Cereb Cortex-2011-Brauer-459-66
Cereb Cortex-2011-Brauer-459-66
Cereb Cortex-2011-Brauer-459-66
Advance Access publication June 21, 2010
Language is a unique human capacity but its development in
the brain remains largely unexplained. Functional imaging
studies in adults show that sentence comprehension is
supported by a frontotemporal network (Friederici 2002;
Hashimoto and Sakai 2002; Hickok and Poeppel 2007; Tyler
and Marslen-Wilson 2008). The processing of grammatical
structures involves Brocas area, in particular Brodmann Area
(BA) 44 (Friederici, Bahlmann, et al. 2006) and the posterior
portion of Wernickes area (Bornkessel et al. 2005) and
a dynamic interplay between these 2 areas (Snijders et al.
2009). These 2 language relevant brain regions are connected
by ber bundles that guarantee information transmission. There
seem to be substantial phylogenetic differences in the white
matter ber pathways that connect the cortical circuits
underlying language functions in humans. Structural brain
imaging data suggest distinctions between human and nonhuman primates in ber tracts connecting the frontal and
temporal brain areas. By combining microelectrode recording
with anatomical tract tracing, 2 functionally different pathways
have been dened in the macaque, these being a dorsal and
a ventral route that connect the auditory cortex to the
prefrontal cortex (Romanski et al. 1999). Data revealed a ventral
pathway running from the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and
insular cortex to the superior temporal gyrus and sulcus (STG/
STS) as the dominant pathway in the macaque, whereas a dorsal
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Brauer et al.
We rst explored differences in white matter FA between
adults and children on the basis of TBSS (Smith et al. 2006).
Direct comparison of FA between adults and children revealed
signicant differences in a number of regions including
perisylvian white matter pathways. Particularly along the dorsal
connection between frontal and temporal cortical regions (AF/
SLF), a number of locations indicated differences in FA between
groups (see Supplementary Figs 1 and 2, Supplementary
Table 1). Underlying language-relevant cortical areas, group
differences were observed in the white matter of the IFG and
the middle and posterior part of the STG/STS (see Fig. 1)
extending down to the border to MTG. In sum, these data argue
for weaker axonal ber connections and/or less myelination of
language-relevant bers in children compared with adults.
In order to identify affected ber pathways more specically,
the language-relevant regions of signicant FA differences
between groups (IFG, STG/STS) were selected as seed regions
of interest for a ber tracking analysis. Results revealed that the
2 regions are directly interconnected via 2 independent
connections, a dorsal pathway via the AF/SLF and a ventral
pathway via the extreme capsule ber system (ECFS) (Fig. 2).
An additional analysis also captured both connections, the AF/
SLF pathway and the ECFS pathway, when investigating the
2 groups separately.
fMRI Data
In a second step, these results of structural differences in white
matter between adults and children were compared with
functional activation patterns during language processing
obtained from the same participants in a separate session.
Behavioral task performance on a sentence comprehension
task revealed no signicant group differences but a trend in
response correctness. Both groups showed high performance
rates: adults 91.2% (SD 1.5), children 86.7% (SD 7.8), t1,9 = 2.18
(P = 0.06).
Functional data revealed activation in IFG and in STG/STS
and also in further brain regions in both groups (see Fig. 3 and
Supplementary Table 2A and 2B). IFG activation in adults in
Brocas area was located in the dorsal portion of BA 44 with
a maximum at 53, 13, 15 (Talairach coordinates, Talairach and
Tournoux 1988, see Fig. 3C, upper row). In children, IFG
activation included BA 44 and also the more anterior portion of
Brocas area BA 45 with a maximum located at 53, 22, 12 in BA
45 (see Fig. 3A, upper row). Direct comparison between
groups in BA 44 and in BA 45 demonstrated stronger activation
in children than in adults in BA 45 at 53, 22, 12 (t1,9 = 3.92, P <
0.001), while in BA 44 no difference was found (t1,9 = 1.01, P =
0.17), that is, adults did not show stronger involvement than
children in neither subregions of Brocas area (Fig. 3B).
Cerebral Cortex February 2011, V 21 N 2 461
Figure 1. TBSS results for differences between adults and children. The figure represents a mean FA image with the white matter skeleton superimposed (in green). Regions of
significant differences between groups are highlighted in red and filled into the local tract region of the mean FA image. They indicate lower FA in children compared with adults (P
\ 0.05, corrected) in the underlying white matter skeleton. Differences between groups are particularly found in Brocas (IFG) and Wernickes language regions (STG/STS down
to the MTG). The figure is displayed in 2 sagittal views and 1 axial view. Lines indicate location of the corresponding sections.
Figure 2. Fiber tracking of the DTI data averaged over both groups for the language
relevant regions in IFG (frontal cluster) and STG/STS down to the MTG (temporal
cluster) that showed significant group differences in FA between adults and children
in the white matter skeleton in TBSS. Fibers crossing both regions were regarded
interconnecting bundles. The tracking reveals that these regions are connected via 2
separate white matter pathways, a dorsal connection via AF/SLF (in yellow) and
a ventral connection via the ECFS (in blue). The pathways connecting the 2 significant
regions (red) are shown onto the transparent smoothed white matter skeleton. The
temporal cluster includes indications for the borders between STG, STS, and MTG.
Brauer et al.
Figure 3. Functional activation during auditory language processing and corresponding tractography of fiber tract connections underlying activated regions in Brocas area. Upper
row: activation z maps for children and adults during sentence comprehension versus resting baseline on a T1 reference brain. Both groups activated areas in the perisylvian
cortex in the IFG (Brocas area) and in the STG/STS (Wernickes area). Second-level analysis for both groups resulted with parametric maps of z scores showing local maxima
within the inferior frontal activation in BA 45 ( 53, 22, 12, blue quadrant) for children (A) and in BA 44 ( 53, 13, 15, yellow quadrant) for adults (C) (see also Supplementary
Table 2A and 2B). Direct comparison (2-sample t-test) between groups in Brocas area (B) revealed that children involved BA 45 ( 53, 22, 12) in addition to BA 44 activation,
while adults did not show any stronger activation than children. These results indicate that children make use of both BA 44 and BA 45 in Brocas area, while adults recruit BA 44
only. Lower row: tractography in group averaged DTI data based on functional activation in Brocas area with seed points (turquoise dots) in BA 45 (activation in children and
direct group contrast, A,B) and BA 44 (activation in adults, C). Tracking result of activation in children captured the ECFS (in blue), a ventral connection between inferior frontal
and superior temporal areas. Tracking result of activation in adults captured the AF/SLF (in yellow), a dorsal connection between these areas. In children (A), also the dorsal
connection is displayed as a result of a tractography seeded in the adults activation maximum. Functional data implicate that children make use of the ventral connection in
addition to the dorsal connection that was revealed for adults. The size of the seed voxels was 3 3 3 3 3 mm.
Brauer et al.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material
The authors thank Marc Tittgemeyer for helpful comments on study
design and Yves von Cramon, Roberto Cozatl, and Karsten Muller for
helpful comments on a previous version of the manuscript. Conict of
Interest : None declared.
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