MSEP Lesson Plan
MSEP Lesson Plan
MSEP Lesson Plan
I .Objectives:
1. Enumerate the words that are sung incorrectly (National Anthem)
2. Recite the lyrics of Lupang Hinirang while tapping/ clapping its rhythm.
3. Show pride and respect when singing the National Anthem.
4. Sing the National Anthem correctly with proper phrasing.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Singing of Lupang Hinirang
III. Activities:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Breathing Exercise and Vocalization
2. Singing the C-Scale w/ hand signals
B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation-Show the flag then ask what does the object represent for and how significant
Is this symbol to all Filipinos.
2. Lesson Proper
a. Present to the class the copy of Lupang Hinirang
b. Discuss its meaning, the composer and lyricist, its time and key signatures.
c. Let the children read the lyrics correctly according to how it is sung. Let the class tap the
beat while reciting the lyrics.
d. Singing the song Lupang Hinirang with correct phrasing, lyrics and tune in key of G.
3. Generalization
* Lupang Hinirang is our National Anthem, composed by Julian Felipe and Jose Palma
* It is in 2 times signature and in key of G.
* As Filipinos we should show respect to our flag and take pride while singing it.
C. Application/Exercises
Let the children sing the national anthem properly with proper gestures, correct phrasing
And lyrics.
IV. Evaluation:
1. Write the song Lupang Hinirang in a whole sheet of paper and draw the Phil. Flag as
background. Color the flag correctly.
2. Singing the national anthem by group (5s) with correct phrasing, gestures and lyrics.
1. Discuss the meaning / message of the song Davao Regional Hymn
2. Show gratefulness and pride to the hymn by singing it correctly
3. Beat correctly the songs rhythm while singing it.
II. Subject matter:
a. Singing the Regional Hymn
b. Reference____________
I. Objectives:
1.Recall and recite correctly the lyrics of the songs Tayoy Dabawenyo
andSta. Ana Aming Alma Mater.
2.Discuss the meaning/message of the songs.
3.Sing the songs with proper timing, tune and phrasing.
4. Demonstrate the values of respect and pride while singing the songs.
4. Application
Singing of the songs by group with correct timing and tune
IV. Evaluation:
1. Group singing of the songs Tayoy Dabawenyo and Alma Mater
Song by 10s or 5s
V. Assignment:
Master the lyrics of the songs reviewed today and yesterday.
Prepare for a graded singing performance tomorrow.
Belowis the rubrics for rating your performance to guide you.
a. Mastery of the lyrics (3)
b. Correct tune, timing & phrasing (4)
c. Stage presence / voice quality (3)
I. Objectives:
1. Show mastery of the lyrics of the song Sta. Ana Alma Matter
2. Sing the song with correct tune, timing and phrasing.
3. Demonstrate the values of respect and pride while singing the songs.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Singing of Alma Matter Song - Sta. Ana Aming Alma Matter
B. References: BEC Music 4 and 6, pp ___
C. Materials: copy of the songs, recorder, keyboard
D. Value Integration: Respect and Pride
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Breathing Exercises
2. Tonal Drill Singing of C-Major Scale with the help of hand signals
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show picture Sta. Ana CES Building then ask these questions:
I. Objectives:
1. Enumerate the significance of lines in our day to day activities.
2. Show appreciation to the presence of lines in our natural environment by drawing designs they
like most express gratitude by writing a sentence below the drawing.
3. Enhance the given pictures by adding line designs on them.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Line
b. References: BEC Art 6, page
; Alive with MAPE 6, pp 4-6
c. Materials: pictures/ real objects of plants, flowers, trees etc.
d. Value integration: appreciation of nature / gratefulness
III. Procedure
1. Preparatory Activity
1. Singing Leron, Leron Sinta to situate pupils
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show pictures found in the environment then ask
*What do you see in each object in relation to art?
*Do you think lines are important to us? Why?
*What are the uses of line in our daily activities?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Kinds and types of lines will be presented
Teacher ask the class what are the different kinds and types
of lines.
A. Straight
B. Curve
b. Uses of lines will be discussed too
That lines are used in writing our names, giving signs and
Symbols and in expressing ones feelings by writing.
c. Uses of lines in art will be tackled/ discussed
-What are the uses of lines in art?
-What if theres no line at all, what do you think objects
Look like?
I. Objectives:
1. Tell the meanings of the different types of e of lines.
2. Show illusion of space by using different straight lines.
3. Manifest the values of patience and industriousness by showing it
In their own art work.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Using Straight Lines to Show Illusion of Space
B. References: BEC Art 6, page_____; Alive with MAPEH 6, pp._______
C. Value integration: patience and industriousness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review
2. Checking of assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show a picture with a narrow space. Then discuss
How this space would look wider.
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Activity
In the given spaces/ boxes show illusion of space by using
Straight lines
b. Teacher shows to the class how to make the space look wider
c. Discussion
- What made the space look wider?
- What happens to the object/ s when it is seen farther?
- Are lines useful in showing illusion of space? Why did you say
IV. Evaluation:
(Oral Test only)
1. How could you make a space look wider?
2. What straight lines are used in making a space wide?
3. In what other ways do you think lines could help us?
I. Objectives:
1. Enumerate the different types of lines that are of help in showing illusion of space.
2. Use or apply straight lines in showing illusion of space.
3. Demonstrate the value of gratefulness by drawing different objects found in our
surrounding nicely.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Plate no. 1 Straight lines that show illusion of space
b. References: BEC Art 6, page____; MAPE Adventures 6,pp.
c. Materials: pencil, ruler, crayons and drawing book
d. Value integration: appreciation/gratefulness to the beauty of nature
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review What are the different kinds and types of lines?
2. Singing of Bahay Kubo to situate pupils
B. Lesson Proper
1. Giving of instructions for the activity to be done and discussing shortly of the rubrics for
2. Preparing the materials to be used during the art activity
3. Demonstration teaching on how to do plate no.1 Showing illusion of space using
straight lines
4. Doing of plate no. 1 by the pupils with the supervision of the Teacher.
5. Generalization
* Lines help show illusion of space
IV. Evaluation:
1. What are different types of straight lines? Name 3 types
2. How lines show illusion of space?
3. Are lines important? Why?
I. Objectives:
1. Discuss in the group what is proper posture and how to maintain good posture.
2. Express gratefulness for having good posture.
3. Demonstrate in class to stand, walk, sit straight and pull and reach properly by group.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Good/proper posture
B. References: BEC P.E 6, page_____; Alive with MAPE 6, pp.
C. Materials: pictures
D. Value Integration: gratefulness for having good posture
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Warm up exercises
2. Review about the subject PE
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation-show pictures of persons standing and sitting straight then ask:
*What does the picture show / tell to us?
*Do all people stand and sit straight like shown to these pictures?
2. Presentation of the lesson
a. The teacher presents the lesson on Good/proper posture through modelling of selected
b. Discussion
-What is proper/good posture?
-How do we show proper standing? Sitting? Walking?
-Why is good posture important? How does it affect you?
c. Practice of doing proper standing, walking, sitting, etc.
3. Generalization
* Posture is the way you carry your body. It refers to the different positions of your
Body when you stand, sit down, walk, Push pull, pick up objects.
IV. Evaluation:
(Pupils will be grouped by 5s)
Group performance showing good posture
V. Assignment:
Apply the knowledge you earned on Good Posture. Be ready for a graded
performancenext meeting.
1. Recall / Show mastery of the lyrics of the songs Davao Regional Hymn
And Alma Mater Song
2. Sing the song with correct tune, timing and phrasing.
3. Demonstrate the value of patriotism by singing the songs with respect
And pride with proper gesture.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Graded Singing Performance
B. Reference: teacher-made rubrics for rating
C. Value Integration: Patriotism
III. Procedure:
A. Prep. Activity
1. Breathing exercises
2. Tonal Drill
B. Activity Proper
1. Review singing of the songs to be performed by group
2. Grouping of pupils by 5s
3. Present and discuss shortly the rubrics for rating pupils
a. Mastery of the lyrics (3)
b. Correct tune, timing & phrasing (4)
c. Stage presence / voice quality (3)
4. Group presentation or performance
5. Teacher gives the rate for each pupils performing based on the
Rubrics presented.
