Vector Press Book
Vector Press Book
Vector Press Book
Press Book
1 st Edition
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Date: February 2010 Responsible for the contents: Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
All mentioned product names are either registered or unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. The constant worldwide availability of all products or services is not warranted.
No information contained in this catalog may be reproduced without expressed permission, in writing, from Vector Informatik GmbH.
Errors and omissions excepted.
Illustration & Design: SATZTEAM Fotosatz & Neue Medien GmbH, Eberdingen, Germany
Press Book_Einleitungsseiten:Einleitungsseiten
12:05 Uhr
Dear reader,
in recent years, Vector has written together with customers - numerous technical articles reporting
on standardization trends, development processes and software architectures for embedded systems.
In this way, we have provided our readers with a wealth of knowledge. Now you get a central point of
access to this know-how.
In this book, you find a selection of the best technical articles in a convenient and compact format.
These articles cover important topics such as design, development and test of networks, ECU calibration and diagnostics as well as process management.
We hope very much that you find this book both useful and informative.
Enjoy reading.
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Serial Bus Systems
Beyond FlexRay
Requirements on a modern development environment
ECU Testing
Vehicle Diagnostics
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ECU Calibration
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Seite d
XCP-on-FlexRay at Audi
AUTOSAR-compatible XCP software modules for FlexRay ECUs
Open Networks - IP
Moving Communication
Wireless analysis of in-vehicle networks
ECU Software
Process Management
13:07 Uhr
Seite 1
communication channel integrates all individual communication channels and is referred to as a bus. Using this bus
and associated serial inter faces it is possible to join all ECUs
together into a network refer to as a serial bus system (Figure 1). In this context, ECUs are referred to as bus nodes.
Since the introduction of serial bus systems, the complex
and of ten divergent types of wire harnesses in the automobile have become a thing of the past. Bus systems not only
simplify project design and installation, but also reduce the
weight and space required for wir ing. Moreover, the lower
At that time, the first embedded electronic systems still per formed their tasks fully autonomously. However, very early it
was recognized that by coordinating applications placed in
dif ferent ECUs, it would be possible to increase vehicle functionality immensely. This was the motivation for integrating
communication systems in the automobile.
Ahead of everything else, at that time it was electronic driving dynamics control that dominated advanced development. However the intensive wir ing ef fort utilizing individual dedicated lines only permitted limited data exchange. As a
way out of this dilemma, bit-serial data exchange via a single communication channel came into question. This single
Figure 1:
Bus networking: All electronic control units (Black:
Bus nodes) are joined into a system network, the serial
bus system, by means of a bus and related serial inter faces.
Communication tasks
A precondition for trouble free serial data exchange is the
unique allocation of the data to be sent to the bus nodes. Essentially a distinction is made between sender-selective and
receiver-selective allocation (addressing). In case of senderselective addressing the sender identifies the desired receiver by a unique bus node address. In contrast, in case of receiver-selective addressing the data to be sent are addressed. This means in principle that all data are available
for any node to receive (Broadcast). Therefore all bus nodes
have the task of filter ing out data that are relevant to them.
This is accomplished with the help of the address referred to
here as identifier.
In order that the receiver acquire the data and address as
one unit, the sender packs both of them together as a frame.
A typical frame encompasses the address and data with a
start and end recognition, which are primarily used to synchronize senders and receivers. A frame is also referred to
as a message.
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The most pressing tasks of a serial bus system include realtime communication and data integrity. A distributed system
can only fulfill its intended purpose if all data reach the destination node in time and without errors. A serial bus systems per formance and field of application in the automobile
substantially depend on the degree with which it can avoid,
reject, detect and correct errors, and can guarantee timely
data transport.
Data integrity
Quantitatively data integrity can be described as the residual
error probability. This is a statistical measure of data integrity violation. Residual error probability is understood as the
product of probability A that the transmitted data are corrupted and probability B that the corrupted data remain undetected. The data integrity of a serial bus system therefore
depends first on the extent to which it avoids the corruption
of data, and second on the degree to which it can detect corrupted data.
Var ious interactions related to electrical, capacitive or inductive coupling, as well as electromagnetic fields, come into consideration as potential causes of data corruption in
the automobile. Specif ic sources responsible for corruption
might be actuators, fan motors, high-frequency signals generated by the commutation process in DC motors and fast da-
Figure 2:
Controlled and
random bus access.
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The more clever the algorithm, the shorter the data block to
be protected and the longer the checksum, the better the algorithms error detection ability. However, due to limited
bandwidth and time requirements, a compromise must be
reached between error detection ability and the ratio between data block and checksum size (transmission ef ficiency). Fur thermore one must consider that the checksum itself
is not immune to disturbances dur ing transmission.
As a rule, after detecting a transmission error, error correction is needful, e.g. by means of an error-correcting checksum. However, unlike simple error detection that would
require an explicit longer checksum. For ef ficiency reasons
error-correcting checksums are not implemented in the automobile. The error correction happens by repeating the
message: caused either by an error flag set by the bus node
detecting the error, or automatically in the case of periodic
message transmission.
Real-time capability
A system with real-time capability must be able to guarantee
transmission of all data to be exchanged between the var ious bus nodes within a defined time window. Key factors
Figure 3:
Simplified architecture of serial bus
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other hand, covers all aspects of the Physical Layer, from the
physical bus inter face to physical signal transmission over
the bus.
Generally the physical bus inter face is implemented with the
help of a transceiver. A communication controller covers the
Data Link Layer. If all of the bus nodes within the system follow the same communication protocol and the same Physical
Layer specification, then the fundamental preconditions for
trouble-free data exchange between the bus nodes are satisfied.
In serial communication the senders application passes to
the communication controller the data block to be sent. The
communication controller in turn adds the address and
checking and synchronization information to the data block,
thereby creating a frame. The transceiver now transmits the
frame over the bus. In the automobile the physical interconnection structure is generally the line topology, which is very
easy to manage due to the passive bus inter face. On the receiver side the transceiver accepts the frame and passes it to
the communication controller, which evaluates the information transmitted to it and in case of correct data reception
routes the data block to the application.
This results in a hierarchical and therefore transparent communication flow. This is guaranteed by completion of the
communication tasks assigned to the layers, and by the communication protocol and def inition of the Physical Layer
(Figure 3).
For some tasks such as bus management (including Sleep
and Wake-Up functionality) or diagnostics and configuration
of bus nodes, the communication functionality provided by
the Data Link Layer is insuf ficient. By def inition higher layers respectively higher communication protocols the communication functionality can be expanded.
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CAN (Controller Area Network) is used primarily in the power train, chassis and convenience areas. LIN (Local Interconnected Network) serves to achieve simple and cost-ef fective
data transmission in the sensor/actuator area. MOST (Media
Oriented System Transport) is implemented in infotainment
to transmit video and audio signals. Finally, FlexRay enables
the most challenging communication in safety-critical distributed applications. Figure 4 shows an example of ECU networking with serial bus systems in a modern automobile. In
contrast to CAN, LIN and MOST, however, FlexRay must first
become established in the automobile. This fall the first
FlexRay production application will hit the streets. The Munich automotive producer BMW is introducing the innovative
bus system in an active suspension control system on its new
X5 automobile.
Eugen Mayer (Graduate Engineer with Technical Teaching Cer tif icate), after completing
his vocational training to become a communications technician, studied electronics at
the Technical College in Ravensburg/Weingar ten, Germany, and studied electrical
engineer ing and vocational teaching at the
University of Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has
been working at Vector Informatik where he
is employed as a Senior Trainer.
Tel. +49-711/80670-574, Fax +49-711/80670-111,
The specialists at Vector support automotive OEMs and suppliers in CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MOST networking with a universal tool chain of design and development tools as well as
software components and base software for AUTOSAR ECUs.
Advising, consulting services and tools for process management supplement the application areas. Its services are complemented by a broad-based training program on Vector
tools, software components and serial bus systems.
For entry-level work in automotive ECU networking or data
exchange the Stuttgart-based company of fers the one-day
seminar Serial bus systems in the automobile. Fundamentals seminars on CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MOST are best
suited as introductions to the var ious development activities
related to automotive electronics. Additional information
and schedules one can find on the Internet:
Parts 2-5 of this series address the serial bus systems CAN,
LIN, FlexRay and MOST in detail.
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Developing automotive
once you have learned how to do it.
Whether you are new to the field of automotive electronics or
are an experienced pro, at the VectorAcademy you will certainly find the right workshop for your knowledge level. Your
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CAN, LIN, FlexRay, MOST, AUTOSAR, Embedded Software...
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13:10 Uhr
Seite 1
physical bus inter face, data rates and voltage levels). The
CAN High-Speed physical layer is used primarily in power train and chassis applications. It is essentially implemented
by the CAN High-Speed transceiver, which supports a maximum data rate of 1 MBit/s. The CAN Low-Speed transceiver
with a maximum data rate of 125 KBit/s is generally used for
the CAN Low-Speed physical layer that is primarily used in
the body/convenience area.
Accordingly the CAN inter face (Figure 2) consists of a CAN
controller and a CAN transceiver. While the CAN controller
handles the CAN protocol, the CAN transceiver assumes the
task of physically coupling the CAN controller to the CAN bus
operated in dif ferential signal mode. Dif ferential signal
transmission enhances noise immunity and requires two
Figure 1:
CAN in the reference
model for data communication (ISO
7498), CAN standard
and implementation.
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Event control
Message distribution
Message addresses and message filters are used in a CAN
network to organize nodes and messages. Message addresses, commonly referred to as Identifiers (ID) do not identify
the CAN target nodes, rather they identify the messages
themselves, so that in principle all CAN messages are available to be received by all CAN nodes (message distribution).
By means of a filter each CAN node selects those CAN messages from the message stream that are relevant to it (receiver-selective system). The 11 bit wide ID permits specification
of up to 2048 CAN messages in a CAN network.
Figure 2:
CAN inter face and
CAN network.
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tration phase the CAN node that gets send author ization is
the node transmitting the CAN message with the least signif icant identifier. Lower prior ity CAN nodes first switch to the
Rx state and access the CAN bus for a renewed send attempt
as soon as the bus is free again.
Not only do the bus and arbitration logic prevent collisions
(Collision Avoidance CA), they also provide prior ity-controlled bus access: The lower the signif icance of the identifier, the higher the prior ity of the CAN message, and this results in faster bus access. The CAN message with the smallest
identifier (ID=0) will therefore be transmitted without delay.
If the bus load is not too high, this type of random, nondestructive, prior ity-driven bus access facilitates correct and
very fast bus access. On the one hand, it should be noted
that delays grow with increasing bus load, above all delays of
low prior ity CAN messages. In the worst case a situation may
arise in which CAN messages arrive too late at receivers or
are suppressed entirely. On the other hand, the CSMA/CA bus
access method produces a reciprocal relationship between
network extension and maximum data rate. Dur ing bitwise
arbitration a recessively sending CAN node must be able to
Figure 3:
Wired-AND bus logic,
arbitration logic and
bitwise arbitration
based on example of
two CAN nodes.
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reliably detect a dominant level. The bit time inter val should
therefore be sized such that signal propagation times on the
CAN bus are fully compensated. A length extension to a network therefore necessitates a longer bit time inter val, which
in turn defines a maximum usable data rate.
Data transmission
It is primarily Data frames that are responsible for data
transmission in the automobile (Figure 4). While in fact Remote frames also exist for requesting data, they are hardly
ever used since data transmission in the automobile is not
typically request-based, rather it is primarily provided on
the information generators own initiative. The two types of
frames have identical layouts; the only dif ference is that the
data field is omitted in the Remote frame.
A basic prerequisite for transmitting Data and Remote frames is synchronism between sender and receiver. Since a
clock line has been omitted for reasons of cost and ef fort,
synchronism is achieved by signal edges and a well-defined
resynchronization mechanism. Each message transmission
begins with transmission of the dominant synchronization
bit (SOF Start of Frame) and this generates the first signal
edge (Bus-Idle exhibits a recessive bus level). The receiver
ensures synchronization over the entire transmission by
evaluating each arriving signal edge and adapting its own
bit timing as necessary. The bit stuff ing method ensures that
a complementary bit (stuff bit) appears at the latest after
five homogeneous bits, thereby providing a signal edge.
Data protection
The probability that corrupted CAN messages will remain
undetected is extraordinarily low. It is estimated to be 4.7 x
10-11 [2]. Responsible for this are error detection mechanisms defined in the CAN protocol. On the receiver side, besides the message-filter ing-independent CRC that is capable
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Figure 5:
Network node monitor ing using two er ror counters and
three node states.
Until just a few years ago CAN was the most sought after bus
technology in the automotive industry. The relentless electronification of the vehicle has caused CAN to encounter limits. Vehicle developers are questioning the suitability of the
CAN bus especially in bandwidth-intensive, real-time, critical
and highly safety-critical motor vehicle applications such as
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ready been published at the Internet site of the Vector Academy [4].
Literature and Internet links:
[2] Unruh, J., Mathony, H.J., Kaiser, K.H.: Error Detection Analysis of Automotive Communication Protocols, SAE International Congress 1990.
[5] Mayer, E.: Ser ielle Bussysteme im Automobil Architektur, Aufgaben
und Vor teile [Serial bus systems in the automobile Architecture,
tasks and advantages]. Elektronik Automotive 7/2006, pp. 70ff.
Eugen Mayer (Graduate Engineer with Technical Teaching Cer tif icate), after completing
his vocational training to become a communications technician, studied electronics at
the Technical College in Ravensburg/Weingar ten, Germany, and studied electrical
engineer ing and vocational teaching at the
University of Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has
been working at Vector Informatik where he
is employed as a Senior Trainer.
Tel. +49-711/80670-574, Fax +49-711/80670-111,
13:08 Uhr
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Figure 1:
LIN Work Flow: The standardized and quick path to the
LIN Cluster.
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wire line is used. To assure suf ficient noise immunity in spite of this
method, the supply voltage and ground of the ECU electronics are
used as reference voltages for the bus level. A LIN transceiver serves as the physical bus inter face. A level at least 40 % below the
supply voltage is interpreted by the receiver as a logical 0. Receivers interpret a level at least 60 % above the supply voltage as a
logical 1.
The maximum data rate is limited to 20 KBit/sec to keep noise emissions within limits. For line lengths up to 40 meters the maximum
recommended node count is 16. This takes into account the node
and line capacitances as well as the maximum allowable time constant of the LIN Cluster prescribed in the LIN specification.
In terms of circuit technology a LIN Cluster is equivalent to an Open
Collector circuit. A pull-up resistor ensures that the bus level remains nearly at the level of the supply voltage (High level) while
the Tx transistors of all LIN nodes are inhibited. The bus level is pulled to nearly ground level (Low level) as soon as one of the Tx transistors is enabled. Accordingly, the Low state is referred to as the
dominant level and the High state as the recessive level.
Master-Slave communication
Communication in a LIN Cluster is based on a Master-Slave architecture. A cluster consists of a Master node (LIN Master) and at least
one Slave node (LIN Slaves). For cost reasons, explicit communication controllers are not used. Instead LIN communication is implemented by software tasks in every node, the so-called Slave tasks.
The LIN Master also has a Master task that is used to coordinate
cluster communication (Figure 2).
Coordination is achieved by means of periodic execution of the LIN
Schedule that is organized in frame slots (Figure 3). At the begin-
Figure 2:
Master-Slave communication architecture:
All LIN nodes have a
Slave Task to par ticipate in communication in a LIN Cluster.
One LIN node also
has a Master Task for
controlling the LIN
ning of each frame slot the Master Task transmits a frame header
with a Frame Identifier (ID), which all LIN Slaves evaluate in their
Slave Task. Immediately after the frame header a LIN Slave transmits the frame response associated with the ID. The LIN Frame,
consisting of the frame header and frame response, is available to
be received by every LIN node (Broadcasting) due to ID-based message addressing.
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Seite 3
Figure 3:
Central message distribution
system: The LIN Master controls
sending and receiving of all LIN
frames by the Master Task and
LIN Schedule. A frame slot must
be long enough to transmit the
associated LIN frame. The length
of the IFS depends, among other
things, on the execution cycle
(time base) of the Master Task.
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Seite 4
Management functions
The LIN specification defines Status Management and Network
Management. Status Management specifies that LIN Slaves must inform the LIN Master of transmission errors that are detected such
as par ity or checksum errors. This is done by a Response Error Signal in an Unconditional Frame (Status Frame); however this frame does not contain any fur ther information on the type of error.
The LIN specification does not define error handling rather it leaves
this task to the user.
The primary task of LIN Network Management is to regulate the
transition of all Slaves in a LIN Cluster from the normal communication state (Operational) to the Sleep state and in the other direction (Figure 5). If the LIN Slaves do not detect any bus activity for
four seconds, they switch from the Operational state to the Sleep
state. The same condition elicits a Sleep command from the LIN
Master, which is really a special Master Request Frame.
Conversely, when a LIN Slave detects a Wake Up Signal followed
by a valid header it switches from the Sleep state via the Initialization state to the Operational state. The Wake Up Signal consists of a
Figure 4:
Each LIN frame is composed of
a frame header and a frame
response. The frame header is
always sent by the LIN Master.
The frame response may be sent
by one LIN Slave or by the LIN
dominant pulse minimum 250 microseconds and maximum 5 milliseconds in length, and it may be sent by any LIN node. The LIN
specification prescribes a maximum Initialization phase of 100 milliseconds, i.e. the LIN Master must begin to execute the LIN Schedule at the latest after this time span. If it remains passive the relevant LIN Slave sends another Wake Up Signal. The number of repetitions and the inter val between repetitions, as well as timeouts are
defined in the specification.
Figure 5:
Communication state model of a LIN Slave.
13:08 Uhr
Seite 5
Eugen Mayer
(Graduate Engineer with Technical Teaching
Cer tif icate), after completing his vocational
training to become a communications technician, studied electronics at the Technical
College in Ravensburg/Weingar ten, Germany, and studied electrical engineer ing and
vocational teaching at the University of
Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has been working at
Vector Informatik where he is employed as a
Senior Trainer.
Tel. +49-711/80670-574,
Fax +49-711/80670-111,
13:08 Uhr
Seite 6
13:09 Uhr
Seite 1
Apart from minor changes and clar ifications, signif icant functional
improvements were made with the LIN 2.1 protocol version released
in November 2006 for event-triggered frames, Slave identification
and Slave configuration as well as for diagnostics over LIN users are
now awaiting the LIN consor tiums release of LIN 2.1 conformance
test specification in the second quar ter of 2008. This document
specifies tests for validating the conformance of LIN devices according to the dif ferent parts of the LIN 2.1 specification.
siderably simplifies the code development process. Since LIN supports only unsigned signals, globally defined signals must also be
unsigned. This limitation can usually be accepted by the CAN networks.
Without the appropriate tool support for network design, it is very
dif ficult to consider all design and quality requirements. Extensive
experience acquired dur ing series projects for var ious OEMs has
contributed to the success of version 2.0 of the DaVinci Network
Designer LIN (Figure 2). For example, initial schedule tables can be
automatically generated by simply defining the frame cycle times.
The schedule timings can then be easily optimized and refined depending on, for example, the per formance of each LIN Slave. The
design tool from Vector also helps the user to implement design
rules such as naming conventions for meaningful identifiers and
signal types as well as for uniform encoding of physical parameters.
The choice of network topology depends on var ious factors. For example, it may be possible to define a single LIN network rather than
separate networks for left and right door systems. In some cases, a
function-oriented approach is more appropriate, e.g. a dedicated
LIN network for climate control. It may also be necessary to make a
distinction between networks designed by the OEM and subsystems
developed completely by the OEMs supplier.
Figure 1:
Typical workflow for LIN network design
Test Strategies
13:09 Uhr
Seite 2
used for simulation and ver ification are exclusively ECU external inter faces. White or gray box tests, on the other hand, always require
access to internal ECU inter faces. The Slave conformance test provided with the development and test tool CANoe.LIN (Figure 3) is
implemented almost entirely as a black box test. The Master conformance test, on the other hand, is implemented a gray box test
i.e. as a combination of black and white box test. A special test-LDF
and test application is required to stimulate the Master. The LIN bus
is used for ver ification.
Figure 2:
Design of the LIN Schedule with
DaVinci Network Designer LIN
OEM-standardized LIN-Portfolio
Last year, Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and VW created a document
for suppliers, which describes the requirements for the development of OEM-independent LIN portfolio. This document was first
presented to LIN consor tium members at the All-Members Meeting
in October 2007 and in February this year to the rest of the LIN
community at Vectors LIN Symposium. The main objective of this
initiative is to reduce development and production costs through
maximum reusability. The standardization of the physical layer requirements across dif ferent OEMs does not end with the choice of
transceiver, but must also include specifications for connectors, filter circuits, operating and installation conditions. A current example for such a LIN device, is an intelligent battery sensor developed
for several OEMs. A wiper motor and mirror adjuster are also in development. In order to increase the size of the LIN portfolio, each
OEM developing a LIN device in cooperation with a supplier, harmonizes the specifications with other OEMs in technical committees.
13:09 Uhr
Seite 3
Gavin C. Rogers
(B.Eng M.Sc.) is team leader and product
manager for LIN development and test tools.
Hans Quecke
(Information Technology degree) is team
leader and product manager for tools used
to design network architectures and communication data.
Figure 3:
Using the Slave Conformance Test
Module, LIN conformance tests can
be easily integrated into your own
CANoe test configurations.
13:09 Uhr
Seite 4
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13:15 Uhr
Seite 1
The LIN consor tium provides in addition to the specifications for
each the protocol version corresponding conformance test specifications. The LIN conformance tests are used to ver ify whether a LIN
device is conform to a specif ic protocol version and also serve as a
basis for the LIN accreditation. Since LIN networks operate according to the Master-Slave principle, the protocol conformity of a Master node is of utmost impor tance. The LIN conformance tests are
specified separately for each OSI layer: physical layer, data link layer, network management and node configuration. Only application
layer tests need to be specified by the OEM or supplier.
Black box tests are best suited for the methodical implementation
of conformance tests, since they exclusively use a devices external
inter faces (e.g. LIN inter face) to stimulate and ver ify each test
case. White box tests on the other hand always require access to
a devices internal inter faces (e.g. the LIN drivers standardized
inter face). A LIN Master ECU of fers a very limited number of stimulation options via its external inter faces such as CAN. Gray box tests
that combine the two test methods are therefore the most commonly used method use to realize a LIN Master conformance test,
Figure 1.
Figure 1:
The LIN Master conformance
test is usually implemented as
a gray box test. A black box test
would, however, be preferable.
13:15 Uhr
Seite 2
and generation of the Master driver code according to the test LDF,
before the Master-ECU can be tested.
The gray box Master conformance test allows the Master driver inter face to be indirectly accessed by the LIN-bus via a test application. Although full test coverage can be achieved in this way, this
approach means that the usual V-model development process cannot be strictly followed. For example, it is only possible to ver ify
the Masters conformity at the beginning of the development process. As soon as the productive database (LDF) and application are
running on the Master ECU, fur ther ver ifications can no longer be
easily per formed. Fur thermore, the OEM can not repeat the Master
conformance test without assistance from supplier.
Figure 2:
The test communication required to realize a
Master conformance test as a black box test.
This driver extension must permit the direct stimulation and ver ification of the Master under test via the LIN bus by providing the
tester with special test services, e.g. to change the schedule table
or read the drivers status word. The test communication over the
LIN bus between Master and tester can use a special diagnostic
service, comparable to those used for reconfiguration services.
