skyhold
Neverwinter legends say that this high-floating earthmote served as an unassailable harbor for sky pirates in
the years following the Spellplague. Because the mote
floats a hundred feet up and could not be accessed by a
direct path from the land, the pirates supposedly stored
all manner of treasure there, as safe storage for wealthy
or well-connected residents of the city.
Then, the story takes a dark turn. All the pirates
died in one night of blood and betrayal, leaving
the treasure and their skyship on the mote-along
with whatever slew them. Some people believe that
a dragon has claimed the pirates' loot as its hoard,
taking the earthmote as its lair because the city below
lacks the means to interfere.
Regardless of the story's truth, one thing is truePirates' Skyhold has long been abandoned. From the
right locations in Neverwinter, one can see rotting
wooden buildings poking out of the forests of the
Pirates' Skyhold offers the characters a potentially
fantastic aerial adventure site. No one knows what
might be up there, so you can fill in whatever details
best suit your game. Perhaps the Netherese have
taken control of the mote with the aid of their fearsome veserabs (FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaian Guide).
Of course, the characters need a way to reach
the Skyhold. They might have their own means of
flight, or they might receive aid from a Neverwinter
arcanist in exchange for some service.
their servants. If she ever succeeds, their ghostly abilities and royal secrets will greatly aid her cause.
Theme Tie-In
When confronted with ghosts, the characters' first
instincts might be hostile, but the remnants of Castle
Never could be a boon rather than a hindrance. Many
of the ghosts are the spirits of the deceased royal
family, offering reconciliation with an unknown past
(for a Neverwinter noble character) and a rare opportunity to chronicle the last days of Neverwinter (for an
Oghma's faithful character). However, the ghosts speak
in riddles, both because it amuses them and because
the strain of undeath wreaks havoc on their sanity.
Other adventurers can be tied to the spirits as
well. One ghost might bear a similar brand to that of
a devil's pawn character-in life, that ghost took part
in the rituals of Asmodeus and can provide insight
as to the meaning and purpose of the brand. One of
the Alagondar heirs might have married an elf who
perished in the castle and now holds secrets of value
to an lIiyanbruen guardian. A spellscarred harbinger
character might terrify the ghosts, who see the character's potential even ifhe or she does not.
According to stories circulating in the city, the
Crown of Neverwinter-enchanted to shield the
wearer from the extremes of heat and cold-marks
the true heir of Neverwinter, and all others who don
the crown find themselves burned by frost and fire.
The crown lies hidden somewhere in the ruins
ofthe city. Place it to meetthe needs of your game.
Finding the crown would be an important victory
in the overarching quest of a Neverwinter noble
character, or it might serve to help Lord Neverember validate his leadership of the city.
Crown of Neverwinter
Levell S Rare
Drow Encampment
The courtyard of Castle Never bears the traces of a
camp that was well hidden but has become increasingly obvious from frequent use. The camp originally
belonged to an infamous pair of drow: Drizzt
Do'Urden, legendary ranger of the North, and the
less well-regarded Jarlaxle, captain of the Bregan
D'aerthe mercenaries. The two drow were in the area
when the cataclysm claimed Neverwinter, and they
still have interests in the region. Specifically, they are
looking for clues to tie up a Thayan loose end from
their last mission. The drow established this camp as
a base of operations in Neverwinter, enabling them to
keep an eye on their schemes in the city.
At first, the camp consisted only of a few companions sharing a fire, but Drizzt's and J arlaxle's
occasional visits to the city encouraged young wouldbe adventurers to seek them out as teachers of the
ways of combat and heroism. The drow, both grandmasters, have inspired a small follOWing among the
disenfranchised or ambitious youth of Never winter.
After Drizzt and Jarlaxle's last visit several months
Level 4 Uncommon
Drizzt can climb riBht up one side ofhuBe foes and tumble
down the other to land like a cat.
Alternative Reward: Grandmaster training
840 gp
Climb the Giant. Encounter Utility (Move Action)
Requirement: You must be adjacent to a creature whose size
category is larger than yours.
Effect: You shift up to 5 squares to a square adjacent to the
larger creature. During the sh ift, you can enter the creatu re's space.
Drizzt's Kick
Level 8 Uncommon
level 12 Uncommon
Jarlaxle always has a trick up his maBic sleeves, includinB daBBers aplenty.
Alternative Reward: Grandmaster training 13,000 gp
You can draw a light thrown weapon as a free action.
Jarlaxle's Rapid Throw. Daily Attack (Minor Action)
Effect: You make a ranged basic attack with a light thrown
Voracious Nobility
A portion of Castle Never's staterooms collapsed
when the area was the site of a battle involVing servants ofValindra Shadowmantle against the beholder
Talgath. This destruction sealed off a number of
ghouls in service to Thay. The creatures relieve the
tedium of their existence by playing at nobility. They
dress in threadbare clothes left behind by the former
inhabitants, hold fetes and dances in the gathering halls, and play all sorts of crude and ugly games
until such time as Valindra reclaims them (which is
unlikely) or enterprising explorers free them.
Fungal Bloom
This atrium once housed all manner of pretty birds
and flowers. Since the cataclysm, they have been
reduced to skeletons in gilded cages and rotted, desiccated blossoms. Boarded over to keep out the sunlight
and trap the heat of rot inside, the cavernous chamber is suffused with dim blue light from glowing
lichen. Fiercely territorial myconids (Monster Manual
2) dwell here, having spawned from spores accidentally brought to the chamber by an ancient plant
collector. The myconids are happy to supplement
Web-Strewn Spires
Cobwebs fill the upper halls of Castle Never, and
scrabbling noises can be heard in its high towers.
Only the boldest explorers- those with no fear of
fangs in the dark- venture up to the spires.
Ettercaps (see the Monster Manual) have occupied
Castle Never for years, since long before the cataclysm. When the castle fell into disuse, the creatures
emerged from the dungeons and rose to claim their
places as kings of the palace. But their reign was not
to last-before long, Valindra and her undead moved
in, pushing the ettercaps upward. The Thayans leave
the beasts alone as long as they stay out of Valindra's way; her interests lie mostly below the castle.
Recently, however, a beholder moved in to conquer
the castle for itself, and it has decided that the spiderfolk would make excellent slaves. This threat has put
the once complacent ettercaps on their guard.
Ryxfith, the webspinner leader of the ettercaps,
fancies itself a mystic prophet. It has foreseen a time
when others will come to Castle Never and deliver
them from the beholder, and the characters might be
those for whom the tribe has been waiting.
I Gazetteer
Although the Ashmadai originally were a secret
cult, under Mordai Veil they have grown more
powerful and more daring. They do not rule
openly-not yet-but infiltrating New Neverwinter
has allowed them more leeway in their operations.
Half the soldiers in Blacklake are corrupt, and some
bear the mark of Asmodeus in the form of indwelt
devil spirits.
Rooting out and breaking the Ashmadai's power
base in Blacklake should pose a complex challenge
for the characters. One never knows whom to
trust, and the right word in the wrong ear can draw
brutal attacks or set back the characters' efforts by
The Ashmadai do have weaknesses, one of
which is arrogance. Whether a zealot or an entitled
noble scion, every cult member believes himself or
herself to be smarter or stronger than any opposition. Characters with skills in Bluff and Diplomacy
can ply their silver tongues to use this flaw against
the devil cultists.
Another Ashmadai weakness is their secretive
faith. Cult leaders keep their followers on a tight
leash, revealing religiOUS secrets only sparingly. As
a result, the Ashmadai worship and fear Asmodeus
more than they understand his tenets, and their
ignorance of their own religion can work against
I Gazetteer
I Gazetteer
Characters who interact with the Graycloaks inevitably come to the Driftwood Tavern. Madame
Rosene is slow to trust outsiders, placing her faith
mainly in familiar citizens of old Neverwinter
or their children. The characters might earn her
respect by recognizing elements of buildings they
have seen in the ruins, or bringing her particularly
beautiful pieces they recover on their escapades in
the city. Madame Rosene might test the adventurers' patience and fortitude by repeatedly sending
them in search of specific cultural relics, then
deciding that what they bring back is not what she
asked for.
len-jes would not find it worth her time to carry
out the tasks the lord Protector demands, except
for her second, shadier source of income. Fill in the
facts of len-jes's true loyalty to suit your campaign.
She might be an agent of Thay, or her heritage
might tie her to merchant or pirate interests from
Abeir. Perhaps she stole treasure and buried it
somewhere in Neverwinter, intending to retrieve
it after the heat dies down. Maybe the genasi does
everything in her power to keep secret a suspicious
badge that she wears, such as a Harper pin or a
brand on her flesh that marks her as the plaything
of Asmodeus. Then again, len-jes might be exactly
what she seems: an overworked bureaucrat in lord
Neverember's pocket who looks for any way she
can make a little extra money.
Vellgard Manor
At least one noble villa in the Blacklake District
houses its actual owner, but that fact is far from good
news for the people of Never winter. The dashing
Mordai VeIl, leader of the local Ashmadai cult, holds
sway over a small, well-guarded compound known as
Vellgard Manor.
The product of an affair between a devil and an
member of a human family from the south, Mordai
was a scandalous embarrassment hushed up by his
human relatives. When they perished in the cataclysm, he inherited the family estate. Mordai and
his Ashmadai allies moved back into the city before
Neverember arrived. While he occupied the manor
house, his Ashmadai cohorts hid in the cellars
beneath the place. With the arrival of the Lord Protector, Mordai took a more visible role in the district.
Charismatic, handsome, and wealthy, he has become
a popular figure - a civic leader who, some whisper,
might aspire to hold the throne of Neverwinter.
The estate is an armed compound flanked by
metal gates and hidden guards. An inner wall creates a killing field that could stop a small army. The
Ashmadai covertly make use of arcane wards and
summoned devils within the walls. They try hard
to keep their power base in the district both secret
and safe.
Theme Tie-In
The original mission that the Harpers gave their new
operative (the Harper agent character) was to assist
the Sons of Alagondar. In the process of accomplishing
that task, the agent witnessed the death of the group's
leader, Cymril, who was also a Harper. After Cymril's
death, the rebels lost their trust in the supposedly
well-meaning Harpers.
The Harpers might react to the adventurers in
unpredictable ways, particularly if the Harper agent
character is among them. Some believe the character
to be a traitor fit for death, whereas others see the
agent's potential as a valuable third party. Toram likely
attacks the adventurers immediately to avenge his
beloved Cymril (who was seducing him before her supposed death).
The Harpers' usefulness to the campaign does not
begin and end with the agent character. Any hero
who has demonstrable prowess in Bluff or Stealth
makes a natural target for recruitment by the group.
The organization pleads for help from characters who
prove their antipathy fo r Neverember or who battle
the Netherese or the Thayans.
I Gazetteer
The River District takes its name from the terrain
feature that has saved it from being overrun- namely,
the Neverwinter River, which holds at bay the plaguechanged forces that emerge from the Chasm to the
The bulk of Never winter's merchant class once
dwelt here, and the architecture shows it. The houses
were sturdily built, and although they are not ostentatious, most are large enough to have held a family of
six or eight plus servants. Guardhouses and security
walls abound, offering cover for skirmishers looking
to ambush unsuspecting visitors. Long flower gardens
run through the center of each street, although over
the years they have gone to weeds or decay.
One might think the Mintarns could have pacified
the River District by now, but safety proves elusive,
mostly due to a band of orcs (Monster Vault) in the
ancient Cloak Tower at the eastern edge of the area.
New Neverwinter's forces occasionally venture into the
district, but generally only as far as the Fallen Tower
tavern. That establishment serves as neutral ground for
negotiations between Lord Neverember and Vansi of
the orcs, to whom the rest of the district belongs.
Beasts from the surrounding wilderness occasionally stalk the streets here, hunting for food. Even
if the orcs were not present, the other dangerous
creatures would be reason enough for refugees to
avoid this district, regardless of whether their houses
remain standing.
The River District gets little of Neverember's attention or wealth; the people here live on their own.
Inhabitants are xenophobic in the extreme, and
the characters have to earn every ounce of trust or
respect they get.
Although two decades' worth of scavengers and
monsters have picked clean any obvious treasures
left unattended after the cataclysm, many secret
compartments, sealed cellars, and hidden chambers stand untouched in the River District. The
adventurers might stumble across secluded wizard
laboratories, creatures imprisoned for decades, or
armory caches left in surreptitious places. These
secret spots could hide equipment, rituals, wealth,
or hints regarding the threats facing the city.
Neverwinter refugees seeking to reclaim their
homes and property might pay handsomely for recovered valuables, and some of these stashes could see
active use in the intrigue-laden city. For instance, characters who loot a Netherese weapons cache might
find themselves the target of shadowy reprisals.
The Fallen Tower is a den of scum and villainy
where the characters can meet with nefarious residents of Neverwinter. Because it is neutral ground,
the tavern also presents a great chance to roleplay
with orcs. The characters might share a drink with
orcs that they have met and fought in the past.
In addition, the Fallen Tower needs to get its
supplies from somewhere. The characters might
meet orc scavengers or hunters in the ruins of the
River District. If they want to make friends among
the orcs, the adventurers might seek out troves of
wine or edible creatures.
Perhaps, instead, the truce between lord Neverember and Vansi depends on regular deliveries to
the Fallen Tower-a tribute to keep the orcs happy
and at bay. Neverember might want to keep these
deliveries secret to save face with the populace.
Stealing the deliveries or otherwise stopping them
might provoke a war. lord Neverember could hire
the characters to guard the deliveries, or the Sons
of Alagondar or another group might coax or trick
the characters into preventing them.
Cloak Tower
An expeditionary force of orcs from the Many-Arrows
tribe has come to Neverwinter and makes its base in
the structure known as the Cloak Tower. The orcs
have defied all attempts to rein them in or push them
out, and Lord Neverember is biding his time until he
figures out how to get rid of them. For the moment,
the orcs have helped to control the monster population in the northern half of the city. They tend to slay
anyone who interferes with their business, including plaguechanged spawn that come up through the
sewers on the north side of the river. Little does the
Lord Protector know that the Abolethic Sovereignty
has also taken notice of the orcs.
Their commander is Vansi, a warrior known for
her reaving flail and fearsome war cry. Ferocious
even for an orc, Vansi claims the streets of the River
District as her tribe's rightful dominion, governed
from the mysterious Cloak Tower.
The tower takes its name from a guild of mages
called the Many-Starred Cloaks who lived and gathered there. They were well known in the city for their
arcane skill and for the whimsical, colorful cloaks
they wore. During the Spellplague, the tower and
its occupants vanished. The tower reappeared half a
year later on a different patch of ground in the city.
As a tavern tale has it, when thieves first broke into
the tower several months after it first reappeared,
they found empty halls and no mages (or bodies).
Only the gUild members' many-starred cloaks
remained, hanging from pegs on the walls. Then
disaster struck the thieves: The lone survivor of the
group told of a horrific attack from cloaks that suddenly came to life and enveloped the other bandits.
Whether the tale or any part ofit is true, the citizens of Never winter shunned the tower for decades
thereafter-no one wanted to risk entering it.
District residents expected that the orcs, too,
would run afoul of the tower's wards when they tried
to occupy the place, but the creatures were able to
move in safely. They have established themselves quite nicely in the most protected
holdfast in the district.
Theme Tie-In
Any creature infused with shadowstuff, including a
scion of shadow character, is immune to the shadowabsorption effect of the Shard of Night. Thus, the scion
of shadow keeps his or her shadow while the other
characters lose theirs. The tower also exudes a comforting attraction to a scion of shadow character, which
might unnerve the player of that character. This attraction proVides a clue to the identity of the dark forces
hidden inside.
The southeastern quarter of Neverwinter lies in
almost complete ruin, virtu ally flattened by the
earthquake during the cataclysm and since then
Ruined Terrain
The surrounding land in the district that takes its
name from the Chasm is a tangled maze of broken
buildings and clotted streets, all ofit battered by the
elements and crushed under the paws of the Chasm's
monsters. Wall patrols venture into this wasteland
only occaSionally, since few who leave the barricade's
safety return. Those who do sometimes carry marks
from the experience, such as azure burns, twisted
The aboleths have been experimenting for years to
produce better and deadlier fighting machines, subjecting whatever monsters they can capture to the
Spellplague to augment the creatures. Their breeding program has no rhyme or reason that humanoids
can comprehend-it makes sense only to an aberrant
mind. The end results include natural animals merged
with one another, humanoids twisted into horrifying
caricatures of themselves, and any number of monsters granted strange new abilities through spellscars.
Use the plaguechanged template and sample
creatures in Chapter 3 for inspiration when making
new monsters to populate this area. If you want
to use plaguechanged monsters as story elements
rather than game elements, the only difference
between a plaguechanged creature and a normal
monster of the same sort might lie in the way you
describe the beast. For example, give it an odd
deformity or a persistent blue glow. let your imagination run rampant-the Spell plague can twist and
change anything in any way.