C. Closing Activity
Singing of some folk songs like: Sitsiritsit, Ako Kini Si Anggi, and
Leron, Leron Sinta
I. Objectives:
1. Explain duple / triple / quadruple meters.
2. Express gratefulness for learning from the elders the value of being hospitable.
3. Tap / clap the given rhythmic patter
4. Identify the meter for the given rhythmic patter
3. Discussion
-How are the notes grouped?
-What rhythmic patterns do you think are present?
-What do we call to the grouping of beats like by 2s, 3s and 4s?
-Why are these meters called simple meters?
4. Practice
Tapping/ clapping the rhythmic patterns given
5. Generalization
* Duple, triple and quadruple are simple meters. Meters are simple meters indicated by the
numbers written after the g-clef sign like three four, four-four and two-four.
The quarter note ( ) is its regular beat that receives 1 beat
*Duple meter - beats are grouped by 2s
*Triple meter notes and rest are grouped by 3s
*Quadruple meter beats are grouped by 4s.
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the meter of ach rhythmic pattern. Write duple, triple or quadruple.
V. Assignment:
Know what are compound meters.
b. Discussion
*How did you show the three-dimension wide in each box?
*Did the shapes help in showing an illusion wide?
c. Teacher demonstrating how to put the shapes in the space on the
paper to show three-dimension wide.
3. Generalization
How do we show the 3-dimension wide on a space of paper?
1. Putting the object/shapes according their sizes
2. According to their location or position
3. According to how they are combined
IV. Evaluation:
What are the three ways of showing 3-dimension wide on a space of a paper?
V. Assignment:Bring old newspaper, scissors, glue, pentel pen and bond papers tomorrow
I. Objectives:
1. Tell how to show the three-dimension wide in a space of paper.
2. Show the 3-dimension wide on a sheet of paper using shapes.
3. Tell the importance of shapes in the activities of people.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Plate No. 2 2 Three-Dimension Wide Using Shapes
B. Reference BEC Art 6, page _____; Enhancing Skills through MAPE 6
C. Materials old magazines, scissors, glue, bond papers and crayons
III. Procedure:
A. Opening Activity
1. Review
2. Singing Sitsiritsit for readiness of the class.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Ask pupils to prepare the materials. The materials needed for the
Art activity to be done.
2. Reminding pupils of what to do when having an art activity.
3. Doing the art activity individually with teachers supervision or with
Teachers assistance.
5. Generalization
How did you show 3-dimension wide on a space of a paper?
IV. Assignment:
Continue working your plate no.2 at home.
I. Objects:
1. Show three-dimension wide on a space of a sheet of paper.
2. Tell the importance of patience and industry when making an art work.
II. Subject Matter:
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review How do we show 3-dimension wide on a sheet of paper?
2. Checking of assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Preparing the materials needed for the art activity
2. Giving of instructions/reminders for the art activity to be conducted
3. Teacher will demonstrate again how to show 3-dimension wide
purposely for mastery or for a good output.
4. Doing of individual art work with the supervision of the teacher.
5. Generalization / Value integration:
*How did you show three-dimension wide on a space of a paper?
*Were you able to make a good art work? What did you do?
*Do you think patience and hard work help you in making a good art work?
IV. Assignment:
Review your lesson about good posture and practice doing them at home.
Prepare for a performance test tomorrow.
I. Objectives:
1. Show good posture by demonstrating the proper/ correct standing,
Sitting, walking, pushing, pulling and picking an object.
2. Tell/ explain the importance of having a good posture.
3. Demonstrate the value of respect especially when someone is performing.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Performance Test on Good Posture
B. Reference: BEC P.EE 6, page
C. Materials: Self (pupils), chart
D. Value Integration: Importance of good posture
III. Procedure:
A. Opening Activity
1. Review
2. Warm Up exercise to prepare pupils for the activity
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Would you like to do modelling today?
What should you do if somebody is showing their
Good posture?
2. Activity Proper
a. The rubrics for rating will be presented so that know how
their performance are being rated by the teacher.
RUBRICS in Rating Performance Test
1. Plumbline test
2. Stand straight
3. Sit straight
4. Walk properly
5. Push/ full correctly
b. Performance Test will be conducted and pupils will be reminded
On what to do if someone is performing.
3. Generalization /Value Integration
IV. Assignment:
Know the common disorders of having poor posture.
I. Objectives:
1. Enumerate the different disorders in having a good posture.
2. Realized the importance of correcting ones disorder in having a good posture.
3. Decides what practices will be followed or exercised.
II Subject .Matter:
III. Procedure:
A. Opening Activity
1. Review What is good posture? What will you do to acquire a good posture?
2. Warm Up exercises
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show a picture of a child who has a curved back. Ask:
- What can you tell about childs appearance?
- Do you see children with curved back? What do you think is the reason why they
Have this kind of disorder?
2. Lesson Proper
a. Unlocking of Difficulty the word DISORDER will be unlocked
b. Presentation of the Lesson and Discussion
- Aside of the common disorder on having curved back, what else are some
common disorders in having good posture?
- Teacher present pictures of some common disorders to the class and explain why
somechildren are suffering from it.
Ask: Could these disorders or defects be corrected?
How would it happen?
What would we do?
c. Teacher presents the chart of different disorders and their corrections / solutions
Flat Footed Roll your feet on a bottle regularly at least 2 to 3 times a day.
3. Generalization/Value Integration
IV. Evaluation:
Put a / mark if you think it is good practice on good posture and an X if it does not.
____ 1. Exercising regularly
____ 2. Sleeping very late at night
____ 3. Practice proper sitting at all times.
____ 4. Do crouching when standing
____ 5. Always stop when talking
I. Objectives:
1. Identify cut time and tell the times values of the notes and rests.
2. Show appreciation to the song learned by singing it correctly & seriously.
3. Give the correct notes/rests that complete the given rhythmic pattern in cut time.
II Subject Matter:
A. Cut Time
B. Reference: BEC Music 6, page____; enhancing skills through MAPE 6, pages 19-21
C. Materials: Chart of Notes & rests in cut time, recorder, musical piece
D. Value Integration: Appreciation
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory / Opening Activity
1. Review What are simple meters? How are the beats grouped in Duple meter?
Triple meter? Quadruple meter?
Tell the meter for each.
3. Practice/ Application
a. Singing the song correctly following its time signature
b. Tell what is the missing note/ rest that completes ff. Patterns:
4. Generalization
*Cut time (C) is the same as two-two time signature in which there
are two (2) beats in every measure and a half note ( ) is its regular
beat which receives 1 beat.
IV. Evaluation:
Supply the missing note/ rests that complete each rhythmic pattern.
V. Assignment:
Make three rhythmic patterns with 4 measures each in cut time.
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the correct meter for each given rhythmic pattern.
2. Sing the song Its a Small World with enjoyment.
3. Make/ Create their own rhythmic pattern as indicated by the given meter
or time signature.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Identifying the meter & Making Rhythmic Patterns in Different Meters
B. Reference: BEC Music 6, page ;Enhancing Skills Through MAPE 6,
Pages 19-21
C. Materials: recorder and music piece of Its a Small Word
D. Value Integration: Appreciation and enjoyment
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory/ Opening Activity
1. Review What are simple meters? How ate the beats grouped in
Duple meter? Triple meter? Quadruple meter?
2. Breathing/ Tonal exercises
B. Lesson Proper
1. Singing the song Its a Small World. Ask pupils to conduct while
2. Enrichment Activity will be held for the purpose of mastery
A. Identify the meter for each rhythmic pattern. Write 2/4, 3/4,
4/4, and C.