A fur ther requirement on such a driver extension is of course the
minimal increase in ECU resources. The test inter face should also be
removable from the productive code, e.g. via a preprocessor define.
13:15 Uhr
Seite 3
Figure 3:
Two possible strategies for
the har monic interaction of
Master application and test
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Gavin C. Rogers
B.Eng M.Sc., is team leader and product
manager for LIN development and test tools.
Figure 4:
An over view of the 11 test
commands, which allow a complete coverage of the cur rent
LIN2.0 Master conformance
13:16 Uhr
Seite 1
The cer tainty that CAN could hardly be expected to satisfy growing
data transmission requirements in the automobile over the midterm, led to the development of a number of deterministic and
fault-tolerant serial bus systems with far greater data rates than
CAN. Examples include: TTP (Time Triggered Protocol) [4], Byteflight [5] and TTCAN (Time Triggered CAN) [6]. Although a development partnership was created as early as 2001 between Audi and
the TTP promoting company TTTech, and although Byteflight was
successfully applied to BMW 7-series cars in 2001, it is FlexRay that
has prevailed in the automotive industry.
Implementations of ever more challenging safety and driver-assistance functions go hand in hand with the increasingly more intensive integration of electronic ECUs in the automobile. These imple-
An impor tant reason for the success of FlexRay was the founding of
the FlexRay Consor tium [7], under whose auspices the two motor
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Seite 2
communication structure. However, the FlexRay nodes are not allowed uncontrolled bus access in response to application-related
events, as is the case in CAN. Rather they must conform to a precisely defined communication cycle that allocates a specif ic time
slot to each FlexRay message (Time Division Multiple Access - TDMA)
and thereby prescribes the send times of all FlexRay messages (Figure 1).
Following the paradigms of time-triggered communication architectures, the underlying logic of FlexRay communication consists of
trigger ing all system activities when specif ic points are reached in
the time cycle. The network-wide synchronism of FlexRay nodes
that is necessary here, is assured by a distributed, fault-tolerant
clock synchronization mechanism: All FlexRay nodes not only continuously correct for the beginning times (offset correction) of regularly transmitted synchronization messages; they also correct for the
duration (slope correction) of the communication cycles (Figure 2).
Figure 1:
Principle of FlexRay
Figure 2:
Clock synchronization.
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Figure 3:
Combined topology of passive bus and active star.
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Figure 4:
Passive bus structure with two communication channels minimizes failure risk.
FlexRay software components make it possible to interconnect applications with dif ferent bus or operating systems in an uncomplicated way. For hardware access to FlexRay buses, suitable bus inter faces connect to the USB, PCI and PCMCIA ports of a PC or notebook computer.
The Vector Academy [10] can teach the basic knowledge needed to
quickly become familiar with the diverse development activities related to ECU communication in the automobile. This knowledge is
shared in the context of seminars on CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MOST.
Literature and links:
[1] [2]
[3] Mayer, E.: Datenkommunikation im Automobil Teil 2: Sicherer Datenaustausch mit CAN im Automobil [Data communication in the automobile Part 2: Reliable data exchange with CAN in the automobile]. In:
Elektronik Automotive 8/2006, pp. 34-37
[4] [5]
[6] [7]
[8] [9]
13:17 Uhr
Seite 5
Eugen Mayer
(Graduate Engineer with Technical Teaching
Cer tif icate), after completing his vocational
training to become a communications technician, studied electronics at the Technical
College in Ravensburg/Weingar ten, Germany, and studied electrical engineer ing and
vocational teaching at the University of
Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has been working at
Vector Informatik where he is employed as a
Senior Trainer.
Tel. +49-711/80670-574,
Fax +49-711/80670-111,
Figure 5:
Example of communication flow in the dynamic time segment.
Figure 6:
Structure of the
FlexRay message with
header, payload and
13:17 Uhr
Seite 6
Experience with series projects.
Choose proven FlexRay solutions.
Take advantage of our extensive experience with FlexRay series
projects. Use Vectors comprehensive product portfolio for your
FlexRay networking:
> Simulate, diagnose and test ECUs and networks with the
sophisticated development environment CANoe and the
FlexRay interfaces.
> Profit from standardized ECU software. Vector software
modules can be flexibly configured and easily integrated.
> Ensure advantages in both quality and time: Rely on professional
support during development and training.
Get FlexRay on the road - with series-proven tools, scalable
modules and 20 years of Vector networking know-how.
Get on board:
Ray R
Get t
Char t
.f le x
Memory Protection
Global Time/
Time Monitoring
Schedule Tables
Advanced development
of OSEKtime
Advanced development
of HIS-Protected OS
Table 1: FlexRay-relevant properties of the AUTOSAR OS
The currently available specifications of BSW (Basic Software) and
RTE (Runtime Environment) do not cover memory protection yet.
This will be addressed in future versions of the BSW and RTE
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 2
Figure 1:
Case A Without error handling
Schedule Tables
The operating system manages multiple schedule tables. Each
schedule table consists of a list of defined time-based actions that
either activate tasks or send events to tasks.
budget, time monitoring guarantees lower-priority tasks or interrupts access to the processor to execute their tasks.
If an interrupt lasts too long, as in Case C of Figure 3, it is cancelled so that the extended task can continue to execute.
For each task:
Time monitoring
In a real-time system what is important is to process all tasks at the
right times. In the design phase sub-tasks are allocated fixed time
windows. To avoid delays at runtime a task may not tie up the CPU
longer than specified in the design. Therefore the operating system
monitors the execution time of each individual task and each interrupt. OSEKtime [3] provides classic deadline monitoring for this
purpose: Tasks must be completed before their assigned deadlines.
If a violation occurs, the overall system triggers a reset. This type
of monitoring is inadequate for extended tasks that can wait for
events. That is why the AUTOSAR-OS working group has defined
execution time monitoring for each individual task and each interrupt. This monitoring is defined by various parameters in the
When a monitoring parameter is violated, depending on the configuration the operating system initiates a Reset_OS, Kill_Application, Kill_Task or Kill_Interrupt as a reaction to the error.
Figures 13 represent an AUTOSAR OS Scalability Class 2 with
time monitoring tasks and interrupts.
Figure 1 shows the the monitoring of an application consisting
of an extended task. The extended task is disrupted suspended
several times by an interrupt.
Due to a longer execution time of the extended task, e.g. for
handling Event 1 (Ev1), this may result in error handling, see Figure 2. This exclusively affects the originator. According to the
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 3
Figure 2:
Case B With error handling caused
by excessively long execution time
of the task
Memory Protection
Mechanisms for memory protection are necessary for early detection and prevention of disturbances by other modules. When
Figure 3:
Case C With error handling caused
by excessively long execution time
of an interrupt
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 4
Figure 4:
Solution A Data exchange between
FlexRay and an application task with
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 5
A FlexRay-based application does not absolutely require a timetriggered operating system. The choice of a suitable operating system should be made individually for each ECU under consideration
of the application and architecture. For this purpose an analysis
pertaining to the synchronism among ECUs, safety requirements,
response time and time monitoring is necessary. Vector Informatik
offers the developer the optimal operating system for all FlexRay
applications: osCAN certified to the OSEK/VDX standard with or
without High Resolution Timer or osCAN AUTOSAR that covers Scalability Classes SC1-SC4 according to AUTOSAR OS V2.0. The Vector
FlexRay software components will operate together with any of
these OS variants. The osCAN TimingAnalyzer analyzes the schedulability of tasks from a worst-case perspective.
Vector supports the user with software components and individualized service for universal development of FlexRay systems up to
series production. Development is simplified by mature tools that
are tuned to one another, like for instance DaVinci Network Designer for all FlexRay-typical design tasks or CANoe.FlexRay 6.0 for simulation and stimulation of a network, integration tests and rest-ofbus simulation as well as analysis of the finished FlexRay network.
CANape 6.0 is used to access to all internal parameters of the
FlexRay ECU via the standardized measurement and XCP-on-FlexRay
calibration protocol. The FlexRay Evaluation Bundle provides for
quick and flexible implementation of a FlexRay network. This integrated environment of software components and tools also includes
a sample application for a FlexRay system with two nodes.
Figure 5:
Solution C Data exchange between
FlexRay hardware and an application
task with AUTOSAR SC1 OS
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 6
Literature references:
[1] OSEK/VDX Operating System, Version 2.2.2,
[2] AUTOSAR - Specification of Module Operating System V2.0,
[3 OSEKtime OSEK/VDX Time-Triggered Operating System, Version 1.0,
07 Press Book_Seite_1-32_1-37.indd 7
Standardized software components will help in mastering the growing complexity of the interplay of all software components in an ECU. The ways in which todays ECU software should be developed for FlexRay were presented at the Vector
FlexRay Symposium in March of this year.
The FlexRay bus protocol is an in-vehicle network on its way to the
starting line providing large transmission bandwidth for fast control systems. FlexRay enables 20 times greater bandwidth than CAN
and reduces complexity by using fewer gateways. Because of its
time-triggered control, it is especially well suited as a communication system for distributed, fault-tolerant systems and safety-relevant applications. There is also the hope that the growing complexity of vehicle electronics can be kept in check by standardization of
the software system architecture with AUTOSAR.
08 Press Book_Seite_1-38_1-41.indd 2
Figure 1:
AUTOSAR layer model of ECU
software with modular structure.
Figure 2:
Schematic layout of FlexRay basic
software from Vector.
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Figure 3:
Integration of XCP in the FlexRay
stack with clear separation of protocol layer (XCP) and transport layer
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Figure 4:
XCP is implemented as a master/
slave structure. The XCP slave is
located in the ECU; the XCP Master is
located in the measurement and
calibration tool.
08 Press Book_Seite_1-38_1-41.indd 5
13:16 Uhr
Seite 1
Startup Simulation
A synchronized bus is a major requirement for a FlexRay
communication. Before the application can communicate,
the bus must be started. During this startup phase the bus
is in an asynchronous mode until at least two ECUs have
synchronized their FlexRay clocks and provide sync frames
so that other ECUs can integrate into the TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) schedule. If the FlexRay communication of a single non-startup/sync ECU is being tested,
then the analysis tool needs to be able to simulate a FlexRay bus that has already started. CANoe.FlexRay can generate two startup/sync frames in order to provide this type
of startup of a FlexRay bus. The startup phase of a cluster
can be observed using the asynchronous mode of Vectors
FlexRay interfaces VN3300 (PCI), VN3600 (USB) or VN7600
(USB with CAN interfaces). It is possible for example to
receive wakeup pattern, symbols, startup and normal frames before the cluster is in synchronous mode. The bus
can also be analyzed in this mode without using a FIBEX
13:16 Uhr
Seite 2
Cluster Simulation
In the early design phases of a FlexRay
system it is important to test whether the
timings are correct and/or the performance of an ECU matches the communication
schedule. In other words, to check whether all frames can be received and transmitted in the reserved time. The FlexRay
engineer therefore typically creates a (par1/43
13:16 Uhr
Seite 3
chronously running clusters guarantee minimal delays between the signal occurrences on both buses.
All these application scenarios occur during the routine
work of engineers developing FlexRay products.
CANoe.FlexRay is a powerful tool to help engineers in their
everyday work when handling the new technical challenges of FlexRay buses. CANoe is the flagship of Vectors
comprehensive portfolio of tools and embedded software
components which are ready for both current and future
FlexRay applications.
Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Bke is Senior Software Development Engineer for the
Tools for Networks and Distributed
Systems product line.
13:16 Uhr
Seite 4
Case Study
Testing FlexRay ECUs effectively and
The Customer
The Advantages
Bertrandt AG is one of Europes leading development partners in the automotive and aerospace industries. About
5500 employees at 30 business sites in Europe and in the
USA work on customized solutions ranging from individual components and modules to complete systems and
The Challenge
Testing FlexRay ECUs effectively and reproducibly
Proper behavior of FlexRay ECUs in normal operation and
under fault conditions is to be tested beginning in early
development phases. Test sequences of complex test cases
need to be executed, but it must also be possible to manually
start individual tests. The tests require a real-time capable
remaining bus simulation, to enable reliable statements
about the communication behavior of the ECU under test.
The Solution
ECU tests within a remaining bus simulation on a FlexRay
test bench
Bertrandt created a special test system to conduct reproducible testing of FlexRay ECUs. It contains a simulated vehicle
environment that is implemented with an extensive and realtime relevant remaining bus simulation. CANoe.FlexRay is
used here to simulate the remaining bus for the ECU under
test. To fulfill demanding real-time requirements, CANoe RT is
used to distribute CANoe.FlexRay functionality between two
computers. The simulation is executed on a high-performance
computer, the Real Time Rack. The configuration and user
interface run on the host computer of the test bench. The two
computers are interconnected via Ethernet.
13:12 Uhr
Seite 1
To d e t e c t e r ro rs i n t h e
d e s i g n o f a F l ex R ay s y s t e m
or schedule it is important
t o s i m u l at e t h e s y s t e m e a r l y
i n t h e d eve l o p m e n t p ro c e s s . I n c h o o s i n g a s i m u l at i o n e n v i ro n m e n t
t h e F l ex R ay d eve l o p e r s e t s d e m a n d i n g re q u i re m e n t s o n s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s t o p e r m i t re a l - t i m e s i m u l at i o n . Th i s a r t i c l e s h ow s h ow t h e s e
re q u i re m e n t s a re s at i s fi e d by a s i m u l at i o n p l at fo r m b a s e d o n t h e
b u s a n a l y s i s , t e s t i n g a n d s i m u l at i o n t o o l C A N o e . F l ex R ay.
communication controller should be automatically programmed with the parameters read out from the FIBEX
database. Automatic sending of FlexRay messages based
on schedule tables in the FIBEX database is an important
requirement, too.
The system should detect and report any synchronization
problems between the bus schedule and the application.
The simulation model may require synchronism implicitly.
In actual operation, however, this requirement may be
violated by interruptions, jitter or incorrect modeling
(Figure 1).
Notification concept
The bus analysis, test and simulation tool CANoe.FlexRay
supports all mentioned requirements on remaining bus
simulations for FlexRay systems. In CANoe the notification
concept serves as the underlying architecture for executing
simulation models. For use with FlexRay it was specially
extended to include capability of synchronous notifications
at specific time points in the FlexRay cycle (Figure 2). That
is how actions can be executed regularly at the beginning
of the cycle or after a specific slot has ended. Of course,
notifications are also possible when frames are received or
are missing. Any of the notifications may be limited to specific cycles (Cycle Multiplexing). The notification concept
implicitly assumes that the actions occur at the time points
named above.
Send requests are normally executed at the next possible
send time after notification. If this send time is no longer
achievable due to faulty modeling or interruptions, the
system instructs the user by an alarm indication. This enables detection of errors in the model or simulation platform
in very early modeling phases.
Support of the model
To simplify specification of model behavior, first of all the
capability was created for symbolically accessing signal
and message definitions in a FIBEX database; signals may
be interpreted and modified outside of the frame view.
Second, a buffer mechanism (Signal Layer) was implemented to enable reading and modification of signal values
at any time. CANoe.FlexRay automatically receives and
sends the associated FlexRay frames in background, whereby the send times are prescribed by the schedule in the
13:12 Uhr
Seite 2
Figure 2. Examples of notification and activation time points in relation to the FlexRay schedule
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Seite 3
The presented real-time simulation system CANoe.FlexRay meets all requirements on a flexible and powerful
simulation system for a FlexRay bus. It decouples model
creation from the used execution platform, so that no adaptation effort is necessary. Its special simulation mechanisms and dual-PC architecture also make CANoe a convincing solution in projects with higher real-time requirements. All FlexRay solutions from Vector offer dedicated
and special features that support the special properties of
FlexRay systems optimally.
(All Figures: Vector Informatik GmbH)
13:12 Uhr
Seite 4
13:15 Uhr
Seite 1
The var ious tasks of FlexRay development and associated tests require inter faces for both stationary PCs and mobile notebooks (Figure 1). In both cases, they need to satisfy special requirements for
simulation, analysis, calibration and testing. For example, an ECUs
standard controller recognizes when errors occur, but does not provide any information whatsoever on their causes. For a qualified
analysis, the developer needs besides the FlexRay messages and
signals themselves precise time stamps, comprehensive information and detailed itemization of all states on the bus and in the inter faces. Compared to previous automotive bus systems, technical
requirements for FlexRay are signif icantly more stringent. Since
FlexRays operation is not event-driven, but instead is time-triggered, it is necessary to synchronize all bus nodes. Send times are
precisely specified by the cyclic and synchronous time-division
multiplexing TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) bus arbitration.
Figure 1:
Hardware inter faces must also be implementable in
mobile FlexRay applications.
Overall, the inter faces were optimized for the best possible interaction with the simulation and analysis tools CANoe and CANalyzer,
and the measurement and calibration tool CANape (Figure 2). The
inter faces not only recognize all bus activities and buffer them as
necessary; rather they also pass all information to the host. Dif ferent than on controllers for ECUs, the controller host inter face is de-
signed to record all data, null and erroneous frames as well as symbols, including the associated timestamps and pass them on to the
software tools. This is the only way for developers to analyze,
meaningfully interpret and thereby systematically troubleshoot
sources of errors. If no FlexRay synchronization is established or no
FIBEX database is available with TDMA parameters, an asynchronous bus analysis is possible, in which it is only possible to follow
events and log them in reading operation. In this mode, it is also
possible to observe the star tup phase of a FlexRay network. The
measurement and calibration tool CANape gives developers the
ability to access internal ECU parameters via the standardized
XCP-on-FlexRay protocol. In this case, the FlexRay hardware supports resynchronization of the FlexRay inter face if bus traf fic has
been interrupted.
13:15 Uhr
Seite 2
achieve this. This per formance is enabled by the TX buffer that has
been extended to 2 MByte that can store over 1000 independent
send messages. Previous solutions typically only had an 8 KByte TX
The CANoe RT platform is especially well-suited to small to mid-size
projects with real-time requirements, such as hardware-in-the-loop
simulations. It isolates visualization and control functions from the
real-time simulation. The simulation is executed troublefree on a
separate computer under Windows XP Embedded, and this guarantees reliable updates of send time points. The only inter face that
comes into consideration for this computer, called a RT Box or RT
Rack, is a fast PCI inter face such as the VN3300 (Figure 3).
For minimal response times and deterministic timing behavior of
the application, short latency times and minimal jitters are
absolutely essential. Besides the time required for the actual computations of the application, it is necessary to add the times for
transport processes through the dif ferent communication layers.
To achieve low PC loading despite this situation, DMA (Direct Memory Access) was implemented in the FlexRay hardware. DMA enables
high transmission rates and simultaneously relieves the main processor and gives it more time for computations. Latency times were
Figure 2:
Hardware inter faces for
the entire FlexRay tool
chain: Analysis, simulation, testing and software modules as well as
physical generation of
bus disturbances.
optimized as was already done on CAN inter faces from Vector. The
shortest latency times are system-dependent and can be attained
with PCI inter faces.
Figure 3:
Stringent requirements are satisfied by the real-time
capable and deter ministic CANoe RT runtime platform.
13:15 Uhr
Seite 3
Figure 4:
VN inter faces from Vector fulfill the strict bus inter face requirements imposed by the FlexRay bus. The USB
var iants VN3600/VN7600 are suitable for mobile applications, analyses and simple simulations. The PCI var iant VN3300 supports complex simulations of multiple
ECUs with real-time requirements.
13:15 Uhr
Seite 4
ECUs that can execute a star tup. Some ECUs are not star tup-capable; they always integrate themselves in the communication after a
successful external star tup. If a network line only has these kinds
of devices for the measurement or simulation, the bus system cannot be started up due to the lack of star tup-capable nodes. Therefore, a second communication controller or star tup controller has
been integrated in all FlexRay inter faces.
FlexRay places dispropor tionately greater demands on hardware
and software than CAN or LIN networks, for example, due to its
time-triggered transmission method and considerably higher transmission rates. Here, the timing behavior of the hardware has a decisive influence on the quality of software services that can be provided. Signif icant per formance increases are realized by transferring software functions to the hardware.
Alfred Kless
studied Electrical Engineer ing at the Technical College of Esslingen. From 1991 to 2004,
he worked in the area of Test System Development at the company ALCATEL. Since
2004, he has held the position of Business
Development Manager at Vector Informatik
where he is responsible for the product lines
Network Inter faces and Measurement and
Conquer FlexRay
Au d i i s u s i n g F l ex R ay i n t h e i r n ewe s t ve h i c l e s . Th e d eve l o p e d F l ex R ay n e t wo rk c o m m u n i c at i o n u s e s P D U s ( P ro t o c o l D at a U n i t s ) t h at
a re f u l l y AU TO S A R c o m p at i b l e . P D U s a re l o g i c a l d at a c o n t a i n e rs
fo r ex c h a n g i n g s i g n a l s b e t we e n a p p l i c at i o n s a n d a l l ow i n g g re at e r
d e c o u p l i n g f ro m t h e u n d e r l y i n g c o m m u n i c at i o n s y s t e m . Au d i b e n e fi t e d i m m e d i at e l y f ro m Ve c t o r s C A N o e a s a b u s a n a l y s i s a n d s i m u l at i o n t o o l w h i c h c a n n at i ve l y h a n d l e P D U s .
of tool development. Service Packs were delivered regularly to Audi, thus, allowing early testing of ECUs with PDU
communication stacks. Audi delivered their latest FIBEX+
database versions to Vector in order to ensure CANoes continuous compatibility. Close collaboration between Audi and
Vector accelerated the tool development and led to a professional analysis and development platform for FIBEX+ and
the new FIBEX 3.0 based FlexRay networks.
This article illustrates the impact PDUs have on the internal structure and features of a FlexRay development tool
CANoe.FlexRay and how Audi engineers benefit from
appropriate tool support.
12 Press Book_Seite_1-54_1-57.indd 2
l 25
Figure 1: CANoes Architecture with Abstraction Layers for Signal and PDU Handling and Sending Behaviour (IL).
12 Press Book_Seite_1-54_1-57.indd 3
Figure 3: The Interaction Layer (IL) of CANoe controls the sending behaviour of PDUs with set Update Bit inclusively
their extended validity attributes (message counter, user CRC).
in CANoes Test Feature Set for PDUs. Additionally, for stimulus and response observations, PDUs can be sent interactively (PDU Panel) by implicitly manipulating signals
(Input Panels), higher level protocols (transport, diagnostics), or by a remaining bus simulation (CAPL, MATLAB
models, etc.).
PDU-based communications will not only be used in migration scenarios, e.g. when porting applications from CAN to
FlexRay networks, but also for new FlexRay developments. Audi has strongly influenced the development of
FIBEX 3.0 based on lessons learned with FIBEX+. Vectors experience with FIBEX+ allowed the quick support of
the new FIBEX 3.0 standard with CANoe. As communications become more complex and extensive, appropriate
modelling standards (i.e. FIBEX 3.0 and/or AUTOSAR), as
well as their professional tool support, are essential requirements for an efficient FlexRay development.
12 Press Book_Seite_1-54_1-57.indd 4
12 Press Book_Seite_1-54_1-57.indd 5
Th e F l ex R ay c o m m u n i c at i o n b u s a n d t h e F I B E X d at a b a s e ex c h a n g e fo r m at
re p re s e n t t h e c u r re n t s t at e - o f - t h e - a r t o f i n - ve h i c l e n e t wo rk i n g . I n t h i s
c o n t ex t , t h e F l ex R ay b u s m u s t f u l fi l re q u i re m e n t s re l at e d t o re m a i n i n g b u s
s i m u l at i o n , d i a g n o s t i c s a n d h i g h e r p ro t o c o l s , t e s t i n g a n d AU TO S A R d eve l o p m e n t m e t h o d o l o gy, ove r t h e e n t i re d eve l o p m e n t p ro c e s s .
