Aqc Resume 1-3
Aqc Resume 1-3
Aqc Resume 1-3
Experienced with: all Microsoft Office applications, web design, kinetic typography, and
music production software
Earned six credits in Urban Studies while abroad in Sydney, Australia from Australian
Catholic University
National Association of Home Builders
Washington, DC
July August 2014
Intern, Land Use and Design Department
Researched and prepared for website publication case study examples of National Green
Building Standard certified land developments, including:
Authored Associations white paper titled Value and Variety in Open Space for
distribution to member builders
and website publication
Paper addressed cluster developments/ordinances, smart growth strategies, communitysupported agriculture, pocket parks, plazas, and village greens
National Parks Association of NSW
Sydney, Australia
May - June 2014
Public Relations Intern
Authored feature article for Associations quarterly magazine with print distribution to
25,000 members:
Callahan, Andrew Q. "Creature Feature: The Super Lyrebird." Nature New South Wales.
Spring 2014: 26-27.
Researched and developed effective social media strategy for the Association
University of Pittsburgh Dept. of Sociology
Pittsburgh, PA
January April 2012
Research Assistant, Professor Waverly Duck, PhD
McLean, VA
Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity
Pittsburgh, PA
January - December 2014
President, Gamma Sigma Chapter
Managed various meetings including executive board meetings, committee meetings, and
weekly member meetings
Supervised various tasks delegated to executive board members and committee heads
including organizing philanthropic, community service, and inter-fraternity events
Responsible for communicating with University Officials/Greek Life Office and Pi Lam
International Headquarters
Facilitated a public forum with over 100 attendees on the meaning of prejudice