Report From The Visual Department of The Audio-Visual Team FOR 26/12/2011
Report From The Visual Department of The Audio-Visual Team FOR 26/12/2011
Report From The Visual Department of The Audio-Visual Team FOR 26/12/2011
FOR 26/12/2011
The set-up for camp meeting was completed and made ready for the subsequent services.
Some of the activities that were done included:
1. Setting the projectors to the right focus
2. Stringing the VGA cables to the projectors and the stage monitor
3. Testing for colour backgrounds that could be used for the various sessions.
The Camp meeting (Opening Service)
The service started around 6: 35pm. The visual team used the opportunity to authenticate the
preparations that have been done so far.
The service ended very well.
The main challenge of the visual team for a period of time is the late submission of
presentation outlines by speakers. This gives the team a very limited time to edit them before
presenting them to the congregation.
Also, the praise and worship team continue to sing songs whose lyrics are not available to the
Camp meeting Day II continues. Set-up for the day was done and made ready.
Camp meeting Day III continues. Set-up for the day was done and made ready.
The visual team had six (6) members. The team met during the preparatory session of the
Audio-visual team before camp meeting.
Before the camp meeting, five members came for preparation and set-up. The sixth member
joined in the course of the programme.
Orientation sessions were organized for members.
During camp meeting, all the members of the visual team were at post and working to the
glory of God. The performance of the members was very good.
The visual team had a mandate to aid the worship service by showing lyrics of songs and
preaching outlines of ministers to the congregation.
An additional task was to send video signals to the delegates that are outside the main
Another duty of the visual team is to make a projector and accessories available for use by
the children and teens ministry.
Some of the ministers did not send their preaching outlines on time. It makes the work of the
visual team difficult. Editing of the various outlines and choosing of colour schemes are some
of the activities that need to be done before serving the congregation.
It would also enable the team to go through such outlines so that the minister can be aided on
Lyrics to some of the songs should be made available on time.
Anim Ofosu