13 Press Book_Seite_1-58_1-61.indd 2
l 23
13 Press Book_Seite_1-58_1-61.indd 3
In future, the number of AUTOSAR ECUs and the number
of included SWCs will grow rapidly. These complex
13 Press Book_Seite_1-58_1-61.indd 4
13 Press Book_Seite_1-58_1-61.indd 5
13:04 Uhr
Seite 1
The already extensive wir ing cost and ef fort are increasing due to
continual growth in networking of continually higher per formance
infotainment devices of dimensions that can hardly be managed
any longer. For tunately, some automotive OEMs recognized the advantages that bus networking would also of fer in this area early on.
In the mid-1990s, BMW and Daimler began to develop a uniform
communication technology for serial transmission of audio and
video signals in the vehicle based on the D2B bus (Digital Data Bus)
developed by Matsushita and Philips.
MOST Cooperation
In 1998, BMW, Daimler, Harman/Becker and SMSC (formerly OASIS
SiliconSystems) founded the MOST Cooperation [2]. Since that time,
MOST has established itself as a de-facto standard for the transmission of multimedia data in the vehicle the MOST Cooperation is
made up of 15 international automotive OEMs and more than 70 device producers. The user organization laid the foundation for success
of the technology by defining an extensive specification. Version 2.5
of the MOST specification has been in existence since October 2006.
It is organized into the areas of Application, Network and Hardware.
Figure 1:
Structure of a MOST device that
among other things hosts the
Audio Disk Player functional
block. For system management,
the Net Block is mandatory for
each MOST device, and system
functions are mandatory for
each function block.
The Application area describes a logical device model based primarily on object-oriented methods, with the purpose of transparent modeling and control of distributed infotainment systems. Fur thermore, it defines a hierarchical communication model as well as
services for managing an infotainment system. The Network section describes the MOST Network Inter face Controller and its services, network management, and handling of data transport in a
MOST system. The Hardware section deals with aspects of the
hardware structure of a MOST device.
Functional modeling
A MOST device is subdivided into a functional level and a network
level (MOST Network Inter face). On the functional level, infotainment functionalities are embodied in so-called function blocks.
Each function block, e.g. the Audio Disk Player, provides the MOST
network with a dedicated set of functions, e.g. Track position,
that can be accessed by operation types such as Set for setting a
track or SetGet for setting and reading a track (Figure 1).
Functional addresses (FBlockID, FktID) are assigned to both the
function blocks and to the functions provided by a function block.
They can be taken from the so-called Function Catalog, as can the
identifiers of the operation types. For example, the Audio Disk
Player FBlock has FBlockID=0x31 and the Track Position function
has FktID=0x202.
The separation of function and network and functional modeling
make it possible to implement a functional communication model
that is fully independent of physical components (MOST devices).
Therefore, it does not matter which of the MOST devices is used to
contain a specif ic function.
13:04 Uhr
Seite 2
commands are used for control communication. Their core components are the FBlockID, FktID, Operation Type and up to 65535 useful
System management
The Application section defines higher-level function blocks and
functions for system management. System functions include the
FktIDs function (FktID=0x000) that is used to query the functions
supported by a function block, for example. The Notification system function (FktID=0x001), on the other hand, enables creation of
the notification matrix for a function block. Emerging from the
notification matrix is information on which MOST device should
be notified if a cer tain proper ty of a function block has changed.
This mechanism prevents an unnecessary increase in bus load in the
MOST system.
To query its function blocks and addresses, each MOST device has
the Net Block (system) function block with FBlockID=0x01. The
function blocks can learn about the function blocks implemented
on a MOST device using the FBlockIDs function (FktID=0x000). The
FktIDs 0x002, 0x003 and 0x004 are used to find the physical address, logical address and group address of a MOST device.
The Network Master plays an impor tant role in the management of a
MOST system. It is responsible for the system start and management of the Central Registry. This registry contains the logical
addresses of the MOST devices implemented in a MOST system and
the addresses of function blocks contained in the MOST devices.
Figure 2:
Hierarchy of a MOST system
13:04 Uhr
Seite 3
MOST Networking
MOST technology enables transmission of continuous bit streams
(bit streaming) without buffer ing or unnecessary overhead. This involves having a specially designated MOST device (Timing Master)
feed the MOST frame (Figure 4) at a fixed frequency (44.1 KHz or 48
KHz) into the transmission medium, which is typically optical.
In a MOST25 system, the MOST frame provides 60 streaming channels at 8 bits (or 15 quadlets of 4 bytes each) for transmission of
continuous bit streams (source data area). The bandwidth of a streaming channel yields either 352.8 KBit/s (44.1 KHz) or 384 KBit/s
(48 KHz).
Since the MOST devices are physically interconnected into a ring,
each MOST frame must pass through every MOST device at the frequency prescribed by the Timing Master. As soon as the relevant
Figure 3:
Dif ference between NIC and INIC architectures in a
MOST device
13:04 Uhr
Seite 4
Figure 4:
Layout of the MOST frame: Sent in
administrative byte 0 are synchronization infor mation and the
boundary descriptor, and in administrative byte 63 the status bits and
a par ity bit for protection of the
MOST frame.
Finally, the MOST system must transmit the MOST commands needed for management and control. Control messages (Figure 6) are
used here, which are transmitted on the control channel (2 bytes).
Therefore, 16 MOST frames (MOST block) are required to transmit a
control message. The bandwidth at 44.1 KHz is 705.6 KBit/s, and at
48 KHz it is 768 KBit/s. Transmission of control messages is also
based on a Layer 2 protocol. Bus access is implemented by the CSMA
method (Carrier Sense Multiple Access).
Figure 5:
Principle of bit streaming: The
Timing Master transmits MOST
frames at a frequency of 48 KHz.
40 streaming channels (10 quadlets)
are available for allocation, each
operating at 384 KBit/s (boundary
descriptor = 0xA). The packet
channel (20 bytes) provides a bandwidth of 7.68 MBit/s for the transmission of data packets.
13:04 Uhr
Seite 5
Figure 6:
Control message. A MOST block is
required to transmit a control message. The control message is composed of: arbitration (a), target
address (b), source address (c),
message type (d), data field (e),
data protection (f), acknowledgment (g), and reser vation (h).
Physical Layer
MOST 150, which follows MOST 50, is a MOST system that is current
ready to start. It is based on this sender and receiver technology
and of fers the user a transmission rate of 150 MBit/s. It can therefore handle the relatively short paths in the car of up to 20 meters
can without any problems.
13:04 Uhr
Seite 6
When a light beam passes from one transparent medium to another, it is refracted. The greater the angle of incidence, the greater
the refraction. The medium in which the light beam forms a smaller
angle with the primary axis is the optically denser medium. In the
Figure 7:
Background knowledge on optical signal transmission in a MOST system
Eugen Mayer
(Graduate engineer; technical teaching
certificate); after vocational training as a
communication electronics technician, he
studied electrical engineering and technical
education at the Technical College of Ravensburg/Weingarten and the University of
Stuttgart. Since 1999 he has been employed
at Vector Informatik where he works as a
Senior Trainer.
13:08 Uhr
Seite 1
1 Introduction
Over the past ten years, the status of automotive electronics has
changed fundamentally. At the beginning, just a few ECUs were
used in the automobile but now more than 60 ECUs are being
installed in some luxury class cars. Additional electronic systems
offer improvements in the areas of safety, convenience and energysaving operation. Today, more innovations are based on electronics, and increasingly, a large share of this functionality is based upon software.
Growing complexity has made extensive and ef fective tests more
impor tant than ever before. The widespread use of numerous electronic components has caused the number of potential error sources to rise dispropor tionately. Tests are indispensable in all phases
of ECU development to detect and correct errors early, keeping
costs as low as possible. Some weaknesses of a total system do not
manifest themselves until components are integrated under actual
and real-time conditions. This has turned testing into a crossdepartmental and cross-manufacturer discipline.
The enormous electronic problems that occurred in initial years
have shown what happens when these facts are not considered and
systematic tests are neglected. The later that problems are identified in the development process, the more serious impact there is
to the increase in cost. This becomes clear in an extreme way when
correction of errors leads to costly recall actions after product has
been shipped. Par ticipants in the automotive industry have learned
their lessons and now attach great impor tance to the topic, but it is
possible to fur ther increase ef ficiency by consistent application of
available resources.
13:08 Uhr
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Figure 1:
CANoe includes analysis, simulation
and test capabilities for networked
Figure 2:
Dual-computer operation of CANoe Realtime of fers
improved real-time capabilities.
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Seite 3/2
Besides linking the dif ferent test phases, development and test activities must also be interrelated and adapted to one another. Testing must be understood as an integral component of development
that requires comprehensive support using proper methods and
tools. This must be guaranteed in addition to the procedural and
organizational integration. What is impor tant here is to make tests
available in conjunction with development, not just in the required
formal ver ification phases. Ideally, it is possible to per form tests
directly at the ECU developers workstation with the resources existing there.
For this purpose, CANoe of fers a run-time environment for test
execution that can be used in parallel to the remaining bus simulation and analysis functions. The process is very easy to set up, especially if developers are already using CANoe for remaining bus simulation and analysis of bus communication.
CANoes test component enables manual, semiautomatic, and fully
automatic execution of tests. The developer can begin with simple
tests and later expand and complete them. In general, the process
of creating complex tests is a task of validation departments that
build their tests upon the developers tests.
An impor tant foundation for such tests is the remaining bus simulation, which ideally is not set up manually, but rather is automatically generated and parameter ized from the databases of the system
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Figure 4: Test cases and test results are clear ly referenced by IDs.
First, they are faced with the problem of understanding errors detected in the test and tracing their causes. In par ticular, when errors are reported by test laboratories, the developer usually does
not even have access to the systems used in testing.
Therefore, at the test bench it is mandatory to precisely record the
test procedure and log every interaction with the DUT, especially
bus communication. Dur ing the role of analysis, CANoe enables
replay and analysis of any desired recordings (log records). It is
thus possible and beneficial to have the same type of test system at
the development workstation as that of the test bench, so that the
developer can reproduce error producing test cases independently.
In many cases it is possible to execute the relevant test cases even
if many simplifications are necessary, e.g. to avoid addressing nonexistent measurement hardware.
13:08 Uhr
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Figure 5:
Signals of fer an abstraction level between messages
and I/O connections on the one hand, and between test
def initions and simulation models on the other hand.
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integrated in the patterns that are supplied (Figure 6). Test case
generation is reduced to defining the target behavior, including
any supplemental data needed, such as the settling times to be toleranced.
To the extent that it is sensible, the supplied test patterns themselves are placed on the signal abstraction described above and enable symbolic access to signals, messages, etc., via the associated
databases. The use of diagnostic services or I/O signals is also possible. In short: The entire testing infrastructure of CANoe can be
used with test patterns. If there are requirements that extend
beyond these capabilities, the option of programming the test
cases still exists.
Automatic generation of test cases is another method for creating
tests ef ficiently, if suitable sources of information are available.
The contents of generated tests are by necessity limited to the description levels and depths of the sources. Never theless, generation of fers valuable support, primarily when it comes to cover ing
the formally defined basic proper ties of an ECU by tests. The relatively low ef fort required to generate test results in quicker availability thereby making it possible for earlier detection of undesirable
The tool chain from Vector utilizes such test generator approaches.
Description files such as the DBC database or CANdela def initions
are used as the source for the generator (Figure 7). The generator
uses them to generate test cases, which CANoe then executes. Since test scripts may make use of the entire tool infrastructure, the
test generators are of ten designed to be quite simple. For example,
Figure 6:
The use of patterns abstracts the actual execution of the test case and thereby simplifies test development.
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Figure 7:
Test cases can be created from very dif ferent sources
using generators.
with just a little ef fort a generator can create suitable test cases
from a customer-specif ic gateway description (e.g. in the form of a
database or Excel spreadsheet). Thanks to the test patterns described above, this just requires a simple transformation of the customer-specif ic data into the format of the test patterns. Users can
create such a generator in a straightfor ward manner. Vector of fers
fur ther support in the form of project-related services.
7 Summary
The only way for automotive OEMs and suppliers to deal with the
growing requirements for ECU tests is by ef ficient test creation and
automatic test execution. The testing tool presented of fers a proven solution for implementing testing tasks with signal abstraction,
integration of diagnostic, calibration and I/O inter faces, the concept of test patterns, and test case generators. CANoe is a highper formance runtime environment for testing ECUs and networks.
The tool enables early creation and execution of tests with little ef fort, right at the developers workstation. The open inter faces of
CANoe facilitate seamless integration in a comprehensive testing
strategy and tool-supported test management. Although some users might still imagine it to be a futur istic vision, with suitable integration of CANoe it is already possible to determine matur ity levels
today. Vector is continuously developing CANoe for use in these
areas, thereby supporting users with a modern and ef ficient test
13:08 Uhr
Seite 3/7
ECU Testing
Distr. Systems
ystem re
r VT S
r test
s te
m/vtThe m
13:13 Uhr
Seite 1
Valeo Wiper System develops wiper modules using electric controlled reversing DC motors to realize complex wiper movements
based on the OEM customer specifications. The wiper system has to
react flexibly and intelligently to environmental conditions. This
can be realized with the use of a bus communication system. Additional features of reversing wiper motors are:
> Software-based wiper field control
> Alternating park position to prevent permanent set of the rubber
> Software control of wiper movement and other operating states
> Service position for the exchange of wiper blades
> Load-dependent speed control
> Overload protection
Figure 1:
Wiper test bench at Valeo
13:13 Uhr
Seite 3/9
the team has the necessary experience and know-how to create customer-specif ic test systems with CANoe. The Valeo test engineers
and the Vector team worked jointly to determine requirements for
the configuration inter face of the test process control. Both project
partners created the requirements for recording and evaluating
measurement data collectively. The development was initially based
on a simulated test environment prior to testing and adjusting the
CANoe test system on the actual Valeo test bench (Figure 1).
Figure 2:
Integration of CANoe in the wiper test bench
Figure 3:
Data evaluation in the CANoe node layer DLL
Dur ing these tests, the monitored physical parameters such as current, rotation angle, the position of the motor output shaft, and
motor temperature are allowed to vary within specif ic limits only.
The limits are specified as envelope curves (Figure 4). In order to
achieve the required accuracy for example of the RMS value of the
current, the data is recorded with a sampling rate of up to 20 kHz.
Post processing of the raw data reduces the data to one single value
within 2 ms.
A part of the evaluation is the permanent compar ison between the
measured signals and the specified envelope curve. The data is
temporarily stored in a ring buffer. In case of deviations, CANoe
stores pre and post event data values (logging). The data volume is
adjustable (Figure 5). The Vector software application is able to
record real time bus communication between the motor control and
the wiper motor in parallel to the measured signals. If communication errors occur, the CANoe logging function records the measured
physical parameters as well as the corresponding bus communication, including the pre and post event data.
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Figure 4:
Configuration of limit values
Figure 5:
Configuration of pre and post trigger times. In case of
an er ror, all events which occur in this time window are
13:13 Uhr
Seite 3/11
The application developers of Vector have prepared similar test procedures for the parameters current and temperature. The Valeo test
engineer can pre-select how of ten the limit may be exceed before
the software will terminate the test. In general, each tested wiper
motor can be started individually, i.e. it is possible to interrupt and
continue a test individually. Parameters such as loading torque,
voltage, or current can be adjusted separately.
Error logging stores the data in small blocks, which allows the test
engineers to per form analyses dur ing the test. The test bench software includes status logging which stores the current signals in freely adjustable inter vals.
Figure 6:
Configuration of test procedures
Valeo and Vector clearly exceeded the objectives set for this project
by reacting flexibly to unforeseeable challenges along the development and implementation process. Fur thermore they are planning
an extension of the application as more capabilities of the CANoe
tool become apparent dur ing the application development. Dur ing
the execution of the project the specification had to be redefined in
order to realize additional test features. Usage of elegant software
solutions allows optimizing the application. With the new wiper
motor test bench, Valeo will use the multifunctional CANoe tool as a
continuous system platform from the start of the product development to the validation, thus guarantying its customers the delivery
of reliable products.
13:13 Uhr
Seite 3/12
Figure 7:
Cur rent status of the five test specimens
13:13 Uhr
Seite 3/13
Case Study
Automating ECU Test Execution,
Pass/Fail Detection, and
Report Generation
The Customer
The Advantages
The Challenge
Reducing ECU testing man-hours while simultaneously improving quality of overall testing
With growing computerization in automobiles, instrument
panels are moving toward multifunctionality. That is why
manual ECU test execution, pass/fail detection, and creating
reports took a huge amount of time. This has resulted in increased ECU testing man-hours, and their reduction has become a major issue.
The Solution
Automation of ECU Testing using the CANoe Test Feature Set
CANoe, provided by Vector, is used by a large number of customers who develop in-vehicle ECUs. The CANoe Test Feature
Set is designed to automate ECU stimulation, pass/failure
detection and test report generation. To solve the issue of
increased man-hours, the following proposal was made to
Nippon Seiki:
Test samples: Delivery of a total of five test samples, including a CAN Message Synchronization Test, Diagnostic Test,
and Gateway Test.
Training of employees involved in testing.
Technical support: In the context of technical support for
customers with maintenance contracts.
The CANoe Test Feature Set can also support fault diagnostics
and serve as a diagnostic tester.
Table: Comparison, in relation to test case and manhours, between conventional test method and the use of the CANoe Test Feature Set
Besides testing actual functionality, a modern test system for ECUs must also permit testing of the most important fault
cases. This applies to the ECUs communication interfaces as well as to its I/O interfaces. Suitable test systems can be
implemented early in the development process using special test strategies tailored to the needs of the automotive industry. The new compact test hardware VT System from Vector meets the various challenges that face such a test system.
Electronics and software have become indispensable components
in the automobile. Therefore, verification of development results
not only covers the mechanical systems, but to a large extent the
electronic ECUs and their software as well. The complexity of heavily networked systems places high requirements on the test process
and the test tools used. Systematic and comprehensive tests are
necessary in all development phases. Various test methods are
applied in development (Figure 1). Before the classic test runs of
integration tests in the lab or through comprehensive driving trials, the ECUs are first individually tested thoroughly in functional
In testing ECUs, it is not just the so-called good cases that are
of interest, i.e. processes that represent normal operation. Also
important is broad coverage of potential fault cases. In testing
normal operating functions it is usually sufficient to connect the
ECUs to their original components, operate them and observe their
Figure 1:
Different test methods are used in the various
development phases.
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 2
system may make fault memory entries, deactivate certain functions in the ECU or generate error messages. So the sensors and
actuators are even needed for tests in which the functionality of a
sensor or actuator is not really of importance.
A commonly used solution is to connect original sensors and
actuators directly to the ECU. Many developer test benches are
equipped with simple connection boxes for this purpose, which
take the necessary components and have suitable cable connections. Similarly, original sensors and actuators are also provided to
the ECUs under test on large test benches. However, automating
the test processes is often problematic, since original components
must be operated, e.g. by actuating robotics.
An alternative to connecting original sensors and actuators is to
use substitute components. For example, a suitable resistor may
serve as a practical substitute for a lamp. Since the ECUs are only
equipped with simple measurement circuits to monitor their connected components, generally a simple sensor or actuator simulation is sufficient. Compared to the use of original components, this
enables compact and simple test systems. Similarly, it is relative
easy to automate user inputs with suitable test setups, e.g. by
using relays or switches.
In so-called Hardware-in-the-Loop systems (HIL) the overall
environment is modeled including physical and dynamic processes in the connected components. In this case, however, simulation
and test execution would require elaborate and cost-intensive test
systems, and they would not always be available where they are
needed. This also applies to the necessary knowledge of operators.
under Test
Automated Testsystem
Figure 2:
Fault simulators are inserted
between the sensors/actuators and
the ECU.
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 3
Figure 3:
The VT System consists of standard 19-inch housings
with their own backplane into which the modules are
inserted. This lets users implement individual and
flexible test solutions depending on requirements.
VT System
Power Supply
FlexRay, ...
Figure 4:
The VT System is placed in the I/O
lines between the ECU and actuators or sensors.
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 4
lines and if necessary original sensors and actuators are connected to the modular system (Figure 4). The PC is connected to
CANoe via a fast Ethernet-based real-time network. This makes it
possible to assemble flexible test systems without great integration or wiring effort. The VT System is well-suited to both small test
setups at a developers desk as well as comprehensive test benches
in the test laboratory.
The VT System simplifies the process of setting up test benches
immensely, since it integrates all components needed for an I/O
channels switching circuit in one module (Figure 5). Examples of
such I/O channels might include an ECUs output for driving a
headlight or an input to be connected to a temperature sensor.
Since two-wire connections are made for all channels, the system
supports all input and output types relevant to practice, e.g. driving motors via an H-bridge in the ECU.
The measurement and stimulation devices contained in the modules are like all components designed for voltage ranges up to
32 Volt that are typically used in the automotive industry. They
require units for signal conditioning, which are already integrated
in the module. The modules can also handle the high currents that
may occur when lamps and motors are driven. Relays on the modules serve to connect the ECU lines to the attached original sensors
and actuators.
It is relatively easy to set incorrect sensor data with original sensors, since here the sensors just need to be operated to be implausible. However, the number of conceivable value combinations is
large. For systematic testing, a high level of automation is therefore desirable; to make it possible to reproduce as many fault patterns as possible within a short period of time. Therefore, one
approach is to replace the original sensors by electronic simulations. They are present on the VT modules for each channel and can
be controlled in any desired way by CANoe as a test system.
The sensors are simulated by a resistor decade or a voltage output with relevant signal conditioning. There are stimulation units
for each of the VT Systems I/O channels, so that all ECU inputs can
Figure 5:
All components
needed to test an
ECUs I/O channel
are contained in
the VT modules.
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 5
(Figure 6). This means that the input and output signals, as well as
most control signals, can be addressed as easily as the bus signals
of the communication interfaces. The VT System is thereby seamlessly integrated in the CANoe test environment.
Figure 6:
The VT Systems
measurement and
output signals are
directly accessible
in CANoe on the
right side of the
Test Automation
Editor here.
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 6
17 Press Book_Seite_2-14_2-19.indd 7
It is generally impossible to fully test electronic ECUs with a large number of input values because of the enormous amount
of time required. Despite these constraints, Daimler has achieved a high level of test coverage and good depth in its software testing of electrical power steering units by using the methods of limit value and effects analysis to reduce the number of test cases. Its practical implementation involves simulating driving maneuvers from the real world that are used as a
reference. This article describes how to reduce the set of all theoretically possible test cases and to implement tests with a
development and testing tool.
Now more extensive, time-consuming and therefore more costintensive tests and simulations are necessary, especially when software is used for safety-critical functions in the automobile. Their
goal is to find software errors that may pose a risk to the safety of
passengers and other vehicles in traffic. This applies to steering
systems, especially those assigned to the highest risk class ASIL D
(Automotive Safety Integrity Level). Starting in 2009, legislative
bodies not only in the EU but also to the U.S. and Asia will be
requiring risk assessments and actions in accordance with the IEC
61508 safety standard and its specific modification ISO CD 26262
for the automotive industry. The maturity levels reached must be
documented by appropriate safety verifications.