Theme Tie-In
Coming close to the Chasm inspires haunting daydreams in a spellscarred harbinger character, suggesting
that clues to his or her forgotten past lie below. The
visions might be a result of Spell plague resonance as
the character is drawn toward the source of his or her
power, or they might be something more sinister. The
character's spellscar could be the result of an Abolethic
Sovereignty experiment that is causing the character to
experience a dire summons. Or, the Prophet's attentions might have given the character a posthypnotic
suggestion to climb down into the Chasm.
Consider inuring the character, at least in part, against
the hazards of the Chasm. He or she might gain a +2
bonus to Endurance checks against creeping madness
(see below) or a bonus to skill checks when interacting
with the inhabitants of the Chasm. If it suits your game,
treat the character as an aberrant creature for the purpose of adjudicating the effects detailed in this section
(but do not reveal this treatment to the player).
In short, play up the character's shadowy connection to this awful place, but stop short of giving a full
explanation for it.
Creeping Madness
Creeping Madness
LevelS Disease
The skin ofthe infected bubbles and shifts, causing intense pain,
both physical and mental. The victim's eyes pulse with blue fire.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Optional Rule: If the disease had progressed to stage 3 or
higher, the target also gains a spellscar (see "Gaining a
Spellscar," page 42).
Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target takes a -2
penalty to initiative checks and Will. The target gains a +1
bonus to the attack rolls of powers that have the psychic
Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses one
healing surge that cannot be regained until the target
recovers from the disease. The target takes a -4 penalty to
Perception checks and Insight checks.
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, the target takes a -2
penalty to skill checks. The target's attacks deal 1 d6 extra
psychic damage.
Stage 4: While affected by stage 4, the target descends into
madness and is dazed.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes
an Endurance check:
9 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
10-14: No change.
15 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
Twisted Fane
False Bottom
Perception (moderate); The character spots approaching creatures or an incoming blast of energy and can
steer the party to avoid the threat.
Secondary Skills: Dungeoneering, Heal, Stealth.
Dun8eoneerin8 (moderate, limit 3 uses); Knowledge of
the aberrant mentality grants the character a +4 bonus
to his or her next Athletics or Nature check.
Heal (moderate, limit 1 uses); The character treats
the harm inflicted by a misstep. Eliminate 1 failure that
resulted from a failed Arcana or Endurance check.
Stealth (moderate, limit 1 use); The character helps
the party hide from an incoming attack. Eliminate 1
failure that resulted from a failed Perception check.
Success: Each success in this skill challenge represents the characters descending lower into the Chasm,
which grows stranger and more difficult the deeper they
climb. Overall success in the challenge takes the characters down to the Twisted Fane.
Failure: Each failure in the skill challenge causes
the character to lose a healing surge due to a burst of
Spell plague energy, a precipitous fall, or another mishap.
Accumulating 3 failures in the skill challenge costs each
character a healing surge and lands the party in an
immediate tactical encounter equal to its level.
Twisted Fane
Plaguechanged Warrens
Beneath the Twisted Fane, an enormous chunk of rock
is wedged into place between the two Chasm walls
like a hard pit stuck in a gaping throat. Given sufficient
force, the rock could be dislodged, but it has space only
to go up. A honeycomb of tunnels lies within it, and
most of the plaguechanged horrors that emerge from
the Chasm are spawned in these warrens.
The tunnels lead to thousands of breeding pits:
niches in the stone filled with sticky, embryonic flesh
sacs that course with blue fire. Creatures placed
in a niche undergo a process similar to the
transformation of a humanoid into an aboleth servitor, combined with the infusion
I Gazetteer
The aboleths have infused this cavern with the
same flotation magic that allows the city ofXxiphu
to sail among the clouds, surrounded by unfettered
krakens that are as comfortable in the air as in the
water. Characters who succeed on a DC 1 7 Arcana
check can harness this magic and move in the air
as through water, making subsequent Arcana or
Athletics checks to "swim" through the air (use the
rules for swimming). Creatures with a fly speed are
able to fly through this air normally.
True danger in Neverwinter lurks in places the sun
never touches- in the darkness beneath hundreds of
tons of stone. Underground ruins abound in a city
that has suffered so much damage. The Mintarn
enforcers rarely venture belowground, preferring to
deal with threats if and when they emerge onto the
surface. Thus, sewers and crypts make perfect lairs
for all sorts of creeping, scheming evil.
Shattered Sewers
When the cataclysm struck, Neverwinter's sewer
system took a serious beating as buildings collapsed
into their foundations , leaving a maze of precarious
wreckage and treacherous tunnels. Worse, the abo leths of the Chasm sent their servants creeping into
the tunnels, spreading the taint of the Spellplague
wherever they went. The sewers quickly became dangerous in the extreme, home to all manner of awful
beasts, including oozes and otyughs (Monster Vault).
Provided one is willing to risk getting lost or being
attacked, the extensive sewers proVide a means of
moving about the city. This method of travel is confusing and potentially deadly, however- one never
knows when a building overhead will collapse, bringing part of the ceiling down with it, or when a group
of underworld squatters might ambush intruders. The
tunnels near the Chasm are particularly hazardous
because they play host to aberrant beings in service to
the aboleths.
The forces of New Neverwinter rarely search the
sewers, so rebels and schemers use the filthy tunnels
Kraken Tunnels
An underground maze shaped vaguely like an octo pus, this complex once belonged to the Kraken
SOciety, a ruthless conglomerate of slavers and blackmarket traders that sought to control the Sword
Coast. Many rooms throughout the complex have
opening in their floors, revealing the dark, murky
water that lies beneath.
The Sons of Alagondar have taken over the complex. The Nasher faction uses it as a headquarters,
and it serves as a meeting place for conclaves with
the Graycloaks. Here, the Nashers conceal and feed
a monstrous weapon they might resort to using
against New Neverwinter: a plaguechanged sea
kraken (Monster Manual 3, with the plague changed
monster theme from Chapter 3).
Seemingly reduced to bestial intelligence by the
Spellplague, the ancient beast resides in the
water-filled catacombs beneath the tunnels
CHAPTER 4 [ Gazetteer
that used to grant access to the sea before the cataclysm. The creature protects the complex, striking at
invaders through the openings in the floors and withdrawing to ambush them elsewhere. The monster
recognizes the old symbol of the Kraken Society, and
it does not attack anyone who bears the octopus sign
of the former conglomerate.
The kraken tunnels connect to the Dead Rats' lair
elsewhere in the sewers, providing the Nashers with
qUick, secret access to their erstwhile allies. So far,
the rebels have kept secret the means of safely avoiding the kraken, but it is only a matter of time before a
member of the Dead Rats discovers the truth.
Theme Tie-In
It is not immediately apparent to a Dead Rat deserter
character that the gang includes some of his or her old
allies from Luskan, nor do the Dead Rats automatically
know the character. When they meet, however, it is a
sure recipe for tension.
Consider playing the Dead Rats as unlikely (and in
some members' cases unwilling) allies to the party. A
Dead Rat deserter can scheme to gain a place in the
gang, using the other members for his or her own ends
(and doing service for them in return) and perhaps
coming to dominate the group.
Taking leadership of the gang involves a brutal
battle against Rsolk. The wererat is willing to engage
in a one-on-one duel against a challenger, but his allies
jump in to aid him when he is bloodied, provoking an
all-out fight. A sore loser, Rsolk is likely to activate the
flood trap if he is defeated.
Helm's Hold
HelIn's Hold
Once a bastion of safety on the edge of Never winter
Wood, the fortified monastery and community called
Helm's Hold has endured through the last decades,
diminished but unyielding. It has lived through the
death of the god who gave the place its name, the
ravages of the Spellplague, and the ruination of Neverwinter. Through all this, Helm's Hold has taken a
serious beating but stubbornly clings to its original
purpose: to provide sanctuary for those who none.
Helm's Hold has always been a place of healing
and protection for the people of FaenIn. Even when
Helm perished a year before the Spellplague, the
monastery remained open, seeking to aid those with
nowhere else to turn. During the decades after the
Spellplague hit, the Hold became one of the few safe
destinations- if not the only one-along the Sword
Coast. The cataclysm once again made clear the
need for Helm's Hold and its services. Its doors have
remained open over the years, admitting all who
suffer, regardless of race, background, or faith.
Today, the monastery proper serves as an asylum
for those cursed with the Spellplague. People from
all over Faenln make the pilgrimage here for treatment, as do people from Neverwinter, which is less
Because Helm's Hold is so open and receptive, it is
vulnerable to roving monsters and the plots of dark
forces in the area. In particular, a pack of werewolves
operating at the beck and call of the Netherese
has targeted the community, and especially
the cathedral, for infiltration and conquest.
From beneath the shadowy boughs of Never winter Wood, Uthgardt barbarians calling themselves
the Gray Wolves stalk Helm's Hold, disguised as
human pilgrims by day and showing their lycanthropic nature by night_ On the direct orders of the
Netherese, they kidnap citizens, murder prominent
defenders of the town, and seek to subvert the Hold's
leadership_ Netheril briefly controlled the place
before the eruption of Mount Hotenow, but in the
chaos of that time, the Netherese let their grasp slip.
Prince Clariburnus would love to reestablish Helm's
Hold as a fortress in the region, but he values it primarily as a distraction (both for the Gray Wolves and
for any meddling interlopers) that helps him keep
secret his true activities in Neverwinter Wood.
Theme Tie-In
A pack outcast character who hopes to see his or her
tribe turn from Netherese influence must find a way to
end the Helm's Hold infiltration without acting openly
against the pack. Exposing the duplicity of the Shadovar might be the best way. If werewolves in Helm's
Hold discover a pack outcast character, they might
accuse the heroes of treason. If the townsfolk find
them first, the adventurers could be blamed for the
spate of recent murders. Such characters could end up
facing an angry trial, armed guards, or a lynch mob.
A spellscarred harbinger character also has a
reason to protect the town. Helm's Hold's monastery is the only place in the region where Spellplague
victims are receiving treatment. Even if the harbinger
character doesn't require such attentions, he or she
might feel sympathy for those who do. Of course,
many people fear spellscarred people and view them
with suspicion. Such a character in Helm's Hold is as
likely to be blamed for the murders as a pack outcast
is-maybe more likely, since a pack outcast could more
easily conceal his or her true nature.
Theme Tie-In
A pack outcast or Uthgardt barbarian character might
recognize Gray Wolf tribe members in their human
guises. However, this task is not easy; the Gray Wolves
sent to infiltrate Helm's Hold have adopted the
appearance of the citizens, cutting their hair, covering
tattoos, and speaking without an accent. They have
been trained to behave like "civilized" people (see
"Conyberry," page 189).
Any suspicious character can succeed on a DC 15
Perception check to get the sense that something is
amiss. Thereafter, an Insight check might reveal more.
A welcoming attitude is prevalent in Helm's Hold, but
not uniform. Over the last decade, more and more
people have flocked to the Hold from nearby Neverwinter during the city's reconstruction. Some were
newly infected with Spellplague; others accompanied
relatives who were cursed. Many of these individuals, ironically, brought prejudices and fears that
were foreign to the Hold. Too many have lost friends,
family, or livelihoods to the disease, and they resent
the spellscarred who benefit from treatment and are
able to suppress their afflictions. A civic movement is
growing to push out the spellscarred and take Helm's
Hold back for those pure of blood and flesh.
In part to combat this sentiment, a cult of spellscarred activists called the Heirs of Azure came into
being. Led by the charismatic half-elf Halas, a former
landowner in Neverwinter, the group advocates fighting back against the bigotry of the "purebloods." They
see pockets of intolerance forming in their town, and
they take to the streets against those who would run the
spellscarred out of the community. Despite the rhetoric
ofMeryth-a female elf high in the cult who calls for
peaceful resistance-the group's methods grow increasingly violent. (In fact, the cult might or might not owe its
loyalty to one of the dark powers active in Neverwinter.)
As a group, the Heirs of Azure share the viewpoint
of the Prophet Rohini; all are in favor of acceptance
for the spellscarred. Radical elements in the group
see the Prophet as an apologist who does not do
enough to further their common cause. The Prophet
is aware of the rift within the organization and seeks
to use it for her own purposes.
The cult operates out of a decrepit tavern called
the Hungry Flame, which has a reputation for being
unfriendly to patrons who are not spellscarred. The
place is a rogue's gallery of the strange and twisted.
Due to its reputation for endurance and tolerance,
Helm's Hold has surged in population in recent
ivic Safety, and Law
elm's Hold is a dangerous place, as evidenced by the
-wrapped bodies left each morning near doors and in the mouths of alleys. Laws are looser in
frontier town that relies on cooperation and selfciency, but recent attacks and tensions among the
ly arrived spellscarred necessitate armed patrols.
d Neverember has lent the services of some of his
cenaries to serve as a town watch, captained by
old associate of Neverember named Dunfield. He
w this assignment after getting into a disagreement
the Protector. Hard-bitten and cynical, Dunfield
ains an honorable man who tries to keep his sol- rs in line and serve the community as best as he can.
The government consists of a council of elected
akers who meet in a former inn called the Drag's Gauntlet to discuss and debate laws. Although
y have little say over the Mintarn soldiers, the
;peakers happily accept the extra protection- at least
the time being. IfNeverember overstays his welme or overreaches, the Hold's independent nature
sure to assert itself By that time, however, it might
be too late. Neverember already has enough clout in
town to do away with the council and establish mar:c
tiallaw ifhe sees fit.
The battered town hall of Helm's Hold, formerly an Vl
inn called the Dragon's Gauntlet, is a popular gathering 2
place for the people of the city, as well as a forum for its uj
tempestuous governmental process. The people of the
town are rugged individualists at heart, a characteristic that does not always mesh well with governmental
edicts. Loud shouts, challenges, and shows ofintimidation are acceptable methods of discussing legislation.
Everyone in Helm's Hold pays deference to Alisara
Callum, the town's elected Chief Speaker. Her ability
to inspire loyalty helps to keep the haphazard government functioning. A former soldier now past her
prime, Alisara brings a note oflegitimacy to the council. She wears a frayed purple tabard with a white
dragon sigil- the symbol of her former service with
the Purple Dragon Knights of Cormyr-which some
locals consider to be her personal coat of arms.
Alisara is well liked, though her policies of accepting the spellscarred irk some in the city. In particular,
councilman Doloran Bard, an aging farmer whose
family long ago helped build the original monastery,
is wary of trusting the direction of Helm's Hold to an
outsider. An unrepentant purist when it comes to the
spellscarred, Bard would prefer that the town push
out the "unclean" hordes and return the Hold to its
original purpose.
Life and death are both on stage in the plaza called
Heartward at the center of Helm's Hold, where a
marketplace is arrayed around a hangman's scaffold.
Food and gold are both scarce in the marketplace, and
brawls break out between customers who feel cheated.
Soldiers keep watch from the perimeter of the plaza.
Town criers declaim the words of the Prophet, particularly when she has foretold something seen as
especially wonderful or dire. The pronouncements
are entertainment as well as news, since people love
debating exactly what her portents mean.
The Heartward's chief notoriety is a haunting that
fills the plaza on certain nights, when clouds obscure
the waning moon. Luminous shapes appear- a gathering of ghosts that go about the business of the liVing.
Phantom vendors sell ephemeral apples at empty
stands, ghost children run happily through the streets,
and spirits hang one another at the scaffold. Some of
the scenes appear to be reenactments of past events,
whereas others have not occurred- at least, not yet.
The ghosts speak mostly nonsense, but some of what
they say might offer clues to past or future happenings.
The plaza'S name comes from a small shrine
on the edge of the marketplace devoted
to Sune, goddess of beauty and romance,
I Gazetteer
Numerous setbacks have taken their toll on the
structures and the people of Helm's Hold. Nowhere
in town is this fact more evident than in the oldest
district-Scar Alley, a small collection of weathered
streets where the least fortunate residents live. The
district is home to the worst spellscarred in town,
those shunned because of their extreme physical
During the Spellplague, the ground upon which
the Hold is built softened, causing some buildings to
bow or lean precariously out over the streets. Much
of the original stone construction of Scar Alley is
approaching ruin, and the residents do what they can
to bolster the failing structures with planks, mortar,
and fresh stone. The district is poorly patrolled, full
of hovels that are frequented by shady characters or
infested by monsters.
The cathedral to the dead god Helm lost its original
religious purpose long ago and became a sanatorium for the ailing, tended by the aging
faithful who still honor the traditions of
CHAPTER 4 I Gazetteer
Brother Satarin
Brother Satarin was an acolyte before Helm's death,
and the young dwarf took his vows shortly before the
god fell. Satarin stayed at the cathedral, teaching the
ways of his fallen master and attending to the needy
after the rest of Helm's clergy left the place for other
gods or retired from the cloth. Now, at the age of 160,
Satarin is as close to a high priest as the cathedral is
likely to see again, though he firmly eschews any title
but Brother. He opened the cathedral's doors to the
Prophet at the request of Brother Vartan, a priest of
Oghma whose research on resurrecting dead gods
was of interest to the still-devout Satarin.
The Prophet
Although Rohini does not sit in overt leadership in
the cathedral, the acolytes, servants, and patients
bow to her, calling her simply "Prophet." She seems
to her followers to be a kindly matron of forty years
of age, graceful and overwhelmingly compassionate. Through subtle charm, Rohini has captured the
hearts and minds of the people-sometimes literally.
