Ib SL Physics Syllabus 2014-2015
Ib SL Physics Syllabus 2014-2015
Ib SL Physics Syllabus 2014-2015
Mrs. K Roley
441-3789 (office)
A scientific calculator
Selected iPad apps (as requested)
Pencils and Pens
Folder for IB Handouts
Paper copy of the IB equation sheet
TUTORIAL TIME: Friday tutorial time is PART OF THE COURSE and is reserved for AP/IB science students
and you are expected to be available to attend these sessions as and when your teacher requires (probably
not every week.) You may have labs to do, test corrections to make or special study sessions during this
Your dean may assign you to attend MANDATORY TUTORIAL PERIOD. If it is mandatory, then absences
will be reported to the dean.
If you are unable to attend, please email me to notify me of your absence. Tutorial ends at 3:30 PM.
Students are expected to stay until their work is completed OR until the period ends. Tutorial period is not
only reserved for those who are required to attend. They can be a great source of help if you require
more individualized attention.
The Final Exam contributes 20% to the semester grade. Students should expect a
comprehensive SL exam for the final. First semester topics will be tested in the
spring. Maintain comprehensive notes.
Students should maintain a digital portfolio of all lab work.
Grades and classroom assignments will be updated weekly online at
Extra credit opportunities will be offered at a minimum of one per semester.
These will be announced on My Pueo.
The grading scale used for this course is the standard Mid-Pacific High School
grading scale.
This is a rigorous academic class. You are expected to keep up with assigned
reading/daily homework/projects/labs.
Maintain all handouts in a neat/organized matter.
My Pueo should be checked regularly, chapter syllabus as well as any pertinent
papers will be available
Follow the rules as outlined in the MPI student handbook.
Be respectful to your fellow students, to the teacher, to the equipment, to
All work should be shown on homework and tests-do not expect full credit if you
have not shown your work (to include drawing/relevant equations/substitutions).
Turning in Assignments:
All work missed during excused absences are expected to be made up during
period 8 in a timely manner (within one week of your absence). Students who
are absent should check Edline and come to period 8 on your return to discuss
make-up work.
Late homework assignments or labs (unless your absence was excused) WILL
lower your grade. You will receive a 50% maximum for assignments not turned in
ON TIME. If it is late because you need extra help you can complete the
assignment in 8th period for a C (only if I sign it).
Course Outline
Topic 2 Mechanics
a. Kinematics
b. Forces and dynamics
c. Work, energy and power
d. Uniform circular motion
Tentative Schedule
Time Line
Week 1
Introduction to class
Realm of physics
Measurement and uncertainty
Vectors and scalars
Newtons three laws
Newtons three laws
Forces and Dynamics
Forces and dynamics
Work energy Power
Uniform circular motion
End Q1
Thermal concepts
Thermal properties of matter
Accuracy vs Precision
Measurement Activity
Estimation activity
Graph manipulation
Living graphs lab
Newtons law activity
Acceleration of gravity lab
Force vs. time activity
Conservation of momentum lab
Work power investigation
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 1
Week 2
Forced Oscillation
Wave characteristics
Wave properties
Nature of EM Waves and light sources
Light and color
End Q2
Winter Break
Astro concepts review/Stellar distances
Week 3
Week 4
Electrical Potential
Electrical Circuits Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
The Atom
Radio Active Decay
Week 8/9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 11
Fusion / Fission
End Q3
Energy Power and Climate change:
Degradation, power generation, world
power production
Rube Goldberg devices
Greenhouse effect
Global Warming
Rube Goldberg devices
Rube Goldberg devices
The eye and sight/waves
Test Practice
Exam Practice for not IB/SL Students
IB Exams
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
PV=nRT lab
Thermal equilibrium
Hooks Law lab
Design Lab
Design Lab
Database Lab
Greenhouse effect simulation
Week 19
May 20-24
Final Review and Finals