The advantages of electrical power steering (EPS) compared to
conventional hydraulic power steering systems powered by the
vehicles engine are related to its ability to provide power assist
Figure 1:
Testing the Electrical Power Steering (EPS) system for
power assist when needed is extremely complex due to
the large number of input parameters.
18 Press Book_Seite_2-20_2-23.indd 2
Figure 2:
Reducing the
number of test
cases by knowledge integration
18 Press Book_Seite_2-20_2-23.indd 3
(Figure 3). This real world data can then be replayed 1:1 on a
test bench to recreate the EPS as a virtual environment.
However, it does not make sense to just test the original driving
maneuver; instead the EPS is tested in modified scenarios of the
tests cited above as well as in limit conditions, e.g. at higher vehicle speeds, different engine speeds, friction values or modified
manual steering torques. To do this, it is necessary to set and
adjust certain parameters during the simulations. In the test
Figure 3:
Test setup for logging real bus communication, driving
the HIL and evaluating measured values.
The interface hardware between the laptop and HIL system is the
PCMCIA card CANcardXL, whose interface physics can be optimally
configured to application requirements via two interchangeable
connection cables. A so-called CANcab is used, first, to have the
system send the (calibrated) remaining-bus simulation, and, second, it receives the CAN communication generated by the EPS in the
HIL environment. CANoe logs and saves all communication for later
evaluation. An IOcab is responsible for outputting the analog signal
voltages for simulated manual steering torque, target engine speed
and engine brake enable. The engine brake in the HIL simulates the
effective resisting moment due to friction and rolling resistance.
The HIL measurement data (Figure 5) can be conveniently analyzed offline with Matlab/Simulink. To do this, CANoe exports the
target and actual values in .mat format. So far, no online evaluation has been necessary, but it would be possible by integrating the
Matlab/Simulink models directly in CANoe. The EPS is considered
functionally capable if deviations of the actual EPS torques from
the corresponding target EPS torques do not exceed a defined limit
(Figure 6). Only then does it make sense to conduct further tests
Figure 4:
Various internal
processing blocks
are used to log
and replay the
data in CANoe.
18 Press Book_Seite_2-20_2-23.indd 4
in the real vehicle, since unanticipated risks for driver and vehicle
have now been reduced to a minimum.
and those that are smaller, with each performing a test in that
range. The equivalence class method is prescribed by IEC
61508/ISO 26262.
Limit Analysis
The testing approach for evaluating software levels and revisions
described here met Daimlers expectations for the project. Suitable
test methods combined with intelligent knowledge integration reduce
the theoretically possible number of test cases to just a few conceivable combinations of input signals. Daimler engineers were able to
obtain conclusive test results on the behavior of the EPS as a black
box with relatively little time and effort. Instead of computing driving
situations and effects analysis with a complex, exact vehicle model in
cost-intensive HIL systems, logged real-world data is used, which can
be modified in semi-simulated driving maneuvers. The simulation and
test system CANoe provides valuable services here; it runs on a laptop, so it is ideal for logging standard driving maneuvers in the real
vehicle and conducting tests. During these semi-simulated driving
maneuvers, the Vector system is responsible for key system functions
ranging from replaying, filtering and modifying the real world data in
real time to controlling the test flow with the CAPL script language.
Not only do its lower costs argue for using CANoe so does the positive experience the department has had with the system. The test
platform, together with the HIL computer, is so compact that Daimler
can take the entire system on real test drives at any time.
Figure 5:
Real measured target values are compared to HIL
output values in Matlab.
Pairwise Method
This is the accepted and widely used practice for testing all
combinations of two signals. However, since blind application
of this method almost always leads to unlikely test combinations, it makes sense to select combinations with knowledge
integration, to focus on typical input combinations of the
application in question.
18 Press Book_Seite_2-20_2-23.indd 5
Figure 1:
Comparison of
approaches to
developing ECU
19 Press Book_Seite_2-24_2-27.indd 2
Figure 2:
Setup of a Modelin-the-Loop test
environment for
regression tests
in MATLAB/Simulink. A script
generates test
reports and automatically adapts
their output
19 Press Book_Seite_2-24_2-27.indd 3
Figure 3:
Procedure for re-using test cases in
a Hardware-in-the-Loop test
environment. A precondition is
transformation of the test cases.
19 Press Book_Seite_2-24_2-27.indd 4
one another via their specified interfaces [1]. Also, the interplay of
the complete software system with the ECU hardware is tested in
the HiL test environment. This verifies the entire implementation
in the ECU.
Literature references:
[1] Liggesmeyer, P.: Software-Qualitt, 2002
[2] Laboratory for Safe and Secure Systems LaS3, VitaS3 research project,
19 Press Book_Seite_2-24_2-27.indd 5
In the automobile, airbags are among the safety-critical systems whose reliability can be a matter of life or death. The airbag control unit is responsible for proper operation of the entire occupant restraint system, consisting of all sorts of airbags, belt tensioners, sensors and switches. Even during product development, numerous validation tests are indispensable at all development stages. A new test system at the Robert Bosch company increases efficiency in early test phases in
development; it shortens test times while simultaneously increasing testing depth. It also reduces the number of test
iterations for system tests on existing HIL test benches.
The functional integrity of the safety system depends on the airbag
control unit. Airbag systems must operate absolutely error-free,
and so they are subject to the most stringent safety requirement
level: ASIL Level D. It requires continual monitoring of all of the
system components involved such as squibs, sensors, switches and
the airbag control unit itself. Fault conditions are stored in fault
memory and can be read out in the service garage.
The test system presented here focuses less on crash-triggering
tests, and more on validation of software requirements derived
from customer and internal requirements. In addition, the test
hardware is used to simulate the vehicle environment of the target
systems. The hardware makes it possible to automatically simulate
nearly all external system states that are relevant to functional
software tests (Figure 2). One of the test systems capabilities is to
20 Press Book_Seite_2-28_2-31.indd 2
Figure 1:
Use of the new test system in the V-Model
Figure 2:
Layout of the test
20 Press Book_Seite_2-28_2-31.indd 3
At the Bosch company, the test system was systematically further developed and a test control was implemented for individual,
manually executed tests, for example. The system offers a graphic
CANoe operating panel for this purpose, and this renders the previous manually operated test hardware unnecessary.
The results
The new test system subcontracted by Bosch and implemented by
Vector and TBM includes project-dependent squibs, seatbelt buckles and configurable warning lamps. It is universally applicable for
the airbag ECUs of most OEMs, vehicle lines and equipment variants, and it is well suited for automated software requirement tests
as well as error replication and analysis. In addition, it is already
being used for certain software integration tests and module tests.
The system lets users automatically test ECU functions, log the
observed behavior and recognize deviations from expected behavior. In total, 42 systems are now in use in Germany, India, the USA
and Japan. The cost advantage compared to large HIL test benches
enables its use in low-cost countries.
The primary software and hardware developments were completed within the very short time of just half a year. For the time from
startup to in-house maintenance of the new system by Bosch,
Vector was the central contact partner for application support and
modifications to the overall test system.
Figure 3:
Components of the CANoe
20 Press Book_Seite_2-28_2-31.indd 4
20 Press Book_Seite_2-28_2-31.indd 5
13:05 Uhr
Seite 1
This trend has not been without consequences for diagnostics either. Twenty years ago the diagnostic capability of a function was
not even considered until shortly before production star tup. Today
basic diagnostic functions usually exist as early as in the B-Sample.
Handling of diagnostics has improved signif icantly. In the times of
flash codes the process required that users tediously count the
number of flashes and convert them to error codes based on printed-out tables. Today testers output instructions in clear text.
In the past it was possible to do without tool support entirely. Today power ful diagnostic tools are an everyday reality. It is possible
to create the diagnostic specification, generate ECU-specif ic code
and parameter ize the diagnostic tester utilizing the single source
principle. A precondition is that specification of diagnostics must
be shifted to the beginning of the development process (Frontloading); see Figure 2. The ODX format also enables cross-OEM exchange
of diagnostic data.
Figure 1:
Development of electronic networking based on the example of
the E-Class model series W210
(1995) and W211 (2002).
13:05 Uhr
Seite 2
the inter face between the runtime system and the test application
per ISO 22900-3 (ASAM MCD-3D, D-Server API). Each of the programming inter faces mentioned are available to the user as software librar ies. Also wor thy of mention are the diagnostic-relevant
standards per SAE J2534 and in the context of AUTOSAR standardization AUTOSAR WP4. (DCM, DEM). Fur thermore, the UDS diagnostic protocol per ISO 14229-1 (Unified Diagnostic Services on
CAN) will gradually replace older protocols such as the K-Line per
ISO 9141-2 and KWP2000 as well as KWP2000 on CAN; see Figure 3.
Figure 2:
Diagnostic tool chain based on
single-source principle utilizing
standardized exchange for mats.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 3
the standardization committee. For suppliers, for example, it is crucial that they be capable of handling projects for dif ferent automotive OEMs with one and the same diagnostic tool. And to accomplish
a gentle migration from the existing solution to the standardized
diagnostic system, special temporary measures are of ten necessary
dur ing a transition time. In the introductory phase for new standards it is impor tant to support multiple parallel versions in a consistent way.
Even if standardization and innovation seem to be two irreconcilable goals at first glance, automotive electronics is character ized by
continual development. Progress is one of the most impor tant key
per formance indicators for automotive OEMs and suppliers. Therefore expandability of currently used tool chains is always in demand, so that innovations and functionalities of future standards
can be utilized or tested in advance.
Enough ideas and tasks still remain to ensure that in the future automotive electronics, networking and diagnostics will continue to
improve on the achievements of the last 20 years and adapt them to
new requirements. It must be assumed that the pace of innovation
will accelerate even more, and even closer collaboration will be
necessary between automotive OEMs, suppliers and tool producers.
This also per tains to a common approach in dealings with legislative bodies.
Figure 3:
The most impor tant applied networking and diagnostic technologies over the past 15 years.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 4
integrated. DIOGENES, the DaimlerChrysler-specif ic description data format, is also automatically generated and is then processed by
the uniform diagnostic runtime system. The requirements and experiences of other cooperation partners such as OPEL/GM and agricultural machine producer CLAAS have had signif icant influences
on the CANdela approach too. In the meantime Vector has also been
working together with companies such as Fiat, Ford and numerous
automotive suppliers worldwide.
Figure 4:
Complex bus networking in the LEXION
combine har vester.
tic information between individual tools, as well as between automotive OEMs and suppliers. It is being developed within the ASAM
standardization body (Association for Standardization of Automation and Measur ing Systems) and is expected to be released as ISO
standard 22901-1 in 2007. DaimlerChrysler plans to replace its own
DIOGENES format by ODX on future projects.
The CANdela approach handles import and export of ODX data and
enables a smooth transition from proprietary formats to the standardized exchange format for suppliers. Moreover, the Vector Tools
CANoe, CANape, CANdito and CANdelaStudio support the new UDS
diagnostic protocol (ISO 14229), which DaimlerChrysler is introducing in all of its corporate divisions on each successive model change
beginning with the current C-Class where it will replace the previous
KWP2000 protocol. DaimlerChrysler is relying on the standard ODX-F
format for describing the flash data too. This is done with the flash
data management tool CANdelaFlash from the CANdela product line.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 5
In its diagnostic development process CLAAS runs through the VModel with the CANdela tool chain. CANdelaStudio is used to create
the specification of diagnostic functionality consistently. The captured data are used directly to generate the ECU-specif ic diagnostic
software component with CANdesc. To parameter ize the tester
CLAAS utilizes ODX data exported by CANdelaStudio, Figure 5.
For a half year now CLAAS has also been using CANoe Option DiVa
(Diagnostic Integration and Validation Assistant). DiVa makes it
possible to automatically generate and execute reproducible test
cases for implementation and integration of the diagnostic protocol. Serving as requirements are internal CLAAS test specifications
and the diagnostic database. Suitably configured, DiVa permits test
scenar ios of var ying depth and intensity, e.g. comprehensive tests
or just tests of specif ic services. The program outputs detailed
HTML test reports for error analysis purposes. In the future, automated testing with CANoe Option DiVa will be used for all CLAAS
Figure 5:
Diagnostic development at CLAAS by the
V-Model using the CANdela tool chain.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 6
ternal suppliers were involved, there was as yet no practical experience with the new ODX standard, and a tight schedule had to be
maintained. In the Phoenix project the per formance of the ODX
standard was put to the test in a challenging large project and it
passed successfully.
Figure 6:
Cross-OEM exchange of diagnostic data
between DaimlerChrysler and VW based
on ODX.
for this are diagnostic design concepts with universal and automatic tool chains that can generate diagnostic data for all components,
from the modeling tool to the author ing system. Vector will help to
drive sustained development of these innovative concepts.
[1] Khner, T.: 20 years of vehicle networking and diagnostics What do we
anticipate in the future?, Vector Congress 2006
[2] Schlingmann, N.: Specification Coding Test: Development of diagnostic software, Vector Congress 2006
[3] Johanson, D.: Introducing ODX diagnostics in a OEM joint venture project, Vector Congress 2006
[4] Rtz, C.: What is the market demand for diagnostic solutions?, Vector
Congress 2006
[5] Stimmler, S. and Rtz, C.: On a solid basis Ef ficient development of diagnostic functions in the automobile, Automotive Electronics 2/2005
Helmut Frank
(Graduate Engineer)is a Business Development Manager at Vector Informatik responsible for the Diagnostics product line.
Uwe Schmidts
(Graduate Engineer) is a Marketing Coordinator at Vector Informatik whose responsibilities include the Diagnostics product line.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 7
13:05 Uhr
Seite 8
Increase your Development
Distr. Systems
For the first time, a fully automated test case generator has been introduced in diagnostics validation at General Motors
Europe (GME) Development. This article describes the introduction of this automated testing of diagnostic implementations based on the example of the new Opel Insignia. An electronically readable diagnostic specification forms the basis for
test generation. The article describes how the tool used CANoe.DiVa (Diagnostic Integration and Validation Assistant)
from Vector Informatik was integrated in the existing tool environment, and it addresses cost and time savings as well as
improvements to technical processes that were realized compared to conventional, manual validation at the Opel Corsa.
One consequence of strong competition in the global automotive
market is that it is forcing a shortening of development cycles.
Another is that the complexity of the electronic networking architecture is continually increasing. Key goals in replacing conventional systems by electronically controlled systems relate to cost
reductions, a high level of safety and reliability as well as better
manageability. Despite all of the benefits, it must not be forgotten
that increased numbers of electronic components in vehicles can
increase the probability of electronics-related faults. Since reliability is an important criterion for customers when purchasing a new
vehicle, it is essential to introduce new methods that enable
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 2
bus systems [2, 3]. All bus systems are accessed via a central diagnostic port (DLC), see Figure 1. Communication is defined by a GMspecific protocol. This GM diagnostic specification is based on
KWP2000 [4] and the CAN 2.0A standard. It contains all diagnostic
services allowed for addressing an ECUs diagnostic system to
obtain diagnostic information. These services are then output by
the diagnostic tester to establish diagnostic communication. As
soon as a request is sent, the addressed ECU(s) react with either a
positive or negative response:
> Positive responses contain the diagnostic information requested
by the diagnostic device. If there is a lot of diagnostic information, the response may include multiple message frames.
> Negative responses contain a clearly defined Negative Response
Code, which gives information indicating the reason for the negative response. Negative Response Codes are given in accordance
with the GM Diagnostic Specification.
The received responses must enable technicians to determine the
cause for a fault, so that they can perform the right tasks to solve
the problem.
Therefore, the success of a fault correction in the service garage
depends considerably on the accuracy and precision of the data
output by the diagnostic system. Proper implementation of diagnostic services is essential in performing quick and professional
service or maintenance to the satisfaction of customers. Diagnostics also plays an important role in end-of-line testing: it is used to
program ECUs and assure product quality. That is why comprehensive validation of diagnostic functionality is absolutely necessary.
Figure 1:
E/E architecture
and diagnostic
communication on
the Opel Insignia
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 3
Figure 2:
Comparison of diagnostic validation
and tool environment on the Opel
Corsa and Opel Insignia
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 4
Table 1:
Test execution
times for Opel
Insignia ECUs
Test coverage
Automating the tests extends test coverage and simultaneously
shortens the time needed for test execution. The extent to which
DiVa covers the test procedures described in the GM Diagnostic
Specification is described below. The quality and number of generated test cases depend in large part on the completeness of the
machine-readable diagnostic specification (CDD file). All generated
tests are derived from it.
A total of about 350 test sequences are defined in the GM Diagnostic Specification. The test sequences cover both good case and
bad case tests. A large share (approx. 80 %) of the test procedures
are covered by fully automated tests in DiVa. An application-specific
user input is required for 45 (15 %) of the test procedures defined in
the GM Diagnostic Specification. In such cases, DiVa pauses test
execution and asks the user to put the ECU in the required state.
The remaining 5 % of test procedures are not supported by DiVa and
must be tested either manually or by other means. This includes
tests that would put the rest of the test procedure at risk (e.g. generate EEPROM errors and detect them) or would cause long-term
changes to the ECU (e.g. an ECU without calibration data).
Testing depth is further enhanced by including execution of
additional non-GM-specific test cases.
Figure 3:
Scope of diagnostic functions in
various phases of
ECU development
at GME
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 5
Figure 4:
Setting test constraints in DiVa
(here: configuration of services)
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 6
Figure 5:
generated test
report in DiVa
Figure 6:
Test effort per ECU
on the Opel Corsa
with manual validation, compared
to automated validation of diagnostic services on the
Opel Insignia
(execution and
evaluation time)
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 7
Without the use of test automation tools, it is hardly possible to
achieve the desired coverage in validation of the diagnostic functionality of modern vehicles any longer. CANoe.DiVa from Vector
Informatik has been adapted to GM requirements to support all
established test processes, and it fits seamlessly in General Motors
Europes existing tool chain. It is used as an automated test tool
for validation of diagnostic services on the new Opel Insignia.
With DiVa, GME is not only shortening test duration, but is simultaneously increasing intensity of testing by its ability to perform
regression tests more frequently. Furthermore, the scope of test
coverage is extended by executing additional non-GM-specific test
cases. In direct comparison to manual validation on prior successful projects, both technical and economical efficiency have been
increased significantly. Depending on the development phase and
quality of implementation, efficiency increases by a factor of 4 to
20 are realistic. At the same time, it is possible to satisfy the high
expectations of customers in terms of quality.
Literature references:
[1] Thomas, D.; Ayers, K.; Pecht, M.: The trouble not identified phenomenon in automotive electronics. In: Microelectronics reliability, Vol. 42,
P. 641-651, 2002
[2] LIN Consortium: LIN Specification Package Revision 2.1, OV. 2006
[3] Robert Bosch GmbH: CAN-Spezifikation 2.0, 1991
[4] International Organization for Standardization: Keyword Protocol 2000,
ISO 14230, 1999
[5] Krauss, S.: Testing with CANoe, Application Note AN-IND-1-002. Vector
Informatik, 2005
[6] General Motors. GGSE ECU Diagnostic Infrastructure Requirements,
Version 1.07, 2007
Armin Timmerberg
studied Electrical Engineering at the University
of Applied Sciences at Wiesbaden. After his studies, he was first employed as a systems engineer
in the aftersales area at General Motors Europe.
His primary job was to implement ECU diagnostics in the GM Service Tester TECH2. Since 2004,
Mr. Timmerberg has been working as a development engineer in the Global Systems Engineering group at General Motors Europe, where he is
responsible for diagnostic validation.
Thomas Pfeffer
studied Electrical Engineering at the Darmstadt University of Technology. Mr. Pfeffer is
group manager for Diagnostics and Test
Automation in the Global Systems Engineering group at General Motors Europe, located
in Rsselsheim, Germany.
Simon Mller
studied Software Technology at the University of Stuttgart. As a product manager he is
responsible for CANoe.DiVa on the Vehicle
Diagnostics product line division at Vector
Informatik GmbH in Stuttgart.
Christoph Rtz
studied Computer Engineering at the University of Cooperative Education at Stuttgart. He
works at Vector Informatik GmbH in Stuttgart
as a global product line manager for the
Vehicle Diagnostics product line division.
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 8
Automate Your Test Sequences in
Diagnostic Integration
Distr. Systems
22 Press Book_Seite_3-08_3-15.indd 9
Implementing diagnostic functionality in automotive ECUs is usually an expensive, time-consuming and inefficient process. Computer-generated source code based on ECU-specific diagnostic data can dramatically decrease costs and development time and increase quality and efficiency. By considering the weaknesses in the typical ECU diagnostic development
process, a clear set of objectives emerges. Defining a source code generation system that addresses these weaknesses lays
the groundwork for implementing a successful solution.
23 Press Book_Seite_3-16_3-19.indd 2
Figure 1:
Conventional diagnostic development process with
breaks in the data flow. The late implementation
results in a short integration and test phase.
Figure 2:
The diagnostic development process with the Vector
CANdela approach. Diagnostic data is stored in one
database and then reused in all subsequent process
23 Press Book_Seite_3-16_3-19.indd 3
Figure 3:
Generation of an ECU diagnostic
software component
23 Press Book_Seite_3-16_3-19.indd 4
The Vector CANdela approach shows that the concept of computer generated diagnostic software components not only works in
real world applications, but also delivers on the promises made by
such an approach.
The experiences with CANdesc are impressive. From the start of the
component generation and integration, all diagnostic services are
working in a few hours. Most of the features work right on the first
try and many features are running by the end of the first day. This
rapid development allows for a complete diagnostic implementation before the first bench delivery. The total diagnostic development time is reduced by up to 80 %, which corresponds to a savings
in effort of about 4 man months (Figure 5).
Diagnostic implementation is a significant part of the ECU development process. There are opportunities for significant gains in both
efficiency and quality. The malfunction detection strategies and
operational diagnostics strongly depend on an individual ECU
these tasks continue to be part of the ECU application. But the
ECU-independent part is a perfect candidate to be implemented as
a diagnostic framework.
To optimize the implementation, this framework must consider
ECU-specific data. The framework source code is to be generated by
a computer based generation tool, processing a formal description
of all diagnostic requirements. Moreover, this formal description of
diagnostic data has significant potential to simplify the complete
diagnostic development process. Generated specifications, documentation and tester data replace their hand-made counterparts of
the conventional diagnostic development process.
Figure 4:
From diagnostic specification to C-Code
Christoph Rtz
Dipl-Ing. Christoph Rtz (BA) studied
Computer Engineering at the University of
Cooperative Education at Stuttgart. He is
the global product line manager for the
Vehicle Diagnostics at Vector Informatik in
Figure 5:
Effort savings with the CANdela approach
23 Press Book_Seite_3-16_3-19.indd 5
13:14 Uhr
Seite 1
Figure 1:
The core of the modern dual-clutch transmission: Dry
(left) or wet (right) dual clutches ensure gear shifts
without inter ruption of tractive force. Software development for these drive concepts by LuK required frequent flashing.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 2
Figure 2:
By using the right tool
and ODX, a smooth transition of flash processes
is possible from development to production.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 3
involves reading in the ECU description file. All communication parameters and all existing services and data are immediately available. In a separate work step, the embedded software can also be
generated from the description file. This ensures that the diagnostic description, the software in the ECU and parameter ization of
the diagnostic tester are always coordinated.