The Prophet worships no particular god, but
Brother Satarin and the other acolytes believe that
several of her auguries foretell the return of Helm,
god of guardians. Rohini is accorded a position of
comfort, respect, and awe at the cathedral. It also
doesn't hurt that she has enthralled several members
of the clergy with her succubus powers.
For more about the Prophet and her schemes, see
page 96.
At some point, Rohini might try to steer the characters through reward or charm. She is adept at
manipulation and always knows the right thing to say.
If one of the characters has a spellscar, the Prophet
might claim that she can cure the malady in exchange
for a service. Even if the adventurers discover her true
nature, she might present herself as an ally rather
than an enemy-at least for the time being.
Perhaps Rohini is legitimately on their side,
thinking that the characters can free her of the
aboleths' influence, or maybe she is setting them
up for a fall. Ultimately, she is a devil, and trust and
compassion are foreign to her nature. If she does
not betray the adventurers immediately, she will
try to get rid of them as soon as she wrings every
drop of usefulness from them.
Also, for some time, Mordai Veil- leader of the
Ashmadai cult in Neverwinter-has actively pursued
Rohini in a fervent courtship, one that reached a
new level once he learned of her nature as a devil.
Since the characters represent a (relatively) neutral
third party, Mordai might hire them to learn more
about her.
Beneath the stately, well-lit halls on the surface, the
lower levels of the cathedral grow darker and more
frightening. A sanatorium hides in the vaults: a maze
of cramped corridors that houses a growing number
of spellscarred victims, who struggle with insanity or
physical deformities.
Once a day, the patients are allowed out onto
the cathedral grounds, under close observation by
priests. Although the madness of these unfortunates
Rohini delivers a vast array of prophecies, whether
for good or ill, for small boons or grand disasters.
They might refer to inconsequential events, or one
might be the basis of an entire adventure. Generally, her prophecies have a dark or twisted facet.
For example, a carpenter in Helm 's Hold might
interpret a prophecy as signifying that his daughter
will be kidnapped, so he traps her in a maze (unless
the characters rescue her).
Below is a sampling of prophecies that Rohini
might offer to anyone off the street.
.. "A bright day will dawn for this land in a time of
.. "One shall come who will banish old evil and
open a path to new horizons."
.. "Soon curses shall be lifted and diseases cured,
and all will share in one health."
For a Spellplague victim or one drawn deeper
into the confidence of Rohini or her followers, the
prophecies start to take a more militant angle .
.. "Those who now see ugliness shall soon see
.. "Prophecy comes to all of us in dreams, not just the
Prophet. Sleep without fear, and free your mind."
As an inductee is brought into the choir and closer
to the truth, the prophecies become about the great
day when the Symphony of Madnessis honed to its
ultimate expression.
.. "Soon will come a day when you shall be among
the chosen."
.. "Your scars will complete you, and you shall
have great power over those who mocked and
abandoned you."
I Gazetteer
For years, the residents of Scar Alley have occasionally reported seeing flitting shadows in the streets
and at windows, as though small, fast creatures
were watching their most intimate moments. Some
people have come to the conclusion that the district
is haunted by fey spirits. However, the true explanation is more mundane. Humans and their ilk are not
the only ones altered by the Spellplague; a number of
spellscarred goblins, kobolds, and other light-footed
humanoid monsters dwell in a subterranean complex
beneath Scar Alley called the Warrens.
When Helm's Hold first began to expand as a city,
engineers started to excavate a drainage system for
the monastery and the surrounding town. When the
engineers broke into the cathedral's original crypts,
however, monsters overwhelmed the delvers and
drove them out. Ultimately, the city abandoned the
half-completed project. These passages have since
become a haven for monstrous humanoids of all sorts.
I Gazetteer
Through the many years that Helm's Hold has stood,
its occupants delved underground. Their crypts and
ossuaries utilized of natural caverns as well as chambers left in the earth by old empires, creating a vast
network of tunnels and levels. Once the domain only
of the peaceful departed, these places have now been
invaded by the living, making the dead grow restless.
I Gazetteer
Well of Bones
The more devout members of the cathedral call this
place the "Transition Room" because they see it as
representative of the path into death. The tall chamber leads down into the crypts by a series of spanning
bridges and crumbling spiral staircases. All around
the plunge into the depths stand niches filled with
coffins or bones, and rusty cages hang creaking from
the ceiling. Candles light of their own accord in the
niches, casting unnerving shadows that dance like
duelists on the opposite walls.
The acolytes theorize that the small chambers off
this room housed families of the people who once
dwelled here. The fact that some of the chambers
cannot be reached by conventional means suggests
that the former inhabitants could fly or magically
transport themselves. Regardless of the veracity of
this theory, stirges, gargoyles, giant bats, and other
flying creatures make their homes here, using their
airborne advantage to dispose of intruders.
Werewolf Burrows
In the cramped halls of the Crypts of the Vigilant Eye,
not all the shadows that watch are aberrant. Some are
vicious hunters ravenous for a taste of fresh blood.
A short time ago, in a vain attempt to seize control,
a band of Gray Wolfinfiltrators delved into caves
beneath Helm's Hold, looking for a way inside. They
Hunting Ground
Beneath the more stable levels of the crypts, the
caverns appear to be made of virgin stone that is
anything but natural. The seething influence of the
Spellplague in nearby Neverwinter and the song of
the plaguechanged choir have warped the environment of these caverns and created a strange sort of
swampy forest. Luminous rocks protrude at unnatural angles from the stone, twisted trees grow where
none should thrive, and brackish water the color of
blood runs up the walls.
Hex Locus
Hidden among the pungent swamp of Chartilifax's
refuge is a small tunnel that leads down to a bizarre
cavern-a vault of stone that is not protected by magic
or mechanical traps. No such wards are permitted
because they might interfere with the chamber's
function. It is a focus for the Symphony of Madness
and channels the flow of Spellplague energy from
The walls of the cavern resemble those of a bulbous internal organ- not quite a brain, but not quite
anything else. Corrupted by the summoned energy,
the stone constantly throbs as though with breath
or the pulse of a heart. At the center of the chamber rests a pedestal, upon which sits the focus of the
choir: a seemingly normal-looking bronze coffer.
This chest, the Hex Locus, is the item through which
Rohini was corrupted into a foulspawn, and it collects and channels the Spellplague energy for use by
the aboleths.
The Hex Locus is so intrinsically bound to the
Prophet that she can feel when anyone approaches
the coffer. When someone enters the chamber, she
feels it like pain. Unless she is disabled or wants the
Hex Locus to be destroyed (see the sidebar), she will
use the teleportation circle in the crypt tunnels to
travel directly to the Locus as soon as it is breached,
triggering a confrontation between the interlopers,
Rohini, and any foulspawn servants she summons.
Leagues beyond Neverwinter, a thick press of trees
shrouds a foreign world in shadows and fear. In places,
the land's brush grows into dense walls, and trespassers must hew through it branch by branch to gain
access to the land's private places. Where the thickets
are lighter and natural pathways allow for easier travel,
the land's aura is no less menacing. Overhead, the canopy's branches and leaves intertwine into wooden fists,
blotting out the sun and transforming the idea of" day"
into a memory of brighter, safer domains. Travelers
who risk entering this looming forest feel baleful eyes
tracking their movements. Despite the warm temperature, a coldness creeps inside their clothing, sending
shivers down their spines.
This is Neverwinter Wood. Dark and brutal outsiders journey here to steal power, magic, and lives.
Monstrous denizens of this world and others dwell
here in shadows, glaring in hatred at ignorant mortals
who think to tame the wilds. Here, the bones of ancient
civilizations that believed their magic a match for the
woods reside as testaments of their folly. And here, the
ghosts of such mistakes haunt the edges of this foreign
reality, never escaping the winter of their lives.
A dark, ominous forest is enough to make anyone
nervous. But in Neverwinter Wood, even the
unease is unnatural. In areas of the woodland,
travelers' disquiet thickens into a supernatural fear,
becoming fantastic terrain.
Effect: living creatures in affected squares must
make a saving throw before rolling initiative. Those
who fail are surprised during the first round of
living creatures who fail a Perception check
while in affected squares are convinced they heard
or saw something moving nearby.
Finally, living creatures take a -1 penalty to Will
and saving throws against fear powers and effects.
Special: Creatures that live in these woods for
more than a few weeks grow immune to this effect.
Lacing through Neverwinter Wood, like a stitch
holding together the earth's skin, are the Crags.
This series of hills and steppes grows into a small
mountain range, terminating in the awesome
Mount Hotenow.
I Ga z etteer
, - =
Theme Tie-In
While exploring the Gauntlgrym outposts, an heir of
Delzoun character might glimpse the true depth of his
or her heritage. Such a hero could find doors that he
or she can more easily open or ancient writings that
refer to dwarves whom the character believes are his
or her ancestors.
Exploration of the Crags might lead characters into
conflict with Netherese scouts, who hope to plunder
relics from any outposts they uncover. Adventurers
could also encounter mind flayer thralls, giving them a
taste of what they are likely to face once they do find
Volcanic heat and Mount Hotenow's underground
springs ensure that Neverwinter River is true to its
name. From its source on the mountain's slopes all the
way to the sea, the waterway never freezes. It remains
warm on all but the coldest days. The river and its
tributaries maintain the woods' balmy temperature,
seemingly denying the seasons access to the forest.
Despite their warmth and the prevalence of fish,
turtles, and other aquatic life in them, neither the
Neverwinter nor three of its four tributaries- the Gibdraw, Berun's River, and Edals Creek- have spawned
tales of river monsters. Only the River Morgur has
been associated with such beasts. Such rumors are
uncommon, though, and they often differ dramatically in their descriptions.
Once a prosperous logging village and the source of
the best Neverwinter timber, Thundertree became
a skeleton of its former self when Mount Hotenow
erupted. Building frames, ankle-deep in detritus,
stand alongside ancient logs culled from fallen
trees that the villagers abandoned when they fled.
Now, spirit-animated plant monsters haunt pockets
of Thunder tree. (To create such creatures, add the
undead keyword and resist 10 necrotic to whatever
plant monsters you choose.) Only one other creature
calls the ramshackle remains home: the dwarfFavria
For ages, this enchanted tower perched atop an island
in the middle of a small lake, but none could see it
during the day. As twilight's shadows grew, the tower
would appear, its invisibility faltering. Then, during
the Spellplague, the Tower of Twilight vanished. The
invisible bridge that formerly spanned the lake could
no longer be felt, and the tower did not reappear as
darkness fell. Where it went during its time away
is unknown, but since the cataclysm it reappears
sporadically. No sign of the wizard who last resided
inside the tower has been detected, and no one knows
whether anyone or anything lives there now.
Where does the tower go, and why has its nature
changed? Who or what now resides within it?
Perhaps the tower is trapped in its own timeline,
experiencing only those moments when it reappears.
Characters still within it when it vanishes might
miss days, months, or even years without noticing
anything has changed until they exit the tower and
are confronted with a different time of day or season
from what they expect. The wizard who lived there
might be there still, so absorbed in his interests
inside the tower that he has not noticed nearly a
century of time has passed outside his walls. Alternatively, the wizard might still be struggling with the
effects of the Spell plague, haVing only experienced a
few days of time since it began.
I Gazetteer
New Sharandar
Crown of Ages
I Gazetteer
The overgrowth throughout the ruins can be problematic. In some spots, the foliage is thick enough
to form a genuine barrier. It blocks line of sight
and must be destroyed or forced aside before
characters can pass. (Assume that such barriers are
Medium or Large obstacles of fragile to very fragile
composition; see "Damaging Objects" in the Rules
Compendium). More often, the overgrowth isn't that
bad but is still thick enough to be difficult terrain.
However, its presence does make the walls and tree
trunks easier to climb, requiring (assuming no special circumstances) only a DC 10 Athletics check.
greatest relics-writings, magic items, holy icons,
shrines, and bodies of cultural heroes-these chamo
bers are saturated with preserving and defensive
magic. A few exist in pocket domains between the
mortal world and the Feywild, appearing in one or
the other and sometimes in neither. Only the proper
combination of spells and passwords easily grants
access to each chamber; the defenses are old, how$
ever, and likely can be circumvented by other means. ex::
Part of this treasure could empower the eladrin to
swiftly retake Sharandar's remains, or it could enable Z
the Netherese to dramatically advance their progress
in restoring the city ofXinlenal.
Theme Tie-In
Once characters learn about the looting of these ruins,
an lIiyanbruen guardian character might decide that
protecting the remaining sites-or retrieving lost relics
and punishing thieves-should be the group's highest
priority. The heroes could also be dragged into such
efforts against their will. The eladrin newcomers might
insist that the fey they encounter aid their cause,
denouncing as traitors those who refuse. Elf, eladrin,
and gnome characters might feel compelled to help, if
only to prove that their non-fey companions aren't the
eladrins' enemies.
If non-fey adventurers have acquired relics or magic
items from the ruins, may the gods have mercy on them,
because the eladrin will not. On the other hand, clever
characters (especially a scion of shadow) might realize
that even the most hostile eladrin rebuilders are potential allies against Netherese forces. If characters can
prove that the Netherese are responsible for the worst
of the plundering, a guerrilla conflict is likely inevitable.
Fey Vaults
In several broken-down structures that the returning
eladrin have not yet located are a variety of reinforced
chambers. The repositories of some ofIliyanbruen's
New Sharandar
Many of the fey who left Faerfm in a past age traveled
to the Feywild, where they continued the legacy of
Iliyanbruen, one of the three successor states ofIllefarn. For a time, these Iliyanbruen fey were content in
their new home. But over the generations, they came
to long for their forebears' lands in the mortal realm
and for the cultural heritage they had left behind. So
when the planes fell into alignment once more and
the ancient portals opened, they set out to explore the
world they had lost.
This opportunity led to the birth of New Sharandar. A military outpost some distance from where
Iliyanbruen now lies in the Feywild, New Sharandar
was built in the ruins around the portal on the Feywild side. The effort wasn't without complications,
however. Before erecting the outpost, the eladrin had
to drive away a band of dark fey. Thus, New Sharandar
is fortified both within and without, to defend against
incursions from Toril and the rest of the Feywild.
Though a relatively small outpost, New Sharandar
is the source of eladrin activity in the Neverwinter
region. Standing in a Feywild forest far less dense
than Neverwinter Wood, New Sharandar consists of
structures that are little more than log cabins on the
ground or tree houses in the branches-far less ornate
than the ruins of old Sharandar. Armed sentries stand
at nearly every vantage point, watching for trouble.
The fey knight Merrisara Winterwhite
(page 126) commands New Sharandar, but
she spends most of her time in the mortal world, restoring the ruins of old Sharandar and trying to keep her
angrier warriors in check Her second in command,
an arcane archer (Monster Vault) named Olirien Mistcrown, happens to be one of those angrier warriors_ He
holds authority when Winterwhite is absent, setting the
stage for potentially significant problems.
Living Abatis
New Sharandar's defensive wall is constructed of
overlapping stems and branches, shaved and sharpened to puncture and impale intruders. Unlike
similar barriers in the mortal world, this abatis is
composed of still-living foliage, with its roots plunging deep into Feywild soil.
To climb the wall requires only a DC 11 Athletics
check, but entering each square causes 5 damage.
Certain sections of the wall can act as spear gauntlets (Rules Compendium), daggerthorn briar (Dun8eon
Master's Guide), or plant monsters, such as bloodthorn vines or greenvise vines (Monster Manual 2).
Inner Fort
Even though most of New Sharandar is deSigned to
defend against outside attack, the fort at the outpost's
heart has the opposite purpose. Built as a ring around
a large courtyard, its inner walls feature heavily reinforced gates, an abundance of arrow slits, cauldrons
of caustic plant venom, and similar fortifications.
Built to guard against the portal to Toril, this fortress
is home to New Sharandar's military offices. Scores of
fey soldiers occupy the stronghold at all hours, ready
to act at a moment's notice. Only a Single gate-an
oaken structure bound in mithral-provides access to
the inner courtyard.
Courtyard Portal
Within the courtyard, the only growth taller than
a blade of grass is a single mighty oak. This tree
appears identical to the one that marks the Toril side
of the portal (see "Hole in the World," page 177) and
functions in the same way. Old Elven runes mar the
tree, a testament to the attempts of the dark fey to
reactivate and control the portal before the eladrin
took it from them.
Temple of Leaves
The outpost has room for only a Single temple. Even
though the occupants are technically welcome to
pay homage to whomever they'd like (within
reason), priests and services are devoted to
I Gazetteer
Hidden Shrine
In a secret cellar beneath the attached dormitory
where the priests dwell, magical crimson light illuminates a deep niche. Within it stands a shrine at which
Addemios Three-Dawn and his fellow conspirators
pray to their dark god. When Asmodeus manifests in
the Feywild, he does so as a clever trickster, the lord
oflies and deceit, rather than as a dark tyrant. Unlike
The lIiyanbruen fey can be great allies or terrible
enemies for the characters. The heroes' actions can
build that bridge or spark violent eruptions.
