Aone Nurse Exec Competencies
Aone Nurse Exec Competencies
Aone Nurse Exec Competencies
d. Diversity
b. Relationship Management
Build trusting, collaborative relationships with:
Other disciplines and ancillary services
Community leaders
Nursing and other educational programs
Deliver bad news in such a way as to
maintain credibility
Follow through on promises and concerns
Provide service recovery to dissatisfied customers
e. Shared Decision-Making
h. Academic Relationships
f. Community Involvement
c. Influencing Behaviors
g. Patient Safety
e. Governance
Articulate the role of the governing body of the
organization in the following areas:
Fiduciary responsibilities
Performance management
Represent patient care issues to the governing body
Participate in strategic planning and quality initiatives
with the governing body
Interact with and educate the organizations board
members regarding health care and the value of
nursing care
Represent nursing at the organizations board
j. Risk Management
h. Utilization/Case Management
i. Quality Improvement/Metrics
f. Evidence-Based Practice/Outcome
3. Leadership
4. Professionalism
d. Succession Planning
e. Advocacy
Role model the perspective that patient care is the
core of the organizations work
Assure that the clinical perspective is included in
organizational decisions
Ensure that nurses are actively involved in decisions
that affect their practice
b. Career Planning
e. Change Management
c. Ethics
Articulate the application of ethical principles
to operations
c. Systems Thinking
5. Business Skills
a. Financial Management
Articulate business models for health care
organizations and fundamental concepts of
Describe general accounting principles and define
basic accounting terms
Analyze financial statements
Manage financial resources by developing
business plans
Manage performance through rewards, recognition,
counseling and disciplinary action
c. Strategic Management
d. Marketing