Current trends in reprogramming memory chips include: ODX-F, parallel flashing and flashing with increased bandwidth via FlexRay. In
light of these wide-ranging trends, questions related to protection
of investment and assurance of future coverage are thoroughly justified. Users of Vector products benefit here, not only because they
represent a scalable tool chain with multiple flash solutions, but also because they of fer timely program versions that meet current
standards. While ODX-F support and parallel flashing are already
available, FlexRay support is already coming with the next release.
Existing author ing tools for the development of diagnostic parameter ization or the ODX-F flash containers round out this area.
Werner Schmitt
Electrical technician, works on developing
electronic systems in the transmission automation area at LuK GmbH & Co. oHG. He is
responsible for diagnostics as well as startup and service of these systems.
Andreas Patzer
(Graduate engineer) works at Vector Informatik GmbH where he is Business Development Manager in the Measurement and Calibration product line.
Figure 3:
LuK develops flash jobs using the script editor integrated in CANdito. In the scripts, diagnostic functions
are executed, and the necessary infor mation and data
are read-in from an ODX flash container.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 4
13:14 Uhr
Seite 1
Memory fundamentals
Wherever information needs to be saved for a cer tain period of
time, one finds rewritable flash memory in use today, e.g. in USB
sticks, digital cameras and mobile telephones. Long-term storage
of the firmware of microcontroller-based ECUs in the automobile is
a frequent application area for flash memory. The market of fers
var ious flash architectures as NAND or NOR flash, which dif fer in
terms of control logic, access speed, current consumption and life.
Common to all types is that the memory needs to be erased before
rewriting. Although data can be read-out byte-by-byte, the erasing
process in contrast to conventional EEPROM memory can only be
per formed block-wise. In ECUs, NOR flash is used almost exclusively.
Technical flashing
Technical flashing essentially refers to a process for updating
program code and/or data in ECUs. This may be done, for example,
using a PC or laptop with special software the so-called flash tool
via the existing network infrastructure, e.g. the CAN serial bus
system (Figure 1). Requirements dif fer, sometimes signif icantly, for
flashing dur ing the development phase, end-of-line programming
or software updates at service centers. While software changes in
the development phase always involve providing new code or new
data to the same ECU, what matters in production-related flashing
is to use from a wide variety of released software levels those
that are correct for the specif ic vehicle and its features. In this
case, it is essential to consider the vehicle var iant, installed features, country code, serial number, safety aspects, etc.
At a minimum, the following components are needed for flashing:
> Flash data,
> Flash tool,
> Flash bootloader, which is integrated in the ECU and executes the
actual erase/write processes
> The necessary meta information.
Figure 1:
Memory structure in ECU with FlashBootLoader
from Vector.
The flash data contain the program code and specif ic parameter
sets intended for the ECU. The flash tool implements the flash routine on the PC side. If the tool only supports a special flash routine,
then dedicated flash tools may be needed for dif ferent flash jobs.
Data-driven, multipurpose flash tools are ef ficient and more modern. Flash job control enables their use for dif ferent ECUs and flash
routines, e.g. if the same ECU is to be used at dif ferent OEMs. A single dedicated tool is all that is needed to manage flash jobs and associated flash data in containers, and it always has the same user
inter face.
Responsible for the routine on the ECU side is the flash bootloader
(FBL) that is integrated in the ECU and is always active. The FBL is
par titioned into the permanent bootloader existing in the ECU and
the flash driver. For security reasons, the flash driver is only temporarily loaded in the ECUs RAM, since among other things it contains the service for initial erasure of the flash memory, acceptance
of data from the flash tool and execution of the subsequent reset.
The bootloader consists of the CAN driver, transport protocol and diagnostic layer and thereby ensures that the ECU always remains addressable, even if the flash process could not be completed properly.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 2
Process-oriented flashing
A special challenge in flashing is to always load the right application in an ECU. That is the only way to ensure complete and errorfree functionality in the vehicle. In production-related flashing,
meta-data are required for this, such as ECU and vehicle var iant,
software serial number, name of the flash job and much more. Data
container files, which are referred to here as flash containers, are
appropriate for consistent management of this information together with the flash data and flash jobs. ODX (Open Diagnostic
data eXchange) is available as a standardized format, wherein a
distinction is made between ODX-D for diagnostic-relevant information and ODX-F for flash-specif ic data.
Since meta information is generally unavailable in development,
flashing is of ten very dif ferent dur ing development and dur ing production. So ECU developers sometimes flash not via the diagnostic protocol, but via CCP (CAN Calibration Protocol) or XCP (Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol).
Figure 2:
Based on the ODX-F container, the flash routine is
executed fully automatically with CANape, CANdito
and CANditoFlash. The container contains all necessary
data and infor mation such as reference to the flash
file, flash job and meta infor mation.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 3
Figure 3:
Use of the ODX-Standards enables a
smooth transition in flash processes from development to production.
The use of standards such as ODX enables the use of tool chains that
ensure reliable and process-conformant flash processes in every development phase (Figure 3). Gener ic and data-driven tools benefit
the user by of fer ing enhanced flexibility with the goal of cover ing a
wide variety of requirements and job tasks related to flashing.
Flash routines cannot be implemented without suitable tool chains.
From Vector the ECU developer gets universal tool support in all
aspects of flashing: CANdelaStudio for specifying diagnostic
requirements and generating the CDD, ODX-D and ODX-C files,
CANdelaFlash for generating the ODX-F flash containers and the
flash bootloader for a wide range of controllers. As author ing and
development tools, CANape and CANdito are used to generate
script-based flash routines, and they also form the actual runtime
environment for the flash process. CANditoFlash serves as a pure
runtime environment for flash processes generated with CANape
and CANdito.
Andreas Patzer
(Graduate engineer) is employed at Vector
Informatik GmbH as Business Development
Manager for the Measurement and Calibration product line.
13:14 Uhr
Seite 4
ODX at the press of a button! Rely on
proved and tested ODX solutions
Distr. Systems
on OD
13:04 Uhr
Seite 1
13:04 Uhr
Seite 2
9. 2 0 0 6
13:17 Uhr
Seite 1
Use of XCP on FlexRay
at BMW
Th i s fa l l t h e fi rs t F l ex R ay p ro d u c t i o n
a p p l i c at i o n w i l l h i t t h e s t re e t s . Th e
M u n i c h - b a s e d a u t o m o t i ve m a n u fa c t u re r
B M W i s i n t ro d u c i n g t h e i n n ovat i ve b u s
s y s t e m fo r t h e fi rs t t i m e o n i t s n ew X 5
ve h i c l e . F ro m D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 4 t o Ja n u a AdaptiveDrive in the new X5 utilizes sensors and performs computations to acquire data on vehicle speed,
steering angle, longitudinal and lateral acceleration,
body and wheel accelerations as well as their heights.
The swivel motors of the stabilizer bars and electromagnetic valves of the shock absorbers are controlled
based on this information.This provides full-time control of body roll and damping based on the given driving situation.The new BMW X5 is the first vehicle in
the world to utilize FlexRay technology.
r y 2 0 0 6 t o o l p ro d u c e r Ve c t o r I n fo r m at i k
wo rke d t o g e t h e r w i t h B M W o n t h e
F l ex R ay s o l u t i o n . F l ex R ay ex p e r t s M a r t i n Pe t e rat z i n g e r a n d F l o r i a n S t e i n e r o f
B M W a n d R o e l S c h u e r m a n s o f d eve l o p m e n t p a r t n e r a n d s o f t wa re p rov i d e r
Ve c t o r d i s c u s s e d t h e i r ex p e r i e n c e s i n
H A N S E R a u t o m o t i ve .
13:17 Uhr
Seite 2
9. 2 0 0 6
basic definitions. Part 2 of the document describes the XCP command set as a bus-independent protocol layer. Whenever a new Transport
Layer is added, as is being done now with FlexRay, a Part 3 document is created.
What does all this discussion about dynamic
bandwidth control really mean?
Schuermans: A part of the XCP on FlexRay specification defines dynamic bandwidth control.
Since the XCP protocol is essentially a MasterSlave communication protocol, the XCP Master
can distribute XCP Slots to individual Slaves
depending on how much bandwidth the Slave
needs. Dynamic bandwidth management requires that the Master knows which slots are available for this purpose. That must be a part of the
FIBEX file.
the decision was made to eliminate CAN altogether beginning with the next hardware level. In the process this raised the question: How would we calibrate the application?
Initially calibration was still performed via CAN, but in the
end this fall-back level was dropped. Therefore we first
developed a CCP-CAN-FlexRay gateway that converts CCP
messages to FlexRay and in the reverse direction too. In
the ECUs we also restructured the CCP module for FlexRay. This made it easier to continue utilizing CANape with
CCP (CAN Calibration Protocol). But that too was just a transitional solution, since first it is necessary to create such
gateways, and then they need to be maintained for a number of years. Therefore it was important to find a product
that would not just work exclusively in one project, but
would be available to the entire market. In the ASAM working committee XCP on FlexRay was driven by Vector with
the support of BMW and attained specification status in
February 2006.
13:17 Uhr
Seite 3
9. 2 0 0 6
how much and how quickly shock absorber oil is pushed from
the upper oil chamber to the lower one. The central control
dynamic areas, BMW only utili es the dynamic area of the Flex-
tion, it will also be applied in precisely the same form in the next
13:17 Uhr
Seite 4
Universal tool support simplifies your calibration of ECUs. The
versatile CANape tool lets you cover all application cases effortlessly:
Distr. Systems
Vector supports you from functional development to production-ready ECU, in the laboratory, on the test bench and during driving trials.
Information and downloads:
XCP-on-FlexRay at Audi
AUTOSAR-compatible XCP software modules for FlexRay ECUs
To adjust parameter values in FlexRay ECUs, Audi calibrates them via XCP-on-FlexRay. One of Audis requirements was
AUTOSAR compatibility of the XCP embedded software modules in the ECUs. For this purpose Vector modified both the XCP
master and slave software so that Audis electronic developers could perform efficient measurements and calibrations.
This was possible thanks to dynamic allocation of the XCP bandwidth for FlexRay.
Starting in 2009, Audi will be implementing the FlexRay communication bus on its next generation of sporty luxury limousines. Since
FlexRay compared to CAN offers a significantly greater bandwidth of 10 MBit/s. Many electronic chassis and driver assistance
systems are connected to this deterministic and time-triggered bus
system. For Audi developers, this decision meant that several thousand parameters needed to be directly parameterized via an
AUTOSAR FlexRay stack. Compared to CAN, more than twice as many
measured values can be acquired simultaneously using XCP-onFlexRay. Furthermore, it is possible to transmit large quantities of
data with a higher throughput.
XCP on FlexRay
A laboratory model by itself is of limited use in determining the
parameters of a control algorithm. Although the algorithms of the
functions are permanently stored in the ECU-specific software
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 2
Figure 1:
As the XCP-on-FlexRay master,
CANape measures and calibrates
individual nodes directly via
transport layer software modules for the slaves using XCP-onFlexRay from a single supplier.
Figure 2:
Integration of
Vector XCP software modules in
an AUTOSAR 3.0
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 3
form of a PCI header (Protocol Control Information), thereby forming an L-PDU (Data Link Layer PDU), which in turn is routed to the
FlexRay driver. That is how each participating software module
completes data received with module-specific information, making
it possible to reconstruct the data at the receiver. At the end of the
chain, the FlexRay controller transmits the XCP data as a frame
within a FlexRay slot (time window). Per the XCP specification these
frames must exclusively contain XCP data. Therefore, in the crosssystem FIBEX network description file, some slots in the FlexRay
schedule are exclusively to be reserved for XCP-PDUs and cannot
not be combined with PDUs issued from the application.
For the control commands (CTOs), two individual XCP slots are
sufficient for all ECUs thanks to the slave-referenced node address
(node address for XCP: NAX). The exact number of DTOs needed for
the measured data or stimuli data depends on the specific measurement being executed and may vary widely over the course of a
calibration. So the need for XCP slots also varies for each ECU.
To ensure that Audi engineers can efficiently transmit XCP data
from multiple ECUs with a limited number of available XCP slots, it
is necessary to dynamically allocate the available bandwidth at
runtime to all participating ECUs. However, AUTOSAR does not allow
reconfiguration of the FlexRay driver at runtime. Therefore, in
the integration phase the FlexRay drivers are configured so that
all XCP slots are allocated to all of the ECUs. At the same time, the
XCP-PDU/L-PDU/XCP slot allocation is set in each slave (Figure 3).
Figure 3:
XCP data are transmitted via various
software modules.
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 4
payload, offers XCP frames that are many times longer than those
of CAN (8 bytes). The Short Download function simultaneously
encodes the address and contents in a single L-PDU, so that memory areas can be exchanged between the master and slave much
more quickly than with CAN.
Furthermore, XCP enables oversampling, which is independent
of the FlexRay cycle, in order to measure very dynamic signals
(Figure 5). CANape uses the so-called In cycle multiple DAQ list
transmission to acquire measured signals of a predefined DAQ list
and their time stamps multiple times per FlexRay base cycle (generally 5 ms long).
To significantly accelerate the start procedure before each measurement, the necessary initialization also had to be optimized
thanks to the extension of the previous single WRITE-DAQ command. The new command WRITE-DAQ-MULTIPLE from the not yet
released XCP Protocol Layer 1.1 has been already used to configure
multiple signals by a single command.
Figure 4:
Before each measurement, the XCP
objects are dynamically configured
in the dynamic segment.
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 5
Audi engineers rely on the MCD tool CANape to develop new models
in the context of test trials and calibration drives, in order to measure and calibrate internal ECU parameters with XCP-on-FlexRay.
Vector has extended its CANape and XCP software modules for this
purpose. Besides extending the XCP software modules for AUTOSAR
compatibility, a major task was to implement dynamic bandwidth
management for FlexRay. Choosing Vector as software supplier and
development partner was easy for Audi, since both the XCP software modules for the slaves and the XCP master, CANape, come
from a single source Vector and are perfectly tuned to one
another. All extensions can be obtained for the current version of
CANape and the XCP-on-FlexRay software modules.
Homepage Audi AG:
Homepage Vector:
Product Information CANape:
Product Information XCP on FlexRay:
Figure 5:
The slave uses
Incycle multiple
DAQ list transmission to measure
very dynamic
signals from a DAQ
list. The signal is
measured several
times per FlexRay
base cycle.
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 6
28 Press Book_Seite_4-04_4-09.indd 7
More and more electronic functions for safety and convenience are finding their way into the modern automobile. Since the
number of ECUs is being held in check, however, this means that the complexity of individual devices must grow to compensate. Making an important contribution toward rationalization of the development process for these distributed systems is
the XCP communication protocol, whose main tasks include measurement and calibration of ECU-internal variables at runtime. A tremendous advantage of this successor protocol to CCP is its independence of the physical transport layer.
Today, control modules with more than 10,000 parameters are no
longer uncommon. Since numerous dynamic processes need to be
controlled in a vehicle, the typical tasks of ECU calibration include
optimization of control algorithms.
In the case of a PID controller, there are almost limitless possible
variations in calibrating the proportional, integral and derivative
components. Therefore, it usually takes some effort until a sufficiently good compromise is found between stability, speed and
transient behavior. This can be accomplished by reading and modifying parameters during runtime (Figure 1).
To keep the time and cost requirements for ECU calibration low,
engineers and technicians depend on powerful tools and standards
that enable flexible read and write access to variables or memory
contents. For this purpose, the CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) was
created in the 1990s, a time in which CAN was the only dominant
networking system in the automobile. CCP was slated to become a
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 2
Single-Master/Multi-Slave concept
Figure 1:
Optimization of a PID controller
algorithm with the measurement,
calibration and diagnostic tool
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 3
megabyte-size data volumes with 32-bit processors over highspeed networks such as Ethernet. Since an XCP driver is made up of
mandatory and optional functions, driver size can be scaled to
match the available ROM/Flash size. In the ECU, resource usage is
characterized by whether the focus is on high data throughput or
on low processor load and RAM size. With regard to bus load, the
basic consideration is: Number of signal transmissions vs. bus
bandwidth. Overall, the XCP drivers are easy to implement and
require just a few parameters.
Figure 2:
Separation of transport and protocol
layers lets XCP utilize a large
number of hardware interfaces.
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 4
storage schemes for characteristic maps, and much more. Highperformance calibration tools such as CANape from the Vector display the characteristic curves and maps clearly on the screen in
graphic diagrams or as numeric values in tables.
Figure 3:
Communication between Master and
CTO = Command Transfer Object
DTO = Data Transfer Object
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 5
Vector provides a free driver for setting up a XCP Slave that can
be downloaded at its web site [3]. The MCD tool CANape, in use as
an ECU calibration tool since 1996, is continuously updated as an
XCP Master to the latest level of XCP standardization based on
Vectors active participation in ASAM working committees. CANape
is the first tool on the market to have an XCP-on-FlexRay interface.
In the development of the first production vehicle with FlexRay,
the BMW X5, this was a crucial factor in the decision by BMW engineers to rely on Vectors XCP stack and CANape for calibrating the
damper control system.
XCP is a standardized and universally applicable protocol with much
rationalization potential. It is not only used in ECU development,
calibration and programming; it is also used to integrate any
desired measurement equipment for prototype development, functional development with bypassing and at SIL and HIL test stands.
For quick access to internal data via microcontroller debugging
interfaces such as NEXUS, communication occurs over dedicated
hardware, trouble-free. This hardware converts communication
from NEXUS to XCP-on-Ethernet. The benefits to the user are independence from tool producers with proprietary solutions, and reusability of components.
Figure 4:
Bypassing: Use of a standard PC with
CANape as a test system.
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 6
Andreas Patzer
After a practical education to become an IT
technician, Andreas Patzer studied Electrical
Engineering at the Technical University of
Karlsruhe between 1986 and 1993. He specialized in measurement and control engineering as well as information and automation engineering. After receiving his degree,
Mr. Patzer worked in the communications
industry. In 2003 he joined Vector Informatik
GmbH in Stuttgart where he handles the
interface between customers, development
and sales as Business Development Manager
for the Measurement and Calibration product line.
29 Press Book_Seite_4-10_4-15.indd 7
In the development of complex ECU applications, there are greater and greater quantities of data to be processed, more
signals to be measured, and a growing number of parameters to be optimized. Previous methods for measuring, calibrating
and flashing are increasingly encountering limits with regard to the necessary data throughput. It was in this context that
Robert Bosch GmbH initiated a search for a more powerful and future-robust measurement concept for the next generation
of its ECUs, in particular for the development of a new long-range radar sensor.
The long-range radar sensor LRR3 (Long-Range Radar) from Bosch
operating at 77 GHz is the sensory input for many safety-related
and driver assistance systems. They include various versions of Predictive Safety Systems (PSS) and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
These smallest radar sensors in automotive industry, used in production vehicles since the beginning of 2009, are distinguished by
their long acquisition range of 250 m and their wide aperture angle
of up to 45. Together with a favorable price the application area is
broadened from luxury class to mid-class vehicles and commercial
vehicles. This development posed enormous challenges for Bosch
engineers when it came to performing measurement and calibration tasks. Along with options for measuring and logging data, it
was essential to have efficient methods for calibrating and flashing
as well as bypassing. All of these applications require extremely
high transmission rates with low latency times.
From a technical perspective, it made sense to implement a modular layout of the measurement system and to make use of a standardized PC interface. Development of a near-production ECU
enabled a simple transition from development to production later
on. To acquire the large number of measurement signals, up to
100,000, without errors, a data rate of at least 4 MB/s is necessary
while affecting the processor as little as possible.
30 Press Book_Seite_4-16_4-19.indd 2
Figure 1:
The VX1000 system is distinguished by very high measurement data rates and very low software modification
requirements and effects on ECU execution time.
ECU interface
ECU softwaremodification
ECU RAMreqmt.
data rate
ECU execution
time effects
Bypass latency
CCP/XCP driver
12 KB
50 KB/s
XCP on FlexRay
216 KB
50400 KB/s
416 KB
200400 KB/s
5,000 KB/s
Very low
30 Press Book_Seite_4-16_4-19.indd 3
fulfilled all expectations set in the Bosch project. Last but not
least, along with good cooperation between the two companies,
the CANape tool for measurement, calibration and diagnostics
made an important contribution to successful project completion.
CANape is primarily used to optimally parameterize ECUs. In the
development and optimization of driver assistance systems like
ACC, the CANape Option Advanced Multimedia offers specialized
capabilities. Among other things, it lets users display objects
detected by the system in a perspective view in time-synchronously
logged video images, which gives them a reliable means for verifying object detection algorithms.
Figure 2:
High flexibility in
measurement and
calibration tasks
is achieved by
modular layout
with base module,
ECU interface,
cables and POD.
30 Press Book_Seite_4-16_4-19.indd 4
Literature references:
[1] XCP protocol:
[2] Presentations by Riedl, A. and Kless, A. at the Vector Congress 2008.
Download at
30 Press Book_Seite_4-16_4-19.indd 5
The focus in ECU function development is always on finding the best possible control algorithms and parameter combinations. A new solution now offers users a single measurement and calibration tool with universal application from initial
model design to the production level ECU.
In the framework of model-based software development, application functions are checked in an iterative process. This involves
repeated runs of the model in Simulink from The Mathworks.
Depending on the results, the developer may add function blocks
by drag-and-drop operation from libraries. These blocks are
parameterized either directly in the function block with a numeric
value or by defining a parameter and its value on the MATLAB console. To modify an existing parameterization, the same steps are
executed again, either by looking for a block in the model and
changing its value, setting the parameter and its new value on the
MATLAB console, or modifying an M-script and running it. To visualize the signal responses that occur when the model runs in Simulink, the user instruments the model by attaching scope blocks to
each of the desired signals.
Use of the standardized XCP measurement and calibration protocol gives the developer a considerably more user-friendly way to
efficiently manage parameters and measure signals from the Simulink model without instrumentation.
31 Press Book_Seite_4-20_4-23.indd 2
Figure 1:
Model objects can be measured and
calibrated conveniently and with
high performance using an XCP
Server integrated in the Simulink
model and an automatically generated A2L file.
31 Press Book_Seite_4-20_4-23.indd 3
Simulink models may run either slower or faster than real time,
depending on their complexity and computer performance. This
makes time stamps from Simulink indispensable. With each simulation step in Simulink, the associated time stamp is sent via XCP.
Consequently, variations in the amount of the time needed for the
simulation steps are irrelevant. Each simulation step corresponds
to one time unit, regardless of how much real time is needed for it.
In the process, Simulink acts as a time master, and the measured
data sent out by the model can be visualized in CANape at simulation speed. Depending on the complexity of the model, sensor data
from a one or two hour real test drive may be computed in just a
few seconds or in minutes. If a user wishes to simulate especially
large and complex models, standardized communication with XCPon-Ethernet enables better computing performance, since two separate computers are used.
The simulation results may be analyzed either manually or
through automation. In this process, an instance checks the
received results and makes a parameterization decision. Serving as
an instance is the CANape script language or an external software
program that CANape controls via one of the existing automation
Data from logged test drives may be fed into the model as an
input vector at runtime to stimulate the model with real data. The
function developer analyzes and optimizes system behavior under
comparable constraints. This eliminates the need for real, costintensive test hardware entirely.
Figure 2:
Efficient analysis of model behavior
by convenient navigation and quick
access to objects of the Simulink
model in CANape.
31 Press Book_Seite_4-20_4-23.indd 4
Andr Ebner
is employed at Vector Informatik GmbH as Technical Team Leader for
the Measurement and Calibration product line.