The fey might align with the heroes if they proVide
overwhelming evidence that a few specific interestsprimarily the Shadovar-are responsible for the vast
majority of raids on the Sharandar ruins; if they can
prove, beyond doubt, that Addemios Three-Dawn is a
traitor; if they show respect for the ruins and can convince the fey they have not absconded with Iliefarni
cultural treasures; and if they can do all this while
being relatively diplomatic and without killing more
eladrin in self-defense than they absolutely must.
On the other hand, if adventurers steal from the
ruins, engage in unnecessary or violent battle with
the eladrin, or openly fight Three-Dawn before proving his true allegiance, then the violent faction uses
any legitimate excuse to take up arms, and it might
be nearly impossible for heroes to stem the tide.
Any invasion of angry lIiyanbruen fey could spell
doom for Neverwinter, sparking a titanic four-way
war between Thay, Netheril, Neverwinter, and New
Sharandar. Characters might try to forge alliances
between factions or break up alliances they dislike.
Such a conflict might draw in Waterdeep or call
down the Many-Arrows armies.
In and around the Dread Ring, stains of darkest
magic linger-the residue of both the dead dragon
buried below and the ring's essence.
Effect: Such areas take on the traits of both
defiled ground and necrotic ground (Dunaeon
Master's Guide 2).
In addition, any power that has the arcane or
the necrotic keyword scores a critical hit on a roll
of 19-20. (A power that has both keywords scores
a critical hit on a roll of 18- 2 0.) Also, creatures near
the ring take a -1 penalty to saving throws against
powers or effects that have the fear keyword.
In Neverwinter Wood's deepest region, where shadows weigh on travelers like wet wool, something
malign lurks. The thick forest ends abruptly, its border
abutting a circular field of ash. Animals give wide
berth to the site, and the surrounding forest land is
Thayans collect corpses from numerous sources, including Neverwinter's graveyard, conflicts with Gray Wolf and
Netherese enemies, and lIIefarn's burial grounds. It's possible they also raid Uthgardt resting places. A character
with connections to any of these factions might discover the body of a friend, relative, ancestor, or cultural hero
has been taken to become a soulless, shambling slave. Characters might end up in a race against time, struggling
to retrieve bodies before they can be reanimated. Alternatively, it might be too late. Then a hero could feel compelled to destroy the undead mockery to allow the person's body to return to its rest.
Characters might have other motivations for seeking a particular undead's destruction as well. After all, not
all undead are mindless, and a fallen champion could know an area's defenses or other critical secrets that must
be protected at all costs. The information could be more specific in nature, too, such as detailing the adventurers'
identities and abilities.
Although such creatures are exceedingly rare, the heroes might find a newly animated undead that still possesses
some of its prior personality. They could attempt to convince the creature to fight against what it has become and
reveal information it has about the Thayans.
If a hero encounters an undead friend or loved one, consider applying a -2 penalty to his or her attack rolls and
damage rolls against that creature (save ends), to represent an instinctive hesitation to stab or burn something
with a beloved face. Once the character saves, he or she gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against
that target, representing rage over what's been done.
of ash only if they are forced. Familiars, beast companions, and the like are apt to proceed, snarling or
whimpering, if their masters do.
Even within the unnatural oppression of Neverwinter Wood, the ring's malignity stands out against
the surrounding landscape's. Characters who have
training in Arcana automatically sense the magic
in the broken walls of the Dread Ring (though they
cannot tell its purpose). As their teeth chatter, their
palms sweat, and their souls clench, even the most
unobservant adventurers can tell this is a warped
Boundless Carnage
Flesh Factory
Gazett e er
Writhing Walls
The Dread Ring was crafted from dark stone. Large
sections of it were damaged or destroyed when Szass
Tam's ritual was foiled, and little stone exists in the
region to replace it. Even though the Thayans could
quarry stone from the Crags and lug it through the
forest, they have chosen an alternative method to
patch up the worst gaps.
Growing portions of the ring's interior walls are
now composed of flesh and bone. Spellcasters animated the walls, which have enough intelligence to
retain simple programmed behavior. Now the undead
walls are repairing and expanding themselves-the
Thayans drag body parts within reach of the walls,
and the walls do the rest.
Halls of Madness
Although it's a fully functioning fortress, the Dread
Ring was built primarily to use as an eldritch focus.
Undead creatures-which have long since forgotten
what it means to live- magically constructed it to channel arcane energy for a purpose beyond the ken of most
mortals. Thus, elements of the ring's architecture aren't
precisely what an objective observer would call sane.
Most hallways and chambers have odd angles and
display discomfiting decorations but are otherwise
normal. A significant minority make substantially
less sense: Rooms have an uneven number of sides
or walls that intersect at peculiar, sloping angles; corridors are abnormally cramped or exceSSively wide,
make unnecessary turns, or lead to dead ends; and
stairs are uneven and take travelers up and down
multiple flights only to end on the level on which
they began. Furthermore, some floors and walls have
strange seams in them, as though made up of two
pieces that were not properly fitted together. Strange
light in vertigo-inducing colors radiates through these
gaps. Occasionally, alien scents and low sounds that
resemble living beings' moans accompany the light.
The walls have been known to grab hold of living
raw materials that venture too close. Creatures
that aren't acknowledged members of the Thayan
workforce trigger its instincts if they stand nearby
for more than 1 round.
Corpse Wall
XP 500
Detect Perception DC 11
Initiative +7
AC 18, Fortitude 20, Reflex 15, WiIIImmune necrotic, pOison, psychic, forced movement, all
conditions; Resist 10 to all damage but fire and radiant;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
Burned in Light
When the wall takes radiant damage, any saving throws
made against its arasp of the dead before the start of its
next turn gain a +2 bonus.
Great Excavation
In the open center of the Dread Ring, scaffolds hang
over the edge of a vast earthen pit. Scores of workers, living and undead, swarm across them. A dragon
skull and several bones so large they beggar the imagination poke out from the soil far below.
This is the resting place ofLorragauth, the ancient
black dragon Valindra that plans to transform into
the first ofThay's fettered dracoliches.
Even though the workforce is regularly
depleted to a skeleton crew, so to speak,
during the fiercest Netherese attacks, work
Theme Tie-In
The characters might be horrified to discover the
Uthgardt Thunderbeast tribe's totem, animated as a
massive skeleton (use the rotclaw in Draconomicon:
Chromatic Dra80ns). Uthgardt barbarian characters
should stop at nothing to see the totem recovered-or
at least destroyed and, thus, freed from this blasphemous existence.
[Z] [UJ
Dread Spire
The tallest surviving tower in the ravaged Dread
Ring houses the Thayan forces' war room, as well as
an entrance to Valindra's sanctum. It also includes a
chamber cast in permanent shadow (even magic light
sources provide only dim illumination) that serves
as the Thayans' portal to the Shadowfell. Through it,
they acquire bodies from the Neverwinter graveyard
and send and receive caravans from Surcross along
the Shadowfell Road. Finally, the tower is home to the
so-called Chapel of the Dragon, where Kroskas (page
12 7) and other Cult of the Dragon captives are forced
to labor.
Valindra's Sanctum
Valindra Shadowmantle occupies a suite in the Dread
Ring, where she retreats to when she requires time
for research, study, or plotting, or when she wants to
avoid the lesser beings with whom she must keep company. The lich uses the suite's largest room as a library
and study. It contains a multitude of tomes on history,
magic, and esoteric topics. (If you'd like the characters to gain access to new rituals, or to introduce new
wizard spells to your campaign, this is a good place to
do it.) The library is immaculate and well preserved.
The same cannot be said for the suite's other major
room, Valindra's bedchamber. The lich doesn't need
sleep, but she enjoys having a place to keep her wardrobe and other belongings. She spends time in this
room meditating, preparing spells, and pondering
ploys without distraction. Covered in grave dirt, dust,
mildew, cobwebs, and insect carapaces, this chamber
is beyond squalid. A musty stench emanates from it,
and its ratty carpet sends up clouds of filth when anything crosses it. As an undead creature, Valindra has
no aversion to dirt.
The lich's sanctum is one of the aforementioned
areas that ignore the laws of nature and geometry.
The suite exists in four areas of the ring at once, and
only one room can be accessed at a time.
Theme Tie-In
Valindra's library can be a powerful enticement. If
a renegade Red Wizard character gained access,
he or she could study Thay leaders' methods. Elves
and dwarves might learn locations of lost outposts
or uncover information that aids in the search for
Gauntlgrym. An Oghma's faithful character could significantly add to the temple's archives. Furthermore,
characters could unravel the fate of Neverwinter's old
ruling families, the specifics of Szass Tam's scheme
to attain godhood, the truth about Neverwinter's
destruction, or any other secret you care to share.
An enormous contraption, larger than some houses,
fills the ring's uppermost chamber. This orrery has
hundreds of moving parts on dozens of metal trunks,
limbs, and branches. The entire device rotates, with
each part revolving around the parent structure at
its own speed. Balls of various hues, crescents of iron,
and lenses of meticulously cut and polished glass decorate the ends of the protrusions.
This is Valindra's observatory, where she charts
celestial movements above Toril, the Shadowfell, and
the Feywild. When the stars and the mechanism's
limbs are in proper alignment, Valindra uses the
device's lenses to scry throughout the three worlds.
The observatory is never left unattended. Soldiersliving and undead-stand guard, and another of
Valindra's lieutenants always occupies the room. Lurrens, formerly a wizard, is now a preserved brain in a
reinforced container (see "Brain in an Armored Jar,"
Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead). He continuously
observes the whirl and turn of the heavens, manipulating the device telekinetically. Lurrens watches for
the device to reveal secrets and portentous star alignments. Then he alerts Valindra to them.
During combat, any creature pushed or otherwise
forced into the grinding, rotating machine falls prone,
is restrained, and takes ongoing 10 damage (save
ends both).
I Gazetteer
In the woodland's eastern reaches, the forest floor
smacks into an earthen wall that rises about 60 feet
before stretching into a plateau. Although the rise is
not especially great, the topside's thick canopy and
heavy overgrowth shroud it in secrecy. Beneath this
wooded cloak, cracked and scattered structures and
winding avenues intertwine with the forest's vines,
grasses, and branches.
This plateau holds the wreckage ofXinlenal, the
First Enclave ofNetheril. The earliest of the Netherese flying cities, Xinlenal plummeted to the earth
when magic briefly ceased to function during the
empire's fall. Here it has lain for nearly two millennia. However, if Prince Clariburnus has his way, the
First Enclave might soon soar again.
Forest of Hides
Despite not having a solid presence inside Xinlenal or
knowing precisely what the Netherese are doing here,
the Gray Wolves do recognize the fallen city as
the heart of Shadovar efforts. Thus, when
the lycanthropes first went to war with the
Forsworn, they staked up the bodies of their "traitorous" kinsfolk in a thicket of death beneath the plateau
ofXinlenal. This action's purpose was twofold: to
warn werewolves not to turn against the tribe , and to
show solidarity with the Shadovar.
Granted Attack
This orchard of death reeks of decay and is swarming with insects and crows_ This show of cruelty has
made many members of the Gray Wolves more determined to see the alliance between their tribe and
Netheril end_ At the same time, ironically, the Forest
of Hides has also made it easier for the Forsworn to
reconnoiter here, because the stench hides the scent
of their spies from Gray Wolf sentries.
Broken Edge
Several dozen feet in height, the "edge" ofXinlenal's plateau appears to be a natural phenomenon,
an escarpment dividing the fallen city from the rest
of the forest. The rock surface above which the city
floated was blasted upward under the impact of its
crash, forming a lip of broken stone that serves as
the edge of the plateau. From atop the plateau, the
wreck of the city looks absolute; the buildings seem
to be little more than piles of forest-covered rubble,
often unrecognizable as ruins. Nothing at the edges is
salvageable, except as raw materials, and no smooth
pathways exist. Travel from the edge to the city's interior involves clambering over heaps and valleys of
broken stone and fallen towers.
Flying beasts, such as griffons and cockatrices, and
giant climbing insects dwell in a few "caves" formed
when buildings collapsed against one another. Before
the Netherese returned to the site, these creatures
and a few surviving constructs of ancient Netheril
were Xinlenal's only inhabitants.
Web of Stone
A webwork of stone hovers over the center ofXinlena!. Roughly ring-shaped, it consists of dozens of
bridges and platforms-replete with pulleys, ladders,
and hanging buckets- over which scores ofliving and
artificial workers swarm. From this frame, humans,
homunculi, and thaalud constructors (page 115) use
tools and magic to repair the buildings and streets
below. They raid Xinlenal's outer edges and other
ruined areas to obtain raw materials with which to
patch streets, buttress towers, and otherwise salvage
the city's most important structures.
The webwork is versatile. A few times, workers have
attached an entire city block to it. The contraption then
slowly transported the section across Xinlenal before
slotting it into a new position in the city. Other times,
workers have used the web to haul away tons offorest
soil and trees, slowly unearthing sites that the impact
and the intervening centuries had buried.
This massive machine of magic, metal, and stone is
the brainchild ofKorvina, a shadar-kai witch (Monster
Manual) who now serves as labor foreman. Her duties
include overseeing the rebuilding efforts and casting various spells from atop the web ring. Protective
magic long guarded Xinlenal from intrusion. Over
Womb of Stone
During the city's heyday, thaalud workers were created in an ugly, squat building, known as the Womb of
Stone, on the outskirts ofXinlena!' Today, the salvage
team has modified the structure, including removing
its floor to access the earth, and restored it to its former
function. Although the Netherese lack enough raw
materials, time, and magic to create true tomb tappers,
they are using both the earth below and rubble to craft
thaalud constructors, as well as lesser constructs.
In a few instances, when the excavation ofXinlenal
has proved particularly difficult, the Netherese have
animated a damaged building so it could dig itself out
of the rubble. The process is incredibly taxing, though,
so the Shadovar use this method only sparingly. The
animated structures are slow and have a limited range
of movement, making them useless as combatants.
The master in charge of running the Womb of
Stone is a shade slaver-or a human slaver (Monster
Manual 2) with shade traits (page 114)- named Ulrukan. His left arm and leg are animated stone limbs.
An observant man, Ulrukan detected the weakness
in the mythallar that appeared after Korvina built
the Web of Stone. He kept the information to himself, however, and now he's trying to puzzle out how
to make use of it without revealing that he knew it a
long time ago and didn't tell anyone then.
The creation process inside the Womb of Stone-for
thaalud constructors and other constructs-is partly
automated. The required spells are placed on the
"factory," and various control levers, buttons, and
runes are used to operate it.
If heroes can manage several hours of privacy
here, they might master certain aspects of the process. For example, they could discover how to change
the programming for the next set of constructs. The
degree to which characters can alter the programming is up to you, as is the means for achieving it.
Perhaps it requires a skill challenge, or maybe characters need to replace an ingredient in the process
with a rare material component obtained during a
short adventure.
Cathedral of Night
When the Shadovar returned to Xinlenal, rebuilding
a shrine for the goddess Shar was their first priority.
Today, the chosen structure's exterior is as damaged
as any other building's, but its interior-meticulously
lined in onyx and jet and mystically cloaked in
shadow-is completely refurbished, with a dramatically widened main entrance.
The cathedral also houses the portal that the
Netherese use to access their Shadowfell supply
routes. Shade and shadar-kai warriors ceaselessly
The flickering darkness that fills many of the
Cathedral of Night's halls and chambers (and similar areas) is not a trick of the light. Some of these
shadows are flaws in the boundaries of reality, and
they hunger to absorb the warmth of life. Characters who successfully detect a hungry shadow can
make an Arcana check (DC 16) to know what the
hazard is, and what it can do.
Hungry Shadow
XP 75
Detect Perception DC 23
Initiative +10
HP 1; a missed attack never damages the shadow.
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, WiIIResist 10 force, 10 radiant
Immune all damage except fo rce and rad iant,
forced movement, all conditions, ongoing damage,
te leportation
Xinlenal's Heart
The center of the First Enclave still shows wounds
from the city's fall, but they are largely covered in
great stone scabs. Here, in the least damaged portion
ofXinlenal, the Netherese have focused their recent
efforts, repairing toppled buildings, shoring leaning
towers, and clearing roads of rubble. Progress has
been nothing shy of amazing, and if the Netherese
can do even half so well with the rest of the city, Xinlenal might indeed fly once more.
It is in this area where most Shadovar live while
working on the city's reconstruction. Thus, it is where
heroes are most likely to encounter serious opposition.
Great Tower
Right after pouring their collective energy into Shar's
shrine, the Shadovar shifted their focus to the spire
hOUSing the shattered mythallar. Using the Web of
Stone, robust magic, and the thaaluds' stone-shaping
powers, the Netherese rebuilt the tower, which rises
high above the treetops. Inside it, grand chambers
and shadowy, sloping passageways buzz with activity.
In the tower's lowest level, at the base of the city,
the broken mythallar is being bathed in attention and
residuum. More than 100 feet wide, it looks like a portion of a broken glass egg. A veritable procession of
workers flows night and day through the chamber,
delivering residuum to Shadovar mages who ritually
feed portions of the gleaming powder into white-hot
tubes of melted glass. This substance is then slowly
dripped onto the mythallar, and expert Netherese
artisans mold it into shape.