_____ 1.
_____ 4.
_____ 2.
_____ 5.
_____ 3.
B. Supply the missing note/ rest which complete the pattern
C. Make at least two rhythmic patterns according to the given meter
*Checking of the activity of pupils
3. Generalization/ Value integration
*Notes and Rests are grouped according to the meter indicated.
2 3 4
4 , 4 , 4 or C are simple meters and Cut time ( C ) is same as 2
*We sing songs for enjoyment or to make ourselves happy.
4. Singing the song its a Small World with correct tune and timing.
IV. Assignment:
Find out what are compound meters. Search in the internet or in Encarta Library in the
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natatalakay ang tungkol saop art.
2. Nakakalikha ng isang dibuhong tila gumagalaw at nakadaraya sa paningin.
3. Nasasabi kung anong damdamin ang nararamdaman kapag nakakakita ng mga larawang tila
II. Paksa
B. Sanggunian: BEC Sining 6, pahina____; Sining Sa Araw-Araw 6 MNG pahina 6-7
C. Mga Kagamitan: painting o larawang nakahihilo tingnan, colored chalk
D. Value Integration:
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagsasanay-Pagguhit ng ibat ibang hugis at linya sa hangin
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak Magpakita ng isang larawan o painting na abstract at
talakayin ito.
-Ano ang masasabi ninyo salarawan? Anong dandamin ang
Nadarama ninyo habang ito ay pagmasdan?
2. Gawain Pagawain ng isang dibuhong nagawa ng mga bata at talakayin ito
tingnan ang mga bata at ipakita ito sa katabi o kaklase
at pag-usapan.
Paglalahat/ Pagpapahalaga
*Ang op art ay isang uri ng sining na gumagamit ng mga linya o
hugis upang dayain ang paningin o lumikha ng optical illusion.
Simikat ito noong 1959 1960
IV. Pagtataya:
Ano ang op art?
Anu-ano ang layunin ng mga artist sa paggawa ng op art?
V. Takdang Aralin:
Magdala ng 2 bond papers, krayon, lapis, ruler at ball pen o sign pen
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natatalakay ang tungkol saop art.
2. Nakalilikha ng isang dibuhong tila gumagalaw at nakadaraya sa paningin.
3. Nasasabi kung anong damdamin ang nadararama kapag nakakakita ng
mga larawang tila gumagalaw.
II. Paksa:
A. Op Art
B. Sanggunian: BEC Sining 6, pahina _____ ; Sining sa Araw-Araw 6
MNG pahina 6-7
C. Mga Kagamitan: painting o larawang nakahihilo tingnan, colored chalk
D. Value Integration:
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. PagsasanayPagguhit ng ibat ibang hugis at linya sa hangin
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak Magpakita ng isang larawan o painting sa abstrack at
talakayin ito.
-Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa larawan? Anong damdamin ang
Nadarama ninyo habang ito ay pagmasdan?
2. Gawain Pagawain ng isang dibuhong nakakalito nakakaduling
tingnan ang mga bata at ipakita ito sa katabi o sa klase
at pag-usapan
3. Pagpapakita ng mga dibuhong nagawa ng mga bata at talakayin ito
Iugnay sa araling ilalahad ng guro.
4. Paglalahad ng aralin at pagtatalakay nito sa klase sa tulong ng mga
larawan. Pag-usapan ang Op Art (pahina 6, MNG)
Paglalahat/ Pagpapahalaga
*Ang op art ay isang uri ng sining na gumagamit ng mga linya o
hugis upang dayain ang paningin o lumikha ng optical illusion.
Sumikat ito noong 1950-1960
IV. Pagtataya:
Ano ang op art?
Anu-ano ang layunin ng mga artist sa paggawa ng op art?
V. Takdang-Aralin:
Magdala ng 2 bond paper, krayon, lapis, ruler at ball pen o sign pen
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nakakalikha ng isang dibuhong tila gumagalaw at nakakadaraya sa paningin.
2. Naipapakita ang damdaming nais ipahiwatig sa larawan o dibuhong nabubuo.
3. Nasasabi ang kahalagan ng kalinisan, sipag at tiyaga kapag gumagawa ng gawaing sining.
II. Paksa:
A. Paggawa ng Sining Bilang 3 OP ART
B. Sanggunian: BEC Sining 6, pahina_____; Sining sa Araw-Araw 6 MNG pahina 6-7
C. Mga Kagamitan: lapis o bolpen, krayon o coloring pen, ruler at papel
D. Value Integration: Kalinisan at sipag at tiyaga
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Pag tsek ng takda
2. Pag-awit ng Leron, Leron Sinta bilang paghahanda
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Paghahanda ng mga kagamitang gagamitin sa gagawing likhang-Sining
2. Ipaalala sa klase ang mga bagay na dapat gawin kapag nagsasagawa ng likhang-sining
3. Magpakitang turo ang guro paano gawin ang likhang-sining blg. 3 OP ART
4. Pagpapahalaga:
* Anu ano ang mga katangiang nakatulong sa inyong magawa ang likhang-sining
na maayos at maganda?
IV. Takdang-Aralin:
Pag aralan ang mga paksang natalakay sa Musika, Sining at EPK, may pasulit bukas.
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa paksang natalakay sa musika, sining at epk nang tama.
2. Naipapakita ang katapatan at katahimikan sa panahon ng pagsagot sa pagsubok.
II. Paksa:
A.Lingguhang Pagsubok sa MSEP
B. Sanggunian: Teacher-made test
C. Mga Kagamitan: papel at bolpen
D. Value Integration: Katapatan
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Pag awit ng Paru-Parong Bukid
2. Paghahanda ng papel at bolpen
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagbibigay Panuto at mga paalala sa klase
2. Pagsagot sa pagsubok na ininhanda ng guro
I. Sagutin ang sumusunod ng TAMA o MALI.
_____1. Ang mga palakumpasang 2/4, , at 4/4 ay may regular na ritmong apating nota.
_____2. Ang 2/2 o cut time ay pareho lamang sa C time na palakumpasan.
_____3. Sa palakumpasang 2/2, ang buong nota ay tumatanggap ng 2 kumpas.
_____4. Ang OP ART ay may layuning o dayain an gating paningin.
_____5. Sa paggawa ng op art, gumagamit tayo ng mha letra o numero para mkabuo ng optical
_____6. Ang wastong tikas o tindig ng katawan ay ipakita kapag may nakatingin sa iyo.
_____7. Ang Pag-ehersisyo ay nakakatulong pagtuwid o pagsasaayos ng mga disorder o depekto
sa wastong tindig.
II. Piliin at Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa sumusunod na tanong o sitwasyon.
III C. Pag-aralan ang awit at sagutin ang mga sumusunod na tanong.
IV. Takdan-Aralin:
Alamin ang ibat ibang compound meters. Pag-aralan kung ano nag regular
na ritmo ng bawat isa.
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi at natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng kaangkupang pisikal.
2. Natutukoy ang mga pangkaligtasang patnubay sa pagsasanay para
Makaiwas sa sakuna.
3. Naipakikita ang pagpapahalaga sa pagkakaroon ng kaangkupang pisikal
sa pamamagitan ng pakikinig nang mabuti sa guro panahon ng talakayan.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang kaangkupang pisikal
B. Sangguniang: BEC EPK 6, pahina ; Tayo Nang Magpalakas 6, pp 1-2
C. Kagamitan: istripng mga salita at kahulugan, tsart, larawan
D. Value Integration: Pakikinig nang mabuti
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pag-ehersisyo (basic hands/arms movements)
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak Tumawag ng 3 bata at ipatukoy kung sino sa kanilang
Tatlo ang malusogang ang pangangatawan
-Paano ninyo nalaman na malusog siyang bata?
