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Name ___________________________

Date _________ Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Marine Biology Lab Activity: Continental Drift

Background: When people made the first maps of the new world, the puzzlelike fit of the American and the
European/African coastlines seemed more than a coincidence. Some intellectuals suggested that perhaps the
continents might have been connected at one time, but few accepted this. Why? Because if the continents were
connected at one time, then they had to have moved. Based on their senses, most people concluded that it is
impossible for a continent to move.
In 1915, Alfred Wegener proposed that about 300 million years ago the continents had formed a single
mass, called Pangaea (from the Greek for all the Earth). Pangaea had split, and its pieces had been moving away
from each other ever since.
Today, scientists accept that continents move due to tectonic plate motion. Advanced scientific instruments
and measurement prove the landmasses are moving. The evidence for tectonic plate motion was radical in the early
and mid-twentieth century. Many in the scientific community of the day criticized it, yet today it is the accepted
view by mainstream science.
Purpose: To learn about the Continental Drift Theory and the evidence that supports it.
Materials: glue sticks, scissors, map with continental shelves, map without continental shelves
1. Examine Map 1 carefully. Look at the coded areas on the map that shows fossil and geological
evidence found on the landmasses. The fossil remains provide you with hints as to how to put the
continents together. In addition to the fossil evidence is a coded area that shows mountain chains that
have the same geology from one continent to another. You will use these coded hints, as well as the
obvious coastline shapes, to combine the continents together to obtain the best possible fit. This will
form one large supercontinent.
2. Being as accurate as you can, cut out the continents from Map 1. You will have 6 large continental
landmasses, plus the Indian Subcontinent, the island of Madagascar, and the island of Greenland.
3. Once you have worked out the best possible fit, glue the pieces to the back of this paper.
*You will not get a perfect fit. Even Wegener did not get a perfect fit, so you are in good company!
4. When you combine the continents together some will overlap. This is acceptable, especially with
Greenland and Europe.
5. When you are finished with your first Pangaea map, begin your second. The second map youll
construct for this activity is similar to the first, with one exception. Your second map has the
continental shelves shown along with the continents, plus the fossil and geological hints.

1. What do you feel is the most compelling evidence that the continents were once linked together?
2. Why do the continents fit together better with todays knowledge than in Wegeners time?
3. Based on the apparent movement of the continents from Pangaea to today, what can you infer about the
size of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins at some time in the future?
4. What ocean scanning technology, developed during Wegeners time, could have produced data to
support his Theory of Continental Drift?

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