The chamber of the mythallar is not the great
tower's only location of import. A war room, near the
structure's pinnacle, hosts regular strategy sessions
The constant destruction of magic items, and the
infusion of residuum into the environment, has
resulted in areas of fantastic terrain sprinkled
throughout this area.
Effect: A character within the area who uses an
arcane attack power can score a critical hit on a roll
of 19- 20 .
Once per day during a short rest in the area, a
character can lose two healing surges to regain the
use of a daily arcane attack power that he or she
has already expended that day.
The Gray Wolf tribe's "settlement" is built by, and for,
nomads. Constructed in a sparse stretch of Never winter Wood, Vellosk is made up mostly oflean-tos and
hide tents. Only a few scattered buildings-pack leaders' homes, the feast hall, and a couple of other group
structures-are more substantial, resembling primitive log cabins.
This simple, slapdash architecture doesn't reflect
tribe members' intelligence or ability; rather, it illustrates their collective lack of interest in permanent
residences. The wild Gray Wolf barbarians have no
desire to lock themselves away from nature or to be
saddled with homes that cannot be moved or abandoned at a moment's notice.
All of Gray Wolf culture is similarly minimalist.
Most tribe members spend the bulk of their time
hunting or sparring. And given their regenerative
abilities, most choose to "spar" with real blades. Only
youngsters bother with art or games. Meanwhile,
adult Gray Wolf crafters work exclusively on making
useful objects, such as armor, weapons, tools, and
utensils. The tribe has no elders. Like true wolf packs,
the barbarians abandon or kill those who are too
infirm to contribute. In embracing their animalistic,
predatory nature, the Gray Wolves have chosen a
pack mentality over the notion of community.
That said, the Gray Wolves haven't entirely abandoned tradition. They still venerate tribal spirits and
the god Uthgar. They still participate in coming-ofage ceremonies in which new adult members receive
tattoos in an ink made, in part, from the blood of
their first kill. They tell tales of past exploits and
tribal heroes. Although the Gray Wolves prefer to eat
their meals raw regardless of the form they currently
wear, tradition dictates that one member of the tribe
cook a bit of meat each night, and another member
eat the "burned" food. This ceremony is intended to
ensure that none forget how to behave if they must
ever blend in with weak, civilized humans.
Vellosk is rarely teeming with tribe members. Most
ofits werewolves are usually elsewhere, either hunting or fighting-often on behalf of the Netherese-or
The characters can pretty easily convince the rankand-file among the Gray Wolves that the Netherese
aren't worthy of friendship, a belief many in the
tribe already hold. But that won't change the tribe's
behavior, because the Gray Wolf leaders make the
decisions. And greed and ambition have secured
their allegiance.
To pry the Gray Wolves from the Shadovar's
arsenal, the heroes must either convince other
werewolves to challenge pack leaders for dominance (and then win, of course) or take out the
leaders themselves. Even though this latter option
might seem the most straightforward, characters
can't just walk in and start a fight; doing so would
ensure the entire tribe seeks retribution. To justifiably kill a pack leader, characters must either prove
to the tribe members that the leader has betrayed
them and their traditions, or they must convince
the leader to accept a formal challenge.
Theme Tie-In
Even though many werewolves disagree with their
leaders and want to see the tribe sever ties with the
Shadovar, most aren't willing to buck tradition and
the hierarchy of the pack. Some would prefer to leave
instead, as the pack outcast did. But these days, Gray
Wolf leaders have been killing rather than exiling members who speak against them. Thus, a pack outcast
character might feel compelled to infiltrate Vellosk and
help an old friend or relative escape.
Or, the characters might have come in hopes of
encouraging such defections, both to move loved ones
out of danger and perhaps weaken the tribe in the
Totem Pit
A great pit gapes near the center ofVellosk. The slope
of its sides is gentle, making the pit easy to descend
into. (However, the slope is difficult terrain for those
ascending it.) The pit's floor is littered with bones,
dried and sucked clean of marrow, which crunch
when stepped on. On the pit's eastern edge, directly
in line with the rising sun, is a pole lined with beast
and humanoid skulls. Many are carved with holy
images ofUthgar, the Gray Wolves' god, and the
pole is crowned with a dire wolf skull.
Granted Utility
You feel the hunter's spirit coursina throuah you, bolsterina your resolve.
Daily. Healing, Primal
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: You take damage from an attack.
Effect: You spend a healing surge and can make a
saving throw. You do not regain the use of this
power after an extended rest, unless the DM rules
Special: If you are an Uthgardt barbarian or a pack
outcast, you also gain a +1 power bonus to speed
and attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Shadowkeeper's Hut
One of the few permanent-looking structures in Vellosk, the shadowkeeper's hut serves as a home away
from home for a mean-spirited little creature called
Ormshas. A dark creeper necromancer (see Underdark), Ormshas is ostensibly a Shadovar ambassador.
Her job, on the surface, is to meet with Gray Wolf
leaders, deliver messages from the Netherese, and
help ensure that relations between the tribe and the
Netherese remain amicable.
Actually, she is here on behalf of Netheril to spy
on the pack and make sure it remains loyal. Thus,
if adventurers attempt to intervene, Ormshas takes
steps against them.
The werewolves suspect her true purpose. What
they don't know is that Ormshas has a cadre of
wraiths and mad wraiths (Monster Vault) under her
command. Lurking in the darkness, these spirits are
capable of unearthing secrets and silencing voices
of dissent without requiring Ormshas to get overtly
The dark creeper is vicious and brutal, but if she is
stripped of her wraiths and badly injured, she reverts
to cowardice. Ormshas is willing to spill everything
she knows about the Netherese and their general
setup at Xinlenal if doing so might spare her life.
Once a pastoral village on Neverwinter Wood's
eastern edge, Conyberry was devastated when the
Spellplague thrust small portions of Abeir into it, radically altering its nature. A lake now pools where none
was before, and earthmotes with buildings on them
float above the area. The surviving populations of
the merged communities helped one another recover
from the calamity of their sudden coexistence, creating a new village out of the remains of the two. This
peaceful time lasted only a few years, and then the
Gray Wolves discovered Conyberry.
The Spellplague terrified the Uthgardt barbarians, as it did most of the world. In reaction, the Gray
Wolf tribe saw the former Abeirans as invaders and
the folk of Conyberry as coconspirators. They began
their campaign against the villagers by kidnapping
or killing those who wandered too far into the woods,
but this soon progressed to outright raids. A bloody
struggle ensued, from which none of the people of
Conyberry or Abeir escaped.
For a time the village lay neglected, the Gray
Wolves occasionally using the place to store goods
taken in attacks on travelers and distant settlements.
Now, the werewolves' alliance with the Netherese
has brought some semblance to life and habitation
to Conyberry. Recognizing it as a useful place for
the Gray Wolves to acclimate themselves to a more
homebound existence, the Netherese determined it
should be used as a practice ground for those among
the Gray Wolves they had chosen to act as spies. The
Gray Wolves have therefore made an effort to clear
the village of overgrowth and patch the worst damage
done by their attacks.
The Gray Wolves use Conyberry as a place to store
supplies and for training. Here, tribe members practice behaving in a civilized way, as preparation for
the deception required of them when they infiltrate
Helm's Hold. They wear the clothing of dead citizens,
sleep in their houses, and eat from their tables.
Always something of a sleepy settlement off the
beaten path, Conyberry has simply slipped off the
map for most people of the North. With no one hearing word of it for years, and with no one needing
to brave the dangers of the North to go there, most
who know that Conyberry existed assume it has
been destroyed by orcs, gnolls, or some other threat.
Thus it serves as a perfect base of operations for the
Gray Wolf tribe. At the same time, the Gray Wolves
have had so few visitors to the village that they don't
bother guarding the place or hiding their activities
there. When the rare traveler appeared in the past,
the Gray Wolves relied upon outright murder to keep
their secrets. Now, however, they hope for the opportunity to test their skills at deception-and of course
kill any who see through their lies.
Theme Tie-In
When the adventurers arrive in Conyberry, they'll
find a few people who claim to be survivors of attacks
upon the village. These hard-bitten folk are rougharound-the-edges, outdoorsy individuals wearing
poorly mended and ill-fitting clothes. They are, of
course, Gray Wolves, and the heroes have given them
an excellent opportunity to test how long they can
maintain their charade of civility.
If a pack outcast is among the adventurers, the
werewolves' deception is apt to be obvious: The
character would likely recognize members of the tribe
despite the disguises they employ. An Uthgardt barbarian might also be very suspicious when the villagers
accidentally speak with a telltale accent or reveal a
tribal tattoo the character recognizes.
To complicate this scenario, you might have
an unwitting merchant family arrive in Conyberry
simultaneous with the characters. Or the merchants
might already have accepted the hospitality of the
Gray Wolves. This way, a pack outcast or an Uthgardt
barbarian might know about the danger the Gray
Wolves represent, but it could be difficult to alert the
other characters without provoking the werewolves
into attacking. As the werewolves try to maintain their
deception, the heroes might feel compelled to play
along, fearing for the lives of the innocent bystanders
when combat breaks out.
What resembles a mouth to the Nine Hells gapes
open at the southwest edge of the Crags, in the form
of the volcano known as Mount Hotenow. Its occasional rumblings and sporadic gouts of smoke are
ample reminder that it is never entirely at rest. Hot
springs and magma flows run beneath its rocky exterior, ensuring that Neverwinter River never freezes.
It's small wonder, then, that the mountain stars in
so many local legends. Some believe Mount Hotenow
does sit atop a passage to the Hells; others say it's a
doorway to the Elemental Chaos. Still others claim it
hides the entrance to Gauntlgrym or is the home of a
mighty red dragon. Stories of demons, giants, and all
manner of flame creatures have existed here since
before recorded history. Today, an often-told tale in
Neverwinter and Helm's Hold suggests that anyone
who dares to enter Mount Hotenow's caves is cursed
to die in fire within the year.
A Looming Inferno?
Although the mortal realm's volcano stirs only fitfully
now, the Mount Hotenow reflected in the Shadowfell has been steadily spewing magma for years.
In the minds of many, this constant slow eruption
threatens to trigger a similar eruption in Toril. If that
were to happen, the devastation in the Neverwinter
region would make the events of twenty-seven years
ago seem paltry in comparison. It might also pierce
the barriers long enough for an enormous influx of
shadow creatures and undead to enter Toril, making
life even more ghastly for any who survived the initial
conflagration. Not surprisingly, several factions seek
to cause precisely that turn of events.
The most determined is a sect of fire -worshiping
creatures that occupies the mountain's caves. The
group is led by its self-styled king, Gommoth, a
hunchbacked fire giant who has been dwelling in
the mountain since his clan banished him. When
the primordial awoke , triggering the volcano's erup tion, Gommoth and other fire creatures in the region
were washed in spiritual ecstasy. They didn't know
precisely what had occurred, but they felt empowered by the euphoria, as though they truly had
become one with fire . The sensation didn't last, and
now the sect is determined to recreate it. The fire
worshipers believe the release of enormous amounts
of fire will pave the path to such pleasure, and the
eruption of Mount Hotenow would do nicely as such
a release.
Even though most sane, thinking creatures
would balk at the impossibility of such an aspiration, the magma beasts, fire elementals, and
salamanders that have joined Gommoth's
sect have put their faith in the fury of their
newest fanatic, a Shadovar outcast (use
A fire giant could be far beyond the characters'
fighting capabilities. If that's the case and they
still think they're up to the challenge, use the ogre
mercenary in Monster Vault with the follOWing
.. Add resist 10 fire_
.. Reduce speed to 6_
.. Change its attacks to deal fire damage.
.. Increase Charisma to 1 3, and add training in
Diplomacy (+ 10 total)_
River of Flame
Deep in Mount Hotenow's bowels, where even Gommoth's followers rarely delve, is a pit of pure liqUid
fire. Not magma- though there's plenty of that elsewhere in the mountain-but literal liquid flame. The
fiery river follows a serpentine path throughout Hotenow's interior and then peters out underneath the
mountains and hills beyond.
It might be worth characters' while, however,
because after roughly a day of travel, the river runs
past a series of tunnels that lead to the great cavern
outside Gauntlgrym. Of course, to sail the serpent of
fire to that end, characters must contend with Karrundax- a young red dragon (Monster Vault) who lairs
deep in the fire river's tunnels.
I Gazetteer
Gauntlgrym was the capital of fabled Delzoun and
arguably the pinnacle of dwarven civilization. Few
know its location, yet every dwarfin the North can
describe its hallowed halls.
The ancient dwarves shaped great caverns, dozens
and hundreds of feet in height, throughout the rockcaverns so enormous that legend says the voices of
the earliest citizens still echo in distant corners. Sloping walls, adorned with runes and patterns, lead to
angular doorways large enough for dragons to pass
through unhindered. Gates and portals of stone,
iron, and mithral stand against invaders, and niches
throughout contain intricate icons to Moradin the AllFather and other dwarven gods and heroes.
Gauntlgrym arose not only from the greatness of
the ancient dwarves, but also aided by the might of the
ancient elves. The wizards and druids ofIliyanbruen
helped control the mighty Maegera, a slumbering primordial of fire and doom, and the dwarves harnessed
the power of the beast to craft items of tremendous
power. These items in turn helped the dwarves to turn
mines and caves into a gloriOUS city.
At first few non-dwarves lived in Gauntlgrym,
but as the capital ofDelzoun and a wonder of the
world, it of course attracted travelers and trade. Elves,
humans, gnomes, and others lived in Gauntlgrym at
times, but only the outer reaches show signs of their
craft or evidence of spaces made for their comfort.
Gauntlgrym was the seat not just of dwarf kings but
of dwarf emperors, and as such, it was made to be a
thoroughly dwarven city.
Fantastic as it seems, it's all true-or at least, it was.
The Orc Marches, armies of invading orcs so vast as
to be incomprehensible today, came on the heels of
decades of friction between the dwarves ofDelzoun
and both the elves ofIliyanbruen and the humans
ofIllusk. The elf nations were slow to ally with one
another, let alone with Delzoun, and their mistrust
and rancor left even Iliyanbruen on the edge of disaster before the elves rallied and drove the orcs back.
Gauntlgrym fell to the orcs and was abused by them
while the empire ofDelzoun crumbled. Humans of
Illusk later drove out the orcs, but they were driven out
in turn by creatures from the depths of the Underdark.
Over the next thousand years, knowledge of
mighty Gauntlgrym turned to legends, and many legends were forgotten. Only dwarves have kept stories
of the great city alive. In song and saga the dream of
Gauntlgrym passes from one generation to the next,
though none can now say where the seat ofDelzoun's
power can be found.
Today, many of the doors within Gauntlgrym
hang broken and ajar. The walls are leprous
with mold and lichen, the stones and icons
scarred by blade and fire, and creatures
I Gazetteer
Theme Tie-In
An heir of Delzoun or some other dwarf character
achieves a great cultural and historic Victory if he or
she locates the path to Gauntlgrym. The discovery
brings fame and accolades from most of the dwarven
population-but from a determined few, it also earns
Some selfish dwarf explorers might seek to steal
the characters' discovery for their own, racing the
adventurers back to civilization or trying to murder
and rob them. Some dwarves who claim to be
descended from Delzoun's royalty might fear that the
characters have found evidence putting the lie to their
assertions. Rivals might attempt to stop an heir of
Delzoun character from returning with proof of his or
her true birthright. A few dwarves who hold political
authority in the region might want to prevent word
of Gauntlgrym's rediscovery from spreading, because
their own power base would diminish if dwarves were
to leave their homes and return to the ancestral city.
of dwarves, humans, goblins, orcs, and fouler creatures lie scattered across floors, stairs, and platforms,
reminders of the city's violent fall.
A small underground lake, cold and still, stands at
the center of this cavern. Stalagmites break its surface,
but whatever else might wait below remains hidden.
Crafted of pure mithral by the finest metalworkers, the doors that bar Gauntlgrym are locked and magically
warded against entry-not to mention tremendously heavy. They are meant to be impassable except by dwarves
of the Delzoun bloodline.
The doors open easily to the pull of an heir of Delzoun, but if the party doesn't include such a character, the
adventurers will need to use other means to get into Gauntlgrym. Consider using one or more of the following
The Quest: The party must find a mystical way of unlocking the doors, such as a dwarf-forged key, an ancient
relic of Gauntlgrym, or the blood of an heir of Delzoun.
Skill Challenge: The characters must succeed on a complexity 3 skill challenge of the party's level, using Dungeoneering, History, and Thievery as primary skills. (If they fail the challenge, they can try again after researching
more information on Gauntlgrym and the doors.) Consider including combat-not just with local monsters, but
possibly with constructs representing animated portions of the doors-as part of the skill challenge.
The Hidden Way: The mithral doors might not bethe only means of entering Gauntlgrym. The characters can
seek out alternatives, which might require traveling through the Underdark to approach the city from below.