Andreas Patzer
is employed at Vector Informatik GmbH as Business Development
Manager for the Measurement and Calibration product line.
Wojciech Przystas
is employed at Vector Informatik GmbH as a Software Development
Engineer for the Measurement and Calibration product line.
Figure 3:
Overview of actions in CANape and their effects on the
model in Simulink
31 Press Book_Seite_4-20_4-23.indd 5
Turbochargers help engines, especially those with comparatively small displacements, to develop considerable torque and a
high level of driving dynamics. Todays engine charging systems must flexibly adapt to engine speed and momentary power
requirements; therefore, turbocharger control requires careful optimization. For the automotive supplier BorgWarner Turbo
Systems, use of the CANape software tool has produced enormous streamlining potential in developing demo vehicles and
hardware equipment for road durability tests.
Charging of combustion engines is a core technology when it
comes to fulfilling requirements for low fuel consumption, low hazardous emissions and quality over long service life, while simultaneously improving driving dynamics. Today, 98% of diesel vehicles
are equipped with turbochargers in the passenger car area, and on
trucks approx. 80 %. With the introduction of direct injection, turbocharging is also being used more frequently to improve the efficiency of gasoline engines, although the considerably higher
exhaust temperatures make it essential to use higher grade materials that are more expensive.
32 Press Book_Seite_4-24_4-27.indd 2
control concepts that are provided to the customer for use on test
benches or in test vehicles.
Figure 1:
CANape is used to visualize the
Simulink model and serve as a
measurement and calibration tool
for the engine controller and rapid
prototyping hardware
32 Press Book_Seite_4-24_4-27.indd 3
Homepage BorgWarner Inc.:
Homepage Vector:
Product Information CANape:
Figure 2:
PC and CANape used as rapid prototyping environment with supplemental
bypassing capability.
32 Press Book_Seite_4-24_4-27.indd 4
32 Press Book_Seite_4-24_4-27.indd 5
Driver assistance systems address the issue of growing traffic volume by offering significant relief to drivers. To obtain an
objective assessment of control algorithms in the development of such systems, BMW is relying on the support of the
CANape measurement and calibration tool. Many suggestions by Munichs leading car producer also flowed into the design
of an extension that effectively handles the special requirements involved in calibrating driver assistance systems.
ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) systems monitor the corridor in front
of a vehicle, detecting vehicles ahead and maintaining the distance
to these vehicles desired by the driver. ACC systems also adjust the
cars current speed to the traffic situation by automatically reducing engine torque, braking, and accelerating again, if necessary. To
maintain the correct distance to the vehicle ahead at any speed,
ACC systems require very complex and precise computing algorithms.
What sounds relatively simple is in reality a great challenge for
the development engineers, because a driving situation that a
human driver is able to evaluate effortlessly is a nearly endless
array of numbers in an ACC ECU. A forward-looking radar unit supplies coordinates of objects in cartesian form, i.e. in the X direction
(cars longitudinal axis) and Y direction (cars transverse axis), or
as polar coordinates with vehicle distance and azimuth angle. From
these, the ACC ECU concludes whether the distance to the car ahead
is sufficient, whether braking needs to be initiated or whether it is
possible to accelerate.
33 Press Book_Seite_4-28_4-31.indd 2
Besides dynamic driving data, data from GPS navigation are also
used, for example.
Since there were no suitable products on the market, BMW initially supported the ACC development process by a tool it had written in-house, which helped engineers reach an objective assessment of the control algorithms. For production development, however, BMW is now increasingly relying on standard products that
can also be used by its suppliers.
Figure 1:
Time-synchronous real-time acquisition and visualization of internal
ECU signals via CCP/XCP, and of signals from CAN, LIN and FlexRay buses and external measurement
equipment via CANape.
33 Press Book_Seite_4-28_4-31.indd 3
Vector also offers a suitable camera for the system, since BMW is
not the only customer who values a universal and tested solution.
ECU developers using CANape AM can use practically any desired
camera, from a webcam to a professional high-tech device, provided that it has a USB or Firewire port and a DirectX interface.
Optimal results are obtained with a camera that has a logarithmic
characteristic and 120 dB dynamic range that further enhances
image quality both in tunnels and in direct sunlight. It is also
possible to connect analog cameras via a Frame Grabber interface.
Depending on the camera resolution, image refresh rate and number of cameras used, data might accumulate at rates of 20MByte/
sec or more. That is why developers work with reduced image resolution; data compression units are also used to reduce the data
A number of standard pixel graphics are provided for object representation in the video image. For example, a detected vehicle
is represented by a rectangular frame, and other objects might
be shown as an X or a line. In the process, it does not matter
whether the ACC information is obtained from radar, infrared or
ultrasonic sensors. It is also easy to assign signals to an object with
the user-friendly GFX Editor for graphics (Figure 3). In another
dialog of the GFX Editor, the user defines the type of visualization
for the specific object type. This involves defining any objects
desired and linking them to the desired graphic symbols. In addition, users can also integrate their own graphics.
By visually comparing those objects detected by the ECU with the
real environment, BMW developers now have an easy and efficient
way to verify the object recognition algorithms of their ACC ECU.
Cooperation between BMW and Vector is bearing further fruit, e.g.
improved processor loading of dual-core and quad-core computing
platforms in future CANape versions and functional extensions for
Figure 2:
Objective evaluation of sensor data
and subjective impressions during
driving trials: object display from
birds eye perspective and overlay
on video image in the Multimedia
33 Press Book_Seite_4-28_4-31.indd 4
developing parking assistance systems. In the next few years, safety systems will also be implemented based on environmental data
acquisition. They require even higher levels of computing performance due to the need for comprehensive detection of the surroundings and networking of active safety systems to Adaptive
Cruise Control sensors. CANape AM will also let BMW developers
focus entirely on their core tasks in the future: considerable
increases in driving convenience and further safety improvements
in highway transportation.
Lorenz Eisenknappl,
Vehicle Dynamics Development: Team Leader for Control System
Measurement Technology, BMW AG
Walter Kagerer,
Vehicle Dynamics Development, Driver Assistance and Active Safety,
ACCSnG, ACC and DCC Calibration, BMW AG
Harald Koppe,
Vehicle Dynamics Development: Measurement Technology for
In-Vehicle Control Systems, BMW AG
Martin Lamprecht,
Vehicle Dynamics Development: Measurement Technology for
In-Vehicle Control Systems, BMW AG
Alexander Meske,
Vehicle Dynamics Development: Driver Assistance and Active Safety,
ACCSnG, ACC and DCC Calibration, BMW AG
Alfred Kless
is Business Development Manager for the Measurement & Calibration product line at Vector Informatik GmbH.
Figure 3:
Use of the GFX Editor for convenient
object-signal mapping and
grouping in displaying objects
33 Press Book_Seite_4-28_4-31.indd 5
13:11 Uhr
Seite 1
13:11 Uhr
Seite 2
applications and of fer a maximum level of reliability. A related proposal for handling this issue in AUTOSAR is currently
being discussed in a working subcommittee.
Figure 2: osCAN TimingAnalyzer enables simulation of scheduling tables (schedules) and computation of sched ulability
13:11 Uhr
Seite 3
from Vector Informatik save the flash data together with references to the flash jobs in a ODX flash data container.
In some cases it may be necessary to enable modification of
flash data in the field by means of a post-build process. In
this context it is impor tant to recalculate checksums and
signatures, in addition to other parameters, and to send
them to the flash bootloader dur ing a flash update. The
CANape Graph and CANdito tools, both online and off line
post-build processes can be handled in an elegant way, whereby a script language optimized for flash and diagnostic
tasks is very helpful.
Reprogramming ECUs
Reprogramming of ECUs by flexible flash programming is
continuing to draw greater interest. The issues here do not
relate to the actual flash programming technology as much
as they do to the organization and handling of the overall
process. Constraints vary from project to project, whereby in
addition to OEM and model specif ic requirements, other requirements must be considered such as hardware proper ties
(bootloader, flash initiation), flash formats, transport and
diagnostic protocols. If flash data pass through var ious
gateways, for example, it must be assured that no data can
be lost there. These and similar questions must be answered
individually for each par ticular situation. In practice it is not
really possible to implement a simple automatic approach
here. Given these constraints, the rational handling of flash
processes continues to gain in impor tance. Therefore, one
trend leads in the direction of uniform management of flash
processes in standardized formats. For this purpose, tools
13:11 Uhr
Seite 4
memory types are: Size of the write segment, size of the erase segment, maximum number of programming cycles, and
times required to program and erase.
The latest flash memory is based on NOR Stacked Gate and
MONOS (Metal Oxide Nitride Oxide Silicon) technologies. Beginning about 2008 new memory products are expected that
are based on FeRAM (ferro-electric), MRAM (magneto-resistive) and other technologies, which could permit unlimited
numbers of write/erase cycles.
[1] OSEK stands for Of fene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen fr die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug (Open Systems and their Inter faces for Electronics in Motor Vehicles).
[2] Hersteller = Producer or OEM
Peter Liebscher (Graduate Engineer) studied
telecommunications engineer ing at the
Technical College in Esslingen, Germany.
Since 2002 he has been employed as Business
Development Manager at Vector Informatik
GmbH where he is responsible for the Embedded Software Components product line.
Tel. +49-711/80670-413,
Fax +49-711/80670-111,
13:06 Uhr
Seite 1
A powerful certified
OSEK implementation or
embedded operating
system, together with
a universal tool-chain,
will make it possible to
master the complexity
of future electronic
Figure 1. Representation of
gateway, system and bus APIs
The real-time and multitasking operating system OSEK is the standard in automotive embedded developments today. Its most important
properties include low consumption of processor resources and memory, and event-driven
task management that effectively handles both
cyclic and non-cyclic program blocks. Continuing advances in automotive electronics and
the new HIS and AUTOSAR standardization
initiatives also place new demands on the
operating system. Areas of emphasis in future
operating system versions will be timing and
memory protection.
In the 1990s the large automotive OEMs introduced the OSEK/VDX operating system specification with the goal of establishing a uniform
standard for software in electronic control
units. The wide variety of proprietary embedded operating systems at numerous suppliers
had proved to be an obstacle to smooth integration in light of the growing significance of
automotive electronics. Besides defining the
actual operating system core, OSEK also defines
communication services and functions for
network management.
Since most automotive suppliers had already
committed to a preferred operating system beforehand, automotive OEMs had to introduce
OSEK persuasively in some cases. DaimlerChrysler, for example, made OSEK mandatory
13:06 Uhr
Seite 2
properties are required of the operating system
for use in safety-critical systems and to integrate
the software of different producers. For example, an application must not disturb other applications running in parallel. To prevent this
from happening, new operating system features
are aimed at optimal monitoring of the time
behaviour of individual tasks and universal
memory protection.
Figure 2. Function block diagram with MOST interface VN2600 and an Altera Excalibur controller
Figure 3. Deadline monitoring to detect deadline violations. The error source of Task 2 is not found
in Task 1.
Figure 4. Tasks belonging to the same application must be able to access the same memory areas.
for the latest standards for future vehicle generations, whereby the HIS group is integrating
its results into AUTOSAR and is representing
uniformity interests there. When one considers
that over 50 ECUs operate on a luxury automobile today and that there appears to be no end
to potential new automotive electronic applicaJune 2006
13:06 Uhr
Seite 3
AUTOSAR is currently being discussed in a
working sub-committee. The cited timing and
memory monitoring functions can only be implemented efficiently with suitable hardware
support. What are needed for memory protection are memory protection units (MPUs)
that are tailored to the needs of automotive applications in terms of options offered for number and sizes of memory blocks. In many
cases today the smallest units that can be
managed are blocks 16 KB in size. In the automotive embedded field, however, substantially
smaller memory units are needed. Essentially,
the hardware requirements of current and future OSEK real-time systems can only be fulfilled by a complete redesign of todays processor cores. Desired features are currently being
designed together with semiconductor producers. Among the most important requirements,
besides the named monitoring functions, are an
interrupt controller for different interrupt levels with low latency times, hardware support in
task switching, and processor cores with as few
registers as possible. For hardware-related and
time-critical automotive applications what
counts is the ability to react as quickly as pos-
13:06 Uhr
Seite 4
function is executed very frequently. The quick
task switches by which real-time embedded systems thrive are currently given just rudimentary support in hardware. The majority of resources is consumed in saving and restoring the
context. The context is made up of core registers, register banks, memory access registers,
floating point and arithmetic registers of the
stack pointers, special peripheral units and a
number of operating system variables. A fully
hardware-supported context switch would be
ideal here.
Furthermore, it has been shown that processors
with a low number of registers offer better performance. Many registers can only be used
meaningfully in typical workstation environments, because that is where individual program sequences run for a relatively long time
without interruption. A potential trend here
could lead in the direction of so-called softcore
processors and to compilers that permit configuration of the registers used. Interesting possibilities for mastering industrial complexity
are being researched in ongoing projects involving the intensive application of mathematics to the engineering sciences. Systematic analytical methods can be used to reveal critical
situations in the time behaviour of an OSEK
system that would otherwise not be found even
by extensive testing. In this context, tools
from the SympTAVision company enable targeted searches for bottlenecks and hot
spots, informing users of worst-case situations.
The advantages of systematic analysis lie in
June 2006
13:05 Uhr
Seite 1
The topic of AUTOSAR was a common thread throughout the twoday event sponsored by the specialist in developing automotive
electronics, Vector. For the over 350 par ticipants meeting in Stuttgart, the themes of diagnostics, testing, quality and distributed
systems were of primary impor tance. There was general agreement
that the cited visions and future goals could only be achieved by
comprehensive standardization. The well-worn road will continue
to be traveled, where the relative impor tance of software will continue to grow compared to mechatronics and hardware. That is because in the future crucial innovations, specif ic functions and
brand-typical proper ties will be firmly based in the software area.
Mechatronic systems on the other hand will be responsible for basic
functions and emergency back-up systems for example.
This continued growth of electronic systems in the automobile must
however be achieved without increasing the number of control
Figure 1:
Cur rent network
at Volk swagen.
in the HIS (Hersteller initiative Software) interest group, developing and introducing AUTOSAR-conformant software components
and utilizing the FlexRay and MOST bus systems.
ODX has already proven its capabilities in a future-oriented joint
project. The new generations of the Sprinter and Crafter vans from
DaimlerChrysler and Volkswagen are similar from the networking
architecture perspective. An ODX converter processes the ODX diagnostic data generated by the Vector Tool CANdela by DC and uses it
to prepare the diagnostic data for VW.
In introducing AUTOSAR, VW and Audi are taking the approach of
gentle migration and are converting ECUs gradually, ECU by ECU.
Initially there will be dif ferent next generation development levels of the standard software core, in which both AUTOSAR and VW
modules are implemented simultaneously. Adaptation work is focusing on hardware-related areas such as the communication driver, I/O driver and memory driver as well as associated abstraction
modules. After the last migration step, steps will be taken to thoroughly separate the application layer from the underlying layers,
such that it only accesses other system components via the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE).
Cost and per formance considerations play a key role in decisionmaking processes for future network technologies. Volkswagen is
trimming its large number of CAN networks: LIN and CAN-C are re-
13:05 Uhr
Seite 2
placing CAN-B. With regard to acceptable bus load, the CAN bus has
already reached its maximum in some instances. Therefore, beginning in 2008, time-triggered FlexRay will assume cer tain challenging networking tasks in distributed systems. In 2009 FlexRay will
be used in an extended application with more than three bus
nodes. MOST has been transporting data in multimedia applications
since 2003 on the Audi A8, and since 2006 on Volkswagen models
too. Additional implementations are planned [1].
Figure 2:
Future network
technologies at
Volk swagen.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 3
At the Vector Congress it was made clear that to master the rising
complexities involved in development, administration, data exchange and process management, it is increasingly becoming necessary to turn to massive software support. Vector supports vehicle
OEMs and suppliers in networking the described systems with a universal tool chain and software components, wherein continuous advanced development of the tools is always oriented toward the latest specifications of standards.
Literature references:
[1] Lange, K. (Volkswagen AG): The challenge of networking and software
Implementation of new standards, Vector Congress 2006.
[2] Schnelle, Dr. K.-P. (Robert Bosch GmbH): AUTOSAR Examples of a system architecture from the perspective of an automotive supplier,
Vector Congress 2006.
13:05 Uhr
Seite 4
ECU Software
Distr. Systems
Vector supports you with embedded software, configuration tools and services throughout the ECU development
13:07 Uhr
Seite 1
Figure 1:
Configuration concepts in ECU development
Figure 2:
Configuration classes in the layer model of an
13:07 Uhr
Seite 2
Figure 3:
AUTOSAR basic software modules with gateway
TP gateway
PDU gateway
The PDU gateway is a part of the PDU router (Figure 3). It routes entire data packets, known as Protocol Data Units (PDUs), from one
network to another. This principle assumes that the PDUs are defined identically on both the source and target networks, i.e. they
must agree in length and contents. This means that data can also
be exchanged between dif ferent bus systems such as CAN, LIN or
the TP gateway supports so-called on-the-fly routing: The gateway does not wait until all TP data have been received, rather it already begins to resend the data at an earlier time point. Consequently, it receives and sends simultaneously.
Signal gateway
Of ten just individual signals are needed on the other network. In
this case, the gateway does not transfer the entire PDU, but only
sends individual signals to the other bus. To do this, it first disassembles a received PDU into individual signals, so that it can then
assemble them into one or more send PDUs. Besides modifying the
signal composition and signal positions within a PDU, the send type
and cycle time can also be changed. This method is also used when
a PDU should contain both routed signals and signals generated directly in the gateway ECU.
Figure 4:
Data structures for post-build configuration
13:07 Uhr
Seite 3
13:07 Uhr
Seite 4
Figure 5:
Code examples for dif ferent configuration concepts
Figure 6:
Vector tool chain for
the post-build
13:07 Uhr
Seite 5
The post-build process provides flexibility when changes are made
in the communication description. Configuration is even possible in
late development phases dur ing ECU integration or in the field. This
approach is especially useful for gateway ECUs, since it is possible
to adapt them to modified network conditions without having to
change the complete application code. However, the increased resource requirements must be taken into account. In any event, a
gateway ECU is an interesting candidate for the post-build process,
at least dur ing the development phase.
[1] AUTOSAR specifications:
Hartmut Hrner
studied Electrical Engineer ing at the
University of Stuttgart from 1987 to 1992.
After wards, he worked as a software developer for ATM Test Systems. In 1998,
Mr. Hrner came to Vector where he is the
team leader responsible for the development
of embedded software components. Hartmut
Hrner represents Vector on var ious standards
working committees (OSEK, ISO, AUTOSAR).
13:07 Uhr
Seite 6
13:10 Uhr
Seite 1
Vehicle perspective
From the OEM perspective, basic platforms, technological platforms, etc. are being developed, from which the next generations
of cars will be derived. The underlying goal here is to integrate one
and the same ECU in many vehicles and thereby reduce costs. At the
same time, the quality and the stability of the vehicle electronics
should be improved. This results in a dilemma between the imponderables of a newly introduced technology and the stability of the
Architectural perspectiv
From the point of view of an ECU individual software components
are discernible. At the same time, two contradictory approaches are
being followed with regard to the base software of todays ECUs. On
the one hand, many OEMs require specif ic software components or
at least they specify them. On the other hand, control module producers are striving internally to always use the same architecture
for a control module platform. Added to this is the fact that the degree of standardization of the software is not as comprehensive as
Figure 1:
Ear ly introduction of
a uniform inter face
and RTE simplifies
described by AUTOSAR. The goal here is to apply a standard to software that does not serve the purpose of competitive dif ferentiation, thereby creating space for new innovations. Optimally, low investment costs would be incurred by new tools, since those tools already in service can for the most part be reused.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 2
Stage II - Replace:
Non-AUTOSAR components can now be replaced gradually by AUTOSAR components without putting the overall architecture at risk or
requir ing reprogramming of other modules. The goal here is to set
up an AUTOSAR architecture and use the appropriate tools. Initiated in individual ECUs, in the end the entire vehicle is conceptualized with AUTOSAR software, starting with system design and ending with integration.
Figure 2:
Integration of custom software in the AUTOSAR
Support by tools
An impor tant pillar in the introduction of AUTOSAR relates to the
tools. They must be able to operate the AUTOSAR inter faces, yet
they must remain open to integration of third-par ty components.
Above all, configuration tools should be able to master this challenge and also support the user in validation of the system configuration.
The tool world servicing AUTOSAR can be subdivided into three categories: Design, configuration and test/simulation. Above all, suitable test instruments are an essential component for successful development. An ECU operates as a part of a whole. Checking for and
assur ing consistency in the overall system requires a high-per formance simulation tool. Vector Informatik GmbH has come to grips
with these requirements and can make a contribution to the success of AUTOSAR with its comprehensive tool solutions such as the
DaVinci Tool Suite, MICROSAR Configuration Suite and CANoe. Support in the context of project work and consultation complement
the products of fered.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 3
When considered from dif ferent points of view, a stepwise introduction of the standard components defined by the AUTOSAR development partnership into an individual companys software architecture appears to be the correct path. This approach guarantees quality and consistency. Proper tools support this process. Gradual migration instead of an immediate total conversion leads to an overall
AUTOSAR solution in the vehicle that minimizes risks. Vectors expertise and many years of experience lend support to this process.
Peter Schiekofer
(Graduate Engineer) has been employed at
Vector since May 2006. He manages Vectors
Regensburg subsidiary and is responsible for
advanced technical development of AUTOSAR
solutions. As an active working par ticipant
on Working Packages WP 1.1.2 and WP 20 of
the AUTOSAR Development Partnership he is
directly involved with the new technology.
Tel. +49-941/20865-101,
Fax +49-941/20865-111,
Figure 3:
Vector of fers MICROSAR, which
contains the entire range of
AUTOSAR-BSW including RTE.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 4
13:10 Uhr
Seite 1
is abstracted and subdivided into several layers (Figure 1). The connection to the actual microcontroller, i.e. the physical foundation,
is represented by the Microcontroller Abstraction Layer, which maps
the microcontrollers functions and periphery. It defines inter faces
for memory, the I/O driver and its communication connections. In
this layer, features that the microcontroller does not offer may also
be emulated in software. The second layer that lies above this is the
ECU Abstraction Layer. It establishes die ECU-specif ic hardware layout and provides drivers for the periphery external to the ECU, for
example. In another layer, the Services Layer, var ious basic services
are represented such as network services, memory management,
bus communication services and the operating system. This layer is
already largely independent of the hardware. The RTE represents
the fourth layer. This is where the actual separation of application
and basic software (BSW) is made. The RTE handles integration of
the application software and regulates the exchange of data between the application and the BSW. It is only at this layer that reuse
of already written application software is possible, because the
defined inter faces make it possible to develop the application software without special knowledge of the hardware to be used at a
later time, and the software can be used for any other AUTOSARconformant ECUs.
The so-called Vir tual Functional Bus (VFB) forms the basis for configuration of the layers. All components of the vehicles electronics
communicate in an abstracted view via this bus. The software components use ports for this, whose inter faces can be defined as port
inter faces. Connectors connect the ports. It is irrelevant to the VFB
whether this is a connection within an ECU or a connection via an
external bus. This is not decided until the final system layout is
made and specif ic functions are assigned to a specif ic ECU.