2. Paglalahad ng aaralin
a. Tatalakayin ng guro ang tungkol sa Kaangkupang Pisikal
magpapakita ang guro ng mga salitang nasa istrip:
Kakayahang pangkatawan (physical ability) at
Kaangkupang Pisikal (physical fitness)
b. Magtanong
-Ano ang ibig sabihin ng bawat salita?
-Mahalaga ba ang mga ito sa tao? Bakit?
c. Ilahad ng guro ang mga pangkaligtasang patnubay sa pagsagawa
ng mga pagsubok (tsart)
3. Paglalahat/ Pagpapahalaga
Ang kakayahang pangkatawan ay ang taglay na kakayahang magampanan
ang mga pang-araw araw na Gawain ng walang kapaguran.
Ang kakayahang pisikal ay siyang nagpapahiwatig ng kahusayang
magampananang ibat ibang Gawain.
IV. Pagtataya:
Lagyan ng / ang kahon kung ang pangungusap ay nagsasaad ng pangkaligtasang
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natutukoy at Nasasabi ang katuturan ng cut time o palakumpasang 2.
2. Nakaawit ng isang English Folk Song nang wasto ang tono at timong 2.
3. Naibibigay anh halaga ng mga nota at pahinga sa cut time.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang cut time
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika 6, pahina____; Enhancing Skills Through MAPE VI, pahina 19-21
C. Mga Kagamitan: Lunsarang awit o piyesa, tsart ng mga nota at pahinga ng cut time o
Palakumpasang 2/2
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-Aral: Anu-ano ang mga simple meters? Saan nagkakatulad ang 2/4, at 4/4?
2. Pagsasanay Pantono sa tulong ng recorder at pagsagawa Kodaly
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak: Pagbubuo ng puzzle na may salitang cut time
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Ilahad sa klase ang isang American folk song na nakasulatswa Manila Paper. Ipasuri at
pag-aralan ito ng klase.
b. Talakayin ang awit
* Anu-anong simbolong pang musika ang nakikita ninyo?
* Ano ang kahulugan ng bawat isa?
* Ang simbolong C ay nangangahulugang centavo? Ano ang katuturan nito? Ano ang
numerong katumbas nito?
c. Ilahad ng guro ang tsart ng mga nota at pahinga sa palakumpasang cut time
d. Pag-awit ng Sleep Little One, sa yulong ng guro pag-aralan ang tono ng awit at ang
pagkumpas para sa awit.
3. Pagsasanay: Punan ng angkop na nota o pahinga ang hulwarang ritmo sa ibaba.
4. Paglalahat:
* Ang cut time ay may simbolong____. Ito ay katumbas ng palakumpasang 2/2.
* Ang katuturang palakumpasang 2/2 ay:
2 ay nagsasaad na ang mga pulso ay may 2 kumpas
2 aytumutukoy sa regular na pulsong hating nota ( )
na may halagang 1 kumpas.
IV. Pagtataya:
A. Gumawa ng hulwarang ritmo sa cut time
2 /
B. Punan ang mga patlang ng nota o pahingang bubuo ng hulwaran.
V. Takdang-Aralin:
Gumawa ng dalawang hulwarang ritmong na sa palakumpasang 2/2.
Ituturong muli ng guro ang paksang cut time dahil walang mastery ang klase.
I. Layunin:
1. Natatalakay at nasasabi ang katuturan ng compound meter.
2. Natutukoy ang simple meter at compound meter.
3. Nakakukumpas ng 6/8 at 9/8 na palakumpasan.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Compound Meter
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika VI, pahina____; Enhancing Skills Through MAPE VI, pahina 22-26
C. Kagamitan: Lunsarang Awit, piyesa ng awit, recorder o keyboard
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral: Ano ang katuturan palakumpasang cut time o 2/2?
Buuin ang hulwaran:
/ ____ / ____
/ _____ _____ //
2. Pagsasanay Pantono sa tulong ng recorder at pagsagawa Kodaly
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1 kumpas
3. Pagsasanay
Pag-awit ng Down in the Valley nang may wastong tono
4. Paglalahat/ Pagpapahalaga
*Ang palakumpasang 6/8 at 9/8 ay halimbawa ng compound mater.
*Ang katuturan ng 6/8 ay may 6 na kumpas sa bawat sukat at ang
waluhing nota ( ) ang regular na ritmo na may halagang isang kumpas.
IV. Pagtataya:
A. Ttukuyin ang palakumpasan. Isulat ang 6/8 o 9/8 o 3/8
1. ____ /
2. ____ /
3. ____ /
/ ____
/ _____
/ ___ ___ /
___ / /
____/ /
V. Takdang-Aralin:
A. Gumawa ng isang hulwarang ritmo sa sumusunod na
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natutukoy ang ankop na palakumpasan ng bawat hulawarang ritmong
2. Nabubuo ang hulwarang ritmo sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno ng wastong
nota o pahinga.
3. Nakagagawa ng ritmo ayon sa palakumpasang isinasaad.
4. Naipakikita ang pagkamasunurin sa mga panuto o paalaala ng guro.
II. Paksa:
A. Pagsasanay sa Pagkilala at Pagbuo ng mga Hulwarang Ritmo
B. Sanggunian BEC Musika VI, pahina
;Enhancing Skills in MAPE
VI, pahina 22-27
C. Mga Kagamitan notebook , bolpen
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagtsek ng takda
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak Pag-awit ng Sleep Little One bilang pamukaw sigla at
Paghanda sa klase sa gagawing enrichment activity
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Pagpangkat sa klase. Bigyan ng panuto at paalala ng guro ang
mga bata sa gagawing enrichment activity
4 /
4. Pagtsek ng kani-kaniyang Gawain
5. Paglalahat / Pagpapahalaga
Ano ang regular na pulso sa mga palakumpasang 2/4, at 4/4
Ano ang regular na pulso sa mga palakumpasang 2/2? 6/8? 9/8?
IV. Takdang-Aralin:
1. Magsaliksik tungkol sa mga kulay.
2. Alamin kung anu-ano ang ibat ibang pangkat ng mga kulay, ano ang nagagawa
Ng kulay sa sining, sa paligid at sa buhay ng tao.
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang katuturan palakumpasang 9/8.
2. Makabubuo ng hulawarang ritmo sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno ng angkop na nota.
3. Nakaaawit nang wasto sa tono at naikukumpas ang 9/8 nang tama.
4. Naibibigay ang kabuuang kumpas ng mga nota at pahinagng ipinapakita ng hulwaran
II. Paksa:
A. Ang palakumpasang 9/8
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika VI, pahina
; EnhancingSkills Through
MAPE VI pahina
C. Kagamitan: piyesa ng awiting Down in the Valley, tsart ng mga nota
d. Pagpapahalaga: Pagkakaisa at pagtutulungan
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral: Paano ikinukumpas ang 6/8?
Buuin ang hulwaran 6/8 ___
/ ___ ___ / ___ ___ / /
2. Pagsasanay na Pantono: Pag-awit ng so-fa silaba gamit ang Kodaly
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak: Pagbubuo ng pazzel
2. Paglalahad ng aralin
a. Ilahad ang awiting Down in the Valley, pag-aralan o suriin ito ng
klase at pag-aralan ang ritmo nito.
b. Pagtatalakay: Magtanong ang guro
-Ano ang nilalaman ng awit?
-Ano ang palakumpasan ang ginamit sa awit? Paano ang pagkumpas
kung ang kanyang ritmo ay siyaman?
-Ang mga nota at pahinga ba ay tumatanggap ba ng parehong halaga
gaya sa palakumpasang 6/8?
c. Pag-awit ng Down in the Valley at pagkumpas nito ayon sa ritmong
d. Ilahad ng guro ang tsart ng mga nota at pahinga sa palakumpasang 9/8
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natalakay ang iba pang pangkat ng mga kulay.