The Iron Tabernacle was Gauntlgrym's spiritual and
cultural heart as well as its physical center. More
than a simple temple, the Tabernacle is an entire section of the city, larger than some towns, devoted to
the faith of those who lived here. Vast cathedrals of
stone echoed with the paeans of a thousand voices;
great sculptures in honor of a multitude of gods gazed
across a vast array of shrines and altars. Dwarf and
human priests stood ready, night and day, to tend to
the spiritual needs of their flock, and hundreds of
stone tablets trumpeted the holy words of Moradin.
Like so much else of ancient Gauntlgrym, the Iron
Tabernacle is no longer what it was. The intricate patterns and knotwork have faded from the walls, some
of the statues have begun to crumble, and cobwebs
and mold droop from the high ceilings. But time is
not the Tabernacle's only enemy. The devilish duergar, dwelling in the mines below, take delight in
defiling the holy icons of the absent dwarves. They
have defaced statues, torn down altars, and carved
obscenities into the sacred tablets. Anything of
value-such as silver or mithral trim, gold icons, and
hallowed weapons-they took for their own.
However, the Iron Tabernacle is vast, its halls
many and multileveled, and the duergar have not
explored it all. Deep in the shadows, unmarred
On Iron Rails
The mines were one of Gauntlgrym's primary sources
of wealth and materials, although the dwarves never
delved as deeply as the duergar have. To facilitate
the movement of ore, as well the great stones used to
construct and expand the city, the dwarves laid miles
of iron track throughout Gauntlgrym. Mine carts,
Slumber of Ancients
The lowest level of the Iron Tabernacle is a seemingly
endless collection of crypts. Laid out according to a
pattern or tradition long since lost, the tombs contain
thousands of Gauntlgrym's dead. Some are simple
biers, others intricate sarcophagi; all include names,
titles, and lineage carved deeply into the stone. A
scholar who exhaustively studied the crypts could
form a fairly complete picture of the family lineages
of Gauntlgrym, including their possible connections
to modern bloodlines.
Unlike the rest of the Iron Tabernacle, the tombs
are unmarred. Ghosts are common in this area, and
they attack en masse if anyone tries to deface or steal
from the sarcophagi. As long as explorers are respectful of the dead, the ghosts remain quiet.
Theme Tie-In
An Oghma's faithful character can earn substantial
renown among his or her fellows by returning with
genealogical secrets of Gauntlgrym. A Neverwinter
noble character might gain a bit of legitimacy by tracing
his or her lineage back to the ancient human population
of Gauntlgrym, or the heroes could find allies by helping
the local dwarves determine their own lineage.
An heir of Delzoun character has the most to
gain from exploring the crypts at the bottom of the
Tabernacle. Such a character can find proof of his or
her connection to the dwarves of Delzoun-perhaps
even to the throne. An heir can also prove or disprove
the claims of others, potentially gaining influence in
local dwarven culture (and earning more than a bit of
Duergar have lived in the depths of Gauntlgrym for
generations, having killed or cast out the derro who
did the same to the mind Dayers before them. Infernal omens have led the duergar to delve beneath the
city; they now claim several of its lowest layers and are
digging deep into the surrounding earth. Already they
have recovered a substantial wealth of ore-mundane
metals such as iron and silver, with some mithral and
hellthorn. But these hauls are insufficient; duergar
leaders such as Kholzourl the FireSpeaker demand
that the mining continue. Picks and shovels clang
endlessly from the depths, punctuated by the crack of
whips. No matter what, the work goes on.
What are the duergar doing beneath Gauntlgrym?
Why have the omens of Asmodeus set them to a
seemingly endless task? The answer is whatever
makes the best story for your campaign, but consider the following as possibilities.
.. Hellthorn is said to have come from a meteorite that fell to Tori! in primeval times. The fallen
star might contain powers far in excess of hellthorn
itself-perhaps a diabolic entity or a fragment of
Asmodeus's original godhood. The duergar priests
believe that the meteorite can be found somewhere
beneath Gauntlgrym.
.. The duergar seek to reach the slumbering
primordial Maegera and drain the magma around
it without waking it. If they can pull that off, they
believe they can find a means to transport the primordial, awakening it only when it is in a position to
destroy an enemy of Asmodeus-perhaps another
.. The mining is a cover story that gives the duergar a reason to be present while their leaders study
the mind flayers and other local aberrants. They
have a vague understanding of the aboleths' plan
to open a portal to the Far Realm, and the duergar
hope to hijack it at the last minute, transforming it
into a permanent portal to the Nine Hells instead.
.. The interaction of various types of magic that
have bathed the area for centuries-the power of
the slumbering primordial, the leaking essence of
the dead dragon in the Dread Ring, and the energy
of the shattered mythallar in Xinlenal-have given
birth to some sort of object or entity deep within
the earth. The servants of Asmodeus want to get
their hands on it and corrupt it to their purposes
before anyone else discovers it.
I Gazetteer
Jagged Pits
Much of the mine is of traditional dwarven design,
with sloped passages winding deeper into the earth,
but many shafts added by the duergar are far more
precarious. They plunge steeply downward, some
times barely more than a few degrees off vertical,
requiring rope harnesses, special climbing gear, or
steeders to traverse. Huge buckets on clanking chains
lift unearthed ore to the tops of the shafts, where the
duergar refine the metals. The walls of the pits are
rough, the floors broken and uneven, and the death
toll among slaves high, but this type of construction
allows the duergar to dig more swiftly for whatever
they seek, and they can always capture more slaves.
In the deeper pits, it is more efficient for a small
population of duergar and slaves to live at the bottom
rather than continually travel back and forth. They
have constructed makeshift shelters or dug small hoI
lows into the sides in which to live. These pit-dwellers
use centipede scuttlers (Monster Manual 2) to send
messages up to their comrades at the tops of the
A few of the deepest pits, which even the duergar
have abandoned, open into great caverns containing
lakes of magma, flowing from Mount Hotenow. On
occasion, amid the rumbling and hissing, a listener
might hear a chorus of distant screams and roars
coming from even farther below.
Shrine of Sacrilege
At the edge of one of the deeper mining pits stands
a stone building that is not carved into the rock but
built in a large, open chamber. Within this structure
squats a shrine to Asmodeus-one that has clearly
been constructed with materials stolen from the
Iron Tabernacle. The duergar crafted the floor out of
various sacred stone tablets after filling in the holy
etchings with dirt, blood, and offal. Iron taken from
symbols of Moradin has been crudely hammered into
new, devilish icons. In some instances, the flame portion of Morad in's symbol has been hacked off to form
one of the three points on the sign of Asmodeus.
With the proper rites, the duergar can use the altar
in the shrine to commune directly with a handful of
devils. Priests of Asmodeus, such as Kholzourl, can
summon devils from this site in dire emergencies.
Slave Warrens
The duergar use slaves to perform their labor, and
they capture whomever and whatever they can to
serve them. Their closest sources are the creatures
of the surrounding Underdark and those that have
corne to dwell in Gauntlgrym. The duergar have also
traveled to Underdark slave markets as well as sent
out raiding parties to take captives, and thus their
population of slaves is varied. Muzzled dire corbies
pull mining carts. Kobolds tend to mushroom fields
and bat caves to provide food . Even Ashmadai and
drow can be found hOisting pick and shovel.
All these creatures return to the slave warrens
after work, dropping exhausted in whatever hovel or
section of cave floor they call their own. The twist
ing tunnels of the slave warrens have tiny caves
branching off them, most with barred gates at their
entrances. New slaves who hope to lead a revolt or
fight their way out find their plans dashed, both by
the brutal work details that force them to toil with
little sleep and little sustenance and by the
small size of the group with which they are
I Gazetteer
The adventurers are not expected to battle the
primordial-an entity of godlike power-but they can
playa crucial role in ensuring that it does not wake.
The notes collected by lucan Greenharrow in the
Waterclock Crypts (page 146) provide the informa
tion the characters need to fix the broken summoning
location. If they do so, Maegera is contained-unless
a dwarf of Delzoun blood pulls the lever.
If a player character pulls the lever, all hell breaks
loose. The primordial might not awaken right away,
but it hurls magma up the Fiery Pit and out through
the halls, rocking the region with earthquakes.
Where Maegera's rage lands is up to you.
Maegera is a creature of purest fire, and the Great
Forge was deSigned to tap into that power. The entire
area is subject to unearthly heat (Rules Compendium).
In addition, because one binding elemental was not
summoned, Maegera has not been fully contained.
Thus, certain squares of the area contain fantastic
terrain, such as flame-based elemental seepage
(Manual ofthe Planes) or elemental spouts of magma
or scalding slicks (The Plane Below). Many such
squares also have the following effects.
Fire attacks against targets in such an area ignore
up to 10 points offire resistance. In addition, a character who makes a fire attack while in one of these
squares rolls damage twice and uses the higher result.
.. The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy
checks made against elemental creatures.
.. The character takes a -1 penalty to Diplomacy
checks made against immortal creatures.
Once the characters reach the plaguechanged elder
brain (page 130), they might be able to eliminate
the threat of the iIIithid colony, or they might make
things worse.
If the characters destroy the elder brain, the
mutated mind f1ayers go insane. Some become
catatonic and are rendered helpless. Others turn
homicidal, losing all cunning and sense of selfpreservation, seeking only to kill any nonaberrant
creatures they find. These mindless murderers
spread first through Gauntlgrym and then through
the surface realm above, killing with abandon until
they themselves are slain.
Adventurers might try to communicate with the
elder brain rather than destroy it-not to negotiate,
but to show the brain what it has become. Let the
characters determine how to convince the elder
brain that it has been mutated or influenced by
others, and consider any arguments they make or
proof they offer. If they seem convincing, allow them
to attempt a skill challenge (with a complexity based
on the quality of their arguments and evidence).
If the characters convince the elder brain that
it has been corrupted from its "pure" form, a few
mind f1ayers still go insane, as described above.
Most iIIithids, however; return to the elder brain and
tear it-and themselves-apart in a frenzy of suicidal
loathing. As the brain dies, it telepathically sends the
adventurers information about the Abolethic Sovereignty. Decide how much you want the characters to
know at this point, but at the very least, they learn of
the aboleths' existence and general intentions.
Not all the terrors in these levels are tied directly to
the mind flayers. Many of Gauntlgrym's vaults stand
in these depths: enormous, stone-walled chambers,
reinforced with steel, some shut by mithral doors
or protected by ancient magic. One such vault is
the home of dire corbies (page 128). Once a race
oflarge, flightless birds, the creatures have been
trapped in the depths so long that they have mutated
Legend has it that every major feature of the mortal
world-every mountain, every ocean, every forest,
every river, and every city-has a dark, twisted reflection in the Shadowfell. There, shade is darker, edges
are murkier, and everything that makes a place
wholesome and natural is warped into a dark and
twisted version of itself.
The city of Never winter has such a reflectionthe shrouded city of Evernight. A small city in the
Shadowfell, Evernight consists of cracked stone edifices and rotted wood homes. Its roads are made
mostly of trampled grave dust, and its few cobbled
streets are missing enough stones that they appear
pockmarked and diseased. The sky is corpse-gray,
and the breeze blows both cold and humid, bringing an endless chill to the skin. Evernight never
experienced the cataclysm that rocked its mortal
counterpart; if anything, the city has grown and prospered over the past decades. Many people would call
that a shame, because if any city was ever worthy of
destruction, it's Evernight.
The city's living residents include maddened
necromancers; corrupt purveyors of human flesh;
worshipers of dark and evil deities; and others who
are both able to make themselves useful and crazy
enough to want to live here. But the living are a
minority in Evernight, for the bulk of the population
are the shambling dead. Zombies, wights, vampires,
pale reavers, and other undead make the dark city
their home, all under the watchful eyes of the ruling
caste: the flesh-eating ghouls.
Most ofEvernight's citizens have few basic needs.
Many do not hunger, and those that do satisfy their
appetites with living captives. If they require rest, it is
only in dirt-filled coffins. They do not taste food and
drink or revel in luxuries as mortals do. They require
precious little coin; if they toil, it is to advance their
ambitions or retain their possessions. The undead
ofEvernight have no daily "lives" that resemble anything mortals experience.
Regardless, many undead maintain patterns of
behavior that were instilled in them during their living
years. Some keep opulent homes (if only for the status
they bring), yet these dwellings are filthy and run
down. Others perform the duties that keep Evernight
running, serving as soldiers, crafters, merchants, and
the like-not to earn income, but out of boredom, out
of habit, or to curry the favor of more powerful citizens. Entertainment consists of such events as mock
combats that often turn real; games of hideand-seek with captured mortals in which the
Troublemakers Beware
As mentioned above, Evernight does not have much
in the way oflaws, so it needs no system of formal
punishment. The way to survive qUickly becomes
clear: If you are a living being in the city and have not
been declared a citizen by the tribunal or accepted as
part of a faction, you had better prove yourself useful,
either to the population as a whole or to someone
important enough to extend protection to you. Otherwise, undead citizens are welcome to do with you as
they will.
This situation does not mean that the characters
will be attacked as soon as they show their faces in
Evernight. Most of the undead assume that if a mortal
is walking around the streets, he or she is supposed to
be there. Usually, an undead resident demands proof
of a mortal's right to be in the city only if the visitor
offers offense (genuine or imagined) or if a ghoul or
vampire is particularly hungry. Of course, starting
trouble-such as fighting or trying to steal slaves or
meals from their rightful owners-marks outsiders as
fair game. Anyone who has legitimate dealings in Evernight knows better than to do something so foolish.
Being killed and eaten is not the worst possible
fate that can befall troublemakers. Some vampires
and ghouls enjoy crippling humanoids and saving
them in the larder for later meals, and quite a few
unfortunate souls are given funerals (see "The Graveyard," page 206).
Although the ambient energy of the Shadowfell curbs
their appetites, allowing them to go for a long time
without eating, eventually ghouls and vampires must
feed. And in its own horrid way, Evernight provides.
The city has few actual portals to Neverwinter,
but various weak spots exist in the barrier between
worlds, such as the shadow crossing near the Thayan
outpost (page 209). In addition, Evernight has an
uncountable number of crevices and cracks that con
nect the city with its counterpart in the mortal world.
Some are hidden in ramshackle buildings or tucked
away in narrow side streets. Others are public and
well known, situated in common areas such as the
Corpse Market. These crevices between worlds lead
to the darkest spots in Neverwinter, from back alleys
to dusty cellars to shadowy bedroom closets. The
crevices are responsible for many of Never winter's
urban legends: haunted streets where people vanish,
monsters hiding under the bed, and the like. It is
through these cracks that the undead ofEvernight
drag their still-living meals, leaving behind no trace
of the victims and no clues to their fate.
because the Thayans pay them in people- living victims for the vampires, dead for the ghouls- and partly
because trying to evict the Thayans would be more
trouble than it's worth. The undead have the advantage of numbers and power in the Shadowfell, but
they aren't foolish enough to anger a nation of necromancers unnecessarily.
Evernight has a similar arrangement with Netheril. A Shadovar ambassador has dwelled in the city
since before the Shade Enclave returned to Toril, and
the Netherese claim many of the Shadowfell routes
as their own. Again, as long as the Netherese pay the
occasional body or prisoner in tribute, the ghouls see
little cause to oppose them.
The conflict between Thay and Netheril threatens to spill over into Evernight, however, and that
is where the tribunal takes a stand. The ghouls and
ghasts do not care if the Thayans and the Netherese
slaughter each other beyond Evernight's walls, but
they consider their city a neutral zone. The undead
have made it clear that if the two sides begin fighting
there, anyone involved in the battle loses the tribunal's protection and can be eaten by the populace.
A few assassinations and ambushes still occur here
and there, but as long as such violence is isolated and
infrequent, the ghouls let it pass.
I Gazetteer
Clever characters might be able to use the undead
against the Thayans or the Netherese. If the characters goad one side into attacking the other in
Evernight (or fake such an attack), the ghouls might
take care of a large number of the enemy.
On the other hand, any character who is caught
up in a fight between Thay and Netheril faces two
equally terrible fates: being turned over to the
slighted party or being punished by the ghouls.
Black Mound is a small rise in one corner of the city
and also the name of the neighborhood that stands
atop it. The houses and manors here are larger,
though no less dilapidated and filthy, than others in
Evernight. The most powerful undead dwell here,
and most of them are ghouls. In disputes with other
citizens, residents of Black Mound are assumed to be
in the right more often than not. Outsiders and lesser
undead that spend too much time in the neighborhood are confronted and questioned.
House of Screams
One of the largest manors in Black Mound and certainly the oldest, the House of Screams is the nearest
Once, so long ago that it's scarcely recalled by anyone
but the oldest of the city's undead, this building was a
temple to Bhaal and Myrkul, gods of death who were
destroyed more than a century ago. Today, nearly all
the ancient symbols and icons are gone, and those
that remain are mere dust-covered curiosities. The
temple is now dedicated to the demon prince Orcus,
Lord of the Undead, and his seneschal Doresain, the
Ghoul King.
