1102 p2 Rogerian in Practice (1) - 2
1102 p2 Rogerian in Practice (1) - 2
1102 p2 Rogerian in Practice (1) - 2
Rogerian in Practice
Scenario: The Zombie Apocalypse
Patient Zero
The rest that we can piece together is that Dr. Yates and his
research team were attacked by the overrun experiment.
When investigators happened upon the lab two weeks ago, the
place was in disarray, but the notes were intact. The previous
quote was the last entry. Dr. Yates and his team are still
unaccounted for.
In the two weeks that followed, we have been uncovering more
cases of infected individuals. Those who are exposed to the blood
or saliva of an infected individual run the risk of contracting
Epidemic Z, or as its referred to in the media, The Zombie Virus.
We have joined here today to reason as human beings (and former
human beings). The only way to stop this from turning into the
Zombie Apocalypse is to act swiftly and intelligently. The fate of
the human race is up to you representatives.
What to do
Pick up a slip of paper.
Those who are infected sit on the left side of the room. Those who are uninfected sit on
the right side.
Please elect a leader or spokesperson within the group. This person will articulate your
argument in front of the class and call on people to speak from your group (2 minutes).
You have ten minutes to construct your side of this Rogerian debate. Please consider:
You disagree. Humans want to live. Zombies want to eat.
Neither side has authority. Humans, just because you were here first doesnt make
you supreme ruler.
For the purpose of this activity consider a zombie apocalypse where either side
doesnt necessarily win. (This means your proposed solution cant be Buy a
shotgun and blow the zombies to bits. or, Braaains.)
This is a social change. We are asking for a certain level of compromise on both
Remember, the point of the Rogerian is to find common ground. Try to anticipate the
points the other side will make and recognize the validity in these.
Both representatives will come up to the front of the room and share their groups
opening statement (remembering empathy), their point of view, and common ground
to be found.
Debate Time!
Opening Statement: Now that weve established that
there is a problem here, the risk of a zombie epidemic,
please summarize your view of this situation.
Make a Contract
Representatives, with the help of your citizens,
write a contract together in the center of the
board. Representatives will call on citizens who
raise their hands.