2. Masasabi ang kahalagahan ng mga kulay sa tao at sa mga bagay.
3. Nakakaguhit ng mga imahe o bagay na ginamitan ng mga kulay na
nalogo, kumplementaryo, mainit o malamig na mga kulay.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Iba Pang Pangkat ng mga Kulay
B. Sang. BEC Sining 6, pahina
; Sining sa Araw-araw 6 MG, pp
at Sining sa Araw-Araw Textbook, pp
C. Mga Kagamitan: pangkulay, bond paper, tsart at colorwheel
D. Value Integration/ Pagpapahalaga:
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral: Anu ano ang mga kulay sa colorwheel?
2. Pag-awit ng Ako ay Filipino bilang paghahanda sa gagawing Gawain
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Ipakita ang colorwheel sa klase at magtanong:
* May iba pa bang pangkat ng kulayang iyong makikita sa colorwheel?
* Anu-ano ang mga ito?
2. Talakayin kung anu-ano pa ang iba pang pangkat ng mga kulay
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natalakay ang ibat-ibang tekstura ng mga bagay at nakapagbibigay ng halimbawa ng bawat
2. Masasabi ang kahalagahan ng mga kulay sa tao at sa mga bagay.
3. Makakalikha ang bawat pangkat ng isang collage na may ibat ibang tekstura.
4. Naipapakita ang pagtutulungan at pagkakaisa panahon ng pangkatang Gawain.
II. Paksa
A. Ang Ibat Ibang Tekstura na mga Bagay
B. Sang. BEC Sining 6, pahina 85; Sining sa Araw-Araw 6 MG,pp 20 at Sining sa Araw-Araw
Textbook, pp 23-24
C. Mga Kagamitan: pangkulay, manila paper, gunting at pandikit
D. Pagpapahalaga: Pagtutulungan at Pagkakaisa
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral: Anu-ano ang mga kulay sa colorwheel?
2. Pag awit ng Ako ay Filipino bilang paghahanda sa gagawing Gawain
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak: Anu-ano ang mga kulay sa colorwheel?
-Anu-anong mga materyales o kagamitan gawa ang sining na ito?
-Ano ang tawag sa likhang-sining na ito?
2. Pag-alis ng balakid:
-Ibigay ang kahukugan ng salitang collage
-Gagabayan ng guro ang pagbibigay ng kahulugan
3. Pagbibigay pamantayan o panuto at rubrics sa pagmamarka upang
magabayan ang mga bata kung paano binibigyang marka ang
nagawa nilang sining.
4. Pakitang turo ng guro sa paggawa ng collage
5. Paggawa ng mga bata sa kani-kanilang likhang-sining habang
Sinusubaybayan ng guro
6. Pagpapahalaga/ Paglalahat
*Natapos ba ninyo sa takdang oras at nagawa nang maayos ang
likhang sining ninyo?
*Anong katangian ang ipinakita mo kaya nagkawa ka ng isang
magandang likhang-sining?
IV. Pagtataya:
Magtanong lamang ang guro.
1. Ano ang collage
2. Anu-anong mga kagamitan ang ginamit ninyo sa paggawa ng collage
3.Anu-ano ang ibat ibang tekstura ng mga bagay ang ginamit ninyo?
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nailalapat sa paglalaro ang ibat ibang kasanayang kilos na natutunan sa Pagpapalakas i
at pagsubok ng kakayahang pisikal.
2. Naipapakita ang kasiyahan at pagiging isport sa panahon ng paglalaro.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang mga Laro ng Lahi
B. Sang. BEC, P.E 6, pahina 105; Tayo Nang Magpalakas VI
C. Kagamitan: Lata, sako, lubid, tsinelas, kadang gawa sa bunot
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang kahalagahan ng panimulang tono at panapos na himig sa anumang pagawit.
2. Naipapakita ang pagmamahal sa bayan sa pamamagitan ng pag-awit nang may saya,
sigla at pagmam
3. Natutukoy ang narinig na himig kung ito ay pasakalye o coda.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Panimula at Panapos na Himig
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika 6, pahina 109 ; Adventures in MAPE VI
C. Kagamitan: Piyesa ng awit, recorder / keyboard, pitch pipe
V. Takdang Aralin:
Pag-aralan ang lahat ng mga paksang natalakay na. May isasagawang pagbabalik-aral bukas
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasagot ang unang panahunang pagsusulit nang wasto at maayos.
2. Naipakikita ang pagkamasunurin at katapatan panahon sa pagsusulit.
II. Paksa:
A. Unang Panahunang Pagsusulit sa MSEP
B. BEC ,SEP VI/ Pagsusulit na ginawa mula sa Division Office
C. Kagamitan: papel at bolpen
D. Pagpapahalaga: Pagkamasunurin at matapat
III. Pamamaraan:
A. 1. Pagahahanda at pagbibigay pamantayan at mga panuto para sa
gagawing pagsusulit
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagpasa sa mga papel sa klase
2. Pagsagot sa pagsubok o pagsusulit
3. Pagsusubay ng guro sa klase
4. Pagpasa ng mga sagot na test paper sa guro
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Naiwawasto ang mga test papers nang tama
2. Natatalakay ng mga aytem na kalimitang nasagot nang hindi tama
3. Naipakikita ang katapatan panahon nang pagwawasto ng mga papel.
II. Paksa:
A. Pagwawasto sa mga Papel ng nang Markahang Pagsusulit sa MSEP
B. Kagamitan: bolpen o lapis
C. Pagpapahalaga: Katapatan
III. Pamamaraan:
A. 1. Pamukaw-sigla: Pag-awit ng Mabuhay
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagpasa sa mga test paper sa klase para wawastuhin
2.Pagtsek sa mga papel
3. Pagbalik sa mga papel sa may-ari nito at pagchechek muli sa test paper
na ibinalik sa may-ari nito kung tama ba ang pagwasto nito.
4. Pagtatalakay sa mga aytem na karaniwang nagkamali ang klase sa pagbigay
ng kanilang mga sagot.
5. Patatala sa mga iskor ng mga bata sa class record
6. Pagpapahalaga:
- Naging matapat ba kayo panahon sapagwawasto ng mga papel ninyo
o ng sa kaklase mo?
- Tama ba ang ipinakita ninyong katapatan panahon sa pagwawasto ng
inyong mga test paper?
- Bakit dapat matapat kayo sa lahat ng pagkakataon?
Music, Art & P.E
Grade IV & VI
Music, Art & P.E
Grade IV
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the different lines present in the objects seen inside and outside the room anf describe
2. Express appreciation and gratitude for the different uses/ helpof lines in our activities.
3. Use or apply lines in drawing designs.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Line as an Element of Art
b. References: BEC Art 4, page____; MAPE Adventures 4 pp.124-131
c. Materials: pictures/real objects of plants, flowers, trees etc.
d. Value Integration: appreciation of nature/gratefulness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Singing of Sitsiritsit to condition pupils
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show pictures found inside or in the environment then ask:
*Are lines present in the different objects found in and or out of our classroom?
*What kinds of lines did you see?
*Do you think these lines are important to us? Why?
*What are the uses of lines in our daily activities?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Present the different kinds of lines and its types with the help ofreal objects/pictures.
1. Straight Lines
2. Curved Lines
-Show pictures/cut outs of concave, convex, scroll, vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines
b. Let pupils describe the lines they see in the pictures presented like buildings, churches,
parks, etc.
Ask:Tell/describe something about each picture
* Like a Tall Building*
-What lines are present in the picture shown?
-What do these lines make to the picture?
3. Activity
Have pupils draw the object or picture as directedby the teacher
1. Draw curved/straight lines that show movements.
4. Generalization:
Lines may be straight of curve
*There are different types of straight lines namely:
Vertical, horizontal, diagonal/slanting
and jagged
*Curve lines are namely:
Concave, convex, scroll and spiral
Line may also denote meaning.
Horizontal tranquillity and rest
Vertical suggest dignity, authority and stability
Slanting line suggest movement
Jagged line expresses disorderliness
Curved lines denote continuous movement
IV. Evaluation:
Draw the object inside the box as directed.