A full three years after its start, the AUTOSAR development partnership published Release 2.1 at the beginning of 2007. A stable level
was reached with this release, and it has been tested in several validation projects for its practical utility. At many businesses, the
action item of AUTOSAR evaluation has been successfully completed. Now it is ready to be implemented in concrete production
AUTOSAR Architecture
To realize the objectives of AUTOSAR separation of the application
software from basic modules and functions the vehicle electronics
Figure 1:
AUTOSAR layer model for ECU software.
Besides defining the ECUs software architecture, the AUTOSAR
standard also defines a methodology to help in the development of
AUTOSAR systems. Conformance to a structured creation process is
recognized as an impor tant precondition in creating error-free
software. Deficiencies in the requirements list are detected early,
reuse and porting of software components is simplified, and the
overall system is more reliable. Nonetheless, this methodology also
allows cer tain freedoms: for example, users can decide whether to
use a top-down approach or a bottom-up development.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 2
The software architecture of an AUTOSAR ECU is not monolithic,
rather it consists of a number of standard modules with well-defined inter faces. This enables implementation of migration solutions that offer a risk-free transition to AUTOSAR. Such a migration
solution must typically be worked out project-specif ically. In prac-
Figure 2:
Structural description of the software
components. The
creation process for
software components
is organized in clear ly prescribed development steps.
Figure 3:
Ear ly introduction of a uniform inter face and RTE
simplifies migration.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 3
The current AUTOSAR Release 3.0 represents another step taken to
enhance the quality of the AUTOSAR standard. The continuing involvement of par ticipating companies clearly demonstrates commitment to the goals of the AUTOSAR development partnership. Ideas
are currently being introduced that should become a reality in the
framework of the future Version 4.0 of the AUTOSAR standard.
New ideas related to AUTOSAR are also being generated by tool suppliers. Current developments at Vector are aimed at making AUTOSARbased ECU development as convenient and efficient as possible. One
example is a PC-based test tool for AUTOSAR application components, which serves as an emulator for the AUTOSAR ECU environment on the level of the VFB. This makes it easy to test the implementation code of the AUTOSAR software components on a development PC. Widely used standard tools such as Vectors CANoe may be
used for test execution, visualization dur ing or after testing, and
generation of test reports. Vector supports all phases of the ECU
development process with its full set of AUTOSAR basic software and
a universal tool chain of design and development tools (Figure 4).
The available Vector solution has been tested in practice through its
use in evaluation projects, and it is production-mature for AUTOSAR
Release 2.0 or 2.1 (3.0 too starting in the 2nd quar ter of 2008).
AUTOSAR is becoming a reality. Var ious OEMs have concrete plans
for implementing AUTOSAR in upcoming vehicle production programs. Vector offers a comprehensive product lineup for this, as
well as basic software and tools related to AUTOSAR. Not only does
this enable the development of pure AUTOSAR systems; it can also
support a stepwise migration toward AUTOSAR.
Matthias Wernicke
(Graduate engineer) is responsible for
product management of the DaVinci Tool
Suite and is also actively engaged in
AUTOSAR standardization work.
Figure 4:
The Vector AUTOSAR solution: From system description to standardized ECU software.
13:10 Uhr
Seite 4
A primary reason for introducing AUTOSAR, besides standardizing the basic software, is to increase reusability of the
functional software. This affects the cooperation between the partners involved as well: OEM, TIER1, semiconductor
manufacturer and software supplier. This first part of a two-part series describes a foundation for successful collaboration:
AUTOSAR-specific exchange formats and tools. In the second part, you will learn about the significance of AUTOSAR for
everyday work in developing ECU software for production projects.
Each OEM has its own functional requirements for the ECUs in its
vehicles, especially when it comes to communication and diagnostics. These requirements are implemented in OEM-specific software.
If a TIER1 supplies an ECU to several OEMs, it must manually modify
the ECU software for each project. Even if the functional software is
already decoupled quite well from the software, so that it can be
adapted to the OEM-specific requirements, this modification effort
is still work intensive and prone to errors. Figure 1 shows how
unmodified functional software is adapted to different vehicle
projects without AUTOSAR.
One goal of AUTOSAR is to minimize these adaptation efforts in
software integration. Therefore, AUTOSAR focuses on consistent
abstraction of the software from the hardware and partitioning of
the software into modules with defined functional scope and
precise interfaces. These modules may be combined and, most significantly, they can be substantially configured to cover the
requirements of different OEMs. This eliminates manual modification of the software and facilitates its reuse. Defined interfaces
make it possible to replace OEM-specific software components (e.g.
for diagnostics) with just minimal effort.
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 2
> The basic software (BSW) modules handle the basic functions of
an ECU. They also offer higher-end standard services such as
management of ECU states and diagnostic services.
The RTE is the layer between the functional software and the basic
software modules. It provides all interfaces the SWCs need to
access data and services of the BSW modules. Examples are signal
values from the communication network (CAN, LIN or FlexRay), I/O
signals and standard services of the BSW modules. The interfaces
originate from the SWC Description files. Moreover, the RTE handles execution of the SWCs and communication among the SWCs
with the help of the operating system.
The BSW modules are subdivided into three layers per the
AUTOSAR architecture [1]:
> Service Layer
> ECU Abstraction Layer
> Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL)
The BSW modules of the Service Layer play a special role here,
because they contain standard services for the functional software
that are accessed via special interfaces within the RTE. The second
part of this article, in the next issue, will describe the configuration of these services in greater detail.
The AUTOSAR Release 3.0 defines approx. 50 different configurable basic software modules; some of them are very complex. The
Figure 1:
Creating ECU software without
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 3
AUTOSAR Methodology
The AUTOSAR Consortium has defined a method for developing ECU
software, the AUTOSAR Methodology [2]. This document essentially
subdivides the development process into three activities and standardizes data exchange between development partners with a set
of XML files:
> Activity: Component implementation
The TIER1 or OEM defines the SWCs. For this purpose, it creates an XML file for each SWC, the socalled SWC Description. This file describes the
SWCs interfaces and resource requirements.
Afterwards, the TIER1 or OEM creates the related
C files for the implementation of the SWC.
> Activity: System configuration
The OEM first defines the functional scope of the
entire vehicle based on the SWCs, independent of
the ECUs. The next step is to design the communication networks and distribute SWCs to the available ECUs. The result is saved in the System
For each ECU, the OEM reduces the System
Description to an ECU Extract of System
Description which the OEM can pass to the supplier (TIER1) of the relevant ECU. This file replaces the DBC, FIBEX or LDF files previously used to
configure the BSW modules.
Figure 2:
AUTOSAR architecture of an ECU
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 4
For configuration of the BSW modules, the TIER1 needs the support of a universal tool with user-friendly functions. That is why
Vector developed DaVinci Configurator Pro. It supports three use
> Configuration of MICROSAR BSW modules from Vector
> Configuration of AUTOSAR BSW modules from third-party
> Configuration of software modules you have created yoursel
Figure 3:
integration of
SWCs and configuration of RTE and
BSW modules per
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 5
In the second part of this article, you will learn based on examples of selected use cases how the exchange files and configuration tools are used in practice. The process of creating a complete
set of AUTOSAR-conformant ECU software for a specific OEM is
explained, and the article describes how to maintain the software
over time or modify it for a different OEM.
Translation of a German publication in
Elektronik automotive, 11/2009
All Figures:
Vector Informatik GmbH
[1] Layered Software Architecture:
[2] AUTOSAR Methodology:
Homepage Vector:
Product information about AUTOSAR:
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 6
40 Press Book_Seite_6-18_6-23.indd 7
Figure 4:
Development of
functional software consisting of
multiple SWCs
41 Press Book_Seite_6-24_6-27.indd 2
In a separate integration step, data elements of the SWC interfaces are assigned to bus signals (data mapping) provided that
the OEM has not already defined such a mapping in the ECU Extract
of System Description.
Typically, the ECU Extract of System Description will change a
number of times over the course of a project. When the Tier1
receives a new version, the SWCs it contains might also be modified. A special Update function makes it possible to accept changes
in DaVinci Developer without losing any extensions previously
made by the Tier1, such as implementation descriptions or interfaces to standard services.
Figure 5:
Work steps in configuring the RTE
41 Press Book_Seite_6-24_6-27.indd 3
Figure 6:
Work steps in
configuring the
basic software
41 Press Book_Seite_6-24_6-27.indd 4
process. If the application SWCs does not yet offer the diagnostic
services required by the OEM, they must be extended (Step D1-3),
which in turn requires modification of the RTE (Step D4-5).
Figure 7:
Work steps in
modifying the
diagnosticspecific software
parts of an ECU
41 Press Book_Seite_6-24_6-27.indd 5
In networking ECUs in heavy-duty vehicles, it is the J1939 protocol that plays a key role. J1939 networks are based on the
CAN bus (high-speed CAN per ISO11898); they are primarily used in powertrain and chassis components. The protocol
creates a uniform basis for communication between electronic control units, and it supports the plug-and-play principle.
Special J1939 tools and software components spare developers from needing to train in the details of the J1939 protocol,
and they improve the quality of the development process.
The J1939 protocol founded in the USA and defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) serves above all to preserve a
uniform perspective and uniform handling of the most common
vehicle components of various vehicle types and manufacturers. In
this context, it is interesting to note certain distinct differences
between the European and North-American heavy-duty vehicle
markets. For example, heavy-duty vehicle buyers in the USA have
prescribed to OEMs which components they need to install in specific vehicles. In Europe, on the other hand, it is the OEMs who fully
define the design of the entire vehicle, including the components
and their configuration.
Besides using uniformly defined signals and data formats to
communicate, it is of course important that receivers know how to
interpret the information. Ideally, it should be possible to interconnect individual J1939 components based on a plug-and-play
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 2
Figure 1:
The J1939 protocol essentially covers the Application Layer (Layer 7),
Network Layer (Layer 3), Data Link
Layer (Layer 2) and Physical Layer
(Layer 1), so that it is no longer
necessary to be concerned about
communication details when working on the application level.
(PGN) also contains the J1939 ECU address of the sender and if
applicable the address of the receiver too. In addition, the three
most significant bits of the CAN identifier are reserved for the priority field; although these bits do not replace the implicit priority
established by the CAN protocol, they make it possible to organize
the Parameter Groups into up to eight J1939-specific priority levels. These priorities are used to adjust the priority to momentary
application requirements at the time the Parameter Group is transmitted or during an optional ECU configuration phase. This makes
it possible to fine-tune communication to the application without
the SAE protocol permanently setting the priority when the Parameter Group is defined.
Figure 2:
The J1939 message format which
is based on normal 29-bit CAN
messages requires some supplementation to achieve plug-and-play
capability. The CAN identifier quasi
defines the mask of a uniform J1939
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 3
Figure 3:
With regard to network topology,
J1939 enables flexible design of
wire harnesses. Individual ECUs can
be connected via branch lines up to
3 m in length.
Bridges make it possible to realize
separate networks on implements
and trailers.
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 4
this leads to a high interrupt load due to the CAN controllers often
limited CAN identifier filtering capabilities. Filtering also usually
needs to be implemented in software.
A J1939 extension is available for the widely used CANoe development and test tool; it spares heavy-duty vehicle developers from
needing to train in the details of the J1939 protocol. The package
from Vector extends basic software functionality to cover all necessary protocol-specific features. When CANoe.J1939 is used consistently, the models and databases created in the design phase not
only serve as a foundation for simulation during development, but
also for all tests accompanying development up to and including
later diagnostic tasks (Figure 4). With the help of simulated nodes,
it is possible to set up and execute tests for the ECU to be developed. The tests are further refined during development and are
used in verification of the total system.
Figure 4:
Tests conducted with the help of
simulations during development
make it possible to detect and correct errors early on in all development phases. The CANoe Test Feature
Set offers extensive testing and
analysis capabilities.
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 5
Figure 5:
Not only is CANoe able to simulate
functional models of ECUs during
the development process and integrate models created with
Matlab/Simulink in the scenarios;
at the same time it also serves as a
convenient user-interface.
(Source: Renault Trucks)
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 6
results are reduced cost and timing for implementation and testing, compatibility on the CAN bus based on unambiguous signal
interpretation and maximum quality and flexibility in the J1939
communication stack. CANbedded J1939 supports all relevant
microcontrollers and is characterized by low ROM and RAM memory
requirements as well as high runtime efficiency.
Internet links:
[1] J1939 solutions from Vector
[2] Download of presentations from J1939 User Day [most of them are German]
Peter Fellmeth
studied at the University of Applied Sciences
in Esslingen, Germany, majoring in Computer
Engineering and specializing in Automation
Technology. He is team leader and product
manager at Vector Informatik GmbH, where
he is responsible for the development of
products and customer-specific projects
related to J1939, ISOBUS, Ethernet and
Thomas Lffler
studied Automation Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Reutlingen,
Germany. He has been employed at Vector
Informatik GmbH since 2000, initially in the
DeviceNet area, and since 2002 in the J1939
and ISOBus area. His areas of specialization
are configuration and generation tools for
embedded software, support of customer
projects and product and protocol training
Figure 6:
Standard software components of
the CANbedded J1939 package lead
to quick development results
without developers needing to be
concerned with all details of the
J1939 standard. A centrally managed
database avoids duplicated developments and enables optimal work
42 Press Book_Seite_7-00_7-05.indd 7
13:09 Uhr
Seite 1
Figure 1:
Up to 620 PistenBullys are produced in Laupheim every
ing platform, versions exclusively used to transport personnel, excavating versions and even versions that can swim.
Kssbohrer produces about 600 to 620 units per year, and
the cost per vehicle lies between 80,000 and 340,000 euros.
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/7
pedal or load limit control without af fecting the turning radius. Wheel sensors enable straight-line and uniform curve
control or asymmetrical steer ing character istics for special
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/8
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/9
Figure 4:
CANoe as joystick
simulator for testing
hydraulic valves
Figure 5:
CANoe in flash mode
tuitive control, on the touchscreen or via the TCC. The operating panel mounted to the right of the driver with its film
keypad lets the user select numerous Pistenbully functions
directly. A joystick is used to control the var ious movements
of the snow blade and of the rear implement carrier as well
as used to set the tilling pressure, cable drum tension, etc.
The joystick is an in-house development, since none of the
commercially available models could satisfy the expectations
of Pistenbully developers.
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/10
Figure 6:
CANoe in measurement data acquisition dur ing vehicle
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/11
The development of dual-channel fan control in the PistenBully was completed in an exceptionally short time without
utilizing real hydraulic pumps, valves or motors. In such cases CANoe realistically simulates all necessary CAN nodes,
sensor signals and ECU information. In ECU setup CANoe enables access to EEPROM contents via an in-house flash protocol. This is easy to reprogram with the integrated programming language CAPL (Communication Access Programming
Language). The EEPROM data stored on the hard drive can be
loaded into the controller at any time.
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/12
gramming PC that is connected to the CAN diagnostic connector. For every PistenBully there is an electronic vehicle
record that seamlessly documents software updates, the life
of individual components, current software levels, etc. It is
possible to restore the delivered state at any time. If problems occur at the customer, On-Board Diagnostics of fers fast
and convenient fault localization over the cockpit display. All
hydraulic functions, sensors and actuators are designed to
be electronically diagnosable. All that is needed for in-vehicle troubleshooting is a circuit diagram and the display; no
other equipment is needed. Stored in the fault memory are
the error history and error frequencies.
All figures: Kssbohrer Gelndefahrzeug AG
Thomas Bck (Graduate Engineer) studied general
electrical engineer ing at the technical college in
Kempten, Germany. He manages development in
the electronics/hydraulics area.
Tel. 07392/900-254, Fax 07392/900-259,
Peter Betz (Graduate Engineer) studied telecommunication engineer ing at the technical college in
Ulm, Germany. He is responsible for system development in the electronics development area.
Tel. 07392/900-262, Fax 07392/900-259,
Markus Hrmann (Graduate Engineer) studied telecommunication engineer ing at the technical college in Kempten, Germany. He manages test equipment construction in the electronics testing area.
Tel. 07392/900-250, Fax 07392/900-249,
Lothar Felbinger (Graduate Engineer) studied
automation engineer ing at the technical college
in Reutlingen. Since then he has been working as
Key Account and Business Development Manager at
Vector Informatik GmbH for the Open Networking
product line.
Tel. 0711/80670-505, Fax 0711/80670-555,
13:09 Uhr
Seite 8/13
ECU networking in heavy-duty vehicles is characterized by the same challenges as in the automobile. Added difficulties are
caused by the large numbers of variants with low production volumes and longer product life cycles, requiring a suitable
architecture layout. Specially modified development methods are indispensable in handling cost pressure and sending reliable vehicles onto the street.
The number of ECUs, and hence the amount of software, has multiplied since electronification began in the early 1990s. While this
primarily related to the engine controller at the beginning, a large
number of electronic helpers are being implemented today.
Examples include ABS, ESP, ACC and other driver assistance systems
that make highway traffic safer and driving more pleasant. Analyses [1] assume that their implementation will increase further, and
that electronic control modules will account for 90% of all innovations by the year 2010. A key aspect is that 80% of these innovations will exclusively involve software or the functions implemented
in software. In this context, it is clear that software development
methods play a crucial role in the development process for the total
vehicle, and they have a significant influence on a vehicles success
or failure on the market.
44 Press Book_Seite_7-14_7-17.indd 2
Figure 1:
The MAN Common
Engineering Data
44 Press Book_Seite_7-14_7-17.indd 3
AUTOSAR integration of J1939 makes it possible to achieve fundamental independence in tool selection. Volvo chose Vector as its
supplier of tools and embedded software components, since Vector
already offers solutions in all areas, and it was possible to adapt
them to Volvo-specific requirements very flexibly.
Literature references:
[1] J. Svensson, The Use of AUTOSAR in Volvo Group, presentation at
Vector J1939 User Day; slides may be downloaded at: [most of them are German]
Peter Fellmeth
is a team leader and product manager at
Vector Informatik GmbH, where he is responsible for the development of products and
customer-specific projects related to J1939,
ISOBUS, Ethernet and DeviceNet.
Figure 2:
Code for the ECUs
is generated based
on the description
of the electronic
structure in
eASEEs functional
data management.
Figure 3:
When standardized data formats
are chosen,
standard products
can be used to
describe and
create the ECUspecific software.
44 Press Book_Seite_7-14_7-17.indd 4
Commercial Vehicles
ce Te
r man
r ts SA
u o
939 s
-82 C
44 Press Book_Seite_7-14_7-17.indd 5
The required unlimited compatibility of components on the ISOBUS cannot be attained by performing conformity tests at
the end of device development alone. Rather, sound and continual tests over the entire development phase are necessary.
Efficient use of such tests can only be achieved by using tools with domain knowledge that cover a large number of tasks
ranging from simulation to analysis tests as well as conformity tests. Developers of implements and tractors need a tool
that covers conformity testing, cycles through the tests independently, yet offer the freedom to only test certain sections
and can be extended to test the application.
In the agricultural machinery field, the information age has long
taken hold, and system thinking has replaced insular solutions. As
a result, a uniform data interface for interconnecting the tractor,
implements and on-board computer has become indispensable in
agricultural equipment. In this context, the internationally coordinated bus system ISOBUS was developed and introduced for the
first time at the 2001 Agritechnica fair. ISOBUS standardizes data
communication between tractor, implements and farm management computers and enables system-wide data exchange. The
ISO11783 series of standards consists of 14 sub-standards; they
each address different aspects of the technology, ranging from System Description (Part 1), Physical Layer (Part 2), Data Link Layer
(Part 3), Network Layer (Part 4) and Virtual Terminal (Part 6), Diagnostics (Part 12) and File Server (Part 13).
One persons pleasure is anothers pain is common folk wisdom. The situation is similar with the requirement for unlimited
compatibility (system and manufacturer independent) of ISO11783compatible products [1]. For the customer this is not only very easy
to handle, it also opens up the possibility of purchasing flexibility
and independence from the manufacturer. That in itself is a large
motivational factor in procuring such machinery. For manufacturers, however, this promise represents a great challenge in terms of
development, operation and maintenance of the machines. CANoe.
ISO11783 from Vector offers a universal development and testing
solution here. Option ISO11783 for the CANoe tool provides the
necessary domain knowledge and supports conformity to the
ISO11783 standard (Figure 1).
Experience over the past two years in the ISOBUS field has shown
that despite a sharply rising number of devices certified by conformity tests [2], different components, such as the Task Controller
and implement, do not always harmonize in their interaction without problems. There is the potential for surprises in operation of an
45 Press Book_Seite_7-18_7-21.indd 2
implement when the Virtual Terminal is used too. As well as for service technicians, in such a heterogeneous environment as the
ISOBUS it is difficult to definitively localize the cause of a problem
and correct it if necessary. Frequently, the technician is confronted
with unfamiliar devices or combinations of devices. In view of these
problems, and to assure customer satisfaction, the manufacturers
initiative AEF (Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation) set up
a project group tasked with conducting activities to improve the
interoperability of ISOBUS devices [3].
Figure 1:
CANoe.ISO11783 can be used to utilize, analyze and simulate the complex
communication structures of the
ISOBUS standard easily and efficiently.
Shown here is simulation of the File
Server, two implements and the
Virtual Terminal.
45 Press Book_Seite_7-18_7-21.indd 3
Figure 2:
Phases of Test
creation and interfaces with the
Test Feature Set:
from creating the
test sequence to
evaluating the
Figure 3:
Used in tandem,
and the Vector VT
System form a
Midsize HIL.
45 Press Book_Seite_7-18_7-21.indd 4
Peter Fellmeth
studied Computer Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences at Esslingen, Germany, specializing in Automation Technology.
He is a team leader and product manager at
Vector Informatik GmbH, where he is responsible for development of products and
customer-specific projects related to ISOBUS,
SAE J1939, Ethernet and DeviceNet.
45 Press Book_Seite_7-18_7-21.indd 5
13:13 Uhr
Seite 1
Nothing works
without electronics
High-tech equipment and
electronics can be found everywhere in the machines,
from remote controls to
drive-by-wire steering systems to the use of GPS.
Sensors continually acquire
the soil composition, and
the display graphically indicates to the driver where
compacting work is still
needed. The GPS option
Fig. 2: The electronics concept reflects the modular layout of the machines
13:13 Uhr
Seite 2
Fig. 3: J1939-specific interpretation of data in the Trace Window is performed with CANalyzer.J1939
Besides the vehicles main
computer, the data acquisition unit of the front frame
and I/O module of the rear
frame, CAN 1 nodes also
include control and display
components in the cockpit.
Conventional analog and
digital sensors are interfaced to the data acquisition
unit, e.g. hydraulic pressure
sensors and fill level sensors. The I/O module on the
rear frame is responsible
for control of the variableheight rotor, lateral tilt angle
and lowering cabin feature
for transport purposes. It
was possible to significantly reduce wiring cost and effort by interfacing controls
to the bus; these include
the CAN-bus-capable joysticks, LC displays and external switches. Bomag created an in-house development of a CANopen driving
lever with friction brake.
The powertrain bus is
defined as CAN 2, and it interconnects the vehicles
main computer, engine controller, steering and driving
levers, including operator
consoles on the right and
left. Interesting here is that
the J1939 and CANopen
protocols are implemented in parallel on CAN 2. A
special feature of the drive
control system is load-limit control of the Deutz diesel drive, which provides
for dynamic power distribution between higher milling power at low speed and
lower milling power at high
working speed as a function
of soil composition.
