Capability Maturity Model For Software (CMM) : Maturity Level - 5 (Optimized Level)

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for Software (CMM)

Version 1.1
Maturity Level – 5 (Optimized Level)
Characteristics of a Level
5 Organization
• At level 4, the process is quantitatively understood
• At level 5, continuous process improvement is a way
of life. The focus is on preventing the occurrence of
defects and promoting innovations.
• In immature organizations, no one may be
responsible for process improvement
• Mature organizations usually have 70-80%
participation in improvement
Level 5 Key Process Areas

• Defect prevention
• Technology change management
• Process change management
Defect Prevention
• Purpose is to identify the cause of defects and
prevent them from recurring

• Involves
– Analyzing defects that were encountered in the
– Taking specific actions to prevent the occurrence
of these types of defects in the future.
– Trends are analyzed to track the types of defects that
have been encountered and to identify defects that
are likely to recur.
DP - Common Features
• Commitment
– Written organizational policy / and policy for the
project for defect prevention activities.
• Ability
– Team that is responsible for coordinating the defect
prevention activities should exist at the organization
level and project level.
– Adequate resources and funding
– Training on defect prevention for personnel
performing these activities
• Measurement
– To determine the status of the defect prevention
DP - Activities
• Defect prevention activities are planned.
– The software project develops and maintains a plan for
its defect prevention activities.
– At the beginning of a software task, the members of
the team performing the task meet to prepare for the
activities of that task and the related defect prevention
• Common causes of defects are sought out and identified.
– Causal analysis meetings are conducted according to a
documented procedure.
– Defect prevention data are documented and tracked
across the teams coordinating defect prevention
DP - Activities
• Common causes of defects are prioritized and
systematically eliminated.
– Each of the teams assigned to coordinate defect
prevention activities meets on a periodic basis to
review and coordinate implementation of action
proposals from the causal analysis meetings.
– Revisions to the organization's standard software
process resulting from defect prevention actions are
– Revisions to the project's defined software process
resulting from defect prevention actions are
– Members of the software engineering group and
software-related groups receive feedback on the
status and results of the organization's and project's
defect prevention activities on a periodic basis.
Technology Change
• Purpose is to identify new technologies and transfer
them into an organization in an orderly manner.
• Involves
– Identifying, selecting, and evaluating new
– Pilot efforts are performed to assess new
– Incorporating effective technologies into the
TCM - Common Features
• Commitment
– Written organizational policy for technology change
– Senior management sponsorship for technology
change management.
– Senior management oversees the technology change
management activities.
• Ability
– Group that is responsible for technology change
management activities exist.
– Adequate resources and funding
– Support for collecting and analyzing data needed to
evaluate technology changes
TCM - Common Features

• Measurement
– To determine the status of technology change
management activities.
TCM - Activities

• Incorporation of technology changes are planned.

– The organization develops and maintains a plan for
technology change management.
TCM - Activities
• New technologies are evaluated to determine their effect
on quality and productivity.
– The group responsible for the organization's technology
change management activities works with the software
projects in identifying areas of technology change.
– The group responsible for the organization's technology
change management systematically analyzes the
organization's standard software process to identify
areas that need or could benefit from new technology.
– Technologies are selected and acquired for the
organization and software projects according to a
documented procedure.
– Pilot efforts for improving technology are conducted,
where appropriate, before a new technology is
introduced into normal practice.
TCM - Activities

• Appropriate new technologies are transferred into

normal practice across the organization.
– Software managers and technical staff are kept
informed of new technologies.
– Appropriate new technologies are incorporated into
the organization's standard software process
– Appropriate new technologies are incorporated into
the projects' defined software processes
Process Change
• Purpose is to continuously improve the software
process used in the organization with the intent of
improving software quality, increasing productivity,
and decreasing the cycle time for product
• Involves
– Defining process improvement goals
– Systematically identifying, evaluating, and
implementing improvements to the organization’s
standard software process and the projects’
defined software processes
PCM - Common Features
• Commitment
– Written organizational policy for implementing
software process improvements.
– Senior management sponsorship for software
process improvement.
• Ability
– Adequate resources and funding
– Training for software managers in software process
– Senior management receives required training in
software process improvement.
• Measurement
– To determine the status of the software process
improvement activities.
PCM - Activities
• Continuous process improvement is planned.
– The group responsible for the organization's
software process activities (e.G., Software
engineering process group) coordinates the
software process improvement activities.
– The organization develops and maintains a
plan for software process improvement
according to a documented procedure.
– The software process improvement
activities are performed in accordance with
the software process improvement plan.
PCM - Activities
• Participation in the organization’s software process
improvement activities is ORGANISATION wide.
– A software process improvement program is
established which empowers the members of the
organization to improve the processes of the
– Members of the organization actively participate in
teams to develop software process improvements for
assigned process areas.
PCM - Activities
• Participation in the organization’s software process
improvement activities is ORGANISATION wide.
– Software managers and technical staff receive
feedback on the status and results of the software
process improvement activities on an event-driven
• The ORGANISATIONS standard software process and the
projects’ defined software process are improved
– The software process improvement activities are
performed in accordance with the software process
improvement plan.
– Software process improvement proposals are handled
– Where appropriate, the software process
improvements are installed on a pilot basis to
determine their benefits and effectiveness before they
are introduced into normal practice.
PCM - Activities

• The ORGANISATIONS standard software process and

the projects’ defined software process are improved
– When the decision is made to transfer a software
process improvement into normal practice, the
improvement is implemented.
– Records of software process improvement activities
are maintained.
End of Optimized Level (L5) KPAs

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