1. Any object with curved lines
V. Asignment:
Bring a drawing book, pencil and crayons tomorrow for your plate number activity.
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the different lines present in the objects seen inside and outside the room and describe
2. Express appreciation and gratitude for the different uses/ helpof lines in our activities.
3. Use or apply lines in drawing designs.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Line as an Element of Art
b. References: BEC Art 4, page____; MAPE Adventures 4 pp.124-131
c. Materials: pictures/real objects of plants, flowers, trees etc.
d. Value Integration: appreciation of nature/gratefulness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Singing of Sitsiritsit to condition pupils
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show pictures found inside or in the environment then ask:
*Are lines present in the different objects found in and or out of our classroom?
*What kinds of lines did you see?
*Do you think these lines are important to us? Why?
V. Asignment:
Bring a drawing book, pencil and crayons tomorrow for your plate number activity.
I. Objectives:
1. Recall what are the different types of lines.
2. Express appreciation ang gratitude for the different uses/help of lines in our activities.
3. Use or apply lines in drawing designs.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Plate No. 1 Using Lines in Making Designs
b. References: BEC Art 4, page____; MAPE Adventures 4, pp. 124-131
c. Materials: pencil, ruler,crayons and drawing book
d. Value integration: appreciation of nature / gratefulness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review What are the different kinds and types og line?
B. Lesson Proper
a. Preparation oa pupils atr materials
b. Giving of instructions/ directions for the art activity to be done
c. Teacher will do demonstration if needed
I. Objectives:
1. Identify persons with good posture.
2. Express gratefulness for having good posture.
3. Demonstrate in class how to stand, walk, sit straight and full and reach
properly by group.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Good Posture
B. Reference: BEC P.E. 4, page ___; MAPE Adventures 6, pp.
C. Materials: pictures
D. Value integration: gratefulness for having good posture
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Warm up exercise
2. Review about the subject P.E.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Show pictures of persons standing and sitting straight
then ask:
*What does the picture show/ tell to us
*Do all people stand and sit straight like shown to these pictures?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. The teacher presents the lesson on Good/ Proper Posture
through modelling of selected pupils.
b. Discussion
-What is proper/ good posture?
-How do we show proper standing? Sitting? Walking?
-Why is good posture important, walking, sitting, etc.
3. Generalization
*Posture is the way you carry your body. It refers to the different
Posture of your body when you stand, sit down, walk,
Push pull, pick up objects.
IV. Evaluation:
(Pupils will be grouped by 5s)
Group performance showing good posture
V. Assignment:
Apply the knowledge you learn on Good Posture. Be ready for a graded
Performance next meeting
I. Objectives:
1. Tell the meaning of rhythm.
2. Express gratefulness for learning from the elders the value being hospitable.
3. Tap/ cap the given rhythm pattern of the song presented.
4. Sing the song Mabuhay with ease and confidence and with correct tune
and timing.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Lesson 1 Rhythm
B. Referance BEC Music IV, page
; MAPE Adventyres IV, pp12-15
C. Materials Musical piece of Mabuhay, recorder/ xylophone; pitch pipie
D. Value Integration Hospitality
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review
2. Breathing and Tonal Exercise
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation: Let pupil observe the movement of the clock, their pulse
and heart beat then ask.
-What do you notice to the movement of the hands of the clock/
Your heart beat and pulse, do you observe something? Do you think
sounds are grouped? How? Is there a rhythm in their movement?
2. Presentation of the lesson
-Present to the class the song Mabuhay (refer to the printed copy)
-Let the children observe and listen to the teacher while she claps and
sing the song. Emphrasize to the class that you are clapping the pulse
or beat of the song.
3. Discussion
-What is the song all about?
-What symbols are used which represent for the sound/ tones to be
using? When we reciteits lyrics and tap/ clap its pulse or beat, did
you notice grouping of pulses?
-In what did we we put force when we tap the beat?
4. Practice
Learning to sing the song by rote and do clapping while singing the song.
5. Generalization:
What is rhythm?
What is the basic component of rhythm?
What symbol means force? What note is usually accented?
IV. Evaluation:
A. Tap/Clap the following rhythmic patterns:
V. Assignment:
Know what are duple, triple, and quadruple meters. What symbol tells the kind of meter is
I. Objectives:
1. Tell themeaning of rhythm.
2. Express gratefulness for learning from the elders the value of being hospitable.
3. Tap/Clap the given rhythmic pattern of the song presented.
4. Sing the song Mabuhay with ease and confidence and with correct tune and timing.
IV. Evaluation:
A. Tap/Clap the following rhythmic pattern:
B. Singing the song by group with confidence and with correct tune and timing.
V. Assignment:
Look for the copy of the following folk songs and try to practice clapping its rhythm.
Paste the copy on your music notebook.
1. Bahay Kubo
2. Leron, Leron Sinta
3. Manang Biday
4. Condansoy
5. Ako Kini si Anggi
6. Pamulinawen
7. Paru-parong Bukid
8. Sitsiritsit
IV. Draw your favorite design applying all the different types of straight and curved lines. (5 points)
I. Obectives:
1. Enumerate the different shapes/ forms and give its meaning.
2. Identify the shapes being illustrated by the pictures/ drawing
3. Tell the importance of shapes in our sorroundings and to people.
II. Subjective Matter:
A. Form/ Shape as an Element of Art
B. Reference BEC Art 4, page ____; Adventures in MAPE 4, pages 133-139
C. Materials real objects/ pictures
D. Value Integration
III. Procedure:
A. Opineng Activity
1. Review What are the different types of lines and their uses?
2. Drawing on air the different types of curved lines as exercise
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation If lines meet together what thing will be formed?
Are shapes seen everywhere? What do they do to us?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Show real objects with different forms/shapes. Ask pupils to
describe each.
b. Discussion
-Do you think the form of each object denotes a meaning?
-What does a circular shapped object mean? Triangular? Ect.
-Are shapes important to people? Why?
3. Generalization:
*Objects maybe circular, rectangular, square, elliptical or triangular
*Shapes or form guides the movement of the eyes in perceiving the
Idea in art composition. Different forms connote different meanings.
*A triangular form may suggest a feeling of spirituality, dignity, power
and stability. It also denotes contrast and variety.
*A circular form suggest continuity, simplicity and harmony
*An ellipse looks like an oval figure. It gives a feeling of restraint because of
its curve . The lunette or semi-circle form gives a feeling of stability and
*A shape is different from a form. Shape is a two-dimensional and enclose a
Space. It can be geometric or free, natural or man-made
*A form is three-dimensional. It encloses space as well as takes up space.
It also be geometric or free form, natural or man-made
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the shape patterned in each geometric object. Write only the name of
The shape.
________ 1. Box
________ 2. Pyramid
________ 5. Banana
________ 3. Ball
V. Assignment:
Bring your drawing book, pencil and crayons on Wednesday.
I. Objectives:
1. Uses the different shapes in making their art work.
2. Tell the importance of neatness and patience when doing their art work.
3. Observed silence and following directions.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Plate No. 2 Fun with Shapes
B. Reference BEC Art, page ____; Adventures in MAPE 4, pages 133-139
C. Materials real objects/ pictures
D. Value Integration
III. Procedure:
A. Opening Activity
1. Review What are the different objects that surround us?
What are their forms? Shapes?
2. Drawing on air the different shapes as exercise
B. Lesson Proper
1. Preparing the art materials to be usedduring the activity
2. Instructions and rubrics will be given/ presented to the class and be
discussed shortly
3. Teacher will show some sample art work to motivate pupils to make
a good art work
3. Doing the art activity individually with the supervision of the teacher
4. Generalization/ Value Integration
-What did you do which made you finish your art work easily
and nicely?
-Did you cinsider neatsness in your work? Why? Why not?
IV. Assignment:
Wear your P.E. attire next meeting, P.E. activity will be conducted.
