The JNC 8 Hipertensi Pedoman Terbaru
The JNC 8 Hipertensi Pedoman Terbaru
The JNC 8 Hipertensi Pedoman Terbaru
CCBs and thiazide-type diuretics should be used instead of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in
patients over the age of 75 years with impaired kidney function due to the risk of hyperkalemia,
increased creatinine, and further renal impairment.
The change to a more lenient systolic blood pressure goal may be confusing to many patients
who are accustomed to the lower goals of JNC 7, including the <140/90 mm Hg goal for most
patients and <130/80 mm Hg goal for patients with hypertension and major comorbidities.
The guidelines were informed by results of 5 key trials: the Hypertension Detection and Followup Program (HDFP), the Hypertension-Stroke Cooperative, the Medical Research Council
(MRC) trial, the Australian National Blood Pressure (ANBP) trial, and the Veterans
Administration (VA) Cooperative. In these trials, patients between the ages of 30 and 69 years
received medication to lower DBP to a level <90 mm Hg. Results showed a reduction in
cerebrovascular events, heart failure, and overall mortality in patients treated to the DBP target
The data were so compelling that some members of the JNC 8 panel wanted to keep DBP <90
mm Hg as the only goal among younger patients, citing insufficient evidence for benefits of an
SBP goal lower than 140 mm Hg in patients under the age of 60 years. However, more
conservative panelists pushed to keep the target SBP goal as well as the DBP goal.
In younger patients without major comorbidities, elevated DBP is a more important
cardiovascular risk factor than is elevated SBP. The JNC 8 panelists are not the first guideline
authors to recognize this relationship. The JNC 7 guideline authors also acknowledged that DBP
control was more important than SBP control for reducing cardiovascular risk in patients <60
years of age. However, in patients 60 years and older SBP control remains the most important
Other recent evidence suggests that the SBP goal <140 mm Hg recommended by the JNC 7
guidelines for most patients may have been unnecessarily low. The JNC 8 guideline authors cite
2 trials that found no improvement in cardiovascular outcomes with an SBP target <140 mm Hg
compared with a target SBP level <160 mm Hg or <150 mm Hg. Despite this finding, the new
guidelines do not disallow treatment to a target SBP <140 mm Hg, but recommend caution to
ensure that low SBP levels do not affect quality of life or lead to adverse events.
The shift to a DBP-based goal may mean younger patients will be prescribed fewer medications
if diagnosed with hypertension; this may improve adherence and minimize adverse events
associated with low SBP, such as sexual dysfunction.
Patients With Kidney Disease
Although 1 post hoc analysis showed a possible advantage in kidney outcomes with the lower
target of 130/80 mm Hg recommended by JNC 7, 2 other primary analyses did not support this
finding. Additionally, another 3 trials did not show an advantage with the <130/80 mm Hg goal
over the <140/90 mm Hg goal level for patients with chronic kidney disease.
As a result, the new guidelines recommend that patients with chronic kidney disease receive
medication sufficient to achieve the higher <140/90 mm Hg goal level. However, in an exception
to this goal level, the guidelines suggest that patients with chronic kidney disease or albuminuria
70 years or older should receive treatment based on comorbidities, frailty, and other patientspecific factors.
Evidence was insufficient to support a goal blood pressure of <140/90 mm Hg in patients over
the age of 70 years with CKD or albuminuria.
Patients With Diabetes
Adults with diabetes and hypertension have reduced mortality as well as improved
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular outcomes with treatment to a goal SBP <150 mm Hg, but no
randomized controlled trials support a goal <140/90 mm Hg. Despite this, the panel opted for a
conservative recommendation in patients with diabetes and hypertension, opting for a goal level
of <140/90 mm Hg in adult patients with diabetes and hypertension rather than the
evidencebased goal of <150/90 mm Hg.
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terlepas dari latar belakang etnis , baik sebagai terapi lini pertama atau di samping
terapi lini pertama .
ACE inhibitor dan ARB tidak boleh digunakan pada pasien yang sama secara
bersamaan .
CCBs dan diuretik tipe thiazide harus digunakan sebagai pengganti inhibitor ACE
dan ARB pada pasien di atas usia 75 tahun dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal karena
resiko hiperkalemia , peningkatan kreatinin , dan gangguan ginjal lebih lanjut.
Perubahan gol tekanan darah sistolik lebih lunak mungkin membingungkan bagi
banyak pasien yang terbiasa dengan tujuan yang lebih rendah dari JNC 7 , termasuk
< 140/90 mm Hg tujuan untuk sebagian besar pasien dan < 130/80 mm Hg untuk
pasien dengan tujuan hipertensi dan komorbiditas utama .
Pedoman diberitahu oleh hasil dari 5 percobaan kunci: Deteksi Hipertensi dan
Program Tindak Lanjut ( HDFP ) , Hipertensi - Stroke Koperasi , Medical Research
Council ( MRC ) percobaan , Tekanan Australian National Blood ( ANBP ) percobaan ,
dan Administrasi veteran ( VA ) Koperasi . Dalam percobaan ini , pasien antara usia
30 dan 69 tahun menerima pengobatan untuk menurunkan DBP ke tingkat < 90
mm Hg . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan kejadian serebrovaskular , gagal
jantung , dan kematian secara keseluruhan pada pasien yang diobati dengan level
target DBP .
Data yang begitu menarik bahwa beberapa anggota JNC 8 panel ingin menjaga DBP
< 90 mm Hg sebagai satu-satunya gol di antara pasien yang lebih muda , mengutip
bukti yang cukup untuk keunggulan lewat gol SBP lebih rendah dari 140 mm Hg
pada pasien di bawah usia 60 tahun . Namun, panelis lebih konservatif mendorong
untuk menjaga target tujuan SBP serta tujuan DBP .
Pada pasien yang lebih muda tanpa komorbiditas utama , peningkatan DBP
merupakan faktor risiko kardiovaskular yang lebih penting daripada yang
ditinggikan SBP . The JNC 8 panelis bukan penulis pedoman pertama yang mengakui
hubungan ini . The JNC 7 pedoman penulis juga mengakui bahwa pengendalian DBP
adalah lebih penting daripada SBP kontrol untuk mengurangi risiko kardiovaskular
pada pasien < 60 tahun . Namun, pada pasien 60 tahun dan lebih tua kontrol SBP
tetap merupakan faktor yang paling penting .
Bukti terbaru lainnya menunjukkan bahwa tujuan SBP < 140 mm Hg
direkomendasikan oleh JNC 7 pedoman untuk sebagian besar pasien mungkin tidak
perlu rendah. The JNC 8 penulis pedoman mengutip 2 uji coba yang menemukan
tidak ada perbaikan dalam hasil kardiovaskular dengan target SBP < 140 mm Hg
dibandingkan dengan level target SBP < 160 mm Hg atau < 150 mm Hg . Meskipun
temuan ini , pedoman baru tidak melarang pengobatan untuk target SBP < 140 mm