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Stonefox 6

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Teacher Candidate:
Cooperating Teacher:
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Subject or Topic:

Macy Deskiewicz
Natalie Smith
Allotted Time
Stone Fox day 6



Coop. Initials
1 hour Grade Level


R4.A.1.1.1: Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text.
R4.A.1.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
R4.A.1.4.1: Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant
supporting details from text.
R4.A.1.5.1: Summarize the key details and events of a fictional text as a whole.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension by reading a chapter
independently and choosing answers that best represent the story.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Stone Fox books
B. Cold read quizzes
C. Summarizing/predicting sheets
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
Students should be able to infer vocabulary meaning from a sentence
Students should be familiar with predictions in storytelling
Students should be familiar with a cold read format
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
i. Ask one student from each table group to share with the class who
they wrote their letter to yesterday and what their plan was.
ii. Inform the class that today we will be continuing the story and that
they will be reading a chapter on their own.
Ask the students what a cold read is and allow a student to help
explain that it is an unassisted or independent read often followed by
a quiz to check for comprehension.


Ask the class what kind of strategies they have used on cold read
quizzes in the past that may help them with this lesson and discuss.

B. Development
i. Pass out the Stone Fox books to each student.
ii. Before passing out the quiz reiterate the instructions. Each student
should read the entire chapter before going back and trying to answer
the questions. The students should not read beyond chapter 5. The
instructions on the quiz indicate to circle the best answer.
Allow students time to independently read the chapter and take the
iv. When students are finished they may turn in their quizzes and begin
to work on a designated activity- spelling work or a word search.
v. When all students are finished ask them to talk to their groups to
create a summary for chapter 5.
C. Closure
i. Allow students to fill out summarizing and predicting sheets.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
i. Students may receive quiz orally if needed
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
2. Summative
Students will be evaluated on comprehension for chapter 5 during the cold
read quiz by choosing answers that most closely resemble the story.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection
i. Were the students able to follow directions?
1. The majority of students followed all directions. Before
passing out the quizzes I wrote the instructions on the board in
steps. There were a few students who were oblivious to my
instructions. One student asked me what is this paper you put



on my desk? referring to the quiz. I repeated the instructions

several times, but I will have to circulate and maybe repeat
them from a spot of the room besides the front.
Were the students on task?
1. On the board I listed the sequence for things to be completed so
every student had something to do. A majority of the students
jumped ahead and wrote a summary but not a prediction,
probably because the prediction is on the back and they didnt
notice. A few students did things out of order but it was
resolved by calling them back to fix things and by checking
that students were doing what they were supposed to.
How could this lesson be improved?
1. I liked the idea of talking about cold read strategies but the
students were not as full of ideas as I had expected. I would
improve this lesson by coming up with more ideas or even a
handout of tips and strategies specifically for cold reads. A
couple students mentioned highlighting as a strategy but I
could not allow that in the books. In the future I could make
paper copies of just that chapter to allow students to highlight
fi they want.

VI. Resources

Stone Fox Chapter 5 Cold Read Quiz

Circle the letter that shows the best answer for each question.
1 Why does the Doc Smith say the taxes have to be paid?
A. It is the states source of money to take care of its people.
B. The Taxman needs it to take care of his family.
C. The Taxman is robbing them.
D. She doesnt remember the reason.
2 All of the following words could describe why the taxes caused
grandfather to get sick except:
A. Scared
B. Nervous
C. Sad
D. Overjoyed
3 What will happen if the taxes are not paid?
A. Little Willy will be arrested.
B. The farm will be taken away.
C. The Taxman will move into Willys house.

D. Little Willy will have to quit school and get a job.

4. Does grandfather want to sell the farm?

A. He refuses to answer
B. Little Willy does not ask him
C. Yes
D. No
5. Where does Little Willy find the race poster?
A. The General Store
B. The Mayors office
C. The wind blows it in his path
D. Doc Smith gives it to him
6. How many dogs does the race require to enter?
A. At least one dog
B. At least one team
C. At least 6 dogs
D. None, it can be any animal
7. What is the prize money for the race?
A. $150
B. $50
C. $500
D. $5000
8. What best describes Lesters appearance?
A. Thin
B. Weak
C. Tall
D. Handicapped
9. Who is Stone Fox?
A. The general store owner
B. A dog sled racer
C. The Mayor
D. A dog
10. Why might Willy have an advantage in the race?

A. His grandpa will be coaching Searchlight.

B. He lives on Main Street.
C. He has been practicing racing outside the church already.
D. He is the only participant so far.

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