The undead of Evernight gather here, chanting
unholy litanies and consuming specially profaned
flesh. They sometimes ask the temple priests to settle
arguments when they do not want to risk involving
the tribunal. The priests do not destroy the losers in
such disputes; instead, they demand that both parties
perform a service-such as gathering victims or doing
physical labor- in return for their judgment.
The temple's holy symbols are constructed of
bone. The altar is built of corpses sewn together
on their hands and knees, which are frequently
replaced as they become too rotten to support their
own weight. The windows are paned with flesh and
tissue stretched so tightly that light shines through
in shades of crimson. In all, the Temple of Filth is a
place of true horror.
The Grand Disciple (high priest) of the temple is
Ursuntos, an adept ofOrcus (Monster Manual 3). The
ghoul and vampire underpriests jump at his every
whim, and his power in the city is second only to the
ghouls on the tribunal.
Pool of Daylight
When the Chasm opened in Neverwinter, a smaller
reflection of it cracked the dark earth ofEvernight
as well. The undead of Evernight are as ignorant of
the reason behind these events as are the people of
Neverwinter. In fact, the undead believe that the rift,
which they have dubbed the Demon Pit, leads all the
way to Doresain's White Kingdom, deep in the Abyss.
To date, nobody has proved this theory because the
pit seems to be bottomless, and those who descend
too far never return. On occasion, the ghouls and
vampires throw a live mortal into the pit as a sacrifice
to Doresain and Orcus-just in case.
The Graveyard in Evernight is a broad, sprawling
affair. Tombstones and mounds of earth sprinkle the
terrain around aboveground mausoleums. Gargoyles,
devils, and angels, carved in marble and granite,
peer with empty eyes over all who set foot on this
unholy ground. A few of the city's undead that perish
in battle or accident are buried here, but the Graveyard's main purpose is not to serve as the final resting
place for Evernight's citizens. Instead, it's a site where
the ghouls blend their hunger and their faith in the
performance of a ceremony that is the stuff of mortal
When a ghoul captures a living humanoid (perhaps an outsider in the city who does not have
protection or a mortal who was snatched through a
crevice of dusk), it eats the victim immediately only
if it is starving. Ordinarily, it drags the poor soul to
Lamantha's mortuary, where the necromancer injects
him or her with a paralytic distilled from the humors
of the ghouls. Lamantha then cleans up the victim,
dresses him or her in the finest clothes, and takes
the helpless mortal to the Temple of Filth. There,
the priests conduct a funeral service for the victim,
asking the blessings ofDoresain. Finally, the victim is
placed in a coffin-often stained with the blood and
decay of past inhabitants-and carried in a formal
procession, replete with paeans to Orcus and Doresain, to the Graveyard. The victim is buried alive,
allowed to die slowly and rot for a time before being
reclaimed for food.
I Gazetteer
Lamantha, a human necromancer who is almost
certainly mad, works primarily as a mortician and
taxidermist. She prepares victims for their "funerals"- making them look their best and ensuring
that they won't start moving again until they are
secure in their coffins- and she also prepares bodies
(or parts of bodies) for undead that want trophies,
tools, decorations, or sporting equipment. On occasion, Lamantha makes up undead to look like living
beings, if they so desire, and serves as a "healer" to
undead that have been injured. In exchange, the
ghouls leave her alone to continue her studies, which
have something to do with the observation of growth
and change among the undead; her precise purpose
is unclear.
Despite her amoral nature and her willingness to
perpetrate horrors, Lamantha is not innately hostile
to living beings. In fact, she welcomes their presence
now and then so she can discuss current events in the
mortal world or other topics of interest. Thus, if the
characters can avoid angering her, they might find
the mortuary a safe place to rest for a night or two.
Much longer than that, Lamantha's patience with the
foibles of the living will run out, so visitors should be
careful not to overstay their welcome.
A river once ran through Evernight, fast and fierce,
wrecking ships whose captains lacked the skill to
navigate its treacherous waters. No more. For more
than two decades, lava from Mount Hotenow has
trickled steadily through the city in the channel of
the old river. The lava flows into the sea and creates
an enormous cloud of steam and fog that occaSionally
shrouds that end of the city in mist.
Several stone piers still stand on the banks of the
channel, and on rare occasions, ghost ships materialize, seemingly held afloat on the lava. These ships
dock at the empty piers for a few hours or a few days,
then vanish upstream once more. The sounds of
creaking rigging and moving cargo resound throughout Evernight, yet no figures appear on deck.
CHAPTER 4 I Gazetteer
Theme Tie-In
Some of the undead that can be hired in the market
are capable of sniffing out different flavors of death
from miles away. An Uthgardt barbarian character
might hire a gUide to locate the missing thunderbeast
totem, and an heir of Delzoun might use a guide's help
to find Gauntlgrym.
Such an endeavor is even more expensive than
normal-costing at least twice the usual fee-and quite
risky. The guide might fail to locate the target or might
betray the characters, especially if a better deal comes
The Resurrectionist
Every day, the market's best-known patron wanders
through the stores and stalls for hours. Known as the
Resurrectionist, he appears to be a frail old human
in a tattered, hooded cloak. He examines various
bodies and body parts for sale, picking them up,
turning them over, and occaSionally sniffing them.
He always puts them back with a deep sigh and continues on his way.
The Resurrectionist is willing to raise any player
characters who might have died, without charge, in
exchange for services to be named at some future
date. You can use this event as a plot hook to send
the adventurers on a quest later in the campaign,
perhaps searching for a particular ritual component
or the remains of someone who might be the old
man's long-lost friend. Refusal to accept such a
quest for the benefit of the Resurrectionist results
in the instant negation of his magic-in other words,
the character he raised drops dead. (He explains
this contingency when he offers his services, so the
adventurers know what they're getting into.)
An old, run-down manor beside the Graveyard, one
of the largest residences in the city, is home to the
Glumguts, an extended family of dark creepers (Monster Manual). The Netherese employ them to staff
this manor, which serves as a consulate for them.
The dark ones have no formal authority in Evernight;
their manor is simply a place where visiting Shadovar
can stay and anyone can drop off messages for the
The dark creepers supplement their income
through theft. They do not rob the undead- they
wouldn't dare- but any living visitors to the city, even
those offlimits to the ghouls and vampires, are fair
game. (They usually avoid robbing Thayans unless
they can catch a straggler alone.) The dark creepers
often lurk outside the city, acting as bandits on the
Shadowfell Road.
A dark stalker named Blackclaw leads the family.
Everyone of the Glumguts fears hearing Blackclaw's
snarling voice from behind them, for he punishes
slights and failures in unexpected moments and
cruel ways. Only three dark creepers dare to challenge him: two young cousins of his named Thrax
and Vynnia, and Blackcut, who is Blackclaw's son.
Believing themselves protected by Blackcut's relation
to his father, they make merry with various pranksome acts and sly ventures throughout Evernight.
They regularly seek excitement, taking particular
interest in individuals who don't seem to be from the
The truth of the matter is that Blackclaw does not
know about many of the youngsters' activities, and he
has not yet discovered they are the culprits of various
acts that have embarrassed and otherwise hindered
the Netherese in the city. Were he to discover they
are the cause of these woes, no family ties would hold
back his wrath. On the other hand, if the Netherese
find out the truth, it might doom the whole family.
Almost any form of corporeal undead can be found
in Evernight, along with various living humanoids
and the occasional creature of pure shadow. Use the
suggested encounter list in the Thayans section (page
107), with the following additions.
Level and Role
.Ghoul Flesh Seeker
4 Lurker
Ravenous Ghoul
5 Brute
'Vam[>ire Sj:,awn Fleshrip[>er 5 Minion
5 Soldier
Adept of Orcus
6 Controller
Stench Ghoul
6 Soldier
Corpse Vampire
8 Skirmisher
. Plaguechanged Ghoul
9 Elite Soldier
Cadaver Collector
Vampire Muse
t() CO'!t.!olleL~
Vampire Night Witch
10 Controller
Elder Vampire Spawn
iQ Minion So@I~r .-:..:..oc:;.....~.....
Vampire Lord
Master VamRire
MV: Monster Vault. MVN: Monster Vault: Threats to the
Nentir Vale. MM: Monster Manual. MM3: Monster Manual
3. OG: Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead. FRCG: for8 otten
Realms Campai8n Guide.
I Gazetteer
As a traveler moves along the roads from Evernight.
the sky turns darker. and the air becomes thick and
gritty. The wind blows hot and acrid. stinging the
eyes. and in the distance. a ruddy glow can be seen.
The Shadowfell reflection of Mount Hotenow is
erupting constantly. For years. it has spewed ash and
cinder. magma and flame. The lava flows coat the
sides of the mountain and spread through the sur
rounding forest. Always aflame but never consumed.
this is the Burning Woods, the Shadowfell's version
of Never winter Wood. Indeed. these woods have
slowly expanded over time as burning saplings grow
into fiery trees. Some of these trees burn within the
city walls.
Anyone approaching the woods from the city
must wade through a desolate wasteland, calf deep in
ash and faintly glowing embers. The gray of the ash
blends with that of the smoke, obscuring the hori
zon at times and giving observers a sense of empty
Some of the blackened and crackling trees of the
Burning Woods seem sentient, even angry. They
lash out whenever a creature comes near.
Ash Tree
Level 9 Hazard
XP 400
Detect Perception DC 12
Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 21, Reflex 14, WiIIImmune fire, necrotic, poison, psychic, forced movement,
all conditions, ongoing damage (except cold)
vs. Fortitude
Hit: The tree pulls the target to a square adjacent to it,
and the ongoing fire and necrotic damage increases
to 10.
Portions of the Burning Woods and its surroundings
are swathed in extreme heat, pervasive smoke, or
both (Rules Compendium). Areas of heavy ash are
difficult terrain. Squares where the burning rain of
ash and cinders falls are lightly obscured, and each
such square deals 1 d4 fire damage to any creature
that starts its turn in it.
On occasion, the sky rains gouts of fire and lava
from the volcano. Treat this as a caustic geyser (Dunaeon Master's Guide) that deals fire rather than acid
damage, and causes those affected to grant combat
advantage and take ongoing 5 fire damage (save
ends both) instead of becoming blinded. Squares
containing smoke are heavily obscured.
The flows of lava have a current of 3 to 5 squares
(Rules Compendium), but being dragged across the
plains or the forest is the least of a character's problems. Simply touching the lava deals 5 fire damage;
a creature that enters a square of lava or starts its
turn in one takes 15 fire damage.
ster Manual).
Although the constant eruptions and caverns of
magma make exploring the Shadowfell reflection of
Mount Hotenow exceedingly dangerous, determined
characters can enter some of the peak's caves and
paths. A number of portals to Toril and the Elemental
Chaos exist within, usually in the hottest and most
hazardous depths. Many of these caves are occupied
by elemental creatures, as per Mount Hotenow in the
mortal world, and others are home to fiery undead.
If the adventurers have already dealt with the fire
level and Role
Blazing Skeleton
5 ArtillE!ry
8 Artillery
8 Elite Controller Dun
Charnel Cinderhouse 9 Solo Soldier
Flameborn Zombie
10 Soldier
MV: Monster Vault. MM: Monster Manual. OG:
Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead. Dun: Dunneon 167
("Heart of the Forbidden Forge"). DD: Dunneon Delve.
Few know the full truth behind the Thayans' Shadowfell path-their main supply route between the
Neverwinter region and Surcross, and also the primary source of conflict between their forces and
those ofNetheril. If the characters intend to thwart
Valindra Shadowmantle's efforts in the region, they
must follow the road and cut off the Thayan evil at
the source.
Despite its name, the Shadowfell Road is no simple
trail, clearly marked and distinct. It is a complex
and twisting route, one that makes use of the plane's
peculiar, distance-warping properties. One portion
of the road might be miles or leagues from the next,
connected only by subtle teleportation effects that
travelers might not notice. Step through the proper
alleyway, arch of trees, or mountain pass, and the
path continues; try to go around or miss a turn,
and travelers might go nowhere fast. The trail runs
through a dozen regions and terrains, including villages, graveyards, swamps, and mountains. (A few of
these locations are detailed below; you are encouraged to add more.) The road's magic works only
for those who follow the path in its entirety. If the
characters try to join the route farther along or skip
ahead, their journey takes far longer than it otherwise
would- assuming that they can reach their destination at all.
The Thayans use the Shadowfell Road
without experiencing much trouble from
Because of the plane-warping effects of Shadowfell travel, the characters might emerge from the
Shadowfell Road into the mortal world in a place
that is not physically located between Thay and
Neverwinter. The road can (and from time to
time does) lead to almost anywhere in Tori!' You
can use this qUirk for brief excursions into other
locales or as a way to drop hints of future plots
and adventures.
If the characters miss a turn on the road and
end up lost in the Shadowfell, they can find their
way back to the path eventually with the proper
skills (or skill challenges). If they make this kind of
mistake, you can use it as an opportunity to include
Shadowfell-based side quests in your campaign.
Endless Alleys
A few hours' travel from Evernight, the Shadowfell
Road makes one of its spatial jumps. The characters
can see that something odd is coming up, since a
large number of empty Thayan wagons are standing
on the edge of the road (possibly guarded by a small
group of undead). Indeed, the Thayans leave a supply
of wagons on both sides of this segment of the route.
They know that they cannot drive the vehicles over
this portion of the route through the mortal realm
and must carry their cargo manually.
If the adventurers pass through the shift, they
emerge into what appears to be a filthy back alley,
the sort commonly found in the worst neighborhoods
oflarge cities. None of the buildings on either side of
the alley have doors or windows. The alley extends in
both directions, leading to ... more alleys.
In fact, the characters have landed in a labyrinth
of back alleys. The surrounding structures are built
of brick and offer no way to look inside or enter them.
The shadowstuff of the walls prevents teleportation. A
phasing creature that enters a wall emerges elsewhere
in the alley complex. If the characters climb the walls,
they look out over an array of featureless buildings
and alleys, stretching as far as the eye can see.
As the adventurers make their way through the
corridors or across the rooftops, they hear a chorus
of giggles. Phantom children, their eyes blank and
their expressions empty, appear before them. Each
clutches a stuffed animal or a garishly painted doll in
one hand; the giggling voices emerge from these toys.
The children try to embrace or tug on the characters, and each touch spreads necrotic agony. When a
phantom is destroyed, the spirit vanishes and the toy
drops to the ground, whining in disappointment as it
slowly disappears.
For the children as foes, use insubstantial undead
of a level appropriate to the party, such as a specter
(Monster Manual), a wraith (Monster Vault), or a ghost
(Monster Manual) .
Still Waters
One section of the Shadowfell Road passes through
a stretch of swamp. The waters are dark, cold, and
seemingly motionless, and the "road" is made of trees
that have been cut down and bound together to form
a rickety path that vehicles can traverse only carefully. Some of the lashed-together trees and branches
run in different directions, creating trails that lead off
the road proper.
Various shadowborn dwell in the swamp in tiny
hamlets of huts built atop stilts. They travel the waters
on skiffs, pushing them with long poles. The residents
have no interest in passersby, but their appearance
might warn visitors that something is amiss-all the
swamp-dwellers wear blindfolds.
The shadows make an attack (observer's level + 4
vs. Will) against living beings that watch them. On
a hit, the target is forced to climb the stairs and
cavort with the flickering shadows (save ends; the
target can attempt a saving throw only on turns
during which he or she is forced to hold still by any
means, perhaps by being grabbed or immobilized).
If a creature spends 1 minute dancing atop the
ziggurat, the victim disappears from the Shadowfell and appears on a similar pyramid in the ruins
near the Lake of Salt, surrounded by snaketongue
cultists (Monster Manual) and wereserpents (FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaian Guide). Any characters
transported in this manner can find their way back
to the Shadowfell Road by destroying the altar in
the pyramid at which the cultists worship.
LookinBfor a playmate
Obsidian Ziggurat
The Shadowfell Road passes through an abandoned
village at this location, winding around a few of the
outbuildings before cutting straight through the
center of town. The area would hardly be worth
noting- just another ruin along the trail-if not for the
tremendous ziggurat of glossblack stone that looms
beyond the far border of the fallen community. Stone
Thay Through
the Veil
The characters have probably arrived after a grueling trek through the Shadowfell, facing all manner
of unnatural horrors while trailing in the wake of an
undead caravan. However they managed it, they have
reached the venomous wellspring of an evil that has
poisoned the Neverwinter region for decades-the
birthplace of the horror that shattered the city.
The adventurers have reached the borders ofThay.
The nation looms over them, sprouting from the
earth like a cancerous growth. The plateau on which
the bulk of it stands rises thousands of feet above
its surroundings, as arrogant as its ruler, Szass Tam.
Merely gaining access to Thay proper would be an
adventure unto itself, to say nothing of surviving
within the confines of the necromantic nation.
Fortunately for the characters, they do not need
to scale the imposing wall of rock or face the bulk
of Szass Tam's armies. The source of their problems
lies closer, just within Thay's political borders-not
on high, but at the base of the escarpment. Here,
on these broken badlands, scattered villages have
been ravaged by warring powers that scarcely noted
their presence. The ground is littered with smashed
bones and tattered bodies that are too mangled for
easy reanimation. And up above, casting an ominous
shadow across the soil, a flying fortress of the Shadovar rains death upon the foes ofNetheril.
