CDD 137

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| Issue 137 September 2014 CDD CIRDAP Development Digest gna MEETING OF caRDAP TI once Uy BeNKFTHUATLAN THU 29 TRUN TONGHOP YUNG CHAU 4 TH ‘CIRDAP Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific CIRDAP “The Contro en Intograted Rural Dovelopmont for As'a and tho Pacfe CIRDAP) isa regional, irtergovernmental, and autonerrous Insituton, established in July 1979 atte initative ofthe countries ‘ofthe Asie-Pacic region and the Food and Agrculture Organistion (FAO) of tho Uniod Nations with eupport from covers other UN bodies and donors. Its member counties incude Aigharistan, andladesh (Host State), Fi, India, Indonesia, ran, Lao POR, Malaysia, Myanmay, Nepal, Patisten, the Phiippines, Si Lanka, ‘Thalard ané Vietnam. ‘The main objecives of CIRDAP ar t:() asset national ston: (i) Promote regional operation; and (il) ac as @ senicng instution for ts member counties Yor promotion of iniegraled rural developmen (FRO) thrcugh researc, action research, pict projec, trating and infermation cissemination Amelioration of rural poverty in the Asia-Pactc region has been the prime concem of CIRDAP. ‘The programme proiles of CIRDAP are set under four Areas of CConcem: 1) Agrarian development 2) InsttutioneVnfastuctial ‘development; 3) Resource development including human resources; ‘and 4) Employment. Within these Areas of Concem, the thematic ‘reas identfisd ere: Poverty alleviation through participatory approaches with emphasis on cocial soctor dovelopmont (0.3. health, education and nutiton Employment generation through Imlrecredt suppor. hrasbucture daveboament ard jcal resource mobitsation; GO-NQO collaboration; Gender issues; Governance izoues; and Environmental concerns for susiainable rural development Operating threugh designated Contact Minisines and Link Initusons in member countres, CIRDAP promotes techrical cooperaton among natons ofthe region. I plays a supplementary and reinforcing oi in euppoting and furthering the effectvenoes of Integrated curl development programmes inthe Asia-Pacicregon. About CDD CIRDAP Developmert Digest (CDD) is pubished four times @ year (arch, June, Septombar and Dacamiber), The purpose of the COD is highlight varous facels of IRD in the Asia-Paofic region. Any Uncredited aride oF informaton appearing in the COD may be Tepreduced witout por permission but with due acknowedgement anid a copy bo the Editor. The desgnetions empioyed and the resertatin of materals in CDD do not imply the expression of any ‘pinion whatsoever on the part of CIRDAP concerning the legal siatus of any country, city o area, or of ts authories or boundates. ‘News tems, viewpoints on IRD and releled issues ate welcome Al comespondence shouldbe addressed tothe Eder. Contents CIRDAP Technical Commmitten(TC-20) ‘Ts qua Twen-nn ego CFOAP Teta Cones nec vou) 3 Pages Research News earn Waistop on Shug a Pas Rr Depa ‘dP Alot CFDA Monber Cots 2 ‘iano he Vata tom Kat Unversy gan " JeAana hye Ueno Noe CORP Ofeas " INC and Ropes FOP Ona i ot ney Forde Src Ser, SOAP 2 teat Cormeen Press ‘taman sn Ear rer Fa Savings ark gas Saison. CHR 2 (Gardwerare Cntr UNDP Yt CROAP 2 [aotbagodes ark ang Ase ETA) Vs OAF 3 ‘a Fagoral rae Vas CRON? 8 oro Lona Coury Drs Vts CRDAP 2 CGron? Onda Parco nreralGrnorc Ma 3 Pilot Projects Update Seinen acing Prem moore an % Scag DendaprtPan fr Pei Cahoon abe: 7 Song vl wn wy one " Eisuttoron Catone wt Colpninl Paes 8 Training News {GFDAP-HID Caliban Inert! Trenhg Porenmé on Aepictin 1s for Migtar, Acapen and Dear Rak esactonUanegemort 19 ogena!Werarop en One Tan, Gra Pedi! and Suttowrey sere Phlesey le DAP Man Cures a “Tanng Progr on arabia ety Nooo Powar er Pol Dosopnent 4 Information and Communication “otahep an Bates Yeng Pars onan Eeaparvy rs Poptart rac n Burgas ‘anger NARC 21 Mache Real Calo Benepe sta ‘SURE Sera on Sb ard Rte Comey Rae Fantastic Deeper Buoy ‘donne Sdton Mire vr astDecee ON ancl Fama Sunsuar Eng Povey rato at ‘sung Fes Ths Fail Escape ton Porat Buleing Bridges eBEsy Eidtorlal Board ‘Shaxporeer Coc tend Elton Vasenh Falenan amber Hoseen Stabe Pubenton Keser A Saleh Sie Cover pho stews De Cecap Een Drecter Genera, ORDAP ‘Aros te Foguar Twenty Meotng ef CIRDAP In Vata Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific ‘Chameli House’ 17 Topkhana Road, GPO Box 2883, Dhaks-1000, Bangladesh “Tek (880 2) 0558751, 7169624.25 (PABX), 0564776 (Admin): Fax: (860.2) 9562025 Exmal: infocom@cirdan org: research@eirdap. pd@cirdap. org: training@eirdap org: administrationd@cinsap org ‘Website: Printed by : Fupa Printing & Packaging, Dhaka CIRDAP Technical Committee (TC-29) ‘The Regular Twenly-Ninth Meeting of CIRDAP Technical (Committee (hereinafter referred to a8 TC-29) was held in Hotel ‘Movenpick, Hanol, View oa 15-16 and 18 September 2014. Delegates frem all the CIRDAP Member Countries (CMCs) ‘excent Myanmar attended the Meeting. HLE. the Ambassador of ‘Sri Lanka and delegates from the Embussy of the Islamic [Republic of Irn in Hanoi and observers and representatives of the development partners were also present during the inaugural session. Inaugural Session ‘The Inaugural session of the meeting wat held on 15 September 2014. Mr. Le Quoc Doan, Ph.D, Hon'ble Vice = HE Mr Le Quoc Doan addesing the TC-29. Minister of te Minisuy of Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of the Socialis! Republic of ‘Vietnam innigurated the programme 2s the Chief Guest. The programme was also attended by Mr. Tammi A. Kasim, MSc. Director Genersl, Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment (DGCVE), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Chairperson ‘of CIRDAP 28th Technical Committee (TC-28), Me. Tran Kim Long, Director General, Intemational Cooperation Department, Minisuy of Agriculure and Rural Development, Socialis ‘Republic of Vietnam atended the programme. In the inaugural function, Dr. Cecep Effendi, Director General, CIRDAP delivered the welcome addcess. Dr. Effendi thanked the Chief Guest for his kind presence despite his busy schedule He also thanked the Chalrperson of the TC-28 for his kind ‘support and cooperation to CIRDAP. He mentioned that daring the last year, he tried to establish linkages for promoting regional cooperation and exchange of expertise and expetiences among CIRDAP Member Countries (CMCs) on rural evelopment and poverty alleviation. Dr. Effendi mentioned that despite rious limitations of humaa and financial resources, the Centre hes been trying relentlessly to bea vibrant ‘organisation forthe eause of the CMCs. DG, CIRDAP noted that soverdl attempts have been made to make CIRDAP a proactive organisation, Mr. Tarmizi A. Karim, MSc. Director Generel, Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment (DGCVE), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govemment of the Republic of Indonesic and the Chaicperson of CIRDAP 28th Technical (Committee (TC-28) reiterated his government's commitment to allevicte poverty and improve the quality of life of people in the rural areas. Specifically, he THE2S" REGULARMEETING OFARDAP] conmse obec : Heo OOM Sense Inte coclopacat Mickie ee a ce SINGH OY BAN KY THUAT LAN THU 29 TRU fw Lome Doan nD. TONG HOP VUNG CHAU ATH, Vie Minister of the Ministry of Siem Soto Cac no i Drclapment, Government at =o Scams on de Ce Gaur While welcoming the delegates, hhe gave an account of the development that as taken place in Vietnam, He lauded the efforts of CIRDAP as a proactive orgenisation and expressed ope that Vietnam is very keen to see that the activities of CIRDAP are further strengthened to overcome the rural poverty and improve the ‘overall living conditions of the rural poor. He expressed hope to work closely with CIRDAP and other member countries. On behalf of the Government of Vietnam, he renewed the commitments ard share the concerns of CIRDAP ane its ‘member countriss. Mr. Tran Kim Long, Direcior General, Intemational Cooperation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of Vietnam, proposed ‘ote of thanks. Business Session ‘Agenda 1 Election of the Chairperson ‘The members of TC-29 unanimously elected Mr. Tean Kim ‘Long, Director Genera, International Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, as the Chairperson of TC-29. "The Chairperson of TC-28 congratulated the newly elected (Chairperson and thanked the TC members for their support ‘and cooperation during his term in office. The newly elected. (Chairperson expressed his gratitude for being clected as the Chairperson of TC-29 snd praised the performance of the former Chairperson