Mundane Astrology is a branch of astrology concerned with nations, political parties and global events;
however, of the many different systems available today, I prefer the Geodetic System.
The Geodetic System simply takes the degree and minute of longitude and latitude for the towns, Cities
and Countries of the world and converts them to the zodiac degrees and minutes on the MC (longitude)
and ascendant (latitude).
The longitude represents the MC and the latitude represents the ascendant of the towns, Cities and
Countries of the world.
If you are interested in learning more about Mundane Astrology and the Geodetic System you will
need "The American Atlas, US Longitudes and Latitudes" compiled by Thomas. G. Shanks which gives
the longitudes and latitudes of all the towns, Cities and States of America and "The International Atlas"
compiled by ACS Publications Corp. which gives the longitudes and latitudes of all the towns, Cities and
Countries for the rest of the world. In addition you will need the "AFA Tables of Houses" compiled by
Astro Numeric Service which gives the sidereal times of longitude from 0 degrees to 180 North and
latitude 0 degrees to 66 degrees North.
For Countries in the Southern Hemisphere, add 12 hours to your sidereal time and reverse the zodiac
The short summary below covers the basic principles of Geodetic Mundane Astrology.
Using the Mundane Astrology Geodetic system, I will give, as an example, a general overview of the
recent New Zealand General Election - 26 November 2011.
The Capital City of New Zealand is Wellington. It's longitude is 174E47 and it's latitude is 41S18. The
Sidereal Time is 11.39.08 as given in "The International Atlas". New Zealand is a Southern Hemisphere
Country; 12 hours must be added to the sidereal time.
Sidereal Time 11.39.08 + 12.00.00 = 23.39.08.
Now refer to the "AFA Tables of Houses" and look up "Sidereal Time" 23.39.08. The closest sidereal time
given is 23.40.00 which shows the MC as 24 degrees Pisces 32' reversed (Southern Latitudes) = MC 24
degrees Virgo 32'.
Next, and on the same page, look up latitude 41s18 and cross reference to the Ascendant column which
shows the ascendant as 15 degrees Cancer 08' reversed (Southern Latitudes) = ascendant 15 degrees
Capricorn 08'.
In the Mundane Astrology Geodetic System, the MC for Wellington, New Zealand is 24 degrees Virgo
32' and the ascendant 15 degrees Capricorn 08'.
Leo - All forms of national pleasure and entertainment, sports, general amusements and children.
Virgo - The "working classes" left wing organisations, public health, the armed forces and civil service.
Libra - Foreign affairs generally, war as well as treaties.
Scorpio - Financial relations with foreign countries, crime and public safety.
Sagittarius - The law, religion, philosophy and science.
Capricorn - Heads of state, government and national prestige.
Aquarius - Parliament, especially the lower house and local Government.
Pisces - Prisons, hospitals, homes for the aged, philanthropic societies, secret societies, monastries and
institutional religion.
Ninth House - Shipping, sea traffic, the airline industry and long distance traffic generally, whether
connected with passengers or commerce. Long distant or international communications. Religion, the
Churches, preachers and belief systems. The Courts of Law, universities, professors. Philosophical and
scientific institutions and publications.
Tenth House - The Monarch, Prime Minister or President. The Government and people in authority.
Royalty and eminent and famous people. The national reputation, national trade, credit and power and
the public employment rate.
Eleventh House - Parliament. Town and Country Councils and similar bodies. Friends of the nation.
Legislation and the welfare state.
Twelfth House - Prisons, reformatories, criminals, spies, secret enemies of the country at home or
overseas. Hospitals, asylums, institutions for those who are weak, infirm or in need of the welfare state.
safety. The Armed Forces and the Police. With transiting Mars in the eighth house in Virgo conjunct
natal Pluto in the eighth house in Virgo the Police system will be reviewed and a taser proposal will be
made. Armed patrols will be manned by firearm specialists who will use the taser Xrup in an emergency
or in self-defence against violence and crime. The unemployment benefit will change. A proportion of
the benefit will be made to companies providing apprenticeships, training and employment in a "back to
work crackdown".
Transiting Pluto, twelfth house, 6 degrees Capricorn oppose natal Venus, sixth house, 6 degrees
Pluto - Major change, breakdown and regeneration. Aspects of life hidden from view. Political deals,
stocks and shares. Twelfth house - Secret activities. Capricorn - Heads of State, Government, associated
political parties and national prestige oppose natal Venus in the sixth house in Cancer. With transiting
Pluto in the twelfth house oppose natal Venus in the sixth house the news media "over the tea cups"
recording between John Banks (Act Party) and John Key (Leader of the National Party) has not been
released to the public. "Why not?" "Why the secret?"
Transiting Saturn, tenth house, 25 degrees Libra, sextile natal Uranus, eighth house, 25 Leo.
Saturn - The mature population. Land-owners, farmers, mines, coal and industry. State assets. Tenth
house - The Government, people in authority. The national reputation, credit and power. Libra - Foreign
affairs and war as well as treaties sextile natal Uranus in the eighth house in Leo. With transiting Saturn
in the tenth house in Libra sextile natal Uranus in the eighth house in Leo the population supported the
National Party, John Key, who, with a high leadership profile, took command during the Pike River Mine
explosion, the ongoing Christchurch Quake disasters and the 2011 World Cup which won popularity and
respect among the voters.
