Sharon Nettles
Professor Beerman
This Manuel is for online facilitators.
provides methods on how to engage learners,
University of Phoenix
Target Audience
The communication online plan is design to
help all individuals who communicate
through school and businesses online. This
program will help identify communication
gaps in availability and provide additional materials to resolve communication
Trainee Current Skills
Assumed Experiences
The majority of the participants diverse in traditional learning environments, but not
had much experiences with conducting meetings or classes online.
The Virtual communication training will help Identify efficient methods that will
enhance relationships with student/clients.
Day 1 Objective: Barriers to Effective virtual communication: Recognize and develop
methods to fix communication mishaps.
Day 2 Objective: Influence Communication Techniques: Expand communication skills
and develop strategies that will enhance professional relationships.
Day 3 Objectives: Virtual Facilitation Communication Skills: Learn how to
communicate and facilitate during group interactions.
Program overall effectiveness Review: Have surveys to analyze the programs, and see
if learners would be a part of future classes.
Training Materials
The following are critical communication characteristics in distance learning
Building on intellectual skills is a critical role in online facilitating. Educators should
provide regular discussions on subject concepts,
principles, and skills needed to bring
Cooperative Learning
Facilitators should provide a friendly online learning environment. Learning teams can
help one another with difficult tasks and provide resourceful information.
The training will analyze different tactics to help build virtual communications skill
and handle conflict in an appropriate manner. It is critical to examine all written
information before sending it to learners.
Phases of Development
1. Planning Overview and Process
This phase consist of reflecting on good planning which asking questions and
delivering appropriate online learning activities. It is important for facilitators to
examine all components of the virtual learning environment.
Much planning consists of informal settings such as appropriate discussions with other
educators, students, and other school officials. The planning
contributes to providing key information for target audiences.
2. Purpose: Have Clear Objectives for better outcomes
It is imperative to have transparent learning points to increase subject area knowledge.
In distance learning it is vital to ensure your environment communicates all avenues of
learning content needed to gain understanding. It is essential to create online methods
that are suited to achievement of learning outcomes.
3. Implementation: Teaching, Learning, and Facilitation procedures
This phase represents the online learning planning. This dynamic process allows
facilitators to analyze learners pace, progress, and work reflection.
4. Evaluation: Utilize results and feedback
In this phase it is essential to monitor evaluation process and develop activities that
will help inform instructors on how beneficial their instructional plans are.
5. Instructional Alteration
In the instructional alteration phase it is essential to analyze the responses from your
learners or other instructors. The planning will reflect on future assignments, and
facilitators can implement other critical learning practices that may benefit future
The SCORM system includes all the elements that involve virtual instructional
Sharable: The overall objective is to make learning content available learning
community. All communication should have a way to communicate effectively and
enable learners to search specific content.
Content: It is essential to provide appropriate virtual material to help learners access
learning guides.
Objects: Analyzing distance learning data and behaviors to ensure data behaviors
will enhance skills.
Reference Exemplary: This component consists of a specific guide to help leaners to
understand content with a variety of resource materials.
Technology Tools
ELearning consist of having virtual tools to increase virtual learning. The web tools that will
be utilized are:
Videos are a critical component in distance learning. Facilitators can provide videos to help
expand understanding of what is being taught.
Visual Aids/Virtual Posters
Graphic organizers help gain a better perspective on subject areas. Learners can view
different graphs and photos get gain visual knowledge. Visual projects will consist of web
building and computer-generated display boards.
Game Gratification
Learners Feedback
The following are two types of feedback that will be utilized:
Challenging Behaviors
Problems may arise in education online. There will be rules and regulations in handling
irate behavior. The following are examples of how we will handle each conflict:
Cyber-bullying: If a facilitator notices a problem with one of her students, they should
evaluate all posts. The instructor should report incidents immediately, and explore possible
recommendations in upcoming policies, trainings, or professional development.
Inappropriate discussion responses: If a facilitator observes an inappropriate response, they
should address it immediately. We recommend you discussing in private message to the
student, and give them appropriate advice on how to respond or post to classmates. If the
student continues to post obscene responses, then the schools administrator should be
Lack of participation: It is important to motivate learners in education. Facilitators can try to
involve students in discussion questions by requiring them to respond to questions in a timely
manner. Also, providing guidelines to participation is imperative. This will allow learners to
know what is expected out of them.
Virtual Link
E-learning: How to deliver an engaging Virtual Classroom presentation. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 23, 2015, from
Facilitating Online Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2015, from