Design & Drawing of Steel Structures - PDF 12082014142516

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: tib Po 1418) ts Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to University of Mumbai) DESIGN AND DRAWING OF STEEL STRUCTURES, SS ee eae | June 2014 ‘T.E. (CIVIL) SEMESTER VI TIME 4HRS. NOTES:1) Q. NO. 1 IS COMPULSORY ANSWER ANY FOUR FROM THE | REMAINING SIX QUESTIONS. DRAWING FOR Q NO 1 | DETAILS SHOULD BE DRAWN ON THE DRAWING SHEET. 2) FOR THE REMAINING QUESTIONS NEAT SKETCHES SHOULD BE DONE IN THE ANWER BOOKS 3) USE OF IS 800-2007 AND STEEL TABLE IS PERMITTED 4) STEEL HAS Fy=250MPa AND BOLTS ARE 4.6GRADE. Qi ‘The truss shown in the figure has end A as hinged and end G as roller 20 support. Member loads are as follows Member | LENGTH | DL TL. WL CH |1.8im__[8kN(@) | 8EN(©) | 32kN CO__|2.63m__[ 30KN(T)_[ 30kN (1) | 100 KN(C) Design these members considering the proper partial safety factor and combination and bolted connection. Draw the details of joint’C’. OR Q1 The figure shows floor beam arrangement where the secondary beams are 20 placed at an interval of 2mand'the primary beams are placed at an interval of 6m.TheRCC slab is 120mm thick LL=3kN/m?.Design beam Bland B2 with their welded connection. Both the beams are laterally supported Floor to floor height is 4m and internal wall thickness is 150mm. Draw the section showing all the connection detail of beam B1 to B2 ’H6 ett) tou BE ODL. (97 6hly Q2 Q3a Q4 Qsa Q7a Design a built-up column of length 8m to carry a factored axial load of 2500KN the ends are fixed both position and direction. Select two suitable sections and bolted batten plates ‘A simply supported beam of 10m span is subjected to a factored UDL of 30kN/m inclusive of self weight. Design the beam as laterally supported beam ‘Adopt ISMB section Check for web buckling and web crippling. ‘What would be the moment of resistance if the section in the Q 3(a) is laterally unsupported? A double angle discontinuous strut of two ISA80x80x8mm is connected back to back on either side of gusset plate of 10mm thick gusset plate with two bolts. The length of the strut is 4.5m a) Caleulate the compressive force the section can support. K=0.8 for effective length. ) Calculate the tensile force the section can support, if 4 bolts are used for the connection. Use 4.6grade M20 bolts. Design a stiffened seated welded connection for beam ISMB500 with factored reaction of 300KN to the column ISHB400 flange Design a slab base for a column section ISMB200 which carries a factored axial compressive load of 800KN. Grade of concrete Mzo Determine the bolt value for shear and bearing of 4.6grade M20 bolts if pitch is 60mm and edge distance is 50mm, Design a unstiffened seated bolted connection for beam ISMB300 with factored reaction of 100kN to the column ISHB400 flange. An ISHB450 @855N/m column has two plate 250x20mm attached to both the flanges and it carries a factored axial load of 2200KN.Design the gusseted base if it rests on concrete pedestal ofMzo Design a bolted bracket angle connection. A load 250KN is resting on a 10mm bracket plate which is connected to the flange of the column ISHB400 using ‘two angles ISA100x100x8mm. The load is acting at a distance of 200mm from the face of the column, The plane of the load and that of bolts are perpendicular to each other. Design a framed connection between main beam ISMB600 and two secondary beams ISMB400 and ISMB250 connected oni either side of the web of the main beam. The ISMB400 on the left transmits a reaction of 125KN and the beam ISMB250 on the right transmits a reaction of 100kN.Use 4,6grade M20 bolts /ewe @ 20 20 08 12 08 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING master (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to University of Mumbai) DESIGN AND DRAWING OF STEEL STRUCTURES ee eee URES April 2014 T.E. (CIVIL) SEMESTER VI TIME 4HRS. NOTES:1) Q. NO. 1 IS COMPULSORY ANSWER ANY FOUR FROM THE REMAINING SIX QUESTIONS. DRAWING FOR Q NO 1 DETAILS SHOULD BE DRAWN ON THE DRAWING SHEET. 2) FOR THE REMAINING QUESTIONS NEAT SKETCHES SHOULD BE DONE IN THE ANWER BOOKS 3) USE OF IS 800-2007 AND STEEL TABLE IS PERMITTED 4) STEEL HAS Fy=250MPa AND BOLTS ARE 4.6GRADE. Q1 The truss shown in the figure has end A as hinged and end G as roller 20 support. Member loads are as follows, Member DL. _[i WL “(cH 4.05(C) 4.05(C) 15.95(T) CD. 15(1) 15(T 46.91(C) Design these members considering the proper partial safety factor and ‘combination and bolted connection. Draw the details of joint’C’. OR Q1 The figure shows floor beam arrangement where the secondary beams are 20 placed at an interval of 2m.TheRCC slab is 120mm thick LL=5kN/m?.Design beam Bland B2 with their welded connection. Both the beams are laterally supported Floor to floor height is 4m and interrial-wali thickness is 150mm. eT ae a 14st Draw the sections 1-1 & 2-2 Q2 Design a built-up column of length 8m to carry a factored axial load of 20 3000KN the ends are fixed both position and direction. Select two suitable I-sections and welded batten plates poge CD TB Ceimh) SORATT DESIG Arol Dresing of Heel Shedtived 02/a6 holy Q3a A simply supported beam of 10m span is subjected to a UDL of 48kN/m 4 inclusive of self weight. Design the beam as laterally supported beam .Adopt ISMB section Check for web buckling and web crippling. b What would be the moment of resistance if the section in the Q 3(a) is 06 laterally unsupported? Q4a A double angle discontinuous strut of two ISA75x75x6mm is connected back 08 to back on either side of gusset plate of 10mm thick gusset plate with two bolts. The length of the strut is 4.5m Calculate the compressive force the section can support. K=0.8 for effective length. b Design a stiffened seated welded connection for beam ISMB500 with 12 factored reaction of 300KN to the column ISHB400 flange Q5a A bracket plate 12mm thick is connected to the flange of the column by two 10 angles 100x100x10mm by 7 bolts of 4.6 grade M24 bolts on either side of bracket plate, Check the adequacy of the connection for factored load of ‘200KN at an eccentricity of 300mm Design a tension member to carry a factored tensile force of 210KN providesa 10 single row of 4.6grade M20 bolts. . Design a'slab base for a column section ISMB200 which carries a factored 08 axial compressive load of 1000KN. Grade of concrete Mao Design a stiffened seated bolted connection for beam ISMB500 with factored 12 reaction of 300KN to the column ISHB400 flange. ‘A secondary beam ISMB300 is to be connected to the web of the main beam 08 ISMB400 at right angles so that the flange of both the beams is at the same level. The secondary beam transfers a factored end shear of 100KN. Design a web-angle welded connection ‘An ISHB450 @855N/m column has two plate 250x20mm attached to both 12 the flanges and it carries a factored axial load of 2400kN.Design the gusseted base if it rests on conerete pedestal ofM2o poze QD

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