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the strong and weak beats/ pulses in the given rhythmic patterns of
different folk songs.
2. Show interest in learning to sing some folk songs
3. Use the bar lines correctly in grouping the pulses according to its given meter
or time signature.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Identifying Strong and Weak Beats
B. Reference: BEC Music 4, page
; Adventure in MAPE 4, pages
C. Materials: Chart, recorder, pitch pipe
D. Value Integration: Interest in learning
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory/ Opening Activity
1. Review What is rhythm? What is its basic component?
Have you noticed activities which have rhythm? In what
activities do we do where rhythm is seen or felt?
2. Breathing/ Tonal exercises will be conducted
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation Do you know some songs sung by your great Grandparents?
Name some of them. What do we call to these kind of songs?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
a. Present some rhythmic patterns of some folk songs and let the class tap/
clap its rhythm and identify the strong & weak beats
b. Reciting the lyrics of the song while clapping its rhythm. Emphasize the
strong and weak beats
c. Singing the song (Bahay Kubo, Sitsiritsit, Leron Leron Sinta, Lubi-Lubi,
Anti Cu Pung Singing)
d. Discussion
-Where can we usually feel the strong pulse? Weak pulses?
-What do we do if the beat is strong?
-What do we use in determining strong beat?
3. Application/ Exercises
Put an accent mark to the strong beats in the following rhythmic paterns.
4. Generalization/ Value Integration
V. Assignment:
Practice singing the folk songs learned today. Try to clap or tap the given rhythmic patterns
while singing the songs.
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the strong weak beats/ pulses in the given rhythmic patterns of
of different folks songs.
2. Show interest in learning to sing some folk songs.
3. Use the bar lines and accent mark correctly in grouping the pulses and identifying strong and
Weak beats.
IV. Evaluation:
Group the pulses/ beats according to the given meter using bar lines. Then put an
Accent (>) mark below the strong beats.
V. Assignment:
Put thebeat marks below the words/ lyrics. Identify the strong beats and put an
Accent (>) mark under.
Bahay kubo kahit munti, ang halaman doon ay sarisari;
Sibuyas, kamati, sigarilyas at mani, sitaw bataw, patani.
Kondol, patola, upot kalabasa at saka mayrron pang
Labanos, mustasa, sibuyas, kamatis, bawang at luya
Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng linga.
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang kahalagahan at kahulugan ng ibat ibang hugis.
2. Natutukoy ang mga hugis ng mga bagay sa kalikasan at sa mga bagay na
gawa ng tao.
3. Nakagagwa ng ibat ibang dibuho gamit ang mga hugis
II. Paksa:
A. Mga Hugis Bilang Elemento ng Sining
B. Sanggunian BEC Sining IV, pahina ______; Adventures in MAPE IV pahina
C. Mga kagamitan mga totoong bagay, larawan, strips o tsart ng kahulugan
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagtsek ng takda
B. Panglinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak Sa loob ng 10 segundo ipikit ang mga mata at mag imagine
sa mga bagay na nakikita sa paligid
Anu-anong mga bagay ang inyong naiimagine noong nakapikit kayo?
May mga hugis ba ang mga iyon?
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Magpakita ng mga larawan sa kalikasan at sa mga gawa ng tao talakayin
o pag-usapan ito
b. Pagtalakay
*Anu-ano ang mga hugis ng mga bagay sa kalikasan/ sa paligid?
*May kahulugan ba ang bawat uri ng hugis? Ano ang kahulugan ng bilog?
Tatsulok? Parisukat?
3. Paglalahat
*May kahulugan ang bawat hugis. Ang tatsulok ay nangangahulugan
Ng holiness o spirituality ang bilog naman ay nangangahulugan ng
4. Paglalapat
Iguhit ang ibat ibang hugis na makikita sa larawan.
IV. Pagtataya:
Gumuhit ng isa o dalawang dibuho o larawan gamit ang mga sumusunod na hugis:
Iguhit sa loob ng kahon.
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nagagamit ang mga hugis sa paglikha ng sariling disenyo o dibuho.
2. Naipapakita ang pagkamalikhain sa nagawang likhang-sining.
II. Paksa:
A. Paggawa ng Likhang Sining Bilang 2 Ibat Ibang Hugis
B. Sanggunian; BEC Sining IV, pahina____; Adventures in MAPE IV, pahina
C. Kagamitan: papel, lapis, pangkulay
D. Pagpapahalaga: Pagkamalikhain
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang kahulugan o katuturan ng ritmong tatluhan o palakumpasang .
2. Naibibigay ang wasto o angkop na nota o pahinga na bubuo ng hulwaran.
3. Nakakagawa ng hulwarang ritmo sa palakumpasang .
4. Napahahalagahan ang Filipino folk song sa pamamagitan ng pag-awit nito nang wasto at may
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Ritmong Tatluhan o Palakumpasang
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika IV, pahina____; Adventures in MAPE IV, pahina 23-27
C. Kagamitan: Kopya ng awit, tsart ng mga nota at pahinga
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagsasanay pantono: Pag-awit sa sofa silaba (Kodaly)
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak: May mga awit bang naituro sa inyo ng inyong mga lolo at lola? Anu-ano ang
mga ito? Masaya ba itong awitin?
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Ilahad ang awiting Bahay Kubo. Ipasuri, ipabasa ang mga titik nito sabay pagpalakpak
sa ritmo nito. (refer chart for copy of the song)
b. Ilahad ang unang linya ng awit kasama ang hulwaran at sukat.
Awit: Ba hay ku bo ka hit mun ti, angha
Pulso: 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1
/ una / ikalawa / ikatlo / ikaapat /
c. Pagtatalakay
- Ilang kumpas mayroon ang bawat sukat?
- Ano ang palakumpasan nito kung ang mga pulso ay pinangkat sa tig tatlong kumpas?
- Ano ang kahulugan o katuturan ng palakumpasang 3/4?
- Ano ang regular na ritmo o pulso sa palakumpasang ?
- Anu-anong mga nota ang gagamitin sa ritmong tatluhan?
d. Ilahad ang tsart ng mga nota at pahinga sa ritmong tatluhan
Nota Blg. Ng kumpas Pahinga Blg. Ng Kumpas
Buong nota
Kalahating nota
Waluhing nota
3. Pag-awit ng Bahay Kubo sabay pagpalakpak ng ritmo nito at pagkumpas habang umaawit
4. Paglalahat/Pagpapahalaga
* Ang bilang na ay tinatawag na palakumpasan
/ ___
___ ___ //
___ / ___
IV. Pagtataya:
A. Pagtambalin ang mga simbolo ng nota at pahina sa tamang pangalan nito. Isulat
lamang ang sagot.
Hanay A
Hanay B
a. apating nota
b. buong nota
c. apating pahinga
d. waluhing nota
e. hating pahinga
V. Takdang-Aralin:
Buuin ang Hulwarang Ritmo. Punan ang angkop na nota o pahinga.
/ ___ ___
Gumawa ng hulwarang ritmo sa ritmong tatluihan
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang kahulugan o katuturan ng ritmong tatluhan o palakumpasang .
2. Naibibigayang wasto o angkop na nota o pahinga na bubuo ng hulwaran.
3. Nakagagawa ng hulawarang ritmo sa palakumpasang .
4. Napahahalagahan ang Filipino folk song sa pamamagitan ng pag-awit nito nang
Wasto at may kasiyahan.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Ritmong Tatluhan o Palakumpasang
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musica IV, pahina
; Adventurres in MAanPE IV, pahina 23-27
C. Kagamitan: Kopya ng awit, tsart ng mga nota at pahinga
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagsasanay pantono: Pag-awit sa sofa silaba (Kodaly)
B. Panlinang na Aralin
1. Pagganyak: May mga awit bang naituro sa inyo ng inyong mga lolo at lola?
Anu-ano ang mga ito? Masaya ba itong awitin?
