Projects (Corrected On 18-08-08)
Projects (Corrected On 18-08-08)
Projects (Corrected On 18-08-08)
Project 1
Study the variation in the amount of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages
of ripening.
The objective of this project is to investigate the variation in the amount of oxalate
ions present in guava at different stages of its ripening (i.e. unripe, parialy ripe
and fully ripe).
Brief Procedure
Collect different samples of guava fruit (green, pale-green, yellowish-white and
yellowish, i.e. from unripe to fully ripe variety). Take100 grams of one of the
sample of guava fruit, crush it into a mortar and transfer the paste in 100 mL of
water. Boil the contents for 10-15 minutes and filter. Take the filtrate, add about
5mL of dilute sulphuric acid and titrate it against 0.001M KMnO4 solution. Repeat
the procedure with other samples of guava and draw conclusion.
Project 2
A study to compare the quantity of caesin present in different samples of milk.
To compare the quality of different samples of milk by finding out quantity of
casein present in them.
Brief Procedure
Take 200 mL of each sample of milk in separate 500 mL beakers. Heat the milk
samples upto 50 – 60°C. Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid slowly with
constant stirring for 5-10 minutes. Casein coagulates as an amorphous
substance. Filter the substance and wash the precipitate several times with tap
water. Remove the fat by using a suitable organic solvent. Weigh casein so obtained
after drying.
Project 3
Preparation of soyabean milk and its comparison with natural
To prepare soyabean milk and compare it with natural milk with
respect to curd formation, effect of temperature, taste etc.
Brief Procedure
Prepare soyabean milk by first soaking soyabean seeds in warm
water and keeping them overnight in water. Make a paste of seeds
by crushing and finely grinding them. Mix the pasty mass with
warm water to get soya milk. Filter the mixture and discard the
undissolved portion. Compare soya milk with natural milk and
conclude whether soya milk can be a substitute for natural milk.
The comparison may be made with respect to the nutrients present,
colour, smell, taste, effect of temperature, curd formation, etc.
Project 4
Study the effect of potassium metabisulphite as a food preservative
under various conditions.
To study the effect of concentration of potassium metabisulphite
(preservative), temperature and time on preservation of food.
Brief Procedure
Collect amla fruits and wash these with water. Cut these into small
pieces and dry in the sunlight for a few hours. Mix the salt and
the spices to the pieces. Pour 25g of amla pieces into each of the
six boiling tubes numbered as 1, 2, 3…etc. Weigh 500 mg of
potassium metabisulphite and dissolve it in 20 mL of distilled
water. Keep the boiling tube No. 1 without mixing preservative
and oil. In boiling tube No. 2 and 3 add 1 mL of the preservative
solution and 2 mL of oil and mix the mixture with the glass rod.
Keep the boiling tube No. 2 at the room temperature (25-350C)
and the boiling tube No. 3 at a temperature of 400C. In boiling
Project 5
A Study of enzymatic hydrolysis of starch
Study the hydrolysis of starch by salivary amylase and the effect
of pH and temperature on it.
Brief Procedure
Take about 20-30 mL of warm distilled water (30°C– 40°C) in the
mouth and mix it with the saliva by gargling in the mouth. Collect
the saliva mixed water in a beaker.
Project 6
A comparative study of the rate of fermentation of the following
substances: (a) Wheat flour, (b) Gram flour, (c) Potato juice, (d) Carrot
juice, (e) Orange juice, (f) Apple juice, and (g) Sugar-cane juice.
To determine the rate of fermentation of different substances and
study the effect of concentration, time and temperature on the rate
of fermentation of these substances.
Brief Procedure
Take a conical flask (100 mL) fitted with a delivery tube as shown
in Fig. 12.1. Remove the delivery tube and add 10 g of wheat flour
and about 80 mL of the distilled water into the flask. Stir the
contents of the flask with a glass rod and add 2 g of yeast. Stir the
contents again. Fit the delivery tube into the mouth of the flask.
Tie a balloon with the help of a thread to the upper end of the
delivery tube as shown in Fig.12.1. As the fermentation proceeds,
carbon dioxide gas is evolved and the balloon inflates. The extent
to which the baloon inflates in the given time is the measure of the
rate of reaction. Repeat the experiment with other materials such
as potato juice, orange juice, apple juice and sugar-cane juice.
Effect of time
Carry out the reaction using the same ingredients for different
intervals of time and observing the extent of inflation of balloon.
Effect of temperature
Carry out the reaction using the same ingredients for a fixed
interval of time but at three different temperatures (25oC, 30oC,
and 35°C). Note the extent of reaction by observing the inflation
of baloon in the these reactions.
Project 7
Extraction of essential oils present in saunf (aniseeds), Ajwain
(carum) and illaichi (cardamom)
To extract essential oils from aniseeds, carum, and cardamom by
using petroleum ether as a solvent.
Brief Procedure
Take 100 g of crushed aniseed in a conical flask and add 100 mL
of petroleum ether (of boiling range 60°-80°) in it. Close the mouth
of the flask with a rubber cork and shake it for sometime. Keep
the flask for a day. Filter the solution and collect in a distillation
flask. Distill off the petroleum ether at 60°C - 80°C. Petroleum
ether is a highly inflammable liquid. Do not bring any flame near
it. Use heating mental for heating the flask. Do not heat it directly
on flame. Transfer the liquid (oil) which is left in the flask to a
boiling tube and close the mouth of the boiling tube with a rubber
cork. Note the colour, odour and volume of the essential oil so
Similarly, extract essential oils of carum and cardamom.
Project 8
Study of common food adulterants.
To identify the food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric
powder, chilli powder and pepper.
Background information
Adulteration of food means substitution of the genuin food material
wholly or in part with any cheaper or inferior substance or removal
of any of its constituents, wholly or in part, which affects adversely
the nature, substance or quality of the food. According to the Indian
Preservation of Food Adultration Act (PFA) 1954, any ingredient
which when present in food, is injurious to health is an adultrant.
Some of the foods commonly adultrated in India and the
adultrants found in them are as follows ; corresponding form of
Khesari dal (grain/bean/flour) is mixed with pulses like masoor,
bengal gram dal, red gram dal, black gram, and channa.
Consumption of khersari dhal for a long time results in paralysis of
the lower limbs.
Sometimes seeds, barks, leaves and other matter are dressed up
to look like genuine foodstuffs and are used to adultrate pure ones.
For example exhausted tea leaves or coloured sawdust are mixed
into fresh tea. Powdered bran and sawdust may be present in ground
spices. Easily obtainable seeds are substituted for cumin, cardamom,
black pepper, mustered seeds etc.
Edible oils and fats are adultrated with cheap edible and non
edible oils. Seeds of Argemone maxicana resemble mustered and
are used to mix with mustard seeds and oil extracted from seeds is
used to adultrate oils such as coconut, mustard, sesame and
groundnut. Argemone oil is poisonous and its use results in dropsy
in human beings. Oils and fats are also adultrated with petroleum
products which cause gastrointestinal disorders.
Talc and chalk powder are used to adultrate wheat flour,
Arrowroot powder and confectionary, starch is used as a filler in
milk and milk products.
Coaltar dyes and mineral pigments like lead chromate and red
or yellow earth are common food adultrants used for colouring milk
products, confectionary, soft drinks, beverages, tea, spices, bakery
products, fruits and vegetables to give better look.
Brief procedures for testing food adultrants in some of the food
materials are given below :
Brief Procedure
Chalk in sugar
Take 1 g of sugar in a test tube and add 2 mL of dilute H2SO4 in it.
Evolution of effervescence indicates the presence of chalk in sugar.