GUD Automotive Pty LTD 29 Taras Ave Altona North Victoria 3025 Australia
GUD Automotive Pty LTD 29 Taras Ave Altona North Victoria 3025 Australia
GUD Automotive Pty LTD 29 Taras Ave Altona North Victoria 3025 Australia
1. The cabin air filter housing is located in the passenger footwell at the end of
the centre console. The complete glove box compartment has to be removed to
gain access to the cabin air filter.
2. For better working space slide the passenger seat back completely and get in
the footwell area. Open the glove box and remove the top plastic trim by gently
pulling it then remove the plastic trim on the side facing the door.
3. Remove the 6 screws securing the unit to the dash. Pull the unit out slowly
until the light connector is visible and unplug it. Remove the unit completely.
4. Identify the cabin air filter housing which is located after the two HVAC servo
motors. Remove the housing lid by undoing the two screws securing it.
5. Grab the old cabin air filter and slide it out carefully to avoid any accumulated
debris from being spread around. Clean the area and slide in the new filter making
sure it is facing in the right air flow direction marked on the side of the filter. Refit
all components in reverse order.