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Ilahad ang awiting Bahay Kubo. Ipasuri, ipabasa ang mga titik nito sabay
pagpalakpak sa ritmo nito. (refer chart for copy of the song)
b. Ilahad ang unang linya ng awit kasama ang hulawarang at sukat.
Awit: Ba - hay ku - bo ka - hit mun - ti , ang ha
Pulso: 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
/ una /ikalawa / ikatlo / ikaapat /
c. Pagtalakay
-Ilang kumpas mayroon ang bawat sukat?
-Ano ang palakumpasan nito kung ang mga pulso ay pinangkat sa tigtatlo kumpas?
-Ano ang kahukugan o katuturan ng palakumpasang ?
-Ano ang regular na ritmo o pulso sa palakumpasang ?
-Anu-anong mga nota ang gagamitin sa ritmong tatluhan?
d. Ilahad ang tsart ng mga nota at pahing sa ritmong tatluhan
Pangalan Nota Blg. Ng Kumpas Pahinga Blg. Ng Kumpas
Buong nota
Kalahating nota
Waluhing nota
3. Pag-awit ng Bahay Kubo sabay pagpalakpak ng ritmo nito at pagkumpas
Habang umaawit
4. Paglalahat/ Pagpapahalaga - Ang bilang na ay tinatawag na palakumpasan
Lesson 19-Musika
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Natutukoy ang palakumpasan ng bawat hulwarang ritmong ipinakita.
2. Nabubuo ang hulwarang ritmo sa pamamagitan ng pagbigay ng nawawalang
Nota o pahinga
3. Nakagagawa ng mga hulwarang ritmo ayon sa palakumpasang isinasaad.
II. Paksa:
A. Pagsasanay sa Pagtukoy ng palakumpasan at Pagbuo ng Hulwarang Ritmo
B. Sanggunian: BEC Music IV, pahina
; Adventures in MAPE IV,
pahina 23-29
C. Kagamitan: papel, lapis
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral
2. Pagsasanay Pantono
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagsagot sa mga pagsasanay na inihanda ng guro
(Pangkatang Gawain ang pagsagawa ng pagsagot)
A. Punan ang nawalalang nota o pahinga upang mabuo ang Hulwaran
2/4 /___ ___ /
___ /
___ / /
/ ___
/ ___
___ / /
B. Gumawa ng Hulwarang may apat na sukat sa palakumpasang
2. Pagsagot sa pagsasanay C (individual work)
C. Punan ang mga patlang ng wastong nota.
2/4 / ___
/ ___ ___ /
___ ___ / /
/ ___ ___ ___ /
/ ___
3. Paglalahat:
Ano ang ibig sabihin sa palakumpasang 2/4? ?
Ano ang regular na pulso o ritmo sa mga palakumpasang 2/4 at ?
IV. Takdang-Aralin:
1. Alamin kung ano ang katuturan ng palakumpasang 4/4 o ritmong apatan.
2. Pag-aralan ang mga paksang natalakay sa Musika, Sining at EPK. May
pagsubok na gaganapin bukas.
______ 14
______ 15.
Lesson 21
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Nasasabi ang kahulugan ng ritmong apatan o palakumpasang 4/4.
2. Makabubuo ng hulwarang ritmo sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno ng angkop ng nota.
3. Nakaaawit nang wasto sa tono at naikukumpas ang ritmo nang tama.
4. Naibibigay ang kabuuang kumpas ng mga nota at pahingang nasa hulwaran.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang Ritmong Apatan o Paalakumpasang 4/4
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika IV, pahina
; Adventures in MAPE IV pahina
C. Kagamitan: piyesa ng awit, tsart ng mga nota at pahinga
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Balik-aral: Paano ikinukumpas ang awiting Bahay Kubo
Buuin ang hulwaran / ___
/ ___ ___
/ ___
___ / /
2. Pagsasanay na Pantono: Pag-awit ng so-fa silaba gamit ang Kodaly
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Pagganyak: Pagbubuo ng puzzle (Buuin ang mga titik sa salitang ritmong Apatan)
2. Paglalahad ng Aralin
a. Ilahad ang awiting Mabuhay, pag-aralan o suriin ito ng klase.
b. Pagtatalakay: Magtanong ang guro
-Ano ang pamagat ng awit?
-Ano ang palakumpasan ng awit?
-Paano pinangkat ang mga pulso ng awit?
c. Pag-awit ng Mabuhay ayon sa ritmong mayroon ito.
d. Ilahad rin ng guro ang tsart ng mga nota at pahinga sa palakumpasang 4/4 para
mauunawaan ng klase ang ritmong apatan.
*Ang ritmong apatan ay gumagamit ng palakumpasang 4/4
*Ang palakumpasang 4/4 ay nangangahulugang:
4 ibig sabihin may apat na kumpas sa bawat sukat
4 ang regular na ritmo ay apating nota na tumatanggap ng isang kumpas
4. Pagsasanay:
Buuin ang hulwaran. 4/4 / ___ ___ / ___ ___
IV. Pagtataya:
A. Pangkatang pag-awit ng mabuhay. Kukumpas ang mga bata habang umaawit.
B. Ibigay ang kabuuang kumpas.
______ 1. /
______ 2. /
______ 3. /
______ 4. /
______ 5. /
V. Takdang-Aralin:
Pag-aralan o isaulong mabuti ang halaga ng mga nota at pahingang ginagamit
Sa ritmong apatan.
Bumuo ng hulwarang ritmong may ritmong apatan
4/4 /
/ /
Lesson 22-Musika
I. Mga Layunin:
1. Naipapalakpak o maitatapik nang tama ang hulawarang ritmong ipinakita.
2. Naipakikita ang kasiyahan habang inaawit ang mabuhay nang wastong sa
Tono at naikukumpas ang ritmo nang tama.
3. Naibibigay ang kabuuang kumpas ng mga nota at pahingang nasa hulwaran.
4. Makabubuo ng hulwarang ritmo sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno ng angkop na
mga nota.
II. Paksa:
A. Pagsasanay sa Pagbuo ng Hulwarang Ritmo sa Palakumpasang 4/4
B. Sanggunian: BEC Musika IV, pahina
; Adventures in MAPE IV Pahina
C. Kagamitan: piyesa ng awit, tsart ng mga nota at pahinga
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
V. Takdang-Aralin:
Pag-aralan o isaulong mabuti ang halaga ng mga nota at pahingang ginagamit
sa ritmong apatan.
Bumuo ng hulwarang ritmong may ritmong apatan. Gamitin ang ibat ibang nota
At pahinga
Lesson 23-EPK
I. Mga layunin:
1. Naililipat sa paglalaro ang ibat ibang kasanayang kilos na natutunan sa
Pagpapalakas at pagsubok ng kakayahang pisikal.
2. Naipakikita ang kasiyahan at pagiging isport sa panahon ng paglalaro.
II. Paksa:
A. Ang mga Laro ng Lahi
B. Sanggunian: BEC P.E. IV, pahinga 83; Adventures in MAPE IV, app.
C. Value Integration: Pagiging isport
III. Pamamaraan:
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Pag-uunat unat (Warm up exercise)
2. Balik-aral
B. Panlinang na Gawain
1. Paglalahad sa ibat ibang laro na gagamitin sa paglalaro.
*Ang mga laro ng lahi ay mga larong Pinoy na kalimitang nilalaro natin gaya ng:
a. Patintero
c. Taguan
e. Tumbang Preso
b. Luksong lubid
d. Piko
f. Kadang-kadang at iba pa
*Pag-usapan at tatalakayin ang mga ito bilang refresher upang maalala ng
Klase kunganu-ano ang tamang paglalaro sa mga ito.
2. Pagbibigay ng pamantayan at paalala sa gawaing pangkatang paglalaro
3. Pagpapangkat sa klase ayon sa gusto nilang maging kapangkat
4. Paglalaro sa ibat ibang laro ng lahi.
5. Pagpapahalaga/ Paglalahat: