Articles Bu Ke 1
Articles Bu Ke 1
Articles Bu Ke 1
had linked autopsy findings seen with the unaided eye with the clinical course of
illness, so Virchow correlated microscopic pathology.
Cancer cells have unique features that make them
"immortal" according to some researchers. The
enzyme telomerase is used to extend the cancer
cell's life span. While the telomeres of most cells
shortens after each division eventually causing
the cell to die, telomerase extends the cell's
telomeres. This is a major reason that cancer cells can accumulate over time creating
Cancer stem cells and drug resistance
Scientists have discovered a molecule on the surface of
tumors that appears to promote drug resistanceby
converting the tumor cells back into a stem cell-like state.
When the tumor cells began to exhibit drug resistance, the
cells were simultaneously transforming into a stem cell-like
state, which made them impervious to the drugs. It appeared
that the treatment itself was driving this transformation by
activating a specific molecular pathway. Luckily, several
existing drugs can attack this pathway and reverse the
cellular transformation, thus re-sensitizing the tumor to
Kanker adalah penyakit yang menimbulkan kemampuan sel untuk
tumbuh tidak terkendali (pembelahan sel melebihi batas normal),
kanker juga menyerang jaringan biologis di dekatnya, dan
bermigrasi ke jaringan tubuh yang lain melalui sirkulasi darah atau
sistem limfatik, yang disebut metastasis.
Kondisi-kondisi yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan sel normal
menjadi sel kanker adalah hiperplasia, displasia, dan neoplasia.
Kebanyakan kanker dikenali karena tanda atau gejala tampak atau
melalui screening.
Kanker dapat menyebabkan banyak gejala yang berbeda,
bergantung pada lokasi dan karakter keganasan, serta ada tidaknya
metastasis. Kanker dapat menyebar melalui kelenjar getah bening
maupun pembuluh darah ke organ lain. Kanker adalah salah satu
penyebab utama kematian.