The fortified town of Surcross and the eldritch,
shadow-touched outpost of Veil stand at the base of
Thay's plateau. Here, if the characters are very good,
very careful, and very lucky, they can sever Valindra Shadowmantle's supply line and put an end to
Thayan interference in the Neverwinter region.
Theme Tie-In
A renegade Red Wizard character who comes back
to Thay is stepping into the lion's den. If the defenders learn of his presence, he can expect a wave of
attacks-some blatant, others more stealthy-as agents
of the necromancers try to abduct him from under the
noses of his companions.
Work with the renegade's player to establish
whether he has any old contacts or friends here. In
fleeing Thay, he almost certainly had to pass through
or near Surcross. Did someone there help him escape?
Are those allies still free, or have they been imprisoned
as enemies of the state? Similarly, could any of his old
rivals or enemies (perhaps fellow students or a former
instructor) be in Surcross or Veil? Perhaps they seize
the chance to settle old scores.
Thay haunts the sleep of the rulers of nations a thousand from its borders, and it looms in the thoughts of
its neighbors' every waking moment. Once a dreadful magocracy, it became a terrifying kingdom of
the dead when Szass Tam inflicted his ruinous rule
upon it. Szass Tam's dictatorship transformed the
country by devoting it to two things: necromancy and
conquest. The only religion permitted in Thay is worship of Bane, god of tyranny, and Szass Tam regards
even this with some suspicion. The study of magic is
devoted to undeath, and the dead swell the ranks of
Thay's armies, guard its cities' walls, and serve those
wealthy enough to afford them.
Most of the forces stationed in Surcross and Veil
are loyal to either Valindra Shadowmantle or Ukulsid (see below) and, therefore, to Szass Tam. But in
the turmoil of the war, a few individuals have risen
to positions of authority in the Thayan border territories- individuals whose loyalties secretly lie
When Szass Tam took command ofThay, other
Red Wizards of considerable power were elsewhere
in the world and escaped his purge. Most of these
expatriates now seek only to make their lives comfortable, but a few would love nothing more than to see
Szass Tam thrown down.
One of these Red Wizards is Dempharis Sibront.
An old man and a master of brutal evocation magic,
he has proclaimed himself a zulkir in exile. Sibront
has insinuated several of his own people into the
forces at Surcross. These rebels look for any opportunity to weaken Szass Tam's position. The local leader
ofSibront's infiltrators and turncoats is a half-ore
death mage (Monster Manual 2) named Omdros.
If the characters learn about Sibront's collaborators,
they might be able to convince the traitors to help
them foil Valindra's schemes. Of course, this alliance brings the characters to Sibront's attention. He
assumes that they are willing to serve him in future
adventures, and he becomes irate if they refuse.
In the border region, the characters can encounter
any of the opponents listed in the Thay and Netheril
sections of Chapter 3. In addition, all sorts of orcs
and gnolls- of appropriate levels, from almost any
source-serve in the Thayan military and are found in
both Surcross and Veil.
Many Thayan soldiers roam the lands outside Surcross in various vehicles. Skeletal steeds and other
undead beasts haul heavy chariots and reinforced
wagons. A small number oflight chariots, propelled
by innate enchantment, run the fields without any
beasts at all. (For more on vehicles, see Adventurer's
Wall of Crypts
The great defensive wall around Surcross is constructed of heavy stone, several dozen feet high and
nearly thirty feet thick. Although the wall is solid
from the outside, its interior features many
small panel doors, smelted of bronze and
bolted into the stone. Within are hundreds
Gates of Bone
The gates of Surcross, assembled from the bones
of various humanoids and beasts, are animated as
a form of undead construct. They open and close
only on the orders of necromancers with the proper
authority, as established by their rank in the Thayan
military. If other living beings remain adjacent to
the gates for more than a few minutes or attempt to
force them open, the gates animate as a pair of traps:
a gibbering head trap (Open Grave) and a corpse wall
(page 181).
thus the shields are often clustered over the area most
threatened by attack.
The second most heavily reinforced building in Surcross, the garrison is a long hall of heavy stone with
multiple chambers and inner passages. Undead
guard the entrances at all times, stopping anyone
who does not have a pass, a uniform, or a red robe.
The communal barracks hold dozens of soldiers to a
room. The troops are not segregated by gender, but
they are divided into human, ore and half-ore, gnoll,
and "other."
Short-range teleportation circles at the end of the
main hall allow soldiers to travel instantly to the main
gate, any of the Fingers of Szass Tam, or the Tombstone (see below).
The Sunmasters
Although most of the barracks in the garrison are
plain, consisting oflittle more than cots and footlockers, one area is luxurious, even opulent. It includes
lush mattresses, thick carpeting, wardrobes, and the
finest wines and delicacies.
These are the chambers of the Sunmasters, an
elite contingent consisting primarily of warlocks and
Banite clerics sworn to the service ofThay. The group
is led by a human warlock, Corporal Isma Lecere
(use the warlock knight executor in the FORGOTTEN
REALMS Campaign GUide). Lecere and her Sunmasters
rely on radiant attacks. Assigned to Sure ross as a special strike force against Shadovar, they take action
only when the situation calls for their talents-or
when it is so desperate that Surcross needs every soldier on the field.
The central keep of Surcross and the final redoubt if
all else falls, the Tombstone is a squat, ugly tower of
stone. Most internal walls are enchanted and covered
in runes, and if the keep comes under direct assault,
the doors can disappear, melding with the surrounding rock.
Hall of Petition
Occasionally, when his other duties permit, Ukulsid
holds court here. Citizens can petition him for judgment on disputes, complain about their treatment
by the soldiers, or request his intervention in other
matters. Since Ukulsid tends to draft anyone who
irritates him into military service, having them executed and reanimated, few people take him up on the
Zulkir's Chamber
Located at the top of the Tombstone, this grand chamber appears to have been transplanted from a much
more opulent castle. A golden throne sits at one end
upon a raised dais, with thick curtains hanging to
either side. Across from the throne is a small amphitheater. Braziers burn constantly in this area without
the need for fuel, filling the air above the throne with
a peculiar transparent smoke.
The room is a perfect replica of one of Szass
Tam's audience chambers in his citadel in Thay.
Due to matching enchantments in both chambers,
the Regent can sit in his citadel and communicate
with anyone in this room. When he does so, an illusion of Szass Tam appears in the haze above the
throne, while images of everyone in this room likewise appear to him. He (or, more often, an emissary)
uses this two-way connection to speak with Valindra
Shadowmantle or officers of Surcross at prearranged
Ukulsid and a few others can activate the link
from their end, but if they do so outside the normal
schedule, the reason had better be a major emergency. The magic allows those in this chamber to
teleport directly to Szass Tam's citadel, but the effect
can be activated only on the other end. That is, Szass
Tam can bring someone to him, but nobody in the
Zulkir's Chamber can invoke the teleportation.
Endless Feast
In a society as ruthless as that ofThay, it is not
unusual for the military to resort to torture to extract
information from captured enemies- or as punishment for disobedience. The Tombstone's torture
chamber is a simple room with manacles attached
to one wall. For the most part, Ukulsid relies on a
Single form of torment: A creature is continuously fed
to a small pack of starving ghouls while spellcasters
under Ukulsid's command regenerate the victim.
The cellar of the Tombstone, accessible only by Valindra and her personal operatives, is home to a small
but growing collection of bones. In anticipation of her
eventual mastery of the rituals for creating dracoliches,
Valindra has her agents scouring the world in search of
dragon corpses. The bodies are kept here in the vault
until she's ready for them. So far, the agents have found
only a few small corpses, but the hunt continues.
A large number of skeletal tomb guardians (Monster Vault) and death kin skeletons (Open Grave) lurk
within the dragon bones, ready to leap out and slay
intruders who win past the vault's other defenses.
Only Valindra and her operatives can come
and go as they please.
Szass Tam never saw it coming. As fierce as the fight
ing had grown between his forces and the agents of
Netheril, the regent still underestimated the severity
of the conflict. It was far away, in the west, a territo
rial dispute over Shadowfell paths. That the Shadovar
might bring the fight to Thay was difficult to imagine.
That is, it was difficult until the day when Kolthun
ral, one of the Netherese flying enclaves, appeared
from out of the clouds and began raining death upon
the Thayan communities at the base of the great
In the months since, the war between Netheril and
Thay has intensified around Kolthunral and Surcross,
both in the air and on the ground. To date, the Sha
dovar have been unable to conquer Surcross- or the
Thayan supply station at Veil-because Thay continues
to send supplies and reinforcements. Yet neither has
Surcross been able to repulse the Netherese attack.
Szass Tam has not become personally involved,
perhaps disinclined to elevate the conflict and thus
draw in the other Princes of Shade. If the war grew
large enough to pit all the rulers ofNetheril against
him, the devastation that would result beggars the
imagination. Then again, Szass Tam's refusal to
involve himself and his lieutenants might be born of
nothing more than a desire to see ifValindra Shadow
mantle can handle the problems that her operations
have spawned.
A mighty fortress and military garrison, Kolthun
ral is one of the smaller flying cities ofNetheril, but
one of the most heavily armed and armored. Towers
and keeps of stone emerge from a shallow bowl
of thick steel, the underside of which protects the
enclave against most attacks from below. Weaponry
ranging from mundane ballistae and catapults to
arcane siege engines (similar to those guarding the
Thayan escarpment) allows Kolthunral to repulse
almost any assault, and its devastating meteor tubes
can raze land-based targets.
Like most military communities, Kolthunral's population is made up mostly of soldiers, with the civilian
population serving as support (see the encounter list
in the Netherese section of Chapter 3). Kolthunral
has all the normal features of a small city-a marketplace, workshops, and the like- but all are devoted , at
least in part, to maintaining combat readiness.
The fortress normally flies at a speed of 5 to 10
miles per hour, but it can surge forward at up to 40
miles per hour for about 30 minutes before it must
slow again for several hours. Other than the environmental hazards to its occupants, there is no real
limit to how high the city can rise. It has not
yet surmounted the plateau ofThay because
Guard Towers
Towers built at varying heights rise from Kolthunral,
mostly near the edges of the enclave. Equipped with
archer platforms and siege engine emplacements,
the towers enable the Shadovar to launch or repulse
attacks in any direction. A few towers extend downward, protruding through the steel shield at different
angles, allowing a clear field of fire against enemies
who approach from beneath.
A network of reinforced bridges connects the guard
towers with the keeps and strongholds of the city.
These bridges allow the Shadovar to travel from one
structure to another without descending to street level.
Meteor Tubes
Near the downward-aimed towers, circular patches
of steel stand out slightly from the rest ofKolthunral's
shield. They are hinged panels that can drop open to
reveal darkened holes leading up into the city proper.
These openings are the meteor tubes, the enclave's
most brutal weapons. Boulders and other large objects
dropped into the tubes from above do not merely fall,
but pass through several of the most distance-twisting
regions of the Shadowfell before reappearing within
the tubes. The process accelerates the projectiles far
beyond terminal velOcity, causing them to strike the
earth with unbelievable force. Thankfully, they are
difficult to aim and too imprecise to target specific
individuals or buildings. That said, anything within
several dozen yards of a projectile's impact site is
obliterated. So far, only the shielding properties of the
Fingers ofSzass Tam in Surcross and the Shadow Veil
in Veil have kept the meteor tubes from razing those
communities to the ground.
Corridors of Shadow
Most of the smaller buildings ofKolthunral are constructed normally, but the interiors of the guard
towers and the fortresses are made, in part, of
shadowstuff that exhibits the warped nature of the
Shadowfell. Corridors extend farther than the space
around them should permit, twist in different directions depending on which way one is heading, lead
to different locations based on the time of day, and
otherwise make it easy to get lost in what appears to
be a simple complex. In particularly sensitive areas,
such as the Tower of the Mythallar, the corridors
deliberately mislead and misdirect intruders (perhaps requiring an extended skill challenge focusing
Paths Beyond
Several doorways in Kolthunrallead to the Shadowfell-sometimes. The fortress has no permanent gates
to that dark place, but some of its doors are enchanted
to allow access to the Shadowfell when the enclave is
I Gazetteer
A plain of death and carnage sprawls for several miles
between Surcross and the spot where Kolthunral
first appeared on the western horizon. Here, so much
blood has fallen that the dust has turned to a clinging mire. Bits of skin and tufts of hair are nearly as
common as grass, and the fierce winds cannot disperse the scent of death. Mangled bodies carpet the
landscape, and no matter how many the Thayans
drag away to add to their animated armies, the supply
seems endless.
The early battles in the war between Netheril and
Thay erupted in these charnel fields . The Thayans
started hauling corpses away to reanimate them and
send them forth again, but the sheer quantity of the
dead inspired the necromancers of Surcross to fouler
depths. Using the blood of the hundreds who already
lay in the fields as a focus, they enchanted the area
with a necromantic pull.
When nearby villages fell to the Netherese, the
assaults left behind empty, hollowed-out buildings,
but no bodies. All the corpses in the invaders' wake
sank into the soil and, over the course of days, were
dragged through the earth to reemerge in the charnel fields.
Gradually, the effect spread; more and more
bodies slid out of the muddy earth like births from an
Prison of Night
The Shadovar detain their prisoners of war in a
chamber deep inside Kolthunral's main keep. The
room has no chains or cells- only its outer walls. Prisoners simply hang in the center of the chamber, held
by levitation magic. They have no solid surfaces to
push off from, and the magic holding them in place
is stronger than any momentum they can generate by
thrashing about. Thus, they have no means of moving
toward the walls, floor, or ceiling and cannot reach
the only door. (Despite this fact, the door remains
guarded, just in case.)
The Shadovar don't bother making prisoners of the
orcs, gnolls and other monstrous races found in the
legions ofThay, and most undead discover a second
death at their hands instead of capture. However, the
Prison of Night is used to contain the humans, elves,
and other civilized individuals they capture, and any
undead leaders captured from among the Thayan
forces - as long as the prison's magic can be trusted
to hold them. They rightly presume such individuals to be more important to the Thayans, and thus
they remain in bondage, awaiting the time when they
might prove useful, such as for a prisoner exchange.
I G az e tteer
Although most of the small communities in the area
now covered by the charnel fields have been obliterated, the hamlet ofRelsforin still stands in the
midst of a veritable sea of butchery. The people of the
hamlet have made themselves useful to the Thayans,
performing much of the manual labor involved in .
collecting the most phYSically hale corpses, gathermg
them for transport, and loading them onto military
wagons. In exchange, the Thayans make an effort to
protect Relsforin from Netherese attack, and they
allow the residents to keep most of the valuables they
scrounge off the corpses.
The people of ReI sforin are so terrified of the
Netherese and oflosing the protection ofThay-to
say nothing of being traumatized by their new way of
life-that they might turn hostile to outsiders without
provocation. The characters might be thrust into a situation where they have to calm down the population
without resorting to lethal force.
eRA PT E R 4
The reason the Netherese have not yet obliterated Veil is that selfsame Shadowfell influence. The
presence of the veil prevents them from aiming Kolthunral's meteor tubes-the projectiles, which pass
through the Shadowfell, go awry before striking
Veil. So far, the Netherese haven't launched a ground
assault on the village for fear of being caught between
Veil 's defenders and a sallying force from Surcross.
Still, the Netherese continue to search for a viable
way to take Veil in one swift stroke, and the apprehension felt by the village'S population continues to
Occupied Temple
The Thayans recognize that the road between Surcross and Veil is a vulnerable point in their supply
line and have taken steps to secure it. The winding
trail is lined with corpses impaled on large wooden
stakes. Each body is enchanted to animate, leap from
its stake, and slaughter anyone who attacks Veil or
Thayan travelers on the road.
Further, the trail is mined with necromantic
glyphs concealed under the dirt. Any undead that
steps on such a glyph deactivates it for five minutes,
allowing the Thayan convoys to pass. However, if a
living being passes over a glyph while it's active, the
result is a burst of substantial necrotic and psychic
Left a desolate ruin after a terrible cataclysm, the city of
Neverwinter now rises from the ashes to reclaim its title
as the Jewel of the North. Yet even as its citizens return
and rebuild, hidden forces pursue their own goals and
vendettas-anyone of which could tear the city apart. If
Neverwinter is to survive, it's up to heroes to face down
secret cults, sinister necromancers, would-be kings, and
the terrible monsters stirring beneath the city.
This supplement for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@
roleplaying game explores the Neverwinter region,
providing details for both players and Dungeon Masters
to experience everything the setting has to offer. Players
can use this book to enhance their adventurers with
exciting options that tie in to the setting. They can
choose from new character themes, cleric domains and
powers, a new type of wizard called the bladesinger,
and variants for classic races such as dwarves and elves.
For Dungeon Masters, this supplement is a sandbox of
adventure and plot options. It gives a Dungeon Master
all the tools to build a thrilling campaign that spans the
Neverwinter region.
ISBN: 978-0-7869-5814-6
1lHIJ ~~IIUII. ~
Sug. Retail: U.S. $39.95
Printed in the U.S.A.
CAN $46.00