Wi-Vi Technology Abstract

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(Wireless Vision)
Wi-Fi signals are typically information carriers between a transmitter
and a receiver. In this paper, we show that Wi-Fi can also extend our senses,
enabling us to see moving objects through walls and behind closed doors. In
particular, we can use such signals to identify the number of people in a closed
room and their relative locations. We can also identify simple gestures made
behind a wall, and combine a sequence of gestures to communicate messages
to a wireless receiver without carrying any transmitting device. The paper
introduces two main innovations. First, it shows how one can use MIMO
interference nulling to eliminate reflections off static objects and focus the
receiver on a moving target. Second, it shows how one can track a human by
treating the motion of a human body as an antenna array and tracking the
resulting RF beam. We demonstrate the validity of our design by building it into
USRP software radios and testing it in office buildings.

Can Wi-Fi signals enable us to see through walls? For many years
humans have fantasized about X-ray vision and played with the concept in
comic books and sci-fi movies. This paper explores the potential of using Wi-Fi
signals and recent advances in MIMO communications to build a device that
can capture the motion of humans behind a wall and in closed rooms. Law
enforcement personnel can use the device to avoid walking into an ambush,
and minimize casualties in standoffs and hostage situations. Emergency
responders can use it to see through rubble and collapsed structures.Ordinary
users can leverage the device for gaming, intrusion detection, privacyenhanced monitoring of children and elderly, or personal security when
stepping into dark alleys and unknown places. The concept underlying seeing
through opaque obstacles is similar to radar and sonar imaging. Specifically,
when faced with a non-metallic wall, a fraction of the RF signal would traverse
the wall, reflect off objects and humans, and come back imprinted with a
signature of what is inside a closed room. By capturing these reflections,we can
image objects behind a wall. Building a device that can capture such
Wi-Vi is a wireless device that captures moving objects behind a
wall. It leverages the ubiquity of Wi-Fi chipsets to make throughwall imaging
relatively low-power, low-cost, low-bandwidth, and accessible to average users.
To this end, Wi-Vi uses Wi-Fi OFDM signals in the ISM band (at 2.4 GHz) and
typical Wi-Fi hardware.
Wi-Vi is essentially a 3-antenna MIMO device: two of the antennas are used for
transmitting and one is used for receiving. It also employs directional antennas
to focus the energy toward the wall or room of interest.4 Its design incorporates
two main components:
1) The first component eliminates the flash reflected off the wall by performing
MIMO nulling.
2) The second component tracks a moving object by treating the object itself as
an antenna array using a technique called inverse SAR.
Wi-Vi can be used in one of two modes, depending on the users
choice. In mode 1, it can be used to image moving objects behind a wall and
track them. In mode 2, on the other hand, Wi-Vi functions as a gesture-based
interface from behind a wall that enables humans to compose messages and
send them to the Wi-Vi receiver.
Through Wall Radar