for successfully running the TC-28 ‘Meeting. He hoped that the TC members will continue 10 extend full egoperation to him to strengthen the activities of cIRDAP. Agenda ? Adoption of Agenda and Time-Table “The Chaisperson of TC-29 placed the Provisional Agenda and the Time-Table before TC-29 for adoptioa, The Commitee ‘unanimously adepied the Agenda apd the Time-Tabl, Agenda 3 Follow-up Action taken on the Recommendations of TC-28 Dizector General, CIRDAP reported the actions taken by the Centre as «follow up on the suggestions of TC-28 Mecting. The TC-29 tok note of the actions taken by DG, CIRDAP and gave some suggestions for further actions by CIRDAP 1s follows: Suggestion I: TC-29/2014 ®) CIRDAP has made contact with various intemational organisations ‘and have agreed to engage more in collaborative initiatives, by Bifecive effort should be made by CIRDAP to include more ‘members from ECO Region in the CIRDAP Family ‘© Non paying Member Counties should be encouraged to pay [RCF as recommended by EC-29 in New Delhi. Indi 1) The successes gained by the Vietnamese agriculture sector through integration with the fishery sector may be # good ‘example for many CMCs. © CIRDAP Approach to Rural Development (CARD) through seed money approach could be 2 useful approach may be revitalized by CIRDAP. Agenda 4 Follow-up Actions on the Recommendations of EC-29 and Decision of GC-19 Director General, CIRDAP briefed TC29 about the outcome of| the EC.29 and GC-19 meetings held in India in September 2013. "The delegates expressed ther views a fellows: 2) Rural Development Programmes need to be designed in such 4 way 20 a8 to ensure community participation for their own benefit 'b) Government should be involved in implementation of the programme atthe grassrocts level to sce the multiplier effects ‘ofthe programmes at various Ievels. ‘© Government should consider providing necessary support 10 the community people to enhance thei capabilites as RANG OPN CENTER There are many good practices available in the CIRDAP Member Counties which need to he identified, recognited, evaluated and documented by CIRDAP for replication in ‘member counties Agendas Director General's Report onthe Activities of CIRDAP At the invitation of the Chaisprsen, the Dizector General, CIRDAP presented the activites o CIRDAP forthe period Mey 2013 to date. DG, CIRDAP then explained the problem of implementation of RCF such as aranging shot term research ‘sudy in Malaysia under faculty exchange between CLs. The ius faced ae a fellows 4) Study aren ofthe proposal is away from the CLI (eave ecet) ‘vy Somesimes clearance from very high level auhority Study area i a secarity sensitive (Anan) ‘TC members appreciated the Director General, CIRDAP for his| comprehensive presentation and expressed concems aver the ‘nara! consvain: of CIRDAP with regard co conducting is ‘core activites. The TC members made the following ‘observations: 1) The delegate from LR. Iran expressed his thanks and support to the stiategy of CIRDAP. 1b) Tho dologate from Indonesia expressed their support 10 CIRDAP through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minis of Finance of tie Government of Indonesia to help CIRDAP to conduct thar programmes thrcugh financial uppert © IRD Bapert suggested that for CIRDAP to overcome its sta shortage in the HQ. CLs may be encouraged to depute some professionals and pay = ‘tc, NCRD hes collaborative partnership with private costor ‘organisations like ‘Taaleem Foundation, AKhuwal, NIMS (National Iasitute of Medical and Social Sciences), which are partners of leading universities in USA and UK. Thece feciliice are available and NCRD can facilitate the interested professionals under RCP, 3) Sri Lankan delegate informed that it has signed an MOU with Colombo University to initiate a faculty of Agricultural [Economics for which Si Lanka requires experts to propare curriculum, CIRDAP may assist HARTT to find an expert for this, Agenda-6 Presentation from IRD Expert on Emerging Issues of Rural Development and Engagement with CLis, CHCs and other Stakeholders Dr. Sompom Hanpongpanch, IRD Expert presented a comprehensive report the selery fom CLls Emerging Issues of eral and CIRDAP) my | IIMEETING OF CIRDAP TECHNICAL Development and and CIRDAD, may F moms 6S ie Engagement with CLI, fale OPDAN Ke ayer A TAW29 Teun: CMCr and other ) The delegate from ‘Thailand mentioned that the RCF fund has been provided to CIRDAP for a long time but no actual benetit has materialised. ©) Member countries needing support may be accommodsted in line ‘with RCF guidelines, The Indonesian ‘delegate reiterated that CIRDAP belongs to Member Counties 90 the problems encountered by the Centre should be solved by the Member Countries. The Goverment should provide technical ‘ad financial suppor: to keep tie Centre functioning. Permanent ‘budget is required for the Cenire, The delegate opined that the Cente is an unique organisation having 15 members in it fold, ‘ad needs to rfoeus its mission, vision and ativites. 1) The Philippines delegate mentioned that the RCF was. ‘slablished to coaductspevific activities (.e. propora study) ‘bat the member countries which ae to host the crivities should be consulted before submitting the proposal. She recalled the decision of BC-28 and GC-18, ic, paying countries should be given proc. 1) The delegate from Thailand inguited wither the university ‘students can avail ofthe interaship programme at the CIRDAP igs. through the nomination of CMCs. DG, CIRDAP clarified in affirmation, 4) The delegate from Pakistan mentioned the National Centre for Rucal Development (NCRD), Islamabad is the prime institute in rural development i Pakistin. NCRD offers various courses like, rural development, ICT, micro-finance, poverty alleviation, "Highlehs of IRDA Projets 204-17 Being relvaved by BE. Mr. Le Quoc Dosh ‘Stakeholders, He noted that CIRDAP cagagemeat on thematic areas since its inception was in right sdeation. He pointed out that CIRDAP addressed the issues efficiently. He also incntioned that CIRDAP was ‘evaluazed by CEC in 2000, Observation of the TC Members. 2) The delegate from ‘Malaysia pointed out the relevance of the CBC Report of 2009 in the preveat context He enguired about any other evaluation conducted by CIRDAP recently. TC members suggested to conste an evaluation committee which may evaluate the activities of CIRDAP ones in five years and present the report. ‘Agenda-7 Discussion on Programme Activities of CIRDAP Link Institutes (CLs) Chairperson invited the Hhnourable delegates to present their sctvties. Director General, CIRDAP in his introductory remarks requested the delegates to kindly ienify one or two specific ‘issues which are relevan fr the CMCs based on which CIRDAP ‘can engage with thom. Observation ofthe delegates on the actites of CLIs: 4) Tadonesian delegate enquired about the project on insurance of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries and would like to know how the bercficiarics are liked tothe value chain ') Iranian delegate expressed his interest to share experiences 10 conduct an Iniemational Workshop on “Supporting Fund for Investment Development in Agriculture Sector” or “Rural ‘Management:Raral Ielamic Counei. ©) The observer from TFNet wanted to know about the rural livelihoeds project of Baagladesh. The representative from the Philippines Wanted to know who the betetiiaries of BARD project are. The DG, BARD explained to delegates about their ‘queries and expressed 10 share the project experience on agricultural insurance, if any one is interested d) The Thai delegate in response to querics of DG, CIRDAP, ‘whether Thailand wil offer same programme which Thailand has ‘been conducting regularly for past few years. Sie mentioned that her couttry will offer the same programme ccvering all CMCs provided thatthe CMCs have to bear the travel expenses of the pputcipans, Thailand offered “Sufficiency Beonomy: “Chang. Hun-Mun” Royal Iniative Project. ©) The IRD Expert commented thal Thailand stould invite either Community Development Department under the Ministry of Interior oF “Office of the Agricultural Economics” under the ‘Miniscy of Agriculture and Cooperatives to serve as consortium ‘member from Thailand ‘Beat Prices Werishop ding TC29 1) On the presentation from Sri Lanka, the Philipines delegate ‘yanted 1o know what are the good models of Sri Lanka which could be shared with CLIs. The representative from Indonesia questioned about vegetable crop lend in Sri Lanka, The representative from Pakistan mentioned sbout the experience ‘rom South Korea regarding agricultural cooperatives. ©) The dologste from Fiji presented about the programme activites of his counity, Fit is ready to share its expecience inthe ‘Held of climate change adepration and DR. 1) The Indonesian delegate also enquired about the Disaster risk reduction programme of Pakistan and how to gain knowledge 4) Pakistan offered to share its exporiences from the following ‘thre initiatives fost practices: Tnteres! fee micro Finance for sustainable livelihood (ii) ICT¢D and ii) Disaster ‘Management(DRM ,DRR Disaster Risk Insurance). 