Book Review Presentation (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)
Book Review Presentation (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)
Book Review Presentation (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)
Abhishek Choudhury
Debayan Chatterjee
Pankaj Kotak
Kartik Vora
Gagandeep Singh
Introduction of the book
Author: - Robin S Sharma.
Publication: - Jaico Publishing House
(In arrangement with Harper Collins Publishers
Ltd. Toronto, Canada.)
Distributed by:-India BookDistributors(Bombay)
Print: 2005
Price: Rs.175
Pages: 198
The monk who sold his Ferrari is a fable
that tries to give some unique lesson for
living a healthy and fulfilling life. Today’s
world is running very fast and therefore
most the people are not able to get time
for their own betterment. We remain
highly busy is achieving goals and
money; however we forget to consider
about health. At a time, when people
have everything in world.
The Author
Robin Sharma
CEO, Sharma Leadership International
Leadership coach
Consultant to Microsoft, NASA, IBM
Robin Sharma is a world-renowned authority on organizational
and personal leadership. Robin Sharma holds 2 law degrees
including a Masters of Law and has had a distinguished career
as a litigation lawyer. The widely acclaimed author of seven #1
international bestsellers including the million-copy blockbuster
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The Saint, The Surfer and The
CEO, which was the #1 selling book in the world at
Robin Sharma is also the Chief Visionary Officer of Sharma
Leadership International Inc., a widely respected coaching
services firm whose mission is to grow leaders and help
organizations become extraordinary. He is a well-known media
personality who has appeared in TIME Magazine, The New York
Times and other national publications. His bestseller “Who Will
Cry When You Die?” was listed as one of the “10 Best
Leadership Books” by The Globe and Mail and Leadership
Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari written in 1999 has
been used as a handbook for professional excellence success