Treatment Planning: Song

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Student Name Diana Fox

Treatment Planning
LTG = Long Term Goal
STO = Short Term Objective



Angel Band (with the word Sunday substituting for

Christmas in the lyrics)


American Folk Song

Artist: Hap Palmer

POPULATION: Young Children/ADD/Group


(including participation, cooperative listening, and playing instruments)

1. To promote focus and acceptable social behavior within a group


a. Client will respond to verbal cues when prompted

b. Client will participate in a group activity while playing an

c. Client will recall information from a song
Plan: Introduce the song Angel Band. Invite clients to tap a steady beat with
you during refrain. When the song is over, discuss what the song was about
and ask questions such as: Who was in a band? How many angels were there?
What day of the week did they play on? What time of day? Etc. Sing the song
again, but have clients clap on the numbers and the steady beat during the
refrain. Have clients select an instrument and stand in a circle. Sing the song

while playing instruments on the numbers and marching around the circle
keeping a steady beat during the refrain.

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