4) The Malaysian delegate informed that Homestay programmes related to eahancing tourism may be shared with CMCs, Malaysia can also share its Raral Transformation Programmes (RTP) experience. 1) The delegate from Lao PDR preseated about the programme sctvites of his county. The representative from Indonesia enquired shout the seed project. The repretentative from 120 PDR mentioned that they produce and certify the seed in his ‘county. The representative from Lao PDR meatcned that the farmers are tined in five selected villages om production of ‘seed, There isa national stitute for production of standard rice seed, The government instiute eerlies the seed The wainers from national institute train the farmers. The IRD Export ‘mentioned that purpoce ofthis project isto generate power and inrgation, This project has a lot of oppertnity for egrcultaral evelopment and poverty alleviation, He also mentioned that the ‘project needs a lot of extension programme. (Other CMCs may assist Lic PDR in this regard, Other CMCs may cooperate with ‘Lao PDX ia disseminating seed production and ‘cerifcation project. Agenda 8 Plan Programme of ‘Act ef CIRDAP ‘and Technical Inputs from CLis DG CIRDAP presented a Iist of projects that were approved ty CIRDAP Governing Council in its 19th Meeting held in New Delhi, India on 30% September 2013 for the bienaium 2014-15 and requested CLIs to support CIRDAP in implementing them and also indicate which projects need to be followed up. The lis: of Projects is givem in Annex 11. ‘Agenda 9 Discussion on Collaborative Programmes/Projects by ‘Member Countries with CIRDAP Director General CIRDAP requested the delegates to identify ‘some projects based on the discussion under Agenda 7 and ‘hich may be iniuiated inthe next year. The following projects have been identified to be implemented as joint collaboration ‘vith CLs Agenda 10 Discussion on the RDR-2015: Selection of Topic, Ouline, Time Frame and Other Modalities DO, CIRDAP presented six themes identified by CIRDAP as the theme for RDR 2015, Suggestions wore invited from the ‘TC members. After thorough ciscassion the members came out ‘vith suggestion a follows “The majority of the CLIs selested the topic for the RDR-2013 ‘8 “Efficcy of Inidativee/Programmes on Rural Income and Poverty Alleviation: Way Forward”. CIRDAP will provide ‘utline 10 the CLs for preparation of the report. It was also ‘decided that the report will be discussed in the regional ‘yorkshop to be organised in collaboration with AHKNCRD, Pakistan in Merch 2015, It is expected thatthe output will be presented in the 7th Regional Policy Dialogue to be held in ‘Avgast 2015, Agenda 11 Discussion on Inventory of Good Practices on RD ai tu CIRDAP Member Countries (CMCs) PA Prof. ¥. Kaila, former IRD Expert, presented his paper on Inventory of Good Practices on RD and PA in CIRDAP, 1029 Menbersonafeldvit Member Countries (CMCs) and this was followed by a discussion on how to use this template by the CMC to provide infomaiion on their best practices 10 CIRDAP. Prof. Kaida ‘gnve some guidslines based on the example of Bangladesh template that was prepared by him. There was a suggestion ‘that an expert should be identified by each country to do dis kind of compilation, But the member countries expressed that it ‘il involve some cost. DG, CIRDAP suggested that CIRDAP will begin this wosk for countries which are close to Bangladesh by sending its ovin profesional to countries like "Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Agenda 12 Discussion on the Uiilsation of RCF Based on the New Directives of EC-29 and GC 19 Director General, CIRDAP bilefed about the present position ‘of RCF. The ‘CLis delegates provided the following ‘observations! 4) The delegate from Thailand wanted to know how long the RCF can last, 1) The Bangladesh delegate wanted to focus on programmes and research with tangible outcomes, © The IRD Expert mentioned that since fund is collected ‘oluniavly all countries should participate and a Workshop on best practice utilising the RCF could be organised, Organisation of workshop using RCF should be on prioritization. The host country should be reepontible for ‘organizing the workshop, goverment of the organizing county should cover local hospitality cost. «The delegate from Philippines mentioned that it took $ years tw create RCF. She mentioned about expert exchange between Lis, Sho also mentioned all couatrica should participate However priority should. be siven to paying counties, ©) The delegate from mentioned that and scrutinize the programmes. Indonesian delegate indiceted to offer SME programmes for CMCs through CIRDAP. Indonesia will meet the local hospitality However, intemational tavel cost will be bore by respective CMC, The delegate from Afghanistan mentioned that we fan take both activities i.e regional forums and workshop. CIRDAP may write fo GC and mention that TC sgreed on these suggestion. Agenda 13 Any Other Matters: Under this agenda proposals were presented as follows «@) Expansion ofthe CIRDAP Membership Director General, CIRDAP sought support from the honorsble delegates o expand the membership of CIRDAP. ‘Suggestions + DG, CIRDAP may like to invite some potential countries to participate in the fortheoming ECIGC as observer. “Fiji war requosted to help to increase th CIRDAP ‘membership from the Pacific Islands. four + Tran may like to help CIRDAP Socretiriat to {increase membership from ECO region. 18) Member Country Contribution Director General mentioned that the contribution was last revised inthe yenr 2000, “There is amzed to review. ©) CIRDAP Development Forum (CDF) as an “Annual Event and Selection of Theme for Next Year DG, CIRDAP proposed that Workshops ‘organised dusing TC Meetings can be called IRDA? Development Forum (CD¥). Suggestion: ‘The mecting unanimously approved the Proposal ) Corpus Fund DG CIRDAP reported that GC approved the Corpus Fund, Utlisation. ‘Suggestions: ‘The Concept paper may be put up again to EC and GC, as, CIRDAP hired consultant and spent money on concept paper of Corpus Fund. ‘Agenda 14 Date and Venue of the Next Technical Committee Meeting "The delegate from Fiji informed that the Government of Bij ‘would host the EC-30 and GC-29 meetings in Fiji CIRDAP, ‘should finalise the date of the Meoting, It was tentatively: ‘decided that the EC-30 and GC-20 Meeting will be held in last ‘week of August 2015 in Fj DG, CIRDAP brought to the notice of TC delegates in TC-28 in Jakarts that Fiji had offered to host TC-30 in 2015. But ‘subsecuerily in EC-29 and GC-19 meetings in New Delhi, a8 Indonesia which had offered to host GC 20 in 2015 withdrew, DG, CIRDAP requested Fiji to host EC.30 and GC-20 & Fit TTC Members viewing cura event it Viram ‘agreed. In this circumstance since it is aot the practice of one ‘country to host all three meetings and be chairperson for TC, EC and GC, DG invited suggestions from the members. The ‘suggestion was thet TC meeting aced not be held in 2015, DG, CIRDAP suggested that since time is very shott for CIRDAP to prepare fo all the three meetings, it Would he wise to hold a workshop te discuss the theme of RDR and requested ‘any county to host it, Suggestions came that Sri Lanka, Leo PDR or Pakistan may host it. Pakistn delegate agreed to host this workshop in March 2015, DG, CIRDAP ssid that experts ‘along with TC members will be invited. Agenda 15 Adoption of the Report “The Meeting ended with vote of thanks by DG, CIRDAP. ‘The Chairperson of TC-29, Mr, Tran Kim Long on behalf of Dost country thanked all TC members and observers for useful suggestions and for the sucessful organisation of TC meeting, He also thanked the CIRDAP officials for all support in ‘organising the TC-29 meeting succesfully. ‘Theme suggestions of CLIs to host and organise CIRDAP Development Forum Siz] Coaniey —[ Thene Tentative Date ay 1 [Alghenstan | ronesing Le Goverance or Comraniy Devlapment ail gst i 72 eangicesh [ier sng One Rowse, One Far ari ‘GimatsChirge/depraon and Dens