Practicing on seeing through wall has been done for about a

decade. In past time, inventers mainly focused on modelling and simulations.
Recently few implementations have been tested with humans in moving
position. Earlier system helped in stamp out the flash effect by isolating the
reflected signal of the wall from the reflected signals of the objects behind the
wall. This isolation can be achieved in time domain by using very short pulses
(about 1 ns) due to which delay had been developed between arrival time of
reflected signal off the wall and reflected signal off the moving objects behind
wall. Isolation can also be achieved in frequency domain through linear
frequency chirp. In this, reflections from objects at different position arrive with
different tone. By doing analog filtering of tones corresponds to the wall may be
leads to remove flash effects. All these techniques needs ultra-wide bands
(UWB) of the order of 2GHz.And other through wall imaging product were based
on radar principle which also need (UWB) and applicable for military purpose.
But wi-vi system has different characteristics as it requires law
bandwidth, and operates in the same range as Wi-fi. Wi-vi overcome the
requirement for the UWB by using MIMO nulling to remove flash effect.
Researchers found the limitations of UWB systems and give the
concept of using narrowband radars for through wall technology. These systems
ignored the flash effect and tried to operate in high interference coused by the
reflections off the wall They typically rely on Doppler shift caused by moving
objects behind the wall. However, the flash effect limits their detection
capabilities. Hence, most of these systems are demonstrated either in
simulation [28], or in free space with no obstruction. . The ones demonstrated
with an obstruction use a low-attenuation standing wall, and do not work across
higher at-tenuation materials such as solid wood or concrete [29, 30]. Wi-Vi
shares the objectives of these devices; however, it introduces a new approach
for eliminating the flash effect without wideband trans-mission. This enables it
to work with concrete walls and solid wood doors, as well as fully closed rooms.
The only attempt which we are aware of that uses Wi-Fi signals in order to see
through walls was made in 2012 [13]. This system required both the
transmitter and a reference receiver to be inside the imaged room.
Furthermore, the reference receiver in the room has to be connected
to the same clock as the receiver outside the room. In contrast, Wi-Vi can
perform through-wall imaging without access to any device on the other side of
the wall.
Infrared And Thermal Imaging
System based on infrared and thermal imaging extend the human
vision beyond the visible electromagnetic range and allowing us to detect
objects in presence of smoke & darkness. This system is operated by capturing
infrared or thermal energy reflected from the first obstacle in line of sight of
their sensors. But these technology does not allow us to see through walls due
to having short wavelength (few m to sub mm) , whereas wi-vi system having
wavelength in the range of 12.5cm(3).

a) Antenna Array

(b) ISAR


Since, we have eliminated the impact of static objects in the
environment we can now focus on tracking of moving objects as humans.
Tracking a Single Human
In most advanced, through all systems antenna array is used to track
the human motion. They steer the arrays beam to determine the direction of
maximum energy and this direction corresponds to the signals spatial angle of
arrival. By tracking that angle in time, we can infer how the object moves in
Wi-vi however, avoids using an antenna array due to following reasons:First, large antenna array is required to obtain a narrow beam and to
achieve good resolution which would results in a bulky and costly device.
Second, Wi-vi eliminates the flash effect using MIMO nulling, which require
multiple receiving antennas that also makes the system even more bulky and

expensive. To capture the benefits of antenna array and avoiding the

drawbacks, Wi-vi introduces a new technique known as inverse synthetic
aperture radar (ISAR). ISAR exploits the movement of the target to emulate an
antenna array.ISAR uses only one receiving antenna which can capture a single
measurement at any point in time. Because of channel reciprocity, successive
time samples received by Wi-vi correspond to successive spatial locations of
the moving target which thereby receives in time effectively. Emulation of the
antenna array is achieved and using it for tracking motion behind the wall and
treating the consecutive time samples as spatial samples. Let y[n] be the signal
sample received by Wi-vi at a discrete time point n and is the spatial angle
between the line connecting the human to wi-vi and normal to the motion fig
1[b].Here is positive when the vector from human to Wi-vi and vector of
motion are in same direction and negative in opposite directions.

We present Wi-Vi, a wireless technology that uses Wi-Fi signals to
detect moving humans behind walls and in closed rooms.In contrast to previous
systems, which are targeted for the military,Wi-Vi enables small cheap seethrough-wall devices that operate in the ISM band, rendering them feasible to
the general public. Wi-Vi also establishes a communication channel between
itself and a human behind a wall, allowing him/her to communicate directly
with Wi-Vi without carrying any transmitting device.
We believe that Wi-Vi is an instance of a broader set of functionality
that future wireless networks will provide. Future Wi-Fi networks will likely
expand beyond communications and deliver services such as indoor
localization, sensing, and control. Wi-Vi demonstrates an advanced form of WiFi-based sensing and localization by usingWi-Fi to track humans behind wall,
even when they do not carry a wireless device. It also raises issues of

importance to the networking community pertinent to user privacy and

regulations concerning the use of Wi-Fi signals.
Finally, Wi-Vi bridges state-of-the-art networking techniques with
human-computer interaction. It motivates a new form of user interfaces which
rely solely on using the reflections of a transmitted RF signal to identify human
gestures. We envision that by leveraging finer nulling techniques and
employing better hardware, the system can evolve to seeing humans through
denser building material and with a longer range. These improvements will
further allow Wi-Vi to capture higher quality images enabling the gesture-based
interface to become more expressive hence promising new directions for virtual

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