Skill Sets

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ALLISON WISYANSKI | 724.875.4719 | 1911 Hudson Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45207

Skill Sets
Able to express ideas clearly and confidently
Experience with speech because of classes taken at Xavier, especially those that involve
Able to make effective use of body language, dress, conduct and speech because of my retail job at
New York & Company
Always sensitive to others values, especially in retail when adhering to the customer first incentive
Extremely relevant skill for public relations and marketing fields
Able to communicate with clarity and ease through words
Writing experience in Xavier courses such as Writing for the Media, Creative Writing, Professional
Writing, and Rhetoric
Different classes call for different writing styles, both academic discourse and creative, so I have
experience with both
Experience in news writing and AP style through my Writing for the Media Course and position as a
writer for the Newswire
Able to write in a style appropriate to the audience
Recognize importance to hone in on these skills because of my future goal to become an editor or
work within the marketing and public relations fields
Work confidently within various retail teams for a total of three years
Learn and grow with my coworkers
Listen to constructive criticism of my coworkers
Able to identify my strengths and weaknesses within the retail company
Able to effectively manage time and prioritize tasks
Learn to balance work and school on a weekly basis
Experience with deadlines because of my job as a writer for the Xavier Newswire, my featured writer
position for HerCampus Xavier, and my Book Intern position at ST Media Group
Experience with speaking and understanding other languages, particularly Spanish
Appreciate other cultures because of my trip abroad to various countries such as England, Spain,
Scotland and France


Able to influence and convince others, this experience gained from my retail job at New York and
Influence customers to buy items and open store credit cards on a daily basis


Experience gained through my time at college and motivation to work at tasks diligently
Always set goals to stay on the Deans List my entire time at college and, to ensure good grades,
have stayed determined to find the best way of doing things
Work with deadlines in both my internship and position as both a Newswire and HerCampus writer
has motivated me to always finish, with determination, what I started

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