Redation Tug DOTS acktoBeekToeIO | —E [i | indeed [+ PPL Govern Cent I) 7 5 itageesterprie 1 Aporprat al Technology Fa oan + Sipgrtg find frinereeren Acute Secoror 2 _huraNanayerart Aural ame Cunel 7 o?oR | Seat Hote Fares | Maeyia | eancing trl Toure tough Home Say Programe (02 2015), 3 | Nepal 1] Petitan | + vs Fr Witinance Tr Staab vl Neh AITOTS T 2 ferdercpment + _Dsaser Manageme e (ORI ORR A Distr Riknsrance) TT] Piippres | Lexar fom Pifpoines Agro Eerprae Cuerng Os elope ogre TE] Se arka | Modul Ager Ecnomics 1a] Thalend | sufesency conor Roya tate (hang an Na) mays z 1 vatran [New tral Devecprent rogaine Research News International Workshop on Sharing Best Practices of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation in CIRDAP Member Countries CIRDAP organised an international workshop on shasing test practices on rural development end poverty alleviation in CIRDAP Member Countries on 17-18 September 2014 following of its regular meeting of the Technical Commitee (TC-29) in Hanoi, Vietnam. The intemational workshop aimed to disseminate the best practices of Viomam and other CMCS. ‘and facilitate s forum to build stronger collaboration hetween ‘and among CIRDAP Member Country's Link Institutes and ‘ther relevant institutions in the Asia and Pacifie region through shoring their respective countries’ successful ‘Programmes on rural development and poverty alleviation, Tt ‘was also expected that tho sharing of best practices will ereate scopes and opportunities of learning from each other; ‘denitying stength and gaps whereby each of CIRDAP'S Link Tstirutes will help each other with their comparative strength in elevant areca. ‘At the sane time, CIRDAP being o regional orgenisation, will fextend support through planned action for exposire visite, in- ‘country airing, facilitate research study and also engage ‘experts from CIRDAP member countries to deliver lecture in ‘ther CIRDAP Member Countries. I: may be mentioned here ‘that CIRDAP has undertaken an initiative since 2012 as per suggestion of its policy bodies to prepare a brief paper on the best practices on rural development and poverty alleviation “The CLs prepared and presented best practices in the TC-27 and TC-28 meetings held in Sei Lanka in June 2012 and in Jakarta in August 2013, [tis encouraging te note that all CLs participated and made presentations ofthe best practices. Best Practics/Programmes of CMCs preseated in the TC-29 meeting are: + Afhanistan-Swrategie Intent 1389-13932010 - 2014) «+ Rest Practices om Rural Development (RD) and Poverty Alleviation (PA) of Bangladesh + Rural Development Best Practices— Fit + Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee, Act (MGNREGA) ~ Indie + Supporting Fund for Investment Development in Agriculture Sector (SHIDANGO) - Irn + Enhancing District Delivery and Management fof Agriculture Extension - Lao PDR + Skills Training and Career Programme _[(Programme Latihan Kemahiran/ Dan jaya PLE): A. Malaysian Government for Poverty Bradication/ Rural Programme Policy Programme ‘Teansfoemst ‘Training Making Wondestul Change in Dhanusha District; A Case Study of Best Practices - Nepal «+ Aktuwat: The First Interest Free Micro-Finance Network in the Would - Pakistan “+ Moving Together to The Market: The Clustering Approsch to ‘Agro-Enterpise Development for Small Farmers - Philippines + Supplying Vegetables through Super Mavket Channels as a “Mechanism for Retter Price for Farmers" Prelate: Lessons and Experiences from Cargills Super Market Collection Cenies - Srilanka + Sufficiency Heanomy: Chang Hua-Muu” ~ Royal Initiative Project- Thailand + New Rural Development 03 Years Of Implementation: ‘Achievements Dificalies and Challenges - Vietnam «+ Poverty Reduction: Experiences from Vietnam ‘The Link Ministre of |CIRDAP, like Rural DevelopmentAgriculture ministries, lays an important role in formulating and designing rural development polices and ‘programmes on rural development and poverty allzvietion. It is fa fact that the CMC8 and the Link Institute of CIRDAP have ‘undertaken several successful projects and research stadies on ‘gricultare and rural development which are not well known to ‘ther CMC. ‘Similarly in otter CMCs, especially under the auspices of the Contact Ministry and Link Tostitations many success soriee/modal have been developed over the years which need to be disseminate to all CMCS. In this context the EC and GC {elt that information oa best practices oa rural development ara poverty alleviation should be captured and shared with all ‘member countries to ink up and emulate these best peatices in| CMCs, Accordingly, the following projects have been ‘dented to be implemented as joint collaboration with CLs Fakistan; ()Imetest Free Microfinance qiicra (Gi) Disaster Risk Management ‘Thailand: Suficiency Eeonomy: Chang Hua-Muu” ~ Royal Initiative Project Fiji: Climate Change/Disaster Risk Management Indonesia: PNPM and Village Empowerment Philippines: Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Insurance Project and Agro-entecprise Development (9 Insurance of ARBs Gi) DAR-CRS Linkage ARBs to Corporate Supply (Chain (ARB —1R) Ian: International ‘Management Bangladesh: Agricultura Insurance ‘Malaysia: @) Home stay workshop on SFIDA or Rural (i Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan’s Centennial h_ Anniversary Observed in a Befitting Manner Dr. AktMer Hameed Khan is well known in Asia and large part cof the wider world for his distinguished leadership. in ‘empowering the disadvantaged rural people ofthe region. He was ‘he founder of the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) and the Rural Development Experiment in Coma, Bangladesh, CIRDAP, BARD ard a few former colleagues ard admirer jointly celebrated Dr. Khan's bth centenary by organising 2 seminar on his works and memories on 12 September 2014 at CIRDAP Intemational Conference Centre (CICC), Dhaka, The Seminar was atcaded by omincnt scholars and academicians, ttaksholdes, followers, Government representatives, NGO high officials, diplomats and other organisations. Mr. Khandakar Asaduzzaman, MP, was the Clef Guest and Mr, Mokamel Hague, former Secretary of Gob, Me. M.A. Kedi, Sesretary of Rural Developmcat Division of the GoB and Dr. Cecep Effendi, Director General, CIRDAP were the Special Guests. Syed ‘Marghub Murshed, fonver Secretary, Goverment of Bangladesh sired the seision Dr, Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman, Rural Suppor Programmes "Network, Islamabad, Pakistan could not be present de to some ‘mavoidable circumstances, However, he expressed solidarity ‘ith the programme by sending a message. A book tiled “Akhtsr Hameed Khan: A Tribute’ was released on the ‘occasion. Ir was published by CIRDAP in association with his fommer colleagues. To mark the dy. photographs of memorable events were also displayed. The speakers, while highlighting the works and memories of Dr, Khan vowed to continue his unfinished tasks, Orientation of the Volunteers from Kyoto University, Japan Mr, Hossein Shahbar, Director Pilot ProestResearch ai vwelomed te vising tum a CIRDAP and recalled the long {Deociation with Japan and spesally with JICA sine tho inception of this reioral intr-zoveromental organisation since 1979, He also tanked Professor Yoshihiro. Kaids, former IRD Expert CIRDAP and senior focally member (ered) from Kyoto University as he made the mia coat to facie the networking baween CIRDAP ad the visiting team. The oientation programme Was eld at CIRDAP on 13 Angus 2014, Mr, Hosscin Shahbaz, Director, PPD/Research a. made his resentation ented, ‘A Brief Presentation on CIRDAP". After the brief presentation, 2 lively question and answer session was held. While expressing his view, a partcipating olunteer namely, Alexander Ryota Keeley expressed his inteect in enetgy ard environmental issues, He revealed some: of his knowledge on using a large number of solar panels in Bangladesh. He also showed his keen interest in stall island ‘countries like Fiji, In reply Mr. Hossein Shahbaz revealed his recent experience of organising # programme there and mentioned the connection with relevant people under CIRDAP’s Link Instittions/Contact Ministries which might be tusefal for Kyoto volunteers while daing internship or researching any other issues on development CIRDAP made presertstion on ‘Briofing Bangladoth’ by sing some socio-economic data to acquaint the volunteers with [Bangladesh's features such as, demography, socioeconomic sootings, agricultae and its challenges ad status of MDGr. Inthe conclusion, Dr. Vasanhi