Besides CAN 1 and
CAN 2 there may be a third
capable tools
In electronics development, Bomag implements
a number of software tools
from Vector Informatik. The
Stuttgart-based networking
specialist offers tailor-made
tools for all electronic development tasks, such as CANoe for network development and ECU tests, CANalyzer for analysis of bus data
and CANape for calibrating
ECUs. At the beginning of
development, CANoe simulates the behavior of individual bus nodes or entire
sub-networks (rest-of-bus
simulation). Over the further course of ECU development, the models serve
as a foundation for analysis, testing and integration
of bus systems and ECUs.
The C-like programming
language CAPL and userdefined interfaces simplifies the users work. A special real-time configuration
significantly improved realtime capabilities even further, first by using separate
PCs for rest-of-bus simulation and test execution, and
second by graphic control/
evaluation; this yielded the
high performance of a component HIL tester.
CAN, the tools also support
the LIN, FlexRay and MOST
buses as well as the higher
level protocols J1939, J1587,
NMEA2000, ISO11783 and
CANopen. In the case of
Bomag, CANape and the
CANalyzer/CANoe options
for J1939 and CANopen are
used. Protocol-specific extensions of the tools relieve
the user of the need for detailed training in the J1939
or CANopen protocol; this
avoids faulty interpretations
of CAN frames. Last but not
least, another important re-
13:13 Uhr
Fig. 4: The extended WLAN tunnels the CAN messages, including time stamp, via a
TCP/IP interface, thereby enabling time-conformant representation of the data
velopment of GPS applications is CANape Option
GPS, which supplements
the system with visualization of the momentary vehicle positions on an electronic map.
The universality of
Vector tools is paying off
at Bomag by helping it to
master the complex challenges of working with multiple buses, and in particular the J1939/CANopen
multi-protocol environment.
The consistently applied
database concept is an important pillar for the efficiency of the development
tools. All members of the
tool chain access the same
data set, so that it is possible to save all data consistently without unnecessary
redundancies or sources of
error. Fitting for the bus systems used, the relevant databases of the network description are either already
integrated or automatically
generated to match the network configuration.
No need for an
umbilical cord
What has been difficult for
Bomag electronics developers to achieve until now
is time-synchronous analysis of the measurement
data during the field tests
mentioned in the introduction without having to be
passengers in the machine.
They were only able to examine the logged data afterwards, but not during a test.
For these and similar cases, there is now a technically mature WLAN solution
from Vector: While previously it was absolutely necessary to maintain physical
contact to the bus system
being analyzed when working with the tools, the specialists from Stuttgart have
Seite 3
Summary and
This example from the commercial vehicle sector shows
that there are interesting
and demanding challenges
outside of the realm of automotive electronics for luxury cars, challenges that can
only be handled by complex network clusters and
development and analysis tools.
The universality of Vector
solutions pays off here. The
tools enable analyses and
simulations directly on the
higher layers of J1939 and
CANopen. The use of multiple buses or simultaneous
use of different protocols on
the same bus do not present any problems. The tools
always ensure correct timing with the same time base
in data acquisition and evaluation even in the case
of wireless communication.
The Bomag developers already have their sights set
on the next WLAN project
involving automatic, multiday durability tests. Thanks
to a WLAN connection, the
electronics developers are
able to continually observe
events on the relevant bus
systems with the mentioned
tools. That can be done
from the office or via the Internet, e.g. from home during the weekend.
Sources: Fig.1 and 2: Bomag
GmbH, Fig. 3 and 4: Vector Informatik GmbH
13:13 Uhr
Seite 4
Moving Communication
Wireless Analysis of In-Vehicle Networks
In the future, data communications in the automobile will also take place beyond the vehicles boundaries. New requirements are evolving, especially in the development of applications such as Car2x and remote diagnostics. These challenges
are best solved with relevant tool support, where CAN messages are tunneled via the wireless air interface.
Modern driver assistance systems are indeed capable of looking
into the distance, but only with sensors (Radar, Lidar, ultrasonic,
cameras, infrared, etc.) installed on-board the vehicle. Their ranges, and consequently their prediction abilities, are limited. In
efforts to prevent hazardous driving situations and optimize traffic
flow, it is considerably more promising to evaluate information
from other traffic participants as well. Communication with the
external environment is necessary to utilize measured values from
external sensors. This takes other vehicles into consideration (Car2Car communication) as well as stationary systems known as roadside units, e.g. at traffic lights or tunnel entrances (Car2Infrastructure communication). The applications are extremely diverse,
ranging from warnings of traffic jams around a curve with restricted
visibility to the transport of current information related to driving
route optimization or parking situations. The required transmission
technologies such as WLAN and pWLAN are already available.
Figure 1:
The electronics in the MPH 125 support its efficient use in soil stabilization and recycling.
47 Press Book_Seite_7-26_7-29.indd 2
While the advantages sound promising for all traffic participants, the challenges for developers are great too. Although the
developer had extensive capabilities for analyzing a vehicles various data networks and their interactions with one another, today
the developer is faced with the dilemma of not being able to sit in
two or more vehicles simultaneously.
Wide-ranging applications
Besides its use in the development of future driver assistance systems, there are many other application areas for wireless analysis
of bus systems. A typical example would be the testing of agricultural and construction equipment. With the enormous growth in
functionality and automation, CAN-based bus systems have already
made in-roads in these fields for a long time now. The problem
often encountered here is that the developer cannot ride aboard
the equipment during field trials under real operating conditions.
In stationary networked systems as well, especially in the area of
factory automation, there are bus systems that are difficult to
access (due to heat, gases, etc.) and whose analysis is simplified
or even made possible by a wireless interface.
The following example, a real application in the development of
construction machines, shows that today there are already solutions that can fulfill current Car2x and remote diagnostic
Figure 2:
The electronics concept addresses
the modular structure of the
machines to integrate customerrequested options: metering computers, water injection, bitumen
emulsion or foamed bitumen.
47 Press Book_Seite_7-26_7-29.indd 3
Figure 3:
The WLAN extension tunnels
the CAN messages along with
their time stamps via a TCP/
IP connection, which enables
time-conformant display of
the data on a PC. As a result,
the user experiences hardly
any of the limitations of
hard-wire communication.
Figure 4: Panels in
CANoe.IP helps to
visualize signals.
Signals are displayed in the Data
and Graphic windows, while analysis of the Ethernet
protocol and signal
decoding appear
in the Trace
47 Press Book_Seite_7-26_7-29.indd 4
via a TCP/IP connection, so that the time stamps provided with the
messages can serve as reference times for CANoe and CANalyzer
(Figure 3).
Frank Weber
is Product Management Engineer for the Open Networking product
line at Vector Informatik GmbH.
Hans-Werner Schaal
is Business Development Manager for the Open Networking product
line at Vector Informatik GmbH.
This solution offers some key advantages compared to the capabilities of a simple CAN/WLAN bridge. Only one bridge head is necessary in this setup. Sufficient as a host is a WLAN-capable laptop/
notebook, which maintains the connection via standard on-board
resources and WLAN. The probe on the DUT responsible for the
CAN-on-WLAN conversion sends the messages in strict and correct
chronologically order by evaluating the time stamp originally
logged on the bus; this would not be possible via a CAN-WLAN-CAN
bridge. During machine operation at the construction site, BOMAG
electronic developers can measure, observe and evaluate without a
hard-wire connection to the machine.
47 Press Book_Seite_7-26_7-29.indd 5
process during the test phase, since generally only one test setup
is available.
A way out of this dilemma might be offered by a software tool
that could be used to create a prototype of the future total system
in a simple way. Optimally, this tool would also offer extensive test
Figure 1:
Representation of
the V-model
48 Press Book_Seite_7-30_7-33.indd 2
Test functionality
After the prototype system has been completed, the necessary
tests for the total project follow. CANoe supports the user here,
both in creating tests and in logging and evaluation. The test functionality required for a CANopen system comprises several stages
(Figure 4):
> Protocol level:
Tests on this level ensure that CANopen-specific communication
protocols of the individual devices are implemented within the
total system according to specification.
> Communication level:
> What is important here is not the correctness of the protocol, but
the correct logical order of (independent) protocol sequences,
e.g. in configuring PDOs. Description of the PDO-relevant entries
in the object directory must conform to a specific sequence.
> Application level:
Application tests check the relationships between process
variables. The following preconditions must be met to even
determine such relationships: First, the process variables must
be exchanged via PDOs, and the system must be fully configured.
This means, for example, that the state of a valve can be checked
as a function of a temperature or a pressure. Clearly, the user
must have the relevant know-how to formulate the test.
Figure 2:
Sample configuration of a simple,
simulated CANopen network with
central control and I/O node
48 Press Book_Seite_7-30_7-33.indd 3
Test sequences are formulated under CANoe with the help of the
integrated CAPL programming language. Each CAPL test module
represents a separate test consisting of individual test cases, which
in turn contain a number of test steps. During the test run, CANoe
processes the individual test cases sequentially. Suitable test flow
control makes it possible to skip or repeat individual tests. Simultaneously, it is possible to monitor conformance to other conditions
and restrictions quasi in background. This might be done, for
example, to determine while waiting for a specific message of
interest whether a specific other message is sent periodically on
the bus.
Especially in automated tests, it is important to record the
results of individual test steps in detail. Other CAPL functions handle writing of test results to an XML file for later post-processing.
Test sequences for CANoe can also be specified under XML. This is
advantageous when a large number of test flows need to be generated with a single tool. So CANoe utilizes a number of test patterns
specified in XML and processes them accordingly.
Figure 3:
Representation of the CANoe.
CANopen environment
48 Press Book_Seite_7-30_7-33.indd 4
Mirko Tischer,
Product Manager for CANopen.
Figure 4:
Test levels in
48 Press Book_Seite_7-30_7-33.indd 5
Automatic testing of
CANopen devices
Kai Schmidt (Vector Informatik)
he growing complexity
of todays system architectures is associated with
an increase in the effort
that must be invested in test
specification, test creation
and test execution during
the development of such
systems and system components. Test specifications
should be available in early
phases of the development
process, e.g. after the system architecture has been
created or during component design. This makes
it possible to detect errors
early and correct them costeffectively.
The development process for a CANopen system
can be described based
on the V-model. In the first
phase, system requirements
are defined, which for the
most part contain the definitions of individual use cases. This information represents the input for the next
step, where initial assessments can already be made
of the system architecture.
Functions are assigned to
49 Press Book_Seite_7-34_7-37.indd 2
Derivation of test
Besides the simulation, it
is also possible to derive
initial tests on the protocol and communication levels from the device descriptions. The protocol test includes checking of the SDO
protocol, for example. The
communication tests do not
check for correctness of the
protocol, but instead for correct flow of message sequences. For example, it
is possible to test whether
the configuration sequence
for process data objects
conforms to the sequence
specified in CiA 301.
The following test templates
with general application can
be defined for a CANopen
SDO download test
SDO upload test
Heartbeat producer test
Heartbeat consumer test
Transmit PDO test
EMCY test
Test functions are created
for each object contained in
the object dictionary here.
The test functions are parameterized based on the
data contained in the configuration files for the devices. Among other things, test
sequences can be generated to check the:
PDO configuration
Default values
Object dictionary
NMT state machine, and
SDO protocol
The generated tests may
be executed right away in
a suitable runtime environment. In the framework of
integration work, it is precisely such tests that are
used to check the delivered
components. In turn, suppliers can generate similar
test sequences to assist in
development. They can immediately be applied to the
Generation template
for each version
Generation templates must
be created for each test, but
they are applied to each device to be tested. A generation template that describes the creation of a test
for checking the object dictionary would appear as follows:
for all objects
get access type
if(access == read
add test function
SDO Upload
to test sequence
} // if
else if (access ==
read write){
add test function
SDO Upload
to test sequence
add test function
SDO Download
to test sequence
} // else if
Iterative development
Since iterative processes
are applied throughout a
devices development, the
49 Press Book_Seite_7-34_7-37.indd 3
The application-related behavior of the devices can
not be represented in the
device descriptions. Furthermore, the tester does
not want to have to deal with
the CANopen-specific conceptual world and its definitions on the application
level. On this level, it is entirely unimportant to know
which signal is mapped to
which object at which position. More important is information about which signals exist and which devic-
49 Press Book_Seite_7-34_7-37.indd 4
Fig. 5: Generated test environment
the signal is also unsupported. Even if these requirements could be implemented, it is not possible to automate generation of application-related test sequences, since the behavior of the
system is not described.
Generated test
Nonetheless, the developer
can be supported by gener-
49 Press Book_Seite_7-34_7-37.indd 5
13:13 Uhr
Seite 1
ATZ elektronik: Dr. Beck, what are the typical issues that arise in the development process for automotive electronics?
Beck: First a distinction should be made between two subject
areas here. They are the engineer ing process on the one
hand, and the management process on the other.
The engineer ing process is concerned with master ing technical complexity, i.e. the interaction of electronic components
that are evolving into increasingly comprehensive systems,
e.g. driver assistance systems, ACC, lane keeping systems,
etc. These systems of fer great challenges to automotive
In the context of management processes the primary concern is with planning and control of engineer ing, such as in
project planning and tracking. However, improved communication between producers and suppliers and the challenge of
continually bringing new products to market faster and more
ef ficiently are also requirements of the management process. When one examines the methods, processes and organizational forms with which the automotive industry has typically operated, the writing was already on the wall several
years ago: Manufacturers and suppliers had to improve their
system development capabilities enormously to even be able
to develop complex networked electronic systems and to
thereby remain competitive. If you look into large corporations today, you will see that extensive programs are being
started everywhere to improve development processes and
enhance quality.
13:13 Uhr
Seite 2
tionships are established between them according to predefined processes. The questions addressed here are always
process-related. Supplemental logic is required for data that
are relevant to mechanical design. Such data are integrated
into the system in the form of customizing.
A data structure might represent a vehicle configuration for
a passenger car or heavy truck, for example. Data it contains
might belong to the Engine Management System, Gateway,
or Transmission System; in the specif ic control module these
data extend deeper into the software, into functionality, to
the CAN message level or to the model level, for example a
Matlab Simulink model. As an analogy, one might picture a
well-organized drawing cabinet containing all of the elements that make up the vehicle.
ATZ elektronik: How is eASEE implemented at your customers?
Beck: The prerequisite for meaningful use of such a product
is that the customer must have already defined its processes
internally. If that is not the case, the customer cannot even
start to use eASEE. In introducing the product to a company
it is unimpor tant whether we per form the service or another
consultation firm handles it. In principle, potential collaborative partners not only include large corporations like IBM,
but also small companies who are specialists in this area.
Once processes have been clearly defined, the product must
be customized to the processes. Vector already of fers prepared solutions here that can be adapted to a customers
ATZ elektronik: Sometimes it is not so simple to introduce
new processes. What has your experience been in this area?
Beck: In projects that we per formed recently, management
stood clearly behind process development. The bottom line
is that engineers too are upset when they cannot find documents or when cooperative work ef forts do not succeed. The
climate for processes has been transformed in recent years
based on this fact. Good organizational development means
addressing both sides. It must be a Win-Win situation for
management and engineers. To cite another example: At all
times the engineer has the oppor tunity to observe in eASEE,
the workflow process has taken to date as well as the current
Dr. Thomas Beck finished his studies on Electrical Engineering in
1986; doctorate degree in 1992; began business career in var ious
positions at Bosch and ETAS; 19972000 CEO of the ETAS Group; and
since 2001 partner and CEO of Vector Informatik GmbH and Vector
Consulting GmbH
13:06 Uhr
Seite 1
2 Basic Ideas
Two factors led to the development of the MAN Common Engineer ing Data Backbone: First, it was clear to management very early on
that quality could not simply be achieved after wards by an extensive testing process. Rather a universal, well lived-out development
process is necessary, which encompasses all areas of development.
Second, management at MAN favored an integrated database solution that saves all data of the development process in a meta model
(single source) [Figure 1] and thereby enables very ef ficient data
usage and data universality. The ability to set relationships between data fur ther increases ef ficiency. This database solution is
referred to at MAN as the Common Engineer ing Data Backbone.
3 Implementation
The company was looking for a technical platform that lets users
concentrate on the actual contents: The data structures and functionalities. The system already provides basic mechanisms such as
user administration, version management and client-server architectures. That is why the choice was made to go with the eASEE Tool
Suite from Vector.
Figure 1:
Single-source principle for the development process
13:06 Uhr
Seite 2
Figure 2:
The eASEE process tool suite
Figure 3:
MAN Common Engineer ing Data
Seite 3
Calibration Data Management (CDM) maps the data of the calibration process. Based on the data of the FDM, in calibration projects
this system makes it possible to manage data records of ECUs via
the ASAM MCD-2MC file. Data records from established calibration
Figure 4:
Planning and control of the development process
13:06 Uhr
The MAN Common Engineer ing Data Backbone has been in productive operation for several years and is currently utilized by about
one hundred developers. Today it consists of the eight domains
Figure 5:
FDM inter face to Matlab/Simulink
13:07 Uhr
Seite 4
Figure 6:
FDM inter faces to author ing tools
and exter nal databases
described and var ious inter faces [Figure 6]. Since developers are
actively supported by the backbone in their daily work, from the
first requirement to the last test, the Common Engineer ing Data
Backbone is very well accepted by developers. It has been shown
that it is very impor tant for developers to work within the system
from the very first minute, and to single-source their data here.
This eliminates an additional maintenance ef fort that would other wise be perceived as rather disruptive.
4 Utility
After about three years of productive use by the Common Engineer ing Data Backbone, the initial objectives were realized. Ef ficiency
gains were achieved due to redundancy-free data input and data
storage and due to the many dif ferent options for supplying information and prepar ing data. Previously, an engineer would have to
work through dozens of documents to predict the consequences of
transferring a cer tain function from ECU A to ECU B. Today, it takes
just a few mouse clicks and the relevant information is available at
the latest revision level. Another advantage is reusability of engineer ing ar tifacts and data, which is made possible by Var iant Management. Other positive ef fects are the considerably improved
transparency for engineers involved in the development process
and the ability to establish role-specif ic views for one and the same
data content. Thus, the MAN Common Engineer ing Data Backbone
of fers very specif ic views of development status, e.g. for the project leader, system architect, function developer, integration manager and test engineer.
Stefan Teuchert
(Graduate Engineer) manages the Software
Development and Basic Technologies department at MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Georg Zimmermann
(Graduate Engineer) manages the Product
Line Process Tools department at Vector
Informatik GmbH
13:12 Uhr
Seite 1
To be successful as a globally-active automotive supplier in a market character ized by innovation, competition and cost pressure, it
is necessary to have products that meet the stringent technical and
economical requirements of automotive OEMs.
Based on its comprehensive expertise, continuously optimized processes and process tools, ZF is able to position its products for powertrain and chassis systems very successfully in the market. In the
power train area, ZF supplies transmissions for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, buses, rail vehicles, ships and helicopters. These
areas are marked by a very high level of model diversity. This diversity
in models and var iants can be achieved by vehicle-specif ic parameter ization (calibration) of the transmission. For example, ZF supplies
the 6HP26 6-speed automatic transmission, which enables ef ficient
gear shifting in dif ferent vehicles with vehicle-specif ic torque curves
ranging from 300Nm to 800Nm; this is accomplished by individual
parameter ization (Figure 1). Short shift times, smooth gear shifts,
reduced fuel consumption and low emissions are other objectives
that can be met by optimally adapting parameters to the vehicle.
Requirements of ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Even the first microcontroller-based transmission control electronics included parameters for adapting the electronics to the environment (e.g. transmission hardware, vehicle). Starting with just a few
calibration parameters, the number of parameters continually rose
in response to increasing functionality. A growing model diversity
in transmission and power train systems as well as a rising number
of parallel projects required functions for central, ef ficient and
process-conformant management of the calibration data. The existing system for data management developed in-house at ZF had
been stretched to its limits by the complexity of projects.
Figure 1:
The 6HP26 transmission from ZF
13:12 Uhr
Seite 2
Calibration-specif ic functions support project leaders, data integrators and calibrators in all phases of a project. From project def inition to data preparation to release of the integrated overall
parameter sets, users benefit from calibration data management
system functionality:
Project leaders at ZF are able to clearly structure complex calibration projects that have many var iants by proper ty-supported var iants management. Data set var iants are formed by combinations of
var iant-relevant attributes. Var iant criteria are also utilized as
filter criteria in releasing parameters (Figure 3).
ECU suppliers of ten per form calibration projects jointly with the
OEM, and this requires flexible handling of data. Calibrators at ZF
process and manage ECU parameters either parameter-oriented,
function-oriented, component-oriented or var iant-coded, depending on the specif ic calibration process. The CANape and INCA calibration tools that are used generate market-relevant data formats:
both physical character istic data formats (CDF, CSV, DCM, PaCo,
PAR) and program formats (Intel Hex, Motorola-S) are supported.
The calibration area at ZF implements the graphic Parameter Editor
for checking, adjustment and data integration (Figure 4). It of fers
extensive options for visualization (table-format, 2D and 3D) and
off line editing of ECU programs and parameters. Changes are saved
directly in the eASEE data backbone.
Data integrators make extensive use of algorithms to improve data
consistency and integrity by checking for completeness, unambigu-
Figure 2:
The eASEE process
tool suite
Figure 3:
Proper ty supported var iants management
13:12 Uhr
Seite 3
Production calibration projects at ZF are per formed using calibration processes that are defined area-wide. The processes are structured so that many process steps can be run in parallel and executed by an automated tool. All aspects of this calibration process at
ZF are fully supported by eASEE.cdm. It ensures process-conformant execution of calibration projects in practice, and it supports of
calibrators, developers and project leaders.
In their daily work, users benefit from the following functionalities:
> Improved cooperation of calibration teams due to uniform and
corporate-wide system
> Data freeze time is reduced from one week to one day by
automated checking and safeguarding functions
> Reduced manual ef fort by automated generation of the data
exchange containers
> Reproducibility of data revision levels by automatic storage of
test and signature configurations
> Ef fective var iants management reduces number of time-wasting
and error-prone actions
> Collision-free data integration by label-based rights
> Full traceability of the calibration process by thorough
versioning of all relevant data and protocols
> Reusability of calibration data by component library
13:12 Uhr
Seite 4
The eASEE.cdm calibration data management system has been
introduced corporate-wide at ZF, facilitating ef ficient, process-conformant data management while ensur ing high data quality.
Besides being used to support the business operations, the tool
also serves as an impor tant foundation in conducting (SPICE)
assessments of ZF business processes in software development and
All of the objectives ZF sought to achieve were fully attained.
Signif icant increases in ef ficiency of up to 90% were attained in
safeguarding and signing-off data sets. Overall, eASEE.cdm is making an impor tant contribution toward reducing costs in calibration.
Rainer Rhrle
studied Physical Technology and Computer
Engineer ing and has been employed at ZF
since 1997. He is responsible for tool development in the Electronics/Software area.
Since 2003 he has been project leader for the
corporate-wide introduction of eASEE.cdm.
Christoph Heller
studied Electrical Engineer ing at the University of Stuttgart. He works at Vector Informatik GmbH as Business Development Manager
in the Process Tools product line area.
Figure 4:
Parameter editor
13:11 Uhr
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Fax: +33 1 4231 4009
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Tel.: +46 31 764 7600
Fax: +46 31 764 7619
Vector GB Limited
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Tel.: +44 121 50681-50
Fax: +44 121 50681-69
Vector Informatik GmbH
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Tel.: +86 21 6432 53530
Fax: +86 21 6432 5308
Seite 3