Transiting Saturn, tenth house, 25 degrees Libra, square natal Saturn, first house, 25 Capricorn.
Saturn - The mature population. Land-owners, farmers, mines, coal and industry. State assets. Tenth
house - The Government and people in authority. The national reputation, credit and power. Libra Foreign affairs and war as well as treaties square natal Saturn in the first house in Capricorn which
brought discord to the National Party mandate to sell some of the NZ power companies and Air NZ to
"Mum and Dad" investors within the next year. This became the singular and most unpopular mandate
during the entire election which caused a swing to the Green Party and NZ First Party.
With Pluto transiting the twelfth house in Capricorn opposing natal Venus in the sixth house in Cancer
the inadvertent "over the tea cups" news media recording between John Banks (Act Party) and John Key
(Leader of the National Party) on the 11 November dominated the airways. A police investigation was
carried out on the 16 November and the "over the tea cups" tape was withdrawn from public broadcast.
However; news coverage dominated the contents of the "over the tea cups" tape throughout the
election which fired public interest and proved to be a disaster for the National Party throughout the
election campaign. "Why was the "over the tea cups" tape withheld from public broadcast?" "What was
the cover up?" "What did John Banks (Act) and John Key (National) have to hide?"
With Uranus transiting the third house in Aries sextile natal Jupiter in Aquarius in the first house and
transiting Saturn in the tenth house in Libra sextile natal Uranus in the eighth house in Leo, the voters
saw John Key as a leader in touch with the people and able to act effectively and decisively in times of
upheaval and crisis. John Key, with his strong leadership ability became the "man of the moment" during
the Pike River Mine explosion, the on going Christchurch Quake disasters and the 2011 World Cup and
overall, he won the hearts of the nation.
Election 2011 Result - With Uranus (the public) transiting the third house (the voters) in Aries
(independent action) sextile (excellent aspect) natal Jupiter (expanding popularity) in Aquarius (social
interests and reforms) in the first house (leadership ability) the National party soared to a 48% majority
and a triumphant and vindicated John Key took the stage above a sea of blue at the close of election
2011 in Auckland. John Key, the returned Prime Minister of New Zealand said during his victory speech;
"There has never been a better time to be the leader of the National Party than now".
With Uranus (the public) transiting the third house (the voters) in Aries (independent action) sextile
(excellent aspect) natal Jupiter (expanding popularity) in Aquarius (social interests and reforms) in the
first house (leadership ability) the outcome was highly predictable.
debt became apparent. A question mark hung over Phil Goff's ability to lead the nation through the
tough economic times ahead.
Transiting Saturn, tenth house, 25 Libra square natal Mercury, seventh house, 25 Cancer.
Saturn - The mature population. Land-owners, farmers, mines, coal and industry. State assets. Tenth
house - The Government and people in authority. The national reputation, credit and power. Libra Foreign affairs square Phil Goff's natal Mercury in the seventh house in Cancer. Throughout his
campaign, Phil Goff capitalised on National Party news media coverage and campaigned against the
unpopular National Party asset sales mandate. The mandate was to sell only 49% of the NZ power
companies and Air NZ to "Mum and Dad" investors with the government holding the majority NZ
shareholding. Phil Goff proposed a capital gains tax to close the gap between rich and poor and lower
the GST on food prices. His economic policy, in respect of the tough economic times ahead, failed to
convince the public.
Election 2011 Result - Throughout the evening of election 2011, the Labour Party achieved 27% of the
national vote; a dismal result. Labour leader, Phil Goff fought a hard campaign with policies like raising
the retirement age, introducing a capital gains tax and lifting the GST on food prices but his party
suffered a resounding defeat. In his closing address to his electorate he indicated that he would plan for
his retirement in the coming days. He has since resigned as leader of the Labour Party, but he will
continue to support the rebuilding of the Labour Party.
It is clear to see, from the illustrated charts above between the National Party, John Key and the Labour
Party, Phil Goff, which political party would lead the nation in Election 2011.
Through history, we have known war, revolution, economic recession and depression. Many of these
events have coincided with transiting Uranus and Pluto in square in the cardinal signs.
The last time Uranus and Pluto were in cardinal square aspect was in the 1930's when the square
occurred between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Cancer and within a five degree orb of each other in
1930 - 1935, and exact five times. This aspect coincided with the great depression and the build-up to
World War Two.
With Plutos entry into the sign Capricorn (26 January 2008) we have witnessed forced political
changes and upheaval resulting in global economic instability with thousands of businesses and
investors losing large sums of money.
We have also witnessed the collapse of Banks, Insurance Companies and Finance Companies etc.
which has left thousands of people jobless and homeless.
Transiting Uranus in Aries, and transiting Pluto in Capricorn have been in cardinal square aspect from
the end of May to mid August 2010, and will be in these signs fully from March 2011 to 2016. These
years will mark a time of great political change.
The foundations of Government and power will be shaken in certain countries during, what I term as
"The Peoples' Revolution". The people will rebel against big businesses'; power and political control.
The people of the world have had enough of the controlling nations; the result of which will be
retaliation, revolution and anti/pro Government clashes causing bloodshed.
The controlling nations will use political power and force to overthrow the revolutionaries resulting in
dramatic political change in the oil-rich Middle Eastern nations of our world during these years.
"Is history repeating itself?" - "Are we entering into another economic recession/depression similar to
that of the 1930's?"
To find out more about mundane astrology, world governments and the economic recession: click