Rajendran, Director, [CD/Training ai. wrapped up of the meeting. While interacting ‘on the views reganting Bangladesh’s experiences by Volunteers ‘of Kyoto University, a volunieer named Alexander Ryot Keeley mentioned his recent experiences while visting a JICA Programme for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City in Matuil. Dr. Vasanthi expressed her opinion that _pubage recycling and power generation became one important ul programme at prosent in the field of dovelopment. However, conriries like Bangladesh are far behind developed countries like Japan, But there 4s lot to leaen and share among the eveloped countires end countries lagging behind in evelopment sector and CIRDAP is relentlessly tying ‘0 ‘isseminate the best practices among the CMCs. In this respect, sie referred to CIRDAP's ICT Cente to be used as a virtual ‘centre to organise in-country tinings and cther interactions in the future to save resources and lime. At the end, she 2lso expected the collaboration between Kyoro University and CIRDAP would further be strengthened by facilitation of ICA. Dr. Vasanthi Rajendran appreciated JICA’s involvement and contibution of the Government af Japan for incepcion and running of this inter-govemmental regional centre for the countries of Asia andthe Pacific Region, JICA and Kyoto University Officials Meet CIRDAP Officials A.JICA team comprising of Mr. Komabashiri, Ms. Masayo Nishizawa, Ms, Mariko Adachi (Executive Admin Officer, Kyoto University) and Ms, Miciyo Hashiguch (Project Professor, Kyoto University) visited CIRDAP on 21 July 2014, ‘The purpose of te visit was to discuss with CIRDAP regarding deployment of volunicers of Kyoto University ia CIRDAP. It ‘vee decided that an orientation of the forthoaming volunteers ‘may be organised at CIRDAP on 13 August 2014, ANGOC and ILC Representatives Meet CIRDAP Officials ‘Mr. Hossein Shahbaz, PPD Director met Mr. Nathaniel Dow E. ‘Marquez, Executive Dizestor, Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC) and Mr. Erpan Faryadi, Regional Fuilitaterof the International Land Coalition (ILC Asia) on 15th August 2014 to discuss issues of mutual interest. The meeting took place in the office ‘of Association of Land Reforms and Development (ALRD) where Mr, Shamsul Huda, Executive Director of ALRD and ‘Ms. Rowshan Jahan Moni, Deputy Director among others were present. During the discussion the following issues were ‘dcnified for possible collaboration: «+ Participation of CIRDAP in the Asia Land Forum that ILC vill organise in October in India “= CIRDAP, ANGOC and ALRD may come forward fora joi publication on the land studies already undertaken, or even festuring CSO studies on land in CIRDAPs Journal “= CIRDAP may like to pursue with SAARC to introduce ALRD to SAARC Agricultural Programme ‘+ CIRDAP invited ANGOC, ALRD and ILC to participate in CIRDAP's capacity building events + Emphasised to organise policy dialogues on land and rural evelopment jointly ot participation in evente organised separately. Daffodil International University Team Meets Director General, CIRDAP A team of experts of the Food Engineering Department of Daffodil Inemational University (DIU) me: Director General, CIRDAP on 19 August at the latter's vifice to chalk out possible collaboration on itsues like food secusity of the rural poor in CIRDAP Member Countries. Director General CIRDAP in his remarks expressed his concern about the enormous amount of fiuits and vegetables growing in [Bangladesh but «significant portion of it which ie wasting duc to lack of processing facilites. He mentioned that the growers are deprived of the proper Value of their product, Referring 10 the product “Cheaps” from the bee] Ieaf by Indonesian farmer, the mentioned that simple technology can make their product ‘valuable ifthe product can be brought under value chain. He ‘urged that the Food Engineering Department of DIU can collaborate with CIRDAP to showcase the examples of CIRDAP Member Countries, CIRDAP can assist them, to ideatify relevant organisations like Incubation of Bogor University to join hands with DIU. DIU may ‘submit propesal to CIRDAP identifying one of two) items to be promoted in Bangladesh which are ‘convenient to DIU, He also mentioned that DIU can assist CIRDAP to conduct a feasibility study 1 set up ‘n incubation conte in Bangladesh, ‘The following decisions have been made to furthering the collaboration with DIU: «An Intemational workshop may be organised jointly in January 2015 where appropriate instittions/oganisations will b invited to pariipats. “+ CIRDAP wil asst the international participants and provide airfare (if possible). DIU may like o provide Toca hospitality. ‘Food and Engineering Deparment of DIU may be invoived in the feasibility study for seting up the proposed Incubation Centre in Banglades Incubation Committee Meet to Review Progress "The Incubation Committee met on 14 August 2014 in the Chamber of the President of the Institute of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh (IDEB) in Kekrail to discuss the progress. Representatives of Basic Bank, Bangladesh Bank and CIRDAP attended the meeting. It wat informed in the mesting {that the Government of Indi had agreed to fund the feasibility ‘study of the proposed incubation centre in Bangladesh, The IDEB president welcomed the decision and agreed to sponsor the centre in the IDEB campus. Ditector Research who represcoted CIRDAP in the meciing proposed thatthe proposed incubation eertre should not be ia one place. It should be installed on 2 comporent basis indifferent institutes based on their expertise. 2 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rural Savings Bank (Palli Sanchaya Bank) of the Government of Bangladesh Calls on Director General, CIRDAP Dr. Mihir Kanti Mazamder, former Secretary, Government of| Bangladesh and newly appointed Chairman, Board of Directors oof the recently established Palli Sanchaya Bank met Director (General CIRDAP and briefed him about the vision and mission ‘of the Palli Scnchaya Bank. In his briefing, De. Mihir ‘mentioned thatthe Government of Bangladesh is going to set up 4 new bank called Pall Sanchaya Bank (Rural Savings Bank) to give the ‘One House, One Farm’ project an institutional form. It is hoped that it will be instrumental in alleviating poverty. 1K may be mentioned here tha the present Govemnment stated the project ‘One House, One Farm” daring its tenure in 1996-01 ‘hich was again revived in 2009. A Tk. 13.32 billion fund was ‘reated for more then one million families from 17,300 villages ‘cross Bangladesh. The ‘Palli Sanchay Bank’ can have an authorised capital of Tk. 10 billion along with a paid-up capital ‘of Tk. 2 billion, Fifty-one per cent ofthe paid-up capital will be provided by the government and the res! by the cooperative societies formed under the ‘One House, One Fars’ project. Director General showed interest 10 know more about the progress of the project. He mentioned that Indonesia also has & similer kind of banking system with enormous cepital ‘assistance from the Government but its utilisation is very limited. Therefore, exchanging ideas and lessons from the cexpetiences of the Bangladesh project could be frail Dr. Mihir Kant leo expressed hie desire to guin experiences from the CMC on small scale technology that Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar beneficiaries could benefit. Local Governance Cluster of United Nations Development Programme visit CIRDAP ‘The Local Governance Cluster ef United Nations Development| Programme of Bangladesh team Jead by Ms. Shaila Khan, Assistant Country Representative visited CIRDAP to discuss possible collaboration. Dr Efendi proposed to start a forum on local governance. Ms. Shaila Khan emphasised on the need to ‘be clear about dhe Forum's goal and whether there is extra valve ‘addition for local government stakeholders from GO, NGOMINGOs ad private sectors, Dr. Cacep EHfend, Director General emphasised on a forum wich can be managed. But the forum should have government connections and relevant stakcholders, Inthe mecting there wore certain decisions like: “A brief concept note should be developed by 2nd week of August 2014 to organise a networking meeting of the ‘stakeholders jointly by CIRDAP and UNDP in Octeber 2014, ‘+H. M. Narrul Islam, Programme Analyst, Local Governance CCluscer, UNDP and Mr. Shafiqur Rahman, Asst. Programme Officer, CIRDAP have been selected as Focal Points for facilitating farther activities. ‘+A list of participants/stakeholders to be invited in the ‘networking mecting will be prepared ‘= Both the organisations will keep in touch through ¢- iile/telephone if necessary for future collaboration, Director General of Bangladesh Bank Training Academy Visits CIRDAP Follow-up meeting was held between CIRDAP and Bangladesh. Bank Training Academy (BRTA) at CIRDAP on 6 Tly 2014 with Dr. Cscep Effendi, Director Gener, CIRDAP 3s Cairperon of the meeting to review the progress ofthe ocisioan takin on 28 Ieauary 2014, As por diacusion, CIRDAP and BBTA may jin pot forwacd a proposal to crganise an Intemational Conference on Isiamic. Barking ‘System for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh in collaboration with: SESRIC in October 2014 at CIRDAP Intratonal Conference Ceatre (CICC). SR-Asi CIRDAP 'SR-Asia Regional Manager visited CIRDAP and discussed ‘about the up-coming event in November 2014. It may be rentionod here that CIRDAP signod an agreement with SR- ‘Asia Bangladesh Chapter to oraganise a two-day" workshop in Bangladesh 29-30 November 2014 on “INTCON -2014 on Responsible Business Conduct”, The meeting emphasises on farther collaboration in conducting joint Internstional ‘Workshops. SR-Asia agreed to provide resource persons in the CIRDAP programme, if require. Regional Manager Visits B Concern Universal Country Director Visits CIRDAP Mr. Cornelis De Wolf, Country Director of the Concem ‘Universal paid a visit to CIRDAP on 28 Augus 2014 and met CIRDAP Officials. Concern Universal is an intemational evelopment organistion tackling poverty from the grassroots, 1 suppors a wide range of projecls that serve to improve the lives of people living in some of the world’s poorest communities. In Bangladesh they have several programmes hich include establishing safe water points and training Village water user associations to maintain and manage these, ‘dul Hieracy and basic edveaton training with children and adolescents, supporting children at risk and promoting child rights, emergency relief and rehabilitation of cisaster affected peopl inthe coastal areas ce “After discussion, the hope was expressed hope that both CIRDAP and Concer Universal may find some areas of cooperation such os monitoring and evaluating of the programme activities of Concem Universal and sharing best practices. CIRDAP Official Participates International Conference in Malaysia "he Insitute for Rural Advancement (INFRA), Bangl, Malaysia in association with Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme, Universit Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Contre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD) and tany others Jpinly organised the Rural Research & Planning Group (RRPG) ‘Sth International Conference and Fiold Study Mclaysia 2014 vith 2 Broad Theme “ Managing Rural Change in Turbulent World: Towanls a Resilient and Sustainable Rural Society” uring August 25-29, 2014. Director General, CIRDAP attended as the Special lavitee. Me Shahbaz puticipsted in the conference a$ a paper preserter under the sub-theme: Rural ‘Sustainable Project Experience and Case Stadies, The tte of the presentation of Me. Shahbaz was Rural Inhabcants’ Krowledge ‘and Experiences on Salinity in Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh, Pilot Projects Update Sharing of Horizontal Learning Process CIRDAP organised a workshop on Horizontal Learning Proce (HLP) on 2 ~3 September 2014 in Afghanistan in Cellaertion with National Solidarity Programme (NSP) and ‘Afghanistan Inst for Rural Development (AIRD) ander the Misty of Rural Rehaliaton unl Development (MRED), Government of LR. Afghaista, The welcome address wat delivered by Mr Omar Anwar, the main coordinator from 'AIRD while Me. Hovscia Shabboa, Dtecton Flot Projects Divisio, CIRDAP discus about the werkshop objectives and HLP to al participants De Cecep Elfen, DG, CIRDAP made a spesch as the Special Guest mentioning the CIRDAP mandates as te hub for sharing the success stories and good practices among lis member counties by referring to some recent programmes orgenised before like “Redction of Post Harvest Lasses in Fruits and Vegeiables Supply Chala’ ia Sti Lanka and “HLP Workshop’ in Nepal and Indonesia, He also expressed his interest on creating Regional Network among CIRDAP Member Countries (MCS) on specific themes by whieh counuies of one region can share their demands and supplies on the specified theme. ‘The most developed country on that specific theme ean play its sole by chaiting and cooidinating the network. By giving ax example, he mentioned that Afghanistan has very good experiences on Community Led Development Programme ‘hich can be shared with odher CMCS and Tadonesia cau play the main role on homesteaditchen indusries network, ILE. Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak-Minister of Rural Rehabilitation end Development altended te opeaiag ceremony of “Workshop on Horizontal Learning Process” as the Chief Guest The aforementioned ‘wo-day: workshop was organised for NSP’s fleld and national level Stall as flagship programme of the country. In his opening remarks, he shedlight on he vlue of sch workshops end appreciated the presence of sepresentaives of CMCS in the wworksbop including Indonesia, Bangladesh and Islamic Republic of Iran, Likewise, he wished further cooperation of CIRDAP with MRRD national programmes. He briefed NSP in very detail as he was the fist director of the NSP progearame. He mentioned that National Solidarity Programme (NSP) was created in 2002 by the Minisuy of Rural Rehabillaton and Development to develop the u ability of Afghan communities to identity, plan, manage and moniter ther own development projects. The main objective of| INSP sim: to build, strengthen and maintain Community Development Councils (CDCS) as effective institutions for local governance and socio-sconomic development. Through the prometion of good local govemancs, the NSP works to ‘empower rural communities to make cecisions affecting their ‘owa lives and livelihoods, Empowered rural communities collectively contribute to increased human security. The ‘programme is inclusively supporting all the communities inchuding the poorest and vulnerable people NSP strongly promotes a unique development paradigm. whereby communities can make important decisions and participate inal stages oftheir development, contributing their ‘own resources. With the support of FPS, communities elect their leaders and representatives to form voluntary Community Development Councile (CDCs) through transparent and democratic process. ‘There was a presentation by Mr. Abdul Rahman Ayubi, the Executive Director of NSP. He mentioned that NSP was ‘created to cover all village communities of the couniry which will be almost 41,000 by September 2015 with establishing 39,086 CDCs. Presently NSP covers more thax 39,009 villages after three phases of implementation. The total budget is bout USD 255 billion of which 80% has been already utilised. The rmain donors of the programme ate the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA), the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), the Japanese Social Development Pand (ISDF) and bilateral donors. Contributors to the NSP via the ARTF include Austalia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, BC/EU, Finland, Germany, Norway, ‘Sweden, UK/ DFID, and the United States. Bilateral donors include’ the Governments! Embassies! International Aid ‘Agencies from Cyprus. Denmark, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland, Mr. Hossein Shahbaz, Director, Pilot Projects Division, CIRDAP as resource person and facilitator in HLP workshop outlined the objectives ofthe workshop as below: + To share the best practices of Bangladesh with CLI officials of Afghanistan to familiarte them withthe policy ‘ramework and programmes; + To identify the approaches for possible adoption and replication; + To disouss the concept, process and approaches of the Horizontal Learning Process in the connection of RD and PA activites; + To develop « work plan for their organisationsregions; and + To identify some best practices of Afghanistan and propare factsheets to share with other CMC, The HLP workshop was for two days with a total of 35 paricipanis from NSP and AIRD. During the workshop, participanis shared thei field experiences in good practices ‘with others, some of them are as follows: + lectricty- the sign of development; + Acinic called "Mariam; + Access to safe dunking water; + Community development council o fulfill people's wishes; + Fixing the amount of dowry; Presentation to Members of Rotary Club Ms. Hossein Shahbaz, Director, Pilot Projects Division, CIRDAP made a presentation on “Poverty and Capital” in a ‘meeting for Rotary Club at Samoly, Dhaka, Bangladesh, The presentation focused on development problems, poverty end capital He started the presentation with a quote of a Posiemodem critique that says, “We recreate the poor as poor when we call them poor!” He spoke on poverty line by explaining poor and extreme poor. He explained thatthe poor has differnt meanings in diferent counties from, the financial aspects. He mentioned that there are capitals other than finance by which the poor can be benefited and may improve their Hvelihoods. While he was referring to IFAD, fhe mentioned that there are five capitals as mentioned below: «+ Financial Capital savings, crediudebi formal, informal, NGOs, "remittances, pensions, wages and properties. + Social Capital: sociel_ctworks and connections Which contist of ‘patronage, neighbourhoods and kinship. There are also relations of trast and mutual support among formal and informal groups. There are some common rules and sanctions, collective representation, mechanisms for participation in ‘decision-making and leadership. + Natural Capital : land and produce, water and aquatic ‘resources, trees and forest products and wildlife, Wild foods & fibres, biodiversity and environmental services were also mentioned. + Paysical Cepital: infrastructure which consist of transport ~ Toads, vehicles, ete, shelter and buildings, water supply and sanitation, encigy and communications, tools and techology covers a) production b) seed, fertiliser, pesticides and ‘traditional tecanolegy. + Human Capital: health, edveation, knowledge and stills, capacity to work, capacity to adapt and experience DG, CIRDAP Visits BARD De. Cecep Efendi, DG, CIRDAP was invited t0 attend the Concluding Session of the 106th Special Foundation Training Course for Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Health Cadre Officials asthe Chief Guest on 10 September 2014 st BARD, the CIRDAP Link Institution in Bangladesh, [As Chief Guest, Dr. Cecep Efendi expressed his gratitude and thanks to the BARD auborty especially wo Mr. Md. Mashiur Rahman, DG, BARD and Chairperson at the concluding testion of the foundation course for inviting him. Dr. Muslah Uddin Ahmed, Principal, Comilla Medical College, Direcior Training of BARD, Dr. Kamrul Ahsan, Course Coorlinator, Mr. Newar Ahmed Chowdhury and other faculty members of | BARD were present at the ceremony spurt from 37 aewly appointed doctors from BCS (Health) cadre. In his briet speech, Dr. fend opined chat the doctor's profession was # noble one ani is a unique character who works for the cause of humanity. He described the job of a physician as not merely a profession but a service 1 the community. Also, he pointed out fellow fecling/bondage of the Aoctor’s profession as they do not charge exch other when they fare under treatmen: which is uncommon In other professions, He spoke about planning to introduce a ‘Fellowship Scheme’ foe highest achievers of health services ip other countries to Jeam from the ‘best practice/success stores’ on health services (ee. like community health services ote.) from Indonesia or sty other CIRDAP Member Counitiet (CMC3) for three ‘months. This has to be materialised and alscassed further with BARD and other stako holders under specific Terms of Reference (ToR) in line with » Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This idea was highly lauded by the young participants tard BARD management as an ideal tool for further leering from best practices. Accordingly, Director Training, BARD eer Td Bee at 6 was requested to send a Concept Note, describing the requirements, objectives and the plan of activities with inputs, outputs ete, Since Dr. Sri Rabaju Efendi (Dr, Effendis’ spouse) is also a doctor by profession (opkthalmclogist) she was invited to say something in front ofthe young. doctors who will be posted in different areas of Banglalesh. She described briefly her owa, career as « doctor and working experiences in rural areas with different Islancs/areas of Indonesia. This mestage was treated as an encouragement from a senior of the same profession on Health Services from Indonesia to go to rural areas where there is need of health services. ‘The Special Foundation Training Course was for two months! duration, The training course for BCS (Health) cadre officials was from 13 July to 10 September 2014, The general objective ‘of the course isto create base fer developing a corps of well roomed officers from Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) cadre, dedicated to the welfare of the nation and people in a changing elobal context with special focus on Bangladesh, ‘The course includes different training techniques such as lecture, reading assignment, library work, case study, workshop, group discussion, debate extension lest, village study, bock review and presentation, film show and study tour ete. The course coatents included Bangladesh, goverament policy and constitution, decentralization and public administration, development economics. personnel, financial management, staistical measures, project management, ‘computer orientation, field study, presentation, games, tc. At the end of the concluding programme, Dr. Cecep Eifend, DG, CIRDAP handed over the cenficates tothe yourg doctors based on the performances of the special foundation taining ‘course rganied by BARD. ‘A caltural show was performed by young doctors of the foundation ‘taining course at an auditorium of BARD on the evening of 9 ‘September 2014. Young doctors performed songs, dance, drama, fan, recitation of poem etc, which sore appreciated hy the audience “The audience was charmed by the performances of the young Physicians which cieplayed their talents under extra curiculum, Before departure from BARD to Dhaka, Dr. Effendi along with his team had a chance to sce at a glance the Seban viharu/Shalbaa Bihac_ in Mainamati, Comilla, Bangladesh which is one of the best known Buddhist vihara i the Indisn Subcontinent and is one of the most important archaeological sites inthe Bangladesh, Sharing with Development Partners for Food Security Cluster (FSC) Meeting Being one of the Cluster members, PPD, CIRDAP attended Food Security Cluster Group Meeting in Bangladesh organised by WEP and FAO on 4 August 2014 a) WEP Conference Room, Dhake, Bangladesh with overall coordination of the Hamanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT). There were representatives from various non-governmental organisations like: ACF, Action Aid Banglacesh, CARE Bangladesh, Concern, Concern Universal, FSC (FAO & WFP), German Red Cross, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Muslim Aid, ‘Oxfam, Plan Inernational Bengladesh, USAID, WFP, World Vision et. The overall ebjective of the FSC is 10 respond to humanitarian crisos in a coordinated, appropriate and timely manner whilst avoiding response duplication and gaps. The FSC members in Bangladesh include Government partners, UN agencies, INGOs, NGOS and donors. Ms. Line Rindebsek, outgoing Cluster Coordinator (CC) and Chair of the meeting, welcomed all participants and provided a brief introduction highlighting the ‘agenda of the ‘meeting. This was followed by round-the-table introductions. As per agenda, all present members endorsed the minutes of the previous testing. Also, there were discussions on Flooding Contingency Plan and District Focal Point Roll-Out in the Cyclone Belt in Bangledsch, Ms. Jannat Noor, EFSVL Coordinztor from Oxfam presented findings from the Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) that was conducted in Satkhira in April 2014, With reference to this presentation Mr Hossein Shahbar. Director PPD, CIRDAP suggested that she could incorporate fishery and other livelihoods related to fishery 4s itis the ‘main livelihoods of coastal belt spart from agricultural activities by revealing his recent research experiences, working in coastal areas in Barguna near the mangrove Fores: of Sundarbon which has similar geographical and socio-economic conditions with Satkhira due to salinity During the discussions it was noted by Mr. David Hilton, CIRDAP that there were po government officals preseat inthe meeting which wae aevured to salve by more interactions with them despite high tumoutichanges in concemed departments/Ministry, Te was agreed that 10 include "standardised information’ in agency SitReps as different partners are sending and using different information which leads less confidence on the