Contemp Lit Syllabus 2015
Contemp Lit Syllabus 2015
Contemp Lit Syllabus 2015
Contemporary Literature
Course Syllabus (2014-15)
This English elective course will fulfill the first semester English 11 or English 12 credit requirement.
Contemporary Literature is a one-semester course in which you will explore the themes of contemporary novels and
examine the issues of our complex, modern world while emphasizing literacy skills. Encouraging the exploration of,
and response to, contemporary, high-interest texts from various genres and cultures, this course is dedicated to those
readers who may have struggled to understand or enjoy more traditional literary classics in prior English classes.
Students will
identify and analyze theme in prose and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding
understand unfamiliar perspectives, independently research unknown or confusing materials, and draw
inferences from literature
identify and analyze the structure, elements, and stylistic devices of fiction and nonfiction and provide
evidence from the text to support their understanding
use creative and critical thinking strategies and skills to generate original and meaningful products
develop writing skills using a variety of prompts and exercises designed to challenge assumptions,
encourage critical thinking, and promote effective and creative writing
Assessments 80%, Assignments 20%
- Assessments include tests, quizzes, papers and projects
- Assignments include daily bell ringers, class work, group work and homework
Each assignment is given a point value based on length and difficulty.
Grading Scale:
A = 100-93% B+ = 89-88%
A- = 92-90%
B = 87-83%
B- = 82-80%
C+ = 79-78%
C = 77-73%
C- = 72-70%
D+ = 69-68%
D = 67-63%
D- = 62-60%
E = 59-0%
Credit for class is earned by Semester grades NOT Marking Period grades
1st marking period grade (40%) + 2nd marking period Grade (40%) + Mid-Term Exam (20%) = Semester Grade
Bell Ringers: grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking and standardized test examples
*If a student is absent or tardy for class, he/she will not receive points for the bell ringers that day
Formal and informal writing
Projects through technology
Lecture with notes
Small and large group discussions
Tests and quizzes
Group projects
Individual projects
Peer editing
Videos and analysis
Vocabulary journals
Good attendance and punctuality are essential for success in this course. Attendance is taken within the first 5
minutes of every class, and students are expected to be on time and prepared for class every day. The intent of this
course is not to punish students who are ill or have family emergencies but instead emphasize the importance of
class attendance and provide for greater student accountability for make-up work.
Much of the homework will be work not completed during class, but there will be some homework assigned on a
weekly basis. This homework will be checked periodically through (and sometimes unannounced) quizzes. If there
are special circumstances please see the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due. Any student not completing
homework/assignments is expected to make up that work before the final assessment for the unit and only will be
able to retake assessments if all assignments are completed. Students need to make up this work before and after
school with Mrs. Horne or at Scholars Club.
In upper-level English courses, we strive for RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY on the part of the students. Cell
phones can be an educational tool and will only be used in the classroom for educational purposes with teacher
approval. I-Pods, or equivalent, are acceptable during independent work time ONLY. All Clawson High School
rules and regulations listed in the student handbook will apply in this classroom.
Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a zero for the assignment and/or the semester course. Please use
Purdue OWL resource if you are not sure how to cite information correctly.
Technology Component:
Students will be responsible for completing many assignments on a computer. There will be ample class
time for these assignments to be completed, but there will be instances where a student will need to use
a computer after school hours. Scholars Club (with computer access) is available every Tue-Thu from
2:45-4:15 and computer labs are open in the morning per student request. Having a working home
computer with Internet access is recommended but not required for student success in this class.
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Parent/Guardian Signature