information. Also, Information should come fiom the distict level to suengthen decision ‘making et the contal level. Chir of the meeting. informed that the FSC Technical Working Group (TWG) had met twice to "work on and finalise the FSC Contingency for Flooding wich v focuses on all “monsoon based flooding emergencies” such as ‘ver Dooding/ash ooding and water logging. ‘The action plan wae that Clasterco-Leads to meet with relevant secretaries to facilitate nomination of focal poins from related goverment departments for coordination with government programmes. Also, the meeting announced participant's volunteerism to be the focal point as Distict Focal Point inthe ‘yclone belt of Bangladesh, Ms. Line Rindebsek, Cluster Coordinator (CC) introduced Mr. Omar Farook, formerly the Needs Assessment Officer for the Cluster as the new CC as she had completed her assignment in Bangladesh Signing MoU with University of Dhaka CCIRDAP signed 2 Memorandum of Understanding (Mt with Unwversty of Dhaka (DU) on 14 July 2014 atthe Viee (Ghancellor's office in DU. Dr. Cecep tend, Director General of CIRDAP and Treasurer of DU Prof. Dr. Md. Kamal Uddin signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations ‘Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. AMS Arefin Siddique thanked the CIRDAP authorities for signing the MoU. He hoped that through signing of this MoU, both the organisations could be able to contribute significartly fr the development of common people of Asta and the Pacific, This would also inspire and ‘encourage the higher education process of DU, tic added. The rain purpose of the MoU other tban exchange of DU students ‘with CIRDAP Member Countries is to organise national, regional and international seminars. symposiums, workshops ‘and policy dialogues oa comtemporary issues like effects of climats “change in agriculture development, disaster management, poverty alleviation, women empowerment and rural development on mutual benefits. Besides, academic ‘exchange, joint research and collaborations on various fields ‘arc the prime objective ofthis MoU. Discussion on Collaboration with Development Partners CIRDAP organised 2 meeting among the development partners i.e. Sprocha Bangladesn, SOS Children’s Villages, Bangladesh, Grain Pro and Christian Commission for Bangladesh Development (CCBD) for possible collaboration on 14 July 2014 ai CIRDAP Headquarters. The mecting was presided by DG, CIRDAP, Dr. Cecep Efendi and was attended by Me Galam Ahmed Ishaque, National Director, SOS Children's Village International in Bangladesh, Mr. Murshed Salam, Country Representative, Grain Pro Inc. and Chaicman, Allied ‘Agro Industries, Mr. Mehbubul Islam, Policy & Development Adviser, CCDB, Mr. Mosharrof Hossain Country Director, Spreeha and Ms. Shakana Farid, Direcior of Operations, ‘Sprecha. The agenda of the meting was to find the ways and means to work with Spreeha and ether development partner: ‘through creating network among the participating organisations rom private sectors and NGOs, SSprecha, originating from Bengali, means hope. intention, and song desire. Sprecha Foundation, a Washington based nn profit organisation who also works with under privileged children snd marginaliced people in Bangladesh. Sprecha Foundetion envisions using a collaborative approach in eteating «private and public partnership model to solve poverty issues. To further its mission in the arcas of health, education, and empowerment, Spresha will focus on and seek sponsorship funding from corporations, non-profits, non-governmental organisadons, foundations, and individuals. The sponsorship ‘opportunities are inthe form of monetary donations, resources, and infrastructre support, ete ‘There were some discussions among the participating organisations orpocilly with CCDB, SOS Villager rogerding possible collaboration with Spresha by using each other's available resources (lncludiag infrastructures) and best practices. It was also decided thatthe project personel would visit SOS Villages and CCDR's programmes arotnd Dhaka to Identify the areas of collaboration by further discussions. The DG, and Disector of Training Division from CIRDAP bricfed the meeting about the possibilities of establishing incubation centres on SME: by India, SOS Villages briefed about the 18 possibilities of using their training centres. CCDB Advisor briefed about their inception and programmes. Finally, DG CCIRDAP thanked the participating organisations with a hope of further discussions and visits among the stakeholders. Director PPD also thanked the panicipants for this mecting to create & network amoug the development partes, Discussion with Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO. Mr. Hossein Shahbaz, Director Pilot Projects Research ai, along with APO. PPD Mr. David Hilton visited the office of the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO and had a brief meeting with Dr. Abbas Sadr, Director, ISESCO (The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Regional Office from Tean, Iran on 27 August 2014, They also, had some interactions with the resource persons and participants of the Regional Workshop on “Flood Management and Flood Related Disaster Mitigation” which was aimed to provide an opportunity to pretent lessons and practices of the Asian Member States of ISESCO like Iran, Afghanistan and Bangladesh ‘The CIRDAP team also had a meeting on the same day with Me Monje Hossain, Deputy Secretary, GoB and Secretary for Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO where Dr. Mabbuba Nasreen, Director and Professor, Institue of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University af Dhaka Was present as a resource person. The meeting was aimed to follow inclusive spproach of other orgasisalions like UNESCO, ISESCO, Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO or any other develepment partners. Als, the meeting was held to find| the common areas of interest as per the MoU between CIRDAP ‘and IDMVS, University of Dhaka where there could be @ more stronger network. Necessary acon plans could be mage on the areas on contemporary isucs like effets of climate change in agriculture development, dieater management by organizing regional and ioteraticnal events or study on research areas by ‘exchanging faculty members as per mutual benefits, The meeting was concluded with an expectation for further specific diseussions bilaterally or multilaterally with Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO to find specific hjestves in the areas of mutual interes, Training News CIRDAP NIRD Collaborative International Training Programme on ‘Application of Geo-Informatics System (GIS) for Mitigation, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Management” Gcograpie Information System (CIS) is proving fo te a very powerfl spatial technology fool for understanding carth Features, planing far resource optimisation, generiton. of eivon alemtives reabtine monitoring anda ost of otber elated works, which has gical poteadal in disaster ymagomert. The GIS isan accesible, afrdable and ey to te tol wich as been applied widely in vious projects and Programmes in several counts by GOs. NGOs. Research Organisation and International Bodies in dvaster management. In the recent past in India and tome other Asian countries, GIS has emerged as an effective tool in designing rural development programmes, with focus on sustainable poverty The Secretary, HE. Me Vg de as Reyes Deparonen of “Agrarian Reform (DAR), Government 2 the Palippinee reduction ané environmental conservation. The recent trend is ‘tw move towanls converpence of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System nd Global Positioning System for beter ‘managing the natural resources and the environment for achieving economic and social goals. With rapid advances, these technologies are now widely accessible at an affordable price. The GIS has already created an enormous impact on virally every field of activity that requires management and ‘analysis of spatially distributed dat, CIRDAP has been shasing the rich experionce, best proctces, ‘process methodologies and demonstrative models designed and developed in India with its member partners in Asia and the Facific region, Recenily, the member counties have participeted in cuch programmes held at NIRD, Hyderabad, » India, sponsored by the Ministry of Rural Development of the Government of Incis, The evaluation of earlier programmes suggested more such programmes for the benefits of

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